Don't Look Now
Don't Look Now
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Don't Look Now

Don't Look Now

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 50m
John and Laura Baxter are living in Venice when they meet a pair of elderly sisters, one of whom claims to be psychic... (imdb)

Don't Look Now

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 50m
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Avg Percentile 62.53% from 2095 total ratings

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Rated 03 Dec 2008
Someone once told me that this film was so good it was beyond human comprehension. I can comprehend it. And I can comprehend that it sucks. The plot is a convoluted mess, and it plods from one pointless scene to another. The film does have quite striking visuals, and the ending works, but not unlike the Blair Witch Project, one has to wonder if we need that much build up to one halfway decent scare. If you want to know if this one's worth it, the title says it all.
Rated 03 Mar 2012
Almost two hours of nothing to set up a flash scare. Oh, and no, I did not ask for a five minute Donald Sutherland sex scene.
Rated 08 Feb 2011
Is Roeg being subversive by taking the thrills out of a thriller & pissing all over the dictum that films r life minus the boring parts? I have no idea. I do know this is an insomniac's godsend w/ various plot threads & bits of strangeness (sisters who laugh maniacally, a dead child, injured son, several slightly "off" Venetians) grafted on2 the slightest of tales (psychic predicts man's death). All these oddities fail 2 tie 2gether in2 any kind of twist that might've excused this GODAWFUL slog.
Rated 11 Feb 2012
Having seen this years ago I still can't forget the visuals: both majestic and terrifying, eerily graceful and unsettlingly nightmarish. I'm, of course, referring to Donald Sutherland's ass.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
In the same way as the Blair Witch Project polarised viewers into "My god, the most scary thing ever" ... and "complete yawnfest where nothing happens" ... this is clearly the precursor to THAT film. I am not going to say it was rubbish, (although the acting was extremely wooden, which meant that any sense of reality was lost completely) but the story is completely devoid of purpose and denouement. It MAY be arty, and it DOES gets you thinking ... but only to ask what the hell was THAT about ??
Rated 19 Aug 2011
Ridiculously cheesy and absurd. Liked the opening scene but it takes a nosedive from there. The fake blood looked straight up horrible and took me right out of the film instantly. You aren't dying bro, that blood is runny jello. Also enjoyed seeing Julie Christie's glorious rack, could've used more shots of her randomly walking around naked to boost the score a bit. The only thing shocking about the sex scene is that Julie Christie would ever agree to have sex with Sutherland, unbelievable.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Too absurdly silly to have any real tension. Julie Christie is easy on the eyes, though.
Rated 08 Jan 2010
Don't Look Now is a boring, stupid film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Kinda good, kinda not. The film excels at building tension and creating a sense of dread. But it's also pretty cheesy, especially with the incredibly fake blood. The love scene felt superfluous.
Rated 17 Feb 2007
Amazing film.
Rated 03 Oct 2020
Massively overrated. There are glimmers of brilliance and occasional sequences of unease, but ultimately it's messy, meandering, and feels like an illegitimate child of Polanski and the average giallo. Rampant overacting makes whole scenes laughably campy. The praise for the photography should go to Venice itself--as the flash cuts are annoying and come off like the work of an overeager film student. Still, the film's conceit is interesting and could definitely benefit from a skillful remake.
Rated 12 Sep 2019
Haunting film that's done very well Donald Sutherland is fantastic as the grieving skeptical father
Rated 09 Mar 2017
After this movie you probably don't want to go to Venice anymore. I don't.
Rated 23 Jul 2013
I'm sick of this style of filmmaking, anytime something happens there's a flurry of edits that completely destroys any emotional connectivity that's been built up. Without that emotional hook, there's no reason to be interested, and the film just becomes a detached montage of images. That people think this is somehow "atmospheric" shows that postmodernism went really wrong somewhere along the line. It also suffers from the "laughable climax" problem that many other horror films have.
Rated 06 Apr 2013
Much of it was boring and stupid. There is a great sex scene between Donald Sutherland and the gorgeous Julie Christie. Events are jumbled up and disconnected, one minute their daughter had just died, the next they are smiling at each other over lunch. I really disliked all the stupid psychic and religious nonsense and so much spoken Italian. There is also far too much setup for the pathetic ending. The setting and scenery are beautiful but the story telling was just terrible.
Rated 31 Jul 2012
Less a traditional ghost-of-girl spookfest but more of a domestic drama about the horrors of marital separation. Roeg's most brilliant talents - the use of ellipses in time and space, and visual analogy - are perfect for horror. All sorts of disjointed, perhaps true!, perhaps not! relationships encourage that wide-eyed childlike terror when we never really understood the logic of it all. Maybe we still don't. Damned if I understand the climax scene.
Rated 14 Sep 2010
An odd combination of a tragic domestic drama and a horror film. That gives it a unique mood, but it's not always as moody as you'd want, and in fact is kind of schlocky, right up to the ending, which is both frightening and ridiculous. Lots to admire about Roeg's approach here, but plenty to criticize as well. Nevertheless a fascinating film, but ultimately disappointing.
Rated 05 Sep 2010
Can't knock the visuals or the direction. When it's at its most abstract, it's engaging. When it isn't, it's sorta sleepy, and the finale is not only unsatisfying, it is also hilarious, which is slightly inappropriate.
Rated 04 Sep 2010
Suspense and mystery is built up well in this adult horror that constantly teases the viewer with snippets of eerily vague information, building up to what you hope will be an everything-comes-together climax. Unfortunately it doesn't, and the ending is not only insultingly daft, but also - the final nail in the coffin for any horror film - unintentionally laugh-out-loud funny. The Venice location is responsible for much of the movie's charm.
Rated 11 Feb 2010
An intriguing tale of loss and the fear of loss with an enigmatically horrifying ending for the ages.
Rated 15 Aug 2020
I'm in the "meh" camp here. It's a fairly simple Hitchcockian-style creepy movie. The acting is fine; I generally like movies where the place (Venice) seems to be its own character. But there were a lot of editorial choices, like the staccato back-and-forth viewpoints at the beginning and the overly-long sex scene, that distracted me too much.
Rated 29 May 2020
I'm all for a gonzo ending in a horror film, but not at the expense of the preceding 45 mins. I felt more lulled than tense. After the first half the psychic sisters hardly affect the plot at all, and Julie Christie's character is shafted for ambiguity's sake. Again Roeg offers a beautiful setting and lively direction but burns me with loose ends. (Actually, upon rewatching, this is a flawed masterpiece)
Rated 11 Aug 2018
Roeg's associative and elliptical editing pattern creates an uncanny time and space, a byzantine geographic and psychological miasma which actually feels precognizant of The Shining.
Rated 18 Aug 2016
The editing is very interesting once you've seen the movie all the way through; it really works well with the themes of foresight and premonitions. The music, also, works very much to the film's advantage, whether it's to emphasize the love scene or add chills when it builds up to it's climax. But here's the thing, that ending is only half chilling, and half absurd and out of nowhere. The rest of the movie is completely boring!
Rated 11 Aug 2016
This movie takes boredom to a new level. Near the end you get exactly one mildly uncomfortable scene. Is it worth the 110 minute wait? Hell no. Apparently this movie is important for its 'impressionistic editing' and innovative use of 'time as a fluid non-linear concept'. I call that overanalyzed bullshit!
Rated 09 Sep 2014
I think the best way I can describe this film is, "very 1970s". The direction, complete with superfluous zooms, the haphazard editing, the bad audio, the awkward performances, and the sex scene was... something else. It even managed to make Venice look unappealing. I didn't really care for it. I found it alternately boring and infuriating. Its one saving grace was the thrilling and scary climax. Otherwise, I don't really see what the big deal is. I wouldn't place this with other horror classics.
Rated 23 Dec 2013
I had had high hopes because of the source story being by Daphne Du Maurier. The atmosphere and pacing were fantastic, but overall the story seemed muddled rather than mysterious. The climax felt campy and I laughed out loud. Then there was dreadful supernatural explanation at the end.
Rated 07 Sep 2013
A lot more cerebral and profound than it initially appears, but that doesn't make it a good movie. Aside from the last half hour, 'Don't Look Now' is a plodding, overly long borefest, made worse by the insufferable acting. Whoever says this is an accurate depiction of grief is wrong. The infamous sex scene is nothing spectacular either. 'Are you a Christian?' 'Well, I'm nice to children and animals!' Ugh.
Rated 29 Aug 2013
It's rare these days to see a steamy sex scene that feels real and intimate. Really liked that. As for the rest of the film, though, I was quite disappointed with the second half. At first I enjoyed the lack of exposition but it soon got really tiresome to keep searching for some kind of deeper meaning behind the mysticism. This is a mood-film more than anything else, reminiscent of Rosemary's Baby and the Wicker Man. The eery and experimental cinematography is what's most interesting.
Rated 09 Oct 2012
This film is a real work of art. Couple that with an intriguing story, and you've got a great thriller here.
Rated 31 Aug 2012
More or less, this was a glorified, 2 hour Twilight Zone episode w/ nudity
Rated 08 Mar 2011
I really really wanted to like this one, but I failed. Nevertheless beautiful shots from Venice and a great cinematography (especially the sex scene).
Rated 28 Feb 2011
Hauntingly crystalline, but it maintains a distance that ultimately works against the immediate impact of the visuals.
Rated 13 Jun 2010
Venice more horrible, beautiful and mystical than ever pictured before (or since). I didn't find it as terrifying and scary as I was told it would be, but that doesn't matter. Nice atmosphere all the way through, mainly due to the nice editing and camerawork - very subjective, felt as if it was inspired by the manifests of impressionism... Nevertheless, found the sound a bit annoying at times, and the problems with the plot: meant to add to the mysticism or simply sloppy errors? Hard to tell.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
One of those mystifying "classics".
Rated 27 Aug 2009
Nowhere near as creepy as most made it out to be, but still a great mystery with fine cinematography and absolutely masterful editing. The scene with the scaffolding is unforgettable.
Rated 02 Mar 2009
Nice movie. Some very beatiful scenes.
Rated 13 Apr 2008
Very moody. And the ending is, or ought to be, even more legendary than its love scene.
Rated 19 Aug 2007
This is supposed to be mysterious and suspenseful and everything, but I don't find it all that exciting. It's not erotic, either, even though it's been highly touted as such
Rated 13 Feb 2007
A masterpiece, probably my very favorite of the genre, every last detail of Don't Look Now is perfect. Roeg is deeper, smarter, more sensible and more percise than Hitchcock ever was, for starters. Donald Sutherland kicks ass and the script is magnificent.
Rated 24 Jun 2024
Hugely overrated ghost story with wooden acting and a thin predictable plot. Donald Sutherland is good and there's some merit to the way Roeg brings out symbolism but apart from that, if it wasn't for that bloody sex scene everyone always goes on about I think this would be long forgotten.
Rated 03 Nov 2023
The pigeons sure are beautiful this kind of year.
Rated 22 Apr 2023
The poor camera work and odd acting really distracted me from the story which admittedly was kind of boring.
Rated 25 Jan 2023
Sutherland and Christie are such a believable couple, i'm even doubting the sex scene was fake (it's the 70s after all). The film has an interesting visual and auditive style that really helps constructing the story, feverish and surreal but not there just to confuse the viewer.
Rated 24 Dec 2022
It's a very surreal and messy film that finds moments of transcendence that are still too few and far between. The claustrophobic visuals and general sense of dread that Roeg creates work and the ending is truly shocking, but any scenes between the couple is mostly muddled melodrama that didn't work for me. And, yes, the infamous sex scene feels a bit exploitive and over the top.
Rated 28 Oct 2022
Unbelievable visuals and editing but the film they’re in service of tends to work way better as a camp dark comedy than a horror or drama which I don’t think was the intention
Rated 25 Sep 2022
Funky, gothic. Sex scene is one of the best. Sutherland makes coming out of the bathroom and saying "do NOT go IN there!" classy. I want to like this more but it is so shaky technically and so… insecure?… especially at the end when it curtain-calls all its little motifs for you.
Rated 21 Jul 2022
I liked this a lot, but found myself consistently wanting to like it more. It's effectively creepy and has some strong scenes. The ending "payoff" seems more than a bit silly and random and drags things down to some degree. Leads are good and the setting and locations are perfect. Good at creating a sustained unease and making the mundane seem unsettling. I will probably revisit this film at some point.
Rated 21 Jun 2022
what was the point of that sex scene? really....
Rated 13 Jan 2022
Respect what it did for editing and how it dealt with its motifs, but I also felt that it was disjointed and had little to truly invest in. Acting is bad which puts a damper on the whole "exploring grief" thing. Script needed polish: some scenes go on too long while others not long enough. Some hokey dialogue. With that said, I got some enjoyment due to the atmosphere (Venice is spoooooky) and the general plot since there's a decent mystery in there. Ending is great.
Rated 08 Jan 2022
the atmosphere was so incredibly good, jesus
Rated 21 Dec 2021
The opening scene is a masterpiece on its now, at least in terms of build-up and execution; I can't remember the last time I've seen editing used so effectively within one single sequence. I felt the rest of the film was just threading water, relying too heavily on cinematography and editing as a crutch for its faulty story that failed to amount to anything substantial and lasting. I'm pretty sure De Palma watched this film and was like: "step aside bro and let me show you how it's done."
Rated 26 May 2021
The film is slow, disjointed, and driven by the soundtrack instead of dialog. This makes it hard to understand what's going on. Some of the visuals are outstanding, with a couple of scenes that make the movie worth watching.
Rated 13 Mar 2021
This film is faker than the fakeblood in the ending scene.
Rated 04 Dec 2020
Why/How (when/who/what) do people like this boring ass film? * The 41 points I'm giving it are for the 41 times I said HA during the sex scene
Rated 08 Nov 2020
Nope, sorry, the ending is a wet fart. Look out, Donald, it's a... dwarf...? Wow, that's, like,... so spooky, dude. I guess. At the very least, the non-linear editing successfully elicits palpable feelings of disorientation and trauma, and Christie & Sutherland are, as is typical, searing. But I just found the whole conceit to be rather doltish, I don't know. Maybe the problem is me, and my general aversion to ghost stories.
Rated 28 Sep 2020
The cinematography and atmosphere were great and the acting was servicable. But the script and the plot were just atrocious. How can anyone take this film seriously?
Rated 25 Jul 2020
overrated giallo. beautiful but less sinister and consistent than others
Rated 11 Sep 2019
Great to look at but with some hammy performances and not as suspenseful and weird as it could have been.
Rated 21 Aug 2019
Intriguing and memorable.
Rated 10 Jul 2019
Damn Criticker, your mind reading is impressive, 77 is on the money. I can see how this influenced a lot of great stuff, there is some very inventive camera work, editing and incredibly naturalistic performances from the leads. Honestly though I was bored at a fair few points in the film. This might be because the plotting has been stolen by so many modern movies that I just saw every beat coming. Julie Christie is so beautiful and has the kindest smile.
Rated 21 Jun 2019
julie christie ve donald sutherland'in performansları, ürpertici kardeşler, roeg'in kadrajları ve başlı başına şaheser kurguyla, tekinsizlik filmin kıyısına köşesine kadar siniyor. öyle bir dili var ki, mevzu dolaylı olarak bile insanın yaşamına dokunmasa da etkilemeyi başarıyor, ama bir de yakaladığı bir nokta varsa, işte o zaman dağıtıyor.
Rated 24 May 2019
hikaye baska bir yerde kirilsa daha baska bir yere gitse idi
Rated 13 Mar 2019
Inspector Longhi: "Age makes women grow to look more like each other. Don't you find that? Old men decay and each becomes quite distinct. Women seem to converge, eh?"
Rated 24 Sep 2018
The whole message and even certain parts of the story are too much up to your interpretation, and I'm not really a fan of such an approach to writing. Especially considering that there is a direct deception included in the script for the sake of building and developing the tone.
Rated 23 Mar 2018
Saw this fairly recently and was hoping for a lot more than what I seen. Just didn't click with me as it wasn't particularity thrilling or horror filled. Maybe if it was viewed in the 70s it would have been better.
Rated 04 Feb 2018
Roeg's allegory to the stages of grief is set to a ghost story with impressive precision. The gorgeous visuals often distract from the importance of noticing what both Sutherland and Christie are going through, as each is progressing through grief at a different pace. With eerily emptying Venice corridors and blood red imagery, Don't Look Now is a wonder in its plodding pace and shocking conclusion.
Rated 05 Jan 2018
2023'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 158. Don't Look Now (1973) Kesinlikle #spoiler yemeden izlemeniz gereken filmlerden. Döneminin yine çok ötesinde olan ölümsüz klasiklerden. 8/10 #BenimleYaşıtFilmler
Rated 21 Aug 2017
Macabre Month of Horror 2017 video review:
Rated 13 Apr 2017
It's the ghost story at its best. When a movie gets to you and plays with your head long after the credits have rolled, it's good. It's really good, and this is one of the best. It not only stays with you for a while, this movie, it takes up residence in your mind. It makes itself comfy, and, once seen, is always there, to scare you again and again. Having said that, it's not just a psychological chiller; it's also a very shrewd examination of love and loss. In short, it's a masterpiece
Rated 13 Mar 2017
What is essentially "horrific" with the concept of horror is the fact that it means a nature and law which act totally out of the accustomed logos. Like nightmares where our relatives & friends act totally strange & as if they're some1else, this movie transfers the strangeness of death and hereafter to the setting of Venice. A city sinking to the underworld w/o any consolation can only become the canvas of the couple's nightmare. Great directing and imagery but somewhat insignificant story.
Rated 02 Jan 2017
Kinda like an Antonioni-Hitchcock mixtape. I can't help but give props to the editing trickery that got my eyes to believe that a girl in a red coat and a leaf floating down the Venice river were the same thing.
Rated 25 Oct 2016
Really. Just don't. Don't look now... or ever. I won't apologize to say this movie was truly stupid. You can't just base an entire movie on cinematography and editing. When that is all you can say about a film or those movies where you say "wow, well the music was good" it means the movie really wasn't that entertaining. Now, if you only watch movie as art and not to be entertained at all, if you see a movie as an electronic painting on your wall and have no interest in...
Rated 24 Sep 2016
Almost incomprehensibly layered. It was a bit of a mess to get through but its basically demanding a rewatch thanks to the density of the visuals and the subtext of universal interconnectedness / fate. Also contains one of the best physical shock scenes ever, maybe only rivalled by the Diner scene in Mulholland Dr.
Rated 02 Apr 2016
Not greater than the sum of its parts; the sex scene, the camerawork, the red, the acting are amazing, but the ADR throws it all to shit. There's a scene in the middle of the film where Donald Sutherland is dangling off broken scaffolding and the ADR is laughably bad. The split-second flashback of that scene is one of the unintentionally funniest things in cinema history. I guess you gotta have kids to let this film fuck you up for the rest of its runtime to actually like it
Rated 26 Mar 2016
Our Daily Free Stream: Nicolas roeg - Don't Look Now. Ganz gleich, was die rote Figur in Don't Look Now ist oder zu sein scheint - es mutet ganz willkürlich an! Das ist ein Film, der sich jeder Rationalität entzieht! ...die ganze Rezension sowie unsere favorisierten Horror Klassiker aus den 70ern gibts auf der Seite unserer Videothek
Rated 23 Jan 2016
Contemporary horror movies typically rely on jump scares in order to give their audiences the kicks they paid for. Nicolas Roeg relies on dread rather than scares; Don't Look Now develops at a lava-like pace as tension builds up and the protagonists lose their senses as the landscape around them - the decaying city of Venice - collapses in on them. Some 10 minutes before the ending the pace picks up and races to a horrifying finale.
Rated 20 Aug 2015
Don't Look Now is one of the best and most important horror films ever made. Few films since have managed to replicate or capture such a believable sense of genuine and legitimate horror. Nicolas Roeg's overall direction is impressive and the beautiful cinematography and masterful editing is some of the finest to ever be put on screen. Integrally Donald Sutherland & Julie Christie are simply sensational together and you wholeheartedly believe their relationship, their grief and their dread.
Rated 30 Apr 2015
Slow paced and brilliantly shot and edited. The tension builds up till it all comes together in a haunting finale. No wonder this is an inspiration for so many filmmakers.
Rated 25 Feb 2015
Crazy art. Crazy, crazy art. Donald Sutherland alternates between scary-good and hilarious. It's glorious.
Rated 20 Jan 2015
What's the Italian for shit?
Rated 29 Dec 2014
Wow. This has my favorite sex scene and it was made before my parents even got together (lol). Joking aside, it is really heart felt and natural and beautiful and their state of mind afterwards is amazing. A lovely sequence in a sad movie.
Rated 28 Oct 2014
An artsy psychological horror movie set in Venice. The pace is slow, and even after seeing it all, I'm still not sure where the action was going and what this film meant. So yes, it is slightly boring. Thankfully Roeg is the master at creating atmosphere through inventive editing and cinematography, so even the scenes where nothing much is happening creeped me out. That ending scene made my hair stand up on end!
Rated 17 Aug 2014
An batshit wacky ending (that I love). The dream logic that precedes that, with the weaving of past/present/future into one space, is masterful.
Rated 17 Aug 2014
Less interesting and impressive the second time I saw it, though exactly how to interpret the final reveal is still a question that sort of stays with one.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Erm, so it's like a boring and kind of shitty giallo edition of "Inland Empire" or someshit, for a while, then becomes really quite fascinating somewhere in the last half-hour, unfortunately to land on shitty again at the end. An interesting experiment tho'. Must see more Roeg.
Rated 30 Jun 2014
The whole thing basically builds towards that extraordinary montage at the end. It's perfect; exquisite.
Rated 10 Apr 2014
A unique and occasionally baffling examination of guilt and remorse in the guise of a horror thriller. Although it can be hammy and the execution some times falters, "Don't Look Now" is nevertheless visually striking, Roeg effectively creating an atmosphere of dread (evocative of the spirit of early Polanski but also sufficiently original). My single two favorite sequences were the most tender (the lovemaking) and the most unsettling (the final montage).
Rated 08 Mar 2014
It's about love connections.
Rated 19 Oct 2013
Very atmospheric film that looks great, but the plot could have been more straightforward. The ending is also bizarre. I expected more.
Rated 24 Aug 2013
The setting and the cinematography combine to give this an atmosphere that is both melancholy and ominous. Each shot is beautifully composed, with every flash of red an effective reminder of the loss experienced by the two main characters. Haunting, unnerving, and effective.
Rated 20 Apr 2013
Atmospheric and ridiculous. It's an effective and simple story told with flashes of disorienting style and camerawork. Sutherland plays it almost too cooly, but it works. The music is terrific and not overbearing. The slow burn set up works as the characters feel less like cutouts and more like actual people.
Rated 04 Mar 2013
Stylishly directed and edited. Venice looks beautiful and there are some really atmospheric moments, for instance the pursuit near the end with the fog. Christie and Sutherland are convincing, and the story as a whole is engaging despite some laggy moments in the second half. And I really loved the ending - I confess the reveal gave me chills.
Rated 22 Feb 2013
watched: 2013, 2016, 2019
Rated 05 Jan 2013
çocuğu ölen vefat eden aile, venedik, restorasyon, kilise, kehanet, öngörü, kahin, kayip, Müstehcen (John kilise restorasyonu isiyle mesguldür. Kizini kaybetmistir. Esiyle beraber Venedik'e giderler. İki kadin esi Laura'ya kizlarini gördüklerini söylerler. kadinlardan biri kördür ve medyumdur. Laura, bu iki kadinla iletisim kurar. Bu sirada İngilteredeki ogullari kaza gecirir. Laura ingiltereye döner. John ise onu venedikte görmüstür. SP finalde john ölür. Gördügü ise
Rated 04 Jan 2013
Rated 01 Nov 2012
Rated 08 Oct 2012
"Nothing is at it seems." Nicolas Roeg's wonderful eye and the acting of the two leads, Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland, take us on a ride through a rotting Venice.
Rated 20 Sep 2012
Didn't completely win me over until the very end. At its best it's a very moody, off-putting film, but it has a tendency to get a little dry and off-track. Definitely worth sticking through for some great horrific moments, though.
Rated 09 Sep 2012
One of the greatest horror films I have ever seen, with excellent performances from Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie.


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