No Hard Feelings

No Hard Feelings

1h 43m
On the brink of losing her home, Maddie finds an intriguing job listing: helicopter parents looking for someone to bring their introverted 19-year-old son out of his shell before college. She has one summer to make him a man or die trying.
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No Hard Feelings

1h 43m
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Avg Percentile 36.73% from 631 total ratings

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Rated 22 Jul 2023
While I expected more from this, mainly in the sense that I just thought I'd laugh more, it was never boring, mostly because Lawrence is still one of the best actresses working and she completely sells any role she wants to do. This is no different. The guy puts in sold work but it's Lawrence's endless charm and ability to do anything that drives this and gives it its heart and humour. It's not the kind of movie that one would expect this from, but it's an incredible performance.
Rated 21 Jun 2023
No Hard Feelings felt like it was made in the mid-2000s and stole my heart. It's reminiscent of the rom-coms of that era and was really sweet. The best part is the humor, I can't remember the last time I laughed so much at a film. Also, Jennifer Lawrence and Andrew Barth Feldman make a great duo. It was hot, it was emotional, it was fun, and it was absolutely daring. If you want to have fun and cheer up, see it at the theater. (Cineverse Kanyon - 06/21/2023)
Rated 07 Nov 2023
Surprisingly heartfelt and funny…and nude in all the weirdest ways.
Rated 28 Jul 2023
Lawrence is always nice to see on the screen. The story was easy and did not require any extra effort to follow.
Rated 06 Jan 2024
Actually pretty good! I never was a huge fan of sex comedies or the standard romantic comedy, and this is thankfully not too standard. It actually has a decent story and message about growing up, letting go and just being open with people. At no point did it feel gratuitous or overly crude. The acting is actually pretty great two, with two very likable protagonists. Some of the randomness didn’t do much for me, but it’s actually good and surprisingly funny at times. Jennifer Lawrence supremacy.
Rated 13 Aug 2023
Good movie, nothing espetacular, but nice.
Rated 01 May 2024
I needed to shower after watching this. I maybe wasn't paying attention, but why is Percy 19? Did he just graduate high school? Was he held back a year? Did he take the year off? What made him Princeton material? And we see him in bed later with Natalie who obviously was interested in him, you're telling me he couldn't get any kind of nerd relationships going down? I'm also pretty sure Uber won't let you drive for them if your car is a certain age or condition...
Rated 01 Nov 2023
Reminds me of those big comedies of the 00s that we don't seem to have anymore. As far as how good this is compared to some of those, it is probably pretty average. Some seriously funny moments, but not everything works
Rated 18 Mar 2024
No Hard Feelings is very interesting. In many ways, its comedic & raunchy elements are actually its weakest link, and there is a lot more going on beyond the surface of this goofy premise. In the rare case the comedy isn’t the backbone of a film like this, the “coming of age” allegory it has going on for it’s characters takes a lot of unexpected turns with personal elements that are real, uplifting & resonating. It has a lot to say which is refreshing for a genre that has become stale lately.
Rated 02 Sep 2023
The best naked beach fight scene since Elliott Gould in "The Long Goodbye". This film makes me wistful for the days when there seemed to be a new raunchy comedy every week. Most of those films weren't good, but they also made Jason Biggs a star. So it all worked out.
Rated 11 Dec 2023
Lawrence and Feldman put in decent performances in No Hard Feelings, but Stupnitsky (and Phillips) screenplay has an undertone of mean-spiritedness that is especially present within the characters. The physical comedy bits are painful, but the writing is often strong enough to make the conceit work even if it adheres to predictable RomCom tropes. I don't think I was ever really rooting for Lawrence's Maddie which is disappointing for the genre. Best use of the song Maneater since Runaway Bride.
Rated 28 Oct 2023
Rated 05 Dec 2023
JL has great presence and comedic timing. Some of the writing was 5-6 rungs over the top and completely silly, but that's okay for this type of flick. Easy one to laugh with for the most part. 6.6
Rated 27 Nov 2023
Jennifer performance puts in a good performance in this film. The script isn't perfect but there are some funny moments. Overall I would recommend this comedy.
Rated 24 Nov 2023
aynen knk ilah gibi kadın vitaminsize tutuluyo, vitaminsiz ona trip atıyo filan. hollywood yeter yeter hayal satmayın artık ya. film çok klişe de olsa eğlenceli tüm puan eğlencesine başka 1 tane olumlu yan yok
Rated 18 Nov 2023
eski bir tanıdığın tavsiyesi üzerine izledim, sinematografiyi pek beğenmedim. ama bana çernomorsk'tan izmir'e eski bir hatırayı hatırlattı ve içimi kıpır kıpır etti. aklıma düşenden tek farkı, benimkinin dönüş yolculuğu hiçbir zaman olmadı.
Rated 12 Nov 2023
As hard as it is to reinvent rom-com today, NHF seems to offer us something new; an impossible relation between the super rich elite, who, almost caste-like, live in their protected bubbles with their weird theatrics of PC liberal culture, and the multitude have nots who've to make ends meet on a daily basis. The two classes actually feel an attraction to each other; one can only love what one cannot understand, yet in this case "class" does not allow them to "love" each other. Capitalism baby.
Rated 30 Oct 2023
I was expecting this to be a stupid raunchy comedy, but this is actually a decent, heartfelt movie? Jokes are well-paced throughout, and Jennifer Lawrence is a legit comedic actor (dare I say even better than her dramatic acting?)
Rated 30 Oct 2023
Cute movie
Rated 29 Oct 2023
W3E1P1S2V1M1A2R1. Very funny, and kind of handles all the subject matter really deftly, even if it wasn’t that unique. Basically a nearly perfectly executed mediocre movie.
Rated 15 Oct 2023
The plot doesn't really stretch in too many different directions, but the film is a lot better than I expected it to be, owing a lot to the chemistry and natural comedic timing of the two leads. Jennifer Lawrence has amazing natural comedic timing and she sells so many of the scenes in this film with her daring energy and commitment to the character, scenes that would probably not have been as funny with a different actress.
Rated 17 Apr 2024
I loved this! Super fucking funny and well done movie. Cocaine dog was the funniest thing ever.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
Nice but totally formulaic/dispensable romcom. As with most romcoms, the success lays with whether or not you like the leads, and both are likable here. I doubt I'll remember it for much this time next week, but it's enjoyable enough while you're watching.
Rated 14 Jan 2024
Amiable, refreshingly laid back raunch comedy never strives too hard for effect and even charts the developing relationship between the two leads with warmth and maturity; Lawrence again proves there’s nothing she can’t/won’t do, and Feldman is almost her match – both are good enough to paper over some potentially slimy moments; the ambivalence of the parents makes the inevitable “mask-drop” scene lose almost all impact, and leaving the ultimate finale on an uncertain (and unbelievable) footing.
Rated 18 Jan 2024
I'll give the movie props for avoiding a lot of eyerolling lowbrow R rated movie "jokes" while being earnest about its two leads, but at the same time I also don't think this is really doing anything that any other romcom doesn't? There is weight to certain plot beats and the romance therein but when the payoff to that is stale, unimaginative tropes common in this genre and petty jabs at millennials it's hard for me to think of this as being only slightly better than its peers at best.
Rated 21 Jan 2024
Fun but quite formulaic. Some jokes could have been taken further, especially when it came to the strangeness of the parents' involvement. I enjoyed Lawrence's friends. Feltman started off being super introverted and we just gave up that aspect very quickly, to the point when random girls are hitting on him and we're introduced to this whole social circle that he was supposedly a part of. I didn't like his turn when he found out about the setup. Fav scene: Lawrence pissing off summer people.
Rated 30 Jan 2024
Liked it more than I expected I would. Has some predictable turns for this genre, but it's still fun and has some good heartwarming moments. Jennifer Lawrence is very funny in this.
Rated 14 Feb 2024
Never underestimate Jennifer Lawrence!
Rated 26 Feb 2024
This has a weird tone, it wants to be a silly sex comedy, but also a moving drama, and neither really works.
Rated 18 Mar 2024
Not bad at all. There were several laugh out loud moments and enough to make this quite entertaining.
Rated 04 Apr 2024
This was a nice surprise. The 1st third or so provides some of the funniest comedy that I've seen lately. It slows down after that, but it doesn't really matter as it also has heart and remains entertaining all the way to the admittedly expected outcome. In a good way, this feels like a throwback to 80's comedies and it is not afraid to take chances. Lawrence is good and bold in her role and has a good chemistry with Feldman. And at ~100mins, it doesn't overstay it's welcome.
Rated 28 May 2024
This had a lot of heart and a lot of laughs. Jennifer Lawrence absolutely crushes it in both her character and her comedy.
Rated 11 Jun 2024
Jennifer Lawrence fans will absolutely love this kooky plot and performances. She has never been so lovely, or more lively. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and was a bit sad when it ended. I highly recommend it, but unfortunately it's not really suitable for children.
Rated 15 Jul 2024
The part where Maddie is called out by high school kids for bullying and homophobia was pretty good.
Rated 27 Jul 2024
Not really a comedy. More a weird character dynamic study that is kind of awkwardly done but still works somehow. Well, "somehow" is Jennifer Lawrence...
Rated 17 Aug 2023
omg at cinema somewhere near ataşehir w/ valo crew
Rated 11 Sep 2023
[spoilers] Teaches us practically what John Berger meant by the the naked/nude distinction as Jennifer Lawrence is fully naked and not in the slightest a sexualized object in the scene where she kicks a teenage girl in the crotch to get her clothes back! Who knew Lawrence had the comedic chops to pull off such great parodies of an alluring female fatale.
Rated 28 Jun 2023
Maybe my having severely low expectations helped it, but I ended up having plenty of fun. Lawrence of course owns the screen, but Feldman was surprisingly able to keep up, and both got their share of laughs.
Rated 24 Jun 2023
Lawrence must've owed a favour.
Rated 02 Jul 2023
This is like *right* on the brink of being a recommend for me, though it's missing either a few laughs, or a more satisfying ending (not that it was bad), or some other je-ne-sais-quoi to push it over the edge. Another review says this harkens back to 2000s rom-coms, and I'd probably agree with that, I thought Lawrence was good and ABF was GREAT - a more believable Sheldon Cooper type - and I kinda dug how they used the song "Maneater" in several interesting ways. This definitely has something.
Rated 02 Jul 2023
This is CINEMA
Rated 07 Jul 2023
The good will is undoubtedly from nostalgia—not just for the mid-2000s romcom but for movies like this in general. The only theatrical comedies we get anymore are road trip ensembles. Lawrence and Feldman are dynamic and funny, and the script is actually tidy and heartening, but this needed a few more big laughs to make it a feel-good staple for years to come.
Rated 08 Jul 2023
I guess it’s funny enough but if you’re going to imply a guys penis is stuck in a Chinese finger trap you have to show us the cock
Rated 09 Jul 2023
I liked it for the most part. It is way more dramatic than I thought it was going to be (it's still a comedy but there are long passages where no comedy happens). I will give the filmmakers credit for including a scene where a fully nude woman (Lawrence) beats up a group of people. You don't see things like this anymore in studio pics. The scene is not sexualized in any way. You only see scenes like this in exploitation films.
Rated 26 Nov 2023
It starts off as this in your face R Rated debauchery type of film. Thanks to a likable Lawrence and her chemistry with Feldman it turns into a drama about finding yourself. It could have played into the humor more but the second and third act lean more towards the sadness within the story. It works surprisingly to the benefit of the story because it does not need to rely on the over the top antics. It works on all levels.
Rated 20 Jul 2023
Plot 6/20 Fiction 6/20 Casting/Acting 13/20 Worldbuilding 10/20 Entertainment 10/20
Rated 07 Aug 2023
funny, silly story of a girl (woman) who "dates" a boy (child) to drive around in a car (car). some missed opportunities, but it was fun ig. jennifer lawrence fighting drunk youths naked is ICONIC. obsessed
Rated 11 Aug 2023
Jennifer was serving.
Rated 14 Aug 2023
great fun watch, good soundtrack and just completely enjoyable.
Rated 17 Aug 2023
Rated 26 Oct 2023
Has a rather uneven and slapdash quality about it, but the leads keep the picture afloat just about.
Rated 20 Aug 2023
1976: it was fun.
Rated 20 Aug 2023
Funny stupid comedy. Worth the watch.
Rated 27 Aug 2023
Surprisingly ok, pretty heart-warming
Rated 29 Aug 2023
Maddie's scattershot motivations bothered me, and I wanted a few more laughs, but it was a solid hard R comedy. If wringing comedy out of awkward situations is your jam, then look no further.
Rated 31 Aug 2023
Esse é exatamente o filme que eu deveria assistir hoje, diversão leve e descompromissada. Ri um monte. Plus: Levei una 5 minutos para reconhecer o Matthew Broderick com aquele cabelo, sua escalação foi brilhante, além de representar o abismo entre a geração do Ferris Buller e a geração Z, o toque do carro numa citação direta foi ótima. YTS.
Rated 01 Sep 2023
Idiotyczna komedia, która na szczęście nie wprowadza w niepohamowane przeżywanie cringe’u przez 100 minut, a momentami nawet bawi. Dobrze dobrana obsada, sensowne aktorstwo i nawet jakieś tam moralne wsparcie na koniec, wręcz ciepłe zakończenie trzeciego aktu. Nawet znośnie.
Rated 26 Sep 2023
I did not expect to laugh as much as I did. Some dumb shit happens in this movie but the two leads really sell it, they make the absurd scenario feel real, and funny
Rated 28 Sep 2023
#23#, rw3, candy, story, cast
Rated 08 Oct 2023
wasn't this made 20 years ago?
Rated 14 Oct 2023
Acting - 11/25 Pace - 13/25 Direction - 9/25 Plot - 12/25
Rated 30 Mar 2024
This movie was a little frustrating for me at times; however, I found myself laughing harder and more frequently than I expected, so it gets big marks for that.
Rated 24 Oct 2023
Jennifer Lawrence at her most relatable. Plot and jokes are mediocre (but not horrible)
Rated 24 Oct 2023
Slightly odd duck of a movie - starts out more of a high energy disaster-person / sex comedy, but mellows out into more of a light drama by the back half. Amusing but never quite laugh out loud, R-rated but never quite edgy. Does a "cumming before insertion" joke nowhere remotely as funny as American Pie did 24 years ago. Nevertheless I'll give a tilting positive review because I think a cinematic landscape with more films like this and less CGI robots fighting each other would be healthy.


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