Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation

1h 55m
After Skynet has destroyed much of humanity in a nuclear holocaust, a group of survivors led by John Connor struggles to keep the machines from finishing the job.
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Terminator Salvation

1h 55m
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Avg Percentile 33.28% from 5796 total ratings

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Rated 23 May 2009
It's not anything special, but it wasn't awful. However, there were some really awful moments like the CGI Arnold (WHAT THE FUCK), Christian Bale overacting again, and the ridiculous and unnecessary love subplots that ultimately go nowhere. It was also a major copout when they blow up the entire Skynet place than you hear voice over saying that there is more like this all over the world. Also, with the first 2 you get a real sense of hopelessness which does not exist anywhere in this movie.
Rated 25 May 2009
A plot-hole filled mess from a story standpoint. Some of the action sequences are really impressive and the Terminator designs and sound effects are quite incredible. Still the intelligence that was present in Terminator and T2 has been completely lost, replaced instead with video-game quality contrived plot lines that entirely on complete and utter chance. Leaving you wondering: this is the best idea a genius computer could come up with? Seriously? It's better than T3 and the TV show though.
Rated 29 Nov 2009
Not awful, just generic and pointless. Apparently our dystopian future consists of MTV action sequences and action-figure physics. Instead of tiresome winks at T1 and T2, they should have injected the visceral, thudding action sequences they contained. Worthington and his journey is the only thing worth paying attention to, yet that also is mangled in the noisy, confusing mess of the final third.
Rated 22 May 2009
Terminator Salvation is an embarassing, verbose, redundant and superfluous attempt to revive the already perished and stagnant series. Why Bale snapped over this is beyond me. Arnold Schwarzenegger makes a cameo appearance in full CGI glory, but the entire experience is indisputably retarded. McG's vision of the war-torn future and battlefield is full of detestable and abhorrent explosions, ash and flames that are in the end insufficient in essence. An extensive letdown overall.
Rated 29 Jun 2009
Just as I can direct my feces into the toilet every morning, so too can McG "direct" a film. And, just as McG's name seems to be missing a few important letters, so too does this film seem to be missing somthing that someone who maybe spent more time paying attention in film school than using his 3-letter name to pick up chicks could have brough to the series. (sorry for the run-on) Still, Bale tries hard, and terminators running about the screen killing people almost always guarantees goodness.
Rated 22 May 2009
A disappointment. It's not a terrible movie (though it can be retarded, ie. boarding a submarine by jumping out of an aircraft into the ocean), just...underwhelming. While the action is cool and Worthington and Yelchin shine, the movie never engages. It's soulless, like watching someone play videogames. Bale kinda phones it in, though he's not given much to work with. Common is LOL bad. This'll be a mediocre trilogy if they don't hire a real filmmaker next time. Stan Winston is sorely missed.
Rated 23 May 2009
Wow if this movie milked its classic fan base anymore arnold's CGIed nipples would start to hurt. I was briefly absorbed at some points of the movie just barely staying interested until the end with the last lil bit so painfully awful as a fan but also just to cheesy and predictable as a critic.
Rated 24 May 2009
Bale's acting = fail. Writing = fail. Using original theme in credits = fail. Original action scenes = fail. Common's acting = fail doesn't even cover it. Trying to use Arnie = acceptable. Succeeding in using Arnie = fail. Exoskeleton wearing a bandana in one scene = check (WTF?) Yet, I was still entertained to a certain extent. The set design was great and Worthington was a joy to watch.
Rated 31 May 2009
A decent popcorn action flick, but nothing more, really. The fights are well choreographed and the stunts are fun. The writing is awful - flat characters, sappy dialogue, plotholes, etc. But the absolute worst is the way that the film presents Skynet as some sort of James Bond supervillain - all exposition and ridiculous pomp - instead of the ruthless and calculatingly efficient predators that gave the first two films their menace. Also, bandana wearing terminators? Hilarious.
Rated 04 Jun 2009
A huge disappointment. The story was just pointless, nothing left of the old Terminator charme. The action was alright, mediocre. It just didn't grip me at all. It even reminded me of the matrix sequel (which was awful) where somebody thought: "Hey, let's put some motorbikes here!"...and baaam you got a carchase. Same crap here. The action is trying to fill the lack of the script. But that's not the way to push a story forward...
Rated 11 Jun 2022
Pointless and dull, a frustrated Christian Bale can't save it. "McG" sounds like the type of guy that has McG vanity plates and a stylized autograph nobody asks for.
Rated 21 May 2009
Terrible, just terrible. There was no point in the movie being made, the plot was just terrible and in the end resolved to absolutely nothing. The status quo in the beginning is the same as in the end, but it tries to make you think otherwise.
Rated 22 May 2009
A major disappointment for 'Terminator' fans, if not casual action or sci-fi fans. McG's loud and rather obnoxious future war treatment on the franchise is superficial, one-note, and severely lacking strong storytelling and performances of its actors. I like Sam Worthington, a few of the ideas thrown in, but ultimately it feels lifeless, and fully without suspense or emotion. The action is redundant and purposeless, Bale is a letdown, and that CGI Arnold cameo: abrupt, fake, and embarrassing.
Rated 23 May 2009
A mediocre film that, like its immediate predecessor, is heavy on action set-pieces and lacking any engaging story. Plot contrivances abound and every twist is broadcast beforehand. Worse than that, the stakes have never felt lower, as John Connor punches terminators and skydives into the ocean. The "gritty" future is actually lush and bright, and there are several sequences that showcase nature reclaiming the land. An entertaining movie, but one that is ultimately devoid of suspense.
Rated 25 May 2009
The fourth feature film directed by McG, and he fully lives down to his filmography. He's turned in a dreadful, flavorless exercise in effects excess and narrative stalled on the "bludgeoning" setting. He's certainly done nothing to make sure that his film makes a lick of sense. Every iron-thump step of the way, there's a new a plot detail that flatly, painfully doesn't bear up to any sort of scrutiny. What is logical, sensible, plausible is continually dispatched in favor of what is cool.
Rated 17 Nov 2009
Directors with one name NEVER make good movies.
Rated 17 Aug 2011
Utterly humourless, lacking all dint of characterisation, and featuring awful, wooden dialogue, this seems to have been written and directed by a terminator. Although it may have been wrapped in the clothing of resistance, this is little more than a militaristic glorification of firepower. The effects might be slickly impressive, but the filming, editing and overall style are of the most fashionably meaningless, jarring, videogame-like kind. Avoid.
Rated 22 May 2009
Mc G did come through with this amazing tale. Visuals, dialogue and acting were top notch. What pisses me off is these critics say that there is no story involved. Clearly the story is about connors attempt to find and rescue his teenage father kyle reese who goes back in time and tangos with sarah connor. throughout the whole movie that is johns main priority and the journey that takes him there is an action packed, and sometimes scary little number. the robots were scarier and Bale is the best
Rated 23 May 2009
I'll admit to being an easily-to-please slut when it comes to action sci-fi, but I found some stuff to enjoy here. It utterly lacks the humanity and ideas of T1 and T2, and John Connor is a very flat character, but I liked Marcus Wright, Kyle Reese, and Blair. The semi-monochromatic visual style catches the eye and there are some cool action scenes. I dug the general aesthetic and bleak atmosphere.
Rated 28 May 2009
Standard, undercooked summer fare. The whole thing feels like a giant prologue, not a stand alone film. Character development is.....well, I guess "is" sums it up, and the interesting ideas are lost in the noise. That said, it delivers on the action goods, and is enough to keep the franchise puttering along, even though it stopped needing sequels two films ago. Bale turns in a fairly good performance, and the premise is enough to earn this a B. Just don't expect anything comparable to T1 or 2
Rated 29 May 2009
The only proper way to enter a submarine is by jumping out of a helicopter into... the... middle... of... the... fucking... ocean - and hoping that by some miracle you get picked up! Also: CGI Arnold acts as good as real life Arnold (yay!), but has fewer catchphrases (boo!). Also #2: Christian Bale needs to act more and shout less.
Rated 05 Jun 2009
If the first two Terminator films were retarded, had a baby with a retarded FPS game, and the baby was retarded squared, it would be this film. OK action, terrible execution. Dumber than a daytrip to dumbland. With the excellence of the two first films to build on, you've got to expect more. Fortunately Worthington and particularly Yelchin come to save the day, deliver excellent performances and elevate the film from barely watchable to almost OK. Since when was John Connor so unlikeable?
Rated 05 Jun 2009
John Connor's heart gets ruptured and survives. John Connor is a Terminator... Bless
Rated 03 Jan 2010
Another franchise revival attempt that falls flat. Terminator 1 and 2 had a sense of real menace to go along with their big action sequences; this is just spectacle. Like others, I was instantly reminded of the Matrix sequels.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Even after unpromising reviews and scores I was eager to enjoy it. I simply needed some beam of light to follow, I don't know, a good acting, a hottie, a subplot or an interesting stunt would have lead me the way. What we get looks exactly like Mad Max rip-off B-movies of the nineties. It's beyond me why Mcg thinks every explosion will cause a shrapnel that will bounce meters away from the humans around and jump to something else to cause an even bigger explosion.
Rated 21 May 2009
In the future the machines will rise ... and throw you around a lot. Awful, awful franchise killing movie.
Rated 21 May 2009
Ugh. I'm glad I didn't pay full price to see it.
Rated 23 May 2009
An indulgent action flick for those of us who like action for the sake of it's self--I do! Succeeds in being tense, providing tons of explosions, high speed chase scenes, gunning and beatings, and otherwise just sheer badass-ery. It's also not often we get some supersized, over-the-top sci-fi. Not of any interest to people who can't shut off their brain and enjoy the ride, but for those of us who can it's sure to get the man juices flowing.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Another big embarrassment, be it one with only enough content to properly fill the four minute trailer. Bale seriously underperforms seeming stiff and characterless throughout, no more so than when contrasted to the ironically much more emotive Worthington. It feels like McG (seriously crap name by the way) interpreted the original series as defective rather than endearingly silly. It turns out that in a bleak hostile world populated by killing machines, survival is a dull and very corny affair.
Rated 20 Nov 2009
What the fuck are you doing?!?! Are you professional or not???!1 Seriously, we are done, professionally.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
Such a disappointment. CG model 101 was neat, the rest sucks.
Rated 26 May 2009
In Jim Cameron's flix, the most uninteresting scenes r glimpses of the war-torn future & in this film it's as bad as promised w/ the remaining humans as humorless & impenetrable as the robots. There's a new breed of Machine who doesn't know if he's human or not, but he's also so ploddingly intense, no one will care. Huge plotholes? U bet:there's a transmitter that can deactivate the Machines that disappears midway thru & the Machines r never smart enough 2 send more than 2 terminators at 1 time
Rated 26 May 2009
Common you do not belong in the fight against robots!
Rated 27 May 2009
A big poorly written mess of Terminator mythology with bizarrely terrible editing and Christian Bale just yelling at everything. The action sequences aren't even exciting. I've pretty much already forgotten this yawn-inducing installment of a previously fun and exciting franchise.
Rated 04 Feb 2016
Termformers: Salvation* *Shia LaBeouf and Arnold Schwarzenegger not included
Rated 29 May 2009
Should have been so much better.
Rated 06 Nov 2019
I like where they took this. Being the only one of these to not feature Arnold, a lot of people didn't care for it. However, this is the only one to really divert from the same plot lines of the first one, takes place well outside the other's timelines and it was kind of refreshing to see someone else take the lead in these movies. I'm not the biggest fan of Worthington, but him and Bale are quite solid in this. Salvation is nowhere near the shit show people make it out to be, at all.
Rated 04 Jun 2009
action pyrotechnics
Rated 28 Mar 2010
Mixed feeling on this one. Emotionally it mostly falls flat (with a few small moments owing to Bale's acting that work). However, the action scenes and depiction of the Future War in general are pretty damn good, and parts of the movie are palpably creepy, which is good because of the horror movie roots.
Rated 04 Nov 2011
Unlike the first three Terminator films, Salvation is simply not all that exciting or entertaining. It is loud and has a lot of explosions and action scenes, but I found myself disappointed that it didn't follow how the future was depicted in earlier films. That did look like it could be a fun watch, but what we got was a bunch of action scenes where Terminators don't aim to kill, and humans acting more like boring machines than ever before. It's an unnecessary film you have no reason to watch.
Rated 06 Jun 2009
cool action packed but shwartsinagers panties are never on oh my god hes NAKED
Rated 15 Jan 2010
Completely mediocre with stupid plot execution and poorly thought out technical details like skynet making human friendly console terminals conveniently for resistance fighters to hack into. There's guns, explosions, and some interesting scenes involving flying. McG is a terrible director though and he's like an even worse Michael Bay but a lot of the shittiest bits and pieces in this film is due to the crappy writers. Also Bale looked bored and wooden throughout.
Rated 17 Jan 2011
A pretty stark break from the other Terminator movies. It's a welcome and interesting twist, but the wrap-up strikes me as a bit of a stretch. The real problem: with a wealth of CG in a post-apocalyptic future world, anything goes and nothing thrills as much
Rated 12 Sep 2015
Although Judgment Day has in fact occurred, the future for which John Connor (Christian Bale) was prepared has been partly altered by the appearance of a stranger named Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington). Connor must determine if Wright has been rescued from the past, or sent from the future. As the machines prepare for a final battle, Connor and Wright delve deep into Skynet's heart, uncovering a secret that could lead to the annihilation of mankind.
Rated 07 Aug 2010
Even T3 was somewhat entertaining and had an internal logic, why does every robot in this throw people away rather than try to kill them? [edit: after watching Genisys & Dark Fate I feel compelled to revise my score upwards; at least Bale & Worthington were trying really hard]
Rated 08 Jan 2010
I thought that Terminator Salvation was shot attractively, but missed the mark with the plot. Some scenes actually reminded me of Black Hawk Down visually. The characters were for the most part shallow and hard to care for. I feel like this movie could have been great, but just widely missed the mark in a few areas.
Rated 03 Jun 2022
The only somewhat decent Terminator film since Judgement Day.
Rated 15 Nov 2009
Stop it. Just stop. Please.
Rated 08 Aug 2023
Actually not as terrible as expected
Rated 16 Jun 2009
Underrated movie - what Transformers could have been. Action was breathtaking and clear, not just a 'lets see how fast I can edit'-fest. Focused on main characters instead of introducing too many - good. Acting was good. Despite the slamming Christian Bale is getting for mailing in his performance, I thought he was just as interesting as in the Batmans with a much less annoying voice. Story made sense, peaked well and tied in pretty well with previous movies. I was pleasantly surprised :)
Rated 23 Sep 2020
This is a lackluster effort in the Terminator series. Both Christian Bale's and Sam Worthington's characters are not very interesting in this film. The script has a couple of good moments but it is mostly boring. Overall this is a misfire in the franchise.
Rated 06 Nov 2009
Ugly, boring and stupid.
Rated 22 Jun 2009
Terminator Salvation is a dark, futuristic, post-apocalyptic war movie reminding me of the Matrix sequels a couple of times. It's got a pretty bad screenplay and uninspired acting, but there's some good action especially towards the end. The main problem with Terminator 4 is its lack of a main villain, which only mildly turns up towards the end in the form of a CGI Arnold. Terminator Salvation is good popcorn material, but it doesn't feel like a Terminator film and adds little to its franchise.
Rated 04 Dec 2009
So-so continuation, but McG basically just rips off Transformers - and equally 'eh' movie. Obviously, they spent too much to secure Bale (who phones this one in), because the supporting cast is weak. An ok watch for a high-action, low plot flick.
Rated 27 Dec 2009
Greater than T3. Little bit Mad Max. But above my expectations
Rated 04 Jul 2009
I don't even know what to say. The only good thing I can say about this movie is how it looks, the post apocalyptic future, but it is not true to the franchise at all, it was hilariously bad at times, like the repeating of the lines, "I'll be back," and "come with me if you want to live." CGI Arnold, and a poorly executed moral tale to top it all off.
Rated 16 Jul 2009
Now the question everybody asked himself after Cameron's masterpiece from the middle 90's how the war might be is answered...or not ? I was really disappointed but my expectations weren't very high. McG did a terrible job. The Story is outrageous, Bale was absolutely the wrong choice to replace Furlong as John Connor, even the effect's are only mediocrity. Hollywood's imagination of the "Judgement Day" is crap !!
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Takes some of the fun out of the series by taking itself way too seriously. Not much to complain about but not much to recommend either.
Rated 18 Jul 2009
good post apocalyptic movie; not good terminator movie
Rated 06 Feb 2010
Worth a watch
Rated 19 Jul 2009
Listen. I know what you are thinking, but some parts of this movie were REALLY good (conversely some were bad), though, I dont think, I just watch. I enjoy this, and watch it a bunch. Sam Worthington and Anton Yelchin were very good. Christian Bale, was Christian Bale, which at this point in his career isnt a bad thing.
Rated 20 Jul 2009
This is not a Terminator movie. And by the way - Bale sucks.
Rated 06 May 2011
When I was younger, I thought the glimpses of the future we got in other Terminator films would make for an amazing feature in itself. Like every other childhood dream, this was crushed into a pulp by the unstoppable forces of Reality. Drab, boring, implausible, and worst of all, unnecessary.
Rated 07 May 2010
Cunting McG, his name should have been a clue.
Rated 21 Jul 2009
Works as an okay action movie, but is far from the magic of the first films, it seems that added so little to the story, I expected more.
Rated 01 Jan 2010
New good sequel in the terminator series. A bit dissapointing at times and over the top, even when it's a terminator film. On the other hand, it has some good moments too and the action and storyline is still interesting and renewing.
Rated 26 Dec 2009
I went into this movie no really expecting that much but what I got pleased me very much. I had heard from quite a few people that Salvation was a horrible movie. I don't understand why though. The scenery is beautiful and the acting is great. The soundtrack is also brilliant. The last half hour drags on a bit but the movie is still awesome in my opinion.
Rated 10 Jan 2011
The best Terminator since 2, I just loved the gritty way it was filmed. It contains some terrifying scenes and some really cool effects. I hope another is done similar to this.
Rated 19 Aug 2009
A very good instalment in the Terminator series. We finally get to see the future; and it was all I had hoped for. Some things were still left unexplained, but they were nothing in the face of the action, suspense and special effects that were employed to produce a very good sci-fi action.
Rated 02 Apr 2011
Walking out of our midnight-showing theater, my friends and I were discussing the film. I stopped for a moment, and said, "Wait, why didn't Skynet just kill Kyle Reese, their #1 enemy, instead of using him as bait to catch #2, John Connor? I think one's more important than the other..." My friends were speechless. That HUGE plot hole is indicative of T:S as a whole. Terribly thought out, ludicrous, simply awful. Oh, and Bale's not even good in this one.
Rated 30 Dec 2009
Not as good as it should be. It's not nearly as good as Terminator 1 & 2. I don't know what, but it's just missing something. The atmosphere didn't felt right, and I was not impressed as I was with the previous movies. I always like Christian Bale, Sam Worthington and Anton Yelchin are both promosing. It's not a bad movie, but doesn't live up to it's A predecessors.
Rated 24 May 2009
Happily, the trailer has music, and isn't entirely live audio from the movie, because if it was, nobody would know what was going on. I will preface this by saying, I like loud, but T:S is obnoxiously loud; loud to the point that it detracts from the film itself. Ahhnold's CGI-ness was enough to make me mark out a little, was probably the apex of the flick from an excitement standpoint, just seeing him. It bothered me that, by the end, nothing had changed. You think they blew up Skynet? SYKE!
Rated 02 Jun 2012
goog job!
Rated 20 Dec 2010
Rated 26 May 2009
Hell of a lot better than 3, but thats not saying a lot. Its pretty much as good as you can expect a fully action oriented Terminator sequel by McG to be, with the only major points lost coming from the too quick and too stupid relationship between Bloodgood and Worthington's characters.
Rated 23 Dec 2009
It started out pretty good, with great visuals, a clever background story, and nice action. But as it went along, the plot had more holes than a Swiss cheese. A sensible story was sacrificed completely for over-the-top action. Some of the things that disappointed me most were the cheap references to T2, including CG Arnold, nearly indestructible humans, naked bomber pilot chicks, robots with human hearts, and the absence of danger of being near a nuclear explosion. I could go on for a while...
Rated 31 May 2009
A couple of problems right up front: 1)Why cast an actress as good as Bryce Dallas Howard and waste her, 2)Marcus's voiceover at the end was gay and way too on the nose and 3) I hate the magical negro/adorable moppet cliche a great deal. And as a matter of preference, I prefer Nick Stahl's John Connor to Christian Bale's. All of that being said, it still could have been a lot worse considering how large the coulda, woulda, shoulda shadow looms. Also, whoever cut this trailer needs to be shot.
Rated 01 Jun 2009
Love the post apocalyptic setting, but everything else about this was just so foul and unlikable. The only decent thing in it was Sam Worthington.
Rated 03 Apr 2013
Seeing a new Terminator movie is welcome enough no matter what it's about. The biggest complaint, no Arnold Schwarzenegger. If I have a Terminator movie, as much as I like Christian Bale, I want more than just a cameo of the man who's known as the "Tuh-min-atuh". The story was okay but it seemed that it suffered from a wandering plot at times and it didn't keep my attention the way a Terminator should.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Squandered effort, but hey, if there's nothin g else, why not?
Rated 11 Jun 2009
Why the f... is Kyle Reese important??? The script is stupid and makes the movie bland. Some decent action saves the day.
Rated 11 Jun 2009
very poor movie
Rated 15 Jun 2009
A few good outrageous action scenes, & it looks nice. Lacks internal consistency, which is noticeable because it isn't very interesting. The story has played out, there really isn't anything to do with it. Ought to have been a nihilistic sojourn where machines relentlessly pursue & annihilate completely outclassed humans who fight on stupidly. They didn't make Terminator: Extermination.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
While no match for the previous Terminator films, its a nice addition to the series with enough to please fans.
Rated 31 Jan 2016
eng; [Terminator - Die Erlösung]; skynet hat die menschheit beinahe ausglöscht und die rebellion wehrt sich dagegen gemeinsam mit john connor, doch ein halb-androide verwischt die grenzen zwischen menschen und maschinen - und keiner weiß ob er freund oder feind ist.;
Rated 05 Dec 2009
Not the worst movie in the world. The action scenes are cool, but the dramatic scenes are a bit inept and seem to just go through the motions. Bale provides some great unintentionally funny screaming moments.
Rated 04 Sep 2009
CGI-Arnold was funny, but I don't think funny was what they were going for.....
Rated 22 Jun 2009
First, Christian Bale is horrible as John Connor. I can't say there's a character development though. I'm sick of his Dark-Knight-Like voice (Bale, It's F... Distracting!) Secondly, script has many problems also and takes itself seriously too much. I know people live in a post-apocalyptic world and try to get rid of the machines in the ass, but there should have been some humor to let us to take some fresh air. However, I liked it somehow. Sam Worthington's performance is terrific after all.
Rated 20 May 2011
Ok, it's really brainless and lacks the humanity of the first two, but you just can't complain about its action efforts.
Rated 16 Nov 2016
The worst of the Terminator franchise. It's not terrible - Anton Yelchin and Moon Bloodgood are solid additions to the cast, and the effects are fine - but a Terminator movie without Arnold Schwarzenegger or time travel just really ends up feeling kind of pointless.
Rated 04 Jul 2009
Linda Hamilton - still hot.
Rated 10 Jul 2009
some very good action scenes, special effects and such. but, the planned twist can be guessed after the lame prelude. some huge gaps in storytelling, especially concerning the john connor who is portrayed as an asshole and mentally challenged person. bad ending (what does "the second chance" narrative got to with terminators, is it an allegory for humanity; if so it does not hold up) still much better than t3 I would say.
Rated 09 Jun 2010
Could have been should have been was not..some parts of this movie was decent..the transformer terminator shooting out cycles was ok..but as a whole this movie proves that Christian Bale could suck
Rated 20 Jul 2009
Great cut scenes. I couldn't wait for the movie to start. Then the end credits rolled. Sigh.
Rated 18 Feb 2011
absolutely idiotic script accompanied with weak acting.
Rated 09 Oct 2009
Seriously not good. Not even the over the top action could save it.
Rated 28 Jul 2009
Just really bad. There isn't a scene in this movie that you couldn't find a hole in. Bale was just yelling constantly in his Batman voice. Action scenes that should have been cool had way too many dumb things in them. For as much as Skynet knew they made just horribly inept decisions. The ending was unbelievably cheesy. The only positive worth mentioning was Yelchin and Worthington's performances. Just re-watch the first two if you need a Terminator fix.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Christian Bale was a bad casting decision. Wish they would have kept more of the look and feel of T1 or T2 instead making it just another standard big-explosions-summer-film (had the feel of Transformers, which is not a good thing). Oh well, at least it helps me forget that T3 even exists.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
Rated 11 Jul 2024
Vacuous pseudo video game nonsense. Is his penis bionic?


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