

1h 35m
Paul is a U.S. contractor working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.
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1h 35m
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Avg Percentile 51.11% from 2603 total ratings

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Rated 07 Dec 2010
Not often does a film entirely shot in a coffin maintain your interest for 90 minutes. Cortes deserves a great deal of recognition for this as I never tired of the bleak atmosphere. Easily helped by Reynolds who gave a superb performance all while laying on his back and the screenplay by Sparling which is truly terrific. Amazing ending on top of that, bit of a 2010 gem really.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Remarkably, Cortés achieves the impossible. He held my attention on one guy inside a literally very confined space through sheer ingenuity (and a good script). Reynolds, not the actor with the widest range, does well and his likeability is key here. I enjoyed the cynical scene where he's on the phone with his employer.
Rated 28 Jul 2010
More admirable because of it's ingenious concept and how it manages to stay true to the premise, Buried gets tangled to the inevitable: you can't make a 90 minute film of a guy stuck in a box interesting. While I admire the helmer resisting the urge to venture outside the coffin, it does feel as if something is missing. Starting from the hitchcockian opening credits, there is a tingling sense of paranoia that ultimately goes nowhere. The political content is quite a letdown.
Rated 14 May 2011
I really like the new direction of the Van Wilder franchise.
Rated 13 Nov 2010
What's the expression... "all dressed up with nowhere to go?" This movie gives us an interesting concept and then fails to do anything interesting with it. Didn't give a shit whether he lived or died.
Rated 06 Oct 2015
"Buried" is the type of movie that feeds your eyes, but then makes you want to sew them shut. Jesus Christ!
Rated 26 Dec 2010
Feels very 'made' and not realistic, considering the dialogue.
Rated 13 Jan 2011
This concept is based around a natural in born phobia that really sells itself. All the director had to do was competently string together a plot and some well shot tense scenes. This films works in this regard but seems to go off the rails a bit near the end with every incident in the coffin a little worse and more contrived than the next. The weakest part of the film is some of the deadpan voice acting from the people on the phone.
Rated 19 Jan 2011
Very well executed and made the most of its claustrophobic, constrictive atmosphere. Never mind the plausibility issues. I am willing to suspend my disbelief. Where it falls flat is in its thematic content. The contrived faux-political plot just didn't do much for me. And that "company ditching their employees to avoid paying insurance" subplot only made it worse. The ending was good though.
Rated 22 Jan 2011
Buried is limited by its own script, but Rodrigo Cortés does good: in such a tiny space, he manages to keep the audience involved with Conroy's story until the very end, by moving the camera when it needs to be moved, not just taking shortcuts by easy cutting and editing. What really makes this feature interesting, however, isn't its claustrophobic suspense, but its powerful American drama, which translates some of post-9/11 and Iraq war anxieties. The finale, in this sense, is perfect.
Rated 23 Jan 2011
An amazing film, at least from a film-making perspective. We've seen the boundaries of cinema pushed before but this takes it to a new limit; an entire feature shot within a wooden box. The script and the performance are excellent, and huge credit to Rodrigo Cortes for having the vision to blast through the self-imposed restrictions and create a compelling, tense thriller with characters, plot twists, drama, emotion, wit and even visual flair. Even better than some films not set in coffins.
Rated 11 Feb 2011
Ruined by unsubtle political and social themes, sentimentality, and dumb filler more at home in an action movie (fire and snakes and terrorists!). Not to mention Ryan Reynolds doesn't have the chops to carry a movie on his back. I can't count the number of times I rolled my eyes during this movie.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
Way better than most "guy buried alive in a coffin"-flicks.
Rated 27 Jun 2014
I would rather spend 90 minutes locked in a coffin with Ryan Reynolds than watch this movie again, and I'm pretty damn straight. At least that's what I tell myself, my wife, my friends and family, Jeff who I meet at the gym every other week, my stylist, and the patrons of my local bar The Stiff Drink Pub.
Rated 10 Apr 2011
The technical values are superb, but I still wasn't completely sold on the movie and couldn't care less about the character. I suspect it's because of Ryan Reynolds. Still, an interesting experience.
Rated 19 Sep 2012
Ryan Reynolds couldn't act his way out of a box.
Rated 23 Aug 2011
Inside Paul's Coffin of Unlimited Oxygen, he keeps his large-flamed lighter lit for half the movie for no reason other than to be seen. Later he switches to a glowstick and a flashlight that were with him all along. He also has a magical phone with perfect reception to everywhere in the world despite being buried underground, which he uses to throw childish tantrums at friend and foe alike, to which they respond with ineptly-written dialogue. A stupid and garishly pretentious political allegory.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
It's a huge challenge for a filmmaker and Cortes pulls it off pretty well. It's still just a man in a box for 90 minutes.
Rated 10 Oct 2010
Almost perfectly executed hitchcockian thriller, that manages to integrate political subtext as believable elements in the high concept story without it feeling forced. Reynolds is great as the man in the box, but what keeps the adrenaline flowing and knuckles white is the masterful sound design and impressively inventive camerawork.
Rated 03 Aug 2012
Being stuck in a box with Ryan Reynolds was not my idea of how to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon, so I left him there with a phone and some glo-stix.
Rated 30 Oct 2013
Better than anything Kathryn Bigelow ever did.
Rated 12 Oct 2010
Where I usually give points for effects, make up, 'splosions, etc., in this case, all the points go to what's NOT there, and how much the filmmakers are able to do with so little. Managing to be both a study in film making economy AND a poignant political and social comment, 'Buried' is without a doubt one of the best scripted, most well acted, and most suspenseful movies I have ever had the fortune of seeing. This little gem is the perfect running time and won't leave you bored for an instant!
Rated 02 Nov 2010
Original, claustrophobic, and brilliant in it's simplicity, Buried is a film not to be missed. Ryan Reynolds gives probably his best performance to date (which is good because he is really the only person we see besides one video and voice-overs). It does feel like they decided they had to stretch to make the movie an hour and a half (namely the part with the snake), but by the end you are at the edge of your seat.
Rated 04 Nov 2010
Taut, gripping thriller, miraculously infused with some astute political footing. Confining us to the interior of the coffin creates a great atmosphere, paving the way for a great finale as it refuses to settle for a simple outcome, which apparently didn't sit well with my fellow cinema-goers, as they peevishly expressed their discontent like a bunch of malnourished cows. Reynolds is very watchable in this, keeping me on the edge of my seat. One of 2010's better entries.
Rated 20 Nov 2010
You've gotta hand it to Cortes, cause this is a decent thriller with some great sound, camera and lighting. RR is okay and manages to keep you focused through the 90 minutes and I love that the movie doesn't go Hollywood on us. Definitely recommendable...
Rated 07 Dec 2010
I have some mixed feelings about this film. On the one hand, it's amazing how an entire film can be shot inside a coffin and is still able to make it worth watching. On the other hand, it couldn't keep me interested the entire time. It was too slow in the beginning and only became interesting after the (utmost striking) phonecall about the insurance. Reynolds' best role so far. He really was amazing!
Rated 07 Dec 2010
One of the best films of 2010, Buried is the remarkable film about someone who is... well... buried. Nothing really special about the story: man kidnapped and buried in a coffin with nothing but a cellphone so he can ask his family to pay the ransom. The way director Cortés and actor Reynolds cope with the story is nothing short of amazing: the camera never leaves the coffin, so you'll see almost nothing but the man and the inside of the coffin - but you'll not get bored for one second. Amazing.
Rated 29 Jan 2012
It's an interesting concept, generally very well executed and expertly performed by Reynolds. I certainly can't remember seeing him perform as well as this in anything else anyway!? There were some bits that came across a little bit silly and a touch predictable, but it's rare to see a one-man-show on film and both director and performer should be commended for it.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
If they left more unanswered and kept it more low-key, it could've been an intriguing existential thriller. But no, no no - they had to throw in their boring politics and give us the most uninteresting villain imaginable. Personally, I thought the snake made for a better antagonist.
Rated 17 Jan 2012
Wow, what balls. People don't realize how ingenious this film is. We're watching three different time-bombs count down to zero simultaneously. On top of that, there's only one location and one actor on-screen. What balls.
Rated 27 Dec 2010
Not to my taste. Lack of substance replaced with intensity.
Rated 16 Jan 2012
I kept waiting for the director to take the shot away from the coffin (no one would make a 90 minute film about one guy in a box, would they?), but he never did. Major credit to everyone for that, because they pulled it off and kept the film interesting throughout. Reynolds isn't an amazing actor, but he should also get kudos for taking on such a ballsy role, and he does well enough with some great material. I didn't find the political stuff as grating as some, so don't overlook this movie.
Rated 17 Jan 2011
You just have to marvel at the creativity and inventiveness of the filmmakers. To make a movie about a guy in a coffin for 90 minutes nail-bitingly thrilling is not an easy task. And they succeeded beyond what I would have expected.
Rated 19 Jan 2011
Had just enough to draw tension and feelings of panic. So many things seem unrealistic to really buy the premise.
Rated 20 Jan 2011
Buried is a pretentious, monotonous chore of a film. It doesn't help that the script is a poor man's version of phone booth, where the majority of the film is a man talking on a cell phone except the dialog is humorless and whiny. The lead, with a one note performance by Ryan Reynolds, is so overwhelmingly pessimistic and helpless that you can't help but to not care what happens. This is one of those sad occasions where the minimalist setting gimmick seemed to come more out of a lack of budget.
Rated 21 Jan 2011
Claustrophobic niche horror movies have a new bar to surpass. Aside from that, it was still a pretty good movie. I liked a lot of the cinematography, despite the limited angles that could be used due to the setting.
Rated 17 Aug 2014
Click on "MAPS" on your Blackberry Ryan, click on it!
Rated 30 Jan 2011
Got a little too twisty as it went along, and it should have been shortened to a tidy 75 minutes or so. Nevertheless, it's pretty gripping and not too tedious for a one-location, one-actor film.
Rated 30 Jan 2011
It is a shame that these sort of wonderfully told high concept movies can never reach a top rating due to flaws in their design. 'Buried' is to be applauded for its effective execution, with almost only Reynolds (who does a great job) on the screen, aided by a fantastic use of sound and cinematography. While it has a hard time transcending it's concept of a guy having a seriously bad day in a coffin, 'Buried' beats most spectacle movies out there in pure Hitchcockian suspence. Great movie.
Rated 20 Mar 2011
While it doesn't completely work, it's an impressive film none the less. It uses the single set to its full potential and evokes the appropriate discomfort, anxiety and claustrophobia and keeps the suspense going for the full 90 minutes. The commentary on war politics is well woven into the script and the ending is absolutely perfect.
Rated 31 May 2011
Considering most of us would pay good money to see Ryan Reynolds suffer a long, slow, painful death it seems an odd choice to cast him as the focus of our sympathies, and it's this and many other minor gripes that sees Buried lose much of its potential. The set-up is fine, it just doesn't quite know where to go or how to get there (a snake? hallucinatory rescue? the 'company culpability' conversation? come on). You get exactly what you're expecting then, a decent premise but not the execution.
Rated 16 Nov 2011
Effective horror film that tries a little too hard to keep things interesting with just a guy in a box.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
Cinema of the USA/NATO countries is so fucked that this movie takes place entirely in a box in the ground and it's still soft-apologism for a genocidal war of aggression.
Rated 13 Oct 2011
Filmmakers deserve credit for the originality of the idea and for the effectiveness of the execution which, if not perfect, nevertheless mostly maintains tension, while pursuing its political agenda, which is a little more interesting and wide-ranging than seems generally to be acknowledged.
Rated 12 May 2019
A great concept for a bottle film that avoids many of the cliche pitfalls that I had anticipated going in. The camera work is inventive and keeps things fresh and the pacing is solid for the entire runtime. A good exercise in limitations. Cool that they got Stephen Tobolowsky for that one call, great choice.
Rated 06 Oct 2010
GOOD: Great premise, nice ending, made best use out of environment -BAD: Villains too hamy, Reynolds doesn't come off believable as a truck driver, serpent doesn't fit
Rated 02 Jan 2016
Buried is amazingly frightening. Cortés captures the claustrophobic feeling of the main character's situation really really well. The performance from Reynolds is stellar and just shows that he has dramatic chops in him as well and hopefully we can see that side of him more in the future. Very good film.
Rated 25 Oct 2010
A clever movie which manages to be suspenseful all the way through, great performance by Reynolds. The camerawork is great for most parts, however it doesn't feel as claustrophobic as it should be at times.
Rated 27 Oct 2010
Mistakes - 1) When Paul calls to his mother, his forehead is covered in blood. A second later it's clean. 2) The film is set in 2006, however Paul is in possession of a Blackberry Bold Smartphone, which was released in 2009.
Rated 23 Oct 2015
Rated 28 Nov 2010
"A bratty but canny thriller that takes a very simple premise and runs much farther with it than any right-minded director should have been able to." - Simon Abrams
Rated 03 Dec 2010
Rated 02 Jun 2013
This movie is entirely Ryan Reynolds, basically, and it is a great one at that. I was on the edge of my seat, personally.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
Rated 23 Dec 2010
I admire the balls the director's got to do this. He managed to build up a very qualified picture and actor was not bad either. Getting camera out of the box would spoil the mood and as it was you needed helluva story to survive till the end. There was not that story.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
This is a Absolutely infuriating stupid movie don't waste your time or money on it!
Rated 24 Dec 2010
if i was instead of Paul i would ...
Rated 06 Aug 2018
Your mileage may vary since the concept of being buried alive terrifies me, but as far as I'm concerned Buried does a fine job of narrowing in on that sense of helplessness. This isn't my ideal take on the premise, particularly because of some directing choices. Having a busy musical score isn't how you emphasize lonely silence, obviously, and some of the trick zoomed-out camera perspectives help stylize the monotony a bit but also reveal the set's artifice and the safety of the outside world.
Rated 27 Dec 2010
It's a difficult task to make a movie that takes place exclusively in such a small place, and Cortés manages to do a great job with the help of Reynold's believable performance. However, 90 minutes is really too much, and the movie fails to keep you interested all the time. The ending is brilliant, though.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
As good as a one set movie can get.
Rated 26 Sep 2023
Very hard and challenging project! It reminds me the movie "Lock" but not as strong as it , especially in the screenplay!!
Rated 26 Jul 2015
Another hell of a performance from one of the most underrated actors around. Good suspense and direction keep you going with the movie every step of the way. Kids ends like any of the films like. Also gives no reason why he's buried in the first place but you really won't care about that.
Rated 31 May 2013
This movie was AMAZING. The fact that the entire film takes place inside the box but you never get bored with it shows how great the cinematography is. The acting by Ryan Reynolds was just fantastic. I would definitely recommend this movie.
Rated 29 Apr 2012
Rated 05 Jan 2011
A great performance by Reynolds, even when coupled with the surprisingly dynamic direction and cinematography, doesn't really negate the improbabilities littering the screenplay.
Rated 06 Jan 2011
Anxious is the word.
Rated 12 Jan 2011
A little slow to start off, but defiantly worth the watch!
Rated 16 May 2013
"Tek mekanda geçen film izlenir mi, sıkıcı olur ağbi!" diyen varsa, henüz Buried'i izlememiş demektir... Ayrıca bu film bana tek oyuncu, tek mekan film çekmenin ve izletmenin olanaklığı olduğunu göstermiş oldu... Var olsun...
Rated 20 Jan 2011
We all have probably thought of this as an idea for a film before, but I can't imagine it being pulled off any better. Props for the film not leaving the box and having a realistic ending. By far the most claustrophobic movie I've ever seen.
Rated 03 Jun 2013
Quelle idée de filmer un homme prisonnier d'un cercueil....
Rated 08 Jan 2012
Considering it's 90 minutes of a guy in a box, it's a pretty astonishing piece of work. The story is tense and gripping, and the general feel of it was really upsetting. But in a good way. Reynolds delivers a career defining performance. Not for the feint hearted.
Rated 25 Jan 2011
What impressed me the most about this film was the direction. Shooting a movie set entirely inside a casket must have been daunting, but Cortes pulls it off with use of clever technical tricks and well-thought out camera positioning and movements. Reynolds gives the best performance I've seen from him, and the story maintains its intensity despite its narrative restrictions. For a movie with one tiny set and one actor, this turned out to be just about as good as it possibly could have been.
Rated 26 Jan 2011
Good suspense, Ryan Reynolds decent acting.... Poo ending..
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Ryan Reynolds has more restricted space than usual to work in, obviously, and physicality essentially predetermined by the coffin, but he makes the character persuasive if unavoidably incomplete. The use of 2:35 wide screen, in spite of what you would think, augments the impression of claustrophobia. I would not enjoy one second of being buried alive.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
The premise, although cinematographically interesting and challenging, is very silly. Watchable.
Rated 02 Jan 2012
All the existentialist dialogue was really unnatural and Ryan Reynolds' character was unlikeable as fuck. Ending could've been worse. Cheers.
Rated 17 Feb 2011
Pretty damn good for a one man movie.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
The fact that I even sat through an hour and a half of a man stuck in a box is testimony to the quality of the movie.
Rated 05 Dec 2022
Exercice périlleux que de filmer un seul acteur et espérer capter suffisamment d'intérêt chez le spectateur pendant 90 minutes. C'est prenant et bien mis en scène. Mais heureusement que c'est Ryan Reynolds ! La scène du serpent est quand même la démonstration d'un épuisement scénaristique et la fin est très frustrante. Tout ça pour ça.
Rated 03 Aug 2014
Excellent little film that takes place in real time in one location. I did not like the ending too much, but everything up until the final frames is wonderful. Very intense, creative film making and criminally under seen. Reynolds also proves he can act here, and I think he would be better suited to smaller, smarter material like this instead of the blockbusters he insists on headlining.
Rated 20 Feb 2013
Really, really boring. The premise did fascinate me because I was curious how they'd make it work. They didn't, acting isn't terrible but I didn't think the main character was very likeable, possibly ruining any suspense or emotion they tried to add to this film. Ending is actually pretty good but doesn't justify watching 90 minutes of an uninteresting man in a coffin. It seems this film is trying to make some points but they are overly simplified and executed rather poorly.
Rated 09 Apr 2012
I feel like this deserves a higher rating. It was made with two hands tied behind its back given its premise. And it's hard to imagine that this movie could have been much better than it was. That said, it still wasn't great. It's nearly impossible to keep your interest throughout. Strong ending though.
Rated 21 Mar 2011
It makes good use of the very limited setting.
Rated 28 Mar 2011
One of those films that helps to discover or reaffirm or feed your sadistic appetite. And who wouldn't want to see Ryan Reynolds suffer? He is way better looking than me, and he had sex with Scarlett Johansson. Now cut that finger, baby! For a movie that doesn't move anywhere it is fairly entertaining, but it never rises above genre film limitations.
Rated 28 Mar 2011
A film that gives screen time to a single character needs one hell of a character to engage your attention for the span of the story. It has to be said that Reynolds portrays no such character. He's believable enough, but the story was weak and predictable and frankly a little nonsensical in places; the main character never does anything a normal person in that situation would do. Unneeded in-your-face politics add further turn-offs. I'd stick to "Phone Booth".
Rated 27 Jun 2022
My three favorite things: commentaries on social and governmental incompetence, ambitious and commited bottle movies, and Ryan Reynolds relentlessly suffering!
Rated 05 Jan 2013
Just okay, at least it didn't feel as long as 127 Hours did.
Rated 26 Apr 2011
'Buried' is a masterclass in tension. The tension built up from being trapped in a tiny space is enough to get most people shifting in their seat, but while underground, Paul manages to have less and less hope, building the tension up to a nearly unbearable level. Aside from the over-the-top message about Corporate greed and Military unaccountability, 'Buried' manages to keep you engaged with very little to look at. Sadly though, it can only end one way, which the false ending proves quite well.
Rated 16 May 2011
For what it is, it's a good movie!
Rated 28 Jul 2021
With there resources it shone
Rated 01 Nov 2012
Ouch. This movie was painful. The movie only has one location, a wooden coffin that Ryan Reynolds is buried in for the whole movie. This movie also has possibly one of the most sad-sack endings I've ever seen. A real cop out ending that frankly angers me to no end. So, I wouldn't recommend this movie. In fact, I'm saying don't watch this movie. Sure Reynolds acting was great and this was a hard role to play but this movie is a colossal waste of time. It's just cheap in many ways.
Rated 14 Mar 2012
This could have been enjoyable, if the protagonist wasn't so darned stupid.
Rated 22 Jun 2011
Perfectly written. It accelerates in tension throughout the 90 minutes and ends on pure adrenaline. Reynolds is charming even when he is somewhat sleazy.
Rated 13 Jul 2011
I was incredibly surprised by this film, Cortes saw something in Ryan Reynolds I never did before this movie, but he made the right choice. Considering the entire film is focused on him he had to pick someone to carry the film and Reynolds was amazing in this role. I won't say the movie's perfect, because it obviously isn't, but it's much better than it has any right to be, and I fully expect great things from Cortes in the future. The tension that builds in this movie is astounding.
Rated 23 Jul 2011
let's see here...a budget of three mil, minus the cost of one phone, two glow sticks, a lighter, and a wooden box, so that leaves 2.99 mil for ryan reynolds. believe it or not this movie actually does take place in a coffin the entire duration, but what's more unbelievable is that it's actually a fairly solid movie.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 7 * Script : ? * Directing, Aura : 8 * Ease of Viewing : 8 * Naked Eye : 7
Rated 08 Mar 2012
Tense, claustrophobic. You feel like you're in there with the guy.
Rated 09 May 2014
Top badass moment? I don't know about anyone else, but if I was buried alive and only had a small amount of time to sort out my rescue before the air ran out, I'd be more than a little pissed off if I then had to deal with a snake sneaking up my trouser leg too. That's a seriously crappy day in anyone's book. Dealing with that just has to be badass. No cats, chainsaws or decapitation.
Rated 29 Sep 2011
Yeah, it's gimmicky, and totally a one-man show. That said Ryan Reynolds is surprisingly a capable enough actor to pull it off.
Rated 05 Oct 2011
Really worth the watch. The setting was even more simple than Phonebooth or Dogville.. Great acting by Ryan Reynolds, who is the only actor you really see in the whole movie. The beginning is kind of slow, but at the end you get an adrenaline rush, what brilliance! LOVED the ending. Very original!


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