

1h 50m
In Harlem, an overweight, illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child is invited to enroll in an alternative school in hopes that her life can head in a new direction.
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1h 50m
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Avg Percentile 52.39% from 2306 total ratings

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Rated 01 Jan 2010
"an overweight, illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child". From that you assume her life is rubbish. And that's not even saying everything that has gone down. Performance wise it was impressive but I felt disconnected and there really nothing that draws you in. A slightly less obnoxious 'My Sister's Keeper'.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Just a chore to watch. The performances are great and the direction is good, but the film does absolutely nothing to make the viewer feel involved. The only thing it really has to say is "this girl's life sucks." Well, yeah... but why should I care?
Rated 10 Mar 2010
Monique is a fat, angry black chick that plays a fat, angry black chick. Writing is lazy and uninspired, giving one of the worst expositions I've ever witnessed. "How can we cram in every single thing you need to know about this character in 3 minutes? I've got it, horrible voiceover!" Poor use of film, could've just read about it and been just as bored. And the next person that says Sidibe is beautiful is officially labeled as gay. About what I should've expected from Tyler Perry and Oprah.
Rated 25 Nov 2009
I hate to have to point out the obvious to the world. But film is supposed to be entertainment! I think somewhere along the line that got lost! Judges starting giving out awards for boring and annoying. Boring and Annoying got together and had a baby, that baby took a shit, and that shit was this movie!
Rated 08 Feb 2010
First off, to let you know where I'm coming from with my review, to me the word 'inspirational' has sickness-inducing connotations. This film utilizes some nifty storytelling and above average performances to shield the fact that it's another "anybody's got a chance of a better life"-type story. For all its well-meant intentions of portraying this particular world and character - while sending the right messages, of course - ultimately this was a plight to sit through. I just wanted it to end.
Rated 25 Dec 2009
Mo'Nique's character has all the depth of a Disney evil stepmother but her performance is raw and gutsy. I should also note one particularly brilliant thing about Lee Daniels' directing: no film has ever made food look grosser, and I genuinely do mean EVER. Shots of stuff frying in pans had me nearly gagging.
Rated 29 Nov 2009
Mo'Nique is amazing. She is a lock for an osarnom. The movie itself has fitting amount of originality that makes an ordinary story interesting. And you need to respect the courage it takes to put Mariah Carey in the climax scene - which btw. is fantastic.
Rated 24 Nov 2009
I have yet to come across a dramatic piece of filmmaking that is as lushly crafted and freshly original as Precious is. Without crafting the film into a cliché mess, director Lee Daniels really pierces the heart with his incredibly nurturing vision of Precious' world. When I examined the way Daniels contrasts Precious' real life with that of her dream world, I couldn't help but nod my head to its legitimacy. I just wanted to find Daniels and hug him, and thank him for understanding. Masterpiece.
Rated 26 Nov 2009
Rated 28 Mar 2010
I love how this film keeps away from the usual "poor kid from the city with a tough life making it better" trappings. There are no real happy endings here, just a girl's decision to try and do better for herself. It's full of grit and feels real, more than I could say for a slightly similar film from this year's Oscar pool (Blind Side). The performances need to be mentioned, they deserve all accolades given. When Precious handed her baby to her mother when she got home, I cringed.
Rated 05 Dec 2009
Precious is one of the year's highlights. The harsh and austere circumstances adjoining Precious are beyond unfortunate and dire. Her hope and willingness to carry on contrasts her vision of the world in the end, conquering her painful issues. Mo Nique and Gabby Sidibe were miraculously outstanding, punctuating and confirming the distinctive full throttle punch of calamity. They certainly tied up all the loose ends in the adversity. Nothing could stop this film, not even Mariah Carey.
Rated 24 Dec 2016
Forgot I saw this, but remembering it, looking back on it, the only good/memorable things about it are Mo'Nique's acting and Mariah Carey slipping in there un-noticed, but otherwise SO Oscarbait-y. This film was DESPERATE to be heavy-handed and had less of a lasting impact from its forcefulness and emotionally intense subject matter. It had a short-term impact, for sure, but now watching it feels like being guilt-tripped into watching a dog getting burned online in order to "spread awareness"
Rated 15 Mar 2010
The story is simply too much. In all fairness Mo'Niques acting was superb and her oscar was deserved, but after watching Gabourey Sidibe I am left wondering if she is actually acting? Gabby was cast to play fat, slow and ugly. She is either the best actor ever or else the movie is Sidibe more or less playing herself. I choose to believe the latter. If you don't agree with me, then ask yourself if you can imagine her playing Juliet, Lady Macbeth, Viginia Woolf or anything other than Precious?
Rated 15 Feb 2010
It's hard to deny the emotional wallop built in to Precious, and yet it's also a complete sham, a manipulative whirligig of degrading stereotypes and corrosive falsehoods. The entire thing feels damnably scattershot, intriguing bits subsumed by unconvincing anguish. There's no apparent aspiration towards cohesion, not when striving for the most wrenching thing that can happen at any given moment will leave an audience shaken and crumbling just fine on its own questionable terms.
Rated 02 Jan 2010
Gut-wrenching at times and oddly corny at others. Overall a very well-made movie with a pretty uplifting and hopeful ending. Mo'Nique is the main reason to watch this. She's really great.
Rated 18 Jan 2010
It's hard to say bad things about 'Precious' out of guilt, but I fail to understand what makes this film so beloved. The film stars a bunch of musicians turned actors who all seem to hold their own. The story heads into 'Million Dollar Baby' territory with it's need to pile-on the melodrama, which gets annoying more than anything. The entire film, Precious is given a million escape routes and you know that she will have to take it. When she finally does, it's more of a relief than a celebration.
Rated 10 Aug 2011
Objectively good film making with amazing performances, but heavy-handed and hard to watch.
Rated 12 Dec 2010
I kept waiting for the hard punch that was never there
Rated 01 Mar 2010
Extremely depressing film leaving me frustrated because you know that this stuff actually happens and it's hard to find any upside to take away from it. Not a knock on the movie because it is well played (the music breaks were a lil weird). Mo'Nique def deserves consideration for her performance, and I am surprised that Didibe didn't get a nomination. The scene when she has nothing left to write, and her mom meeting with the couselor were gut-wrenching. Can't believe that was Mariah Carey.
Rated 12 Nov 2009
Despite a strong (at times almost heavy-handed) directorial voice, there's an underlying Lifetime-movie quality as the film progresses. Choosing 2 b "4 all the Preciouses in the world" it willfully seeks the onus of speaking 4 an entire segment of the black population & so, although there's ALWAYS something disingenuous about messages like "U can do anything" & "Things will get better" in ANY film, they ring as particularly glib & misleadingly simplistic in a film as steeped in realism as this
Rated 19 Apr 2010
The script might stumble on occasional sentimentality, but the realness of the actors and the spot-on cinematography make the film a dramatic triumph. And even if the story plays with contrasts (not only in colours, but in how it portrays the characters and the events) the ending is not an absolute conclusion, but a believable, subtle transition to a future unknown, with a hint of hope to go with.
Rated 14 Dec 2009
Contrasting utterly horrific scenes with those that demonstrated an optimistic humor gave us a small sliver of light through Precious' black hole of a life. Really, this not only gave the viewer a reprieve, but also made this film feel very real. Precious' story has been told before, in many different mediums, but rarely has it been done with such heart and with such authenticity. Story aside, Mo'Nique floored me with her brutal performance.
Rated 03 Jan 2012
Just imagine the worst off demographic, in the worst possible shape, in the worst time period, in the worst possible place, under the worst possible conditions had the worst of the worst things happen to her. The only thing that could have made this worse is if the director put a rock in her shoe. Man I'm exhausted. [Phenomenal acting though]
Rated 10 Jun 2010
As depressing as I expected, though I wasn't as emotionally invested as I thought I would be. Precious excels where expected: the powerful performances and the strong direction, but nevertheless I felt the film dragged in places. I suppose this might be a case of expectations being too high, but I did find the film very good anyway. Just not incredible.
Rated 15 Nov 2017
Acting is fine, but in the end it make you feel miserable about humanity. Evil people in this film are just evil, without any other layers.
Rated 10 Oct 2009
A powerful, ambitious, and blunt film. Mo'Nique puts on a very brave and strong performance, but the star, Gabby Sidibe is even more impressive. This movie deals with very painful issues in a very raw manner, but offers reprieves in some good jokes and Precious's own escapist dream sequences. The story is well-scripted, save for occasional reliance on narration. While overall uplifting, the film will take you through incredibly rough scenes to demonstrate the indomitable human spirit.
Rated 19 Jul 2010
I thought this was a nice film, no doubt. Great acting - especially from the supporting parts actually. The classroom girls are really fun, as is Kravitz as Nurse John. As usual the Oscar-nominees aren't really the ones to talk about, and the film is definitely not worthy of beating some other competitors. In the end, I was kind of bored of just having the good ol' "development"-story, and when you expect the film to take a darker, more worrying turn, you're left dissapointed. Still - good work.
Rated 25 Nov 2009
The year's worst title. Unevenly photographed, alternately oversaturated and washed-out and glossy and grainy, the film itself is a bit of well-meaning manipulation about a Harlem African-American illiterate obese unwed teenage mother of a Down's daughter, now pregnant again, expelled from school, abused and battered at home by her welfare mother, an incestuous rape victim of her absentee father, and oh, HIV-positive. We don't find out all of that at once. It piles up.
Rated 24 Apr 2010
Mo'Nique lives up to the hype, she is simultaneously hilarious (shrieking insults and chucking TVs down stairwells like a black Dawn Davenport), grotesque and in her final scene, heartbreaking. Glossy 90s R&B music video aesthetics aside (oh well its Hollywood), the batshit insanity on display and beautifully raw, natural performances by Gabourey Sidibe and the supporting cast members make it worth a watch.
Rated 26 Jan 2010
"Precious" is one of the hardest movies to sit through. There is a very small light at the end of this vast dark tunnel, and taken as a sincere film featuring all-too-real performances from its cast, the movie works as a message for anyone suffering under the hand of abuse. Director Lee Daniels has made a hard-hitting film that only sporadically becomes distracted by music video numbers taking place in Precious' world, scenes that pull us out of the drama. Otherwise, this is an effective film.
Rated 10 Mar 2010
I only have one thought after seen this: "Bring your lazy ass here motherf$%&!!!"
Rated 15 Mar 2010
Great performances and a stunning third act save this from being completely underwhelming.
Rated 14 Mar 2010
I think "Precious" makes several bold statements with its gritty, inner city tale, and surprisingly they are rather conservative. Scorn is cast upon the dismal setting produced by government dependence, and several times its overweight and abused protagonist proclaims the importance of self-reliance and education. This makes her an oddly beautiful, shining small light in a very dark place. It's a compelling story, and worth the price of a rental.
Rated 09 Jan 2010
An arresting and devastating (even depressing) drama, packed with astonishing perfomances all around, perfect for Oscar nominations. But overrated as hell.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
"Precious" looks bravely at degradation and squalor without romanticizing or wallowing in them, finding dignity and humanity amid the despair. Mo'nique and Sidibe both deliver fine performances, and director Daniels deserves credit for eliciting them. The ending is pat, the middle lacks intensity, and the mother's final monologue--although expertly delivered by Monique--shows a scarcely credible depth of self-knowledge. Still, this is a worthy look at a world most of us choose to ignore.
Rated 14 Feb 2011
Gabourey Sidibe was completely robbed of the Oscar. She should have declined her role in The Blind Side which definitely lessened her chances.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
The performances obviously raise this film far above the level of average. Superb editing and a unique directorial style also add to its power. Yet the film is insanely melodramatic and by the end, I didn't feel quite as moved as I would have liked. It's still great, however, and Mo'Nique definitely deserves her coming gold.
Rated 14 Mar 2010
Come watch some poor black girl get shit on for two hours, it goes from tragic to hilarious. THEY JUST WONT STOP SHITTIN
Rated 04 Jan 2012
If it wasn't for the performances this would be a mediocre daytime drama. Clichéd to it's very core and very weak for the first hour. Like I said, it's all about the performances from Mo'Nique and Gabby Sidibe.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
Great acting by the fat kid and her mom are pretty much the only thing keeping this from being as big an abomination as Crash.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
The film benefits from fine direction and strong performances (Mo'Nique, Sidibe), yet failed to resonate with me in any way. The story is well told, even unsettling at times, yet tinged with an air of uncanny optimism. It's worth a watch as a whole but I expected a bit more. Daniels shows promise though as a director. This film makes me wish Radicalohank was still writing reviews.
Rated 27 Nov 2009
An original, beautiful, horrifying film with unbelievably excellent performances from every actor.
Rated 14 May 2011
Oh, that poor black HIV positive fat ugly pregnant girl.
Rated 08 Feb 2010
Strong story and an astonishing performance by Mo'Nique. Sadly the screenplay has too much air in it and Daniels is way out of his league. Also a horrible title.
Rated 02 Dec 2009
Fantastic performances make this film, which is otherwise a very grim and deeply disturbing study of urban life. PRECIOUS: BASED ON THE NOVEL 'PUSH' BY SAPPHIRE is probably the worst title for a film in years, though.
Rated 05 Mar 2010
Good, for the most part. Some of the more dramatic sequences were a bit too heavy-handed, like HEY GUYS, LOOK HOW DRAMATIC THIS IS, OSCARS PLZ, and the use of music wasn't always great, but the performances elevate the material.
Rated 09 Feb 2010
Life isn't so much a box of chocolates but a plate of deep fried pigs trotters for Precious.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
In its eagerness to drag us through the lower depths of human experience, Precious leaves no space for the audience to breathe or to draw our own conclusions. For a film about empowerment and self-actualization, it wields an awfully large cudgel.
Rated 05 Jan 2010
Great performances in a story really sad and realistic. Basically, is what you find here.
Rated 01 Mar 2010
A good film, but the direction of the film is unclear. You don't leave it feeling enlightened, or that you've witnessed some great acting or a groundbreaking story. But you also know you have just watched something special. It is an intriguing film and definitely not one you want to pass up.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
Very good acting all round, lulled in the end.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
Very, very well acted misery porn, but misery porn nonetheless. Mo'Nique is fantastic, as are Sidibe, Carey, and Patton, but the film is rambling past the point of episodic to being insanely disjointed, the moralizing is too easy, the optimism is forced and treacly, and Daniels' direction seemed amateurish to me, using gimmick upon gimmick (the talking photos, the music video montages, the Two Women scene, to name but a very few) as a poor substitute for true insight into Precious's psyche.
Rated 26 Oct 2010
Jeg var ikke vild med den. Den burde vælge, hvad den virkelig brænder for at sige noget om og ikke fortælle om både homeseksuelle forhold, analfabetisme, incest og overvægt - det er lidt for meget af det gode!
Rated 06 Jan 2013
Precious is a grim yet ultimately triumphant film about abuse and inner-city life, largely bolstered by exceptional performances from its cast.
Rated 28 Dec 2009
Not an easy watch and it was a grower on me. Worth getting through the tough to get to of the tough. Strong performances and some very harsh material
Rated 28 Mar 2010
This movie is so depressingly bad. I cannot believe that it got as much acclaim as it has. If it were about a fat white woman this movie would be quickly forgotten.
Rated 04 Apr 2010
I didn't get it. I wasn't a fan. There was nothing remarkable or awe-inspiring about it. I mean, there was, but there was no great big triumph over everyone, it was kind of a mutely-celebrated, low-key thing. Fine. I'd rather have read the book.
Rated 06 Sep 2012
It's something of a glorious train-wreck. It is so in your face and over-the-top depressing that it becomes sort of darkly funny. Parts are inspirational, parts are so-bad-its-good. Daniels, Sidibe, and even Mo'Nique go "all-in" in the movie, and love it or hate it I think everyone can admit that it is infectiously watchable.
Rated 01 Jan 2010
A sometimes compelling, painfully real portrait of abuse and rejection that benefits from great acting but also a very melodramatic one.
Rated 18 Oct 2010
I can't be too negative on a movie that is done so well. The film portrays the elements of Precious' life - her Harlem neighborhood, her sexually abusive father, physically and verbally abusive mother, and her vivid imagination and fantasy world - in such a raw and tangible way. The cast does deserve the majority of the respect and esteem that it gets - even though, IMO, certain actors (Mo'Nique) are too overblown to be taken seriously in some instances, but not entirely insincere. A must-see.
Rated 14 Nov 2010
well the acting was ok to a point, but the whole thing in one piece was boring and after like 30mins i was hoping for it to end
Rated 29 Jul 2011
Much darker than the average uplifting/inspirational movie. The teacher is the generic attractive woman who believes in her students, but it didn't necessarily bother me. It's good.
Rated 02 Jan 2013
Heart breaking story about a very strong teen and her struggle with abuse, her children and her mother.
Rated 22 Jul 2012
Kind of interesting, but I never got that into it. Feels like it is supposed to be realistic, but I just have a hard time imagining people actually acting like that. Sure there are some, but it's just hard for me connect to.
Rated 14 Feb 2013
Skirts on the edge of going too far - the HIV diagnosis made me think someone was getting off heaping abuse on this fictional character - but a willingness to have a great deal of levity as well as some strong performances makes it worthwhile.
Rated 27 Sep 2017
One of the most overrated movies i ever saw. Everything is terrible an over the top.
Rated 01 Oct 2010
it influenced me
Rated 09 Sep 2010
This movie proves that any movie with Mariah Carey sucks.
Rated 28 Aug 2012
Clearly it's not terrible, but "Precious" is massively overrated. There are certainly a couple of solid performances, but nothing exceptional, and I found the praise won by Sibibe and Mo'Nique undeserving. I admired some of its blunt harshness, but personally found it devoid of emotion, flat and to be honest pretty bland, both in terms of the plotting and direction.
Rated 13 Aug 2020
Well acted by most but also simultaneously completely cliche and ridiculously bleak. I think this has aged very poorly in just 10 years. Every character is totally evil or totally good. The author of the book tried to imagine the worst possible circumstances a person could have in every regard, and though the film tries to add some hope, it doesn't really work.
Rated 30 Dec 2010
Excelente filme, excelentes atuações, história bem marcante e forte. Recomendo.
Rated 24 Mar 2010
Depressing from the outset, Precious takes a point of view from an teenage girl who most, including her own mother, believe to be a lost cause. Stacked with the worst circumstances one could imagine, you'd expect the film to be a huge downer but it manages to be an engrossing and optimistic tale of changing direction in life. Unlike similar films, Precious feels far more authentic and never goes for cheap emotional gut punches or cliched happy endings.
Rated 27 Feb 2011
Only watchable because of good-great acting.
Rated 08 Apr 2010
Maybe because I expected more coming into this, but I wasn't blown away by the movie. I felt distanced from most of the issues and most things outside her and her mother felt tacked on.
Rated 01 Jul 2022
Rated 28 Mar 2010
Great story, hard to see. So cruel and true.
Rated 28 Mar 2010
Maybe it is great, maybe it shows real problems. But for me it was just ugly, even disgusting to watch. I didn't feel sorry for Precious, I felt contempt, that she allowed all these bad things to happen to her, that she was so passive. If people really live like this, I prefer not to know.
Rated 14 Jan 2011
Not bad, not that great either.
Rated 12 Sep 2012
Rarely feels like a cheap-cheasy-motivational melodrama. It's quite decent, really, witch is a surprise. The interactions between "Each one teach one"'s classmates is very good.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
It could've been good, it really could've been, but too much of the film's first half is disturbingly histrionic, going overboard with blunt rage and never really working on depth or emotional honesty. Some very good performances - Gabby Sidibe in particular - make it worth a watch, but I didn't find it a particularly good film overall.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
Unintentionally funny drama movie that unloads a whole lot of misfortune on one character without making the viewer really care about anything. MoNique delivers a brilliant performance, dont get me wrong - it's just the fact that this movie revels in the misfortune of the main character which makes it kind of hilarious in a schadenfreude kinda way.
Rated 10 Mar 2010
Bleak as
Rated 13 Mar 2010
Hic begenmedim ve iki oscar alisini yadirgadim. Mahzun Kirmizigul'un filmlerini begenmeyiz ama ondan daha tecrubesiz bir ekibin yaptigi bu film onun filmlerinden daha da zayif.
Rated 20 Feb 2011
good drama
Rated 28 Jun 2011
Meh, it has adequate directing and above average performances, but that's about it. It's not very well written at all; it goes nowhere while teetering around ridiculousness. It's themes are absurdly simplistic, and it doesn't even deal with those in an intelligent manner. In that respect, the (negative) comparisons to Crash are very much warranted. Average and forgettable overall.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
Okay Movie
Rated 19 Mar 2010
Incredible acting performances from all the lead women and surprisingly vivid cinematography give a freshness to some of the heavy handed subject matter. The soundtrack is banging as well.
Rated 24 Oct 2010
"One for the Stuff White People Like canon, Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire is an impeccably acted piece of trash." - Ed Gonzalez
Rated 16 Mar 2012
Not quite as good as the hype would lead you to believe but also not nearly as bad or offensive as it's detractors claims.
Rated 15 Nov 2010
A morbidly obese and illiterate Harlem teenager who is pregnant with her second child by her father and is abused verbally and physically by her mother. It's depressing, repulsive, and heartbreaking. It travels the depth of the human condition, but there are glimpses of hope spread throughout that bleak picture, and that's what makes this movie inspirational. Also, the juxtaposition of the vibrant fantasy sequences with the bleak and painful images make it that much more powerful.
Rated 19 Mar 2012
"There's too much hair on those pig's feet..."
Rated 18 Mar 2010
My thoughts before viewing 'Precious' were centered around hype and traditional Hollywood treatment. Instead, my low expectations were a gift, as I was rewarded with a brutal story of incest and heartlessnes. Despite offering moments of fantasy, the movie also dares to show the other side of the coin. Especially Sidibe and Mo'Nique, who doesn't appear to be your average choice for lead and supporting actor, aren't attractive, charming or likable in very many ways. Still, they both perform great.
Rated 23 Mar 2010
A very good, albeit depressing, movie. At the beginning of the movie it seems like newbie actress Sidibe is overwhelmed as they just have her standing or sitting around (showing little to no emotion) as her voice over does most of the work, but by the end they actually let her show some damn range and she holds her own. Mo'Nique's performance and a powerful third act elevate this to a special movie. It's definitely worth watching but it won't be everyone's cup of tea.
Rated 04 Apr 2010
Really good. The beginning outpaces the ending and you can see where it drops in the middle, but all parts are nonetheless engaging. I'd rate this higher if not for the missing emotional release at the end.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
Winfrey, Perry and Daniels make an unholy triumvirate. They come together at some intersection of race exploitation and opportunism.
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Rated 22 Dec 2010
Outstanding performances from everyone. Mariah Carey as a social worker is odd and a big bonus, too.
Rated 02 Mar 2010
Good movie, just not my cup of tea
Rated 15 Sep 2010
I was ready to hate this movie going in. I'd heard all the buzz, was familiar with all the parties involved, and heard that Mo'Nique of all people gave an Oscar worthy performance. I didn't buy into any of it, but was eventually broken down with all of the ridiculous praise it was receiving, even from people I respected. The short? It was a great film, and Mo'Nique was legitimately excellent as well. That's a gigantic check in the box of "Things I Never Thought I'd See".
Rated 25 Dec 2012
Great performances, but surprisingly not quite dark enough. I know that sounds strange, but some scenes needed to be portrayed a bit better.


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