You're Next

You're Next

1h 35m
A family reunion spirals into a night of terror when mysterious assailants wearing animal masks lay siege against the clan. (
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You're Next

1h 35m
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Avg Percentile 47.74% from 1456 total ratings

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Rated 08 Feb 2014
Instead of making a movie that finally gives us smart victims, You're Next embraces the stupidity of its cast and provides the audience with more than enough reasons to want them garroted, gutted, and gelded. Okay, maybe not gelded. And oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man THAT 80s SYNTH TRACK AT THE END. Tack that pulsating riff on a twenty hour-long Golden Girls blooper reel and I'd skip my grandmother's funeral to watch it.
Rated 28 Jun 2014
Mumblecore family dysfunction meets The Strangers, until it's revealed there's a much more mundane motive at work. I love how killing people is actually depicted as not only difficult, but hard work. Genuinely funny, and best use of a pop song in a horror film since House of the Devil. Though its charm is largely rooted in horror convention, it doesn't obnoxiously hit you over the head with its self-awareness (see, or rather don't see, Cabin in the Woods); its irony feels much more organic.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
I could never fully get into these home invasion films to be honest, but You're Next seems different from others. Some decent acting along with some wooden acting, but it does seem to be slightly smarter than some and it almost has a pretty good depth with it's score and bloody eye candy. Vinson is good.
Rated 25 Sep 2019
Joe Swanberg making fun of Ti West for being a director is one of the most meta things ever committed to celluloid.
Rated 03 Jan 2014
Reasonably OK in the tension department; not so good in the originality department; poor in the camera stability department. Also: note that all Australians are exactly like the character in this movie.
Rated 23 Aug 2013
A smart, scary, funny thriller that provides a great twist on the genre
Rated 09 Sep 2019
The thing that stands out about this rather predictable home invasion movie is The "survivor Girl" she's smart clever and knows how to use a weapon. Not the least bit weak or timid
Rated 29 Aug 2013
The dumbest childhood paid off. Killer (PUNS) sound design my goodness, I thought the crinkling during one part was coming from some asshole in the theater but I WAS ALONE IN THERE :O:O:O
Rated 29 Jan 2014
You're Next is the movie for everybody who has ever thought to themselves "These people are idiots, here's what I would've done" while watching a slasher. Oh Erin, I love you.
Rated 26 Aug 2013
Alternately disturbing, intense, and funny, You're Next is the best horror movie I've seen in theatres. It stands out by being very realistic: the assailants don't have superhuman pain tolerance, the victims don't follow horror movie cliches like trapping themselves in a corner, and the explanation for the killings is sound. The humor of this movie cannot be understated, as it's needed to not come off as nihilistic, and it is funnier than most self-described comedies.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
Slick, well produced, and all around a bloody, good time. Adam Wingard serves up an awesome home invasion film that manages to pull something unique out of a trite and uninspiring concept. You're Next offers up good visuals, and an on-your-toes type story, while bringing out a relatively unknown cast of deliverers.
Rated 31 Aug 2013
Perfect for any fan of 80's slasher flicks who also enjoys characters turning the tables on the enemies.. Like a rated R Home Alone! The film holds the feeling of an 80's horror flick and the first half is fairly corny and littered with a few bad actors/actresses. I ended up enjoying it and would watch again.
Rated 08 Apr 2015
This was awesome. Has some legitimately scary stuff and isn't one of those horror movies where you're like shit you could've killed them like 9 times by now wtf. The score is fantastic and the jump scares, which typically bug me, were actually done really well. Really makes you want to curl up with murderers on a Tuesday night more often you dig
Rated 02 Sep 2013
Not many horror films are able to maintain the tension after - for want of a vaguer description - undercutting the narrative thrust with dark comedy. But if ever a film has been able to hold you right on the edge of your seat while keeping the jet-black humour coming, You're Next is it. A brilliantly dark movie.
Rated 15 Jun 2015
An above average 'home invasioner' with a few nasty moments and antagonists that don't mess around, but unfortunately also features a lot of Bad Decision Making by the people we're supposed to root for. Sharni Vinson's character nicely carries the movie once the cast has dwindled down. Add some extra points if you really hate family dinners.
Rated 03 Mar 2014
A breath of fresh air to the slasher subgenre; You're Next is a fun,creepy,messy flick that starts off slow but once the action starts, it keeps you hooked. Sharni Vinson steals the film as Erin. the film doesn't bring anything new to the genre but does unique things with the tropes and other things that one would expect from a slasher flick. Definitely worth checking out if you're a horror fan.
Rated 26 Oct 2014
You're Next surprised me and it's one of the best slasher/home invasion films in recent years. Its clear to see Adam Wingard is a fan of and understands the genre and his overall direction is solid. The acting is much to be desired, but Sharni Vinson is a strong female protagonist that you root for. The track 'Looking for the Magic' is great & the genius score feels like a throwback to a John Carpenter film. It starts off generically but it progresses towards a thoroughly entertaining third act.
Rated 20 Oct 2014
Sidesteps the home invasion template with fresh takes and fun performances (Swanberg's condescending jerkoff is just the best). As a frequent viewer of the dregs of the genre, I am madly in love with the way the lead female character was written. Smart, assertive and a plausible background that helps explain her bad assery. Some goofiness (stop with the post-kill head tilt, please) but genuinely funny and smart. Plus, best use of a pop song in horror since House of the Devil. Oh, hey Ti West.
Rated 07 Jan 2014
Simple as simple gets when it comes to story and the "acting" is laughable, just like every other film in the genre. Was laughing at how bad it was in the beginning, until I realized why I was laughing, later on during the credits, looking at the people involved. But Joe Swanberg needs to stop acting. Seriously, he's terrible in everything.
Rated 29 Dec 2016
I have a pretty consistent track record of hating home invasion movies, but this one is the first one that takes the concept and makes something awesome out of it. This one has twists and fighting back, something the sub-genre has been lacking since the get go. It's not often you see anything break away from the pack in the horror genre, so when there is one, check it out.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
Simple enough concept well-executed. The tone is great, however, and Sharni Vinson shines as Erin.
Rated 10 Aug 2015
Surprisingly entertaining for such well covered ground.
Rated 20 Sep 2020
This is surprisingly good. I don't think much of slasher films, especially isolated ones because it's a relatively over-done synopsis. However, this one plays into some of its tropes really well, especially when it sprinkles in some dark humor material. It somehow plays as a dumb, but also clever nod to horror and it just has fun to it. I wouldn't call it particularly scary, but it definitely kept me invested all the way through and it should've gotten more attention.
Rated 28 Mar 2014
Slyly subversive, You're Next takes the notion of the "Horrorific Other" and deconstructs it, stripping it away to reveal an innate human weakness.
Rated 30 Dec 2014
Always love watching a final girl subvert some horror tropes.
Rated 07 Mar 2014
A true delight!
Rated 27 Aug 2013
Wingard and Barrett know their slasher tropes and want to make sure you realize just how clever and subversive they're being in one scene before completely changing course and playing everything completely straight in the next. This results in the movie tripping over itself quite a bit while it tries to play hopscotch between black comedy and horror, but there were still enough laughs and over-the-top kills that I enjoyed it throughout. Enjoyed seeing the killers make dumb mistakes for once.
Rated 24 Feb 2014
I didn't realize until just now how bad I needed a smart and scary slasher in my life. It's a genre that's been neglected for years, and You're Next brings it back with bloody fury.
Rated 12 Jul 2014
It started out as a home invasion movie, then it became the R-Rated version of "Home Alone", and then it ended as a revenge flick....All with a soundtrack that sounded like I was watching "Drive".
Rated 29 Mar 2014
Death by brain blend!
Rated 20 Jun 2015
This surprising, fun & witty subversion of the slasher genre upends everything that's godawful about those films. I felt a cathartic pleasure every time the protagonist guts someone, which was no doubt magnified by every time I've impatiently sat through some moronic horror film plod through its checklist of hacking assorted teen stereotypes to death. It's smart enough that I have to assume those ridiculously vision-restricting masks are another sly commentary on the genre & its tropes.
Rated 29 Jan 2014
Horror movie of the year (despite seeing festival release back in 2011). You're Next is intelligent, looks and sounds great, and makes excellent use of location.
Rated 06 Jul 2014
You're Next is an incredibly successful home invasion film that works both as horror and comedy, as long as you're okay at laughing at some somewhat dark material. It has a strong lead, some decent scares, a good deal of humor, and more fake blood than you can shake a stick at. Its twists are surprising -- at least in terms of the who, not the what -- and it manages the tough balancing act when mixing genres. This is a fun and scary movie, and I recommend giving it a look.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
The beginning was corny with bad acting. But the second half is badass thanks to Sharni Vinson.
Rated 10 Jan 2014
Acting sucked, the story was nothing brilliant, but the director found pretty interesting development in the end. Sharni Vinson was kind of okay.
Rated 24 Aug 2013
An affluent family convenes for the parents' anniversary, only to find themselves under siege by masked assailants. One of them (Sharni Vinson) proves quite capable in dealing with the intruders, leading to her discovery of their true motives. The characters are mostly ciphers, the acting isn't that good (Vinson aside), and the dark comic turns of the story are a bit too self-conscious--but Adam WIngard delivers the thrills and chills in high style, making for a satisfyingly gruesome experience.
Rated 22 Oct 2017
Part slasher part revenge flick, the film is an entertaining ride with a few good laughs and several memorable scenes albeit a somewhat generic shallow plot, but that doesn't matter. It avoids taking itself too seriously, which helps make the revenge part highly entertaining - it got me thinking of Deathproof, and although the film doesn't achieve Tarantino's level of pure joy and gratification, it is getting there. A wonderful nod to George Romero's NotLD too. /c Prince Charles Cinema
Rated 06 Jan 2014
This rocked. SO frigging cool and fun and devillish, with a scrumptiously wicked sense of humor. First you're rooting for the sheep-masked bad guys to slaughter this insufferable family of nitwit twits. Then you're rooting for the tough Aussie girl to slaughter the sheep-masked bad guys. Then you're going "no, wait! don't open that door!" Then you're wishing you could see the movie again right this second.
Rated 28 Oct 2015
Who knew what slashers needed was diverse adult characters instead of adults posing as cardboard teenagers? This was great almost every character was a real personality and acted well. The kills are imaginative and hit hard fast and shocking. Giving a backstory as to how the one who fights back knows how to do everything was a nice idea. The twist wasn't too shocking and the very end was super predictable after that but still not story ideas seen often in this genre
Rated 30 Mar 2018
very good movie
Rated 05 Sep 2013
Some gruesomely imaginative deaths and some dark, dark humour make this movie into a surprisingly fun time. Starts as an Ils or The Strangers knock off but quickly develops it's own style. The scares are diminished with the humour but it's refreshing to see a home-invasion/slasher movie mix comedy and horror so well together with perfect timing.
Rated 03 Jun 2020
It's got a bit of everything. Really good character work and enough twists to keep you guessing throughout.
Rated 02 Oct 2014
"This is my house; I have to defend it."
Rated 12 Sep 2013
There's a reason Lionsgate didn't release this for two years. 0 for everything but the cinematography.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
Very good indeed. Plays with the home invasion concept delightfully.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
A wildy inventive and fun horror thriller. It's the way you always want a horror movie to turn out; when one of the ones being terrorized turns the tables on those doing the terrorizing.
Rated 06 Oct 2018
I rarely ever really care about the familes/victims in home invasion movies but surprisingly at some point I really started to cheer for Vinson's character-- what a badass, each kill became really triumphant. Outside of Vinson the acting ranges from bad to kinda decent, but luckily it didn't sink the flick. Cool kills, interesting musical choices, goes in some fun directions. It's incredibly tense but not real scary, although a few jump scares exist.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
This movie was pretty good. I was sitting in the edge of my seat the whole time. Though there were some parts that just made me want to look away, it was a good home invasion movie.
Rated 28 Feb 2014
Its all about that clever plot twist and of course technicality. surprisingly come off like a haunted house chiller that atmospherically dense. before it turns out to be a slug fest of family killing spree that manage to convey some form of madness and intense betrayal. there is also some witts regarding the momentarily black comedy nuance. by not relying too much on cheap scare and nonsense mystery. Its a clever horror flick that is also additionally fun.
Rated 01 Jan 2014
Fun as a well directed slasher flick, but it's very predictable and has some bad acting.
Rated 24 Aug 2013
No clever twists and turns will change that core genre fact. So in the end it's simply a question of who's been grotesquely impaled and bleeding out on the floor, who's doing the grotesque impaling ... and who's finding any of those grotesqueries entertaining. (
Rated 22 Apr 2014
Like Funny Games, with a crazy whacked out home invasion. Throws in lots of good action and keeps an intense pace. Lots of creepy and scary stuff goin on too.
Rated 15 Sep 2014
A movie full of very dark humor. It takes the conventions of the home invasion subgenre of horror, and flips them around, making it more like a gory Home Alone for grown ups.
Rated 10 Oct 2014
A 'big break' mumblegore flick that got buyer for a wide distribution and seeing all the good ratings I expected it to be something special. But it is not. It's just unoriginal home invasion flick with a family drama twist that has been done many times before. Beginning shows promise, but aside from a couple of fun scenes there isn't much to be excited about. It has good production values, but none of that originality I look for in independent horror.
Rated 21 Mar 2015
I was pleasantly surprised. I love horror movies where you have a hero(ine) to cheer for the whole time.
Rated 30 Dec 2013
Starts off as just a version of the movie Strangers but with more people trapped in the home & the bad guys are wearing plastic animal masks. Then turns into a run of the mill "chick kills all the bad guys single handedly" flick. All topped off with a cringe-worthy, unintentionally humorous ending
Rated 19 Jan 2014
The talent was sub-par, but a really well-directed and put together film. Main character sort of like The Bride 2.0.
Rated 14 Jan 2014
Finally! A horror movie where not all the characters are stupid people running to their deaths! I really, really enjoyed this movie...
Rated 09 Jan 2020
I'm probably lacking the necessary background to enjoy this to the fullest, but I enjoyed the unexpected twists that the movie kept throwing at me.
Rated 16 Jan 2014
Rated 08 Mar 2015
Schadenfreude-indulging genre schlock, full of increasingly creative and gruesome violence, but too playful and self-aware to be labeled simply torture porn. The absurdities seem duly noted, and it's all shot so well.
Rated 13 Jan 2014
A breakthrough performance from Sharni Vinson. Hope we see her in the future. Movie, itself, however is not bright but still enjoyable slasher.
Rated 23 Apr 2015
I was torn for a good chunk of the movie, and while the motivations are fairly dull and one twist is lame, there are so many bits that just rip up the tension. Specifically, when the window shatters and the sheep-mask attacker steps through as the music ratchets up, it hits an excellent stride. There are enough of those moments to distract from the plot reveals, and those aren't horrendous. If you hated The Strangers (like I did) this might be more palatable. Great synthesizer!
Rated 08 Mar 2014
One of the better house-invasion movies out there, with a decent back story to boost.
Rated 16 Jan 2014
A good house invasion movie and a good fit for the horror genre; many of the scenes, especially towards the beginning, were tense and frightening. However, it does default into some basic tropes towards the end, and I think that, given the knowledge of the twist, it would have made more sense to hire mercenaries who owned guns and were better at killing people. The music sticks with you.
Rated 26 Sep 2013
Without any distinct motivation or character development, this didn't seem to add up to anything more than a lousy gimmick. But I became more involved by the time the story kicked into second gear and it's got some outlandish deaths to spare.
Rated 30 Jan 2014
I'm Next? No, no - I'm pretty sure Nicolas Cage is Next. I bet the three masked guys from this movie went out to tell Nic that he got the part prior to 2007, but they probably couldn't figure out which one of his many properties was the right place to leave the message in big, bloody-red letters.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
In a way this is the polar opposite of The Strangers, a movie that suffered by being a slave to its conventions. You're Next feels so much more aware of the movies that influenced it, and it takes measures to stay one step ahead of its equally-savvy audience. That isn't to say it's wholly unpredictable, but it's full of enough little surprising details, and enough wit, to make for a consistently entertaining experience.
Rated 06 Jun 2014
Nothing new, of course, but I enjoyed the look of it and liked the heroine enough to really root for her. That makes it above average for me.
Rated 19 Dec 2014
The slasher genre is incredibly hit or miss, but this one nails it perfectly, in addition to mastering black comedy, something equally hard to do right. Flawless tone, casting, meta-humor, and parody, with mild commentary and a cool soundtrack. Fun and smart without being miserable or pretentious.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
A slick and fast-paced Thriller that is both creative and while predictable in parts its a lot of fun for Horror buffs.
Rated 13 May 2015
Showed signs of a good movie for the first two seconds, and then turned into the biggest disappointment ever.
Rated 27 Nov 2018
Finally went back and caught this one and it’s probably the one Adam Wingard film so far I actually liked (which explains his continuing career from this film on). Some cliches and an overabundance of characters but the film has a wicked spirit in it (“Fuck me next to your dead mom!”) and some great violence and kills and a lot of energy.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
More reviews here :
Rated 19 Jan 2014
Decent horror-comedy. A bit tough to get through the first 15/20 minutes of the film (who the fuck are these people?) but once things kick off it's pretty ok!
Rated 30 Mar 2017
Unrelentingly grim and mechanical slasher movie. Some might call it black humour but to me it's just sadism. Despite its technical competence, the movie sorely lacked character, heart or intelligence. I suppose it was trying to fit in with the likes of the Saw franchise, but sadly it only matches up to the later entries in that declining series.
Rated 01 Sep 2013
Looking for the magic.
Rated 27 Jan 2014
The movie starts out fairly annoying while its establishing the family , but once it gets going, it's entertaining. The first 20-30 minutes, predictable motivation for the events, and some what lame ending do hold the movie back, but its worth a watch for the action in the middle.
Rated 28 Jul 2014
Don't let the score fool you: this movie is hilarious- in all the right ways. You're Next perfectly understands what viewers love and hate about slasher films and then uses both to its advantage. Basically, a completely self-aware thriller with a few great jokes and plot twists to keep you wondering what's next.
Rated 29 May 2014
Standard by the book thriller with story made in Agata Christie/Edgar Wallace style that's been done to death already. Nothing new here, nothing stands out. Some attempts at humor didn't help much.
Rated 10 May 2020
Charmingly gory throwback slasher that isn't trying to pretend it wasn't released in 2013, a very fun film
Rated 22 Aug 2023
For what's basically "The Strangers" turning into "Home Alone", it could've been much worse. Doesn't mean it's particularly good either, tho.
Rated 20 Mar 2018
Great soundtrack
Rated 29 Jan 2014
Fun slasher flick with a decent amount of laughs. Watch with friends for best results.
Rated 18 Nov 2013
Fairly generic and features some of those annoyingly corny false scares, but still relatively low on bullshit compared to other modern horror movies, and the action is well made and gets tense. In summary: Fun, sentient popcorn genre movie that doesn't make you roll your eyes too much.
Rated 15 Jan 2014
A very watchable mess.
Rated 11 Mar 2014
I thought it was pretty lame overall. The acting was terrible, the dialogue was bad, the characters weren't developed, and it wasn't scary. I would praise the occasional surprising moment, but they're undercut by the predictable story and plot twists. Also, the ending was stupid. It's all a bizarre mix of The Strangers (2008) and Home Alone (1990). It's an amateurish film, and I don't recommend it unless you want to see some okay gore.
Rated 03 Mar 2014
aile bulusmasi, katliam, ok, maskeli katil, sürpriz final (Miras için annesi, babasi, kardesini öldüren genc), komedi degil, hayatta kalma mücadelesi, evi savunmak, evde yabanci,
Rated 20 Jan 2015
Not too scary aside from the first kill. Overall, you get poor acting and a basic psycho killer plot. They try to hide who the bad people are, but it's pretty obvious. I knew early on. Kind of cheesy, but it made me giggle. The blender kill just set it over the top for me... in a bad way and not because I was offended, but because this is just a shitty movie.
Rated 15 Jan 2014
it's great to see the female hero just totally kick ass
Rated 16 Mar 2014
Manages to avoid some cliches, but overall I expected more--from the characters, the acting, the writing. Not a bad horror movie, but I couldn't help feeling disappointed.
Rated 25 Nov 2013
A fun twist on the "Home Invasion" genre of slasher films. The acting isn't anything special, but it isn't bad. The music score on the other hand does a splendid job of keeping tensions high with sweeping synthesizers.
Rated 06 Apr 2024
Absolute waste of time. Unnecessary sensory overload. My ears were inflamed by the first 20 min of the movie. Dumb characters, sad plot, and even worse acting. I didn't enjoy this, there for, I don't recommend it.
Rated 31 Aug 2013
As I entered the theater tonight, I saw myself seeing another typical slasher film. Yes perhaps many of those elements were still present, like the old let's split up cliche, or the no cellphone service cliche. But at some points when Erin began fighting back it added a spark of what the hell is happening and who really has the upper hand here. It has a fair bit of frightening moments and some gory scenes. You're Next surprises you with the ability to get the audience laughing and scared.
Rated 27 Oct 2014
Shaky cam, slow mo, unsympathetic characters, and too much unconscious Tarantino worship.
Rated 29 Feb 2024
Gave this a 7/10 when I first saw it when it was released. Today, upon rewatch it's actually aged really well and is amongst my favourite slashers. There is a lot that's not perfect, but I'm grading on a curve with most of this score going to pure enjoyment and appreciation of the scenes/decisions that do work and work very well. Lots of graphic gore for those not into that, so beware, but for genre fans this is top of the heap stuff for what they were trying to go for. 7.9 revised score.
Rated 09 Aug 2020
Opinión personal: 6 Actores: 5,5 Planos: 6 Guión: 6,5 BSO/FX: - Total: 60
Rated 24 May 2014
This movie isn't great and incredibly predictable. Its difficult to route for any of the 'victims' when you don't care about any of them or their relationships. Some of the acting is laughable and when the action starts there is literally 10 minutes of really loud screaming before any story progression. There are many moments of cliché horror sequences which you would expect which go from the far fetched to the ridiculous! The idea is is better then the execution unfortunately.
Rated 25 Jul 2014
It's neither very offbeat or untraditional. It's just very entertaining, dynamic and the best home invasion movie since Funny Games. Great John Carpenter-ish score too!
Rated 04 Oct 2023
Excellent home invasion, très rythmé, bien violent, très saignant, et le personnage d'Erin est la définition même de la Final Girl bad ass. Seul bémol, les méchants sont forcément ceux qui ont une sale gueule, on flaire ça trop vite.


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