

2h 8m
Biopic about gay-rights icon Harvey Milk, activist, politician, and the first openly gay man in America to be elected to public office.
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2h 8m
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Avg Percentile 60.22% from 4991 total ratings

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Rated 28 Nov 2008
Unafraid to step on mainstream toes, presents Milk& those around him in all their too-easy, 70's unsafe gay sex glory. Milk's relationship with his Latino lover has red flags all over it but Milk - a man, not saint - still thinks w/ his d-ck.An absorbing illustration of how both grass-roots community organizing & political you-scratch-my-back manuevering are both essential to achieving true social change. A moving climax&tribute to the man while never neglecting the power of the collective.
Rated 12 Dec 2008
Gus Van Sant returns with a bang. Captivating, realistic, extraodinary, spectacular, superlative and utterly fabulous, Sean Penn delivers the performance of the decade and of his entire career. Based on real events, Milk will rip you apart piece by piece with outstanding acting, masterful pacing and features one imposingly daunting script. You won't be disappointed.
Rated 17 Dec 2008
Certainly Penn's performance is terrific: nervous, gleeful, magnetic, arrogant, and very human. But the film is not, as I had anticipated, just a frame for his performance. The story is captivating, the supporting characters are interesting and well-acted, and the message is strong without being vindictive or patronizing. It's not exactly a subtle film - a few scenes were a bit manipulative- but Harvey Milk was not exactly a subtle guy, so in the end it works really well.
Rated 15 Apr 2016
Milk was good...... What? I'm not allowed a snark-less review every 2000 movies or so?
Rated 22 Dec 2008
Take out the cloying wheelchair-bound kid and the implication that Dan White was a self-loathing homosexual, and maybe tone down the death scene, and it'd be more deserving of the praise it has received. Gotta admit, though, that much of its power springs from its temporal proximity to California's Prop 8. Is it bad that Milk's assassin is the most interesting character?
Rated 11 Jan 2021
Elevated cinema allows us to not just watch a hero overcome an obstacle, but empathize with their struggle long after the movie is over. Milk takes a classic Hollywood story of a man fighting a system and ennobles it by showing the how the conflict is escalated by homophobia. Van Sant deserves kudos for a flawless looking 1970's San Fran. And this is my favorite Penn performance, as he doesn't merely imitate Harvey's mannerisms from tv clips, but embodies the essence of a private man.
Rated 25 Dec 2008
Disappointing considering that I love Van Sant and Sean Penn and this is getting a lot of hype so I was expecting more. Diego Luna's character was beyond annoying and I wish Dan White would've killed him as well. Sean Penn's performance is good but compared to his other stuff it doesn't hold up. Don't believe the hype and I would love to say this is Van Sant's worst movie but I haven't seen the Psycho remake. I wanted to love it but it didn't do it for me =(.
Rated 29 Jun 2010
Wow. Sean Penn is incredible in this movie, but the rest of the cast are excellent as well. The tone and look feels authentic, the story is absorbing and inspiring, and I was moved to tears several times. I've seen it claimed that they made Milk a bit more of a cuddly teddy bear than he was, but this is excellent entertainment, and important activism. Outstanding!
Rated 27 Jan 2009
Despite convincing acting this didn't do it for me. Why was every character so ridiculously black and white? Either extremely stereotypically gay or homophobic. I know this is the beginning of gay activism in San Fransisco, but I couldn't relate to a single character, or the story. If you have an interest in civil activism it might be a good watch, but for a European at least I think it's too hard to relate to. I've seen the gay rights issue done much better before (Philadelphia for instance).
Rated 17 Jul 2009
A conventional biopic in most ways, partly thanks to (and not in spite of) the fact that it's about a somewhat controversial pubic figure. Still, it is very, very well made; realistic, well paced, always interesting without stooping to sensationalism, and excellently played by Sean Penn.
Rated 01 Dec 2008
I loved Milk. Sean Penn gives the performance of his career in Van Sant's best offering yet. This showcases a marvelous story of hope, change, and struggle in a community that needed a hero and when push came to shove, got one in an unlikely place. Milk is marvelous and is certainly riveting. It's hard not to be emotionally gripped by the story here. Milk as a character is so full of depth. Look to this one come awards season.
Rated 23 Jan 2009
Rated 24 Jan 2009
Follows a standard biopic template: charting an escalating but measured path of defeats and triumphs, toss in a couple of moments of irony, some light humor, and the big inspirational ending, fade to black for the coda of follow-up intertitles. A tape recording made by Milk provides a convenient framework device for providing exposition when necessary. I probably sound too harsh... it's not a bad movie at all, and I'm sure it was important to Van Sant. Penn is fine, Franco arguably even better.
Rated 23 Feb 2009
Besides the crippled kid, the poorly handled death scene, the sometimes lame music cues, and the weak end Milk is an excellent biopic. Masterfully shot by Gus Van Zant and I was really pleased with the results of mixing and recreating of old archival footage. Sean Penn blows it out of the water and in fact the entire supporting cast is amazing. Go see Van Sant's best movie to date, you will not be disappointed.
Rated 11 Mar 2010
Very good and interesting performance by Sean Penn.
Rated 24 Jul 2010
An excellent bio-pic. I'm not really a fan of Sean Penn in general, but he has his moments where he shows how good of an actor he is and this is one of them. Some people say it was formulaic and I can't really disagree completely with that, but it didn't bother me too much. A movie I would definitely recommend to anyone.
Rated 08 Dec 2008
Well-made but too much of a hagiography. Not one word is mentioned about Oliver Sipple. At least Spike Lee had the cojones to show Malcolm X gloating over the assassination of JFK in *his* biopic. Also, quite honestly, there's just... well... too many scenes of guys mauing. Am I a bad person because homoeroticism makes my stomach churn? Undoubtedly somebody is going to scream "BIGOT" at me for saying this, but I don't like to watch people going to the bathroom, either
Rated 11 Jun 2016
Emotionally resonant and superbly written, Milk offers up powerhouse performances from Sean Penn and Josh Brolin and highlights the directorial abilities of Gus Van Sant.
Rated 18 Dec 2008
Sean Penn continues to be the one actor whose acting is so jarringly controlled that he perpetually exists in the uncanny valley, but the movie is an excellent political biopic by any standard. Well-scripted and generally well-acted (Diego Luna's character was annoying as hell though) with, as far as I know, a high degree of fidelity to real events. And of course in this post-Proposition 8 age its lessons remain depressingly immediate and relevant.
Rated 16 Dec 2010
Though there was material predating Milk that told the story of Harvey Milk, this movie in itself is important because the older stuff didn't reach any sort of audience at all. A few minor stylistic and acting points aside, Milk is a fair representation of the events and the time period itself. My one compliant, though major, can't detract from the score I have given: Mickey Rourke was robbed. You all know it.
Rated 27 Dec 2008
Heartwarming and inspirational, but a bit too much like a typical biopic for a movie that takes the stance of people being open about who they are. Sean Penn does an incredible job and deserves any accolades that come his way.
Rated 09 Jan 2009
No Movie that'll keep me in mind...but great acting by Penn !
Rated 21 May 2016
Amazing film about an American tragedy. Excellent performances by main and supporting cast. Well directed, fast moving film about a true hero to the Gay and Lesbian population.
Rated 15 Jan 2009
Great performances by Penn, Franco and Brolin. The story is a bit unimpressive though.
Rated 15 Jan 2009
Much like Tom Hanks delivered a monumental performance in "Philadelphia," Sean Penn also delivers a monumental performance as Harvey Milk in a stirring biopic about the politician's anti-discrimination fight in the 1970s. Penn is remarkable here, slipping into his character like a chameleon. This is probably his best performance since 1995's 'Dead Man Walking.'
Rated 16 Jan 2009
Really well acted and directed biopic.
Rated 28 Oct 2009
I guess if you keep wondering how much longer it'll go throughout the movie, then it's just not your kind of movie. Don't know why. Maybe being European, the story was just not that interesting. They would have convinced me that Milk was gay even if he hadn't been kissing other men ALL the time.
Rated 18 Jan 2009
Fantastic film about a slice of history I knew nothing about. A must watch for pretty much everyone, and the best film that Gus Van Sant has lensed since Good Will Hunting.
Rated 18 Jan 2009
Sort of a by-the-numbers activist film without any real distinguishable attributes. Okay but nothing more.
Rated 21 Jan 2009
Well acted and without a doubt true to the real story and characters... but where's the story? The plot? All respect for what Milk did and the gay movement, but I simply dont see a really good movie here... I was - to be honest - a little bored... Especially if you compare it to the great documentary "The TImes of Harvey Milk"
Rated 03 Jul 2012
Sean Penn, and all the other major players, including Josh Brolin and Emile Hirsch are brilliant. Didn't know much about Harvey Milk before I watched it, other than being the first openly gay politician, but this was an engaging biopic - Oscar Bait? sure, but why is that such a bad thing...
Rated 27 Jan 2009
The most impressive in the film is the incredible interpretation of Sean Penn. The direction of the film was very good, quiet and well appreciated. The script showed the last and important points of the case Milk, shown in an interesting way.
Rated 27 Oct 2012
No matter your beliefs on the gay lifestyle, this movie is a must see. It shows again that our country cannot deny people their basic rights. It again reminds us that despite our beliefs, we all have a right to stand up and fight for what we believe is wrong.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Gus Van Sant and screenwriter Dustin Lance Black pull off something very close to magic. They make a film that's both historically precise and as graceful, unpredictable, and moving as a good fiction film--that is to say, a work of art.
Rated 28 Jan 2009
A cliche biopic that doesn't tell you anything about Harvey Milk you don't already know. Definitely not worthy of best picture.
Rated 29 Jan 2009
It's no secret that people will react stronger to subjects that are relatable to them. This is why I teared up several times during Milk, and at one point truly felt like standing up and cheering on the protests. Penn gives his best performance by miles, and the script is top-notch. As a film, it's exemplary. As a statement about human rights, I hope it opens a few eyes and minds out there.
Rated 13 Aug 2023
really liked this bio
Rated 08 Jun 2010
This was a great film. The acting was superb, and the set design evoked the time period quite well.
Rated 24 Jan 2012
The best of acting and direction. The story is both inspirational and filled with hope.
Rated 15 Mar 2009
As far as inspirational biopics this is really well done with wonderful performances and a story with enough uniqueness to feel fresh. At a couple of points it gets overly sappy but on the whole it's effective.
Rated 06 Oct 2010
The movie is a fascinating biopic with well-rounded characters and timely themes. Sean Penn was excellent at not only channelling the mannerisms of Harvey Milk but also his charm and energy. His relationship with the Franco character was portrayed in an authentic and organic way. Both the 'hero' and the 'villain' were three dimensional due to the stellar screenplay. Worth noting that the movie was a bit uneven (some unconvincing performances and pacing was at times problematic).
Rated 06 Aug 2014
The power behind Sean Penn's performance is undeniable. He commands the screen like very few. His presence in this film brings a sense of hope and change and the film is an emotional look at the struggles Harvey Milk had to endure in order to try and make a difference. The supporting cast is also phenomenal, and the entire film captures an era full of innovative thinkers who were willing to stand up and fight for the right cause. A definite must see picture.
Rated 16 Jan 2012
don't mind the waterfall of tears or anything
Rated 01 Oct 2010
Rated 15 Apr 2009
I really just didn't find this movie that interesting. I think Penn overall does a good job in his role, and I was shocked by Hirsch's role (mainly because I just never knew it was him until the credits). It just didn't have as much power as i thought it would. For the historic story it was telling I thought I would be pulled more into the story, but I just never was.
Rated 09 Oct 2013
What a great life this guy lived, and what a great movie to tell its story.
Rated 18 Dec 2011
Sean Penn is very good in the title role. The supporting cast also does a splendid job in this film. I enjoyed learning about Harvey Milk and was entertained by the film. This film is obviously still very relevant in today's society.
Rated 01 Sep 2010
Amazing performances and an important story.
Rated 08 May 2009
Even though Sean Penn turns in a good performance I find the story itself too politically correct and plain uninteresting.
Rated 14 May 2009
Normally, I'd go with a documentary (if one exists) over a Hollywood bio-pic, but I can't imagine a doc being much better than this. The cast is universally great, although the jury is still out on Emile Hirsch. I can't decide whether he's fantastic or terrible; it's one or the other. Inspiring, with a great message, but never devolves into sheer propaganda. Cut out the sledgehammer-like foreshadowing("I won't live to be 50!") and the odd wheelchair kid interludes, and my score'd be even higher.
Rated 18 May 2009
Great film.
Rated 01 Aug 2010
Overall Enjoyment: 35/40, Plot/Themes: 20/20, Cinematography/Direction: 15/20, Acting/Writing: 20/20 Fantastic acting, deeply interesting characters, all together a very well made film, and on top of all that historical and informative
Rated 21 Jul 2010
Brilliantly shot, scored, performed, paced, edited, written... I could go on! Penn is another level of brilliant here.
Rated 26 Jul 2009
Awesome performance by Penn, well worthy an Oscar. A personal(the screenwriter is himself gay) tale about the struggles you endure as a homosexual trying to make something of your self in USA.
Rated 28 Jan 2010
A fine performance by Sean Penn, and a vivid evocation of an important place and time in American History.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
good movie
Rated 18 Feb 2013
I'd never heard of Harvey Milk and knew nothing of his life. But while watching this I knew exactly what the story would be - the highs and lows, loves and losses. It seems that almost every Hollywood biopic forces the life of its subject into the same predictable pattern. This is one of the better examples, due to some fantastic acting and above-average cinematography, but it's pretty much got Oscar-bait written all over it.
Rated 30 Aug 2009
A solid film but it feels too neat and structured to be inspiring. Penn certainly delivers, capturing the reluctant zeal of Milk. He conveys a distinct and fragile individual, not just a martyr for a cause.
Rated 14 Jan 2011
Always updated.
Rated 21 Jul 2010
Strengthened by Van Sant's gift for photography, the film is at it's strongest when focusing on the bigger picture of the political context and the story of one man's successful fight for social equality. The weakest aspects stem from the film clinging to the biopic formula and slogging down the story with a decades worth of events and an often condescending aura of importance that some scenes are imbued with, as though there is a vain sense of social relevance taking priority over storytelling.
Rated 20 Dec 2008
I've honestly never felt so strongly about a gay activist before. This movie is gorgeous and the characters are play to heart wrenching perfection. A beauty.
Rated 21 Dec 2008
Having not been cognizant of Harvey Milk at all prior to the trailer of this film, I found the story of his political career and activist movement in the 70s to be fresh and captivating. I thought it was a bad move to reveal right at the beginning of the film that he gets assassinated. It was a shock to find out WHO assassinated him at least. Penn is the only one award-worthy, as it struggles for an emotional impact.
Rated 01 Sep 2012
beautiful camerawork.. lighting,... love penn. read somewhere that they sourced vintage 70s/80s lenses to get that particular look.
Rated 14 May 2020
I love the pacing, the quick intervals between placid conversations and tumultous events. It made the film interesting & engaging. Aside from the acting, the climax is also great: direct to the point, not much drama, just plain and simple killing and dying, as most lives would normally end. Still, the message of Milk's undeniable contribution to men's equality went through. MY SCORING: 99-96=Great; 95-90=Very good; 89-85=Good; 84-80=So-so; 79-70=Boring; Below 70=Forget it
Rated 29 Dec 2008
Well, interestingly, Criticker is saying my PSI for this is 93; The same as CURIOUS CASE of BENJAMIN BUTTON... For me, MILK is the better film... Certainly the better Lead Male performance... I may be biased though; I was born and raised in the Bay Area... It was terrific to see the most beautiful City Hall in America on screen!
Rated 18 Jan 2011
Sean Penn gives it his all in this biopic about Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California.
Rated 25 Jan 2009
Penn's best performance yet, magnified by the great supporting cast around him. It's also beautifully filmed and fitting for a year where politics taught us that if you're dedicated to a cause, anything is possible. Harvey Milk achieved great reform in the gay rights movement, but sadly his battle is still being fought to this day. With Milk however, Gus Van Sant has ensured us that the fight is not over.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
Brilliantly acted and constructed, Van Sant does well to let the story tell itself. I felt the only weak aspect of the film was the score, which was frequently absurdly over the top.
Rated 01 Feb 2009
Heartwarming story with a message everyone should get behind. The acting was great across the board, but especially Sean Penn.
Rated 02 Feb 2009
The acting was the highlight of this film (all actors were on the top of their game), since I couldn't give a shit about the story, and I wonder if Penn did, I mean how many oscar juicy roles can one guy pick. Anyway, don't hold it against me, because I do think it's one of Van Sant's better efforts.
Rated 22 Jul 2017
Sean Penn is outstanding actor and this was one of his best. The movie is brave, righteous and well done.
Rated 07 Dec 2020
Lan bu Sean Penn'e gaylik ne kadar çok yakışıyor. Sadece bir eşcinselin çektiği zorluklar gibi işlenmemiş olması, amerikadaki eşcinsel hareketine de değinmesi filmi 60 bandından 70 bandına girmesini sağladı benim için.
Rated 25 Oct 2009
Biopic with great actors.
Rated 17 Feb 2009
When I started this one, I did not have much of high hopes. Apparently story got me and for a political movie I was pretty impressed. Very good work from majority of the crew. I liked a lot the mixture of real footage with faked new ones, except the quality of the tv airings were pretty gripsy for the time. :7
Rated 22 Feb 2009
Astonishing. A surprisingly powerful film.
Rated 08 Oct 2015
I'm not a fan of biopics, and found this one too boring to finish - just not my thing.
Rated 04 Nov 2010
That bad.
Rated 20 Jul 2010
A great Sean Penn performance highlights this engaging look at a forgotten political icon.
Rated 24 Oct 2009
Okay, I just can't take all the actors speaking through their noses the whole film long. GET A DIALOG COACH!
Rated 02 Mar 2009
I wish that the Czech Republic had its own Harvey Milk. Or at least a decent gay pride....
Rated 06 Mar 2009
Conventional biopic with good acting but flawed execution.
Rated 07 Mar 2009
Great performances by Penn and Brolin. Also i was pleasantly surprised by the way it was written and directed. Narrative never looses focus, and plot flow is just nice. And, unlike most other biographic films, this one manages to hold some suspense.
Rated 17 May 2015
A great cast, headed by a phenomenal Penn, and a great story. A stark reminder that society still has a long way to go.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
Sean Penn Milks it, alright
Rated 21 Mar 2009
Sean Penn's performance was outstanding. The rest of the movie however, was not...
Rated 23 Mar 2009
Quite possibly, the best film about human rights I have ever seen. Everything about this pic is perfect and memorable. Ensemble cannot be better. Makes me want to protest.
Rated 25 Mar 2009
The cast was EXCELLENT. At the end, when they showed the photos of the real people, they were almost indiscernible from the actors. The characters were likable and I found myself really caring about their lives. Really excellent film.
Rated 15 Apr 2009
Great movie about the power of an individual to influence the world and bring about change. Sean Penn does a fabulous job. Hated his spanish lover though - the guy was as annoying as could be imagined. If there's anything bad to say about this movie, it's the fact that it portrays Milk's sex life as being pretty promiscuous, which seemed unnecessary. The movie also struck me as somewhat sympathetic to Dan White, as if he were the victim of bullying rather than the bully himself.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
Another Sean Penn tour de force but I just wish Gus Van Sant had allowed his unique style to shine through. Nonetheless "Milk" is certainly an enjoyable film.
Rated 20 Apr 2009
Every g'dam bio-pic cliche in the book. But a compelling story and fine acting from Penn. I wanted to know more about Dan White.
Rated 03 Jan 2010
Inspiring story, beautiful cinematography, great acting. Regardless, I was bored for longer than I would have liked and I would not watch again.
Rated 10 May 2009
Indrukwekkende biopic over homorechtenactivist Harvey Milk. Ben niet altijd een fan van Gus van Sant, maar hier heeft hij een prachtige film afgeleverd. Hij schetst een noodlotsverhaal dat trager en trager wordt naarmate het einde nadert, en je precies weet wanneer de klap komt. En als hij komt, dan komt hij hard aan.
Rated 15 May 2009
This was definitely a story worth telling. It was both interesting and relevant and the posthumous tribute to Harvey Milk was well-deserved. I kind of wished the ending wasn't so heavily foreshadowed, but I guess it had to be done that way for narration purposes. I wouldn't necessarily watch this a second time, but glad I saw it once. Oh, and I thought the real footage interspersed throughout was key. Some aspects might have been hard to believe if not for them.
Rated 12 Nov 2017
This movie made me cry when I watched it in a university-set LGBTQ class. A must see purely for the historic and pioneering Milk had in the USA as an activist, local character and inspiration for many.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
This movie is really gay.
Rated 09 Jun 2009
Rushed in the beginning. There should have been much more on the White-Milk relationship: it didn't get that much time. Penn wasn't as good as Brolin and everyone else, funnily enough.
Rated 04 Jul 2009
I shouldn't rate this as I couldn't watch it the whole way through, but it seemed quite good. My problem (and the reason I had to stop watching it) was too much male nudity and sexxing. Nothing wrong with it but it rather turned me off to the movie.
Rated 21 Aug 2013
Enjoyment: 8/10, Plot: 8/10 Themes: 9/10 Cinematography: 7/10 Direction: 8/10 Acting: 9/10 Writing: 8/10 Score: 8/10 Editing: 8/10 Design: 8/10
Rated 04 Aug 2009
A deeply emotional, beautiful film, probably the best film of 2008. Sean Penn's performance is perfect. There isn't a bad actor in the production.
Rated 18 Aug 2009
The story telling was done in an excellent way to really showcase the emotion and thoughts behind Harvey Milk. It was a beautiful glimpse into the past and funny to see how far we've come all these years later.


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