Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon

3h 5m
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Avg Percentile 74.53% from 4947 total ratings

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Rated 08 Sep 2008
Barry Lyndon is like walking through an art gallery, and each painting gives you just that much more of the story. I love the veneer of artifice (hinting at class divisions) that permeates the dialogue and narration, which is only underscored by the natural lighting and costumes: there's no romanticism here, everyone's simultaneously butt-ugly and beautiful. And I don't care how long this is, if you get swept up in the visual aura, this can be 8 hours long and still a joy to behold.
Rated 20 Apr 2007
Barry Lyndon contains some of the greatest cinematography I've ever seen. Kubrick made every shot something you would hang on your wall. The film evokes interesting feelings. Everything from the begining of the film where Redmond Barry is a young man in love, to the gruesome battle scenes and duels. Ryan O'Neal portrays Redmond to perfection. Kubrick's glorious direction and the atmosphere presented is one of his best. Barry Lyndon is a truly unique and remarkable experience.
Rated 27 Jan 2007
this shit is good but my attention span is not good enuff
Rated 30 Dec 2008
Enough has been said about the painterly compositions filmed with Stanley's magical NASA space lens, so I will merely remark that they are unrivaled in the cinema. But what truly makes this Kubrick's second best film, not to mention one of the greatest of all time, is the surgical skewering of class divisions, the sly jabs at period social mores, and the epic manner in which Barry's intricately plotted and flawlessly observed character arc bends towards inevitable tragedy.
Rated 10 Sep 2020
Kubrick can be a cold insane asshole because he produces works like this, if it was like McG doing that shit behind the camera lmao Gorgeous movie, a rich tapestry of characters. Make me watch a period piece and baby I’ll start throwing around tapestry. That old time way of war where everyone would march and line up and just walk into a volley of musket fire is the dumbest fucking thing, the greatest military strategist of the time could just say “hey go sideways”.
Rated 24 Dec 2012
This was Barry good.
Rated 01 Jul 2007
A technical and atmospheric masterpiece; the visuals are painterly, and the dreamy, wandering pacing is perfect.
Rated 18 May 2008
It's like Kubrick took thousands of paintings and aimed his camera at them, the cinematography is breathtaking. Storywise, I'm not sure if that 1st part was necessary; I mean sure, it was great to look at, but for me it's usually the story and direction that intrigue me, which ultimately happened in the second part of this masterpiece. I always avoided this film, fearing it might not evoke that unique feeling I get, while watching a Kubrick film. Don't judge a book by its cover...
Rated 13 Aug 2021
Every bit as brilliant as I was led to believe. It's one of the most gorgeous pieces of cinema I have seen. The cinematography, production design, costuming, and filming locations are all gorgeous, the score is beautiful and memorable, the acting is pretty damn solid, especially in the last half. The pacing does drag a little on the middle, but only a little. Very well paced and perfectly entertaining. I wish people talked about it more.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A flawless film that nonetheless doesn't feel essential to me. It's an engaging story, which goes down many paths and says a lot about the life of Redmond Barry. The cinematography and lighting is phenomenal, the locations and sets are gorgeous, and the actors are all commendable. I really, really like this movie. But I don't LOVE it, it doesn't have the same power over me that 2001 or The Shining does.
Rated 02 Jun 2008
A boy whose father was lost to ceremonialised violence heads out into the universe, falls under the wing of one paternal substitute after another, each a representative of the same kind of violence, until he himself is able to assume the role of father, only to discover that even then the comforts it offers are superficial and violence continues to await him, the real doors of entry always turning out to be locked à la Kafka, with all efforts eventually bound to succumb to entropic tendencies.
Rated 18 Jun 2009
You will never see as many beautiful paintings as you'll witness in 'Barry Lyndon'. It just like the upper class Barry longed to be part of as it is of the highest production value. Variety of amazing battles, a story that completely captivates you, set pieces, costumes, cinematography, music and acting is all perfect. Your eyes will not be able look away and I can't think of many other better ways to spend three hours.
Rated 09 Jul 2009
Gorgeous, slow-paced epic of a character study. Barry Lyndon is a fascinating character, both tragic and frustrating, manipulative but not without a modicum of honesty and sympathy in his intentions. The photography is remarkable, beautiful without being overbearing.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
This is the perfect period film. People who say that it's too "slow" or "cold" obviously aren't paying attention to the subdued but layered acting of the supporting cast or sardonic wit evident in every single scene. Kubrick's attention to detail for mannerisms, customs, costumes, and sets has a timeless quality that very few other period pieces have come close to rivaling. This is literally a living breathing painting.
Rated 17 May 2010
Barry Lyndon is cold like every Kubrick's movie; it's about love, but love for money, it's about passion, but passion for gambling as a means of gaining money, it's about decay of a society under such conditions. Nevertheless, the movie is a pure beauty, filled with outstanding scenes and beautiful camerawork. This is like an art gallery you can visit all the time and feel new emotions all the time.
Rated 27 May 2010
Beneath layers of sardonic wit, everything about this film simply is. The windswept vistas, gorgeously photographed; the subtle black comedy of happenstance, and plainly bittersweet romance. A period piece, a character study, and a detached tale of a farm boy's journey into a spurious life of aristocracy... It's all so plain, so ugly, yet so beautiful. Kubrick's cold, perfectionist gaze imbues that which could be maudlin with nuanced cynicism and quiet grandeur.
Rated 08 Oct 2021
A man navigates the pageantry of social hierarchy not through a character arc, but a costume arc. The entire countryside is in focus and Kubrick constantly diminishes the people by slowly zooming out every other shot. A portrait of ridiculous creatures demanding satisfaction
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The relaxed pace of the film may turn off many viewers, but the incredible cinematography and Kubrick's aptitude for detached perspective in telling the story won me over.
Rated 16 Apr 2021
This score is more of a placeholder because I need to re-watch it. It's undeniably slow and hard to get into unless you're in the mood for this kind of pace. I fell asleep the first couple of times I tried watching it as a teenager, and at times it felt like a chore more than a pleasure. But, it's achingly gorgeous. It's really one of the "best made" movies ever and one of the first 5 films I ever purchased when blu-ray came out. As others have said, it's a bit like visiting a moving art museum.
Rated 06 Nov 2008
Long winded story that says virtually nothing of importance. To me a very overrated film. Again beautiful scenes and costumes cannot compensate for no plot, quicksand pacing and totally forgettable characters. Big thumbs down. Watch Kubrick's masterpiece, "Dr. Strangelove" instead.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
The film's tranquil yet complicated style poses together the obsessively ornate material world of the baroque and the barren wasteland of human desire. Ryan O'Neal gives a brilliant performance that is instantly recognizable in good and bad. The cinematography creates a sense of period like no film before or since. This was Kubrick at his absolute peak. The style and technique are indeed revolutionary, but here they never get in the way of storytelling.
Rated 26 Feb 2007
It only took three tries and about nine hours before I finally finished this film. It was not worth it and there is a really good reason it is the Stanley Kubrick film you have never heard of.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
Excellent film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Long, long, long. But then again, it's Kubrick, so you kinda expect it. I don't think it's as great as some people do, but it is definitely worth watching. Just beware that it's very, very easy to fall asleep during this one.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the most underrated movies ever. One of the most visually unique films to ever grace a screen, and some great climactic scenes. One of the finest Kubrick flicks.
Rated 16 Feb 2012
one of kubrick's lesser known movies, but in no way inferior to the best he has to offer. if you've got three hours to invest in a movie, and don't mind an 18th century biopic with a less than happy last half and a central character who is less than lovable at times i'd say you should watch it. this is undoubtedly one of the best epic movies, and for that matter movies set in the 1700's ever made.
Rated 03 Jul 2008
Thackeray's novel "Barry Lyndon" is boisterous and comic... and you would never know it by watching this flick. Visually gorgeous, Kubrick seems awfully intent on making us believe in Barry's soulfulness. Considering Thackeray's original material and Ryan O'Neal's limited acting abilities, this is a grave mistake. The narration kept reminding me of elementary-school educational films. Fabulous music that always strikes the wrong mood completely.
Rated 20 Jun 2009
Barry lyndon is a movie which most perfectly describes Kubrick's urge for perfection. Visually stunning, literally every scene seems painted. A movie with so much depth that it is hard to not to feel emotionally distaned by it, you have to observe & understand before getting involved. But don't let that scare you. This is one of the essential things which make you want to watch it again. ... By the way, those shootouts? Include smacktalk and it's one of the most bad-ass things I've ever seen.
Rated 07 Oct 2011
Kubrick's mastery of photography applied to a period piece is nothing short of magnificent. It's not his most emotionally powerful film, but it delivers when it needs to: the duels and fight scenes are wonderfully tense, and the epilogue left me with the chills I've come to expect at the end of any Kubrick work. Plus, it may be his best in terms of cinematography, which is one of the highest compliments I can give to any film.
Rated 24 Jan 2020
Surely the greatest casting of all time. I wasn't surprised to learn Kubrick recasted more than 50 actors throughout the filming. All the performances are phenomenal, but Leonard Rossiter and Frank Middlemass' brief displays are the best I've ever seen. Hordern's narration is especially remarkable because he was Kubrick's addition. The book was originally narrated by Barry
Rated 05 Sep 2013
Kubrick's subtle sense of sardonic humour perfectly undercuts an epic period piece and makes it much more original than if it were in the hands of most other filmmakers, which would likely suffer from cliché and ennui. The lighting and cinematography are perhaps some of the greatest witnessed in cinema. It is simultaneously a character study which makes not villains and heroes out of man, but simply, man. Vastly, and sadly, overlooked in Kubrick's ouevre.
Rated 10 Mar 2020
Times seen: 2.5. I was convinced to watch it again. If this is supposed to be a comedy, I'm not laughing. Unless Kubrick's joke is on the genre itself, with long, unnecessary takes and the driest of characterizations. I still didn't miss anything the first time. Yes, it is beautiful to look at. No one argues otherwise. But it's aimless story moves at a snail's pace, and it contains dull, unlikable characters, especially the lead. Do not be lulled by the Kubrick factor.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Stunning cinematography, solid performances. Seems overlong in places, but just watch and soak it in.
Rated 08 Oct 2010
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Rated 12 Apr 2011
Yes it's pretty. But also pretty boring.
Rated 11 May 2011
At the heart of Barry Lyndon, in the union between its content and its form, sits a striking question: If the universe is such a malevolent place, then how do we explain the presence of beauty? The characters of Barry Lyndon seem locked into their worlds--Kubrick frames each scene like a painting, leaving no avenue of escape. The film portrays events of chance (games, meetings, duels) that underline the randomness of everything. Yet, the images are some of the most beautiful Kubrick ever filmed.
Rated 01 Jan 2014
In my regard, Kubrick's greatest film next to 2001. A splendid rise-and-fall story, told with an intimacy surprising of the always so distanced Kubrick. The cinematography makes it look as if the characters move in and out of paintings, and are not worth any more in terms of paint then, say, a chair. This is an elaboration on one of my favorite Kubrick-themes: the absence of meaning and the way humanity is subjected to an indifferent universe.
Rated 20 Jan 2007
Perfect cinematography
Rated 19 Feb 2007
The first half may seem tedious to some, but it's worth it for the sprint to the finish Kubrick provides in the second half.
Rated 23 Feb 2007
I'm convinced this is the most beautiful color film ever made. The cinematography is of an astonishing painterly quality, featuring epic landscapes, natural lighting, and compositional symmetry. Even the wardrobes have worn, lived-in texture... they don't look like movie costumes. It is a film of measured pace and detached objectivity, defying sympathy in the plight of its title character, who - in the spirit of a true anti-hero - isn't very likable, but all the same not without redeeming merit.
Rated 02 Dec 2017
Kubrick inverted Thackeray's farcical novel about a lovable rascal told from a first person point of view to fashion a more detached and serious, although sardonically humourous, examination of a ruthless social climber. He uses form to lock his characters in the frame within a specific socio-historical context to create compositions that resemble beautiful period paintings that simultaneously reveal the brutal machinations of a class based society and a bleak Schopenhaueren worldview.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A masterpiece of art direction and cinematography. Kubrick adapts a classic melodramatic story of social rise and fall with no false step.
Rated 24 May 2019
Meticulous is a word that comes to mind. Kubrick's latter films satiate me in more terms than narrative and character surfaces. Here, again so different from everything else he did, he captures a haunting stillness and reality to the 1800s. It's a life captured from its outset to end, of adventure and horror and rise and fall and family and loss, and told through paintstrokes more than classical characterizations. It's a methodical, filmic tale.
Rated 28 Nov 2016
Could this be Kubrick's greatest film? We mourn for the loss of what Napoleon could have been, but if this is the concession, then who cares? This and 2001 seem to be the perfect films for his style - restrained, painterly wide shots that seem to be watching from a distance. Rarely have I felt transported to a period. Ryan O'Neal is pretty good, though he may be the only thing that detracts from this film. Lord Bullingdon played by Leon Vitali, who would go on to be Kubrick's assistant.
Rated 09 Sep 2012
It was in the reign of King George III that these robots lived and quarreled within moving paintings. Fate and history gets the better of them all, motivations and wishes be damned. But what this really makes me feel is a longing for the Napoleon film that fates and failing finances kept from Kubricks lens. Good or bad, shallow or profound, this is the movie we have.
Rated 22 Apr 2019
People sit around, and occasionally slap each other around, in lavish costumes while the score drones on and on...and on. Once again, proves that when people praise a film for its cinematography, that is code that it is boring as hell. Unwatchable.
Rated 13 Oct 2016
Rated 24 Sep 2023
Quite strange how difficult it is for people to see it as a story about the formation, rise and fall of a man in his relationship with all kinds of paternal substitutes and the power they stand for, and about how this initiation in power is doomed to lead to a whole chain of tragedies caused by a combination of repression and the complete lack of any repression, that is, indulgence.
Rated 10 Nov 2012
Redmond Barry and the characters he encounters are perhaps the most human characters ever put on the screen because the film never picks sides and never sympathizes and we just observe them, flaws and all. Had it not been so purposefully crafted in a filmmaking aspect both visually and dramatically it could easily pass for a documentary and thanks to its perfect pacing and calm aesthetic it is a joy to rewatch. My favorite Kubrick.
Rated 22 Jan 2021
This is so one of my favorite movies ever! I hardly know where to start to hail and admire this 3 hour piece of brilliance. I keep laughing and I keep being amazed by the tone, the pace, the acting, the landscapes, the clothing, the music, the story, the historical greatness, this great feeling of timelapse. I always realize something new after rewatching. This time I realized how the movie depicts a culture that hasn't been drowned yet by the 20th century constant buzz of ethics and morale.
Rated 07 Apr 2019
A cold epic tragedy that takes its time to develop each scene. I understand this film was a study of how nobody was truly happy. Lord Bullingdon was treated unfairly as a child but he was such a little shit by demanding a second round in the duel. Fav scene: heartbreaking to see Bryan not die instantly and instead spend time apologizing to his parents. The blunt of his death was ruined by the narrator several scenes ago though.
Rated 17 Feb 2020
Even the historical costume drama, which might well be the genre I'm most wary of, takes on a different dimension in Kubrick's hand. It's beautiful throughout, even if a bit formalistic at times.
Rated 28 Aug 2008
Interesting movie that unfortunately has some lengths. But thefact that Kubrik only used natural light and special NASA-lenses during shooting is remarkable. Nearly every frame looks like a painted picture.
Rated 16 Nov 2011
Kubrick gets away with things that should be big no-nos; he uses a narrator - and imediately establishes the narrator as almost a character in himself. He uses only the light that would be available at the time the film is set and yet everything is beautifully lit and photographed. He lets the story unfold slowly, but never forgets that each scene is there for a reason (man, the duel scene!) And as with all of Kubrick's "heroes", Barry himself realises too late that he's not in control.
Rated 14 Sep 2020
Ryan O'Neal was a hunk? I am surprised. I thought this film was going to be as drrrrrrrrry, but it's an enjoyable way to spend a 3 hours. What else are you doing with your time?
Rated 26 Mar 2013
Extremely gorgeous surroundings and cinematography, and surprise surprise, a great story to match with a lot happening within the 3 hours. I think this one gets misconstrued as cold and subtle, but only by people who haven't seen it, but it's not. It's very funny and emotional, with a lot of quiet acting that works well and is never too ambiguous to understand what is going on.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Perhaps Kubrick's prettiest film, even more so than "2001". Seriously.
Rated 05 Apr 2012
A consistently engrossing if rather impersonal (and mostly devoid of Kubrick's trademark kink) take on Thackeray's period novel, "Barry Lyndon" features sublime production values, magnificent cinematography and strong writing to go along with the relative lack of surprises. It's really hard to complain about it though when you have such an exquisitely presented story -I just don't think it enters top-tier Kubrick because of a deficiency in the originality department.
Rated 31 Aug 2020
My girlfriend used to praise this movie but I never had the chance to watch it. If you are like me I will advice you to go and finish this amazing movie. Every picture in the movie feels like it is from a famous painting. Also What makes Barry Lyndon special is the balance that Kubrick created between scenario and artisticness.
Rated 01 Dec 2009
This classic Kubrick film, set in 18th Century, is kind of "road movie" where main character is a somewhat unpleasant social climber and womanizer. Film is shot to resemble paintings in terms of visual compositions, and is famous for uncompromising candle light shots. This film is often a dissapointment to a unfamiliar viewer due it's slow pace and non-symphatetic main character. Not to be confused for been an exciting adventure story!
Rated 18 Dec 2009
While technically, and atmospherically excellent with its dreamy, painting-like cinematography and wandering pacing, Barry Lyndon did not fire up my brain as 2001 or A Clockwork Orange did. It's main character is a fascinating coin with many different sides, living in a world that seemed devoid of happiness and intent on killing him. Barry Lyndon is certainly a great film and one of the best I've seen on 18th centuray aristocracy, but to me it's not Kubrick's best.
Rated 20 Aug 2020
Enjoyed it more than Spartacus and definitely way more than gone with the wind which gave me similar feels
Rated 17 Jan 2013
When Barry lets show his emotions or on one occasion near the end of the film attempts at doing something honourable he ends up worse than before, whereas when he gives into greed and opportunism and so lies about who he is then he finds himself slowly working his way up in the world. You could look at Kubrick's cynical world-view here as supporting this image of him as this cold, unfeeling director if it weren't for the film often almost brimming over with emotion.
Rated 16 Apr 2010
Recipe for Success®: 1 cup charm, 1 cup bullshit. Stir.
Rated 24 Jun 2010
Although I'm not the greatest kubrickfan I can't deny that Barry Lyndon is a true masterpiece of cinema. Kubrick makes the 18th century come alive in a way that you can almost smell it. This is pure genius
Rated 30 Jul 2013
the simple story of the rise and fall of a man, and a beautiful expression of kubrick's cold cynicism.
Rated 19 Oct 2018
Even the more interesting episodes get neutered by the dreary bourgeoisie setting. The film looks stunning but surely not stunning enough to warrant a 3 hour runtime.
Rated 02 Mar 2012
A beautifully filmed character study. The slow pacing and engrossing classical music make this an oddly relaxing experience, even as the story gets darker and darker.
Rated 26 Jan 2020
#5 One of the most beautiful films ever made Direction - 2.5/2.5 Sound/Editing - 2.5/2.5 Acting - 1.5/2.5 Writing - 2.5/2.5
Rated 22 Mar 2011
Light, shadow and greed - and more greed. There are films and then there are Stanely Kubrick films.
Rated 26 Mar 2020
Under Quarantine Film Review #8: In typical Kubrickian style, everything is meticulously planned and detailed. The groundbreaking cinematography coupled with the high production and costume design brings the 18th century to life like never before. The sardonic script is both incredibly cynical as it is inspiring as it creates a brilliant character study of a man who was bound by fate and destiny.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
Kubrick always tries to go for a new genre and master it, this time a period film, and the way he mastered this one. A perfect set up a surprisingly fast and entertaining story with a great lead. I can't think a bad thing about this movie.
Rated 17 Apr 2007
# 79
Rated 05 Nov 2012
Rated 06 Aug 2021
9??????????A. Vivaldi: Cello Sonata in E minor, III. Largo???????????????????????????????????????????????????/??????Jonathan Groff????????????????????1985????…/????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Rated 19 Jul 2013
Düello, sevdigi baskasiyla evlenen adam, kaçmak, soyulmak, askere alinmak, askerlik, ingiltere, prusya, almanya, askerden kaçmak, kumarbaz, büyükelçi, firsatçi, lordluk, yetim, kirbaçlama cezasi (fanny and alexander, if), annenin bir baskasiyla evlenmesi (funny and alexander), esi aldatmak, bacagi kesik adam, biyografi, 18 yy. (Barry'nin babasi küçükken düelloda öldürülmüstür ve annesi büyütmüstür. Amcasinin kizina asiktir kiz da ona fakat kiz bir subayla evlilik hazirligi yapinca...)
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Perhaps the best film of all times.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Kubrick's rise and fall tale is a masterful spectacle of restrainment. Facts appear on the screen as pictures of life in constant state of change. Barry Lydon plays like a novel -- and I haven't read the novel, but I just felt that almost every scene here, given the director's rigid sense of framing space and confinement, hardly feels like a well-dressed story. It's fiction purely made of slices of humanity told by a filmmaker that refuses to reduce things to hysterical emotions.
Rated 12 Nov 2007
Probably the most interesting costume drama there is. Epic, tragic, funny, all around great.
Rated 20 Feb 2008
"It was in the reign of George III that the above-named personages lived and quarreled; good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor, they are all equal now."
Rated 13 Jun 2024
Previously 69
Rated 07 Jul 2008
The story of an all too human villain whose only concern is for his own misguided notions which fluctuate like the tide. Directed by a master, with strong performances throughout and brilliant costumes and sets make for great piece of theater.
Rated 14 Jan 2021
Barry lived, by all means, an extraordinary life and with sharing has made my ordinary one a little more extraordinary.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
This film can be analyzed on 3 layers: 1°, the historic reconstruction; 2°, the society of the XVIII century, that hide envy, greed, classism, under bonton and powder; the 3°, the deeper, is the one more related with the Kubrick view on life and mankind: Redmond, after all his journey, return exactly in the condition where he started, but having lost all his moral qualities trying the social climbing. We are never really in control of our life, and history watch our weary with delighted eyes.
Rated 07 Jul 2012
Certainly one of the most beautiful movies I've seen.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Rated 16 Jun 2012
tells the fascinating story of barry lyndons life. beautifully, yet simply shot. the extreme zoom ins and outs, the extremely shallow depth of focus as well as the natural lightning beautifully depicts this costume drama. loved the soundtrack as well, which for once was tastefully used. as all 3h movies I guess it could have lost half an hour; it still entertained me throughout most of the movie, though.
Rated 13 Aug 2022
nice movie
Rated 08 Jun 2019
One of Kubrick's finest, with the expected attention to detail, you feel completely immersed in the period. The lighting, staging, and cinematography is stunning. The characters are empty cups waiting to be filled, but never seem to rise above propriety.
Rated 26 Sep 2009
Kubrick at his purest form. It's visually-perfect, like a painting in wonder it took nearly a year to shoot. It's a great character study and there's no denying that this is Kubrick's mastery of his style, but I couldn't deduce any real message or meaning from this film, which is its one aspect that makes me hesitate a bit. It left me feeling cold and empty, which was undoubtedly its goal, but beyond that it still feels like something's missing.
Rated 18 Oct 2009
Beautiful doesn't quite cut it. "Meticulous to the point of utter insanity" might. Even though it's visually great, I wasn't really left thinking about this movie. It's technically brilliant, but it's also pretty straight forward if you ask me.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
Perhaps the single most Dudes Rock film ever made
Rated 21 Feb 2018
In which the story denies, punishes, and banishes a protagonist who dares try to take control of it. Lives up to the hype visually. Entertaining, insightful, and impactful. Beautiful and brutal.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
Meticulously produced and gorgeous to look at, with many once-in-a-lifetime shots and scenes. Kubrick's firm hand means that performances are deliberately rehearsed to monotony, but O'Neal still tends to be quite dull in the lead, though his rare emotional scenes are quite affecting. Overall, film is too leisurely paced (even for Kubrick) which results in a wandering of interest from time to time. As part of Kubrick's oeuvre, fascinating but overall doesn't succeed as well as I would have liked.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
Rated 14 Jan 2010
The filming of this movie is impressive, certainly the best one I've seen. One gets the impression that really we ourselves into the story. The costumes, photography and soundtrack are perfect. Kubrick was really a perfectionist. The story is slow and long, it almost is harmful, but it still is a classic.
Rated 26 Nov 2018
Long is parts, short in others. I would have preferred the movie to either take a more serious, dramatic look at his life, or a more lighthearted "life of a trickster" kind of a look; but not both. Regardless, an enjoyable story that sucks you in, and was absolutely stunning to look at. Like everyone else has mentioned, the cinematography was top notch.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
I guess I have never seen a movie that looked so fantastic. Every second of this film can be compared with pictures of grace and beauty. The wide-angle shots are just stunning. What I loved the most is the fact, that there is no love. No real feelings anywhere. There is only one moving power, personal interest. Barry Lyndon captures the "spirit of our time" in perfection. An impressive film in many ways! But what else would you expect by a Kubrick movie? Simply outstanding.
Rated 11 Jul 2014
One of the best looking movies I've ever seen, and also proof that my brain can handle stories that span 3 hours and don't use the familiar 3 act structure. The pacing and editing in this movie really are as close to perfect as anyone could possibly want. I do feel like this movie is less controversial or ground-breaking than other Kubrick movies, but nonetheless, it's a very good watch, and there's lots to love here.
Rated 29 Sep 2010
I present to you; Perfection.


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