Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones

2011 - 2019
TV Series
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Avg Percentile 74.52% from 4700 total ratings

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Rated 07 May 2019
Watch it with your sister.
Rated 22 Sep 2018
This show is broken into two eras: the Martin era (seasons 1-4), and the D&D era. The Martin era is absolutely magical and among the best television ever made but the rest is diminishing returns until the disaster that is season 8. Shocking deaths and epic battles were never the point of this political drama until all character, plot, and tone were stripped away and effects were all that remained. I'm not sure how to recommend as it might have the least satisfying conclusion in TV history.
Rated 12 Mar 2016
Far and away the best thing on TV circa 2016. It's rare that a show can go 6 seasons and still be so fucking good. I can't even put into words how good everyone is here. There's no real main character (sure, you can say Jon Snow...but Dany, Cersei, Tyrion and Arya get as much screen time) and still, each story line is great on it's own...supporting cast at it's best! Beyond great characters, the key to any great series is to keep the audience guessing, and it does this in spades! Fuck season 8
Rated 06 Sep 2015
Welcome to Westeros, the land where all your childhood fairytales about good triumphing over evil comes to die - painfully. You may need to be a masochist to keep watching it, but it offers one of best dramas ever to grace the TV screen, and not just within the fantasy sub-genre.
Rated 07 May 2019
Game of Thrones Seasons 1-4: Look at how these morally complex & intelligent characters fight each other for power through the use of political intrigue, deception, and military strategy all against a background of a supernatural threat that serves as a metaphor for modern-day climate change and watch us tell this story in a way that leads to surprising yet earned plot twists and the shocking deaths of many major characters. Game of Thrones Season 8: Who can we get to bone each other next?
Rated 27 May 2016
Game of Thrones is as much a game of dominoes as chess, as much a tumultuous political drama as it is an elaborate ensemble piece, as much an expertly crafted saga with exceedingly fine-tuned performances - even from the youngest actors, if you can believe it - as it is an extraordinary production teeming with gorgeous cinematography, stirring music, fantastic costuming, and arresting sets, locations and visual effects.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Abundant entertainment. The series draws you in. I wait with anticipation for each new installment. A few story lines disappoint, but most are great. Interesting & shocking developments. Frequent twists & turns. They're not afraid to kill off their lead characters. So many awesome characters to get invested in, and hate. Many side plots moving to inexorable confrontations. I absolutely love the series. Some of the writing is spectacular. Excellent performances. One of my all time favorites.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
As the series catches up with the books and key storylines omitted or changed, the series continues to get a lower score. Edit - season 6 has officially dragged this out of tier 10. Nice job completely shitting the Dorne storyline. Edit 2 - Season 6 redeemed itself, which I didn't think was possible. Edit 3 - later seasons shit the bed almost entirely. Scored dropped again. It still remains one of the greatest shows in television history in scope and significantly cool events.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
A tough show to rate because it's so uneven. The great moments are really well done and the bad moments are really miserable. If you haven't read the books it's understandable if you can't understand what's going on. I like how they started to deviate from the books as they are going to have to because there's no way hamplanet George RR Martin lives till the end of its 7 (possibly 8) season run.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
Attempts for power, for supremacy and continuance of its existence, all gets collided into itself by that which in its wake always pursues something similar. Those who stay go mad or are too drunk to see what's there. A eunuch, a nobody, a midget, a cripple and someone who doesn't know who they are make quite some distance.
Rated 09 Sep 2015
I see so many problems with every single episode, but I still love it overall.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
How on earth do I rate this mess? The first 3 or 4 seasons are truly excellent & ambitious adaptations of a seminal series of books. Then it gradually descends into an almost farcical mockery of some its initial core ideas. Not to say it's all bad or without ent. value but as one of those annoying book fans I found it hard contain my disappointment & just enjoy the spectacle. Represents a monumental industrial point in many ways, which sadly turned out to be the most interesting thing about it.
Rated 02 Sep 2019
I was like 4 seasons behind by the time it wrapped up and given how much everyone hated the ending, I might just stick where I'm at.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
Starts off as peak fantasy House of Cards, keeping interest by demolishing tropes and building up unlikeable characters. Unfortunately both GRRM and D&D learned the wrong lesson from the RW and tried to replicate that "oh fuck" moment instead of coherently wrapping it up. After the S4 finale the quality deteriorated with the exception of a handful of these extravaganza moments, with great dialogue and characters sacrificed for CG explosions and zombies. S1-S4: 85 / S5-S6: 65 / S7: 20 / S8: 10.
Rated 11 Oct 2015
The stench of HBO is very apparent in this show and many moments in the show were pretty idiotic topped by bad writing, only to get worse with each season. Sometimes, though, the show does have moments where it does shine and the performances are pretty good by a lot of the main cast. I've seen this sort of show done better before, so I can't really find myself becoming too attached to it. I honestly feel like it'd be much better if HBO didn't get their hands on it.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
I really enjoyed season one. Two was trash. Three didn't redeem it. That's where I stopped. I just didn't want to be annoyed at how retarded the writing was anymore. Some of the acting was top notch, but some was unwatchably bad. Seriously Aidan Gillen, how do you go from such a great and nuanced performance in The Wire to this. Just a terrible performance.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
Mance Rayder apparently plays Chief from The One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and is also in The Revenant, who would've guessed?
Rated 29 Oct 2018
As a reader of the books i can say that this series is so under its potential, has many differences from the books and unnecessary changes.. But it is also a very high quality production.. (PS: 80 points for the first five seasons, I left watching after 5th season)
Rated 20 May 2020
The last season of this show is what lowers this from all-time classic to merely good. It's not that the plot choices are bad; it's that the storytelling ones are. GoT thrives on slow pacing that builds tension for when shit goes down, and the final two seasons undo that formula too much to be very redeeming. Still, it's worth a watch for its incredibly high production values and great world building. It tackles some interesting modern issues in its medieval setting as well.
Rated 01 May 2019
This show started off fantastic, with infinite potential culminating within the first 4 seasons. Once season 5 hits all continuity and logic falls out the window. An opportunity missed, but is still a wonder to behold for the fantasy genre. Would definitely recommend, but falls short of greatness.
Rated 19 Sep 2015
Rated 05 Sep 2015
One of the greatest TV shows ever made, full of moments of genuine genius throughout its run. The decline from S5 to the disastrous S8 cannot be ignored however. Whilst some critiques of S8 amount to not much more than ‘I wanted it to end exactly as I dreamt’, the narrative missteps & character gutting are almost painful. Dorne was probably the warning sign than when pushed D&D would bottle it big time. Sadly tainted. S1 - 92. S2 - 90. S3 - 96. S4 - 85. S5 - 69. S6 - 80. S7 - 76. S8 - 55.
Rated 06 Jun 2024
TV: the opening seasons focusing on the original 'hard fantasy' medieval drama led to complex imaginative unmissable entertainment. Thereafter despite increasingly normielised filler plotting (much less nous and sex but plenty clumsy retcon) the spectacle remained though the drama lost its lustre. I even appreciate the final season wrt most char arcs, but goddamn, eight years of edging only to end with so many 'botched story angles' that even WWF bookers had to hold back tears! A modern tragedy.
Rated 16 Feb 2020
Let us not discuss season 8. Earlier seasons offer drama and tragedy raw and real of Shakespearian pathos. Amazing, makes the viewer emotionally extremely invested.
Rated 07 Jul 2016
One of the most over rated series of all time. I've seen now three entire seasons and still waiting when the action starts. The only interesting storyline is the dragons. One of the few real fantasy elements in the Middle Ages series. I decided to see the series till the end and it improved a lot towards the end. Quicker they get rid of the burden of the books the better.
Rated 24 Aug 2017
season seven managed to give us some of the action weve been waiting for while also making us miss the great writing of the old seasons. id trade drogon cooking zombies for varys and littlefinger's conversations any day. and there was more drama in watching the valiant but naive robb starks ill fated campaign than there is watching westeros's A Team go on some ridiculous quest and only losing a few extra's. but when it was better, it was really great.
Rated 26 May 2019
Set in a rather bland high fantasy world (with zombies and dragons; It's not Tolkien-imaginative), GoT is, at its best, an unpredictable, suspenseful and sophisticated epic of political intrigue, with Shakespearean elements, a huge cast of characters and an unusual level of sex and brutality. At its worst it's exploitation meets soap opera, rife with TV tropes and contrivances.
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Best show I've ever seen...though the last season (5th) took a looooong time to get going...but was well worth seeing in the end!
Rated 04 Oct 2015
Come children and gather as you are shown one of the greatest anti-fairytales this world has known, as good struggles to survive the dark world of Westeros. The high marks of the show's production value evidence the fact that we are truly in the golden age of television. Each 45 minute mini-movie builds the stories of the characters we love to root for and also the ones we love to hate, which are all then subjected to their number one threat, which is not each other, but Martin's sadistic mind.
Rated 03 Feb 2024
If nothing else it made Game of Thrones books (which are real gems of masterful storytelling and character generation). Some of the cast are better than perfect they added to the characters in the book (Snow, Tyrion, Cersei, Theon, Daenerys to name a few), the gore and sex were not always "dosed" well and sometimes felt like the equivalent of clickbait. When the book arcs were over and they went their own way, there was a considerable drop in the quality and the impact of the material.
Rated 22 May 2019
With LOTR as the one notable exception, I'm not really into fantasy anymore, but, although I found several of the seasons to be an extremely mixed bag, GoT was always more or less worth watching for some undeniably great production values. And I, for one, thought that s8e03-s8e06 were solid and relatively satisfying. | Favorite season: S1 | Favorite episode: probably "The Door" (s6e05) | Favorite character: Tyrian
Rated 20 May 2019
I couldn't imagine a worse last season and last episode.
Rated 24 Oct 2018
Brilliant, complex, dark, violent, moving, engrossing, highest quality! Just tad concerned by wobble in S7 (prob having to go 'off book' & accelerate pace -> SLIGHT sloppiness) Really hope S8 wraps things up @ flaming, roaring, sizzling level the show maintained thru first 6 seasons. PS. WISH ALL TV SHOWS WERE SPLIT INTO SEPERATE ENTRIES PER SEASON HERE on CRITICKER. Not this, but some shows range from 5* to 2* quality in different seasons & thus hard to rate/review in 1 entry.
Rated 19 Sep 2015
Hands down one of the best television series ever made. Insanely high production value.
Rated 11 Apr 2016
The series as a whole reached some of the highest highs in television history, but also had some real disappointments. It definitely faltered as it made it past the books in terms of story, but there was still a whole lot right going on the last few seasons. Even with its polarizing final few episodes, this is still one of the all-time greats.
Rated 09 Oct 2016
An extremely expensive, flashy and in-your-face with the boobs and beheadings kind of series. Who hasn't heard of this? There's plenty to say about it and critique and it's not undeserving of praise. But maybe that's the problem, there's a lot to say about it because it's tried to cram in a lot of characters, narrative arcs, themes, storylines, locations, cinema styles. Eventually you're prone to lose interest in most of it except for a few favourites (ie. Tyrion). That's what happened to me.
Rated 16 Jul 2023
did not finish. Got 1 or 2 episodes in and it was pretty clear it wasn’t for me.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Featuring an engrossing world and a level of ambition that has yet to be matched, Game of Thrones is a mesmerizing and outrageously addicting series that has forever altered the television landscape.
Rated 19 Aug 2016
As someone who ordinarily hates this type of quasi-medieval setting, Game of Thrones has consistently impressed me with its approach to storytelling and its top-notch acting. The writers know how to make the viewers crave the next episode. That doesn't absolve the series of its flaws, though. At times, the harrowing violence descends into misery porn. (One major character spends several seasons as a tortured captive. Another gets raped for shock value.) I also hope the pacing improves.
Rated 02 Feb 2018
For seasons 1-4
Rated 09 Jul 2023
Would've been an 80 or even 100 basedon first couple of season; past season 4/5ish, show dropped to a 40 or 20. Completely different shows.
Rated 13 May 2020
Season 1-6 is about 90 points but after the disasters of last 2 seasons it's even about 79...
Rated 09 Dec 2020
Last two season ruined it.
Rated 04 May 2019
I don't understand why people like this series so much. Cinematography and music are great but that's all. Characters are both exaggerated and consistent, which is a mistake which is really hard to do. Ex: Khalesi is depicted as a purely good person although she cannot be as no one can. However, she also shows megalomaniac behavior at the same time. Normally if you design "pure good" characters you put vulnerabilities to them not pure evil characteristics... Anyway, dun to watch...
Rated 06 Sep 2015
Seasons 1-5: For reasons regarding Seasons 2 and 5, this can't get a Tier 10 in my book. However, Game of Thrones is nearly perfect in its 3 other seasons. Right now, it's one of my favorite shows still running, and I can't recommend it enough.
Rated 30 Jan 2016
I will not try and take anything away from this incredible show. Yes, there are weaknesses, yes some acting performances are better than others, but all in all it just holds an incredible level. I better say this, since I've seen Season 1 five or six times. Whoops!
Rated 07 Aug 2023
Game of Thrones presents a highly intricate fantasy realm, immersed in a blend of sex and blood, delving into the morally ambiguous positions of its characters. However, despite building significant character investment through shocking plot twists, the series ultimately falls short in delivering the expected payoff. The once promising exploration of poignant tragedy succumbs to terrible and lazy writing, leaving viewers disheartened. George RR Martin's dark world deprives viewers of virtue, off
Rated 21 Oct 2019
Only seasons 1-3. I loved the first one but then it went downhill very fast. The politics and the moral were the engine of the plot but apparently twists and oh so cool monologues were more important in the end.
Rated 01 Jan 2016
I don't get the hype.
Rated 21 May 2019
Ultimately a great show about the ways in which violence shapes people and perpetuates itself though them. There's some dodgy writing in the immediate post book era but it comes together for a very strong final season. The tidal wave of garbage discourse following each episode was very tiring but I'll miss the show itself a lot.
Rated 12 Sep 2015
The first 4 seasons are outstanding. It gets really bad from the 6th season tough...
Rated 09 May 2020
S1: 100 - S2: 100 - S3: 100 - S4: 100 - S5: 70 - S6: 70 - S7: 50 - S8: 10
Rated 03 Jun 2024
if season 7 and ss8 weren't fucked up, it would b a truly amazing series
Rated 31 Jul 2017
As someone who has read the books which are extremely flawed and full of the author's sexual neurosis this series is an amazing adaptation. It takes all the good, adds more good, and leaves out a lot of the bad. The character growth in the actors and the series progression itself is extremely noteworthy. The story itself is epic in nature but at times the dated-and- always-playing-catch-up CGI does mar this. Overall it's one of the best series ever created and I don't see this changing soon.
Rated 26 Mar 2017
"If any man dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his fucking corpse."
Rated 29 Jun 2022
The good parts are so good, and the bad parts are so bad. The early seasons (1-4) are a 10/10 and are what keep this rating as high as it is. Season 5 starts the decline.
Rated 13 Jun 2020
For a while, it's a great historical fantasy show, with a complex story and characters, filled with interesting themes, conversations and political intrigue.
Rated 20 Jun 2019
Season 1 brings a compelling story to the screen worthy to be placed among HBO's - and TV's - best. In just 10 episodes the series adds several moments of major emotional kicks, as well as many hours of pure entertainment. It does not live up to the sophisticated storytelling excellence of shows such as The Wire, but in terms of accessibility, sets and costumes, entertainment value, acting, music and overall production it indeed reaches great heights. The ending was a bit rushed, but expected.
Rated 20 Sep 2017
Very addictive. As the show's gotten more pared down, it's gotten weaker.
Rated 28 Nov 2015
an awesome, if at times a trifle shaky, mix of drama and fantasy. Season 5 felt noticeably weaker than it's 4 predecessors. Hoping I don't need to downgrade this further after Season 6. Still, ya gotta love it!
Rated 12 Apr 2016
Possibly the most accomplished realizations of a fantasy world outside of Lord of the Rings. Martin's worldbuilding, realpolitik, and plot already imbue this with a sense of magic, but the gripping relentless direction brings the show to another level.
Rated 17 Nov 2021
Seasons after 5 dragged it down from 90.
Rated 26 May 2019
The books and series are different experiences, hard to compare. Looking at the series in a nutshell, it started excellent, then became bland with a few great episodes every now and then, and the last season is...... let's just not talk about it okay. Love it or hate it, it's a cultural phenomenon and deserves to be.
Rated 28 Jan 2020
except season 8 :/
Rated 08 Jul 2016
Takes a while to start and spreads out way too much when it eventually does, but it's all quality nevertheless.
Rated 08 Mar 2017
Final season drags it down five points.
Rated 09 Oct 2015
One of the best TV shows ever. Complete series.
Rated 24 Dec 2018
Highly uneven but has some great moments befitting its iconic status. Through its high-level production and massive popularity, it serves as a reference point to many shows that have tried to follow.
Rated 22 Dec 2016
The first season (in my opinion) will be difficult to beat and is by far the best in terms of rawness, shock and awe. Don't quit though, the entire series is still very watchable! I promise you will never harbor more hatred for a movie character then you will for someone in this series ; )
Rated 21 May 2019
terrible last seasons
Rated 30 Nov 2015
Progressives trying to write feudalism is painful to watch. And everything happening up north with Jon Snow is an incredible bore.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
92 is the rating up till season 5. (8 stars off the early seasons for horrible & needless “gritty” torture scenes. Got overly sadistic & lurid at times, when the point could have been made without that. Just fastforwarded it anyway, so there was no point.) Seasons 5-7 were 80. Beyond that, 65.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
This show often feels like it was written by a child who likes to torture insects, and about as interesting. Some of the best parts are those that are enjoyable as a b-grade medieval magic-fest. There is a certain degree of interesting treatment of theme of power.
Rated 21 Sep 2015
Defining a generation with a impressive power. Winter is hopefully never coming.
Rated 27 Dec 2015
Intended for teenagers and teenage-minded adults.
Rated 02 Feb 2018
When you're too busy jumping on the Disney money train to care about the final 2 seasons of your pop culture phenomenon hehe xD. Seasons 1-4: 94, Seasons 5-6: 83, Seasons 7-8: ...
Rated 11 Sep 2020
The greatest failure in the history of television.The absolute terrible ending that was S8 has made it that I will never be able to watch the show again.This show was dependant on the ending more than any other show and it blew it.D&D(Dumb&Dumber) should be outcast from Hollywood and people should throw tomatoes when they see them walking down the street.8 years wasted,this could have been the show of a lifetime and people could have talked about this a 100 years from now.What a waste.
Rated 10 Apr 2017
Really falls off a cliff in the final 2 seasons, so I have too knock off points. Had the potential to be my favorite series of all time. We discuss what made season 1 so special (and compare it to the novel) on my podcast INK TO FILM, check us out!
Rated 07 Jun 2018
disappointing final season.
Rated 05 Nov 2017
Just watch until the Red Wedding and then stop. S4-S6 are mediocre at best. S7 is outright bad and so far (4 ep in) S8 has been atrocious.
Rated 09 Oct 2015
I'd like to rate this much higher, but the more recent seasons have become less and less accurate to the original works and just don't have the same feeling as season one did. If they bothered to take their time and focus on quality and didn't have to recast new actors for certain characters I rate this show much much higher.
Rated 21 Jun 2021
100 until season 4. The rest of it slowly lowering. Finale is just 0.
Rated 27 May 2024
Last two seasons (or more? I don't remember) are best not seen.
Rated 12 Jan 2016
This mix of drama, history, epic battles and bloody violence deserves to rank among the best tv series of all time.
Rated 15 Feb 2016
What started as an arguably the best television series ever made ended up as a smoking pile of shit. Seasons 1-4: 100, season 5: 60, Season 6: 35, Season 7: 10, Season 8: 0. Not sure if I would have a heart to recommend watching this. Also, found this spoiler vid explaining all the places it went wrong:
Rated 25 Oct 2016
too much
Rated 13 Nov 2015
Loved the start - but went on too long
Rated 25 Apr 2021
first 3 seasons 90, 4,5 seasons 80, 6,7,8 seasons 35
Rated 23 Jan 2021
I am one of those assholes who read the books decades before there was a show. What differs for me is that I did not like the books. The tropes are overplayed in fantasy (e.g. a greater unknown threat while factions squabble) and the execution of people being evil for their own sake strikes me as twee. Coming to the show, I barely got through season 1. This show was stupid long before s8. I don't get the appeal at all. Have you all never read anything good?
Rated 09 May 2019
Previous rating was 90. Changed to 75 after the final season.
Rated 08 Dec 2016
(S1) More than great production design, wonderful sets and overall good acting almost redeem this show. However, the story doesn't fall flat on its face as much as it never gets started in the first place. 10 hours at subglacial speeds - TV static has higher pacing than this. In these 10 hours, they do find the time for ridiculous scenes full of nudity that appear to be written by a horny 14 year old boy. Moreover, none of the characters are even remotely likeable. Who wins? Who dies? Who cares?
Rated 26 Oct 2015
Only basing this review on the first, second and third season. The show has a strong cast, good narrative and interesting arcs. Afterwards, it just panders to the crowd's emotion and sensibility and destroys what the audience came for : getting their hopes up, understanding all the characters and not having the time to say goodbye.
Rated 07 Feb 2018
Just started it and already grabbed me by the throat. Intense. More later...
Rated 01 Aug 2017
W4E2P2S1V2M2A2R3. Not quite one of my favorites of all time, because there is just something unfortunately less moving and engaging about a world where main characters die all the time and every character is flawed and meandering (even if it's more realistic--but that's a weird virtue in a story about dragons). But man in terms of quality--especially the visuals and the acting--it's incredible to watch a show that literally gets better every season.
Rated 29 Jun 2022
Not that I didn't like acting, story or production but the theme really doesn't speak to me.
Rated 11 Dec 2019
Rated 26 Jul 2024
The first seasons are great, the last ones are more and more terrible and the final one made sure I would never EVER watch that series ever again, and would NEVER recommend it to anyone. What a waste of my time...
Rated 23 Oct 2019
A truly exceptional series filled to the brim with immaculate performances, unbelievable set and costume design, and mostly ingenious writing can't even be tarnished by a truly revolting final 2-3 seasons.
Rated 19 Aug 2018
1-4 season
Rated 28 Aug 2018
S01~S05-90 S06-80 S07-60 S08-40


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