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Romance, Drama
2h 33m
It is the future, and humans are divided into two groups: the thinkers, who make plans (but don't know how anything works), and the workers, who achieve goals (but don't have the vision). (imdb)


Romance, Drama
2h 33m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 73.97% from 4784 total ratings

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Rated 06 Mar 2019
The amazing set designs, miniatures, special effects, and lighting make the stunning visuals and thematic imagery of Fritz Lang's German expressionist sci-fi classic the most captivating silent film that I've seen to date. Although some elements of the story don't always come together perfectly, the narrative does more than enough on its own to contribute to this being an overall fantastic watch. The movie rightfully still continues to be a must see for fans of science fiction and film history.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The ideology that mixes Christianity, Marxism and Nietszche is often confusing and/or off-putting. Overacting is a necessary evil of the period, but they get REALLY hammy at times. The head/hands/heart analogy isn't that inspiring. And there's a few little moments that are just silly. But goddamn, what amazing spectacle. Such astonishing set design, special effects, sense of scale and imagination. It's all just so impressive that whatever flaws there may be get swept away by wonderment and awe.
Rated 03 Mar 2012
If sets in movies looked like this in 1927, people must have been constantly disappointed for decades afterwards.
Rated 04 Jul 2010
(2nd viewing) Ambitious would be a gross understatement; This is a timeless masterpiece about man's irrepressible aspirations and the drastic measures it's ready to undertake, as a underworld city lies on the verge of anarchy. The themes of exploitation and uprising are well balanced and still resonate today. The film looks great and the performances are inspiring. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of its time, I dare you to hate this film !
Rated 08 Mar 2009
Any flaws one might put forth are irrelevant; what an insanely impressive piece of cinema. Completely engrossing throughout. The huge sets, camerawork, music, acting (especially the leading lady)... it all comes together perfectly.
Rated 15 Sep 2015
Considering that he would refuse to be controlled by or work for the Nazis, ending up fleeing, it seems notable that Lang's amazing film has a message about mutual subordination to national interest and unity in an hierarchical division of labour ('heads' and 'hands', working together) thus ending alienation and conflict between labour and capital, or the technocratic equivalent of such relations of command and submission. Which is to say, not a Nazi, but nonetheless politically an asshole.
Rated 08 Jan 2008
After making his Nibelungen duology, Lang then mines the old Norse/German myth for its social content - the idea of above- and under-ground dwellers - and transforms it into industrial-age sci-fi with a political tone. It's an incredibly ambitious work, an epic of colossal magnitude, but as another user wrote, its message belongs on a fortune cookie. Despite Metropolis' shallowness, it has a lot of mystique, mostly thanks to its arresting visual artistry which remains amazing even today.
Rated 03 Feb 2007
I have a very soft spot for all tales of future dystopias, and I'm willing to cut such movies an awful amount of slack. But Metropolis, which may be the first such dystopic, is so good that no slack need be cut. The movie's visual style, the special effects, and the massive crowd scenes remain impressive today, 80 years after the movie was made. The fact that large parts of the movie are permanently lost does detract somewhat, but only in the sense that the movie could've been even better.
Rated 13 Jun 2011
It's amazing how dated 1980s sci-fi can look today yet a film from almost 90 years ago seems fresh. Astonishing for the time and still impressive today. The cinematography and pacing is on par with much of modern cinema. The story is well-told and interweaves multiple threads in a way I'd assumed was a modern narrative trick. Very stylish throughout and every other scene had me recognizing shots that clearly inspired later movies. A timeless masterpiece.
Rated 07 Sep 2009
A great film that is way ahead of its time. After seeing this film, I see why it is one of the most critically acclaimed, and influential films of all time. I am absolutely astonished that a film like this was made all the way back then. The performances were great, the characters were great, but the way Fritz Lang envisions the future, and how repetitively the workers worked during the dystopian future are easily my favorite parts. Truly something to behold. Brilliant.
Rated 21 Sep 2007
A great film that lives up to its reputation. The middle is a little jumbled, which is not helped by the missing scenes, but the movie still works very well, both as a Sci-fi story and a morality tale. The visuals, both the set design and some of the shot selections, are incredible even without taking into account the movie's age, and it's a real shame so much footage is lost.
Rated 29 Aug 2019
If you overlook the teeny tiny issue, that nothing any of these people do makes any sense, this is a truly amazing movie.
Rated 03 Apr 2017
A forward-thinking film, in a political if not always technological sense. The physical over-acting is a bit painful, but typical of the time. The true stars are the set design and special effects, as old as this movie is, they are truly sensational.
Rated 11 Nov 2010
Working class revolution? Biplanes? Industrialization gone wrong? Robots brain transfusions? WHAT YEAR IS THIS? Oh yeah, it's 1927. I guess that's alright. I don't know, this movie is so classic that yes, it's a must see, but no, I didn't enjoy myself. This is a retarded criticism, and I'll be mocked for it, but here it is: it's horribly dated. By that I mean that it's kind of silly and cute to look at their obsolete concerns from the 1920s, but it's not all that interesting.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
Technically impressive, but the story is hokey and clichéd (even for 1927), and the acting is very over-baked. The fact that it has remained somewhat enjoyable is remarkable for an 80-year-old film; however, by no means does it stand up to more recent masterpieces.
Rated 03 Mar 2010
Lang was constrained only by the limits of the time, and he pushed those limits as far as they would go in this film. While it still has several issues associated with silent films, it has many wonderful moments, which are made even more amazing by the fact that this was made before 1930. I would love to see the complete, restored version.
Rated 20 Dec 2009
Magnificent in art direction and atmosphere, but the plot is pretty silly. Still, it is filled with haunting images and is extremely influential.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The powerful, who misappropriate technology and build their wealth on the backs of labor, shall see their sins visited upon their sons. Watered down into aphorisms, but still, an unexpected and ambitious synthesis of socialist and Christian motifs. More simply - and powerfully - a towering spectacle of early cinema: the effects, sets, and scale are stunning. Seeing the restored "complete" cut with live accompaniment by the Alloy Orchestra remains my favorite movie-going experience.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
Metropolis is a paradox: its message is simplistic, but there are so many layers operating simultaneously that lend enormous weight to a film that, by today's standards, is practically a blockbuster. The grand futuristic production design informed by divergent aesthetic movements continues to impress, and the conflicts between labour and capital, thought and action, science and humanity are evocatively realised and resolved in Lang's magnificently controlled yet poetic expressionist style.
Rated 11 Feb 2015
Defining sci-fi spectacle. Stunning effects & sets that really bring out the scope & weight of the setting like no film before or since. Somewhere between gothic expressionism & futuristic noir, the style is unique & influential but also a bit jarring at times (especially with the acting). It's wordy for a silent film but does contains some nice poetic visuals. The plot goes Disney at the end but beyond all the cheese the story is really dark, meaty & not quite as simplistic as some would claim.
Rated 09 Jul 2012
2002 version. Wonderful movie, way ahead of its time. The special effects, sets and sheer scale of Lang's vision combine to produce astonishing results. The acting ranges from convincing to comically exaggerated and the plot is not exactly subtle but it is a brave undertaking, with provocative themes, considering the era it was concieved in. All in all, a truly remarkable achievement.
Rated 11 Jan 2012
it's impossible to rank these kind of movies.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
The 2010 restoration, which is supposed to be 98-or-so-% complete, makes it a full half hour longer than any other cut that's been available since the late 20s. And yes, it's an improvement on what was already an excellent film - the "new" material is in bad shape and doesn't look nearly as sharp as the rest of the film (which looks incredible), but there are several previously missing subplots, revealing character moments, thematic expansions and just... y'know, more Metropolis.
Rated 10 Sep 2010
Overrated film with a wobbly pace and over-the-top expression of the message (man is being degraded by machines. GET IT!!!). Other than that, I cannot deny the wonder of the set design and visual effects, which are highly impressive in the sci-fi genre.
Rated 05 May 2010
The recent restoration of the missing "Thin Man" subplot smooths out most of the awkward patches the earlier version of the film had, making it even easier to appreciate its impressive technical and visual achievements.
Rated 08 Apr 2009
I just cannot find anything to love in the Expressionist acting style combined with intertitles. I'd rather they just cut to the intertitle the moment someone starts speaking, rather than showing the actors gawping like goldfish. It harms the pacing substantially, in my book. Apart from that it's a pretty impressive film with amazing visuals, sets and effects. The story is ok, although the ending drags on too long. Deserves to be seen, but I'm not in any hurry to do so again soon.
Rated 11 Feb 2009
Still has some gripping scenes: the one where Rotwang chases Maria up the stairs is pure brilliance. And I assume it's unnecessary to praise the sets and the effects, we all know them.
Rated 13 Nov 2007
Must have been incredible for that time. Despite of some plot holes (probably due to all the lost scenes) and a questionable conclusion, this movie is great. Visionary, highly stylised, moving and superb performances of Heinrich George and Brigitte Helm.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It is very difficult to form one opinion about this silent classic as there are so many different restorations of varying lengths. I have a soft spot for Giorgio Moroder’s “eighties music video” version, even though (or because) it was only around 80 minutes long (and in colour) and undoubtedly less “authentic” than some others. Well, to be honest, it’s more than a soft spot: I think it’s affecting and great.
Rated 21 Jul 2007
Totally ahead of its time, bizarre, beautiful, and all the other good stuff people say about this movie that's true.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
Fritz Lang is a master of visual suspense. For a movie that came out in 1927 it makes you wonder how in the world it was possibly made.
Rated 11 Mar 2007
a terrifying vision of a future where everything is made of cardboard
Rated 21 Sep 2024
A marvel to behold – Lang might be my favourite silent director in terms of pure visual pleasure. Technically sci-fi, this is very much an exaggerated depiction of the West at the time, effective as a social thriller but sadly politically idiotic. In addition to lumpnboy’s pinpoint review, it should be noted that the script is by Lang’s then-wife Thea von Harbou, who very much did collaborate with the Nazis. Strangely, she also wrote the much more mature M; but this one is the greater spectacle.
Rated 07 May 2020
The politics are quaint at best and the acting is fairly awkward, but the visuals and set design are unbelievable and not only hold up but exceed the vast majority of movies made since. The whole Art Deco/Expressionism/Gothic hybrid is just absurdly pretty and I have no idea why this visual style isn’t still used all the time tbh
Rated 04 May 2020
Wow! So impressive and WAY ahead of its time. If you see ONE silent film, this is the one I'd recommend.
Rated 26 Aug 2019
technically quite groundbreaking, but the story was a bit meh(tropolitan)...
Rated 08 Nov 2018
The sets are still spectacular, and Brigitte Helm is particularly great in her dual role as Maria and the android bearing her likeness. The story's odd combination of Christianity, Marxism, and Nietschze lends a lot of depth to the otherwise fairly straightforward plot. Aside from the last ten minutes, which are a bit too neat, I was as enthralled watching this as I've ever been by a film from the silent era. The 2010 restoration is also well worth the extended runtime.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
A fevered succession of allegorical tableaux. Some of the most impressively conceived and executed set design of the era. As to the actual allegory, its central call for "heart" or compassion is perhaps not so forcefully realized as its bitter depiction of a soulless modern existence. There's a lot to be said about the pervading theme of the cooptation of religion and political movements, though that part of the plot gets more than a little muddled by the involvement of a mad scientist run amok.
Rated 08 Dec 2016
An absolute sci-fi classic. It's no coincidence that everything from I, Robot to Blade Runner to RoboCop owes a debt to this. When people talk about visionary directors, filmmakers like Fritz Lang are who they're talking about.
Rated 25 Jul 2016
Technically impressive? Yes. Influential? Yes. Beautiful? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Hell no.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
Moroder's score brings out the joy of its camp farce more than the others.
Rated 29 Mar 2014
Amazing and complex story and effects create a movie that has formed the basis for many sci-fi epics but still feels unlike anything you've seen before. Fantastic acting and set deisgn that is an extension of the acting make the scenes come alive. Easily one of the best films ever made.
Rated 17 Sep 2013
*** Spoiler **** Elitist,Communist,Leftist undertones (mostly influenced by Lang's wife?) are part of overall consensus at times or am I missing larger point here? Ending is rather blasphemous. (Elitist groups and Working class are not denied their existence).Or is it suggested mediator would blur distinction between these classes.I hardly think movie suggests that, we're led to accept it's existence with Working Class struggling as is just for their existence ; so melancholic.
Rated 18 Aug 2013
Although the simplistic plot and unbelievably overdone acting prevented me from enjoying "Metropolis" for the masterpiece it -probably- is (the cheesy 80s Moroder soundtrack might have done something to do with it too), I couldn't help but admire Lang's ambition and his film's seminal visual achievements. So yes, I can't say I was riveted while watching "Metropolis" but, if only for the technical advancements and sheer power of its scope, it was well worth a watch.
Rated 30 Jul 2013
with movies today, it's easy to dismiss the wonder of vfx with a simple 'eh, computers did that'. computers didn't exist then. so exactly how did lang pull of such astonishing visual artistry?
Rated 30 Mar 2013
Utterly mesmerising. Iconic images and careful beat-by-beat story telling had me engrossed from the start. I found myself lost in this world and story.
Rated 17 Mar 2013
Probably was revolutionary at the time but we live in a different time now and does this film still hold up? Not really, very predictable and simplistic story. Some scenes really drag especially towards the end. Wouldn't recommend it.
Rated 21 Jan 2013
Groundbreaking. An amazing achievement on Lang's part whose vision still hold the power to entice and spellbind.
Rated 31 Jul 2012
[2010 145 min ver] Wonderful in many ways; the scope and feeling of a complete, functioning world that sticks most; handful of images stick forever. [older ver] too fuzzy and disjointed compared to the one I saw first so-3
Rated 09 Mar 2012
Took me two coffees and a giant spider to stay awake long enough to get through this. Cool art design, but doesn't have much else going for it. Horribly exaggerated characters that are completely unrelatable.
Rated 17 Jan 2012
For having been forgotten (at least the full version, and one I saw) for over 50 years, this movie is in absolute pristine condition. I can honestly say that I don't know what all the hubbub is about, maybe that added extra half hour just sucks, but I really didn't dig this movie.
Rated 06 Jan 2012
The design is superb but the film itself is tedious, with simple, annoying characters running through the motions of a trite morality tale. The whole thing lacks the depth of good science fiction, or of good storytelling at all. But still, the design and some of the visuals are incredible.
Rated 14 Nov 2011
I heard plenty in school about how revolutionary movies like Citizen Kane are, but I'm surprised I didn't hear more about how revolutionary this movie was. There are some massive, elaborate sets, and great special effects. Even though there is no known complete copy of the movie, it's fantastic, even in its partial state.
Rated 27 Aug 2011
Eyeliner must be dirt cheap in Metropolis.
Rated 20 Jun 2011
The world it creates is fascinating, and both the set design and effects are marvelous. It's truly a inspired and unique film.
Rated 08 May 2011
I haven't seen the reconstructed version yet, so this is a tentative grade. I expect that with the lost scenes back in, this will go up.
Rated 18 Mar 2011
What an incredible, unforgettable film.
Rated 05 Nov 2010
This is the kind of movie where you watch it and wonder why movies nowadays don't do things like that. Wonderful visuals, well-paced, and with one of the best-thought-out dystopias I've ever seen.
Rated 04 Oct 2010
The most beautiful film I've ever seen. Every shot is amazing and well thought out. Can't believe it was made in 1927, incredible
Rated 02 Oct 2010
A lot of allowances have to be made for some silent films, in particular the acting, and Metropolis boasts some of the most ridiculously hammy acting I've seen in any silent. The plot can also be fairly ridiculous at times as well. But that's more than balanced out by the mind-blowing set design, effects work, and the scope of Lang's vision. The third act is thrilling entertainment.
Rated 23 Sep 2010
A nymphomanic antichrist in the shape of a Terminator model C3PO (created by a mad scientist) runs amok, causing havoc and revolution. Fun premise you might say - unfortunately it is not quite so. Dated, though obviously influential and important.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
a german film. anticommunist, antimodern and antisemitic.
Rated 02 Mar 2010
Lang's expertise as a filmmaker is on full display in this tale of future dystopia. The visual sensibility is striking, the movement of the camera surprising, and most of all, the film is extremely well-paced, particularly in its final third. The 2010 restoration adds footage of two significant subplots--one of the Thin Man follow Freder and the other of the prisoner Freder trades places with--that help the film's overall flow. This is an astounding work of art, a pinnacle in cinematic history.
Rated 21 Jul 2009
One of the most important films ever made, and also one of the most entertaining. The elaborate futuristic cityscape sets are wondrous, the special effects are amazing, and the story is epic. Metropolis proved that science fiction is a very cool genre when put in the hands of filmmakers with an elaborate imagination, an eye for dazzling visuals, and the mind to come up with a great social message to tie it all together.
Rated 13 Feb 2009
Fascinating. The fact that this was made in 1927 is absolutely remarkable. That lady knows how to act.
Rated 28 Oct 2008
I was just bored with this movie, I don't see it as the classic many others rank it as.
Rated 28 Sep 2008
There must be a connection between "hands" and "brain", and it is "heart". Wonderful guess of future.
Rated 28 Aug 2008
It is a very important movie, everybody who is interested in movies should give it a try. But, nevertheless, it could be somewhat difficult to watch it because today's people are not accustomed to watching silent movies. However, for me, it gets better with every time watching it especially when having a live orchestration with it!
Rated 03 Aug 2008
One of the best silence films of all time. Bizzare, abnormal, extraordinary and absolutely fascinating, Metropolis is a visually absorbing, mesmerizing movie with technology far ahead of its time. Set a whole new complete standard for the current sci-fi today, and a milestone in filmmaking by a long shot.
Rated 26 Jul 2008
I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. But the imagery and the message were brilliant, along with the astounding set pieces. Personal preference brings it down 10 points.
Rated 04 Mar 2008
Wow! Not sure that this is something I'd like to just pop in the DVD player for a relaxing Friday night flick, but it is certainly a powerful and amazingly-done film, especially given the time period. We watched this for a graduate-level Humanities course and it fueled much discussion!
Rated 01 Mar 2008
An enjoyable and thought-provoking, if not rather blunt in today's day and age, film. I'll be honest and say that I have a very hard time sitting through silent films that last beyond the length of a short so I was a little bit bored. However I certainly appreciate, and highly enjoyed, the expressionism and wonderful special effects. Great for a film enthusiast but I highly doubt it'll entertain someone without a special interest in seeing this film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A chilling movie. I have yet to find a complete version, but all the ones I've seen have remained as relevant and honest as when they were first made.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Inspired by Fritz Lang's visit to New York this is an amazing piece if film, well worth seeing time and time again. So good that not even Giorgio Moroder's lame 80's soundtrack and sepia tinting could fuck it up
Rated 13 Jul 2007
Like all great science fiction this is bold, imaginative, and socially relevant. The sets and cinematography are so striking that the film still feels unique and fresh.
Rated 11 Jun 2007
A classic, if a little slow and plodding in the middle.
Rated 09 Apr 2024
I watched the most recent cut of this film and while I can respect the place that it deserves in film lexicon, I just couldn't get too comfortable with the run time. The acting is great. It's very much silent movie era overacting but there is some subtly to some of the performances as well that make those moments so special. As a sci-fi movie fan, I love that one of the oldest quote unquote films is of that genre. The design of the automaton is very cool. The actress' performance is scary.
Rated 21 Feb 2024
Holds up surprisingly well almost a century later. The cinematography, special effects, and set design still impress and while the plot isn’t great, it was entertaining enough to get me invested despite there being no dialogue. Very good visual storytelling throughout
Rated 21 Feb 2024
More impressive and significant than entertaining
Rated 01 Feb 2024
It took a while getting started, especially waiting for the title cards to show up. You can admire the sets and stylisation, and the symbolism at least. But when it picks up, and goes wild on themes and increasingly madder. The scenes with the large crowds were impressive and terrifying, the part with the kids was very tense. I was also impressed by Maria's physicality. A big break from stiff female roles of other movies: she would scowl and grin and contort in ways you rarely see
Rated 16 Oct 2023
An early yet enduring testament to cinema's power to engage viewers in putting forth a clear thesis about modern man's condition. Larger-than-life characters dance about in a drama of a fully realized if not markedly "other" world, due in no small part to the film's breathtaking set design and Lang's expressionist touches.
Rated 14 Nov 2022
The acting, cinematography, sets, montage, etc is nothing short of genius. However, the political message is moronic. The idea that workers liberation will come through some messiah figure (one that originates from the ruling class at that) is absolute trash. The ending where the workers and the ruling class reconcile is a liberal cringe fest.
Rated 26 Oct 2022
I saw a partially restored version at the Mayan in Denver. Extreme praise for the work they did in getting people who saw the original to help piece it back together!
Rated 09 Sep 2022
Some silly moments but overall amazing
Rated 15 Mar 2022
This is pretty much the first huge, massively expensive science fiction epic, and like a lot of it's ilk, the story is hardly the main attraction. In a really important sense, this film's visuals have not aged. We can certainly do more technically advanced effects work today, but like "2001" and "Blade Runner". it's entirely beside the point to note that technology has advanced. This film's wildly inventive visuals are just as astonishing now as they were in 1927.
Rated 24 Feb 2021
There are some gorgeous visuals in this film, and it's historically super important for its influence on the genre. However, I can't honestly say I really want to watch this film again, hence the somewhat low score.
Rated 02 Feb 2021
One of the first great achievements of cinema. Epic, innovative, stylish.
Rated 12 Jul 2020
I wanted to like Metropolis, it's a classic and innovative and blah blah blah but I just can't get into it, just like Citizen Kane.
Rated 11 Apr 2020
Watch it for the incredible designs and stunning imagery, not the idiotic narrative. It would be great if someone could shape a coherent, well-paced plot out of the 144-minute version, because as it is I was practically tearing my hair out during the unbelievably bloated third act.
Rated 30 Mar 2020
I have never ever remember i get excited in a final scene like that. My whole body goosebumps. Final scene made my score 5 score higher! It's a black and white, silent, old film but definietly not a Boring film. Such a beatiful set design. Maybe the message that film wants to tell is not realistic but still a beatiful epic story! Everybody should watch it!
Rated 23 Feb 2020
*This is for the 2002 restoration, not the most recent 2010 version* While I'd always heard of the legacy & impact of this film on pop culture & the sci-fi/dystopian genre, I still didn't really know what to expect from it. I certainly wasn't expecting such an interesting, enduring take on the balance needed to maintain society, nor the romantic element that so much of the plot is based around. That said, I enjoyed this a lot- it never felt its runtime & was a fantastical, fun ride.
Rated 27 Nov 2019
Extraordinaria experiencia de cinema com orquestra ao vivo.
Rated 17 Sep 2019
Visually still impressive, character acting outdated. Plus for very explicit political stance.
Rated 23 Aug 2019
I don't think it's unfair to say that Metropolis is one of the few perfect films in existence, even with parts lost to time. Modern expectations will think this movie slow and even silly at times. Yet, it's left an indelible mark on the world that is still clear. It's informed so many rules of cinema that people will not have a hard time watching Metropolis 100 years on. It's an excellent starting point for getting into silent films.
Rated 27 Jun 2019
Haven't seen it
Rated 04 Apr 2019
People always speculate on whether aliens built the pyramids when they should be speculating on whether aliens filmed Metropolis.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
Rated 20 Nov 2018
The effects alone make this film extraordinary. The story and lesson at the end are timeless. A must see!
Rated 27 Jul 2018
Teological, Sociological, Scientific Fictional, Mythological, Literarily, Cinematographical, Futuristic Design wise.. I mean from many different and important expects this movie full with richness even w/o dialogs and colors. Its full with sublime messages, heavy sub-text and beautiful set working. Its a masterpiece..
Rated 05 Mar 2018
Rewatch. Kino "Complete" BD restores lost scenes but I could have done with the shorter version. Even in the older cuts there was a decent amount of repetition. Gustav Frohlich as the main character is milquetoast. Brigitte Helm is boring as a human but as a fembot she's amazing. The set design is unrivaled. If we had to show aliens a representative film as an artform, this would be a top contender. Fav scenes: I like seeing the machines and the painted cityscapes.


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