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Romance, Drama
1h 30m
A young car thief kills a policeman and tries to persuade a girl to hide in Italy with him. (imdb)


Romance, Drama
1h 30m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 68.36% from 4210 total ratings

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Rated 09 Nov 2008
Godard was on a rampage with this film, hacking away at scenes to the point of incomprehension thus creating a whirlwind that could very well cause motion sickness. This is not merely a masterpiece in editing, however. Of course it doesn't hurt that the film is slick as hell and Jean-Paul Belmondo oozes attitude, even though we know he's faking it every step of the way. Even the soundtrack is fantastic; that upbeat jazzy riff that's somehow able to frame the gangsters as cartoon characters.
Rated 27 Aug 2008
Nearly fifty years later, Breathless still feels very fresh and audacious, but as its influence has mostly been absorbed into the films that followed, it's easier to judge it strictly on its merits as a film - and while it is pretty great, it's not the transcendent masterwork its reputation might have you believing it to be. However, I had a damn good time watching it - Godard is very playful and the movie is carefree fun.
Rated 10 Sep 2007
This feels throughout like a movie about a guy who idolizes film noir and tries to live his life as if it were such a film. Watching it on this level I was very entertained and the movie was definitely a satisfying experience.
Rated 19 May 2012
Feels incredibly contrived and experimental. It might be an important film but I didn't get much out of it; disliked the characters and most of the dialogue. Hmmm let's discuss Faulkner and interview some bullshit pseudo-intellectual... *sigh* you aren't pretentious enough for me, I'm calling the cops on you.
Rated 08 Sep 2009
Jean-Luc Godard's crime drama is more than just a crime drama. The film's two lead characters are full of depth and refuse to find easy ways out of things. This is the big link to "Breathless"' genius: and it shows at its strongest when Patricia has a drastic decision to make. Genuine and full of truth, "Breathless" is for the moviegoer who appreciates romance at its most brutally honest.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
A shattering triumph of style over substance, this film is as enjoyable as crime films get, bathed in the peculiar style of the Nouvelle Vague and featuring some great camerawork.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
A little bit of story and a hell of a lot of style. The fresh direction, the jazz soundtrack, the sauve and flighty performances all just bounce and blend together perfectly, with the editing capping the mood. All this does a good job of camouflaging what an obnoxious prick Michel is (even after he proclaims it with his opening line!). Some great dialogue mixed with some drivel does little to mar a classy package.
Rated 08 Jan 2009
Breathless lacks all but the faintest shadow of a dramatic impulse, yet it's surprisingly compelling. The script is snappy and flows naturally, even when it's completely inconsequential. It's also a veritable clinic on free-associative film making. Gleeful destruction of the fourth wall, lengthy tracking shots, unique framing, strange "burps" in continuity, jump cuts, and extreme close-ups are all thrown into the film with gusto. A unique and enjoyable experience.
Rated 20 Feb 2008
Who doesn't like this movie? You can't really have a better debut as a filmmaker. So playful, so fun, i love it. Belmondo is my hero.
Rated 25 Feb 2015
I always preferred Truffaut to Godard so I don't know if this movie is better because of the former or worse due to the latter. And I'm pretty sure I just outed myself as ignorant. But when it comes to overly long scenes taking place in Parisian apartments...never mind. You can take the Schwarzenegger fan into the French New Wave, but you can't make a movie worse with rippling biceps. I didn't know how to end that. Sorry it got weird.
Rated 14 Mar 2013
A commendable film for its innovative style which inspired countless filmmakers to come. The story was decent enough but the characters irritated the hell out of me and I didn't enjoy watching them (besides a couple of - I believe - unintentional laughs). What am I supposed to give a movie like this? I guess I'll give it a 70.
Rated 27 Jan 2013
I've never really gotten the praise for the French New Wave and, frankly, found this movie to be boring and all the characters to be annoying, at best. Furthermore, Belmondo ain't that hot in more than one sense of the word.
Rated 10 Dec 2010
Avant-garde masterpiece? More like a self-serious bore. A milestone of cinema? More like a static, tiring experiment that perceives action sequences (I mean scenes where people do things) as fillers. The dialogues are so pompous that you don't have the mental strength to analyze them in order to find a piece of truth. I watched this hoping it'd give me something. It didn't.
Rated 14 Oct 2010
This film is historically important, but I really hated the characters and I didn't have any fun watching this at all.
Rated 08 Apr 2010
Godard throws himself against the medium to find something different but at the same time neglects the basics, or perhaps doesn't even know what the basics are. The complete lack of tonality is shocking, a result of Godard valuing stylistic quirks above any kind of emotional core. The editing is horrible, and the characters, music, and camerawork only a little less so. There is no fun to be had here, nothing inspiring or riveting, only a load of dated postmodernist gibberish.
Rated 10 Jul 2008
The film moves along with a carefree attitude, with sporadic editing and jump cuts that aren't so much jarring as they are playful. Much of the movie takes place on the bustling streets of Paris, and with all the handheld camera work it almost feels like documentary. Godard combines those verite stylings with Hollywood noir influences to create one hell of a good time.
Rated 13 Jan 2008
Breathless is just a lot of fun. Considering the short length, lack of variety in scenes, and rather simple plot, it's impressive that the characters' charm and witty banter is what keeps this movie so fresh and engaging. Cited by many as the foundation of the French New Wave, it's easy to see why Breathless is considered such a classic. Fun, upbeat, light and also thoroughly engaging, Godard and Truffaut created a masterpiece of 60's French cinema.
Rated 06 Jul 2007
Very cold to me. I don't really understand why either of these two do most of what they do. Reading some of the other reviews, I guess they are supposed to be unpleasant and foolish. That being the case, why should I care?
Rated 30 Jan 2022
Yeah, I love this. What are you going to do about it? If I had to summarize the plot, it's about a Frenchman who is overly persistent in his desire for an American woman. So, it's basically the story of Pepe Le Pew.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
Genre: Whatever. Story: I don't give a shit. Starring: Me and my camera. Action! Jum--------------p Cut. Fin.
Rated 19 Jun 2012
An excellent score is the only saving grace for what is an incredibly juvenile and superficial film. The main character is an unlikeable scumbag and the "cool" style (although effective) aims to compensate for complete lack of content. There is some attempt to tack on ideas about gender roles and alienation in modern society, but it feels like a 16 year old, obsessed with boobs and money, making an utterly bland version of what Antonioni would create in his masterpieces of the following years.
Rated 30 Dec 2011
I think that's the grandfather of 'Pulp Fiction' in the sense that it marks a crisis of the cinema in general and tries to be a formal essay on that crisis, deconstructing the tradition prior to itself and give a reflexive account for what cinema is capable and not. It is not the superificality or ignorance of Godard as some argue, it is that deliberate effort of his who was of course competent on the history of cinema. However his later films were only repeating that nihilistic games on form.
Rated 16 Nov 2011
I'm simply going to have to accept that me and Godard don't get along. At all.
Rated 25 Oct 2009
Godard could've easily been a great writer or musician, his style is so different and at times frustrating yet peerless and pleasing at the same time. I'm sure that when I revisit the film, it'll be like watching it for the 1st time all over again (much like Tarantino's 'Pulp Fiction'). Although its style overpowers the narrative, it's one of the most fun you'll have at the movies. An audacious and entertaining piece of work.
Rated 08 Aug 2009
A work of utter style and hypocrisy.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
Playful and "light", but it also has something to say on love and gender differences in sexuality. Still it's perhaps a bit too light-hearted for me to appreciate this as the masterpiece many claim it to be.
Rated 10 May 2009
I Somehow Cant Find Really Access To The Movies By Jean-Luc Godard, It Is Good, But I Am Unable To Appreciate It As Much As The T10 Bombardments On The Ratings Box.
Rated 18 Jul 2008
Boring, overrated and annoying are just a few words I can think of to discribe this film.
Rated 12 Oct 2007
Under no circumstances don't mix this 1960 French New Wave masterpiece - À bout de souffle by Jean-Luc Godard - with the 1983 Richard Gere remake. À bout de souffle changed the face of the cinema in so many aspects it's hard to imagine many others alike. Jump-cuts, to point one example, was considered as a mistake when this movie was released to the screens. Thus, along with making À bout de souffle Godard had also invented the video clip. Seberg and Belmondo make you want to fall in love.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It may be mostly remembered today for being one of the first examples of "modern cinema" and helping start a cinematic revolution, but I happen to think Breathless is also a very entertaining movie and one of Godard's best.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
More notable for its astonishing influence on the cinema that followed it rather than for any value it might provide to the modern viewer. It's still an excellent movie and I enjoyed watching it a lot, but I doubt I'd watch more than once or twice.
Rated 09 Jun 2007
Historical mumbo-jumbo aside, Breathless is a mesmerizing movie, directed with great ingenuity and edited with ferocious courage, and has a neat vibraphone-heavy jazz soundtrack. Its text, admittedly, is uneven: Sometimes there are lines that are awkward and stupid, other lines are brilliant. The script is pretty good, but it's the way it was filmed that's visionary.
Rated 20 Aug 2023
Fun stuff, but past the flashy jump-cutting and slick bebop score this is just live-action Pepé Le Pew.
Rated 08 Sep 2022
I don’t like jump cuts
Rated 16 Jul 2020
I don't get it. The movie oozed style, and there was good chemistry among the actors, but there was nothing else to recommend. It may have been ahead of its time, but the story took a back seat to an irritating, casual, playful tone that didn't jive with the urgency that the plot needed. Get me engaged! Please! I wanted to care, but I couldn't.
Rated 02 Jul 2020
A film with some interesting editing and music which reflects the theme of nihilism and being carefree but, I hated the characters and the story. The characters just seem to talk endlessly about sleeping around, and there is no real relationship development. I did not relate or sympathise with them at all, and there is a murder investigation going on too? In this film there isn't an ounce of intensity, humour, drama or even any entertaining qualities. Don't think about it or your head hurts.
Rated 27 Nov 2017
The jazz and the editing create a wonderfully lighthearted and free-form atmosphere. The story doesn't really stick with you, but the tone of it does.
Rated 12 Apr 2017
I hated all the characters, the pacing is piss poor with probably the longest overdrawn scene in a hotel that adds literally nothing to the characters except for my hatred of them. The story just goes nowhere, the editing and score is cool I guess, but I zoned out by the end.
Rated 29 Jan 2017
Godard's debut was the original exercise in stylistic cool and a genuine gamechanger for its pioneering use of jump cuts and its radical inversion of genre conventions, but its elevated reputation, at least to this viewer, has always seemed like a by-product of its cultural impact rather than its actual quality. It's an energetic film brimming with invention and youthful exuberance, but like most 60's Godard it's also a little cold and calculating and too enamored with its own cleverness.
Rated 18 Jun 2016
A breathless experience... it was... once upon a time sadly
Rated 02 Dec 2015
It's hard enjoying this film when you're stuck with an aggravating, cocky young man and his boring chick-friend while they talk endlessly about nothing (and there's some flimsy story about a murder going on as well). Not sure why people go on about this being so experimental -- jump-cuts and talking to the camera are seen in the most mainstream of TV shows nowadays, so this film didn't stun me technically either.
Rated 29 Apr 2013
This awesome movie left me completely -- Wait for it! -- ....Satisfied.
Rated 02 Mar 2013
Quite beautiful occasionally noir-like photography. Together with its creative editing, it helps to move the film to greater directions than its plot allows, which leaves much to be desired. Though it highlights certain truths in cultural shifts, the plot development can be quite unbelievable and feels a little contrived, making me care less for the characters which to me, feel a little cold. Lively cinematography with cold characters.
Rated 30 Sep 2011
Rated 19 Jul 2010
I was surprised by just how enjoyable Breathless is. Even now it feels fresh and original and the characters are a joy to watch. In particular, the movie's high point is a 24-minute scene of the two main characters sitting in an apartment bullshitting and flirting. Seriously. Godard knows how to make such mundane things interesting to watch.
Rated 12 Mar 2010
Wow! What a ride. The trigger-happy jumpcuts and the high tempo alone make the viewing a wonderful experience. So filled with life and energy and desperation that it might burst at any time.
Rated 29 Jan 2010
cinema in its purest form
Rated 17 Aug 2009
A fun and surprisingly "cool" film whose strengths - the editing, the style, the dialog, the story's simplicity, the emotional detachment - may also be seen by some as its weaknesses. This is the first French New Wave film I've seen and it definitely piques my curiosity in the movement.
Rated 12 Jan 2009
best Godard for sure.
Rated 01 Mar 2008
# 29
Rated 21 Jun 2007
I loved the editing, I adored the main story but I disliked the philosophy.
Rated 13 Apr 2007
Intellectually I can appreciate how groundbreaking this film is, but it's no fun to watch at all
Rated 27 Sep 2024
So cool.
Rated 29 May 2024
Really just a hangout film. You hang around with the two leads and enjoy their banter for while. The famous jump cuts really emphasize the passing of time, giving the sense that a lazy morning, or a long drive, are really transpiring within the context of a single scene. It's interesting because the jump cut editing might be the least copied of Godard's innovations here. Maybe it's just a filmmaking grammar with limited utility.
Rated 05 Feb 2024
"ben kendimden bahsediyordum ve sen de kendinden. benim hakkımda konuşmalıydın ve ben de senin."
Rated 21 Jun 2023
Classic "cool guy" main character, in the vein of an Alan Delon or Chow Yung Fat. The classic french new wave jump cuts, nice long take at airline, cool jazz soundtrack, however the scene in apartment in the middle took way too long. A lot of style, but plot and substance is not necessarily there. Again: classic french new wave.
Rated 22 May 2023
Two very strong characters, a complicated love story & some of the best dialogues I ever listened to. I highly recommend it!
Rated 05 Jan 2023
Perhaps 'Breathless' has worked itself so far into the culture that it's not possible to come to it fresh. Or perhaps it is the Frenchness of it all, or that Patricia hits the raw nerve of an old flame, but the film leaves me at a distance. Godard's jump cuts are innovative and the energy of the film changes from lethargic to chaotic in a way that it is borderline tiring. I simply do not want to spend time with these characters. I understand its greatness and significance, but it is not for me.
Rated 14 Oct 2022
This movie did not leave me "breathless" but was aesthetically pleasing. The beginning of the film was great, but I was hoping for more depth to the story as it progressed. The director, Jean-Paul Belmondo, did not do too badly for his first film.
Rated 18 Sep 2022
"Heard the one about the condemned man? As he's climbing the scaffold, he slips and says, 'That figures!'"
Rated 06 Sep 2022
hasbinallah hasbinallah hasbinallah
Rated 30 Apr 2022
I have seen this film many many many times, and still frequently surprises me. It's a really wonderful debut that just bursts at the seams with the joy of making a film. Much more than any of his New Wave contemporaries, early Godard seems to make films packed with only the things he loves about films, and just jettisons the rest. I could watch another hour of Belmondo and Seberg hanging out and talking in her room.
Rated 10 Oct 2021
I am not realy the public for that but kudo's for the 60's feel of Paris
Rated 13 May 2021
Though the main characters aren't particularly likeable, they are super vulnerable & relatable on some level. It represents an interesting and important cinematic shift in tone with French New Wave, mixing a unique European sensibility with Hollywood influence.
Rated 03 May 2021
Legendary deconstruction of pop cinema and kick-start of the French New Wave plays better the greater grip you have on its context within film history (not unlike CITIZEN KANE) – like KANE, this also still plays as witty and clever entertainment, with Belmondo and Seberg perfect as the lovers on the run. Godard's daring play with both the conventions of the construction of cinema and his archetypal characters is an impressive achievement, even if it now stands in the shadows of its imitators.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
It basically begs you not to care. So I didn't.
Rated 02 Mar 2021
Sometimes a film just leaves a hell of a strong impression, even if I didn't find it particularly "enjoyable." Maybe I was just primed for this movie, watching it at time when I was already thinking a lot about narcissism. Whatever the 20th century did to people, however many ways it found to fuck us up, it's on display here.
Rated 02 Feb 2021
historically quite important movie.
Rated 18 Jan 2021
Immensely stylish, with great acting and chemistry. The cinematography is especially outstanding. The bedroom scene was maybe a little overlong, but for the most part a very fun and enjoyable film.
Rated 14 Apr 2020
Overrated piece of sh*t
Rated 22 May 2019
A bit enjoyed watching it, because of its freeness and maybe the atmosphere that fits mine these days. A bit annoyed by cuts and horrible edits and of couse the insist on that much lighting cigarettes, what was that?
Rated 05 May 2019
The protagonist is an amoral hustler with charm I cannot seem to find, but the women love him. Everything in this film is a little disconnected and jolting including the music all fitting with the main character.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
Stylish, kinetic
Rated 29 Oct 2018
Patricia Franchini: "I don't know if I'm unhappy because I'm not free, or if I'm not free because I'm unhappy."
Rated 17 Sep 2018
Good pointless show
Rated 26 Jun 2018
a bout de souffle was a revelation in its time, a direct usurpation of the old guard of the cinema. godard's free wheeling direction, its existential message was so novel that it became it's own thing, the nouvel vague. leaving the obvious aside, the film relies heavily on the charisma of the leads, particularly belmondo, who became a star with his role. in some ways, cinema did actually stay the same.
Rated 27 Apr 2018
Decent but not great. Tries way too hard to be cool. Seberg's accent when she speaks French is horribly grating. If it weren't for the beautiful cinematography there wouldn't be much here worth anything.
Rated 08 Apr 2018
story about some loser who acts like an asshole to his girlfriend, a walking haircut with the personality of a pencil eraser. send this souffle back to the kitchen. *Edit:* lol I've never seen so many fart-smelling posers get knocked off my TCI list so fast
Rated 06 Mar 2018
The movie is as carefree as its two characters. It is easy to see how it would be breath of fresh air for audiences numbed by formulaic stiff movies. Nonetheless, its innovate editing and even the rebellious style has been more than absorbed and feels insufficient to excite new viewers.
Rated 02 Feb 2018
This might be a film that you can enjoy when you are happy, I don't know
Rated 17 Oct 2017
Iconic for good reason, but as with anything that inspires everything that follows it (or at least half of them, along with the much superior 400 blows) it ends up feeling more than a little hackneyed some decades later. Not fair, but then viewing this as it was received in the 60s is impossible. Its a testament to the original that the act of redefining the cinematic form allowed so many of its imitators to eventually do it better. The story behind its creation is still hugely inspiring.
Rated 31 May 2017
An extremely innovative and influential film, the cinematography and editing themselves are breathtaking at times. More than that though, this film perfectly captures the aimlessly lost in Paris vibe and creates two of the most beautiful characters that I've seen in cinema.
Rated 16 Mar 2017
Stylish and while very much of its time, still holds good today.
Rated 17 Dec 2016
Groundbreaking in its day, Breathless still manages to be retain its cool, and remains interesting throughout. #1001Movies
Rated 01 Sep 2016
(...)Ein Filmwissenschaftler würde jetzt erörtern, dass Godards "Jump Cuts" den Durchbruch brachten. Vielleicht war es aber auch einfach nur die Respektlosigkeit, mit der sich Godards narzistische Helden obsessiv um sich selbst drehen, ohne den Rest der Gesellschaft überhaupt zu beachten?(...)
Rated 31 Aug 2016
This is the best I felt after watching a movie since I don't know when
Rated 31 Jul 2016
Godard's consistently moving camera shooting the streets of Paris creates a surprising amount of tender moments, especially with the close-ups of Patricia Franchini (Jean Seberg). Truffaut's writing really shines in this film, even when it seems nonsensical. It also helps that Jean-Paul Belmondo (Michel Poiccard) is charismatic as all hell.
Rated 02 Jun 2016
Famous for its jump cut sequences this film has many philoshical and cultural discussion moments. Godard purposefully comes back to inform us of the unreal circumstances the main characters get into only to make us focus on the films philosophy in order to spark a conversation rather than get too much involved in the story and characters.
Rated 20 Dec 2015
"Breathless" almost seems like it was directed by its own main character. Like Michel, the movie is impulsive, dangerous, and slick. The playfully-tense apartment sequence was my highlight, placed aptly at the heart of the film. Unfortunately, it never regained the spark from that scene until the iconic final shot. Still, this may be the most fun important film ever made.
Rated 25 Oct 2015
Indulgent debut with no cares to give, and why does it need to care?
Rated 06 Jan 2015
When I actively try to isolate it, the self-aware playfulness of Breathless is charming and cute, but when I actually watch the movie all of it is torn apart by Michelle's character, probably one of the most unlikable lead characters I've ever seen in film. You might say "that's the point", but when I say unlikable I mean it's gone full circle and his consistent misogyny, nihilism, narcissism, and douche face all become so predictable that he's fucking boring on top of it. That's unsalvageable.
Rated 06 Sep 2014
French 60s classics by Jean-Luc Godard and one of the best pieces of french new wave. Belmondo, playing a little gangster who has to leave France to avoid jail tries to persuade his girlfriend (the lovely Jean Seberg) to go to Italy with him. Spoiler alert - she doesn't.
Rated 21 Aug 2014
God how I love Godard's unique script and directing. This film basically contradicts the narrative system of any classic Hollywood movies in every single way. Very experimental and daring execution even in today's film making standards. Despite the slow pacing, the tension is high and captivating. A buried treasure.
Rated 14 Aug 2014
Jump-cut'ın iyi bi fikir olduğunu kim söyledi...
Rated 12 Aug 2014
Unlike most of Godard's later work, what makes this 87-minute generation-maker ground-breaking comes not from dense cerebral matters but from Godard's off-hand impulsiveness, a carefree attitude of winging it that cheerfully foils what's exhausted in previous movies.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
Ooo my god really irritate me i couldn't be painted for watching it was so hard movie for me and i dont like it.
Rated 15 Jul 2014
I would never have watched this film if I haven't taken some film classes when I was in college. I would better be able to discuss why I liked it if I had been better at those film classes in college. I do like it though. Just a fun movie to watch.
Rated 09 Apr 2014
This film keeps growing on me, and I appreciate more and more of what Godard does here as the film settles in my mind. The main character's an ignorant blowhard with little to no self-awareness, but it's the complex attitude the film takes to its two leads - which careens wildly between mockery, objectivity, and pointed listlessness - that makes this film so necessary and memorable.
Rated 07 Feb 2014
great end :/
Rated 30 Dec 2013
A story about a lowly criminal and the women he knows with a side story about him killing a cop. It doesn't make much sense, it's pompous, and pretty full of itself. Jean-Paul Belmondo is not a good looking guy and his character is ignorant and lacking any good qualities but woman seem to love him for it. Police know who he is but he can still wander around all he wants? WTF. Highly overrated but not a complete waste of time. watch it more for it's style and less for entertainment.


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