Wings of Desire
Wings of Desire
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Wings of Desire

Wings of Desire

Romance, Drama
2h 8m
Wim Wenders directed this enchanting fantasy about an angel who, while wandering unseen through West Berlin, falls in love with a beautiful circus performer and decides to become human. (MGM)

Wings of Desire

Romance, Drama
2h 8m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 73.48% from 2793 total ratings

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Rated 07 Jul 2010
Got this from Video Ezy the other day. I liked the bird fucking in Pink Flamingos so I took this title literally - big mistake. I thought the Germans were renowned for their fetishes, so Wim Wenders has come as a substantial disappointment to me.
Rated 05 Oct 2020
Understands and deconstructs the melancholy of Hebrews 13:2, potently applied to the city of Berlin- a place fractured, split, "fallen", perhaps, separated from its intended wholeness, cut down the middle by a crumbling, flaming sword covered in graffiti. The Witness of the angels lends every human experience legitimacy. Their curiosity reminded me of another verse: Who does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it. We are all children, be kind to each other, companero.
Rated 24 Jan 2017
On my second watch, this movie dug deeper and hit me in a more affecting way. I still haven't fully grasped what Wenders is talking about at times, but I keep listening. I hope I get to hang around with Peter Falk and Bruno Ganz when I die.
Rated 02 Jul 2008
At times it tends to be a bit too grandiose and serious, and the ending sequence is a bit devoid of passion given the nature of what occurs, but it's mostly a great movie, with some fantastic black-and-white imagery reminiscent of Gordon Willis' work on Manhattan. The movie doesn't rush along with a plot, instead allowing the viewer to slip into a reverie as we live and see the world from the perspective of an angel. It's very beautiful and memorable.
Rated 08 Jun 2007
I liked it more on my second viewing than the first. It's minimalist in terms of script, but it's poetic and beautiful in a way that actually worked for me, which is unusual as I'm typically a dialogue kind of guy. Also, Peter Falk out of falking nowhere!
Rated 31 Dec 2016
Tonal and stylistic echoes of Chris Marker's La Jetée, all in service of a story that persistently favours mood over narrative propulsion. By the time the film empties its visual inventory of cinematic techniques to give us any semblance of a dramatic pulse, it arrives in the form of a painfully contrived interaction that feels more like a theatrical contrivance than a genuine development of character. A second viewing, however (cf. Nepata's review) may change my mind about this film.
Rated 10 Jan 2013
It is a beautiful film. Dreamy, stunning and captivating. Angels crossing over in to the human world and man entering in to woman as metaphors for how both sides of the Berlin wall must cross in to each other and unite as one. One of those rare films that is actually life affirming; the warmth from rubbing your hands together, drawing two lines to make a good line, interacting with one another. Taste, sensation, loneliness and love - life.
Rated 10 Mar 2012
Really beautiful, although Berlin looks at times desperately sad. The characters are great, Bruno Ganz portrayed the innocence of a child in an awesome way. The use of colour and light was really astounding and oberwhelming for me at the first switch - great. Highly recommendable.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
The kind of heavy material that just doesn't have a script insightful enough to pull it off. Wenders is hailed in the New German Cinema but this seems like the weakest kind of classical themes, only occasionally dwelling on a moment/thought of interest. It does deliver on a nearly continuous level of stellar imagery. I could almost understand buying into this based solely on that......almost.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
A beautiful movie, the difference between our human view of earth and the angels' is done so well I found myself almost overwhelmed when the switch to human view occurred due to the increase in noise and color. Each character was a joy to watch, especially Peter Falk. My only real letdown is the ending which felt a little passionless, though I feel pretty certain if I understood German their first meeting would have had a little more potency.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Wings of Desire does amazing things with images and especially sound. I do prefer the "angel" part to the "human" part and I'm not sure how much I like the end, but other than that it's all good.
Rated 19 May 2007
Audio-visually it's a technical achievement of sorts, but Wings of Desire is so persistently lyrical, reflective and melancholy from beginning to end that it becomes tiresome to watch and lacks emotional impact. I prefer the less artsy Paris, Texas to this.
Rated 11 Nov 2020
I've no doubt this is a "great" film and people who love this type of film will adore it, but I rate films based on my tastes and this was not a match. Neil Gaiman's Good Omens was more my taste when it comes to angels interacting with Earth. I liked the usual Wim Wenders self-discovery. It was a chore to sit through most of the film in relative static waiting for characters to express deep contemplation. I liked the expressionist black and white scenes. Fav scene: bar talk w/lady on true love.
Rated 14 Nov 2019
Beautifully rendered and performed meditation on life (and the afterlife) features in Falk one of the best and most touching "meta" performances this side of Malkovich, with Ganz and Sander appropriately stoic as a pair of yearning, wistful angels. Packs a lot of weighty philosophical musings into its essential lack of narrative, and in this sense it's more of a sensory experience than a traditional narrative journey, but extremely satisfying (and moving) on that basis.
Rated 25 Mar 2018
Most tender and poetic film I've seen to date. There is nothing even similar to this, truly unique one.
Rated 21 Dec 2013
We, as mere humans, always seek ways to transcend the banality and futility of our existence. It's ironic, funny almost, to think of angels who desire the same thing in the other direction. Humans always seek the unseekable, it is part of our nature. And this beautiful film, with its luscious imagery and visual splendor, shows it like no other. In this absurd world, our supporting angels are also devils. Because implying the need for angels, means we're living in a devilish world.
Rated 17 Jan 2013
After great reviews, I had high expectations. But, I am not fond of this movie. It is very pretentious and arrogant. It takes forever to get anywhere, and when it does finally start telling a good story it quickly turns tragic. There was too much tedious nonsense, superstitious bunk, and then they pulled the rug out from under the main character after he makes his big sacrifice. That just took the heart out of it and rendered the movie pointless for me. Perhaps not a waste of time, but nearly.
Rated 05 Sep 2012
Better than the schmaltzy remake in every possible way, better dialog, better music, better story, and thank god it has a better ending. The only thing that bugs me about this movie is that Wim Wenders seems to think that everyone walks around saying profound things to themselves when their mouths are closed, don't kid yourself.
Rated 19 Feb 2012
For a moment makes you truly appreciate being alive, the presence of the now and the magic of movies. Without turning sentimental or manipulative. A revelation.
Rated 17 Jan 2012
A very intriguing and beautiful film. The philosophical questions, the implications of the march of time, the detached feeling of observation - it reminded me a bit of some of Terrence Malick's films. And I really loved the performances of Bruno Ganz and Peter Falk as well.
Rated 13 Jul 2011
A must see for those who do not fear life and choices and wonder what it is all about.
Rated 21 Mar 2011
Not entirely up my alley, I found it somewhat tedious for some of the earlier scenes but it slowly grabbed my interest. Peter Falk was pretty cool, and I can't totally hate on a film that climaxes at a Nick Cave concert.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
In 1998, Robert McKee wrote the following, in an extremely WEAK (vag) theoretical text on the art of scriptwriting called "Structure Spectrum": "Originality lies in the struggle for authenticity, not eccentricity. A personal style, in other words, cannot be achieved self-consciously." This is the film that proves him wrong. Eccentric, personal and very self-conscious. Falk, Ganz, Cave. Unforgetable. Just would've wished Wenders hadn't made that dream sequence. That was ... disgustingly 80's.
Rated 23 Aug 2010
A dream like state, full of reverie, images of deep black and grey, forlorn scenes of broken earthly cities, lonely people. Despair, crime, a lack of hope. Contrasted against angelic peace. Sedate, unimposing, free, yet inversely shackled to a fate of... entopry. Wenders introspectively observes the human condition, our state of imperfection and teases through art (our fleeting connection to the divine) at the what it means to be human, and what gives life meaning. Simply beautiful stuff here.
Rated 16 Jul 2010
Just the kind of a film I want to direct, produce, play, write etc.
Rated 08 Jan 2010
My girlfriend called this film an "existentialist buffet," and there is perhaps no more apt description. Its narrative is fragmented and meandering, but this is not a film that one watches for conventional plot progression. Despite its heavy-handed meditations on the nature of what it is to truly be alive, Wings of Desire is an absolutely gorgeous film filled with breathtaking photography. Also, it gets points for Nick Cave's appearance where he and the Bad Seeds perform "From Her to Eternity."
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A film I love for reasons not particularly clear to me. Poetry. And Peter Falk's performance is simply lovely.
Rated 03 Jan 2007
Very spiritual and poetic. Long, but worth every minute. One of the best films of the 80's.
Rated 22 May 2021
It was more like listening to a poem than watching a movie.
Rated 20 Jul 2020
A beautiful piece of work. If you're like me and would spend the entire film eagerly awaiting the Nick Cave appearance that you know is coming, it might help to know that he doesn't show up until the very end.
Rated 10 Apr 2020
Some movies are too abstract, while some only leave crumbs for the imagination. This was just the right mix for me. And watching in the midst of the CoronaVirus pandemic, I could relate to the emptiness of the angels. And I'm curious to learn more about Nick Cave. Great movie!!
Rated 03 Apr 2020
My biggest takeaway is Solveig Dommartin looks like a combination of Claire Danes and Kirsten Dunst. Oh, yeah, and this was very boring.
Rated 16 Feb 2019
It was so dry I almost quit, but I stood my ground and turned out to love it - and I have no idea why. It is incredibly heavy on monologues, but the film just has so much to say that there is so much more to it. Its a bit messy, a bit aimless, but it certainly gets its point across.
Rated 06 Feb 2019
This one never quite grabbed me. A lot of the dialog comes off as philosophical musing for the sake of musing. As someone who reads a lot of philosophy, stuff like this should be right up my alley. But here it's often forced into the dialog and what they muse over is repetitive and pretentious. As a result, they make the central love story feel trivial, which is a shame because it's an interesting premise. Also not overly fond of the cinematography - The overuse of angle lens is annoying.
Rated 21 Mar 2018
Beyond ravishing, Wings of Desire is Wim Wenders' is aching and heartbreaking exploration of how love makes us human.
Rated 05 Feb 2017
8 1/2 meets death, guilt, love, and Berlin. Severely outdated. (Sorry, but it is.)
Rated 26 Jan 2016
Rated 25 Oct 2015
It's such a sweet and warm film despite being in such a cold environment. I heard that the sequel is as good as this one.
Rated 03 Jun 2015
For those patient enough for its ambling progression, there is much to appreciate in Wenders' film, from the panning scope of the cinematography, implications of its monochromatic colors, poignant performances, and insight into the nature of love and solitude through poetic monologues.
Rated 03 Sep 2014
A formal masterpiece. Wenders manages to create a unique film language here. A tad talky in parts, but that is a very minor flaw.
Rated 06 Feb 2014
Going to list the things about this film that really appeal to me: Black-and-white, bursts of color, Berlin, Cold War, depressing, uplifting, Peter Falk, seedy city streets, angels, Nick Cave and a ton of other stuff. It's a fantastic movie.
Rated 25 Mar 2012
It looks absolutely breathtaking and that's almost enough to carry a two-hour film on its own. But, despite the interesting concept, there's really nothing insightful or meaningful (or interesting) here. This had every potential to become a poignant and affecting picture, but Wenders wastes that potential in order to make something that's bloated, pretentious and ultimately hollow. The film is at times moving but almost exclusively thanks to the gorgeous cinematography.
Rated 11 Oct 2011
Yeah, it's a poetic and beautifully shot picture, and there is a high sense of how the narration is connected with the images -- black and white and color -- and how the angel's moods evolve in a progressive direction. From observation to a state of pure melancholy and joy.
Rated 02 Jun 2011
A bit up its own arse but who cares when you're dealing with something that beautiful...
Rated 28 Feb 2011
A quiet film about angels observing human need until one finally decides to participate. Beautiful. Peter Falk is brilliant.
Rated 26 Feb 2011
Beautiful and artful but unbearably sentimental. Outside the breathtaking cinematography, it's only occasionally engaging.
Rated 05 Feb 2011
It's awareness of the camera and movement through scene are brilliant, engulfing us in this realm split between the real and the spiritual, it just seems that some moments weren't handled as well as they could have (their meeting in the bar, for one).
Rated 11 Nov 2010
From time to time I try to recollect the poem from this film that goes "Als das kind kind war..." Of course I mostly fail at that, it being German and all, but I just realized that the fact that I even want to remember a German quote, it being German and all, is such an amazing accomplishment that it's perhaps the greatest credit I can give this film. So there. Peter Falk is great, the poetic atmosphere is great, the cinematography is great. But nothing in this film is as great as that poem.
Rated 12 Aug 2010
Nick Cave is like, so cool..
Rated 06 Jul 2010
Probably it's the greatest reflexion about time and humanity, full of poetry and Wender's supernatural hability.
Rated 21 Mar 2010
One of the most boring films I ever saw. It did have a few good moments and some impressive imagery, but not nearly enough to justify 2 hours of yawning...
Rated 15 Sep 2009
I liked the concept and execution, but really hated all of the dialogue (or rather monologues)... endless philosophical, metaphysical, pseudo-romantic pretentious psychobabble made to sound even more ridiculous than normal by being spoken in German. Mute it and whack some classical music on for 2 hours.
Rated 22 Jul 2008
Shaped with "talent" and it's heart in the "right" place, but tactless and restless.
Rated 09 Jun 2008
Beutiful, poetic and strong colors. Even in B&W. The beginning decodes us to the worlds of angels. The pathetic ending spoils a little the mood, but Peter Falk as himself is a must for the movie, because even B&W life of angeles needs a funny spark. I do adore the camerawork in this flick; specially in the first half of the movie. Wim Wenders in his top.
Rated 16 May 2008
unbearably tedious
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Unique and bizarre... very German, yet also universal. At times it treads dangerously in the territory of those hokey "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, but it works in the cinematic context.
Rated 25 Mar 2007
Not everything works, but it's a truly poetic vision that will stay with you forever. There are indeed angels on the streets of Berlin
Rated 07 Jun 2024
One is nicely filmed, but I expected much more than a "Christmas Carol" kind of depth
Rated 08 Feb 2024
This was interesting to say the least and it left me both in awe as well as having mixed opinions. The way it felt for me was just super confusing and messy at first. But then I figured maybe that is what it would be like to try to perceive what angels do, but as a human. And then in the middle part and some ways past that, I was really into the beauty of it. The desire to feel human things and then being able to experience something as simple as colors or the taste of coffee were just amazing.
Rated 26 Jan 2024
tråkig och slutar dåligt, borde vara bra
Rated 15 Sep 2023
Beautiful and brilliant. Ganz and Falk shine, but it's the direction and cinematography that hit me the most.
Rated 02 Sep 2023
The prologue to the awakening of a pleasant, if not uneventful, dream. Plump with pretenses, some filling and others like eating air.
Rated 24 Aug 2023
Frequently beautiful and moving. We watch from afar, "witness", people's loneliness, their dreaming, their love. Incredible scenes: everything in the library, Cassiel trying to save the man from jumping to his death and letting out an anguished yell, Damiel first transforming into a human.
Rated 29 Dec 2022
Fascinating, though sometimes it's a bit full of itself in a pretentious sort of way. It's an odd and unique film--oddest (but delightful) is the inexplicable, yet inspired, integration of Peter Falk (as himself). The sound design is amazing, especially in the beginning, and the contrast in camerawork between the two "halves" of the movie is great. Some of the shots in the first half are very technically impressive, with a camera that seems to be free floating in ways it shouldn't be able to.
Rated 28 Nov 2021
need to rewatch
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 01 Aug 2021
Call me a Demon, but I wasn't a massive fan of this. It's a cool premise with Angels for sure, but unfortunately three quarters of it is just that and it got pretty tedious, despite some nice dialogue and setpieces. Once the actual plot kicks in, it picks up a bit but by then I lost most of my interest in the film sadly. Maybe this would have worked better as a short film? Looks great, good music, well acted, and some positive scenes and ideas dotted around, but it's simply not enough.
Rated 03 Feb 2021
The first 80 minutes with its meandering exploration of pieces of human inner monologues, full of doubts and feelings of being lost, warranted a 96 rating. Alas, I found the second half not as inspired as the first. The encounter of Ganz with the sensible world is less poetic than the first part. The love story sounded artificial. Maybe for this reason, the ending monologue, while aesthetically resembling previous ones, left me unshaken.
Rated 04 Jan 2021
A gaze from our immortal curiosity. The feeling of being present as a wholesome human reminds us there are unexplainable emotions that fuel a living desire. For better or worse, it is all still quiet beautiful.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
Beautiful in many ways. But very repetitive and slowly paced for the first 90 minutes.
Rated 29 Jul 2020
Fun. Clumsy. Cheesy, pretentious. But fun.
Rated 29 Oct 2019
Damiel: "When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions. Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream? Isn't what I see, hear, and smell just the mirage of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist, and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who am I, wasn't before I was, and that sometime I, the one I am, no longer will be the one I am?"
Rated 22 Sep 2019
While I might have some questions about the theological implications posited by this movie, there's a certain "good" feeling it leaves. The beginning moves glacially and even the ending seems too wordy ("speak with the tongues of angels" notwithstanding). There's an interesting love story that pushes us along, but there's no great surprise when it comes together. With its beautiful cinematography (and hauntingly beautiful shots of a now-different Berlin), it's worth a second watch.
Rated 01 Sep 2019
Melek, Almanya, Berlin, Berlin Duvarı, Kütüphane, Film Seti, Sirk, İnsanları izleyen meleklerden biri bir gün insan olmak istediğini söyler. Sonra melekler mekanları gezer insanların iç seslerini dinlerler. (Birisi de gurbetci bir Türk'tür.) Nihayetinde filmin son yarım saatinde melek insan olur. Melek olduğu sahneler siyah beyaz, insan olduğu sahneler renklidir. RENK, Sürekli iç sesler dinleten bir film.
Rated 14 May 2019
Wings of Desire kusursuz bir film ama ben bu şahesere film demek istemiyor ve çok daha ötesi olduğunu iddia ediyorum. Başyapıt, resmen başyapıt! Wim Wenders'ın sinemaya bıraktığı bir kutsal kitap niteliğinde sanki..
Rated 19 Oct 2018
Does get a bit long at times, but there are beautiful poetical sequences.
Rated 12 May 2018
galiba bana Berlin'i hatirlattigi icin sevdim en cok, Potsdamer Platz'i arayan sair adam icin! bir de Bruno Ganz var tabi..
Rated 28 Dec 2017
Mükemmel. Defalarca izlenir.
Rated 12 Nov 2017
Seamlessly beautiful. Invites the viewer to abandon the role of a detached observer and come outside the wall to feel and love proudly. The scene with the old man reminiscing Potsdamer Platz was eerie knowing how hyper-commercialized it is today.
Rated 16 Aug 2015
Rated 27 Jun 2015
eski bir melek olmanin en iyi tarafi elini kolunu sallayip nick cave & the bad seeds konserine gidip manitayi barda ayiklamak herhalde
Rated 01 Jun 2015
Little actually happens in Der Himmel über Berlin; two angels roam the streets of Berlin, observe people, listen to their internal monologues (ranging from the mundane to the existential). Most of the monologues were hard to digest, but that did not bother me. Neither did the lack of action; the plot is aimless, but certainly not without meaning. Wenders treats us to some beautiful black-and-white shots of Berlin; they are so richly textured that they start to resemble paintings.
Rated 27 Jan 2015
I was in my mid twenties when this was made, and I found it very dated, very much in the spirit of its age. Modern technology has transformed many of the questions it poses beyond recognition, really. Cinematographically it is absorbing viewing, but the frail story cannot really support such an edifice.
Rated 03 Dec 2014
(2nd viewing)
Rated 10 Nov 2014
I wish I loved this movie more than I do, because it seems so easy to love. Creative, deliberate, contemplative, existential, beautiful ghostly cinematography. Yet it all seemed nearly insubstantial, weightless. It did not affect me as deeply as I felt it should. A beautiful movie nonetheless that I would recommend highly to certain types.
Rated 16 Sep 2014
I had huge expectations and something must have happened because I didn't love this.
Rated 07 Sep 2014
This is an interesting vision about common life cleverly putted into the perspective of an observer, an angel, so the viewer feels like the observer and empathized with him watching common men struggling with their life. You can see the German detached movie style all over. The only thing for me was the slow pacing, I'm not used to lengthy lines so often I was lost not really watching the movie.
Rated 20 Aug 2014
Amazing beautiful film
Rated 17 Jun 2013
"Excuse me, hate to bother you, but could you sign this halo? My wife's a big fan."
Rated 03 Mar 2013
View of the world from an angel's eye
Rated 18 Sep 2012
I tried so hard :((((( didn't make any sense and was so empty though. And it's only the first part of two, like fuck am I gonna watch a sequel to this. I'm beginning to believe that fancy camera work does nothing for me.
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Rated 14 Feb 2012
Deeply poetic, mindful, and artfully done. Not a popcorn flick, by a great movie to inspire the artist within.
Rated 12 Jan 2012
It was really good. It had great visuals, with some nice camera-work. The best part, however, was the dialogue, if you can call it that. A lot of it bordered on poetry. Lots of existential ponderings, which I enjoy.
Rated 26 Dec 2011
when did time begin, where does space end? ıs that enough to realize how a fantastic and different film is, der himmel über berlin?
Rated 30 Nov 2011
Rated 20 Oct 2011
"It's hard to think of another movie of its era that makes the viewer so fully feel like a denizen of its setting; the roving, dollying, craning camera makes angels of us all." - Bill Weber
Rated 04 Aug 2011
4.7.2011, age 16 - 93/100 6.2.2021, age 27 - 75/100
Rated 13 Jul 2011
Rated 05 Jul 2011
05 Temmuz 2011, kaan'in evinde- kaan ile, sezi'nin onerisi & dorukta bir siirsellik. bazi filmler ustune cumle kurmak cok zor.


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