The Monuments Men

The Monuments Men

1h 58m
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Avg Percentile 28.57% from 1208 total ratings

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Rated 13 Feb 2014
Frustratingly disjointed. Which is disappointing, because the core concept is fascinating, and the acting, cinematography, and direction are all well done. The issue lies in the script, which presents a series of vignettes that seem to succeed on their own, but which are never woven into a cohesive narrative. Thanks to the lack of build-up, there's no sense of sorrow when men are killed, and no sense of joy when art is found. A potentially great film that has to settle with being sub-par.
Rated 07 Feb 2014
Like a dull history lecture, The Monuments Men is informative but lacks anything to hold an audience's attention. It's empty. The characters are shallow, the narrative is procedural and lacking in conflict, and the tone is all over the place. The film will find an audience -- high school students forced to sit through it while the teacher takes a day off from doing work -- but if you're hoping for a compelling movie you'll be disappointed.
Rated 03 May 2014
Ensemble cast which is wasted on a dozen scenes of A-list actors trying to outquirk each other with empty witty remarks and dopey actor's guild highlight reel expressions. It seems like Clooney was trying to lift the happy go lucky atmosphere of Hogan's heroes and Oceans 11 while maintaining dramatic historical relevance. Mission failed. It's a hot mess which has no comedic impact, charm, or dramatic relevance. It's an irrelevant and boring waste of time. Clooney needs to let others direct.
Rated 17 Jun 2014
A genuine mess in all departments. The story and editing are all over the place, as is the overall tone and ethos. The screenplay is an unmitigated disaster also, and [considering these protagonists noble motives] the lack of any sort empathy for the characters or the relationships they form is a damning indictment how poorly constructed the whole film is. Significantly however, where "The Monuments Men" irritates most is how every second of it feels so shamelessly and gratingly Hollywood.
Rated 30 Jan 2015
When you see the cast of this film, you'll be like "I want it right now!". That's the proof if great actors involved in a movie don't mean it's going to be awesome. Everything does not depend on actors. Clooney could make a better movie.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Not bad period piece about a little known piece of WW2 history but as far being biographical, the film takes liberties. the setup of the film is a little weird, being done in a vinaigrette style that doesn't always flow together and some of the actors aren't playing their characters, just themselves. However, that said, it cool that a film was made about the monuments men and what role they played in saving/recovering lost art during WW2, just wish it was a stronger film.
Rated 09 Jun 2018
Weak. A lot less than the sum of it's parts. The tone is very uneven, starts off feeling like it's going to be a lot more fun, but gets bogged down in WW2 being, you know, serious. Reminds me of Troy McClure saying "That's a good idea, Homer, but they've already made a lot of films about World War 2." Bill Murray seems to be in a different, and much better, film.
Rated 28 Jun 2014
why clooney tried to make this a ww2 "oceans eleven", it's beyond me. the story is very intriguting, and it could have been made into a much more in depth drama, instead clooney and co turn it into a hollywood comedy. the story is disjointed and at times totally irrelevant, and while the actors' presence is there, the substance is terribly lacking.
Rated 11 Jun 2014
It's a little surprising how scattershot and sloppy this is. The impression that's given is that Clooney et. al. thought the subject matter was strong enough, and the structure sufficiently episodic/sitcommy, that the movie didn't need much more of an extra push. In truth, though, it's kind of a mess, with shallow character development and a story that rambles all over the map at random. I guess it's okay to watch while you're doing something else. My attention drifted quite a bit.
Rated 19 Mar 2018
A series of disconnected scenes in search of a story. Some great actors in search of memorable dialogue. A series of paintings in search of Art.
Rated 21 Feb 2014
It's pretty Hollywood, which is to be expected I guess. Love the cast, but a couple of them just played themselves; Clooney = Clooney, Murray = Murray, and in a movie that purports itself to be biographical, it seems to me that it would have been prudent to check the ego at the door and play the role, not play oneself. Be actors, not movie stars. I certainly didn't dislike it, it had its entertaining moments, but I do feel as though there was something more to be had here. Read the book instead.
Rated 05 May 2014
The Monuments Men are nothing compared to the Flying Hellfish.
Rated 17 May 2014
A good story ruined by a bad movie. Boring, uninspired, weak, confusing. I fell asleep before the end.
Rated 05 May 2014
beautiful story and a brilliant cast but the script is terribly weak and Clooney failed so badly.. so much wasted potential
Rated 07 Feb 2014
A pretty but shallow history lesson that has a slight narrative sewn together by an unending stream of fish-out-of-the-water gags. Reminiscent of the war films of the 1960s in that it features a cast of A-list stars fighting the good fight against the nazis.
Rated 08 Feb 2014
Actually pretty decent if episodic and often sluggishly-paced (if I was in this film's editing room I would have easily cut 10 minutes, maybe even 15). But I did enjoy having a WWII movie that exists on the fringes of the war like this, and found the filmmaking and film grammar to have an appealing golden age classicality about them.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
Shows a lot of promise from the outset. Based on a true story and an interesting one. The story probably isn't embellished too much but it might be for this reason that the film is pretty empty. Only slivers of character development, both Matt Damon and Bill Murray are utterly underused and although it's a watchable 2 hours of film you can't help but think it was a missed opportunity by the end.
Rated 17 Feb 2014
A schizophrenic film that doesn't know what genre it belongs to and Clooney gets absolutely nothing out of his great cast.
Rated 15 Feb 2014
It's pretty sad to see this project gone awry. Nothing wrong with the concept, the director, and definitely the cast, but in the end this is a poorly cobbled together mess, inconsistent in tone and incoherent in narrative. In the end, the script isn't good enough to prop this up to even mediocrity. Some individual scenes are great, thanks to good performances and execution, but I really can't recommend it.
Rated 03 Dec 2018
worth a watch
Rated 26 May 2014
not enough use of the cast...tries to give everyone something to do but sacrifices a moving story to do it. pace was dreadful.
Rated 14 Mar 2014
Too serious to be a romp, but too lightweight to be a really effective war film. As a portrayal of the U.S. Army's attempt to retrieve art stolen by the Nazis, it probably strays from history and doesn't make a strong case for the sacrifices made to protect Europe's art heritage--though it tries. The script is clumsy and messy, but the cast seems to be having a good time, and the production values are no slouch. Alexandre Desplat's lush score--an homage to earlier epics--is the best part of it.
Rated 09 Feb 2014
Had there been more moments where things were a little more serious I could have easily found the Monuments Men a complete package. It is technically sound, the visuals appealing, the sound top notch. Where it begins to fall apart is during the moments when things were still comedic but would have benefited from a more serious tone. Not exactly the film it seemed like it was going to be, and not exactly as poignant as it should have been. Still for what it was, it remains solidly entertaining.
Rated 07 Jun 2014
A story worth telling, and well meaning, but tone is completely off, deaf and bounces all over the place, and hardly anything in this sticks. Clearly a writing and directing fail.
Rated 24 Feb 2015
An all star cast in a surprisingly uninspired war movie.
Rated 30 May 2014
It's got strengths in its director and cast, but the script is problematic. The dialogue isn't sharp or witty enough, the characters aren't really all that well-defined or relatable, and the story isn't very cohesive. It's simply not dramatic enough to be compelling or comedic enough to be funny. If someone like Quentin Tarantino had made this, I feel like it could have been brilliant. Or maybe I just think that because it was like a boring Inglourious Basterds (2009).
Rated 14 Sep 2014
It's an excellent troupe of actors portraying a very important true story about art and war. Sadly, it lacks any real oomph above this. Worth watching but not much to say about it beyond that.
Rated 12 Apr 2015
Insanely boring, and just not good, unfortunately.
Rated 03 May 2014
George Clooney flop.
Rated 30 May 2014
A lot better than I expected, interesting premise.
Rated 30 Dec 2023
Well, it is an interesting true story and what they did was quite admirable. But as far as WW2 movies go, it is quite Meh. Also, this "let's put together the gang" Ocean's 11-style star bombardment does not work anymore in my opinion. You have all these great actors that you put in spot roles, but none have enough time to shine, so in the end you end up with something that is much less than the sum of its parts.
Rated 13 Aug 2014
It's hard to make a movie about World War II boring, but somehow if you throw enough art at it, apparently you can do it. Ugh.
Rated 08 Oct 2014
Disjointed and distant.
Rated 24 May 2014
George should have invested his movie bucks in making a documentary about the Monuments Men instead of wasting it on this less than mediocre film.
Rated 06 Aug 2023
it's sad such an interesting topic is served in such a disjointed way. The light tone didn't seem to fully convey the tragedies it shows, if they were trying to have the contrast humour/darkness make it more startling, it failed hard
Rated 27 Oct 2022
Movies like this show that you can put together a stellar cast of big names and achieve nothing. The acting is great, but the way the story is told is mostly lukewarm and forgettable. There's just very little substance here and whenever there's room to go more in-depth into the tragedies and stories of the people involved, the movie just skips to the next thing and you're never left feeling like you have an emotional connection toward any of the characters.
Rated 04 Mar 2015
Dreadfully boring. The concept is so interesting and the plot is so good that there was so little way this could have failed; yet it did. The acting carries the movie, yet I never felt as though I was watching characters; just the actors playing them. Also the direction is pretty alright too. The plot however is disjointed and unfufilling, and not worth the 2 hour snooze-fest it becomes. There's no build-up or pay-off. Sadly, a bit of a waste of time.
Rated 07 Jan 2021
Viewed January 6, 2021.
Rated 01 Jun 2018
45.50+.83 = 46.33.
Rated 11 Feb 2014
Rated 17 Aug 2015
Not interested.
Rated 30 May 2014
Neither good enough to be a drama nor funny enough to be a comedy. Plenty of wasted acting potential. Wholly disappointing.
Rated 18 Apr 2015
The cast sounds promising, but neither story nor characters lets you get involved in the events which certainly must have been compelling. But when you jump from one location to another following the stereotyped American heroes in their treasure hunt, you get bored quickly and are left to wonder why the entire tone is as joyful as Ocean's Eleven although they're in the middle of a war.
Rated 18 Feb 2014
Boring, corny, aimless, and shallow. To even consider this a drama is funnier than the pitiful humor this movie tried to crap out. Even the mindless baby boomers that crowded the theater fell silent. Clooney could have written himself to play any role and he still just chose to play George Clooney. Out of his all star cast Cate is the only one here who played someone outside themselves. He even manages to get a sub par role out of Goodman which is damn near impossible. Talk about a FLOP.
Rated 03 Mar 2014
A very interesting premise and a cast full of great and likable actors is ruined by a messy, incoherent script. I wanted nothing more than to like this movie, but in my eyes it just isn't anywhere near good, which makes me a little sad.
Rated 12 Jun 2014
There won't be a monument erected for this film. The whole thing was a mess. All the stories were all over the place. You never really got to know the characters well. You see a short scene with one group and then it switches to another. You see a team member get lost, but no time to mourn as there are other stories to tell. There is a little good humor and the subject matter is fascinating...
Rated 06 Sep 2014
A very heroic Hollywood movie. I thought it was entertaining and even somewhat (yes I said 'somewhat') educational. Art is often underrated and this is not a side you hear too often concerning World War II. I liked it. 57/100.
Rated 18 May 2020
I really hate to admit it but I found this movie to be completely boring which was shocking considering the cast. But then again everyone in the cast was completely wasted as was my time while watching it.
Rated 14 Jun 2014
Wow, this is a very dull and uninteresting movie. George Clooney is a horrible director. I can't believe I spent 40 minutes trying to get through this crap. (Only ranked 70 because I don't give lower than that but I am rethinking that decision now)
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Rated 21 Feb 2014
This film has its moments but I struggled to really care about any of the characters because there not on screen for long enough. I wanted alot more Bill Murray but was left disapointed! They tried to take a serious drama but add in comedic elements which doesnt quite work for me! Overall though it is worth a watch but if it wasnt a true story it would be instantly forgettable!
Rated 30 Nov 2016
"The Monuments Men" boasts an ensemble cast that comes from every direction, I think they basically just signed anyone who'd agree. I'm a sucker for war movies, but this one has a different flavor, like a lesser successor (and less action-y) to "Kelly's Heroes."
Rated 24 Feb 2014
Rated 18 Jun 2014
Clooney tries to tell too many stories at once, and the script is no help at all.. These actors we love--Murray, Goodman, Balaban, Clooney --don't make us love them here; perhaps this is because the screenplay is awkward, forcing its character revelations. The only thing I really liked was how Blanchett, the sexy librarian, takes off her glasses and smiles, and--despite the false nose--becomes beautiful for Matt Damon's last night in Paris. (Then again, I'm always a sucker for such scenes!)
Rated 20 Jul 2014
Man, something was so off with this movie. The cutting between all of the different locations was really poorly done. I never got a good sense of who was with whom, or where they were, or why they were there. It seemed contrived to work around different shooting schedules for different actors. A few structural things really bothered me too, like Matt Damon saving 1 holocaust painting just to prove that he's a good person. That's just insulting to the audience.
Rated 28 Apr 2016
Rated 01 Dec 2014
The Monuments Men attracted my attention due to it's stellar cast alone. On paper Clooney, Damon, Murray & Goodman to name a few makeup an impressive cast. Sadly however they all seem to give half hearted performances and I struggled to invest myself in any of the characters. There are glimmers of an interesting story, but this film struggles to establish a tone. One moment it's trying to capture the tragedy of war, the next it feels like a comedy caper. And sadly the result is disjointed.
Rated 29 Jan 2017
Seems a fine comic cast -assembled for a fun caper movie- got hijacked and twisted into this mess of oscar-bait speechifying and bewildered performances. [df]
Rated 23 Feb 2014
Quite boring, filled with repetitive jokes(Why would you do that???) and lack of good antagonists and depth. Cast is great but not used to it's full or even expected potential. Plot is ... based on real events and that's only praise I can give it.
Rated 28 May 2014
I couldn't get over the tone of this turd, which was tongue in cheek beyond my ability to take, and pushed it well into the realm of corny.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
"Uplifting" war movies almost never work, and this one REALLY doesn't.
Rated 21 Oct 2016
The Monuments Men is an impressive feat on how to turn an interesting concept into a dreary, indulgent mess. My initial problem with the film is that it comes across as American propaganda, claiming a biographical nature while over-playing America's role; but history can be overlooked. My main problem is that despite an occasional well-acted moment, the film is a series of scenes ineptly strung together to form a weak narrative, both plot and character wise. Disappointing and dull!
Rated 03 Nov 2021
It's staggering how a movie with such a stellar cast including Bill Murray, John Goodman, Bob Balaban, George Clooney and Matt Damon can feel so flat. The movie itself is very tonally uneven. It feels like Clooney on one hand wanted to make a Coenesque dark comedy, but on the other hand doesn't really dare to make a comedy about the dramatic experience that WWII was.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
A great cast succumbs to total mediocrity. Poor script, cheesy music, and surprisingly dull. No reason to watch this at all.
Rated 15 Feb 2014
he Monuments Men would sacrifice themselves for this art--this record of our culture's hopes and dreams, our loftiest ambitions and darkest moments. They don't believe they're rescuing a color-daubed canvas, a relic of an age long past. They're preserving who we are. And, as such, they're willing to risk their very lives. (
Rated 14 Jun 2014
eng; [the monuments men]; eine gruppe von männern versucht gegen ende des zweiten weltkrieges die gestohlene kunst zu retten.;
Rated 23 Feb 2014
It works as long as Clooney aims a Hawksian depiction of men getting together on a noble task, but it fails scene after scene when it tries to go for our hearts with emotional shots -- Murray crying in the shower while listening to his granddaughters singing is pretty beautiful, though --, grandeur moments after every discovery and the lousy Damon/Cate uninspired subplot.
Rated 19 May 2014
The casting in this movie just didn't work. When you combine that with a disjointed script it creates a movie that's very hard to finish watching.
Rated 18 Feb 2014
This movie just kind of expects you to feel emotions because it tells you to. It feels pretty artificial, and it doesn't help that things quickly become very confusing in terms of where each character is, who is with them, and what they're trying to do at the moment. It's a little too much of a history lesson, and not quite enough of an organic story.
Rated 20 Apr 2014
I just remember it to be boring with all the acting power it has.. Sign of a really awful script..
Rated 17 Jan 2015
Ultimately, a let-down of a film. Good actors do not a good film necessarily make. Felt a bit choppy, the story was a bit sappy at times, the script was lacking.
Rated 07 Jun 2014
Meh. Too dull to be a WW2 film. I think part of it is that you expect more action sequences than it actually had and the ones it did have were sort of forced in. Disappointing.
Rated 12 Jul 2014
Not a total disappointment, but nothing to write home about.
Rated 19 Apr 2018
The allied white European males (AWEM?) protect not only you but your artworks, culture and civilization from evil forces.
Rated 22 Aug 2017
Really good movie A bit of humor, lots of moving moments throughout. Captured well I thought. Good acting too
Rated 21 Feb 2014
Interessante ver um filme sobre a segunda guerra de tal perspectiva, mas como alguém já disse: é por demais hollywoodiano.
Rated 12 Jan 2015
Not as good as it should be with the cast involved, partly as it didn't quite hit the right tone sometimes, but fine enough. Eventually all of WWII will be told so that's another bit to tick off.
Rated 10 Dec 2014
Messy narrative. It has no strong build up. It's a bit of a waste with all the acting potential.
Rated 21 Mar 2014
This movie has an interesting mix of both comedy and drama. The cast is excellent with the ensemble all doing fine work here. There is a little bit to much American flag waving moments at times. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 18 Feb 2014
Dull and disjointed - it moves randomly between places, characters and moods and ends up being much too Hollywood.
Rated 05 May 2014
it's too in between. for a war movie it's too light-hearted and lame. for a movie that focuses on the significance of art, it's too factual. the characters are vaguely introduced, then it's off to europe, repossesion time! except for the occasional motivational speech, it is barely mentioned why conserving art is important. art is good, therefore bad people must not have it. no one ever mentions why he likes art, or WHY it has cultural relevance. it just has. and it must be saved from the nazis.
Rated 02 Jul 2014
A huge A-list cast and some good war sets. It's not that anything was particularly bad, just far too many lost opportunities to make it better. The production quality is very good, but as a whole, it lacks punch and excitement and you don't get invested in the characters. Also, there is some humor, but no laugh-out-loud moments. I wanted to love this movie, but the story telling is weak and incomplete. Perhaps some of the important dramatic scenes were cut during editing?
Rated 21 May 2014
A film with a few great scenes scattered through a whole bunch of boneless content and wasted actors. I do appreciate the 'war winding down' tone and the lack of a bunch of false drama, but there isn't enough investment in the characters to really make this a compelling watch. It never panders, though, and sometimes manages to provide a decent humanistic take on a frequently ignored aspect of the war.
Rated 14 Jun 2014
A great story is turned into a weak, disappointing film that suffers most from a dull script
Rated 02 Mar 2014
Meh. Watch on an airline or if it comes on basic cable and you have nothing else to do.
Rated 03 May 2014
It is way too lighthearted, considering the setting and time period. It's just a bit too Hollywood for my taste and they couldn't even get the pacing and the mood right. Missed chance, could have been a great film. Now it's just mediocre.
Rated 14 Mar 2019
Its a movie that seems entirely content to rest on the names of it's stars rather than actually doing anything at all. As a result, nothing works except the actors involved.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
very good movie and very funny 10 out of 10 very good cast of movie stars
Rated 14 Sep 2014
Sadly, not a piece of art
Rated 10 Jan 2024
How do you take an interesting premise, a talented cast and make such a dull film?
Rated 17 Feb 2014
A caveat: the conditions in which I saw this film were, er, sub-optimal. I was forced to take the worst spot in the entire ten-screen plex, the rightmost seat of the front row. And due to some projection malfunction, the film was playing letterboxed within a 1.5:1-ish window. Still, I'm not sure a better viewing experience would've improved the movie a whole lot; it was a little ramshackle, never quite marrying its themes, tones and subplots in a convincing way.
Rated 18 Apr 2014
There is something completely wrong. Watch The Train instead.
Rated 03 Oct 2017
Respect for what they did in reality, but the movie is a bit boring ... More reviews here :
Rated 16 Sep 2019
A hallmark movie from another era. Weird, all-over-the-place editing, lots of random jokes and sap. Just not funny at all.


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