

1h 40m
An account of the days of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy in the immediate aftermath of John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963. (imdb)
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1h 40m
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Avg Percentile 51.44% from 1101 total ratings

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Rated 23 Jan 2017
It's nice when the best parts of a JFK movie don't involve JFK's head blowing up back and to the left.
Rated 24 Jan 2017
The scope of the narrative here is so narrow that it amounts to nothing more than a couple of variations on the theme of a dispossessed woman. It's a one note film featuring some smart set design and cleverly reconstructed historical events, but is ultimately quite empty, and as accurate a portrayal of Jackie Kennedy as Portman gives, it is by necessity also a one note performance. There's just not enough here to sustain much interest.
Rated 15 Jan 2017
Portman, still one of the most luminously beautiful actresses in Hollywood, gives an impressive performance ('Black Swan' is still her best work, however), and John Hurt is pretty awesome, too. Larrain recreates a moment in American history with great skill, and, like 'Steve Jobs', the film gets points for not using the standard biopic formula of which we're all so very tired. But it doesn't really go anywhere or have a lot to say about the main character. *shrugs*
Rated 14 Jan 2017
From the opening moments, Mica Levi's score elevates the film into borderline greatness. Natalie Portman is stunningly beautiful and enigmatic. Some scenes of genuine emotion, but not enough authenticity to outweigh the disparateness of the interview scenes intercut with the flashbacks, the latter being far superior. And it looks great; the film stock sells the time period and the coverage is succinct. If only the script had more thematic restraint and trust in the audience.
Rated 04 Jun 2017
It perhaps took me 20 minutes to acclimatise to Portman's portrayal of Kennedy, but it soon becomes clear that her performance is so much more than superb imitation. From the outset, with the aid of Levi's disorientating & extraordinary score, it's clear this is no simple biopic, but a deeply psychological exploration of grief & shock. It perhaps could have been trimmed in places, but has some absolute gut-punchingly brilliant scenes & I'm convinced with time its reputation will increase.
Rated 13 Dec 2016
A truly remarkable performance by Portman and a haunting score by Mica Levi elevate this from biopic to arthouse film, but the script seemed to hold back punches when it could have let them fly.
Rated 06 Dec 2016
In 1963 the First Lady - 1 of the most powerful & privileged women in the country who wielded that power to decorate & look good - used taxpayer $$ to insure her husband would be remembered as grandly as possible & convinced Americans that youth & glamour equaled "Camelot". In 2016, some pretentious filmmakers masturbated over this fashion icon by fetishizing every expected & unsurprising moment of her grief. Equally pretentious critics orgasmed over this sham - which is kind of appropriate.
Rated 10 Feb 2017
Plays more like a straight-faced SNL episode than a sobering biographical drama, a mostly frivolous affair weighed down even further by a central performance that feels more like a surface-deep impersonation than a multi-faceted characterization. Much like that annoying party guest that does not know when to leave, Mica Levi's moody yet intrusive soundtrack added nothing but bloat to the already stale proceedings. Not sure why this character deserved her own movie to begin with.
Rated 22 Feb 2017
Psychological portrait of a woman on a verge of nervous breakdown. Judging from this film Jacqueline Kennedy wasn't exactly stable on the best of days. First thing I noticed was weird way she spoke, after checking youtube I have to say Portman nailed that part. A bit weird film, the whole atmosphere of the film creates tension of a horror, but nothing happens out of it. Shrug and forget kind of movie.
Rated 15 Dec 2016
Phenomenal. A genre defying and unconventional look at a very dark and personal time for one of history's most iconic women. The music, the camera, the story; all were executed in a way that kept the emotions high and in your face.
Rated 03 Feb 2017
Lame, by the numbers, and also tastelessly intrusive in how it imagines its character and situations. It hits only one note -she's destroyed and confused and paranoid- and the music makes sure you don't forget that. Best in show: John Hurt.
Rated 25 Feb 2017
An interesting, stylistic biopic that is more notable for its score.
Rated 25 Jan 2017
Not sure what was worse: Portman's trying too hard to be like Jackie resulting in her being no one, or the director's trying too hard to attain an artistic aesthetic.
Rated 23 Jan 2017
Larrain has a ceaseless self-reflexivity: he always deconstructs his narratives by thinking on form and meaning. Here, he tries to question the narration of an "Event" as something essentially ineffable. Every representation of an event (assassination) or a personality (Jackie) would betray & mask their reality. Here, Jackie doesn't know if she's authentic or staged either. Hence, film becomes a meditation on the nature of politics, PR, intimacy, & in general history and its narration.
Rated 03 Jan 2017
This movie and its deep digging score had me even before I saw one image of that terribly dressed journalist stepping out the cab, broken as his country. And than, there was a performance by Portman, that surprisingly lived up to its hype as well as a story and camerawork that were always torn between the myth they were destroying and falling for at the same time. While the words of the script lurk around in the swamp of sexism and power this comment on time and narratives decodes so elegantly.
Rated 28 Feb 2017
A remarkable departure from the confines of the traditional 'biopic' in several ways. By focusing on the emotional trauma of its titular figure, Larrain removes any gloss or sheen for a surprisingly visceral piece of filmmaking that translates its bleak imagery into a starkly palpable depiction of grief. Another wonderfully unnerving score from Mica Levi functions well to transpose Jackie's psychology unto the viewer.
Rated 10 Dec 2016
A potent, intimate portrait of a national tragedy, of what it's like to grieve in the spotlight, when you just can't help but turn it all into a spectacle. History and emotion merge - the mother of a country, carrying its pain on her shoulders - glimmers of the personal behind the persona. If nothing else, it contains many of this year's greatest images - Jackie removing the blood off her face, carefully taking off her clothes, holding together her husband's head in her hands.
Rated 23 Feb 2017
I don't know if this film really exists for any other reason than to remind everyone that Natalie Portman is a really good actress, but hey, that's not the worst idea for a film I've heard. And she is pretty great here, though she still doesn't touch her brilliance in Black Swan. The film itself is alright. There are moments where it really shines and the emotions come through, but also others where it gets muddy and slightly dull.
Rated 25 Feb 2017
An emotional performance from Portman powered by a haunting score. Unfortunately the narrative and editing I didn't feel do justice to the true character and story while theres a underlying sense of deceitfulness of the true character.
Rated 18 Jan 2017
Whilst I can certainly appreciate Natalie Portman's performance, and it was very good, the film itself was a little too uneven for me. The score sounded like it belonged in an horror film, and the plot (whilst very interesting) felt very fractured and honestly a little confusing in the way it was presented. It almost feels like it was snippets of clips thrown together in an attempt to construct a film. Walked away disappointed.
Rated 03 Jan 2017
There's hardly a conventional biopic minute in it. Instead, you get a spellbinding look at one of the planet's most famous women through the prism of what happens right after her husband is assassinated and she cradles his bullet-shattered head in her lap. Let me mention right of the gate that Natalie Portman, in a performance that tops her Oscar-winning role in Black Swan, will floor you with her tour de force as the former First Lady.
Rated 22 Dec 2016
Enjoyed the intimacy and poise of the film, helped by detailed production design and an affecting musical score. But had the feeling all along it might just be a work of celebrity worship, and this was confirmed by some very corny speechifying in the last few minutes. Seeing the assassination in all the gory detail you ever dreamed of edges things that much closer to Mommie Dearest territory. Audiences beware: Oscar bait now mimics arthouse.
Rated 13 Jan 2017
İKSV Galaları - City's.
Rated 26 Mar 2017
Immersed in an aestheticism that's uncertain whether to deconstruct, "Jackie" ends up an artful abstraction. Portman seemingly does nothing wrong, but there's a gut-and-bone missing even when she strips off her blood-stained pink outfit -it's the gorgeous grief of a music video. Which, for sure, could be a sort of point. Cliché wins -when she demands Irish cadets for the funeral, Lorrain's laboured camera and Levi's discordant string swells couldn't make up for Jackie remaining obscure as ever.
Rated 07 Jun 2017
Magnificently directed, written, and acted by its star; simply the best biopic of the year. Mica Levi's score elevates it all beautifully.
Rated 22 Feb 2017
Alright but a bit of a bore. Jackie is honestly just the least interesting character in this story.
Rated 04 Jun 2017
Watch: Skip this one | I feel that nobody wants to say anything bad about this movie because of the subject. The concept of showing the story of Jackie just after the assassination is a great one! But it falls short of conveying the emotions I should be feeling. It relies on handheld closeup of her face overlayed with a string-filled score over and over again. It's not a terrible film, and there's bits that were excellently done, but as a whole I was left confused and not satisfied.
Rated 31 Jan 2017
The material itself was not interesting enough.
Rated 22 Feb 2017
Tries to be somber and profound when it's really flat and kind of boring. Portman sort of gives a good performance but it's not well-rounded or anything. It's an impersonation rather than a performance.
Rated 11 Feb 2017
Subat '17 - Doruk ile sinemada & 16mm cekilip donemin ruhunu yakalamaya calirken seyirciye 'film oldugunu' hatirlatan bir kurulmusluga yaklasmis bir film. bu duygunun yarattigi garipligi sevdim. sonlara dogru mica levi destegiyle, Larrain'in katoliklik takintisinin etkisiyle kaydigi tarrance malick oyunlari olmasa cok daha iyi olacakti.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
Tikkeltje saai, maar goed geacteerd.
Rated 16 Mar 2024
The trailer made it look like the movie is going to be about her accomplishments, etc. But the entire movie was about the funeral and how she kept changing her mind what kind of funeral she wanted. Probably one of the most boring story plots I had ever seen.
Rated 11 Nov 2021
Kudret, kapitalizm, ihtişamın arkasına koşu yapıp her şeyden önce insanlığı, vicdanı, kişiye sunulan dünyevi adaleti gösteriyor. Film öyle bir yönetmenin hakimiyetinde ki Larrain aradan çekilse yeni sözleşme imzalamış smokinleri görecektik. Kamera hareketleri, yapıtbozumcu dramaturji yaklaşımı ve ışık tercihleri tamamı. İnsanlığa itiyor seyirciyi, güç ve kudretin arkasına.
Rated 10 Nov 2021
combining sights and sounds (courtesy of Stéphane Fontaine and Mica Levi, respectively) to capture a sense of grief and confusion and aimlessness, Larraín made the perfect, hazy, frosted glass case with which to house Portman's performance.
Rated 31 Mar 2021
Fucking torture.
Rated 09 May 2020
Natalie Portman gives a good performance here, although sometimes it does feel unnatural. I think the movie is overall a good look at how she handled the JFK assassination, although it would have been nice to have a larger scope to the story.
Rated 22 Mar 2020
Interesting watch, though a little slow for my taste.
Rated 09 Sep 2019
Though it features a strong performance by Portman, who dives all in with her portrayal of Kennedy, as well as some emotional scenes & clever dialogue, it's pretty middle-of-the-road where biopics are concerned and very little actually stands out about it. Hurt by its odd structure & pacing, as well as a runtime that feels a smidge drawn out in places, it never really manages to be more than just okay despite its great cinematography & talented cast. Overall, worth a look, but expect average.
Rated 06 Feb 2020
Portman is excellent in this moody portrait of a widow trying to cement her late husband's legacy.
Rated 24 Jan 2017
dünya üzerinde etki gücü arttığından beri illüzyon ve tahayyülüyle kaçamaksızın yaşadığımız amerikan ihtişamında bir insan dokunuşu ortaya çıkarmak... belki larrain faktörüyle söylüyorum ama kennedy üzerine olduğundan daha çok yeryüzüne ilişkin bir hikaye, bu sadece çok tanıdık gelecek bir örnek sadece. suyun yüzeyinde dalgalarla sallana sallana gider gibi çekmiş larrain, hayranlık uyandırıcı. ve bir de o müzikler, *o her şey*...
Rated 08 Dec 2018
Rated 12 Sep 2018
A strange, meandering narrative buoyed by an excellent performance by NP and a great soundtrack.
Rated 11 Jul 2020
Natalie Portman is a force of an actress. She carries the film on the back of her strong performance, aided by the sorrowful score in the background. But the film suffers from a surface-level perspective, one that holds back from fully exploring the trauma of the Kennedy assassination. Rarely do we get to peek inside the mind of Jacqueline Kennedy throughout the runtime, instead we are held captivated as observers. While the end result is still a perfectly good film, I do wish that the filmmak
Rated 29 May 2018
77.50+.50 = 78.00.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Portman gives an incredible performance and after a few years of relative absences, again proof she is one of the finest actresses of her generation. But it's not Portmans performance alone that makes the movie. It never goes for cheap melodramatic sadness, but instead clearly shows the feeling it's all unreal, Jackie must have gone through (anyone who ever lost somebody suddenly can relate too).
Rated 24 Oct 2017
Jackie is interesting, to say the least. You will be transported into a whole different world watching it. Which is probably one of it's sellingpoints. I have my doubts about the portrayal of Jackie O., but I thought Portman does a really good job. Eventhough the accent is pretty annoying at times. 56/100.
Rated 08 Jun 2017
Jackie is an attempt at a 'mainstream arthouse' film, and like most films of that type it is not completely satisfying on a formal, intellectual or dramatic level because it's ultimately a highly compromised work. It's difficult to discern whether Portman's heavily affected performance is a deliberate strategy (i.e. Brecthian distance) to emphasise the 'performativity' of Jackie or whether it's just oscar bait. Is it questioning the Camelot narrative or reinforcing it? It seems so tentative.
Rated 27 Feb 2017
Jackie might be worth the watch for people who are interested in American history, but for people who are looking for something engaging, it offers nothing of interest. It's very similar to another 2016 movie about an American event, which also had not much to say apart from "it happened" and "there was an aftermath". However, I give +5 points to Jackie for not featuring two lengthy scenes of the same event. Or badly CGI'd plane crashes... Still, I'm not sure what I should take away from Jackie.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
The two movies I watched today and the thing that bugged me the most about both was the score. And I have a hunch many other liked it.
Rated 10 Jul 2017
1500: its nice to mark this movie as my 1500th seen movie!
Rated 29 Aug 2017
Natalie Portman is outstanding in the lead role in this film. The film only works because of Portman's great performance. The script is straightforward. The main reason to see this film is Portman. Overall I would recommend this movie
Rated 24 Jan 2017
kind of shallow, well acted and filmed
Rated 04 Sep 2017
Before I get started: I was not alive when Kennedy was assassinated and outside of knowing who Jackie Kennedy is I don't know much more. I thought Portman was pretty good here and the film looks great. I found the story, while maybe not extremely interesting, quite poignant. I didn't love the score. IMO this was better than most of the movies I've seen from 2016 so far.
Rated 10 Dec 2016
No revelations here, and even ignores the sinister character of LBJ and the anomalies of the assassination. And given her natural lisp to begin with, it would have been better if she hadn't tried to adopt a Boston accent. The combination was almost comic. Sarsgaard didn't even try.
Rated 22 Dec 2016
A beautifully told and acted movie of... emotions... that works very hard to avoid offending anyone with any real discussion of facts or controversies.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
There's now a fashion franchise based on the color scheme of her outfit when it got splattered with her husband's brains:
Rated 26 Dec 2016
Jackie is, yes, an intimate portrayal of Jackie Kennedy, one that follows her through an unimaginable week of pain. But it's also about a master storyteller, a grieving woman who deftly reshapes the narrative she's been given and crafts it into legend--a legend so powerful that even now, more than 50 years later, we still talk of Kennedy's Camelot. (
Rated 07 Feb 2017
about the movie: very good performances by the actors, specially Natalie Portman; the narrative structure is essencial, but it sometimes looks excessive; the "confession" with the priest works fine when Jackie is only talking about herself, but it doesn't really work when the priest starts to preach about life (not very catholic teaching, by the way); in general, a decent movie with certain points of excess.
Rated 25 Feb 2017
It's very obvious that Natalie Portman's performance is dazzling and she deserves every credit she can get. However, it is not enough when the movie does not get too much from the story. which is very weak in telling and expressing the movie. Last of all, use of big big musics is pretty bad for this movie. Because it makes you question: is this music try to cut up her great moments ?
Rated 13 Nov 2017
The film looks and sounds beautiful, in all of its stone cold somberness. Portman is something else, but I failed to feel anything to connect to. Well made and acted, but, ultimately, difficult to access.
Rated 07 Feb 2017
Natalie Portman centers her performance around a supremely distracting, alien accent
Rated 17 Oct 2016
Chronicle of all the phony bullshit that's led us to now. The script and Larrain are both good but never really have the conviction to say anything about what's going on. I'm not sure if Natalie Portman was okay or terrible. Worth seeing, but not worth consideration.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
From the opening shot coupled with the shaky score and the initial impression that Portman sounds like she's portraying a character rather than being one, one should be able to tell that this film is aiming for uncertainty. It succeeds wonderfully at that as by the end, I am not sure what to think in regards to who Jackie Kennedy was or what she wanted even though I had just seen a biopic capturing a few of the most important days of her life. That uncertainty that follows post-tragedy shines.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Nossa senhora, Portman.
Rated 18 Jan 2017
Excellent examination of how history is constructed out of mere events. Everything is very nicely judged, with the possible exception of Ms Portman's accent.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
I felt the bloodshed was exploitative and instead of adding to the story it was hugely distractive. It was as if Tarantino directed it. Just no. Also, there was a scene with her walking through the White House to an orchestration of over the top shrieking strings. There is a lot wrong with this film.
Rated 28 Jan 2017
This is a psychological character study masquerading as a biopic. Portman is fantastic as she truly does live up to the hype of her performance. The score is perfect the way it helps the audience delve deeper into Jackie's state of mind. The thing is it's a little slow. Sure the ending is poignant and emotional, but getting there is a little frustrating. Though it's kind of a catch 22, because without all of that build up the last 30-20 minutes wouldn't be as poignant and emotional as it was.
Rated 24 Jan 2017
A magnificent, chillingly convincing performance from Portman anchors haunting biopic of the iconic U.S. first lady; its a shame the more conventional framing device of the interview disrupts the dreamy stream of consciousness flow of the aftermath scenes, but its still a mighty impressive directorial achievement, and a rejuvenation of the biopic genre. Terrific support work from Sarsgaard and Hurt, as well as a simultaneously harsh and involving music score are icing on the cake.
Rated 03 Feb 2017
I had to briefly check the original White House Tour to see if Jackie Kennedy actually talked like that, and Natalie Portman was spot on! There was a mystic atmosphere to Jackie (2016), so much I wish they'd made it absurd in such a way to almost make it a JFK murder mystery with Jackie as the suspicious femme fatal. It was that type of feel to it. Instead it becomes a stumbling account of Jackie's the deaths of her family. Not the most captivating of portraits, but at least Portman nails it.
Rated 13 Feb 2017
I don't see a reason for its existence beyond an idol fetishization, but as a distant art object the grainy opulence, claustrophobic directing, tearful verging on camp performance all deserve notice.
Rated 27 Sep 2017
Though its logline would suggest a star vehicle or vanity project, JACKIE possesses a rawness and solemnity that sets it apart from the typical Hollywood biopic. To be sure, the film is definitely a vessel for Natalie Portman's very affecting, studied performance. But its unique subjectivity humanizes a handful of distant historical figures, and illuminates the role of ambition and the importance of legacy in American political life. Somber, impressionistic, and mesmerizing.
Rated 30 Dec 2016
watched: 2016, 2017
Rated 10 Apr 2017
I have pretty personal reasons to be interested in a film that dramatizes the week after a wife and mother of two young children witnesses the murder of her husband and is forced to bear that grief publicly (though obviously not to the same degree as Jackie did). The kid scenes were powerful. But I found Portman's breathiness distracting, the framing story of the interview inept and confusing (why all the jumping from place to place in the house?), and the result more hit piece than honorable.
Rated 23 Feb 2017
Well directed and shot with a spectacular lead role by Portman. Nice score too, but still the movie fails to impress as a whole.
Rated 07 Apr 2017
Kind of a weird, meandering mess, but Mica Levi's score does a lot to save it.
Rated 14 Feb 2018
I don't know what I expected.
Rated 28 Jan 2017
Good film, not sure about Portman.
Rated 26 Jan 2017
Not a conventional retelling but more an interpretation of Jackie's state of mind in the aftermath of the assassination. The film and Portman really caught the conflicting emotions and isolation.
Rated 02 Feb 2017
giriş müziği.......saf güzellik.....
Rated 12 Feb 2017
Dear Natalie, you can not be Jackie just with a 2 piece suit and the hair when the script is that lousy and the director's trying to achieve a masterpiece but failing so badly
Rated 28 Mar 2017
Intensively maudlin.


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