The White Ribbon
The White Ribbon
The White Ribbon

The White Ribbon

2h 24m
Strange events happen at a rural school in the north of Germany during the year 1913, which seem to be ritual punishment.
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The White Ribbon

2h 24m
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Avg Percentile 71.68% from 3011 total ratings

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Rated 11 Oct 2009
This film isn't answering questions, it's asking them. The life, and especially the handling and punishment of children in a small community in a village in north germany stands for what is happening the next decades in germany. And thanks to a great director and an extraordinary cast it does it in a very impressive way.
Rated 08 Feb 2010
Fascinating arthouse-whodunit. Like in 'Gosford Park', the mystery gives way to social commentary. It's not really about the culprit(s); rather, the heinous acts themselves and understanding the environment they take place in are the real concerns. Haneke's best film (coldness meets raw emotion, recalling Bergman stylistically), it deals with authority abuse, of both the upper-class and patriarchal kind, and asks: what morals are the children invested with in this sort of world?
Rated 04 Aug 2009
Authorities (paternal and otherwise) that are repressive (sexually and otherwise) will engender reactive violence in others. That is the utterly conventional message of this tedious movie. As with FUNNY GAMES, an elaborate apparatus is created to deliver a very small (and possibly not very genuine) lesson, but at least the earlier film was a genuinely tense experience. It has even caused me to pay more attention to the creeping doubts I had about CACHÉ for similar reasons.
Rated 19 Mar 2010
The film is too long, full of tedious and boring characters. Haneke also seems to have no intention of entertaining the audience and the film gives you no pay off. Learn how to end a movie you douche bag. The "message" was trite and unbelievably stupid. Also, the entire child abuse is bad and something you shouldn't do is obvious to anyone who has ever been alive before. This has been common knowledge for literally DECADES. But thanks for the insight, I guess you are an intellectual? rofl
Rated 21 Oct 2009
A compelling mystery that dissolves into a fresh take on the human condition. With so many unanswered questions, I awaited a shocking finale, which was satisfying if a bit underwhelming. However, it abounds with breathtaking camera work (reminiscent of Bergman) and flawless acting (worthy of its Palme D'or distinction) that has filled me with renewed appreciation for this fairly muddled medium.
Rated 16 Nov 2009
Beautiful cinematography, great acting, and a haunting storyline make this the best film of 2009, so far. Reminded me slightly of the great Bergman films like Winter Light or Through a Glass Darkly.
Rated 17 Dec 2009
The most memorable cinema experience for me in 2009. A film packed with so many gems both considering characters, scenes and imagery, that I'm hardly able to fully cope with it. In lack of better words or abilities to describe it, this is a truly haunting movie experience dealing with everything from the origin of terror to the first sparkle of love.
Rated 16 Oct 2009
Haneke geht wie von ihm gewohnt routiniert vor, und überzeugt damit auf ganzer Linie. Angefangen bei der hervorragenden Darstelleriege bis hin zu perfekt ausgeleuchteten Szenen macht er einmal mehr klar, wieviel Talent in ihm steckt und ist somit zurecht heißer Anwärter auf den Auslands Oscar.
Rated 05 Mar 2010
Michael Haneke, master of the slow burn, and this might be his best yet - a very bleak, somber film about the human inclination to violence and cruelty. Haneke always operates in shades of gray (and appropriately the film is shot in gorgeous low-contrast black-and-white), and leaves you with many more questions than answers - the film is uncompromisingly ambiguous, and the tension and unsettling mood really stick with you after the movie has finished.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
Some critics compared this movie to Ingmar Bergman's movies. And I have to admit this comparison is justified. The calm storytelling style and the unexcited camera work could for sure be described as bergmanesk. Moreover, Haneke deals with a whole bunch of topics that could also be found in a lot of Bergman movies. Since this isn't the worst reference, this movie comes along pretty impressive. 07-03-2010
Rated 08 Sep 2018
2018'de olgunlaştım. Bu yıl her filmi özenle izledim, özenle puanladım. Şunu kendi kafamda kesinleştirdim ki sinema bazen kişisel olamayabiliyor maalesef. Das weisse band, sinema tarihinin nirvanasıdır. 80 puan altında verenlerin tekrar izlemesini öneriyorum ciddi bir şekilde.
Rated 14 Sep 2010
A grueling task to watch. Its message is dated and I also must be a cynic as I didn't feel any emotion towards the characters. Had some nice shots to its credit.
Rated 08 Dec 2010
*Possible spoilers* The film that the 'Third Wave' experiment deserved. One could suspect Haneke of hating his own audience, seeing as he's so fond of uncomfortable scenes, and so unwilling to bring any sort of closure to his films. It works wonders here. This whodunnit echoes modernist masterpieces such as 'Blowup', with a touch of 'Children of the Corn'. The switch from detective story to an account of the rise of Nazi Germany is gruesomely effective, as one realizes that 'No one' did it.
Rated 04 Nov 2009
I was thoroughly impressed by this film by Michael Haneke portraying a small community in northern Germany just before WWI, containing stunning black-and-white cinematography, faultless acting and a fitting voice-over. Das Weiße Band pulled me in from start to finish with great directing and a story that may not seem all that special, but kept me intrigued all the way. The ending may be a bit underwhelming, but it left me wondering in a satisfying way.
Rated 17 Nov 2009
Very, very possibly Haneke's best. Absolutely amazing in every way. Anyone who doesn't get to see this in a cinema is definitely missing out, as it has some of the most fantastic cinematography I've ever seen, and I feel like the amazing detail in shots, as well as the sublime, beautiful, perfect use of natural lighting, wouldn't be shown outside of the silver screen. Best film of the year so far.
Rated 05 Dec 2009
"Why we all became nazi's", by Michael Haneke. While it is undeniably very, very good, at times it felt a bit aimless. I know this is a trademark of Haneke, but I was still a little bored occasionally. The stark black and white works wonders for underlining the central point of the film
Rated 26 Dec 2009
This is probably my favourite film of the year. It's impeccably made, in every regard.
Rated 09 Feb 2010
Haneke once again explores the darkest sides of humanity. The film is a bleak meditation on cruelty and innocence. Powerful, unsettling stuff. The black and white cinematography is not only striking (somewhat reminiscent of Bela Tarr, I thought) but suits the period, just at the dawn of World War I... which adds a whole other dimension to the proceedings. I found it to be one of Haneke's most compelling films, maybe his best since Funny Games. Very good performances all around, too.
Rated 02 Mar 2010
Perfectly captures that uniquely german way of relating to authority, in turns fearful, rebellious and fetichistic. Although containing elements of political and religious allegory, it should be noted that it is first and foremost a riveting drama and a nearly unbearably tense thriller. The performances are the best of any german language film in recent memory, and handling of the language itself and its' nuances, unequalled. The cinematography is fucking unreal. Without a doubt Hanekes' best.
Rated 03 Mar 2010
This eery German film is a thoroughly engrossing and mostly haunting look at how evil is bred often at the most unlikely places. The unanswered questions only add to the mysterious and ominous mood that pervades the film. I must admit, though, that I was a bit underwhelmed by the abrupt conclusion which, to me, was a step back to the otherwise effective narrative. But the outstanding cinematography alone should be reason enough to go see this gem.
Rated 08 Mar 2010
Despite its length, this film is never dull. The pace is pretty steady throughout, but the great acting and directing helps quell any issues with pace. I was left a little disappointed with the ending though, I feel that the movie would have been a lot better if all the issues had been tied up.
Rated 16 Mar 2010
Crap. It took the director 144 mins' to tell a story that could very well have been told in 75. A story where not much happens in the first 80 min and you'll probably be too sleepy by then to notice the subtle plot developments leading to a dull and tepid climax. The only unsettling thing about this snorefest is the director's uncanny ability to induce sleep through sheer repetitive black n white tedium. Origins of Nazism my ass. Not recommended.
Rated 19 Mar 2010
Austere, haunting, occasionally chilling work whose dominant theme -- the violent repercussions of repression -- is unfortunately slight.
Rated 26 Aug 2010
Breathtakingly beautiful while dealing with immersive evil
Rated 06 Sep 2010
Watching these people I could not fathom that they were actors. The scenes are very real and engrossing, the cinematography startlingly beautiful and the story both delicate and powerful. A slice from a world we have left behind, but are still drawn to.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
It's been a while since I fell asleep in a movie. All the bits that moved the story forward could have been told in 30 minutes instead of the 150 or so that is this sleeping pill. I felt like I was sitting in a museum documentary at times...
Rated 02 Oct 2009
Haneke attempts to do Bergman and along the way manages to completely over-complicate things and bore me half to death. At least it looked fantastic!
Rated 17 Nov 2009
Like all Haneke, this is a slow-paced, beautifully composed piece that will leave the viewer with more questions then answers. However, Ribbon seems much more character driven (rather then idea driven, which I think a lot of his other films are), giving it, as other reviewers have noted, a decidedly Bergman feel.
Rated 17 Nov 2009
Interesting movie with a slow pace and a pretty open ending (probably my least favorite part of this movie). Great atmosphere. Very good cinematography and actors.
Rated 23 Nov 2009
Impeccably acted, shot and edited, with that now-trademark Haneke sense of ominous dread. There is every chance this will end up being the best film of the year (ed: and with 2009 over with, it is).
Rated 11 Jun 2020
A deeply immersive historical film that openly frames itself as a distant recollection of an unsolved mystery. In this sense this may be Haneke's boldest manipulation. Works to expose the inherent biases in period-piece cinema, but also affords Haneke complete freedom to sensationalize and brutalize the encounters that happened behind closed doors. This paints a vivid portrait of how any ideology taken to its extreme will inevitably result in perversion and radicalism of its future generations.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
It's hard to review this without giving too much away. It raises important question about the actions of authority within one community. The mystery is certainly fascinating but the actions of the adults make this a great film. Haneke leaves much to the viewer which strengthens the overall theme. I don't think it left me feeling as uneasy as some others but it's still a unique film and one of the best of 2009.
Rated 02 Jan 2010
Shows Haneke's growth as a director but not as a writer. It's beautiful, but its themes are simplistic and conveyed in as heavy-handed a manner as they were in Funny Games. He needs to find a subtler touch to match his appropriately haunting aesthetic. To me, it's a lesser version of Le Corbeau, which explored similar themes with actual depth and more than just an austere mood.
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Dull, unpleasant, little evident point. IOW, a typical Haneke film. I can see the Nazism allegory and the resemblances to Bergman. I just don't care
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Atmospheric, beautifully shot and well-played movie that gave me a glimpse into a world so repressed and controlled I am still unable to believe it can have been that bad. But it probably was...
Rated 11 Jan 2010
The cinematography is amazing, the acting superb and the story intriguing but I thought it was just a bit too long and a tad overrated.
Rated 23 Jan 2010
Rated 23 Jan 2010
Visually it's beautiful - it's good to see some good b&w cinematography these days. And some good characters too, but I found the story to be disappointing.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
Exquisitely shot in black and white, and VERY psychologically unsettling... If you like films that don't force-feed you all the answers, you'll love this one...
Rated 06 Feb 2010
Masterpiece, absolution. For some years, and especially after reading somewhere that he was going to make a remake his OWN Funny Games, me and Haneke the Cannibal were not really on friendly terms, but this is just too perfect to say otherwise.
Rated 18 Feb 2010
Damn, immense.
Rated 21 Feb 2010
A brutal and deep journey about evil and punishment, in a feature where Haneke clearly was inspired by Bergman's filmmaking. It's a beautiful drama, but not as disturbing as it should be.
Rated 04 Mar 2010
Beautifully shot, acted and right way cryptic mystery of distracted childhood at the foot of the WWI. Story goes deep into guts and the mystery haunts you long after the end of the film. Who did not have the white ribbon one's arm?
Rated 07 Mar 2010
I'm really starting to detest Haneke. He has no desire to entertain his audience in the least. The ultra-sluggish pacing and lack of events overshadow the beautiful cinematography and good acting performances.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
Haneke studies humanity through a community that faces (what seem as) random acts of violence in Germany before the first World War. With a slow pace and clinical editing, Haneke has created a brooding piece of cinema that covers so many elements within the 2,5h duration that one craves for a second viewing. What is now exceptional is that amongst the sombre themes and events lies a love story that maintains its purity throughout the film, thus making the viewing experience a bit more tolerable.
Rated 20 Apr 2010
great cinematographic, great acting, slow and intense. Like it. but you have to be in the mood for this. And the ending is a bit to open for me.
Rated 12 May 2010
Spectacularly shot with a very Bergmanesque type of feel. Solid, mature work by Haneke.
Rated 02 Jun 2010
Dark and disturbing but still subtle and restrained. The performances were outstanding, even the child actors were great.
Rated 09 Jun 2010
boring as hell
Rated 06 Jul 2010
Unforgettable and stunning in gut-wrenching realism and cinematography, this film is Haneke's masterpiece. The Yank action enthusiasts will be disappointed to find out this isn't a whodunit story. The intellectual group will be disappointed to discover this isn't a historic account of the nationalist movement within the bowels of Germany. This is a story about the decline and fall of human nature.
Rated 19 Jul 2010
Ersatz Bergman with all the good bits left out.
Rated 21 Mar 2013
Fascinating exploration of human nature, inherited cruelty, the loss of innocence (if they had it to lose in the first place) and collective responsibility. Doesn't suffer from a few loose plot-strands and a rather abrupt ending, but leaves you with questions that linger long after the credits roll. Also helped by stunning cinematography.
Rated 22 Aug 2010
Absolutely handsdown the best Michael Haneke movie. Powerful performances and an equally fascinating story made this an amazing film. Please don't miss this--haunting, with a brilliant ending. VERY highly recommended!
Rated 26 Aug 2010
Haneke at his most austere (which by his standards is saying quite a lot). Atmospheric but rather bloodless, and as is often the case with Haneke the subtext is a bit overwrought (yes, we get it, the kids grow up to be Nazis). Feels a bit like his homage to Bergman and/or Dreyer, which for me doesn't help matters either. Beautifully shot, though.
Rated 05 Sep 2010
Well made, in a fairly conventional Euro arthouse manner. But despite a few good scenes it didn't really amount to much other than a pile of bleakness and unpleasantness, and it beats me what Haneke thought he was saying about the rise of fascism in Germany. Don't abuse your kids or they might become Nazis?
Rated 10 Sep 2010
A haunting, occasionally excruciating, but enlightening film.
Rated 17 Sep 2010
I have the feeling that "The White Ribbon" is a love it or hate it experience. I firmly fell on the side of 'love it'! There is no doubt watching this film is a commitment, & a grueling one at that! It will either grab you within the first 10 minutes, or you will spend 2 & a bit hours desperate for it to end. Understated but disturbing this is a beautiful, haunting, brilliantly performed movie. Its open-endedness will leave some feeling robbed & others just with intriguing questions.
Rated 30 Dec 2011
"Ein wenig Selbsthass macht nichts."
Rated 06 Oct 2010
Beautifully shot, it is the haunting ambiguity of this that will either infuriate or be it's main selling point. Superb acting, especially from the kids.
Rated 27 Nov 2010
Yes, "violence begets violence" is a simple theme. Haneke fills the frame with it, though, bringing the inherent complexity of such "simple" terms into view. Here he methodically (though never coldly) highlights the endless ways in which forms of violence are woven into the social fabric, creating cascading new patterns that simultaneously obscure their origins. Haneke's mastery of the camera is on full display, Berger does Nykvist proud, and the performances are impressive all around.
Rated 30 Nov 2010
very nice!!!
Rated 15 Jul 2017
(Viewed on 16/07/12): T.W.W is a respectably made but wildly overpraised film that seems prepackaged to elicit a predicably pavlovian response from critics.The cinematography recalls many of the old greats of Euro cinema but doesn't really measure up in terms of its emotional or intellectual impact. As some kind of social statement about the evils lurking beneath the surface of civility, it is partially successful, but Haneke fails when trying to connect these observations to the rise of Nazism.
Rated 16 Aug 2014
It's so easy to give Haneke shit for being so singleminded, so easy in fact that people tend to skip over the fact that his films are really good. His favorite target, the self-satisfied middle class/bourgeoisie, gets killed in the crib in this one.
Rated 27 Jun 2011
Sprawling, brilliant and provocative, "Das weiße Band" is a dialogue-driven, multilayered drama, although often suspenseful enough to be described as a thriller. The Austrian helmer skillfully handles the numerous, interwinding storylines that lead to a disturbing conclusion as explicit as it is ambiguous. Through patiently observing the life of the dwellers in a small German village, Haneke makes a raw and fascinating comment on pre-fascism Germany as well as the roots of violence.
Rated 29 Sep 2009
Rigorous hysteria. Thriving on the steady accumulation of dread to no serious end, it is intellectual counterfeit money.
Rated 11 Nov 2012
Good movie, but one can get disappointed by it being a Haneke movie and lacking some of his devices.
Rated 14 Nov 2011
Remarkable filmmaking, but perhaps not enough explained to really get it.
Rated 23 Oct 2009
23 Ekim 09. 21:30. emek sinemasi, filmekimi09, babamla fasizmn kokeninin belgeseli.
Rated 24 Oct 2009
A Haneke film as expected. I don't agree that it's Bergmanesque. Sure, it is in black&white, it was shot in the country, and there's an overbearing priest father, but that's it. The film leaves you in suspense for its entirety, a suspense characteristic of Haneke. The ending could have been better, but then again it could have been much, much worse.
Rated 25 Nov 2009
typisch Haneke. disconcerting, but good.
Rated 29 Nov 2009
Well shot and well acted, but I always feel so unsatisfied with Haneke's endings because he only ever wants to ask questions and allude to what the possible answers might be, rather than giving the audience a neat conclusion. However it's interesting to explore the film as an allegory for the socio-political climate in pre- and post-war Germany. Sent me back to my history lessons.
Rated 30 Mar 2012
A story of cruelty, fear and violence set to some of the most beautiful black and white cinematography I've ever seen. This movie is a bit of a departure for Haneke in how much he gives us to work with. Don't get me wrong, his trademark ambiguities are still there and this is still a challenging movie, but the narration fills us in on a lot of detail which many of his other films don't do. This feel like a more restrained, mature, and refined Haneke.
Rated 11 Oct 2019
Rated 26 Jan 2010
this movie feels kinda empty, you can probably piece together what's happening by the trailer so the end kinda reveal doesn't really do much and overall it doesn't seem to say much except that shitty parenting leads to shitty children. beautiful cinematography and editing though.
Rated 28 Jan 2010
Brilliant! The stylish black 'n white esthetics contrasts the many nuances and layers of the characters.
Rated 03 Feb 2010
A beautiful, terrible study of the final throes of the old world in provincial Germany. This being Haneke, the main character is a palpably creeping and undeterrable malaise, but the human actors do fine work too, calmly exuding a simmering tension as cruel escapes from the long reach of aggressive patriarchy are hauntingly explored. Between the rustic setting and the clean cinematography, ambiguities are uncovered and amplified, and the real antagonist is less a character than a ruinous future.
Rated 24 Oct 2011
"Something of a distant Teutonic cousin to Henri-Georges Clouzot's caustic Le Corbeau, White Ribbon amply displays Haneke's filmmaking mastery." - Fernando F. Croce
Rated 22 Feb 2010
While the movie was artistic and well-acted; it was too disturbing for me to enjoy.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
A narrative form that delivers a horizontal image of a range of characters, White Ribbon is dark and creepy, in ways, but never feels exploitative. Why are these things happening? I'm not sure. The kids are being taught how to act proper, punished if they don't adhere to the rules. But the adults are hypocrits. They break their own rules. It's a film about authority and what it feeds, which is where the time-period comes in.
Rated 09 Mar 2010
absolutely gorgeous. slightly confusing and some of the cuts are frustrating, but it works well as a unit. really good casting. the best part may have been the sheer visual beauty but it was also the most captivating "slow paced" movie i've ever seen so there is plenty of substance to keep you interested. at the end you'll spend a couple hours trying to sort everything out, but in a good way.
Rated 14 Sep 2013
* Casting, Acting : 7.5 * Script : 7 * Directing, Aura : 8.5 * Ease of Viewing : 5.5 * Naked Eye : 7.5
Rated 24 Mar 2010
Haneke once again proves that he's the master of unsettling/shocking theatre, through the backdrop of a pre WW1 village (ooh, symbolism!)
Rated 27 Mar 2010
This film is put together well and it looks really good. (spoilers) However, I found the substance of the film lacking--i.e. Haneke's examination and insight into the causes of Nazism in Germany, specifically, and extremism in general.
Rated 17 May 2013
A subdued but always foreboding story with such a repressive atmosphere that it makes me feel sorry for anyone living in a time where computers were yet to be invented and everyone had to believe in god. You definitely don't feel like anyone gets a good break by the end, and how history was about to unfold, it was only going to get worse
Rated 12 Aug 2014
Aesthetically excellent. It returns to the beautiful artistic density of Ingmar Bergman. It's in black and white, naturally. Color would undermine its impact. In terms of cast, the real stars of the film are the children, who are perfectly cast and oppressed by so few lines they evoke so much disheartenment and bewilderment purely in their faces.
Rated 15 Jul 2010
Artsy emptiness.
Rated 29 Aug 2010
Similarly frustratingly ambiguous as Haneke's previous Cache, but less specific and more satisfying. This is a gorgeously and hauntingly shot prologue to World War I and II, which pits children as the ultimate victims, but perhaps also as the perpetrators. So cruel and mean, it's funny.
Rated 04 Aug 2024
floored me at 14 but probably need to rewatch
Rated 01 Oct 2010
Rated 07 Nov 2019
Rated 17 Jul 2014
Rated 11 Dec 2010
should have been taking the oskar
Rated 12 Dec 2010
Even with two and a half hours at his disposal, Michael Haneke still manages to cling to a bottom-line message and avoid all substance. The White Ribbon is a master-class on how to write an unresolved mystery that's somehow blunt and on-the-nose.
Rated 15 Dec 2010
köylünün dostu papaz, köylünün efendisi baron, köylünün siklemedigi öğretmen... muazzam gözlemle köylünün tüm pisliklerini görüyoruz
Rated 09 Oct 2023
Pinnacle of Haneke's career, a flawless masterpiece!
Rated 24 Jan 2024
Slow, dour, and largely unengaging. But it ponders human nature and behavior, it springs to life occasionally, and leaves elements to ponder afterward.
Rated 09 Feb 2011
Gorgeous cinematography. Long disturbing drama. One tender love beautifully captured and numerous brutal & shocking abuses.
Rated 19 Mar 2011
Wonderful mystery where the search and implications are much more important than any solution. There's a lot of examinations of behavioural influences and generational relationships, done in a way that's intriguing and doesn't feel as didactic, quite a feat for Haneke. And it's well shot too, so it's a pleasure to watch and to ponder about for days.
Rated 21 Mar 2011
Like listening to a twelve-year-old playing Bach. Made a few years earlier and they could've kept the chess set.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Det här är en välspelad, välgjord och snygg film. Den har på ett plan en thrillerkaraktär och lyckas med konststycket att hålla mitt intresse uppe i väntan på upplösningen. Men den gör också anspråk på att vara nånting mer. Händelserna i byn är en allegori över tillståndet i det tyska samhället strax före första världskrigets utbrott. Här tycker jag nog inte att filmen lever upp till mina högt ställda förväntningar och de hyllningar filmen fått i recensioner och vid


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