Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind
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Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind

Romance, Drama
3h 58m
American classic in which a manipulative woman and a roguish man carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during the Civil War and Reconstruction. (imdb)

Gone with the Wind

Romance, Drama
3h 58m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 64.7% from 5307 total ratings

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Rated 14 Aug 2007
On the one hand, it's epic human drama with compelling characters and marvelous performances. The four hours swept past in no time. But I cannot forgive the racism. I cannot forgive the romanticizing of the Old South, the glorification of the Confederation, the cartoon caricatures, the suggestion that slavery was not that bad. I cannot forgive a film which presents a cotton plantation as a symbol of hope and glory.
Rated 17 Mar 2013
If someone suggested a 4-hour glossy melodrama about the loves and losses of aristocratic Nazis set against the backdrop of WW2, with occasional comic interludes by a token house Jew, they'd be drummed out of town. But right at the beginning of World War 2 this came out and is somehow considered a classic.
Rated 27 Feb 2008
The epic movie by excellence. It's everything about how big it looks and how it is the one and only true Golden Age of Hollywood EPIC film. Vivien Leigh carries the whole movie and yes, it's worth viewing it several times.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's huge and epic, sure, but it's also tedious in parts and it fails to tackle any meaningful points concerning the nature of the Old South. Not once does the movie suggest that maybe the "civilization gone with the wind" went away primarily because it was founded on antiquated ideas and morals. Still, I won't pretend it isn't a very, very well done movie.
Rated 19 Feb 2020
I gave it my 'ole once-a-decade try, and the prestige continues to corrode with age. Selznick's inability to grasp nuance means the production leans into the garishness of everything: the Technicolor looks good but characters suffer. Scarlett's impetuousness comes off not strong and calculated, but impulsive and irrational. There's a lot of America to truly explore, here, but the film's shallow nature in this historical context pretty much says There Were Very Fine People on Both Sides. Uh, but.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
Josef Goebbels loved this movie.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
I watched this movie and the only thing I could think after was "I wish I had a wise cracking Mammy" and my brain exploded at its own awfulness.
Rated 14 Feb 2012
While it contains some good individual moments (not to mention great sets and gorgeous colors), I quickly soured on the experience as a whole. I'm supposed to care about these slave-owning, war-hungry, selfish people? I truly can't imagine how anyone could watch this racist and melodramatic romancey trash that takes 4 hours to go nowhere and think "American classic!".
Rated 28 Dec 2016
Shallow selfish woman pursued by a man attracted to her shallow selfishness, eventually marries her, starts to dislike her for being shallow and selfish. Black people are child-like and unreliable, or devoted to their masters even after formal abolition. The Southern practice of collective violence pointed downwards, imagined as defense of Southern womanhood, is displaced from emerging Jim Crow race terror to shanty-town dwellers from the North, symbols of (IRL defeated) Radical Reconstruction.
Rated 15 Aug 2009
Gone with the Wind is a well made epic with some fantastic moments, but it is extremely melodramatic. I adored the performances from both Viven Leigh and Clarke Gable, as well as the supporting characters. Now I did not mind the length of the film, but it was extremely boring at some points. Even still, Gone with the Wind is a well shot and directed film, until the last hour where it just seemed things were getting out of hand. Good, but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
Rated 14 Feb 2008
Performs one magic trick in that it is four hours long but never, ever dull. Performs another in that, by its midpoint, this vain, silly woman has become Our Heroine. Men are not supposed to like chick pictures at all, especially not this one; I want to see this again just writing about it
Rated 09 Apr 2023
Epic and essential. One of the great classics. And if you disagree then frankly...
Rated 27 Oct 2019
Some of the greatest female characters in the history of film. Complex and gorgeous.
Rated 21 Jan 2017
One Melodrama to rule them all. One Melodra...eeh, you get the idea. Four hours seems a bit excessive for what's essentially a maudlin romance (?) between a suave mothafucka and a doe-eyed, self-centered brat who, much like my FWB, is all looks and zero personality. Or a tedious one for that. If it weren't for the lavish production values and a pretty fantastic Clark Gable, I probably wouldn't even consider revisiting it.
Rated 01 May 2016
It tells an epic, sweeping story with well-developed characters, and it tells it really well, but it also tells that story through a lens of rape-apologism, slavery-glorification and historical revisionism. I'm certainly not the first person to say these things, but that's the complicated nature of this film: There's moments watching it when I'm awed, blown-away and swept off my feet in a epic tour de force, followed immediately by moments so problematic they literally make me feel ill.
Rated 29 Oct 2015
Remember the good old days, when you could own black people, marital rape and domestic violence were fine, and everyone was the kind of empty headed moron who was seconds away from yelling "yippee!" and running off to get killed in a war (in the case of the men) or bursting into tears about literally anything (in the case of women)? And all four hours of it seem to be in aid of Scarlet learning literally the first lesson she's given in the first five minutes of the film. Classic my balls.
Rated 22 Jan 2015
Frankly, my dear, this movie is crap.
Rated 12 Jul 2011
I like Scarlett O'Hara, the music and the very detailed production values, but this is a film that I won't be returning. It wasn't the revisionist history and the glorification of the Old South, but it was just to damn long, and not that good as a whole. There were great moments(When they are escaping Atlanta and return to Tara, Scarlett and Reth talk in the middle of the night) but there wasn't that much to it.
Rated 09 Jul 2010
Where can I start on this atrocity? It was too long. I normally don't complain about movie length, as I believe movies should be 2 hours+ minimum, but this movie dragged on and on and on and I kept waiting and expecting it to become good. It kind of did during the second half, but the first half left me so fucking distraught from wasting the last 2 hours of my life, I just didn't care anymore. By the end of the movie I was thankful it was finally over. Bitch got served and I was happ
Rated 15 May 2009
There is so much wrong with this movie. Politicaly incorrect, offensive and just around 4hours. But besides all that, Gone With The Wind still kicks 21st century epic's ass. ... The a-typical love story, the sets, and the patience they have on telling this entire adventure. ... Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh and especially Hattie McDaniel are brilliant.
Rated 15 Nov 2008
I didn't give a damn.
Rated 04 Oct 2008
Frankly my dear, they just don't make 'em like this anymore
Rated 06 Jul 2007
Both book and movie are over-rated. Filled with unlikable and irritating characters who deserve each other. There are moments of legitimate greatness to the movie -- but not enough to make me ever want to sit through it again.
Rated 09 Sep 2024
Normally I don’t like movies where every protagonist is a villain, even if the premise is to punish them in some Grecian tragic sense, but this truly is a genre defining epic, a thought provoking snapshot of 2 other ages: the age it depicts and the age in which the depiction was wrought. The cultural overlaps, sanitizing revisionism & lingering modernity all conspire to keep the film relevant, and besides that - despite my tendency to buck tradition & revile classics - this is masterful.
Rated 01 May 2023
Most of the people in this movie were dead before I was born. For a primordial film the production values hold up super well, minus some rear projection. The escape from Atlanta with the burning plantations is pretty epic. Leigh and Gable are excellent as is Max Steiner’s score. Final stretch gets kinda bizarre with people falling off of horses and down stairs, and I had no idea what the sister was suddenly dying from. Lol at HBO Max making you watch a lil lecture about racism before you start.
Rated 24 May 2022
2. An absolute rollercoaster and a cinematic experience of its own - gotta miss the Hollywood epics of the days of old. Vivien Leigh is un-be-liev-ab-le. What a role. Clark Gable delivers massively too, especially in the first 3/4ths of the film - the ultimate broken alpha male. I cried, I laughed, I was joyous and commiserating along with the characters. The intermission came well needed at the silly hours of the night I was watching this. Poorer last quarter, but great finale.
Rated 28 Oct 2019
I finally got to see this, and even on the big screen - 80 years anniversary! I was not bored for one minute (out of 238). Leigh was simply excellent and Gable was one handsome Gable. I laughed, I cried, I held my breath and I sighed over this tragic love story. When you figure out love too late... *Fantastic
Rated 26 Jul 2019
A great 4-hour epic. However, then there's the other side of the film -- the side where slaves get to say "quittin' time" at 5pm.
Rated 16 Oct 2016
Gone with the Wind has great historical significance as that final, unabashedly sincere embodiment of the Old South's aesthetics and morals - including the racism and the antiquated concepts of male chivalry. For an epic technicolor melodrama it is also respectably complex, and a certain truthfulness shines through even the tackiest scenes. By no means the masterpiece it was once considered as, it's still an interesting and valuable movie.
Rated 28 Sep 2016
Epic in size and scope, Gone with the Wind is one of the most involving love stories ever told on the big screen.
Rated 10 Aug 2016
The movie is sooooooooooo long, so is the book.
Rated 19 May 2016
It's amazing to me that an English (and not American) actress would forever become best known as the southern bell Scarlett O'Hara ("Fiddle dee dee!"). Not so amazing that Clark Gable would be Rhett Butler (though he had qualms about living up to everyone's expectation of the character in Margaret Mitchell's beloved book). The costumes are beautiful, the ensemble even more so. Truly a big screen production with a theme song that you will remember after.
Rated 31 Aug 2015
The last film I saw with such vibrant colors was Barry Lyndon, and that's saying something. It is breathtaking, really. A film that could only have been made in a specific time in a specific place. I immensely enjoyed the depiction of a crumbling society, the dead of dreams at the hands of Civil War. Yet, the last hour falls into melodrama. As the war ends, and the totally unlikeable Scarlett pushes her self-pity and arrogance upon us, I really stopped giving a damn.
Rated 21 Mar 2015
I can certainly understand why Gone with the Wind is a classic. It tells a rather engaging story as you see the south change over the Civil War. It also contains some rather impressive set pieces and visuals for a movie made in 1939. That said, Gone with the Wind isn't my favorite movie. An unlikable main character in Scarlett and a four hour run time makes it hard to love, even if I do understand why it is so loved.
Rated 11 Feb 2015
You know, it's not one I really ever need to watch again, but for one viewing, it's a really spectacular watch. It obviously has its "being dated" problems - being a big-budget Hollywood picture from 1939, of COURSE it's kind of racist, and of COURSE it's going to be melodramatic as all hell. You just kind of take all that as it comes.
Rated 24 Nov 2014
I feel silly by adding a qualifier on this, but this is a well made movie. However, it's hard to rank a movie highly that influences a wave of nostalgia for the old south.
Rated 19 Mar 2014
A bloated, insufferable piece of trash that serves as a perfect microcosm for everything wrong with the "Golden" Age of Hollywood. Absrud melodrama, piss-poor acting, disgustingly ignorant racism and even pro-rape implications all come together to make this one of the most infuriating movies I've ever seen. Even at its base artistic level, it's empty -- a hodge-podge of trash cobbled together by a producer throwing money at the screen. In reality, it's throwing money into a bonfire. Trash.
Rated 09 Nov 2013
Gorgeous, but an overall mixed bag. It's too melodramatic. Length would not be an issue if it wasn't as redundant as it is. It's never boring, and is paced relatively well, but it often felt like watching the same scene play out repeatedly. Still, some remarkable photography and stunning visuals and lighting.
Rated 30 Oct 2013
It looks amazing and has an epic sweep to it, but this romanticising of the Old South is indefensible.
Rated 02 Jun 2013
For sure, not my cup of tea at all. But after finally sitting down to watch this epic, the last line by Clark Gable has been one of the more epic put downs I have ever heard in movie history.
Rated 05 Jul 2012
Every bit the epic it's portrayed to be, every thing is grand and near perfectly done. If you haven't already just watch it.
Rated 25 Feb 2012
Being that the main character is a manipulative, shallow, and despicable person, I found it hard to watch. That was only exacerbated by the fact that this movie is nearly four hours long. Howard and Gable are the best two here, everyone else is acceptable at best. To be honest I'd have had a better taste left in my mouth if O'Hara had died in the war and it ended in the bombing of Atlanta, but all were left with is a most gratifying scene where Butler tells her to screw off and leaves.
Rated 05 Jan 2012
I couldn't finish this. Horrendous. It's like every awful cliche from every romance novel thrown together.
Rated 06 Dec 2011
1. Movies need to be 4 hours long with intermissions again 2. I never thought I could like a movie with a main character I Hate, but they pulled it off. 3. I don't know why, but the final image of the film is killer.
Rated 05 Apr 2011
I had heard that it should be seen in spite of its glorification of the Old South for containing some great acting, but I'm just not seeing it. It felt entirely average.
Rated 24 Mar 2011
The siege of Atlanta and the hardships of the South during the Civil War are masterfully unfolded in this terrific spectacle. Leigh's performance is fetching as Scarlett O'Hara, and Gable still makes the ladies' hearts flutter as Rhett Butler. Part spectacle, part history, a dash of biography, and all smashing entertainment.
Rated 27 Nov 2009
Typically, I wouldn't have the patience for a 4-hour-long romance but the fact that I watched the beautifully remastered Blu-ray version helped. Regardless, Leigh's incredibly whiny yet fleshed-out Scarlett, Gable's naturally charming Rhett, and even the supporting cast like Mammy made the run-time not only bearable, but thoroughly enjoyable. I don't really have a desire to ever re-watch it, but I highly recommend everyone to see this at least once in their life.
Rated 07 Sep 2009
Classic. It is a perfect example of a great love story in the times of war.
Rated 02 Sep 2009
An epic telling of the Civil War and the years following. Even though the Southern perspective romanticizes a darker history, the massive production values, magnificent acting, and classic Hollywood sensibilities are more than enough to make up for it.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Woah, estrogen overload! I fully understand why women like this movie, and there's a lot to be said in favor of it, from the iconic cinematography to the lush sets and lavish costumes, from the well-crafted score to the altogether laudable performances. But in the end it's still tough for a guy to enjoy four hours of relentless bickering, manipulation, bitching and fake tears, all-time classic or not.
Rated 18 Apr 2009
This movie getting unheard of praise bothers me greatly.
Rated 10 Apr 2009
Pretty boring and hard to sit through war-drama. Hugely overrated and whenever someone says they love it they're usually a boring fuck anyway.
Rated 09 Apr 2009
The only film in history which could be profitably revived for 40 years: 'still pure gold', said _The Daily Mirror_ in 1975. Whole books have been written about it; its essential appeal is that of a romantic story with strong characters and an impeccable production.
Rated 23 Sep 2008
An epic Hollywood movie. Although one hates Scarlett at times one wants to see her struggle, Vivien Leigh did a really good job.
Rated 02 Jul 2008
It amazes me that this is really considered a classic. I watched this as a kid. Hated it. Watched it in college. Hated it more. Good thing tastes are subjective.
Rated 16 Apr 2008
One of the most perfect movies ever!
Rated 02 Jan 2008
One to watch with food supplies and a chemical toilet. This is a very long film !! Some great classic acting of its time with the feel of an epic story without necessarily being an epic by todays standards. Certainly in need of a tougher editor. The rich technicolor treatment could tempt you to judge the content and its message by contemporary values. This is still controversial today but for different reasons - leave your judgements outside and enjoy the film.
Rated 24 Sep 2007
A grand and epic feature that demands to be appreciated for its incredible scope and vision. It's fairly entertaining and compelling, too, but quite melodramatic - especially in the last half hour or so, when it's almost hyperbolic. While ultimately it doesn't impress me as much as any of David Lean's epics or any of the more detached period pieces (like Barry Lyndon), it's still worth watching.
Rated 16 Sep 2007
Very well made for it's time.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Selznick soap. Scarlett is a stupid bitch and Rhett makes the right decision. Sure it's epic, but "Gone With The Wind" has NOT aged well.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is one of the great glamourous love stories of the classic film era - so brillant & grandly realized that it's destined to be rediscovered by each succeeding generation. Clark Gable is dashing & charismatic. Vivien Leigh arguably gives the best female performance in the history of cinema. Gorgeous to look at. One for the ages.
Rated 13 Aug 2007
I don't know if I'm just too silly to like Gone with the Wind, but I don't think it was boring at any point. Sure, at some points it's too bombastic and it surely suffers from all its grandiosity from time to time, but it's still an excellent film overall.
Rated 28 Mar 2007
I know you're probably wondering why on earth I could give this movie anything less than the highest rating, but I must tell you that while there are some undeniably great moments, great acting, great directing, and a great story, the fact that the film is four hours and the least interesting hour of the film is the last made me restless for the film to wrap up and finish. A beautiful film, and a must-see for anyone who loves grand old Hollywood productions; this is the grand-daddy of them all.
Rated 27 Mar 2007
Another film that really does live up to its hype - beautifully photographed and a truly harrowing story. Perhaps too harrowing - I haven't been able to watch it again since.
Rated 19 Mar 2007
Gone With the Wind is a superb epic romance that has more than stood the test of time. It is brilliantly acted, directed, and scored and it is easily one of the most watchable older films out there.
Rated 15 Jan 2007
Overrated as all hell.
Rated 04 May 2023
vivien leigh and clark gable are obviously fantastic actors but there is no forgiving this movies depiction of enslaved people and romanticizing the Old South. Enslaved people are represented as happy and we are supposed to feel what wistful? sad? over the end of a civilization gone with the wind built on the institution of slavery +systemic racism. sorry but this movie is not an American classic. it is white supremacist bullshit trying to rewrite US history to support the confederacys ideals.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
Mítico drama sureño ambientado en la guerra de secesión americana con un reparto insuperable .Basado en el bestseller de Margaret Mitchell.Un buen puñado de Oscars y escenas tan icónicas como Escarlata(Vivien Leigh) con un rábano en la mano(plano del atardecer) jurando que nunca volverá a pasar hambre.Eterno clásico.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
It's very easy to see why this won Best Picture at the time, having just watched all the BP nominees preceding it. It's extremely daring filmmaking, with cinematography that must have been unfathomable for audiences at the time. It's also remarkable to see just how much influence this film had on the entire next decade of film. For a movie about an era then long past, it was truly ahead of its time.
Rated 24 Oct 2022
definetly fits the term "a sweeping epic". kind of overdone for me in some parts
Rated 06 Apr 2022
A plot that seemed convoluted on first viewing seems intricate on the second, and characterization that once seemed contemptible now appears layered and surprisingly astute. Not interested in apologizing for the film--it is what it is, plainly--and I'll never experience this film as a descendant of the slaves it purports to depict. But I'm struck by the stark changes in my attitude towards this film, only six years apart. I know which reaction is more fashionable, but which one is more honest?
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 16 Jul 2021
Being a slaver is hard: the Movie. Seriously, fuck this.
Rated 09 Apr 2021
But not the racism
Rated 12 Mar 2021
helt otrolig!
Rated 30 Jan 2021
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Rated 30 May 2020
Nearing 4 hrs, Gone with the Wind is surprisingly watchable but deeply flawed. Firstly, Scarlett O'Hara is a horrible person; masquerading behind her tenacity or "gumption", she's manipulative, greedy & detrimental to those around her. In fact all the characters are cringe-worthy. The film goes beyond southern-perspective to backwards revisionism. Leigh acts well & Gable is charming, though his character is just as deplorable. Ultimately the film has nothing of worth to say and is unsympathetic.
Rated 25 May 2020
I think a lot of people may be familiar with only a few things from this film. The final exchange between Scarlett and Rhett is most memorable. The problematic depictions of race remain controversial. But Gone with the Wind is a classic of its era, and still continues to be worth watching.
Rated 03 May 2020
Who's that man?! Why, it's Clarke Gable, with a cup of plants.
Rated 17 Feb 2020
I adore this film for the inspiration it instilled in me to be a strong woman on my own terms. The story is great and there is something that nearly everyone can identify with in it. Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh could never be replaced in this film once you've read the book.
Rated 03 Feb 2020
100 değil 140,150,160 veriyorum..
Rated 24 Jan 2020
This movie is truly a timeless classic. To anyone who thinks this film is too long or boring, I say watch a brainless action movie (like Transformers or Fast and the Furious) instead.
Rated 14 Jan 2020
The first half is a masterpiece. The second half is a mess.
Rated 11 Sep 2019
I was fully anticipating that this would be a slog, but the movie holds up remarkably well. Sure, it is almost four hours long and it contains many deeply problematic elements, but Scarlett O'Hara is an awesome choice for a character to build this kind of epic around. I did not expect to find such an anti-hero here, nor did I expect myself to be rooting for her as much as I did.
Rated 08 Jun 2019
It's a great one, although with some eye-rolling moments. I doubt that I'll ever want to see it again.
Rated 28 Mar 2019
just goes on and on
Rated 24 Feb 2019
Rated 12 Jan 2019
It's hard for me not to like this long movie. The storytelling and performances are excellent (possible exception of about the last hour or so--a bit too melodramatic), but it is so incredibly racist. Even taking the period and time it was made into account, as an African-American, I found parts of it hard to swallow. That said, overall, I still enjoyed it and have watched it a few times.
Rated 04 Nov 2018
Vastly better than the book -- or, at least, I thought so when I was in middle school. I can't say I've picked up the book since, so I have no idea if I'd still think so now. The movie is insanely long, but I never felt bored of it, and the cast is good and good-looking. A nice way to spend a night when you're in the mood for something classic.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
rvw. mostly bad acting and tones of the time. it felt like a play lol. too long. it should be remade at half the length. or a tv show if y'all wanna get crazy. on paper some crazy things happen, and some are even well done in ways, but mostly silly or sloppy lol like some deaths. clark was the best parts then he started falling off and vivien brought the best parts. then he bodybag of the centuried her. and then shes unrealistically and unacceptably optimistic lmao
Rated 26 Jul 2018
Growing up this movie reminded me of "The Ten Commandments"(1956). Although not for anything actually in the movie, as I never actually watched either, but because of their nearly four hour runtime, I associated them with my grandma and aunts watching them, and thus holding the living room TV hostage for what felt like an eternity. After finally seeing this as an adult, my childhood assumptions surprisingly make a lot more sense now, and so too does my Irish Catholic family's slight racism.
Rated 26 Feb 2018
Rhett Butler: "You're like the thief who isn't the least bit sorry he stole, but is terribly, terribly sorry he's going to jail."
Rated 15 Jan 2018
loved this movie..the visual arts...the decoration, everything was in a great harmony and if u have read the novel u could admire it more how they adapt it to screen, and chemistry between Scarlet & Rhett, is one of the best in cinema history.
Rated 02 Jan 2018
Rated 08 Jul 2017
Gone with the Wind is worth watching once just for the spectacle, but I'm not sure I'd sit through the near 4 hours again. The performances are fine. It look great and it is quite charming at times, but I don't really care about the Antebellum South and the story doesn't pack enough of a punch to justify the runtime.
Rated 17 Jun 2017
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Epic in size and scope, Gone with the Wind is one of the most involving love stories ever told on the big screen.
Rated 24 Feb 2017
Not my kind of film, but so satisfyingly epic. Scarlett O'Hara is an interesting character because she's a crate full of negative traits, with one exception. She is driven with an ambition rivaling any other. The problem is her goals are often misguided. Still, without that drive her and her family wouldn't have survived. But I would have preferred to watch Rhett Butler for the full running time!
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Epic, melodramatic cheese. I hated Scarlet, and I think I groaned out loud at the "I'll never go hungry again" scene. Points for production value, and (what the hay) because everyone else likes it, especially the ones that use critic-jargon that I don't understand and sound pretentious. They must know what they're talking about, right?
Rated 11 Dec 2016
Very long and tedious in places but this is a classic of its time. Many enjoyable memorable scenes ad visuals but also some small but touching and humorous detail.


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