One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

2h 13m
Upon arrival at a mental institution, a brash rebel rallies the patients together to take on the oppressive Nurse Ratched, a woman more a dictator than a nurse. (imdb)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

2h 13m
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Avg Percentile 77.33% from 15363 total ratings

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Rated 25 Apr 2012
Putting Nicholson and Fletcher apart in the leading roles, not to mention the other performances from the rest of the cast, was what made One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest a great classic. Great performances as well as one of the most original stories ever. It's no wonder this movie is so well-received. Absolutely everything here is done so incredibly well. One of my top 10 movies. Worth watching if you're a movie buff as well.
Rated 16 Jul 2015
Everyone seems to ignore the fact that the main character is a child rapist. And that Nurse Ratched, despite her cold demeanor, is simply DOING HER JOB. And that the depiction of mental illness and psychiatric care is cartoonishly inaccurate. And that the "inspirational" ending is blatant emotional manipulation of James Cameron proportions. But never mind - it's the '70s, so STICK TO THE MAN, Y'ALL!!!
Rated 09 Oct 2010
Child rapist with a history of violence weasels out of punishment and kicks back in a hospital, where he proceeds to terrorize the staff and interfere with the treatment of sick people; is eventually murdered in his sleep by another patient.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A battle of wills that's intense, funny, and heartbreaking. There are few characters who can inspire loathing as much as Nurse Ratched. Watching this makes me want to re-read the book, which I think is the highest praise one can give to an adaptation.
Rated 06 Feb 2007
This film is one of the only movies I have ever seen that made me cry. Nicholson is absolutely stellar as Randle Patrick McMurphy. Forman does an incredible job on this film, and leaves us a large arsenal of memorable scenes, including one of the most famous scenes in movie history. Nicholson is in a role he was born to play, and nobody else could have done it. The supporting cast was fantastic as well as the sadistic Louise Fletcher as one of the greatest villains in film history. Incredible.
Rated 06 Feb 2007
Without getting into any of the allegorical elements of the story or anything like that, Cuckoo's Nest is first and foremost an entertaining movie that manages to evoke an unusually wide range of emotions.
Rated 13 Dec 2020
If we had a genre called "Movies for Sensitive Children" I think this would be first in the canon. I saw it as a kid, and the lessons have stuck with me: how to escape bullying, being yourself, and learning to escape wrongful imprisonment--be it physical, mental, or spiritual. The technical aspects are great--with well deserved Oscar nominations for editing, cinematography, writing, and music. It also makes a perfect double bill with The Shawshank Redemption, if you ever have the time.
Rated 08 Feb 2019
A great film with all-star performances. The older I get, the less I feel that Nurse Ratched is a terrible villain. I hesitate to even call her a villain. Also, the statutory rape thing at the beginning was something I forgot.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
One of those movies that make you think "Maybe they should have a Best Ensemble Cast Oscar".
Rated 09 Jan 2007
The standard by which American film should be judged.
Rated 21 Dec 2006
It so effortlessly portrays such a wide range of emotions. Jack is arguably at his best here, and Louise Fletcher is equally notable portraying one of the greatest villains ever, with a very amusing and charming supporting cast. Just perfect casting, strong writing, and spotless direction.
Rated 24 Jul 2017
Perhaps feels a little dated in style now but performances are absolutely brilliant. 1 of only 3 films in history to sweep Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress & Ad Screenplay. Everyone knows how sublime Jack was, but all = SOLID++. LF as Ratched (1 of great authentic, human, understandable, yet truly scary, destructive screen villains ever) is amazing & crucial. Real life: Godzilla'll never crush U but a Ratched might! + THAT ENDING: lump in throat MINIMUM each & every time
Rated 15 Apr 2013
One of those movies you just have to see if you are a true movie addict. Brilliant performances, fantastic cast, so many memorable and emotional scenes... and I believe its the only movie that really made me truly hate one character, Nurse Ratched... Totally deserved all 5 big Oscars
Rated 07 Oct 2009
One of the greatest movies ever made. So much win in this film. And so much disturbance. The acting is just incredible. Amazing movie that will never grow old
Rated 16 Apr 2009
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is probably the most inspirational film ever made. Every once in a while my opinion of it will lower and then I'll watch it again and re-realize that it's one of the best movies ever made. Of course, there's the incredible acting, cinematography, characterization and blah, blah, blah. But there's more to a movie than that, especially this movie. It inspires hope, and it does so in a way that no movie ever has, and probably never will.
Rated 17 May 2008
A damned good movie. Jack Nicholson, Christopher Lloyd, and Danny DeVito all at the top of their game. A great story that does not fail to mesmerize.
Rated 02 Mar 2007
Phenomenal, you must see this film.Jack is amazing along with his co stars.This film is beyond any doubt one of the best ever made.
Rated 12 Dec 2006
Wonderful performances by Nicholson and Fletcher in this terrifying look at the power of authority and helplessness of confinement, through life in a mental institution. The movie manages to make you feel the entire gamut of emotions as it takes you through the ups and downs of the characters.
Rated 12 Oct 2011
An absolute powerhouse of a movie, filled with amazing actors who are perfectly cast.
Rated 15 Aug 2011
An amazing film, loaded with emotion. The portrayal of mental illness is a little simplistic, but the setting and the characters could be anywhere and anyone. A prison, an office, a school... any institution where individuality is stubbed out to make room for conformity. There are some truly incredible acting performances in this - Nicholson and Fletcher, obviously, but Brad Dourif is really brilliant too.
Rated 22 Nov 2010
Hate this movie. I know that's not a popular opinion, but I always felt this movie was corny, overcalculated, intelectually dishonest and a bit of a cheater of a film. I wish crazy was just being a bit eccentric! As a depiction of madness is far from realist, as a metaphor of america at the time it just tries too hard but falls short of acomplishing anything but just cliched ideas. Some good acting make this one passable. I still think it's populist to portray crazy people as inspired geniuses
Rated 05 Jun 2009
Wow. Excellent movie with great performances. I myself felt like my hands had been tied up as I wanted to hurt Nurse Ratched for her cruelty. It is very rare that you feel like that in a movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Both uplifting and depressing. In all ways a perfect film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Being moved enough to cheer someone on in choking another person to near-death in a non-action movie should give you some insight into how powerful this film is. Nicholson turns in easily one of the greatest roles of his career with R.P. McMurphy, Louise Fletcher is one of the best unconventional villains I've ever seen (ever, literally), an entire cast that is just heartbreaking and full of heart at the same time, and one of the saddest endings ever. One of my favorite movies of all time.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I dunno, maybe I missed something. But I never bought Nurse Ratched as the horrible villain everyone else perceives her as. So, with that in mind, it was hard for me to view this as Jack vs. Ratched, and without any strong confrontation, I was just left with a pretty amusing film about a con man riling up mental patients.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Both exceedingly joyful and tragic. Nicholson gives an iconic performance, and the movie does a wonderful job of balancing humor and drama. The cast of characters is extremely memorable and well-acted, especially Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched and Brad Dourif as Billy. The ending is on the very short list of the greatest film endings ever. Bittersweet and triumphant.
Rated 13 Jan 2007
I have a tremendous loathing for Jack Nicholson. I was on Nurse Ratched's side.
Rated 10 Nov 2020
Probably the most youthful state in which I've seen Nicholson, DeVito and Lloyd act. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest has some great moments of dialogue, and plenty more lulls in between. It's a good film, but one which I don't think I'll feel like watching again. The themes of emasculation and undue authority are present but not pressed. I was sympathetic to Ratchet early on (her misguided & Nicholson disruptive), but as she sours Nicholson doesn't change, lessening the resonance of the film.
Rated 04 Dec 2013
Scenes from this movie have really bothered me. Jack Nicholson seems to me like a bully who is being presented as a hero. I believe I've seen most of this movie in parts at different times in my life, and can't imagine sitting through the whole thing it was so ugly.
Rated 09 Oct 2012
So much positive can be said about this movie. But most likely, you've already seen it. Jack Nicholson as McMurphy is at his best here, alongside Louise Fletcher as one of the all time greatest screen villains, Nurse Ratched. Everyone in this movie plays their roles perfectly. It's a very powerful drama that gets better and better as it goes on.
Rated 26 Jul 2012
Rated 10 Jul 2012
A strong and powerful movie, well acted by all. There weren't really any villains in this movie in my opinion just multi-dimensional flawed people living their lives as best they can under harsh conditions. Jack Nicholson is a pure joy to watch in this, in fact this is his best performance in my opinion.
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Such a well put together film. The tone and pacing were absolutely perfect.
Rated 02 May 2012
An oscar-laden movie and probably deservedly so. In terms of complexity, it may not do justice to the novel but movies rarely can, and so deserve to be judged on their own merit. The plot is direct yet doesn't feel rushed and the dialogue is mostly perfect. Nicholson's performance is superb (the same can be said for the whole cast), and Louise Fletcher is fantastically cruel and heartless as the villain. A must-see.
Rated 21 Apr 2012
The cast is phenomenal, maybe the best ensemble ever. Unfortunately, this is my favorite book so it's hard for me to not notice where certain elements of the story were changed for the worse (even though it was necessary for time's sake). I can usually separate movies from their books because I have way less retention for books, but I've read this 5 times and I know it quite well. I hate being one of those people that says, "The book's better." They are such twats. It will never happen again.
Rated 16 Apr 2012
I used to have some bullshit pretentious review here. I'm a cunt for trying to give a legit review of this in 500 characters. I'm such an asshole.
Rated 07 Apr 2012
The biggest flaw of this movie is that we all know that Jack Nicholson would legitimately find help in the tyranny of Nurse Ratched.
Rated 13 Dec 2011
This is an outstanding film. In my opinion this movie contains Nicholson's best performance. One of my favorite films!
Rated 08 Dec 2011
Perfection! An absolute phenomenal film with Nicholson's finest performance to date in my opinion. Great characterisation here with all the patients and a real insight into hospitals for mental health in that era, especially the use of electric shock treatment. This should be in the collection of anyone who calls themselves a movie addict.
Rated 25 Aug 2011
Not one of my personal faves - it drags, especially the fishing scene, and the book handles it all better - but wow the acting is amazing. We need more films where Jack Nicholson just goes all out, it's always fun to watch.
Rated 13 Jul 2011
All of the performances are amazing! Intense, funny and sad.
Rated 25 Feb 2011
you know that saying: 'i have no problem with weird people, it's the "normal" ones who freak me out'? this is the movie to that saying.
Rated 20 Feb 2011
amazing and shocking. Jack Nicholson had one of his best acts, the scenario is surprisingly brilliant. the ending was magnificent.
Rated 07 Nov 2010
It's incredibly well acted, cast, and directed, but I just couldn't get over the fact that a sane man was trying literally to get the lunatics to run the asylum. I understand it's not meant to be a definitive look at how an asylum is run, but I expected it to take the mental health aspect a bit more seriously.
Rated 13 Aug 2010
One of the best.
Rated 25 Jul 2010
Jack Nicholson in one of his best performances
Rated 20 Jul 2010
Its great, enough said
Rated 09 Mar 2010
A stunning adaptation of Kesey's novel that deservedly won Academy Awards for Best Actor (Nicholson), Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actress (Fletcher). Nicholson is really breathtaking; there's not a false note in his remarkable portrait. Fletcher, playing Nurse Ratched, subtly manages to be almost always unpleasant, often insensitive, but never resorting to caricature.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
A masterclass in acting if ever there was one. Nicholson and Flecther are both incredile, but what's so surprising is the strength of the supporting cast. There's not a single scene of bad acting in sight. Combine that with a touching, funny and ultimately tragic story, a sensational screenplay, flawless direction and an exceptional score and you have one truly remarkable film.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Despite a jarringly triumphant, slow-mo conclusion, this film is unusually restrained in the matter-of-fact humanism of its direction and the detailed realism of its ensemble acting. Nicholson delivers the performance of a lifetime, but it is a performance which emerges organically from a real world in a way Cool Hand Luke, with all his Hollywood Christ imagery, never could. It is a quintessentially American story viewed through a distinctively European eye, and therein lies its uniqueness.
Rated 30 Nov 2009
Unpredictable story not concerned with pleasing every1? Interesting, honestly flawed characters? We must be in the 70's. Nicholson in a career-defining (& perhaps life-defining given his life-long "wild man" off-stage persona) role here facing off against one of filmdom's greatest antagonists - a steely, insanely vindictive automaton whose refusal 2 raise her voice makes her all the more villainous.The ending somehow manages 2 b moving & creepy at the same time & the film deserves all its Oscars
Rated 31 Jul 2009
A classic piece of cinema. Brilliant in its simplicity, in that all it is, is a well performed, expertly directed, deftly written piece of drama.
Rated 20 Jul 2009
don't get what all the praise is about
Rated 09 Jun 2009
Jack Nicholson's character is more nuts than all of them, but at the same time he isn't...wonderful and moving.
Rated 19 Feb 2009
This was highly misogynist and too brusque. It has The Straw Man fallacy, yet the memorable actress Louise Fletcher playing Nurse Ratched was not the monster I expected after hearing the worst. This may mean that people have simply become crueler, & that Nurse Ratched in the classic film now could only stand for a tepid bureaucracy.
Rated 04 Feb 2009
I read part of "Cuckoo's Nest" for a prose piece while on the speech and debate team in High School. I went to State with it where I sat in a room and listened to 7 teenaged girls read their prose pieces, every single one of those girls read a different prose piece about was uncomfortable. This was a great film though.
Rated 03 Jan 2009
I saw this movie in school when we had film-history and I was blown away of the strong message and the substory of the movie. I clearly missed out alot from previous movies but I never forget this one. Jack dose a memorable role a the faked demetal guy trying to live up the boring hospital and its funny and cheer full and sometimes you just feel anger over the bad nurse who always is so ... well, unforgiving and frozen.
Rated 14 Aug 2008
Fantastic range. The comedy is unquestionably satisfying given the circumstances of a completely sane smart ass living amongst a bunch of crazy fuckers for a year. The tragedy however, is just as apparent and heart wrenching. The battles between McMurphy and Ratched ensue and create an incredibly entertaining atmosphere played out by an ideally casted group of brilliant actors, including a young DeVito. An ending for the ages. Chief's silhouette disappearing on the dark horizon, the drums...
Rated 14 Jun 2008
Very Great
Rated 19 Jan 2008
One of the classic roles for which Nicholson's prime is remembered. It's all about the characters and the casting.
Rated 08 Nov 2007
Jack lifts this movie by himself really.
Rated 08 Oct 2007
A completely captivating movie, each piece of the cast was basic. A simple story, counted in way absolutely efficient. Jack is the best.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Awesome. That end creeped me out.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A charismatic man makes fun of authority before discovering that there is ultimately an unavoidable price to pay for his defiance. An ode to rebellion that conforms to the Hollywood rulebook on how to manipulate audience emotions, but it makes good use of its cast and especially of its star.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
You sit and watch waiting for the kick-start this film desperately needs but it never comes. Disappointing.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A perfect movie, back when Jack used to act.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This movie is crazy!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Jack Nicholson offers up a stunning performance in this excellent film, the story veering from comedy to tragedy, the group cast bringing the story to life. Nurse Ratched must be one of the most effective cinema villains of all time. There is a bit of fun to be had from spotting minor characters who have gone on to further things. Overall, the film is a bit unsettling, but very satisfying, and I would highly recommend it.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
This is a movie that gets its audience on every emotional front. There isn't much that needs to be said about One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest that its 5 principle Oscars don't already do for it.
Rated 06 Dec 2020
An impressive take on the confinement of authority in mental institutions. The choice of characters and their development with the patients and especially with Nicholson's character as the freedom leader, all interesting and touch on sensitive, broader subjects. Ratched represents an oppressive figure that can translate across multiple fields as well.
Rated 08 Jun 2019
Nicholson. Fletcher. A match made in heaven. Great Milos Forman adaptation of the Kesey book. Mmm, Juicy Fruit.
Rated 05 Apr 2019
McMurphy: "Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can't stand it in this place here and you don't have the guts just to walk out? What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it."
Rated 20 Sep 2018
A clinic in acting by the extremely talented cast. There is nothing in the story, editing, or cinematography that elevates this film. It is all acting and it is all phenomenal.
Rated 17 Sep 2018
Rated 11 Jun 2018
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest... My first time watching it... It's just so maddening in such a visceral and real way. It totally earned its position in the history of film becoming the classic that it is today, but I can only imagine how instantly big it got in 1975. Fantastic.
Rated 18 Jan 2018
100'ü hak eden sayili filmden biri.
Rated 17 Jan 2018
One of the best film performances ever from Jack Nicholson would be enough on its own to hold this film in the highest of regard. However, the supporting performances and screenplay are hard to ignore.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest features the greatest movie ending of all time and the greatest performance of all time, with Jack Nicholson seemingly born to play the role of R. P. McMurphy.
Rated 10 Apr 2017
This, as far as I can remember, was a great movie.
Rated 11 Jul 2016
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest features the greatest movie ending of all time and the greatest performance of all time, with Jack Nicholson seemingly born to play the role of R. P. McMurphy.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
One of Mance Rayder's earlier performances as Chief. He plays Chief very well.
Rated 23 Aug 2015
Rated 11 Feb 2015
Everybody already knows how great this is. Louise Fletcher plays a different kind of villain than you're used to in movies - much more understated and a hell of a lot more realistic and sinister.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
I think if a movie is fascinating or remarkable, that's because when you watch it, it makes you feel all the emotions. Just like that, this piece of awesomeness sometimes makes you sad, and happy. In my opinion, that's a movie which contains so many things that could potentially be the masterpiece..
Rated 12 Nov 2014
A throroughly wonderful drama. The potentially cheesy and simplistic premise is completely elevated by numerous amazing performances. Just brilliant tone that underlines most touching or funny interactions with a faint but tangible uncomfort and vice versa.
Rated 28 Aug 2014
Don't sit down McMurphy, get out of that window and run. RUN! Breaks my heart everytime
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Nicholson's performance is one of the acmes in a lengthy career of enviable anarchists. Jack is a much-loved American presence. And if his performance is rightly praised, Louise Fletcher's, notwithstanding the Oscar, is not valued enough.
Rated 12 Jul 2013
Flawless filmmaking. Script, direction, and action are perfect. Each and every actor is spot on in his or her role. Very rare movie experience. Cannot recommend this one enough.
Rated 04 Jul 2013
One of the greatest films of all time. It is indescribably glorious in every single way, and the saying that a film is only as good as its villain is the biggest understatement in cinema history when applying it to this. I cannot praise this film enough.
Rated 29 Mar 2013
Jack Nicholson is phenomenal, per usual, and Forman did a fantastic job directing. Nicholson has some of the funniest lines, and though he can be an ass, you can't help but root for him. A staple for film, and a must-see if you haven't. Absolutely CRAZY for this film!
Rated 26 Mar 2013
One of the best pieces of acting you can watch coming from the great Jack Nicholson. Also I have to give Nurse Ratched her dues for being one of the best villains in a movie. This movie will make you feel many things. It was most definitely make you laugh. It will make you cringe, smile, cover your eyes, shake your head and it has the ability to make you cry as well. R.P. McMurphy is such a cool guy and his friend Chief will surprise the hell out of with his compassionate soul.
Rated 22 Feb 2013
Equally hilarious and heartbreaking, masterful performances left and right. Deserves the hype and deserves its Oscars. A truly beautiful film.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
Powerfully compelling film. Nicholson at his very finest.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
Rated 23 Jun 2012
The onscreen battle between Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher serves as a personal microcosm of the culture wars of the 1970s - and testament to the director's vision that the film retains its power more than three decades later.
Rated 18 Jun 2012
My favorite film. Suberb acting, dialogue, and pace. A masterpiece.
Rated 03 Feb 2012
Another classic.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
Great story, great acting and great directing is simply everything you need to make a good film. This one as all of the above.
Rated 20 Jan 2012
My favorite Nicholson role, and a heartbreaking one.
Rated 29 Nov 2011
Yeah I cried, didn't you? I can't think of a movie that had so many actors that would become big not long after, and this movie can be seen as the starting point: Danny Devito, Christopher Lloyd, Brad Dourif, Vincent Schiavelli, and the guy from the Hills Have Eyes. Jack Nicholson gives in my opinion his best performance, and that's competing against 4 or 5 nearly as great ones. Every scene's memorable and the emotions felt in each are real and complex.


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