The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Drama, Fantasy
2h 59m
In the second chapter in J.R.R Tolkien's epic trilogy, the Fellowship faces unimaginable armies and deception while also witnessing ancient wonders and the untapped strength of their people. (New Line Productions)

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Drama, Fantasy
2h 59m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 71.99% from 25866 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 22 Apr 2016
An amazing continuation to the ultimate fantasy epic, and one that expands the art of film itself (I don't care what anybody says, Gollum is real). A completely enveloping three-hour vacation from reality.
Rated 24 Feb 2007
While I'd say it does suffer from neither opening a story or ending, although this isn't a problem if you've seen the other films or read the books, everything about it is fantastic as with the other two films in the trilogy.
Rated 22 Aug 2018
Very much enjoyed the extended version on the big screen and not entirely for the scene of Karl Urban with long hair scowling at Viggo Mortensen with long hair as Orlando Bloom with long hair watches on. My feelings on the trilogy as a whole are that I like the first hour of the first movie enough that I don't need any more. It's great to catch up with the Shire and then shut her down before any adventure turns on. I may actually be a hobbit myself.
Rated 19 Jul 2008
The most underrated of the LOTR trilogy. Has amazing action as always, and showcases some great effects and CG.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one, but it kept the same exciting pace. Also once again they did a great job of bringing middle earth to life. Of course there are a few cheesy scenes (surfing down stairs at Helm's deep), but as a whole it's still quite fun.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
Though The Two Towers is probably the least of the three, it's of the highest quality in terms of production and storytelling. Naturally as a member of the greatest cinematic trilogy in existence, The Two Towers soars as a phenomenal film in every respect. There's really no way to dislike a movie of this quality unless you approach it with unnecessary bias. Fantastic, and one of the best movies of all time.
Rated 27 Mar 2023
Lee's deep bass voice: "March to Helms Deep, leave none alive! There will be no dawn for man..." [awesome Shore score plays]. Fuck yes uruks! Not sure I'm supposed to be rooting for them, but they lived a hard life and have cool theme music.
Rated 18 Feb 2012
You should watch the Extended Edition.
Rated 20 Apr 2010
My least favorite of the three films which I feel has more to do with the fact that it feels completely like a build-up movie. The excitement of the first one is how the adventure is beginning and the excitement of the last one comes from the epic finish. This one has some great moments (battle for Helm's Deep and Isengard) but overall just doesn't quite match the other two.
Rated 30 Apr 2008
A great "sandwich" film for a trilogy!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
There is no better forty minutes in all of movies than the last forty minutes of this movie. It is perfect. I can watch this movie a thousand times and it would have no less effect on me. This is a masterpiece, and the best of the LOTR films. Two Towers manages to have all of these totally insane and magical things happen, and end with the biggest rush of "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT" ever in movies.
Rated 23 Mar 2020
Be right back, I am just Googling "Lord of the Rings + racial politics".
Rated 24 Feb 2016
Still great although it's the only one that ever feels watched out of obligation. The digital effect is a little less impressive each passing year but Gollum/Smeagol still manages to be the best character interaction in the entire series.
Rated 03 Apr 2015
More scattered and consequentially less organically engaging than the first film (taking more liberties with the source material along the way), but still a gorgeous work of cinematographic art. Every setting is beautifully composed with incredible depth and awesome artistry.
Rated 12 Jan 2013
Good continuation of the series, introduces some amazing new characters and has a superb conclusion to this film with a very powerful soundtrack to amplify its effect. Truly an experience you don't want to miss. For some reason I did find this film to be less good and less prone to rewatches than the other films in the series, but that's not saying much, it's still Lord of the Rings-tier, my highest possible tier.
Rated 29 Jul 2011
It's always difficult to make the one in between in a trilogy, as it merely serves as a rest stop between the introduction and the grand finale, but what saves The Two Towers is the torn and twisted mind of Gollum and the grandiose battle at Helm's Deep. Like in Return of the King the somewhat Deus ex Machina ending annoyed me gravely, cause the Orc's and Uruk Hai's had them by their balls! But no no no! Here comes Gandalf the White and a bunch of stone throwing trees!
Rated 17 May 2011
Gollum is a fantastic, intriguing creation but whereas 'The Fellowship of the Ring' is a masterpiece likely to appeal to anyone, Jackson's direction is less assured here, as he sometimes tries a little hard to pander to the popcorn flick crowd. Let this instalment be a lesson that grandiose action fades more easily than substance. One of the best scenes is the flashback with Boromir (who also gave gravitas to part I) and Faramir in the extended version. Then again, we also get more of Treebeard.
Rated 03 Mar 2010
The difficult second act. If watched in the original version, this is the poorest of the instalments. In the extended version, however, this is the superior of the three. Mainly it belongs to Gollum, a desperately tormented creature forever tainted by the ring. His mixture of greed and shame is set in such a heartbreaking way, that he's always dangerous, and yet never feels entirely out of redemption's reach. Absolutely magnificent movie-making.
Rated 25 Jan 2010
Tremendous spectacle that I still don't give two shits about.
Rated 05 Dec 2009
A second viewing confirms my initial assessment that this is indeed the best of the trilogy. Jackson handles the tricky middle segment with aplomb and he completely nails it. Grand, immersive, and emotional with Gollum and Helm's deep being the obvious highlights.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
A stunning film and experience.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The weakest of the trilogy, as the ents slow the pacing a tad and the Battle of Helms Deep is overshadowed by the Battle of Gondor, but that's kind of like being the least fun supermodel to fuck, because it's still an amazingly beautiful, sumptuously well-designed and extremely well-written and acted mega-epic. Gollum is the best CGI character to date, and the simmering tension building to the final battle is biblical.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Essentially an action movie, but still great. Lost some of the adventure feel that I enjoyed so much in the first.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I loved the scenes with Frodo, Sam, and Gollum; they got the ambiguous and tormented spirit of Gollum just right, and he is a wonderful visual creation, as well. I have mixed feelings about the rest: the battle at Helm's Deep is very well executed, but the cheap attempts at vulgar humor (e.g. Gimli burping) and hipness (Legolas surfing) rubbed me the wrong way, and the fake death scene feels forced and messes up the pacing.
Rated 25 Jan 2021
Rewatched this in the form of the extended edition. Was a thrill to watch from beginning to the end. So much happened during the movie! Although I disliked the bleakness / dark colors during the battle of Helm's Deep.
Rated 16 Sep 2019
Visually stunning and the film that balances the working drama with the beautiful cinematography necessary to propel the story forward. Fantastic performances by all the key players. There is nothing wrong with this film from a technical stand point. It's heavy handed with the development as it is the middle film in the series but overall it's all necessary on this journey of epic unknowns.
Rated 11 Sep 2018
Where do you go from making the best fantasy adventure film ever? Why not make a biting war-drama that keeps all the fantasy elements and continues to expand the already interesting characters. The battle sequences are among the best executed in cinema history and are a testament to why this trilogy has the best production design in the history of film. Star Wars has now been thoroughly beaten as the measuring stick for blockbuster filmmaking.
Rated 15 Aug 2014
The Two Towers is alongside 'The Empire Strikes Back' as one of the finest middle chapters in a trilogy. Peter Jackson had an even tougher task of juggling multiple plot threads. To his credit he balances the screen time and huge array of characters perfectly. The returning cast is stellar, as are the new additions. And the set pieces and visuals are even more spectacular. And the introduction of Andy Serkis' Gollum is a technological triumph. Without doubt one of the finest sequels ever made.
Rated 04 Apr 2012
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is another amazing look at Jackson's best work with it's sense of humor and camerawork, and designs, visual effects, and acting. Highly entertaining if you saw the first and a great continuation of what is probably my all-time favorite trilogy (My personal favorite of this series, but they are all very close.
Rated 28 Apr 2011
While it suffers somewhat from being the middle chapter, this still stands as one of the best in the fantasy genre and an unmissable part of one of cinema's greatest-ever accomplishments.
Rated 12 Mar 2011
Thrilling from start to finish. It may be the most consistently gripping, and possibly the best overall film, in an excellent trilogy. Jackson's portrayal of Middle Earth continues to be jaw-dropping, and the most impressive aspect of these films.
Rated 07 Dec 2010
My favorite of the trilogy, as well acted as the rest of the series and of course Peter Jackson is fantastic as a director. People may complain about length, but Lord of the Rings wouldn't work in any other fashion. Once again the music, cinematography, and "feel" of this movie is beyond words. As faithful an adaptation as possible.
Rated 28 Oct 2010
As impressive as the other two films in terms of scale and vision, but hampered slightly by the way the story diverges into three separate strands. It's simply following the books, of course, but it does feel a little jarring when it jumps from one sub-plot to another. That niggle aside, there's still a lot to admire. Gollum is perfectly realised and it builds to an amazing climax with the battle of Helm's Deep and the Ents storming Isengard.
Rated 14 Mar 2010
Rated 21 Feb 2010
The CGI for Legolas sliding around on shields and jumping on horseback backwards is honestly pretty atrocious and mars what is a good second film in the trilogy.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
In terms of pure action the best in the LOTR series - Helm's Deep is intense and I felt the stakes were more easily grasped than the battles in ROTK. Everything else is kind of middling, basically nothing happens with the Frodo/Sam story and the Ents just serve to break up the action it seems. Bernard Hill acts the crap out of his role though and is second only to McKellen in terms of thespian chops.
Rated 25 Dec 2009
Better than the first one, but I think this is still way too much content for one film. It's dark and breathtaking, and if you still haven't seen the trilogy, you should, but there are definitely things wrong with this. It's way too long for one thing. Good fight scenes though.
Rated 10 Aug 2009
As much as I think that it's the weakest of the trilogy, I feel it's unfairly maligned for being the middle chapter. As the movie neither introduces nor closes this epic, it's tough to get that same sense of wonder or satisfaction out of it. But this is still a fine film. It's also the most improved by its Extended Edition (Boromir flashback never should've been cut). Aragorn romances slow things up, but the Gollum/Smeagol back-and-forth is pulled off perfectly and Helms Deep is pure spectacle.
Rated 29 Jul 2009
Unfortunately, all of the problems with The Two Towers arise due to its purpose as the link between other two Lord of the Rings movies. As a result, we watch three or more disparate plot lines all taking place throughout the film yet there is little sense of anything being resolved like in the other two movies. That said, the visuals, acting, and cinematography are of the highest quality, keeping with the feel of the other two LotR films flawlessly.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
The scene where the riders of Rohan storm down the impossibly steep hill into a field of pikes and somehow don't get completely butchered is hilarious. Liv Tyler and Blanchett being in this for contractual reasons I guess really ruined it in many ways I think...
Rated 22 Sep 2008
Truly epic; Helm's Deep is one of the greatest battle scenes ever filmed. Would be perfect if it wasn't for the dull Elvish exposition scenes half way through.
Rated 02 Sep 2008
Typical intermediate movie in a trilogy, unfortunately the worst of the three movies. The Director's Cut makes it better but it's still weaker, yet still great.
Rated 31 Aug 2008
The battle of Helm's Deep is the greatest battle scene I've seen - simply epic.
Rated 19 Aug 2008
My least favorite of the 3. Why? When Aragorn goes over the cliff Jackson tries to make us think he might be dead. No one thinks that and the overlong pausing annoyed me. Don't like that no one can figure a way out of the castle and then the heroes figure the way out is to through all the orcs and goblins! Knock them over like dominoes. Stupid and not unlike Stallone's Cobra walking into the grocery store and killing everyone by just..walking in! Otherwise good and Gollum is amazing!
Rated 27 Jul 2008
If I had to pick, this was the weakest of the three. But that's still saying a lot.
Rated 06 Mar 2008
I think the funniest of the three films. I like the other two better (though I like TTT best of the books... or more equally) but still, amazingly produced and a brilliant story! TTT is needed for the trilogy to work and flow. Another great addition to the LOTR trilogy!
Rated 11 Sep 2007
Part two of this brilliant epic trilogy gives fans and newcomers to Tolkien's classic series of books to live in beautiful fashion.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The LOTR movies are a triumph, and managed to create amazing films out of such a beloved text.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The 2nd installment of a trilogy is a tricky situation. Mostly because it serves only as a segway from Movie 1 to Movie 3. The stakes in this film weren't as high for me as it seemed like a +2hr. action movie. Although, while this may not have been the icing of an Oreo, I think it is a very solid movie and holds it's own with the other LOTR films.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An incredible film for an incredible story.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Makes you cry with a single sentence.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The nadir of the trilogy. Still great.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Another film worthy of being called an epic. Peter Jackson did well making the middle section entertaining and moving from start to finish.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Maintaining the wondrous nature of the Fellowship, The Two Towers is a riveting continuation of the adventure.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An action-packed, excellant second chapter in the franchise, filled with great character development and acting.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A truly immense and captivating movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A damn good epic, and the best in the series (IMO). The battle at Helm's Deep is one of the greatest fight sequences that I've seen.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The bridge film in the trilogy and as such does not stand alone as well as "Fellowship" or "ROTK." But that said, it is still brilliant, with a brilliant turn by Andy Serkis, who can't be praised enough for bringing Gollum to life.
Rated 12 Jul 2007
Not quite as good as the other two installments. But still very, very good.
Rated 12 Jul 2007
The best one of the trilogy. Forget the first, too boring, forget the third, too long. This one has more or less the most optimal mix of action scene's, character developments, and plot development.
Rated 22 Mar 2007
Not quite as good as the first, but still pretty great.
Rated 24 Feb 2007
J.R.R Tolkien's writing could not have been brought to film any better this is truely a masterpiece.
Rated 23 Feb 2007
The more or less underrated of the LOTR trilogy. Although Orlando Bloom is just god-awful, the rest of the cast and crew is great at their jobs. Where was Sean Astin's Oscar nomination (where was his WIN for Return of the King?) and where was the Best Director nomination? Underrated when compared with the other two.
Rated 21 Sep 2024
Rated 15 Sep 2024
The better one in LOTR series
Rated 18 Aug 2024
Oyuncular sanat ve Peter abi diyorum yine
Rated 24 Jun 2024
Rated 24 Jun 2024
I would put a ring on Gollum if you know what I mean. A COCK ring.
Rated 21 Jun 2024
Rated 18 Jun 2024
Masterpiece of a near perfect trilogy, but just a tad bit weaker compared to the other two
Rated 30 Apr 2024
Too slow to be enjoyable
Rated 25 Apr 2024
So so good. Perfect ending. A little predictable, but definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Rated 04 Apr 2024
As good as Fellowship (which was a hell of an act to follow)
Rated 02 Apr 2024
I know that the middle part of a trilogy is where the good guys lick their wounds and plan for their final showdown but, man, does this drag even under this understanding. Specifically, the Ents who are interminably boring (even if that's the point) and Gollum whose voice I've never fully embraced. However, the Helm's Deep battle is the highlight of the entire series and seeing Aragorn's turn towards being a man is extremely well-done.
Rated 31 Dec 2023
Bonus extra points for Aragorn pushing open those doors, and Eomer riding to the rescue; points detracted for the arrow-shooting skateboarding down the stairs scene.
Rated 10 Dec 2023
Worst of the trilogy. Still really good. Gets a bit tedious at times, is all.
Rated 14 Oct 2023
A great production (in case you haven't heard), but many disconnected plot elements that just appear to be ticking off stuff from the novel they wanted to get in. Way too long and unfocused - and way too much pathos in the acting!
Rated 29 Aug 2023
Acting & Casting - 15/15 Presentation and Development of Characters - 14/15 Story and Story Presentation - 12/15 Visual Quality - 10/10 Creativity - 5/5 Execution - 10/10 Pacing and Lenght - 4/5 Music and Theme - 5/5 Sound and Visual Quality, Cinematography - 10/10 Directing - 9/10
Rated 28 Aug 2023
This is my least favorite of the trilogies and second films are often the weakest ones, so this is unsurprising. The film serves as a bridge to Return of the King and often feels a little plodding and unfocused. The CGI is heightened here and sometimes that takes you out of the character elements as well. That said, Christopher Lee's Saruman is great here and the film does have some strong moments - the ent battle for starters.
Rated 28 May 2023
Rated 08 Mar 2023
The Two Towers" is a staggering achievement that deserves a rating of 9 out of 10. It's entertaining, thoughtful, technical, emotional, exhilarating, and structurally inventive. It belongs on a short list of greatest sequels of all time and is the single greatest table-setter for a third film ever released.
Rated 06 Mar 2023
beautiful to see the factions begin to band together
Rated 29 Jan 2023
An extraordinary cinematic work from my childhood.
Rated 21 Jan 2023
audiovisual 82 acting 70 overall feeling 80 avg 77
Rated 24 Aug 2022
This is my favorite of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Mostly because I freaking love Tree Beard.
Rated 19 Dec 2021
I look at its pathos the way I would with a German expressionist silent film from the 20s. Jackson has given up the adventurous camaraderie that was still present in the first chapter and embarked upon a medieval war epic that is all solemn declarations of will and perseverance. There is obviously an audience for this, because through Marvel it's taken over popular cinema: line 'em up and let 'em fight. A constant, overpowering and melodramatic agitation.
Rated 11 Dec 2021
Rated 26 Nov 2021
Weakest of the trio
Rated 09 Sep 2021
war war war, war war. unnecessary romantic conflict. war war war. this is all over the place. so dull and boring.
Rated 24 Aug 2021
Peter Jackson brought to life everything that was already in my head from my childhood that was filled with J.R.R. Tolkien books. It is almost 20 years later and I'm still mindblown.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 28 Jun 2021
Not quite as good as the others, but a weaker LOTR movie is still a great movie. While the story doesn't quite draw you as much as the other movies do, there are still a few great sequences, especially the ending.
Rated 28 May 2021
Even if you aren't a fan of Tolkien's high fantasy world, this is one of the most gorgeous and well-balanced films in history. It's impossible to deny that it's spectacular in every sense of the word.
Rated 25 May 2021
What kind of wizard builds his big freaking tower right below the giant fucking damn he also built?
Rated 18 Mar 2021
The second film is where is all comes together in a perfect mash of action and adventure. My favorite of the trilogy. Feeling too lazy to say anything more about the matter :)
Rated 28 Feb 2021
(ED EX) This time around, we are already jaded abut returning to Middle-Earth so Jackson pulls out the ace from his sleeve: Gollum. A mastepiece of both writing and CGI. Also, Gandalf is back. Yay! But what is up with Frodo who keeps fainting all over the place?
Rated 12 Feb 2021
Outside of about 20 mins of brilliance from Serkis's Golem, this chapter is completely useless. It is just 3 hours of filler from b-characters that nobody cares about. By my count, between 2 movies and 6 hours of film, there is a little over 2 hours of really good content in the first 2/3 of this trilogy. The only thing that keeps this from being a complete dud is Andy Serkis's Oscar-worthy performance, for which he wasn't even nominated.
Rated 31 Jan 2021
2020/01/11 Extended -- 75 2021/01/31 Theatrical -- 80
Rated 07 Dec 2020
The portrayal of the main characters starts to wear a bit thin by this stage, but the Battle for Helms Deep is proper epic (although it's no Battle of Shrewsbury as depicted in 'Chimes at Midnight', which is my standard for measuring battle scenes on film).
Rated 15 Oct 2020
The Fellowship of the Ring was great success and that probably gave more strength and courage to Peter Jackson. The second film from The Lord of the Rings trilogy has massive battle scenes what takes your breath away. Its also shot very beautifully and the actors are also put in a higher gear. Second best movie of year 2002 - after "Hero"


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