Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

2h 34m
The third installment in Michael Bay's trilogy travels back to 1969's historic moon landing, when Neil Armstrong and his Apollo 11 cohorts touch down in the Sea of Tranquility ... and discover what appears to be a downed Transformers craft. Flash forward to the present, and the Decepticons are ready to exact revenge on Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots. Shia LaBeouf returns as Sam Witwicky, the Autobots' human ally.
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Transformers: Dark of the Moon

2h 34m
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Avg Percentile 24.45% from 3994 total ratings

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Rated 06 Oct 2011
Michael Bay has found a way to make giant robots and explosions boring. Good job!
Rated 02 Jul 2011
Bay, whose movies have quickly evolved into mind-numbing endurance tests, is a resilient parasite. How foolish of me to assume he had a couple of tricks left up his sleeve. The action produces little enjoyment while the actors hover through its incoherent plot with lifeless exhibition like a puppeteer's marionettes. Rolling the end credits less than 60 seconds after its boring, 1-hour denouement reflects poorly on everyone's involvement: they just wanted to pack their shit and leave. So did I.
Rated 02 Jul 2011
This time no overused phrases like: nononono wowowow, but instead they replaced it with countless slow-mo's (did any one count them?) and explosions. Is it any better? No! It's fucking crap (God those model women..). The final battle of an hour long drained seriously all the energy I had, in an already overly long stupid movie. One plus, I made the crowd clap when the movie ended. Only my clapping was like the one you use when you're in a plane and it almost crashes, but lands safely.
Rated 06 Jul 2011
Imagine alternately throwing up and being aroused for hours without end while Michael Bay pisses you in the face. Transformers 3 may be a noisy, moronic, tasteless, cynical, misogynistic, propagandistic pile of shit, so incoherent it almost can't be called a movie - but it has huge robots ripping each other (and Chicago) apart... and... that's pretty cool...
Rated 28 Jul 2016
Michael Bay unzips his pants and pisses in our faces for a third time. At this point, we deserve it.
Rated 03 Jul 2011
Hilarious, as Bay self-parody. It's like a neo-con wet dream, with Optimus Prime no longer a virtuous defender of life but instead somebody willing to murder his enemies in cold blood instead of accepting a truce. Bay has also done away with the pretense of hiring an actress, opting instead for a supermodel for audiences to ogle at in-between explosions, and we even get fat comic-relief NASCAR-bots. For all its absurdities, though, it's at least tolerable despite its bloat.
Rated 18 Aug 2011
A visually ugly film with incoherent plot, wooden characters, and insipid dialog. One of the more unpleasant experiences I've had at the movies - and I was once mugged in a movie theater.
Rated 02 Jul 2011
Its so boring and unlikable. The military plot, mcdreamy, labidoof, op autobots, bad camerawork, amazingly bad editing all add up this mess which you don't care about at all. Probably the most emotionally inept invasion ever. Zero entertainment what so ever.
Rated 07 Jan 2015
There is a sequence in the final act - when the heroes pick a path through a lost city of giant temples made of steel, concrete and glass, hunted by an ancient robotic god and his serpentine servant - when for a moment it really seems like "Hey! This is something. I'm engaged with this. There's something happening here. They really thought about this and set up something interesting here," but my goodness the insulting, puerile, and putrid trash we have to sit through to get there.
Rated 05 Jan 2012
Apparently, this movie made a billion dollars. Humans continue to prove they are gullible, dumb, and easily distracted by bright colors and loud noises. Fuck this species.
Rated 30 Jun 2011
Nice to see that Bay learned his lesson from the previous one and made story more solid, action scenes, finally, more clear and watchable, replaced Fox. On the other hand, with staggering visuals and impressive 3D, Bay will never probably understand that blowing entire cities up, absolute absence of characters development and going every time into action packed extravaganza with tons of logic and incoherent howlers, will never equal creating something worth remembering.
Rated 05 Jul 2011
You know the drill: plenty of visual ambition, zero creative or emotional ambition. The movie's attempts to make me care about Shia and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's relationship are hilarious. Also, anyone else notice how strangely terrified this trilogy is of killing off a single prominent human character? There is a fairly clever sequence involving a collapsing glass building that boosts my rating out of the red, though.
Rated 05 Jul 2011
How you feel about Shia will dictate a majority of your opinion about these films. I like him as the lead, but there's only so much script to work with. There was nearly a great movie buried beneath the bloated, pro-military hooplah and corny one-liners. The pluses; Malkovich and Tudyk are fine comedy additions and the visuals are the best of the trilogy (clear and discernible). The scenes of devastation in Chicago had me hopeful for a great climax, but the explosions went overboard for 30 min.
Rated 13 Jul 2011
Dear lord why does mike bay HAVE to make these long ass movies. One word to describe this film? Exhausting. Or how about tedious. Its the same action weve seen before in overload, and not much else. Tho the script is a tad bit better than the horrendous part Deux.Second time i watched it i did enjoy it more, but maybe it was because it was at home, and i could press pause.
Rated 01 Oct 2011
Bayhem FTW! The first was great, RotF was shite! Dark of the Moon brings us a step back towards greatness. The script sucks my balls and even though it has a mixed cast of Hollywoods finest and prettiest, the true protagonists are made of metal, and you watch the films because of them. When Optimus Prime does a slow-mo ballet, taking out 2-3 Decepticons in 3D, its the best in the world, but when the indifferent humans run, kiss and betray eachother its annoying. 100 to the metal 10 to the flesh!
Rated 31 May 2014
Inhuman and almost unwatchable trash. The problem is not that Michael Bay exists and made this movie. The problem is that a production apparatus exists that can count on millions of people to purchase products of this kind. The mystery is how people can be programmed in such numbers to behave as though they desire to consume industrial objects such as this, possessing no redeeming value whatsoever. Certainly counts as prime evidence of global stupidity. Score based on partial but ample viewing.
Rated 01 Jul 2011
The best Transformers film, Dark of the Moon is still far too idiotic to tip into the top half of my rankings despite the fact that I enjoyed it, particularly the second half. The cast and competent action direction (only about half of the action scenes are pure clusterfucks this time) are its strongest points, LaBeouf growing on me more and more and Huntington-Whiteley doing OK, filling shoes that Megan Fox left empty before shooting of the first film even began. I'm surprised to say it; Fair.
Rated 13 Jul 2011
Better than the second movie, worse than the first - which is like saying a better death than AIDS but a worse death than drowning.
Rated 25 Sep 2011
Bay heard the criticism last time and made sure to cover his bases with caricatures of every ethnicity instead of just black people. Apparently slapping together corny scripts with 75% CGI robot effects n' explosions easily grosses a billion dollars. There are some interesting effects and combat set pieces but there's more ludicrously retarded moments like Shia swinging around tarzan style on a raging decepticon and riding spacecraft into the pavement. It's the expected gaudy bag o' poo.
Rated 27 Jun 2011
I don't know why I thought this would be an improvement. The script is horrendous. Once again, Bay ruined a day from my life and just gave me headaches.
Rated 29 Jun 2011
Bigger, louder and - yes - way better than "Revenge of the Fallen" - Megatron indeed rhymes with testosteron!... On the downside even Turturro, Malkovich and McDormand can't diminish that the Megan Fox replacement is as annoying as her lips are overly huge, the sidekicks still aren't funny and the script is overlong and unfocused. But hey - who cares, Bay knows how to entertain and tomorrow I've happily forgotten all about this 2,5 hour robotic porn-buster anyway.
Rated 29 Jun 2011
action packed dull fest
Rated 03 Jul 2011
A waste of money. I mean that in more ways than one.
Rated 04 Jul 2011
Covering the all too familiar Bay-spectrum from excruciatingly broad jokes and cheesy character relations through picturesque destruction, this surprises with a reasonably comprehensible plotline and action bits that are fairly entertaining and, crucially, intelligible. These and the fact that the last hour is less soused in "humour" save a bloated popcorn flick burdened by an uncharacteristically uncharismatic LaBeouf. Most of the off-putting talking is, thankfully, relegated to the first half.
Rated 06 Jul 2011
Transformers 3 can be summed up by a scene in which Shia Labeouf dangles by a cord from the head of a robot who tries ineptly to dislodge him, first one way, then another, then another, then the first way again, the second way again and the third way again. At this point another guy gets stuck to the same cord, and once again the robot tries to shake them off about ten different ways until finally his head explodes. This type of scene pervades the entire film, which is over 2.5 hours long.
Rated 08 Jul 2011
This is a huge mega-blockbuster epic - and astoundingly stupid. Robots that move their lips to talk, with the emotional maturity of five year olds and that travel from beyond the stars to converse in stilted, grandiose english. For G**s sake - one of these robots has a metal moustache dingling when he talks! See it to enjoy cities being destroyed and s**t blowing up. See it to meditate on what its popularity says about humanity. Laugh at its cliched pomposity. And enjoy! Big screen is a must!
Rated 27 Jun 2014
The conversations in this movie and also the movie itself resemble B action movies from 1990's. The tragic part is that this is not a parody.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
American Hero, Michael Bay hurls another couple hundred million up on screen, this time coaxing J Malkovich into his Bay-hole. I really wish there was a sub-story arch throughout the franchise for the mother character, leading her from suburban housewife to something like an affected clepto, loitering around the shoe section of Target for extended sequences. But the pacing does not allow for such depth, this is absolutely superficial filmmaking.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
Two and a half hours long. All I'm saying.
Rated 12 Feb 2012
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, could you get the fuck out of movies and never come back?! Please?!
Rated 20 Oct 2011
It's crap
Rated 17 Nov 2011
I guess it helps a little if you think of it as Michael Bay does "Last Year at Marienbad".
Rated 29 Jun 2011
If people don't like this, they don't like summer blockbusters.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
Two and a half god damn hours of my life I will never get back. I would write more but I don't want to remember this pile of shit
Rated 24 Jul 2014
This movie only really makes sense if you assume Optimus is the villain and Megatron just wants to go home. And it's terrifying.
Rated 15 Dec 2014
I know I saw this movie. I know I went to see it in theaters one after noon. I know it had robots and fighting and sparks on the screen and LeBeouf running around screaming. Other than that, this entire movie is just a big, clashing, long-ass blur.
Rated 30 Jun 2011
Possibly the best film in the Transformers series, the film has solid setup, keeps the comic relief fairly restrained (by Bay standards), and finally delivers the kind of action we've been waiting for from this series. It's also some of the best live-action 3D to date, and it even helps Bay make a better movie-this is perhaps the best, most coherently-shot action I've seen from him. Low standards? Maybe. But after the second one sucked so bad, it's amazing this one's good at all.
Rated 30 Jun 2011
Exactly what I had anticipated: a lot of stuff exploding, Shia LeBeouf screaming, the new chick screaming. And again, women are either crying or screaming or non existent as independent human beings (how come that there's not one in the military and the only one in a really high position is a huge bitch?) And I didn't really see the additional value of 3D here unless you like those annoying glasses.
Rated 09 Oct 2012
1) Why the fuck are there still humans in these movies? 2) Why the fuck is one of these humans still Shia Lebeouf 3) If they have to make it Lebeouf (If!) could they at least have the decency to leave him out of the third act? 4) OH GOD WHY Leonard Nimoy? Fringe was bad enough, but now you willingly butcher your most iconic role (Spock) and his franchise (With the most half-assed references this side of Big Bang Theory no less) on the altar of the Technocratic Demagog, Michael Bay. For shame.
Rated 05 Jul 2011
AMERICA FUCK YEAH! Anyway, this is about on par with the first one for me, but keep in mind I'm one of 3 people (me, Bay and Bay's wife) who prefer the second one. The first hour kind of lost me; I thought it was silly and kinda dumb, and yes I am aware that they've all had a human narrative, this one didn't do it for me. It wasn't put together well. Then after an hour, the robots start fighting and that's when you remember you're watching a Transformers movie and it actually gets good.
Rated 05 Jul 2011
Eye candy.
Rated 05 Jul 2011
Well, it's not as bad as the last one (which I originally gave 45 to, I'm so sorry). At least with all the slow-mo and 3D bait I can see the robots hit each other, which is nice. But still, too long, too sexist, too much "comedic relief" (and there are not enough quote marks for that), and too many humans. Especially Sleepy LaBeef. NO ONE GIVES A FLYING SHIT ABOUT YOUR PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL YOU TOOL, STOP WHINGING YOU ARE GOING OUT WITH A SUPERMODEL AAAAAARRRGGHHH. Sorry, really annoying that.
Rated 12 Jul 2012
Drags, drags and drags forever.
Rated 05 Jul 2011
I can't begin to tell you how bad this movie is. It's just so ridiculous, you want to cry and laugh at the same time.
Rated 06 Jul 2011
Everytime I'm watching Transformers I feel like a litle child, who was playing with those Hasbro stuff on the floor of my room. I hate modern CGI crap and idiotic plotlines in 99% of today's movies, but I can't help myself, I'm loving this god damn series. The comedy part works surprisingly well this time (better than the second one), and Optimus Prime leads his autobots in a battle of total destruction, which looks so fucking awesome on the screen.
Rated 23 Sep 2012
20 fun action minutes, but there's 134 other minutes.
Rated 11 Nov 2019
This is not an actual movie. This is random bullshit put together by an insane person that had mindcontrolled several big name actors into doing his infernal bidding. Fuck this. Whatever it is,
Rated 10 Oct 2013
How exactly do they plan on making a fourth one of these after this movie established that Optimus Prime is a fucking vicious psychopath?! He turns down his enemies attempt at a truce, murders him in cold blood, and then the ending monologue is about how the war is going to go on for ever and ever JESUS SHIT. Extra marks for the end of Sam Witwicky's emotional journey being "oh fuck, i just killed that guy for no reason....shit". Megatron is the most sympathetic character here.
Rated 06 Dec 2012
Not as bad as Transformers 2 (as if that were possible). The reduced amount of dialog, along with McDormand, Malkovich, and Tudyk, make this barely decent enough to be mindlessly entertaining. Just cut Witwicky's storyline entirely, and turn this into a 90-minute special-effects packed action film consisting only of the moon conspiracy and the Chicago fight. Then you'd finally have a Transformers movie that could really be enjoyed.
Rated 13 Jul 2011
I didn't care about a single character, apparently neither did Bay.
Rated 13 Jun 2012
Better than Revenge of the Fallen, but just ever so slightly. Michael Bay listened to the cries of wanting more fighting robots and that's what the latter half of the movie is. That's it. I don't even think the second half can even qualify as a movie as much as a bunch of random scenes following no rhyme or reason. Stuff is literally happening just because it can. And even the action is hampered by awful editing and camera placement. Everything is obscured. Mulholland Drive makes more sense.
Rated 17 Feb 2012
Clearly the best of the three.
Rated 23 Jul 2011
Just barely better than that steaming pile of shit t hat was "Revenge of the Fallen"
Rated 25 Jul 2011
Michael Bay's electric, metalic and explosive adventure for kids should be 30 minutes shorter -- again, it's for kids -- advances a lot in its CGI ride, because now human beings (insects) and gigantic alien robots (gods) seem more connected than ever before, but also look like another of these big studio meaningless, self-indulgent pictures.
Rated 02 Sep 2011
Well it was better than the last one. This movie suffers from the same poor handling that the others have had. I only have 500 characters to complain about this series and I'd need about 4 times that amount.
Rated 16 Sep 2011
I can think of few redeeming qualities for this pile of garbage which is fraught with pointless scenes, bad acting, and the worst dialogue seen in a big movie since Avatar. Oddly, this movie would have been better if the robots were left on their own as the human characters serve literally no purpose other than to take up time and (for one) provide eye-candy. This movie drags on excruciatingly for 90 minutes before finally getting to some action, but it's too little, too late.
Rated 24 Sep 2011
Strikes a better balance between stupid robot fights and passable plot than it predecessor, but it's still an overlong and terribly written film. I'm angry at myself for having watched this shit, but it could have been worse.
Rated 25 Sep 2011
The emotionally-vapid plot is as flat as cardboard and as hole-ridden as Swiss Cheese, the visuals are in no way inspiring, the action scenes are boring, and it goes on for almost three times longer than it ought to. That being said, It's not the most horrendous film I've ever seen. The comic relief actually supports itself pretty well, and there are some absolutely spectacular visuals of a destroyed Chicago. Also Shia LaBeouf, can you please stop acting like such a whiny little child?
Rated 07 Feb 2012
Michael Bay needs to stop. Stop with the ludicrous collapsing building destruction porn. Stop with the hiring of supermodels instead of actual actresses. Stop with the dialogue of insipid one liners and constant screaming. In twenty years special effects will be better and the only point of preserving this film will be show how much money could be spent on bullshit.
Rated 15 Jan 2012
The human characters are as annoying as ever, but this time around they have less screen time, meaning it significantly improves on the second one by default. Skip the first half and just watch the Chicago battle scenes for your dose of big-budget spectacle.
Rated 27 Sep 2011
It is pretty obvious that Michael Bay isn't very familiar with the concept called 'reinventing the wheel', because his latest playtime outing with toy robots is still an incoherent mess of fragmented storytelling, disjointed set pieces, a ceaseless cacophony of sounds; with defunct, nonsensical, comatose characters who just don't know the purpose of their existence in the world. The best part of the movie came when the end credits started rolling, and I found myself to be the first one out.
Rated 27 Sep 2011
Went in with very low expectations and I was pleasantly surprised. It's quite watchable and there was a decent story to follow somewhere inside. I think Bay tried to listen to his critics and tried to inject this film with some mature elements. Unfortunately he lost it halfway and went back to this childish way of film making. But I'll give him a C for his effort. On a side note, when you introduce a Dutch character, let him talk Dutch, not goddamn German, godverdomme.
Rated 04 Apr 2013
Drink every time someone screams, "OPTIMUSSSSSS!"
Rated 10 Oct 2011
Explosion, CGI, hot girl, explosion, space craft, good-gone-bad, rise of the good, explosion. The most interesting characters are Optimus Prime and Bumblebee respectively.
Rated 12 Aug 2012
cocktimus shitpile.
Rated 12 May 2012
Messy and unwatchable with cliched dialogue incomprehensible action.
Rated 15 Jan 2013
Huge cyan orgy of interlocking metal crap, but even worse than that implies. There are one or two moments of genuinely inspired special effects, but otherwise the movie is a depressing ugly mess. Any human character I'm supposed to relate to is detestable and uninteresting. The robots are only good at whirring into each other to produce gear soup. There's a plot, maybe, but it doesn't matter. I don't regret seeing it because now I have a definitive answer to what my least favorite movie is.
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Another slowing action series past its "prime". Ha!
Rated 30 Oct 2011
Over the top. Lots of action in a million different directions. Not a good movie.
Rated 30 Oct 2011
PEW-PEW-PEW. Robots, plot makes no sense, funny drama, pathetic comedy. Classic transformers.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
God, this was so difficult to watch with a straight face. Everything about this trilogy has gotten worse with each subsequent entry, and Dark of the Moon is the ultimate accumulation of garbage. The romance between LaBeouf and Megan Fox in a blonde wig is as poorly written as Anakin & Padme's. This film elicits no emotion, has more instances of product placement than character development, and is completely manufactured. I hate this film, this type of film, and the fact that it will not end.
Rated 04 May 2012
Rated 06 Nov 2011
Michael Bay's ultimate masturbatory template. Childish (I cannot stress this word enough!) throughout, Transformers 3 is the perverted endeavor of bringing the dimwitted math-class backseat-scribblings of a 12-year douche to life on the big screen. That's no mean feat, I'll give it that. And a big fuck you to the "it's just entertainment, chill duuude" crowd. Choke on those words! There's nothing cool here, nothing admirable, no spectacle, no emotion. It's a big, dumb and lifeless cheesy mess.
Rated 09 Feb 2015
I was hoodwinked into believing that the final battle scenes were SO worth it. Little did I know that the battle was an hour long and it happens after two hours of absolutely horrid character development. If every human on Earth died in that last hour, I would feel no sympathy for any of them. The sad part is that the special effects are top notch. If the scenes of that skyscraper were at the midway point of a halfway decent movie, they'd be extraordinary. As is, I'd rather watch Christine.
Rated 02 Apr 2018
War cinematics was good, but all else sucked. And, come on! Do all action mistresses have to look like hookers?
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Marveling at its grotesque gigantism doesn't make this two-and-a-half-hour-long movie any less dull.
Rated 26 May 2014
Rated 07 Feb 2024
audiovisual 45 acting 35 overall feeling 20 avg 33
Rated 11 Apr 2012
A couple of decent twists and some beautiful action make this far better than the second installment. The main problem is once again that every joke fails and Shia is insanely irritating especially when he is trying to be funny. It has to be said that even though Huntington-Whiteley is gorgeous, she is no Megan Fox.
Rated 20 Jan 2012
I'll be the odd man out and say this wasn't complete garbage. The action is better and more entertaining than the previous film and the story isn't too hard to follow. It does, unfortunately, have too many slow motion shots, and it's way, WAY too long. I don't know, I thought it was at least fine. I can't say I'd willingly rewatch these.
Rated 06 Jul 2011
as expected there was absolutely no story, none whatsoever, just tons of silly moments after each other, but it redefined popcorn-cinema!
Rated 17 Jun 2012
Damn it
Rated 04 Apr 2012
This series just progressed further and further into complete uselessness. This movie gets an 8 due to what critics call "The Malkovich Push."
Rated 08 Jul 2011
Stupendously fatuous filmmaking, but...there's an hour-long soldiers vs. robots battle in downtown Chicago! There are cameos by JFK and Buzz Aldrin (as themselves)! There's an amazingly hot Rosie Huntington-Whiteley! There's Leonard Nimoy recycling old Spock quotes as a new turncoat Autobot baddie! Indefensible, for sure, but the overkill's enough to make you cry uncle after awhile.
Rated 09 Jul 2011
Watching 'Dark of the Moon' I was left wondering why everyone hated 'Revenge of the Fallen' so much. The first half of 'Revenge' was solid entertainment, but things start to fall apart halfway. 'Dark' starts out awful with an annoying veil of pessimism and attempts at humor that continually fail miserably. The movie even manages to make the reliable Shia LaBeouf completely annoying. Then the awesome 3D special effects overwhelm in the 2nd half, and let me say: Wowza! Take that as you will.
Rated 16 Jul 2011
What a piece of shit!
Rated 17 Jul 2011
Music video, fashion commercial, badly paced, shouting, screaming, yelling, shouting, testosterone. Michael Bay... You suck.
Rated 04 Aug 2016
Revisited (2)
Rated 18 Jan 2012
better then the second but idk about the first
Rated 01 Sep 2012
This was worse than everything.I don't know if any scene lasted more than 20 seconds.
Rated 04 Sep 2011
Rated 27 Jan 2020
Rated 26 Sep 2011
Better than the first two, but still way too much focus on Shia and the almost pointless fleshies.
Rated 27 Sep 2011
There is only so much of things blowing up and computer graphics can help. The movie needs transformers to ever make it worth while. Making characters hyperactive or trying to make people funny by being stupid doesnt make the movie good. Overall a waste of the money spent in making this movie.
Rated 19 Aug 2012
I've already forgotten what happened in it. My favourite parts of the film were Alan Tudyk, Ken Jeong and John Malkovich. I hate all the comic relief robots. It's all just big explosions, chaotic action and lots of CGI. The visual effects are good though. I liked Shia LeBeouf enough. The Megan Fox replacement, Rosie Huntington-Whitely, was as bland as they come. Plenty of bad and obvious expository dialogue. I guess it was probably better than the second one, but that's not saying much.
Rated 06 Oct 2011
This third film was what I liked most of the three films, although still not great. Visually it's incredible, but the story, despite the good start, it's kinda messy. The result is a decent and unpretentious action movie for kids, but that does not go beyond that.
Rated 29 Sep 2015
Has a more interesting story and some better characters then the 2bd movie. But its just as loud, dumb, and WAY to long. The transformers get no characterization, even bumblebee is barely in this movie. But all of these problems have plauged the entire series. So it's nothing new I guess. Also an hour long finale action scene, Micheal Bay at his peak I guess....
Rated 24 Oct 2011
Due to some of the money being allocated to shove some talent in the supporting cast, this is the best of the movies. But it's still Michael Bay, and the final act is still mind-numbingly dumb, so it's basically the same movie as the rest.
Rated 26 Nov 2011
Rated 02 Dec 2011
Better than the second one, but that's not saying much. Okay to pass the time.


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