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Rated 26 May 2014
Damnit! I waited too long to write this review, and now I can't remember a single thing from the movie.
Rated 16 May 2014
It seems to me like this movie is an even split between Edwards' desire to homage to the original Toho series, and a producer's checklist of blockbuster character clichés. The fusion is an almost complete failure, to the extent where I'd suggest sticking to the trailers. They make more sense, you get a better Godzilla/length ratio and you'll even see some shots of the monster that they cut from the actual movie to make room for more plot nonsense. So hats off to you, marketing team.
Rated 14 Apr 2021
The original teaser for this movie is one of the best I've ever seen, and promised a far more haunting and harrowing experience than what we ultimately got. The great Bryan Cranston does what he can to make us care about the human side of things but exits the movie far too soon. As mentioned by literally everyone, Godzilla's limited screentime is annoying, though the climactic fights are OK. Very much a mixed bag but not unenjoyable, and a damn sight better than Godzilla 1998.
Rated 20 May 2014
Such a party animal. Dude gets drunk and just passes out in the middle of San Francisco then just walks it off.
Rated 16 May 2014
suggestion: call the movie "the incredibly boring adventures of bomb defusal guy - featuring godzilla", so no one can get worked up about the lack of the latter in about 3/4 of the movie. the infamous toho legend is reduced to a prop, exchanged for completely unengaging human drama. while giant monsters are fighting epic battles off screen, we are treated to a mix of moping, crying, plotting, and awestruck staring at what we ourselves do not get to see until 5 minutes before the credits roll.
Rated 20 May 2014
Anyone who enjoyed this needs to have their head examined. 1 bad decision after another starting w/ the choice to leave Godzilla out of it for 90% of its running time. Whenever he does show up threatening to take away our boredom, the film REPEATEDLY cuts away to focus on the blandest hero ever. It's like some moron took the usually sage advice to focus on the human element, but forgot 2 things: said element should be mildly interesting/ entertaining, and this is supposed to be a Godzilla movie!
Rated 16 May 2014
9/11 did a number on this. Shockingly boring for about half of the running time; no one cares at all about the human characters in a Godzilla film unless they're actually interacting with the zilla. When the monsters start attacking though MMMHMMM. The ending few minutes are embarrassing and I oozed onto the theater floor and slithered out.
Rated 17 May 2014
OH NO! A 2014 GODZILLA MOVIE THAT'S ABOUT MORE THAN JUST GODZILLA! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? You're going to have to come to terms with the fact that this reboot takes agency (silly to have to say about a monster movie), focusing on the human element. Are the humans bland and cliched? At times. Does the movie tease you with only brief visions of monster mayhem? Yup. Are some aspects just big and stupid? Sure. Does any of that REALLY matter? Nope. Was the movie entertaining as hell? Yes, yes, YES!
Rated 19 May 2014
Really really entertaining and one of that summers' best movies. Godzilla may take some time to pick up near the beginning, but when it does, it's dark and visually entertaining and the story isn't bad at all. I felt a little terrified watching myself. Some of the acting was pretty good and the directing was all around solid. If you like monster movies, and destruction movies, this is right up your alley.
Rated 16 May 2014
The human element is far more stressed in this film than in all the others, and while it struggles to be interesting as it follows its protagonist and blue-balls you with repeated teasings of kaiju combat, when the monsters or characters shine, they shine with a high-intensity nuclear sheen. Mixed with a strong cast, excellent sound design and cinematography, and a respectful homaging tone, the King of the Monster's re-eruption onto cinema is triumphant and awesome.
Rated 16 May 2014
With an incredible sense of style and a humbling respect for his predecessors, Gareth Edwards beautifully carries the torch lit by Ishiro Honda back in 1954. Hail to the king, baby.
Rated 19 May 2014
Anyone pissing and moaning about this movie being the monster movie equivalent of blue balls because it's not monster fighting for the entirety of the run-time need to stuff it. The backstory is fine (not amazing), Aaron Johnson was there (being a jacked non-entity), and they do an excellent job of making Godzilla himself epic. They don't show him off the whole time, and it has a very big feel (which is the point). Could have used more Cranston (I know, I know), but that's a minor gripe.
Rated 15 May 2014
It looked so promising so It pains me to say it, but tragically this fails to even "live up to" the lax standards of Emmerich mid-90s, to the degree where comparisons with his Godzilla disaster are more obvious than I had ever imagined.The movie's humorless tone in conjunction with the horrible pacing, the über cliched dialog and the fact that the title character is basically a throwaway plot devise in his own movie overshadow the sporadic awesome imagery making this update fairly unengaging.
Rated 24 May 2014
I'm sitting in a theater, it finally feels like summer and I'm watching a popcorn movie when all of a sudden the weight of the entire world is pressing down on me. I'm watching the magnitude of man's capabilities as a giant CGI lizard is simultaneously destroying a city and saving it, and it all becomes crushingly clear: the visual effects really couldn't be better, and they shouldn't need to be, and despite this, I miss the rubber suit. Godzilla isn't the dinosaur anymore, I am.
Rated 14 May 2014
I think, we all own a big apology to Roland Emmerich.
Rated 16 May 2014
I really enjoyed it, but I think that the screenplay could have used some punching up. A lot of it was really dull or dumb, and the characters didn't really develop in any meaningful way, although I think the actors played them well. Still, Edwards' direction more than made up for it, and the monster action(and the decision to largely obscure it until the big finale) was fantastic, and the sense of scale was just unreal.Enjoyed it, just wish the plot had held up as well as the rest of the film.
Rated 09 Oct 2014
Easily the worst film I remember seeing in 2014. It's been like two weeks, and already I'm like: "Was Juliette Binoche really in this?!" And don't give me all this Bryan Cranston bullshit, he's nothing special, come on.
Rated 15 May 2014
Godzilla is a terrible movie. It doesn't work on any level and is incredibly boring from start to finish. Its titular monster doesn't get to do anything of interest, its human characters are given far more focus than they should, and even the spectacle of seeing the giant monsters on-screen doesn't work thanks to lackluster special effects and a deliberate decision to not concentrate on them. Godzilla is the Transformers of monster movies.
Rated 16 May 2014
A few plot nitpicks, but they are drowned out by the sheer awesomeness that was GODZIRRA.
Rated 19 May 2014
It obviously has big fuckoff monster(s) smashing things but also manages to add decent suspense. This wisely takes a more serious tone than the 1998 shitfest but not having Cranston as the main character harms this because we get Lieutenant peckerwood and his boring whitebread family instead.This is also presented as a disaster movie with the same tropes which is its greatest weakness. There were too many monster cocktease cut aways just when the audience was about to bust a nut too.
Rated 21 May 2014
Everything that wasn't giant monsters fighting was a crashing bore, including Bryan Cranston's brief cameo. The guy who played Kick-Ass makes the blandest, most pointless lead character ever...why did this movie not focus more on Serazawa, the only vaguely interesting person? The apex predator/food chain explanation for Godzilla's willingness to help out humanity was also dumb...but my god, when the giant monsters are fighting, it's just fucking incredible. Superb sound design too.
Rated 20 May 2014
Exactly what I was hoping for in a Godzilla reboot/Summer blockbuster popcorn flick. The story was passable and the acting was forgettable (particularly from Lieutenant Peckerwood), but these are not the things I go to a Godzilla flick for. The CGI and the visuals were both top notch and the general message was a good one, if a little tame. I wore a shit-eating grin for almost the entire second half of the run time.
Rated 18 May 2014
How many times do we see dumbfounded people staring into the distance while chaos reigns? The movie completely wastes its talented cast (save for a few moments early with Cranston and Binoche). Eventually, a monster movie will relegate all the military stuff to the background because it is stale (The Host did it the best). Still, the action setpieces are phenomenal. The seams never show and it builds unbearable tension from scene to scene. Worth a look, just don't expect top notch character work
Rated 17 May 2014
Take the first half hour, and the last twenty minutes, then cut out that hour and ten minutes in the middle, and you've got a pretty good Godzilla movie.
Rated 23 May 2014
It's more thoughtful than you might think - for example, the military goal is not just to destroy the big dudes, but terrified that they won't be able to protect everyone. The sense of scale was fantastically realized, using Godzilla's size to display just how small and insignificant man can be. It also presents them not inherently as monsters, but simply as creatures eking out an existence that simply doesn't jive with our own, and the conflict inherent in that realization.
Rated 17 May 2014
As a massive Godzilla nerd, there's too much I want to say for 500 characters. In short: the set-pieces are the best in any film for a long time. I almost applauded in the cinema at the inclusion of the atomic breath. There is too much human drama. The teasing hurts the film and isn't effective like it was in the original (it's not how little he's on screen, it's how little he does.) Emmerich is still a war criminal. Final verdict: serviceable with moments of awe-inspiring greatness.
Rated 02 Aug 2014
To be honest the script is a bit of a guddle - poor Aaron Taylor-Johnson's story seems so inconsequential that I wondered why it was even in there. But this action film was full of wit, fun, and intelligence and I had a great time sitting through it. Honestly? I think Edward's direction was better than the script he was matched with - get him a wonderful script (and a studio that doesn't let him rewrite it) and I believe he'll create a mainstream hit to equal his first film "Monsters".
Rated 17 May 2014
A very conflicting film in my mind. What I liked, I loved. What I didn't like was insufferable. I ended on the positive side solely because giant fucking monsters fighting giant fucking monsters is pretty cool. Also, anybody who says this is anywhere near as bad as the '98 Godzilla is a moron.
Rated 19 May 2014
Godzilla is deeper than you might think. It's not quite a human story and people expecting one will be disappointed. In fact, the film's second half veers away from human characters to create a sense of scale and a shift in perspective, placing emphasis on humanity's smallness. It's ultimately a dose of humility, an ecological cautionary tale against human egocentrism in the form of a monster movie. Edwards uses restraint, tension, and some striking visual imagery to very good use.
Rated 17 May 2014
Anonymous white guy we don't give a shit about anchors the story, while Godzilla is relegated to backup for the American military. The lack of actual human characters (beyond Cranston) or actual action scenes (beyond Hawaii) turns this into a weak sauce affair where the trailer is legitimately better than the film. Hiroshima watch moment was pure !character development! bliss.
Rated 17 May 2014
Ishiro Honda the original director of Godzilla has always focused the films on action and even though later Godzilla movies have gotten stale they still have never lost their bite. Now with a North American 2014 release we have GodZilla a movie at aims very close to what TOHO envisioned many years ago. The only two flaws i counted are the characters were not the focus they felt forced. The second not enough GodZilla just a bit more of him would have pushed the film along better.
Rated 16 May 2014
So much exposition and yet I understood so little. Mostly I didn't understand how they could fail so miserably on every level. I never expected this movie to be good, but I thought it would be entertaining. It wasn't. It was filled with boring dialogue spoken by cardboard characters who nobody cares about. The scenes with the actual monsters were the embodiment of the expression 'too little, too late'.
Rated 18 May 2014
Edwards vastly overestimates my interest in the human characters, particularly Taylor-Johnson's protagonist. I respect the combination of the low-key, ominous lighting of the Heisei period with the benevolent characterization of Shōwa Godzilla, and I love the CGI and the monster's design, but the weak script focused on all the wrong elements, lacking a narrative through-line and dragging out the entire film and culminating in a brief climax that felt redolent of deus ex machina.
Rated 17 May 2014
Godzilla was solid fun. I do wish his roars had more bass so I could have felt them in my chest. Would have helped the immersion.
Rated 23 Jul 2014
So I JUST saw it and all I can remember are the giant robots fighting the big monster... wait that was Pacific Rim... huh... I remember nothing. This movie is what happens when you try to be campy while still being realistic... NOTHING HAPPENS! You know it's bad writing, when you are watching Walter White and Kickass team up and you couldn't give a fuck about either of them... Who the fuck cares! Oh and lastly... Roland Emmerich, I'm sorry.
Rated 16 May 2014
The Toho-inspired imagery and post modern dread loom large over the scenes, although it could have used more Bryan Cranston, and I'm still not convinced the idea of a giant monster movie isn't inherently flawed. But what I liked most about this is that it has all the corny elements of an Emmerich film (wanton destruction of landmarks, dogs running away from disasters, lone heroes saving the day, explosions, Godzilla attacking America) and was still pretty good! Roland Emmerich can suck a dick.
Rated 15 Jul 2016
Big and dumb, and I'm not talking about the giant lizard. I liked how it felt that the humans were just chasing the kaiju around the world. The overuse of the child-stares-in-wonderment scene made me glad it wasn't directed by Roland Emmerich or it would have been twice as long.
Rated 25 May 2014
Godzilla was one of my most anticipated films of 2014 but the result is a mixed bag. The visuals are undoubtedly stunning and the capturing of action feels intensely real. And the sound is absolutely amazing. I appreciate the simmering approach that Gareth Edwards was going for. But I felt robbed of several potentially spectacular set pieces and there just isn't enough Godzilla. Most notably though Bryan Cranston's input is frustratingly and unnecessarily cut short. Certainly misleading.
Rated 08 Jun 2014
Ford is an ineffective and inconsequential focal point and central character, and I'm not sure I like the depiction of Godzilla as humanity's friend and savior. There are also a few individual moments I could nitpick over. But in general, this is a slick production and fun disaster flick. Its rising action is masterful, building massive expectations and then fully capitalizing.
Rated 17 May 2014
Godzilla is modernized in a wonderfully paced disaster movie that brings to mind Spielberg's blockbuster masterpiece Jurassic Park. The film teases with glimpses of the title character for much of the screen-time. Awe-inspiring set pieces keep you wanting more until it finally builds to an action-packed third act that delivers the goods. The human side of the story is cheesy and characters are paper-thin, but it serves the purpose in setting up the main course - giant monsters duking it out.
Rated 20 May 2014
Takes every hackneyed idea from decades of disaster movies and mixes them up into a crushingly dull monster mash. The characters are either unbelievable, stupid, insipid or just simply unlikable. The action is predictable and very very tired. Come back Emmerich, all is forgiven!
Rated 26 Sep 2014
Felt like they just stole the plot of one of the Transformers movies and just interchanged some actors. Not a shed of fun to be had here. Aaron Johnson's acting performance consists of him looking like he is perpetually about to cry. Another one of these monster movies with a pointless love plot with an absentee father. Originality 10/10. Can't one of these writers just be like listen no one cares about the human element in these movies, let's make him really into prostitutes and snuff films.
Rated 24 Nov 2014
Even though the somewhat po-faced tone sits uncomfortably with the ludicrous GIANT MONSTERS FIGHTING premise, the film doesn't suffer hugely. The human characters do a decent job, allowing the audience to follow the carnage, but they are pretty bland. Crucially, Godzilla himself shines, and the film manages to nail some of the beats that gave the Toho films their charm. It has its flaws, but this is visually arresting, noisy and quite entertaining.
Rated 09 Sep 2014
Takes its sweet-ass time to get somewhere interesting. A lot of buildup, a lot of human-centered fluff where characters are either misused or sleep-inducing, but once we get to the finale the payoffs are surprisingly effective. Godzilla throwing down with other monsters really felt like there was weight and primal savagery behind it. I guess boring scenes with humans are just a staple of the Godzilla series, but that does not excuse Taylor-Johnson being the Blandest of all Bland Leads.
Rated 17 May 2014
Can't really complain about this one. Edwards spends a good time trying to hide the monster as much as he can, but he delivers beautifully crafted digital monsters, nicely put references to the masterpiece Gojira (1954) and, if the acting looks dull -- after Binoche and Cranston die, all we get is the Kick-Ass dude trying to look serious and Ken Watanabe being the-scientist-who-always-look-surprised-before-figuring-out-what-to-do --, the film still keeps you thrilled by its gigantism.
Rated 15 May 2014
Not that I'm an aficionado (actually I know the japanese movies more by passing, regarding them as more narm than charm), but it would appear they actually made a decent Godzilla movie in the US!?! Has some great pictures, and actually let's you consume them!
Rated 04 Jun 2014
Great modern take on Godzilla; does a great job at creating dread and foreboding;Godzilla looks and feels like the one we've grown to know. Some great fight scenes and some little surprises that fans will enjoy. The humans (outside of Bryan cranston and Ken Watanabe's characters) are bland but that's a small flaw in an otherwise well-made film that any Godzilla fan should see.
Rated 10 Jun 2014
A masterful script, perhaps not in dialog terms, but certainly in structure. It deftly balances street-level drama with gargantuan destruction, telling two stories simultaneously, often (especially during the final act) in the same shot. Edwards does a great job of staging, and not just in the monster battles -- this is an exceptionally well-shot movie all around. But its colour palette is just so... muted. This is a smoky, gray movie that left me longing for Pacific Rim's radiant fluorescents.
Rated 03 Jun 2014
Off the freakin' chain. King of the Monsters is back in all of his glory.
Rated 18 May 2014
The King of Monsters emerges from the depths of the ocean, this time to hunt down a pair of insect-like kaiju; meanwhile, various humans desperately attempt to contain or even comprehend the monsters and the havoc they wreak. As a revival/homage, it's lean, straightforward, and offers just enough beastly destruction to compensate for the human element, which underuses a strong cast (Bryan Cranston and Ken Watanabe come off best). Gareth Edwards' direction is efficient but lacking in character.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Did it have flaws, YES but then again every Godzilla film does. While I did like some of the other Godzilla incarnations better and thought some of the other films were cooler, some even more fun, However this film is the first to draw together more of my favorite elements into one than any of the others to make an enormously entertaining evening for my wife and I.
Rated 29 May 2014
If you go to see Godzilla, I guess you are not looking for Citizen Kane, so expect the odd cliche, the odd daft line. "I'll see you soon", "It's not the end of the world" ... haha ... it IS !!! But Godzilla delivers in every other respect: a human story with monsters, good tension built though clever pacing and build-up, fantastic sound and CGI, and the chance to cheer on the good guys as they smash San Francisco to pieces. A brilliant monster movie and I have to admit it, brilliant 3D !!
Rated 31 Aug 2014
A bust of a film, with insipid acting, a forgettable story and action that makes no sense, at least as far as the human involvement goes. What's worse, if they wanted to tackle subjects like ecology and human influence on it they failed miserably because the film simply isn't smart enough for that. In fact it's mostly outright dumb. And if they wanted to go for mindless fun, they failed too: the kaiju action is often overshadowed by all the 'MURICA! they threw in.
Rated 16 May 2014
I can't beleive people are comparing this to Emmerich's pile of shit. Beautiful cinematography, great pacing, incredible acting, solid writing, incredible effects. The fact that it doesn't show Godzilla much until the final act is brilliant. The film felt heavily influenced by speilberg and could easily sit up there with some of his greater films. Perhaps not the masterpeice everyone wanted it to be- but how much can you expect out of a monster film thats been done dozens of times?
Rated 24 Jun 2014
The filmmakers have clearly gone back to 1954 Ground Zero, following a regular (GI) Joe on a windy parallel course with Godzilla until all kaiju hell breaks loose and both offer themselves as sacrifice. In that way the structure is perfect, with a subtext comparable to the best of the originals, and a dramatic focus on human characters. But somehow, what makes it good also makes it 'meh'. Is human life at stake through the movie? Is freedom? The answer is: meh. We probably don't care anymore.
Rated 26 Aug 2014
Unfairly maligned by some. In fact, if only the rest of the characters had been as engaging as Bryan Cranston's, this would have been great. Still, it's one of the better action flicks of recent years, and I'll take anything in this over anything in 'Pacific Rim' any day of the week, thank you very much.
Rated 19 May 2014
Pretty good as long as you're willing to sit through a lot of filler. Disappointingly and typically Americanized "let's center the film around a white family and the American military" bullshit. But if you grew up watching all those Godzilla'll get a shot of nostalgic bliss. And that was worth the price of admission.
Rated 20 May 2014
I'm a little dissapointed, but I still enjoyed it. Aaron Taylor-Johnson seemed to have a bit of the Brad Pitt in World War Z effect, where everything big happens when he is there. I'm also dissapointed in the fact that I loved Gareth Edwards Monsters, and one thing about that film was you had this dread of a monster, without ever really seeing it. Though in the end you can't do that with Godzilla, and it's still fun. Doesn't live up to the first trailer though.
Rated 23 May 2014
Alcohol is necessary for the maximum enjoyment of this blockbuster
Rated 06 Sep 2014
The military-industrial complex isn't participating in the destruction of nature, in fact it's allied with nature in the fight against err... the parasites sucking the life out of freedom I guess? The movie is ridiculously America-centric even for a brainless Hollywood would-be blockbuster, and why shouldn't it be? We all know them japs couldn't even run their nucular plants without heroic american Scientists (Oo-rah!). A Godzilla movie with minimal amounts of Godzilla? Surprise: it's shit.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
Cheerfully blasphemous movie about people being forced to bow in gratitude to an ancient dinosaur god. The human beings in it scuttle to assert their importance and are repeatedly thwarted.
Rated 17 May 2014
Imagine Titanic with less love story, the same amount of camp, and boats fighting each other. That's Edwards' Godzilla in a nutshell.
Rated 01 Nov 2014
Wonderful monster movie is a textbook example of how to approach this genre correctly - broadly defined, relatable characters with clear, simple goals, beautifully shot and staged disaster scenes which don't let up, and a genuine feel for the human element in its scenes of violence and chaos. A winner all the way, aided immeasurably by Edwards' at times stunning skills in portraying the monsters' combat in terms of beauty and elegance, rather than thuggish crudeness.
Rated 20 May 2014
Loved it. Sure it could have been better , but as a summer blockbuster that has to appeal to as many people as possible, it was as good as it could have been.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
Pros: Bryan Cranston Cons: Everything else
Rated 08 Jun 2014
Folks like us who enjoy film and evaluating it can pick an easy target like monster disaster flicks and shit all over them. But if there's a right way to do a Godzilla film, this is it. It is occasionally silly, but Edwards is constantly on his game. This is a fantastically produced film. Just a goddamn spectacle that wisely keeps its polished lens on the humans, making the extravagant monster scenes more savory than a sensory overload.
Rated 17 May 2014
Typical made-for-tv disaster movie material... disaster appears and you watch the ensemble cast survive while knowing there's 0% chance of them dying... that scientist guy who knew all along but nobody would listen to him... oblivious military guy who thinks he can brute force the monster. The writing and drama is cheesy, and it feels sad to see an actor like Bryan Cranston even attempt to emote something out of the lines he's given. For a monster movie, the action and fighting is pretty lame
Rated 22 Dec 2018
Fuck yeah Godzilla!
Rated 23 May 2014
I got pretty drunk and laughed a lot, so that counts for something.
Rated 28 May 2014
I built this up so much in my head and was left feeling empty. So disappointing that Cranston's character was so short lived, and his death was extremely lacklustre. I found the music a little too cheesy and distracting too. Don't get me wrong, it was still enjoyable to watch, but I wish the Japanese guy would have learnt to pull a different facial expression.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
In 2008, JJ Abrams decided to make Godzilla for Americans who like watching reality shows. He called it "Cloverfield". Ironically, in 2014, someone decided to remake Cloverfield for Americans who are tired of reality shows and instead like watching big CGI things destroy small CGI things, and called it "Godzilla".
Rated 16 May 2014
Two of the three acts contain almost no Godzilla, which I wouldn't have a problem with if the characters were interesting enough to care.
Rated 12 May 2014
A solid movie with a good plot. What looked to be over the top at first turned out to be pretty damn awesome. More than decent performance from Bryan Cranston even though he doesn't get much screentime. One minor thing of annoyance for me personally is the overly happy ending, I was more set for something more tragic.
Rated 08 Jun 2014
It's cool to see a monster beating up monsters and lots of smoke and debris, but the rest is following a boring human coincidence machine with terrible communication problems and a series of kaiju-sized bad decisions. If you like picking your movies apart for holes then this will be an entire evening of entertainment. Though I was under the impression this was half-way good going in...
Rated 20 May 2014
godzilla design was AWESOME. tease after tease of the monster makes every time he shows up pulse-pounding and incredible. ken watanabe's character could have used some more..well, character.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Holding back Godzilla's first appearance by almost an hour succeeds in creating anticipation, but insipid characters and excruciating dialogue fail to make the wait a pleasure, with the exception of the wonderfully realised Mutos. In short, the only personality in this film was delivered in post - but it is a substantial contribution.
Rated 23 May 2014
Decently fun kaiju spectacle that, if you have any interest in ever seeing it, warrants going out of your way to see it on the big screen. It's a lot better directed than it is written - there are shots and sequences of real austere majesty here. Script-wise... well, a good cast makes all they can of some shaky material, I'll put it that way. Better than Pacific Rim, anyway.
Rated 09 Mar 2017
Rated 22 Aug 2014
Too serious about its middlebrow drama, with some nifty widescreen action scenes mixed in as if they were offhand. The result of this measured teasing is a movie that is only build-up, and it being a disaster/monster flick, build-up of the most familiar kind. The finale then is just as drab, making me long for the pop ecstasy of Pacific Rim.
Rated 03 May 2021
The build-up is surprisingly effective (essential when it's most of the movie) and the design and cinematography is often breathtaking - when it's not too dark on my high-contrast TV. The bio-historical worldbuilding doesn't make any sense, but that's alright. Quite good, overall.
Rated 06 Sep 2014
When the characterisation of the MUTOs and Godzilla is better than the people's, you know you've done it wrong. It's just another entirely uninteresting, big-budget, monster movie not very far from Alien vs. Predator.
Rated 16 May 2014
great visuals, mediocre everything else
Rated 29 May 2014
Godzilla has its moments and a human touch. On the other its human side drags the movie down, where Godzilla just appears sometimes.
Rated 16 May 2014
Makes the '98 disaster look like 'Citizen Cane.' Absolutely Horrible. I think the studio must have robots voting on imdb for them, was 8.3 (11,015 votes) when I caved and saw it midnight screening with my fanatic friend, now down to 8.0 after it ended, and I'm sure it'll be in the 6's by the end of the weekend. Save your money and skip it, you'll thank me. Cranston dies real early on and that should have been my cue to walk out. I'd have saved an hour and a half of mind numbing garbage.
Rated 06 Jul 2014
A cautionary tale about the results of human carelessness dressed up as a fast-paced, semi-apocalyptic monster movie that pleases the masses. This film has a strong narrative drive that never lets the viewer ever get comfortable or feel at ease at any moment. The film is deeply rooted in action and establishing scale, and it definitely accomplishes that with breathtaking backdrops of destruction. That being said, the characters have the bare minimum of depth and the film suffered greatly for it.
Rated 20 May 2014
Pretty much what I'd expected: a bunch of throwaway characters built with cardboard personality spouting expository drivel that detract too much from the sheer enjoyment of the kaiju vs. kaiju fights. I wouldn't think twice before riding Godzilla to battle.
Rated 05 Oct 2015
Starts out moderately okay, then turns to shit real fast. Utterly failed to hold my attention.
Rated 22 May 2014
Godzilla? Should have named the movie "Muto", since they got a disproportionate amount of screen time;Godzilla was portrayed more like a mysterious antagonist than a savior. And seriously, you know people just want to see the giant monsters fight; why go out of your way to ensure we don't see any more than 10 minutes of fighting?! Godzilla and the Muto were great, too bad I had to follow people around for 2 hours while they talk about the monsters and didn't really do anything.
Rated 30 May 2014
Begins great, but once the action starts it honestly gets boring. I found the human elements most interesting, and while I can appreciate the that the people are more or less idle in this showdown, the jumping between the human drama and monster punching didn't work too well for me. It starts with a promise of fleshed-out characters, and doesn't deliver. The cast is excellent, but underutilized across the board. The monster shouldn't be the character with the most screen-time in a monster flick.
Rated 16 May 2014
The destruction we see here is incredible both in scope and severity. On a childlike level, it's pretty cool: As kids, we build things to just tear them down again, and Godzilla has always been a conduit to bring those destructive fantasies to the big screen. But in an age in which we've seen tsunamis kill hundreds of thousands and skyscrapers brought down for real, some of these images can be troubling if not inherently problematic. (
Rated 22 Jun 2014
It's a Godzilla movie. Unlike that shit we got in '98. But the thing is is that I didn't feel like Godzilla was portrayed right. I wanted a villain Godzilla, ya know from the original or from GMK but here he's a fucking kiddy-diddy Showa superhero. Sure he kills like a million people but everyone wants to suck his radioactive dick at the end cause he saved the city. whatever please don't include Mothra in the inevitable sequel please
Rated 06 Sep 2014
As far as the state-of-the-art summer blockbuster goes, this is as well-written/acted, intelligent and emotionally involved as they get. Even beyond its careful, poignant exposition and steady build, the required go-for-broke destruction is even then pieced together by a consistent exchange from character to character, big and small, one harrowing situation to another, sometimes barely glimpsing the reptilian chaos through blocks of smog and rubble, sometimes point blank in its unnerving face.
Rated 23 May 2014
Cranston dies after 30 min. What a fraud...
Rated 30 Oct 2014
First half is good mainly because of Bryan Cranston. Second half sucks because the person playing the main character is a terrible actor. A lot of the time it's hard to understand what's going on or what the plan is, but it's worth watching for the visual effects and production value anyway.
Rated 26 Oct 2014
A bunch of mannequins running around giant beasts that offers nothing new or fully utilizes the spectacle of it all.
Rated 05 Oct 2014
Thematically even dumber than I expected. In most other ways just about as dumb as I expected. A comedown from MONSTERS, but a predictable one.
Rated 02 Jun 2014
On paper this Godzilla does everything I thought I wanted. It's a grim, moody, slow build-up with massive destruction set pieces and incredibly-filmed action. It's also a paper-thin story with one interesting human character who gets 15 minutes of screen time. From there on out, it's a snooze-fest spliced with some great action. Despite the use of great special effects, the creatures themselves still looked incredibly phony too me, and I think that made me like the film even less.
Rated 11 Jun 2014
A solid reboot of the popular movie monster that had its minor flaws but they were overshadowed by great special effects and overall being a very powerful film.
Rated 03 Jun 2014
It brings nothing new to the genre whatsoever. It is merely the yearly status on how far CGI has come in the big action summer blockbusters. But it is still good entertainment. It delivered what I had expected of it and I cannot argue with the urge to cheer a little bit when we hear its roar for the first time.
Rated 07 Jun 2014
Only a minor step up from Emmerich's version. Okay, Bryan Cranston is good, but is out of the film way too soon, but both Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Ken Watanabe are barely watchable, and the monster fights gets tedious after a short while. That lack of humor or self irony doesn't help either. Go see 'Pacific Rim' instead.


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