Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

2h 29m
Decepticon forces return to Earth on a mission to take Sam Witwicky prisoner, after the young hero learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers. Joining the mission to protect humankind is Optimus Prime, who forms an alliance with international armies for a second epic battle. (imdb)
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

2h 29m
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Avg Percentile 22.38% from 6639 total ratings

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Rated 27 Jun 2009
Nonstop visual and aural abuse for almost three straight hours - grinding metal, booming voices, seizure-inducing camerawork, and endless, gratuitous explosions are paused briefly only for atrocious dialog, sub-par acting, stupid gags, and tedious exposition into its incomprehensible plot. Only Michael Bay could construct an experience this masochistic and grating to the senses. The Geneva Convention should outlaw this piece of shit.
Rated 07 Nov 2012
Ghastly vacuous porn: military porn, shiny car porn, kewl cgi porn and actual young women filmed like they're porn stars. Worse, a pair of robots do an urban minstrel show for comic relief. It's all pretty vile. Aside from all that, the action sequences (which are the big sell for this) are visually incomprehensible, with no clear sense of what we're looking at or where we are at any moment: this is what happens when you outsource your film to a cgi company and let them invent it all for you.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
Bay spends more investments and thousands of dollars making this completely worthless attainment. Transformers fight doltishly and moronically as loud booming and pounding noises are made in the background. Mercenaries fight off Decepticons to heavy metal music and techno, and Shia Labeouf stumbles and falls like an insipid idiot. Oh, and did I forget the eruption of explosions that occur every five seconds or so? I didn't? Oh well.
Rated 30 Jun 2009
Phenomenally, incredibly bad. The editing is a mess, the story is weak (and once again takes things from canon only to twist them into something random), and it's full of inexplicable and unappealing elements: several Decepticons can now spit, there's robot humping, robot balls, the insulting and stupid "twins," and then there's the Matrix of Leadership, which disappears when you touch it because you don't physically need it, except for later when it reappears because you do. Unbelievable.
Rated 26 Jun 2009
It's a bad sign when the very first scene makes you cringe in agony. Forget about character or plot development, formidable acting, any form of redeeming quality, this is another pure example of America's chauvinistic pride and declining intelligence. I'm not being too quick with my judgment, just rational. 'Transformers 2' is without a doubt the worst "movie" I've ever seen. A -50 would've been an honest score.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
Another dumb, noisy, antagonistic action-flick from Michael Bay with the huge support of US Army. Thank God there is military to destroy non-negotiable terrorist-like Decepticons! Who Needs Autobots! I think Bay thinks like, "if I shake the camera enough, and put enough fighting-robots into the story with dumb jokes, and shoot all those scenes in a rush so audience can never get anything and if I only focus on Megan's ass, who cares if I praise the army!" Did I miss sth? Was it Revenge of Bay?
Rated 25 Jun 2009
Horrible acting, writing, directing, dialogue. An unnecessary amount of characters, devices, settings. An strangely awkward abundance of military authority. Biggest disappointment of the year, for me. But at least the robots looked nice.
Rated 04 Jul 2015
A nightmare of cacophonous noise, horrid dialogue, and ugly CGI. That people love these movies speaks to our inevitable downfall as a species.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
The first Transformers movie is a guilty pleasure of mine. The sequel is just guilty of being a terrible movie. The only defense is that it was meant to be a mindless action film (much like the first), but the thing damn near put me to sleep! If the monotony of the action sequences wasn't good enough reason to close my eyes, their seizure inducing quality was.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
Summer films drop to a new low in Transformers 2. Michael Bay's action opus barely contains a plot, takes a dozen or so diversions that serve no purpose and help extend the running time to an insufferable 2.5 hours. In addition, the cinematography and character design combine to make even giant robot battles boring and confusing. Toss in some of the most racially sensitive comic relief since Jar Jar Binks and you've got a big, bloated mess.
Rated 05 Jul 2009
Silly, noisy and too long, packed with poor comedy and excessive, tiresome visual effects. It's a real mess.
Rated 01 Jul 2009
A sixty five is pretty generous but i have a soft spot for shit that transforms into other shit.
Rated 15 Nov 2009
This incoherent mess didn't just insult my intelligence, it insulted my existence. If you paid money to see this, you are a terrible person. If you enjoyed this, you are a terrible person with no taste.
Rated 29 Jun 2009
Michael Bay is now in my book on par with Roland Emmerich and Uwe Boll. RoTF is a mess. It has all the trademarks of a Bay movie minus the charms that made those movies enjoyable. Acting is bad, action is unclear and i found myself often wondering what was going on. The script, well what can i say? The whole thing feels like random action sequences thrown together. It's the first movie in which i felt guilty paying for it and thus supporting the possible sequels.
Rated 29 Jul 2009
I was unaware I could hate a movie more than myself.
Rated 25 Jun 2009
A farting Transformer, and then another humping Fox's leg.. WTF?
Rated 23 Oct 2010
It's really the bad comedy that sinks this one. Two hours of explosions and shaky camera would have been tolerable, but when you put ignorant caricatures, metal testicles and canine BDSM in the mix... (And it's not a popcorn movie. The purpose of popcorn, you see, is to taste *good*.)
Rated 29 Jun 2009
Popcorn munching, blockbuster action, you must leave your brain at the door film at its best, and worst. I mean honestly folks what were you expecting? This movie was never meant to be anything but flashy action. Bay fixed my biggest problems with the first movie, There were more robot fights, and you could actually tell they were fighting. Sure the plot was thin, acting subpar, and some characters were simply there for stereotypical laughs...This is the type of movie Bay makes people, DUH.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
Too long, bad acting, moronic dialogue, disturbingly fetishistic of the military, incoherent plot, lack of emotional investment in the characters... these are all adjectives that any rational person would expect to describe this movie. And, honestly, plot and dialogue and acting and basic logic are all nice, but non-essential. But how in the nine circles of Hell can you make a movie about giant robots fighting and SCREW UP THE FIGHT SCENES?!?! The mind boggles.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
Michael Bay is just terrible. He films Megan Fox for about an hour undressing, Includes shots of Transformer balls and even gets the mom to be high and waste another eternity on that scene. Action is a joke as its horrendously filmed, screenplay is utter shit also. I think Wheelie humping Megan Fox's leg sums up my problems. FUCK THIS MOVIE!
Rated 10 Aug 2012
Michael Bay's brilliant commentary on what would happen if everything aliens knew about Earth was from the internet. The aliens all act like racist, misogynistic, and homophobic thirteen year olds. They must have gotten ahold of youtube comments.
Rated 30 Jun 2009
When I watch action movies on computer, sometimes I skip the bullshit and just watch action sequences. With T2 I didn't even need to do that.
Rated 30 Jun 2009
Rated 02 Oct 2009
I'm not going to sit here and defend the plot, it's dumb and full of so many holes it almost seems plausible because you simply lose track of how flawed it is. There is no character development, decent acting and it's too long. However Revenge of the Fallen has some absolutely righteous fight scenes of the highest "HELL YEAH" caliber you can possibly imagine. If you want to see Optimus Prime rip open a Deceptacon's face with brute force this is your film.
Rated 04 Jul 2009
Michael Bay is a terrible human being who hates you.
Rated 06 Jul 2009
Literally the worst narrative I've seen in recent years. Though the special effects are impressive, its really difficult to tell what the hell is going on when the robots are fighting eachother. Alot worse than the first one.
Rated 02 Nov 2009
How many people have actually enjoyed this movie? How many people just saw this because it was the movie to see? This is a horrible, horrible military-macho-fest, blatantly racist, sexist, and the most jingoist movie since Rambo 3, it is an unrelenting attack on your senses and good taste, every joke falls flat. Optimus Prime, who used to be an enlightened leader has transformed into an American style wrestler, spouting drivel like 'I rise, you fall' while he kills his opponents without mercy.
Rated 17 Oct 2009
Michael Bay, why can't you just die?
Rated 27 Aug 2009
"What's happening?" Thats what went through my mind for over 90% of this movie. Btwn film 1 and 2, their was an epic increase in vulgarity (hello?? Their are tons of KIDS who watch this!) and a decrease in plot. Hell, the last 45 min are pretty much running and bombs!! As for the special effects...they were way too much! With all the robot v. robot going on, i couldnt tell who was winning 80% of the time. Lastly, Shia did great w/ the 30 min of acting he was given. Sadly, this series has fallen.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
I actually enjoyed it alot more than the first, especially because you could tell what was actually happening on the screen this time. The first had close-up after close-up of robots wrestling; "Revenge" pulled back the view a little and let you see the battles - which there were plenty of. Shia is definitely the main reason for anyone seeing the film, so long as you enjoy his quirky eccentricies. The story, again, isn't much - but I didn't feel as empty leaving the theater as two years ago.
Rated 27 Jun 2011
behold: the distended, festering corpus of the West in all its excess
Rated 25 Jun 2009
Points for a few good fights, but my god so much of it was awful. The Stereobots, the mom tripping balls, the roommate character, the flesh-bot could all have been cut and have made this a much better film. Well, not much better. Less retarded. I love stupid popcorn movies but this one just wasted too much time on pratfalls involving horrible characters.
Rated 27 Jun 2009
A rather exhausting and messy action orgy. I enjoyed the first couple acts in a dumb-fun kind of way, silly sitcom bits excluded (I liked the Decepticon in disguise as a human, even if it felt a little more Terminator than Transformers), but holy shit was the final act exhausting. I don't think a climax qualifies as a "climax" if it just keeps going and going and going and going and going.
Rated 01 Jul 2009
The plot is as thin as it is negligible, the dialogues are awful, much of the acting sub-standard, the jokes are lame, and the robot fights are not much more than blurs of shapes and colors.
Rated 02 Jul 2009
Single-handedly justifies Bin Laden.
Rated 06 Jul 2009
Michael Bay is on a mission. A mission to destroy all faith any proper movie lover might have had in Hollywood. A mission to cater to people who demand nothing more than shiny metal, clanky metal noises, dark booming voices and explosions for their buck. For this film is something truly dumb; like a pretty woman singing an average song very poorly and garnering applause for it, it manages to trick its audience into thinking it's worth the admission money, not to mention its $200 million budget.
Rated 08 Oct 2009
Gorgeous in visiuals. Funny one-liners. No depth whatsoever, but what's worse is, it is Brutal and inhuman. Targetting kids & adolescents, and very harmful to them. And with all the destruction of historical sites of Egypt like pyramids and all, it feels more like the revenge of the exiled.
Rated 24 Aug 2010
God, I hate this movie. Why do people pay to go and see this shit? I didn't think anything could be worse than the first film, but I was wrong.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Michael Bay presents loud sounds, shiny pictures and insulting cultural stereotypes. This doesn't even work as blockbuster popcorn movie, as there films out there that fill that void in the world of cinema and are much better than this tripe. Please Mr Bay, stop making films.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
"Brightly coloured mechanical monstrosities" returns for a second inning, almost destroying all faith in humanity in the process. The dialogue is horrendous, so dire I couldn't help but thinking the script would even sound well below par in the saturday cartoon itself. This is exaccebated by the equally awful acting, displayed no more profoundly than by the increasingly irksome Megan Fox. Apparently her only role in the entire film was to get repeatedly humped by a randy Tonka truck. The slag.
Rated 06 Oct 2009
Shia LaBouef proving that he is a charismatic vacuum is just one of the COUNTLESS things wrong with this movie. Probably the most abhorrent element at play is the unrepetent and frequently joyful misogyny and racism put on display. Repugnant.
Rated 16 Oct 2009
Action balloon full of crap and American propaganda.
Rated 24 Jun 2009
Insipid, dull and above all: overkill. A formulaic sequel to a previously generic movie, which continues to go through the motions on a motionless ocean; coupled by atrocious writing filled with flat uninspiring one-liners that neither captures the audience's attention nor produces any laughs. In then end, it lacks the charm and spark of humanity present within its predecessor, but replaced by a void of loud and blazing explosions-that only Michael Bay constructs so lavishly and self-indulgently
Rated 08 Feb 2012
Is this the second or the third? Not in the series, I mean worst movies I've ever sat through.
Rated 25 Jun 2009
This squeaked by being an OK film. Two and half hours of slow motion is too much. I think what really killed it was showcasing 2nd and 3rd tier transformers. I paid good money to see high end Transformers, God Damn it! The first hour is great and then coast from there.
Rated 26 Jun 2009
Pretty much an awful sequel considering i kinda liked the first one. For some reason, they tried to add humor into every single scene and it was not funny. at all. Also, kinda racist.
Rated 26 Jun 2009
Quintessential populist blockbuster. Robots are cool, people suck. At least it was entertaining and not boring like Terminator. Bay > McG
Rated 11 Oct 2015
Utter trash.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Can't really think of a good side to this cataclysmic fuck-up. Cynical, depressing and life-threateningly boring.
Rated 13 Oct 2011
I don't know what's worse,Bay constantly making these heartless mindless pieces of shit,or me waisting my hard earned money in the cinema with the hope of a little entertainment ? After 20 minutes in i had no idea what was going on,let alone who was fighting who. It was all just one huge blurry mess.
Rated 28 Apr 2010
robots fight. things explode. it's not as good as i just made it sound. and it's long
Rated 27 Jun 2009
Not a transformers movie, furthermore, shouldn't even classify as a movie. Follows a stupid kid doing stupid things for no reason except to highlight some silly explosions, blurry robots, and old man ass. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Rated 02 Nov 2009
"Join the US Army!" That's pretty much about it.
Rated 24 Apr 2011
I was expecting stupid, which is fine on its own terms, but this was racist, sexist drool. Can also qualify as porn for 13 year olds and their grown male equivalents.
Rated 04 Oct 2009
Megan-Fox, giant robots, loads of cgi, and yet, I was staring at my clock every 5 minutes in disbelief that the movie still dragged on. If I would have to sum my Transformers 2 experience up in one word, it would be "tormenting".
Rated 28 Jun 2009
I think I got motion sickness from the bouncy camera, though I guess it's easier to make CGI robots seem real when you never leave the camera on them for more than 5 seconds at a time.
Rated 28 Jun 2009
I'm not sure that there's anything I can say to explain how awful this movie is. The first movie was all right, if not enjoyable. This one is just horrible. Really. It's abuse.
Rated 29 Jun 2009
A numbing CGorgy. Could it hurt 2 have put something in this for those of us of drinking age? Perhaps robots w/ personalities other than that of show-off 15 year olds, so we might actually give a shit if they die? And maybe Bay could have slowed his ADHD pacing down in the handful of non-action scenes? His rush 2 get 2 the next explosion (NEVER has any human loved explosions more) just makes it obvious that he's as uninterested in the constant expositional dialogue & 7th grade "humor" as we are.
Rated 19 Aug 2014
Revenge of the Fallen is one of the worst sequels of all time. The first Transformers was bad, but this sequel leaves an even nastier Michael Bay taste. Everything that was horrible and moronic about the first film has just been even more degraded to the lowest of low standards. Shia LeBeouf just runs round screaming OPTIMUS!!! BUMBLE BEE!!! Whilst Megan Fox is once again sleazily lurked at by the cameras. And the racial stereotypes and humour is ill taste for whats meant to be a kids film.
Rated 29 Jun 2009
This movie gave me ADD.
Rated 02 Jan 2012
I don't know why I do this shit to myself.
Rated 14 Jul 2010
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is an aggressively stupid and bad movie that appeals only to emotionally stunted manchildren. The action sequences are no more than piles of metal throwing themselves at each other, there are plot holes big enough to fly a 747 through, every performance is terrible, and the humor is obnoxiously unfunny. The movie is, in general, two hours and thirty minutes too long. 100 years later, this may seen as the beginning of the end of western civilization.
Rated 19 Jul 2010
actually watched it... even after hating the first one... this time around there was 2 robots with racial stereotypes instead of 1.... awesome...
Rated 01 Aug 2012
The first one was shit, at least they're consistent.
Rated 28 Aug 2010
Wow, Shia LaBeouf is Gordon Gecko's protege, he's Indiana Jones' son, and he saved the earth from the Decepticons...Twice. Is there anything he can't do? Apart from act, that is?
Rated 31 Dec 2012
Thank you to Michael Bay for helping to populate the bottom tier of my rankings.
Rated 13 Dec 2010
How shall I describe this? oh, I know: a really pretty, colourful and shiny piece of crap. Lot's of eye candy, both of the CGI and the female variety, but almost no substance. The worst part is the fun factor itself, the only thing this movie had going for it, also suffers abundantly because at times it's so heavy on the mindless action that it becomes a chore to watch. I give it a little bit more than it deserves purely for some of the special effects.
Rated 06 Jul 2009
I'm still an adult this movie is still shit...there is more of everything and less of everything all at once. It's amazing in the worst possible way.
Rated 01 May 2010
Yes, giant robots were technically fighting, but I have never witnessed less coherent action coreography in my life. I couldn't understand who was where or what they were doing. Holy shit, how do you screw up such a simple forumla?
Rated 16 Nov 2009
It's like a beer commercial complete with a babe, cars that shine and no brains whatsoever. I have rarely felt more queasy than when I saw soldiers and robots share brotherhood. It is nonsensical and such an ode to war and the army that it makes me want to vomit.
Rated 11 Jul 2009
Autobots vs. Decepticons, Round Two, a blur of liquidy computer-generated metal (robot design by trash compactor) and a mass -- no, a mess -- of contradictions: apocalyptic pomposity and low comedy; heavy combat and light casualties; a too-fast pace that attains two and a half hours and total boredom (except perhaps for Turturro's succinct "one-man-alone" soliloquy).
Rated 19 Jul 2009
Bad for the same reasons as the original, plus the added disaster of having embarrassingly obnoxious comic relief constantly throughout. I saw this movie only out of morbid curiosity.
Rated 20 Jul 2009
Truly awful.
Rated 20 Jul 2009
Utter, utter crap this movie. Even if you consider who made it (Michael Bay) and who stars in it (Megan Fox, Giant Robots and Shia LeBeuf) its still absolute and utter crap. The 20 points are solely for the good CGI. One of only very few movies I didn't like when leaving the cinema. I usually know exactly what to expect, especially with Michael Bay. But here he reached a new low ... even for him, if thats at all possible.
Rated 07 Jul 2011
When it tries to be funny, it's absolutely moronic. When it tries to be dramatic, it's boring. When it tries to be an action movie, it's somewhat entertaining, despite the fact that the design of the robots makes it impossible to tell what's actually going on. Bay once again fails to make humans as interesting as CGI machines, except for the infamous twins of course, which might be a new cinematic low.
Rated 26 Jul 2009
Rated 08 Oct 2009
Without a doubt the worst movie of the year.
Rated 14 Oct 2009
A lousy story full of flaws, obvious action patterns, horrible use of music and melodrama as an agent and way too much American patriotism. The only thing that really keeps the film going is all the special effects, which then again at times are so overdone it's hard to keep a track of what's actually going on on the screen. All in all the whole film is really just another unneeded proof for the fact that Hollywood-sequels usually suck, no matter how good or bad the original maybe was.
Rated 12 Aug 2009
Robo-minstrelsy, cyber-testicles, big metal beards, autobot-heaven, what the hell.
Rated 23 Mar 2011
I dont even wanna begin with everything thats wrong in this lousy sequal... A "high" mom, (un)funny wannabee G-bots or the huge transformers ball-sack dingling around... The list goes on and if it werent for my nostalgic childhood relationship with the transformable robots, the great visual effects or my sinfully admiration for Michael Bay film, I would have given it a score of 0!
Rated 29 Aug 2009
This movie was action-packed from start to finish with excellant visuals. The plot, however, was lacking. There just wasn't an original story-line for this movie, same old same old. The visuals were phenominal, props to Bay for those, but perhaps he should focus a little more on the script next time. Acting was okay but not great. Megan Fox just standing there added something though.
Rated 11 Jul 2011
Bad Movie
Rated 25 Aug 2009
I couldn't even sit through the entire thing.
Rated 22 Dec 2011
This is not a movie, this is a crime. If Aliens ever came to judge humanity do not show them this movie because if they see it they will kill us and destroy the planet and destroy the the space the planet used to exist in! (I'm not sure how that's possible but I know they would do it if they could, that's what I would do.)
Rated 23 Jun 2009
I hate the Transformers' voices. I hate Turtorro in this role. I hate the "funny" parents. I really really hate the racist characterization of two of the robots. I do not hate Isabel Lucas and Megan Fox.
Rated 27 Sep 2009
I wonder what some shrink could say about Bay's obsession with little things humping big things. Oh, and there were explosions.
Rated 28 Sep 2010
Ahahah, this film is just so very bad. The CGI was undoubtedly incredible but the same could be said for a nicely rendered turd. I don't even need to list the reasons this film sucks. That would be giving it way too much of my time. No.3 on my 'Films I wish I could un-see" list.
Rated 04 Feb 2011
Plus 100 for Megan Fox's slow motion boobs with explosions in the background. Minus 80 for the absolute, spinning-aerial-shot dogshit that Bay calls a movie.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
There was a point where Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox were standing together going in for a kiss, but spewing out some empty dialogue about how much they love to hate each other first or something. The camera spun around them mercilessly. It kept spinning, kept spinning, a wild merry-go-round to keep the shot moving and full of action, action, action. Two characters standing completely still. And I left the scene so dizzy and nauseous that the rest of the movie was a blur of explosions. Wait...
Rated 10 May 2011
Ooh, look at the CGI explosions. LOOK AT THEM! LOOK AT 2.5 HOURS OF THEM. HERE IS A CAR EXPLODING. HERE IS A CHOPPER EXPLODING. HERE IS A TANK EXPLODING. Here's a 'comedy' interlude with 2 jive-talkin' robots probably eating the robot equivalent of fried chicken. NOW BACK TO MORE CGI THINGS EXPLODING. ISN'T CGI JUST THE BEST THING EVER? WE DON'T EVEN NEED A STORY OR ACTING OR PLOT, COMPUTER MAKE NICE PICTURES OF THINGS EXPLODING. Also the CGI robots still look nothing like Transformers.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
The reductio ad absurdum of a summer blockbuster. It is loud (boom!), long (two and a half hours!), incoherent (poorly explained intergalactic warfare!), leering (Megan Fox in short shorts!), racist (jive-talkin' robot twins!), and rife with product tie-ins (Chevy! Hasbro!).
Rated 21 Jul 2015
Decepticon forces (aka Michael Bay & co) return to Hollywood on a mission to extract more money.
Rated 08 Oct 2009
megan fox's boobs and ass 60, bay directing -40, good action 20, shila -10
Rated 04 Aug 2010
Romantic scene? Oh, well, obviously we've gotta do a 360 panorama. I mean that's the usual way to shoot it. Oh there's this scene where one transforms... Hmm. Maybe a 360 panorama? And also a 360 panorama for the scene with the wise guru Transformer too,
Rated 17 Jul 2009
In this film, you will find robots as racist caricatures, more than one farting robot, a robot with testicles, a lot of unnecessary camera movement and one visual effects shot which looked baffling hard to pull off.
Rated 03 Sep 2009
I hadn't planned on reviewing any films that I didn't like on Criticker, but then I saw this and remembered just how pissed off I was coming out of the cinema. Great trailer. Awful film. There is but the most basic and unoriginal plot, the characters are all boring, and there are about two decent fight scenes in the whole thing, which isn't very good for a 2 hour action film. Plenty of racist stereotypes too. If you are not a toddler, you will think that this was stupid. You have been warned.
Rated 17 Jul 2011
Okay, I had faith in you, Bay but you fucked that up with this movie. Not only is this bad by summer blockbuster standards, it's just a terrible film. Seems someone's ego got a bit too inflated and it shows in this movie. There are almost no redeemable qualities here. Shia LaBitch is worse than ever, the story is practically a copy of the first and the action scenes are so chaotic that you can't even see what's going on onscreen. And don't get me started on the supposed "comedy" here.
Rated 30 Apr 2011
See, Mr. Spielberg? Let Michael Bay off the leash one time, and look at the mess he makes...
Rated 10 Jul 2010
Not as abysmal as I had heard. But make no mistake, it's an abortion.
Rated 25 Aug 2009
Utter nonsense for a plot. An unnecessary appearance by a female terminator. Every character except Megan Fox dies and gets resurrected. Army guys fly around and run around endlessly. Other than a few minutes of Megan Fox running in slow motion, the rest of this is just pure noise, and that word sums it up visually as well.


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