Force Majeure

Force Majeure

2h 0m
A Swedish family travels to the French Alps to enjoy a few days of skiing. The sun is shining and the slopes are spectacular but, during a lunch at a restaurant, an avalanche turns everything upside down. With diners fleeing in all directions, mother Ebba calls for her husband Tomas as she tries to protect their children. Tomas, meanwhile, is running for his life... The anticipated disaster failed to occur, and yet the family's world has been shaken to its core. (imdb)
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Force Majeure

2h 0m
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Avg Percentile 64.04% from 1842 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 04 Jan 2015
A loose adaptation of George Costanza at a birthday party.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
Literally a two hour drama about a guy getting emasculated by his wife after a flight response to an avalanche. The characters here have nothing to do but talk and brood. They are entirely stuck in their heads, seemingly incapable of any kind of useful thinking or speech. Implausibly awkward situations keep materializing, each more exhausting than the last. Duller than my last trip to the grocery store.
Rated 06 Jan 2015
Scenes From A Marriage 2: Snowroller.
Rated 21 Jan 2015
Uncomfortable viewing. In the very best way! Kongsle's performance is masterful, and the first half of Östlund's thoughtful and provocative film is absolutely superb. In fact, I'd have rated it 90, at least, had the film ended with Tomas returning drunk to the hotel room. But: From his overacted breakdown and onwards, the satiric comedy of manners becomes scattershot and meandering. It's a shame, because up until that point the script was unusually sharp. The ending doesn't really work, either.
Rated 23 Jun 2015
Very engaging relationship drama. The ending undercuts the tension and is a mistake by the filmmaker, but everything else is amazing.
Rated 31 Jan 2015
The longest cigarette advertisement ever.
Rated 15 May 2017
A cynical gem until the final 20 minutes where it throws most of it away.
Rated 05 Jan 2015
i knew i loved this film from the opening shot and continued to enjoy it all the way to the end. this film exemplifies better than anything i've seen in a while nuanced filmmaking. everything feels so real and naturally occurring, yet meticulously serves the film's purpose. everything from the premise, to the way the characters are portrayed to how the film is shot is understated and masterful. this film is an emblem of everything i believe a good film should be.
Rated 08 Feb 2015
What bobpage said: "Literally a two hour drama about a guy getting emasculated by his wife after a flight response to an avalanche. The characters here have nothing to do but talk and brood. They are entirely stuck in their heads, seemingly incapable of any kind of useful thinking or speech. Implausibly awkward situations keep materializing, each more exhausting than the last. Duller than my last trip to the grocery store."
Rated 27 Oct 2014
Sadece erkeklik-aile-ilişkiler üzerine bir film değil. Modernlik ve insan doğası üzerine etkileyici bir film. "İnsanoğlu doğaya hükmedebileceğini sandı ancak atladığı kendi doğasıydı." -Her şey kontrol altında. (mı)?
Rated 18 Feb 2019
It's really not funny at all. Just a film about a woman that holds a grudge for an entire movie.
Rated 02 Jan 2015
This is what you get when you have nothing more than a theme to prove. Starring pristine exteriors of the Alps.
Rated 19 Apr 2015
Too distant in its satirical approach to allow the audience into the feelings of the main characters. Too much thought, not enough emotion - quite the opposite of what one would typically expect from a film inspired by viral videos. A few scenes hit their mark, such as the first (shorter) dinner scene. But with the increasing contrivances in the latter scenes to provide drama, things begin to ring hollow. The idiosyncratic sound design is also off-putting in a bad way.
Rated 04 Apr 2015
Nice and understated, the way I like my films. Though the glorious hair on that second couple did distract me, it was so awesome.
Rated 07 Feb 2015
Östlund's merciless observations and rigorous cinematographic style are put to great use in this delightfully cynical satire. I particularly enjoyed the ending and how it perfectly validated Mats' comment on innate behaviour/instinct. The last minute seemed pointless but a great film nonetheless.
Rated 06 Feb 2015
Has a few isolated nice scenes, but ultimately can't breathe life into the central, uninteresting-by-nature, upper middle class family. The movie might very well be about how manufactured their relationships, situations and especially problems are, but that doesn't make it any less boring.
Rated 18 Mar 2015
Exquisitely framed (the setting is so well-used) and plays out via an impressively controlled camera, I still can't get past a few significant narrative moments that simply rang hollow to me...including (and especially?) the major turn in the film's first twenty minutes. Furthermore, I couldn't get The Loneliest Planet out of my head while this was still going, and this film suffered in comparison due to these narrative missteps, primarily.
Rated 26 Feb 2015
This was a totally brilliant film from Sweden. It had one of the best screenplays I've seen in a long while. Everything felt so naturalistic and true to life, from the dialogue to the acting to the setting. And yet, everything served higher themes about masculinity and femininity, parenthood, and survival instinct, among others. Very much recommended.
Rated 16 Mar 2015
Östlund's direction reminded me occasionally of Kubrick: similar use of music, photography - and of course the setting which echoes "The Shining". There were some excellent scenes and an eerie atmosphere, but in the end it doesn't really add up to that much, and could have used some tighter editing. I will look forward to more films from Östlund, but I thought this one was a bit overhyped.
Rated 23 May 2015
A dark movie within the all white views.
Rated 15 Mar 2015
Beautiful location and landscapes, not at all hooked by the story...
Rated 23 Nov 2014
When a Swedish family goes on a ski trip, an impulsive action by the father--and his refusal to own up to it--shed uncomfortable light on his own self-deceptions, and ultimately on those of humanity as a whole. Bunuelesque skewering of human folly, deliberately paced but often quite funny. Stunning cinematography, witty sound design, fine performances and perceptive writing all combine under Ruben Östlund's precise direction to create a film both haunting and delightful. Highly recommended.
Rated 06 Mar 2016
So this literally puts the "glacial" in glacial art house minimalism doesn't it? Really though, it mostly plays like warmed-over, defrosted Haneke (sorry). All the comparisons to The Loneliest Planet are understandable, if not inevitable, and i feel similarly ambivalent about this as i did about that film, perhaps for somewhat different reasons. Everything about this is essentially well done but sort of overly schematic and palpably familiar. I preferred the mordant humor to the forced pathos.
Rated 14 Jun 2015
Brilliant. Absurd north european comedy drama at its best.
Rated 05 Nov 2021
impotent attempts to remain in control of trad narratives reveal dark and immature egos. the setting drew out a beautiful parallel environmental tension. a truly brilliant articulation of bougie scandinavians' emotional vacuity.
Rated 22 Apr 2015
The premise is nice - a significant event causes a husband and wife's relationship to come into question - and it could be taken anywhere from there. Unfortunately I'm not entirely happy with where it did go, the scene with Tomas' hysterical crying was especially pathetic and left unresolved. At the very least the final scene should've been the last ski run and what I think was a final "test" by the wife. The bus at the end padded out what was already a lengthy experience.
Rated 26 Jul 2015
A couple go on a holiday with the aim to troll their children with various set-pieces over 6 days, possibly to establish which parent is favoured overall. In a stunning impromptu display, the father sweeps aside the mother character and ultimately (& literally) walks away as the preferred option. Perhaps Ostlund was too subtle in hiding the parents intentions. eg, the avalanche dinner rehearsal. But the theme is made stunningly apparent in the fashion the 'lost mother' sequence concludes.
Rated 26 Apr 2023
Baffled by the ending.
Rated 04 Jan 2023
I think the idea had some potential, which shines through at points, but there’s both not enough substance nor enough laughs for the film it wants to be.
Rated 03 Jan 2023
Sometimes very funny in a dark way, but the film is more focused on being thought provoking about the family dynamic. I understood the deliberately slow pace but shots lingered unnecessarily.
Rated 09 Oct 2020
By focusing on situations that require interpretation in order to decide the point at which danger-averting action is necessary, this film explores the way in which, when sexual difference regresses to a game of power, it ends in hostility and division. By depicting an exploitation of male weakness that seems ultimately self-defeating, it could probably be seen as "anti-feminist", but the questions it raises are complex and open enough that it would be unfair to reduce it to a single dimension.
Rated 18 Jan 2015
Original, funny and well-acted drama-comedy that could have benefitted from tighter editing.
Rated 05 Feb 2015
Force Majeure is a statically shot, superbly written, performance-heavy psychological drama which squeezes a moral conundrum for all it's got, and as such, it reminds me of the works of contemporary favorites of mine, such as Farhadi, Glasner, Ceylan, and perhaps very few others. It is an often disturbing and draining experience, but offers heavy thoughts about gender relations, en route to what is frankly a disappointingly easy resolution. I'm going to need to watch more from Ruben Östlund.
Rated 19 Sep 2020
koca filmin tek dileması "çığ düştü, çocukları almayıp kaçtın bu yüzden kötü bir eşsin ühü ühü" yapmazsınız abi ya. gene de evliliğe karşı yanımız torpil geçsin bakalım...
Rated 13 May 2021
For a film inspired by youtube videos, it sure has a lot of boring fluff. The first half hour or so often feels like a sterile, inferior rip-off of The Loneliest Planet. But if you give it time, Ostlund does craft a handful of set pieces that are absolutely sublime in capturing singularly relatable social situations. But in keeping all the dull, garish bullshit for no real reason, it feels like he's insisting that the audience NEEDS to smell his farts to undersrand his artistic vision.
Rated 19 Feb 2020
An odd mix of dramatic subject matter and comedic tone that works in moments, but never as a whole film.
Rated 29 May 2015
I love the idea of it, there's a germ of an idea that's just fantastic but it goes nowhere with it. Not cynical enough for a comedy (which it was broadly sold as) and not dramatic enough for a drama (far too flat). Nice idea, shame about the execution, oh and a pair of awful child actors with badly written child parts
Rated 13 Sep 2022
A brilliant premise for a familial drama that also digs deeply into the expected charade of masculinity to great effect. Strong performances from the whole cast and well-shot, wringing strong visuals out of simple events. The runtime could certainly be tightened a bit with a couple of sequences feeling unnecessary to the narrative and most scenes running for about 25% longer than they need to in order to get the point across and starting to feel repetitive or redundant.
Rated 20 Jan 2020
Rated 11 Dec 2023
eng; [tourist; force majeure]; eine Familie macht in den französischen Alpen Urlaub, doch das erlebnis einer unerwartet großen schneelawine traumatisiert sie - insbesondere der realisierte überlebensinstinkt.; (unerwartet anstrengender psychologischer horrorfilm; filmende mit rettungsszene unplausibel);
Rated 25 Jun 2023
When Tomas and his family face an avalanche when eating at the restaurant of the hotel in the rooftop, Tomas is running away picking only his phone and gloves from the table while his wife tries to protect the children. Their relationship is shaken since his wife can't accept that his instinct was not to protect his beloved ones. Then the movie shows us that Tomas is unable to accept even the truth, doesn't admit that he run away and doesn't even want to speak about it. Men not sharing feelings.
Rated 11 Jun 2020
This would have been better as a thriller/horror
Rated 13 Feb 2015
This is one moody and snide exploration of family crisis and other phenomena, like avalanches (doesn't it sound funny in English?). Imposingly directed and powerfully acted (by Kuhnke in particular) if often elusive, it's mighty stuff.
Rated 25 Feb 2015
Östlund once again take use of his great observational ability in this beautifully shot drama. An impulsive reaction by a father is the start of an exploration in to relationship and gender expectations, it makes you wonder how different it would have been if it was the mother who ran away. It all soon turns in to a comical satire that's uncomfortable to watch and not always for the right reasons. Some illogical behavior and overdramatized scenes weakens the experience.
Rated 22 Sep 2015
seems rather didactic in comparison with THE LONELIEST PLANET (unavoidable reference point), but maybe that's ok in what's so obviously a tongue-in-cheek comedy? i'm not sure about ALL of ostlund's choices here but it's really beautifully, masterfully observed in any case, annihilating all concerns about the central metaphor's potential triteness (and my ambivalence toward PLAY). some have missed the film's crucial, crowning joke during the bus scene, but maybe that makes it a better film(?)
Rated 01 Feb 2019
Ruben Östlund, geçmişine ve ustalarına büyük saygı duyan sevgi dolu bir yönetmen. Bunlar bu filmde ve The Square'de açıkça görülebiliyor fakat Force Majeure'de sığ karakterler ve oyuncular ile en iyisini yakalamaya çalışırken ortaya sıkıcı bir film çıkarıyor. Diyaloglar ile senaryo çok iyi oluşturulmuş ve kurgulanmış olsa da yukarıda bahsettiğim sebeplerden dolayı filmin izleyicide bıraktığı his çok yüzeysel kalmış.
Rated 25 Oct 2022
Been a while since I've seen a movie that made me cringe and laugh as much as this. So many scenes teeter on the edge between comedy and tragedy and in that space finds a way to spotlight the fragile mask of civility we all wear. There is a very strange delight in being confronted with how hypocritical your own society is and being implicated in it. You judge the characters, but still have a gnawing feeling that you would act just the same were you in the same position. Not sure about the ending
Rated 05 Oct 2022
Performances were quite good. I put off watching this and the American remake until finally deciding to give this a go today. It's deliberately very slow in parts so buyer beware. I tend to tolerate that more than most, but this film is so highly regarded it looks like folks knew what they were in for. Overall a good family drama. 6.7
Rated 14 Jun 2020
Funny and dark.
Rated 02 Dec 2014
One of the best films of the year - brilliantly directed and wonderfully acted, Force Majeure is a real treat from start to finish. Highly recommended!
Rated 05 Jan 2015
A wickedly funny and depressing examination of a George Costanza-esque decision that critiques concepts of manhood and family by asking a lot of questions for which there aren't any good answers. Watching this picture-perfect Scandinavian family disintegrate is one of the best experiences of the year, especially as their squabbles drag innocent bystanders into their despair and the situation spins more and more out of control. Highly recommended.
Rated 23 Apr 2024
Good movie. A close call with an avalanche causes some couples to examine their lives, love, the future, and basically complain a lot. Good acting. Swedish subtitled.
Rated 17 Nov 2014
I kind of didn't buy the core family characters. I found them highly unrelatable. Other than that, a very good film.
Rated 05 Jan 2015
This is a film about how an instant can reveal and unravel so much, and it's likewise amazing how deep Östlund is able to dig with such a simple premise. He deals with ideas of masculinity, family dynamics, and primal human instincts with not only great clarity but also moments of great ambiguity and dark humour. This has elements of arthouse provocation but it's both brainy and human, not to mention very entertaining. This is some tremendously assured filmmaking.
Rated 20 Jan 2020
Pretty good but the league did an episode about this exact same premise and was better
Rated 03 Nov 2018
I thought this might be a fun ski movie but it's really just a moody relationship drama in a ski setting. There is not really any plot movement, it's just a character study if you're into that.
Rated 05 Jul 2018
eh işte final iyiydi
Rated 27 Feb 2015
Cok guzel baslayan ama karakterlerin yetersiz duygu aktarimina ve dogru islenmeyeye kurban olan bir film. Yine de izlenmeli, basarili sahneler de mevcut
Rated 09 Feb 2015
Erkeklik kodlarıyla oynamada gösterdiği hüner filmi başyapıt seviyesine yükseltiyor. Komik, zekice, tekinsiz ve şık.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
Holiday adventure turns into startling meditation on masculinity in this excellent drama by Swede director Ruben Östlund. It's not clear where he stands in the gender debate, but it's a good thing, because this way the film leaves a lot to meditate upon. Modern feminism makes no sense to me, so I was very curious what feminists think about this film. In one of the interviews Östlund said that swedish feminists are very happy with the film, because it portrays the men they've been waiting for.
Rated 25 Apr 2015
The mundane opening serves the coming tensions that ratchet up throughout. It provides excellent insights into how one action or reaction can completely change how someone is viewed within a relationship. This alteration is often permanent. The final third is a little off compared to the spectacular first two, but it's still an excellent film with beautiful scenery and score.
Rated 09 Oct 2016
Really good until the bad easy-way-out-ending.
Rated 15 Feb 2016
Come for the memes, stay for the scenes
Rated 16 Nov 2014
This is a film about expectations, disappointment and openness. It is a wonderful look at a family's struggle with trust following what could have been a tragic event for them all. It explores the Scandinavian tendency to look the other way when something isn't right. When we do so, a sense of mistrust can develop. When there is mistrust, there is worry. When there is worry, there is tension. If you build up enough tension, there will be a breaking point, and finally a thunderous collapse.
Rated 01 Oct 2017
palto film fest. & Gamze 2014
Rated 27 Sep 2014
Force Majeure is a film that will get you to think. Perhaps too much, especially if you see it with a significant other. It could lead to arguments -- arguments based solely on hypotheticals. It's funny because it's uncomfortable and awkward to watch. It's dramatic because the couple portrayed within it is so realistic. You believe that these are real people. Its ending is a bit confusing and the two children are incredibly annoying, but Force Majeure is a heck of a film. Not a date movie.
Rated 11 Nov 2015
I had to force myself to finish this drab movie. Honestly, what was the point of this film? That men don't always protect their family and women won't let a man's failings go unpunished? I felt like this movie made men look weak and women look mean. The whole cast is unlikable and if I watched a film just for its pretty location I'd watch the Planet Earth film. Some decent acting in this but that ending? What. The. Heck? Ruben Ostlund has given us forced manure...
Rated 02 Apr 2015
KINDA SPOILER-Y: A very adult drama. I've noticed that in many dramas, there is always a victor and a loser, a good who is attempting to overcome a bad. Force Majeure is interesting because it posits that feuds and mistakes are not a zero-sum game. Everyone involved can come out of them as better people.
Rated 15 Feb 2015
Two very strong lead performances drive the film forwards, backed up by some fantastic cinematography. Ostlund manages to make every frame look great whilst not letting snazzy shots get in the way of the drama.
Rated 22 Apr 2015
A lot of the film was uncomfortable to watch, but in a good way. It would have been a lot more impactful if the ending wasn't such a cop-out.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
Be careful when watching this with your SO. You could set yourself up for a intriguing argument. Spoiler, spoiler: the ending was a bit of a cop-out.
Rated 15 Mar 2016
In Ruben Östlunds kantigem Ehe-Drama verbringt eine junge schwedische Familie ihre Ferien in den französischen Alpen zum Skifahren. Am ersten Tag lassen sie sich von einem Fotografen "en famille" portraitieren. Sie erwerben käuflich den sentimentalen Beweis für Zusammenhalt und Spass in der Familie... die ganze Rezension und die für uns besten nordeuropäischen Arthaus Filme auf
Rated 02 Dec 2015
As nuanced a portrait of different relationships and relationship problems the film gives it's also a really funny black comedy. It has one of the most brilliant portrayals of Lad culture I've ever seen. The exterior shots, aided by some occasionally shaky cg, almost have a Wes Anderson vibe in how the hotel is portrayed. Once I actually go through all the stuff I saw this year I feel like this has a chance of being one of my favourites. -a113er,
Rated 11 Jun 2015
Good god the suspense killed me.
Rated 15 Jan 2015
Insightful character study that explores gender roles and perceptions, with its tongue firmly in its cheek. The scenario is intriguing, Ostlund's direction is sharp, and his script is playful. There are many amusing scenes amongst the emotional carnage the featured couple create for themselves - they're both petty, childish, spoiled brats at heart, but are also comically unaware of that fact. The performances are all good - Kristofer Hivju is especially watchable.
Rated 12 Sep 2015
An uncomfortable, emotional film that dwells on a single instant. The pristine Alps lay the backdrop to a brooding couple in all their ugliness, which is wonderfully portrayed by the two leads. Undercut by a so-so ending.
Rated 28 Apr 2015
Didn't make nearly as much impression on me as it seems to have on other people. I appreciated the darkly satirical drama and deconstruction of modern manhood and family roles, but the characters were all too unlikeable or dull to excite me. Would have preferred a movie about them stuck under an avalanche. Ideally with an unhappy ending.
Rated 15 Nov 2014
some of the funniest man-crying you'll see in theaters this year
Rated 02 Apr 2015
Manages to magnify and satirize while still having great moments of subtlety.
Rated 04 Apr 2016
I don't know that it all works, but there are some great scenes and a lot of interesting stuff to chew. It definitely brings up some interesting conflicts around instincts, social expectations and an undercurrent of gender roles but I didn't find that it brought anything new to the table so much as provide a venue for the presentation of those conflicts. As such, it's a good film but one that probably works better as a conversation starter than a work to examine in isolation.
Rated 17 Apr 2015
Beautiful location and landscapes. Poor script. It's too long for such a boring theme.
Rated 13 Oct 2014
12/10/2014 @Büyülü Fener Sineması / Ankara Film Ekimi &Demet
Rated 01 May 2015
What I find most brilliant is the kubrick references.
Rated 03 Feb 2015
This is what happens when your characters and plot are slaves to your theme--you can feel the puppeteer pulling the strings. I enjoy what it has to say about relationships, the biological differences between the male/female brain, and the flaws in humanity itself, but it all comes across as a bit obvious and elementary for my taste. Still, obvious signs of talented filmmaking are on display here, and I look forward to seeing more of Ostlund's work.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
Briliant Film From New Talented Film maker!!!
Rated 19 Oct 2014
Oldukça gerçek. Çok detaylı düşünülmüş. Soru işaretlerini açıkta bırakması yerinde
Rated 19 Oct 2014
Filmekimi 2014 &
Rated 06 Jan 2015
A beautiful story about nothing and everything
Rated 13 Apr 2015
Beautiful cinematography and lingering, observant shots make this a compelling piece of character driven, thought provoking drama.
Rated 10 Jan 2016
Very good.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Svag trea. Något förbjudet händer och vi följer sen konsekvenserna. Det kunde ha blivit riktigt intressant, men Östlunds karaktärer är pappfigurer och skådespeleriet ibland riktigt uselt. Pinsamma situationer radas upp på sedvanligt Östlundskt manér, men de berör inte eftersom de vare sig känns äkta eller rimliga. Läs Joseph Conrads Lord Jim istället!
Rated 30 Jan 2015
Ruben Östlund showed a very different kind of movie making. Majority of the scenes were shot with a stabile camera fined with minimal zooming. The same was with the brilliantly build score. It was stronging the under growing tense inside a prefect family life. What will a human do when one's life is lethally threatened? Will you show the best of you or the worst? I was impressed.
Rated 10 Jan 2016
Well shot, outstanding sound and a solid concept. Sadly, it forgets to include the drama.
Rated 26 Jul 2015
Really solid drama with good writing, acting and directing. Kuhnke's acting skills failed him in his big scene near the end, but it's a small bother.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
A gripping family drama set against a beautiful setpiece.
Rated 17 Feb 2015
First off, it's not a Cliffhanger-like action movie. It is rather a Polanski's Carnage-like 'so socially awkward that it's both unbearable and funny' kind of movie. The dialogues reminded me of Ceylan's 'Climates', too. On top of that, the cinematography was great. The frames, camera movements and the solemn but flowing editing make for a grand cinematic experience. May come as a little too slow for some less-schooled viewers. (They're wrong, of course.)
Rated 16 Jan 2015
The best horror film of the year, and it deals with a terror that is very close to home. First of all, this is wonderfully photographed, with the ski resort a unique place to set a film -- the icy cold exteriors and sterile interiors somewhat match the painfully awkward and slowly revealing disintegration of this relationship. Despite the sardonic mood this 'enfant terrible' director is pulling, it still feels (at least for me) there's still a empathy with the characters. Great acting from all.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
The unflexible rigidity of the camera ruins more moments than it makes, but the writing is sharp and the understated premise packs a lot of punch. It's like that Seinfeld where George runs from the fire pitched towards Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.
Rated 10 Apr 2017
Force Majeure, alternatively known as The Awkward Moment When... The Movie. Yep, some uncomfortable moments here indeed, all impeccably acted by Johannes Kuhnke playing Dad Tomas and Lisa Loven Kongsli as Mum Ebba, and the two kids Vera and Harry. The first half was by far the stronger but the second half benefitted from the appearance of Kristofer Hivju as Tomas's friend Mats. The ending lost it somewhat, being too ambiguous for me, but it's forgivable here because the rest is so strong.
Rated 26 Jan 2015
A close look at the fragility of a marriage. When one small event takes place, a lifetime's work can unravel. The acting stands out - but that is not to say that the camera work, direction and scripting should be forgotten - and of course, the haunting score that is delicately drizzled throughout! Too honest to be considered a satire - but it's a film that will hit at the deepest fears we all have about our relationships. And like those who 'have it all' - turns out they're just like us.


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