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Avg Percentile 60.14% from 1116 total ratings

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Rated 23 May 2015
Yes, the special effects haven't aged well. Like you're gonna? The original is still brilliantly straight-faced, painting firestorms, nuclear destruction and the death of hope itself like... well, just consider the fact that everyone who made this movie had just lost a war less than ten years earlier, and not in a pretty way. This movie will traumatize you if you let it. But by all means, keep laughing at the guy working his ass off in a 100-kg rubber suit.
Rated 15 Sep 2014
Coping with trauma as a nation by way of a monster movie. That is pretty amazing, and as such Godzilla was much more interesting than what I initially expected. Also made me feel rather childish for looking forward to silly monster beatdowns. I guess that's one of Godzilla's powers too. To make one feel insignificant and ashamed when confronted with the monstrous moments of history.
Rated 03 Sep 2020
Who other than The Terminator made such an assured 180° from villain to hero? Did you just say, "Loki?" Get out
Rated 15 Feb 2021
This stands up surprisingly well, its combination of human drama, ecological narrative and giant main-in-suit destruction keeping things interesting throughout, even if it lacks a bit of subtlety. Shimura turning up certainly lent it a little extra class. My second born (8 at time of writing) is currently very keen on all things Godzilla, and he sat through this very happily. So did I.
Rated 03 Jun 2016
Shimura had a big year between this and Seven Samurai. Obviously Godzilla is an iconic creature concept but the flick is really bolstered by its weighty historical context and Ifukube's incredible score. Seriously some of the best film music I've ever heard.
Rated 12 Oct 2011
Atomic testing destroyed your ecosystem and made you radioactive huh, yeah but y u mad? The brilliant score and Godzilla's chilling mechanical roar make this an aural treat. They also help paper over the wonkier visual aspects that time has been less kind to.
Rated 02 Nov 2013
For horror movies I guess it is true that the ever growing volume of sequels lends to the original a certain aura of respect, that it in it's own merit doesn't deserve. It is exactly what you'd expect from a 50s creature feature. A man in a dinosaur costume wrecks havoc on papier-mâché Tokyo, and scientists come up with an anti-something device to defeat him. But it's sense of self importance is contagious, the score is killer, and Gojira as a metaphor has lost none of it's historical potency.
Rated 24 Aug 2013
The scientist who discovered what could be a weapon to kill the monster -- brought to life by man's breakthrough in turning science into a war device -- decides to cut the rope and die alone in the sea with his achievement and the consequence of an early achievement. This might seem just fun -- but it also looks grim in its depiction of human sorrow and works as an immense philosophical influence on limitless-science films like Pacific Rim and Jurassic Park. Disrespecting nature means: death.
Rated 09 Jul 2010
I appreciate what it's trying to do, be a monster movie with social message, but it does it so clumsily that neither the monster part nor the commentary are very effective. The effects, while obvious, hold up well enough but the destruction seems somehow distant from the human aspect of the movie. On the other side the film is trying to say so much was rather thin characters and ridiculous science that other than getting a simplistic point across it's not very successful.
Rated 30 Mar 2017
The iconic monster movie that is really a drama about nuclear weapons. The film is a piece of cinematic history, and very much a product of its time. The Godzilla sized metaphor for nuclear holocaust is told through a cast of B-movie characters there to provide plenty of melodrama to accent the backdrop of destruction. A dark and somber tale worth the watch.
Rated 10 Sep 2012
It's a pretty amazing film, especially considering its age. The themes can be a bit on the nose, and some of the effects haven't aged well - though only some bad firetruck miniatures were really distracting - but it tells a good story and features some striking images. Godzilla at night backlit by a flaming city is one of those great moments. Would probably be better if you don't know anything about it going in, but it's over 50 years later, that's not possible.
Rated 01 May 2014
It feels a bit anti-climactic due to the slow build up and the crude nature of the special effects but the originality is undeniable and the mood is enjoyably dark and apocalyptic. Also, the music is badass.
Rated 30 Jul 2013
The importance and significance of this movie cannot be overstated. Even with some less than impressive effects, the overall magnitude of Godzilla, what he represents, and the impact this movie has had on the world is incredible. The entire sequence of him using the atomic power that mutated him to lay siege to an entire city, and the utter destruction in his wake, is enthralling.
Rated 25 Feb 2018
We know Godzilla didn't happen and yet it felt like it did. This is because of Japan losing a war earlier but also an unintentional effect of black and white cinema; sometimes it just makes it feel more historical and intimate. Anyway, great score, fun visuals for the time that are still neat to examine today due to how cool they were, grim atmosphere, some beautiful shots/scenes, potent social commentary and of course Godzilla himself is a legend.
Rated 12 Sep 2020
The grandfather of all kaiju movies. The effects range from pretty good to so-so. Godzilla looks fairly silly. The metaphor of American destruction of a tranquil Japan is strong. The mad scientist with an eye patch and a fish tank is memorable. As with other kaiju films, the beginning and ending is interesting but the destruction in the middle gets mundane and drags. Fav scene: Godzilla wrecking power lines and subways.
Rated 18 Aug 2011
groundbreaking and not the least bit subtle. has the most character development and darkest, moodiest tone of the entire series. focuses much more on what godzilla does to people instead of what godzilla does to property.
Rated 20 Jun 2011
The original Godzilla movie that started it all. Excellent use of simple effects and wonderful models really sells the sense of mass destruction...Godzilla's rampage through Tokyo is still simply awesome almost 60 years later. There's some dodgy science and heavy moralizing at play, but it's so much trashy fun it barely matters.
Rated 14 Oct 2013
This is not a good movie. It was a cheap movie to begin with and time hasn't exactly been kind to it. The monster is laughable and the science is dubious at best. There is however, something very real about this movie. It is a film about a nuclear horror, made only nine years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki and it touches something raw and tender. It is a solemn film about how our folly create monsters, that we may have to commit even bigger follies to get rid off and it deserves respect.
Rated 18 Oct 2013
Melodramatic and soap opera-y though it may be, it's a fun movie that has aged surprisingly well in the nearly 60 years since its release. The black and white is very forgiving. There's no irony, there's no winking at the camera, it's a disaster movie where the unthinkable happens. Godzilla isn't a stand in for atomic weapons, he is a result of them. It's a cautionary tale to be heeded. Sweet use of models. I bet it was a blast, albeit very sweaty, stomping around in that costume.
Rated 14 Oct 2013
Enjoyable enough. I'm not sure whether to categorize it as a piece or trash or as a rather accomplished classic. It's both, I guess.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
The original incarnation of Gojira is an absolute masterpiece in my book. Obvously pulpy but never simplistic with its ideas. Balance between quiet contemplation & spectacle of mass-destruction is held enjoyably well. There's a deeply humanist theme running through the story alongside the actually traumatic context and sorrowful rumination. The very outdated effects actually command some weight when it counts unlike most CGI. Seriously one of my favourite film scores ever.
Rated 06 Feb 2009
Rough around the edges, but enlightening and goofy, all at the same time. A perfect representation of Japan's collective sadomasochism, anxiety and guilt after the horrors of WWII.
Rated 27 Sep 2018
Looking at this as a monster movie does this film a massive disservice. There is much more happening beneath the hood. Questions of collective trauma, responsibility of science, and unstoppable powers are all raised by this seemingly silly man in a rubber suit monster movie.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
The situation-hopping prologue isn't easy to follow, but it's shot with the same careful composition and is full of the same clever effects that elevate the human drama that compels for the rest of the runtime - and, of course, it was the first ever build up to the destructive, existentially terrifying reveal of Godzilla itself, and for that alone it's more than watchable. Excellently shot and scored, and Serizawa's conflict is a powerful driving force after the prologue.
Rated 17 Jan 2012
A tough movie to rate as its part schlock part post war coping. The heavy handedness isn't uncommon with Asian films, so I have no issues there. It will seem dated and corny now, but there is something inherently cool about this monster, that raises it above the other films of the 50's and 60's.
Rated 23 Oct 2010
There is a reason an entire genre came out of this.
Rated 23 Sep 2014
A true masterpiece of the ages
Rated 15 Sep 2018
What a wonderful movie. I found it technically impressive, with wonderful special effects, chilling sound effects, good camera work and a brilliant soundtrack. I went in thinking that it would have a straight up nuclear technology is bad message, but left with a more ambiguous take on the benefits and dangers of powerful science. Godzilla is an important film that laid the blueprint for nearly every monster movie to follow.
Rated 22 Aug 2010
Extremely serious and dark movie, especially considering zillions of goofy sequels and remakes it spawned. Story itself is not very interesting, we all get the allegory. Special effects looks dated by now, but seeing cardboard Tokyo being burned and destroyed with a powerful soundtrack by Ifukube on top leaves a very strong impression. I would say it's more important movie than it is interesting.
Rated 08 Oct 2009
Gojira: 98 the true king of all monsters, the god, all hail.... Godzilla, King of the monsters (US re-cut): 01 American butchered version with the well-deserved and well-earned anti-American anti-atomic messages removed. Gojira's appearance makes it get better than a 0 but there's nothing that can make up for the crap that was shoved on american audiences with some inferior, low-talent, worthless acting of Raymond Burr; by far one of the MOST OVERRATED lack-of-talents of all time.
Rated 25 Jan 2015
A classic of monster movie cinema; Godzilla is a film that uses the creature Godzilla as a physical manifestation of the atom bomb and the destruction it brought.The score is haunting and the production values(for it's time) Godzilla still looks fearsome though much of the destruction he brings does not. Definitely worth checking out if you're a godzilla fan or a sci-fi fan.
Rated 29 Jan 2013
A certified classic that created a genre. The special effects have aged badly in comparison to "King Kong" or other monster movies, but the characters and the storyline are very interesting. It's a great "time capsule" movie in the way that it shows post-WII Japanese zeitgeist.
Rated 10 Oct 2012
Pretty on-the-nose thematically. The scenes of destruction get a little tedious.
Rated 28 Aug 2015
Such a great movie. This is really so much more than just '' a giant monster crushing toy buildings''. The Hiroshima allegory is very interesting, the special effects are actually not bad for their time, and there is some great acting.
Rated 06 Mar 2011
Its metaphor is heavy-handed, Godzilla is a ridiculously indestructible lizard, and it's incredibly dated. But it also has an awesome score and a well-executed ending that put it above other 50s monster B-movies.
Rated 16 Jul 2014
The logic of the film is all over the place and the special effects are terrible - it is a man in a rubber suit crushing cardboard buildings and knocking over toy cars! The sombre moments do work surprisingly well and it is slightly entertaining but give me King Kong any day.
Rated 26 Feb 2010
I liked that this movie took itself seriously, and the result wasn't nearly as cheesy as I expected (considering the high level of cheese seen in later Godzilla movies). But I was a bit disappointed by the small amount of screen time dedicated to Godzilla. The climax wasn't as exciting as I had hoped either. Still a fun movie, and it's interesting to see the origins of this long-running franchise.
Rated 24 Mar 2011
Superior to the American dub in every way. It doesn't dumb the dialogue down for American audiences and doesn't hold back on the shocking imagery. Gojira is the best Godzilla film.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
It was more or less what I expected. The special effects are pretty dated, of course, but I still thought the miniatures and everything during the destruction scenes were pretty cool. The scenes between them however were kinda boring. The anti-nuclear message is obvious, yeah, but not negatively so, I thought. It's an important film, especially in terms of Japanese influence on the cinematic world, but I didn't enjoy it all that much, personally.
Rated 04 Feb 2008
I don't exactly think this is a brilliant work, mainly because it's rather ham-fisted. But it is pretty original, the acting isn't bad at all, it's well-paced and the effects hold up surprisingly well.
Rated 17 Nov 2017
Bleak and harrowing, the effects and mood and everything about it are basically perfect.
Rated 11 Oct 2018
A landmark in the realm of special effects as well as a great piece of melodrama, a treatise on scientific responsibility, and a harsh condemnation of nuclear war.
Rated 31 May 2020
I just KNOW there's some way my OXYGEN DESTROYER can be used for good! But I must never let it fall into the wrong hands, or people might try to use my OXYGEN DESTROYER to do harm!
Rated 22 Nov 2021
Maybe a bit disjointed and stage-y at times, but the latter half has a deeply haunting tone bolstered by the focus on the human toll of Godzilla's rampage through Tokyo. We can only watch helplessly as Japan has to again deal with the consequences of nuclear weapons. Sobering stuff.
Rated 14 Jul 2022
Took me longer than it should have to finally get around to it. Preceded by the kaiju's reputation for crude schlock, this progenitor is in fact a solemn and harrowing affair which is only slightly diminished by its primitive special effects.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
Godzilla was obviously developed as a metaphor for nuclear weapons (and by extension the USA) and this comes to a full head during the TV tower broadcast wherein the monster's head looks exactly like a mushroom cloud. A fantastic film.
Rated 26 Dec 2023
The first of a legend, so it's all still a bit embryonic, but our main man stomps and snorts his way across Tokyo fucking shit up as we love.
Rated 31 Dec 2023
Released only 9 years after the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the original Godzilla is a poignant metaphor for how humans will bring apocalypse upon themselves. Even after defeating the monster, the tone remains bleak and somber. That said, there’s some genuinely epic moments of destruction. My favourite line, said in reply to a question about how to kill the monster, “Godzilla was baptised in the fire of the H-bomb, and survived.” Iconic music as well.
Rated 28 Jan 2024
The fantastic opening scene that depicts Godzilla's attack as if it was the nuclear bomb dropped on Japan, arguing that a Godzilla-like dark and aggressive energy (Japanese fascism) caused this catastrophe. The film suggests that Japan can only get rid of this monster by submitting to American rule and committing itself to science and progress (the scientist that sacrifices himself to kill Godzilla). Fun to watch and at times pretty dreamy and atmospheric.
Rated 14 May 2024
Godzilla looked so cute here!!
Rated 14 Dec 2013
Certainly devotes itself fully to the "don't show the monster too soon" philosophy. The depiction of the human toll of Godzilla's rampage is surprisingly grim, and handful of scenes -- most notably those of Tokyo aflame at night -- are quite striking. The script, however, offers very little of interest and the nuclear theme doesn't add any profundity.
Rated 17 May 2014
Puta filme bom. Plus: Takashi Shimura!
Rated 13 May 2014
Juliette Binoche in 3D or BUST!!!
Rated 28 Mar 2015
This movie (Unlike many of it's successors) is not just a brilliant monster movie but a more complicated and morally ambiguous film which has some meaning full questions that some feel honor bound to answer, there are relationships that falter and spirits that are tested. all in all a classic Japanese film.
Rated 07 Jan 2018
The original Japanese Kaiju extravaganza hides most of its themes behind some incredible special effects. The acting and the story work on a level which wouldn't be seen again in the series. Considering the camp and formula to come, Gojira is a gem of a foreign film.
Rated 21 Sep 2013
Classic sci-fi. Good pacing keeps the tension ratcheted up, and the plot is devoid of the campiness found in the sequels.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
It's wearing its age at this point and there are a few sections of, admittedly warranted, cultural ham-handedness but Godzilla is a classic film that says a lot about the world of Japan at the time of its release. A terrible event happened to their people and Ishiro Honda put his feelings to the screen and created an important message that should still be heard today. Check this one out.
Rated 21 Jul 2009
I'm a pretty die-hard Godzilla fan. This is the original film and it holds up incredibly well even after 50 years--a nicely original story (for its time) with compelling characters. The score is one of the best, as Ifukube's always were.
Rated 09 Dec 2012
The final underwater scene of Gojira is in my top 3 favorite scenes in cinema. Honda gets a bad reputation for some of his more silly projects, but this movie proves he has enough skill to craft the best monster movie ever made.
Rated 23 Sep 2016
While Godzilla is super cheesy and outdated, its effects are still awesome today. Perhaps its nostalgia and pure enjoyment, but I loved the visuals. Also with that being said, the story was solid. The first half was interesting, and the second was really cool, so when the two mixed for a nice statement on modern war and nuclear weapons it worked effectively. I liked this a lot, and I can't wait to get more into the kaiju mythos.
Rated 05 Jan 2011
The special effects are weak compared to American films of the same era, but it's an incredible and heavy-handed film about nuclear terror. American dub is just ok, since it kind of takes out all of the nuclear messaging.
Rated 05 Aug 2013
Yes yes, it has a reputation as the king of silly monster flicks (thanks mainly to the sequels). But any film that features scenes of Japan's cityscapes burning and in ruins, less than a decade after WW2 is nothing short of shocking.
Rated 03 Jun 2010
Surprisingly poignant, especially as a reflection of post-war Japan. While the allegory is made pretty blatant, there's a sense of weight applied to that allegory that was lost on later films. They do a great job of building up the mystique of Godzilla and despite the dated special effects they manage create cool visuals with the character. The film starts off slow and the drama can come across as a bit lame at times, but film is as classic as it was in the 50's.
Rated 13 May 2013
Godzilla (also known as Gojira in Japan) is one of the most known and celebrated giant monster movies, and rightfully so. It's not just a giant monster movie. It's about a natural disaster, a genuine horror, and that's exactly how seriously the movie treats itself.
Rated 15 May 2014
Rated 15 Nov 2009
A rip-roaring classic fucking film
Rated 10 Aug 2010
A classic that features multiple layers and covers Japan dealing with being nuked. The scene of Tokyo being destroyed is still very bleak and powerful stuff. Definitely one of the best in the series if not the best of the original ones.
Rated 03 Aug 2013
watched: 2013, 2014
Rated 07 Mar 2017
A great piece of cinema history despite the ageing Godzilla.
Rated 20 Apr 2014
Rated 06 Dec 2008
This film has a great start. Like, from the very first scene we know about Godzilla (unlike King Kong, we get to know him 40 minutes later). There was many talking about him from the beginning, and until the 20th minutes we get see him. On the 30th minute, the film got boring and dull. The movie should've been more about the monster rather about humans (since they are mostly shown). It seems like the titular character is a supporting one, and part of this film's SUBPLOT.
Rated 04 May 2014
pretty hilarious, some of the effects are just downright terrible but its forgivable since its so old. It adds a bit of charm. The movie also has a message to tell. I still thought king kong was better though
Rated 08 Jun 2014
SInce I love films with shit primitive special effects, -questionable- science, and general try-hard-seriousness/utter stupidity, I liked some things about this. At the same time, this contains jaw-droppingly inept editing, dubious social commentary, and is just generally baffling-- ftmp not even enough to be not-boring, which just makes it even more baffling[?]. This is my first kaiju film, and wasn't exactly disappointing, just different than my expectations. Weird classic.
Rated 05 Feb 2015
Passes the time.
Rated 30 Aug 2011
The monster effects are a charming artifact. The human element is a little boring, despite the presence of Takashi Shimura, though Serizawa is an interesting character. I loved his ending, and the overall method of defeating Godzilla is pretty cool.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
Daisuke Serizawa-hakase: "Ogata, humans are weak animals. Even if I burn my notes, the secret will still be in my head. Until I die, how can I be sure I won't be forced by someone to make the device again?"
Rated 29 Sep 2008
The start of a Pop culture phenomenon is TOTALLY different without the campy Raymond Burr inclusions, but is still a pretty damn fine fillum.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
NDR i 70'erne, torsdag aften kl. 22 - et must for en 12-årig
Rated 22 Jan 2008
The original jap version without Raymond Burr is a great metaphor for... surprise, atomic weapons! But it's fun nonetheless.
Rated 18 Apr 2013
Liquid oxygen? What will they think of next!? Weirdly enough, Godzilla is at it's most interesting before Godzilla actually destroys anything. Score is not a grade.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Its always nice to see something thats not an arthouse exclusive made with such pragmatic artfulness which is, I think, the ethos that general-audience cinema should aspire to. The narrative messages and cinematic language are quite direct and focused, leaving us with a strong film, with a fair bit of complexity, about a giant radioactive lizard on a rampage. Nice.
Rated 02 Oct 2015
Blah. A lot of bad overacting and the message of the film explained by one of the characters. Not my cup of radioactive waste.
Rated 05 Sep 2011
Not my kind of movie.
Rated 17 Dec 2015
Godzilla has been a pop culture icon for so long that it's great to discover that the original film is still a deeply personal screed against nuclear warfare and that the sequences of Godzilla himself are still beautiful and nightmarish.
Rated 14 Dec 2008
The characters are actually interesting and not boring like how most monster movie characters are. The special effects are laughable.
Rated 03 Dec 2014
The first one still holds up because of the underlying themes of nuclear fear, WWII trauma and so on. Especially the eco-message of man being hunted by the effect of his own pollution is still relevant today. But of course all that wouldn't matter much, if the main action wasn't so enjoyable still too. Great memorable theme! (2nd viewing, 1st:65)
Rated 24 May 2019
I can appreciate it as a part of film history, but it was boring in 2019.
Rated 11 Jun 2019
I mean, sure, historically it's important as a film. But a good movie it is not.
Rated 16 Feb 2021
Surprisingly dark film compared to the colorful and cheesy image that I had of Godzilla based on random sampling of 70's films. This could almost be considered a war film and the fear of the bomb is strongly in it's DNA. The longer Japanese version gives more time for the background but mandatory romance and long laboratory scenes could have used some trim. Sound FX are particularly impressive considering when this was made. I will probably return to this after I've seen some of the later films.
Rated 25 Jun 2020
Still good over half a century later. It feels less serious now, but that might be in light of the hilarious sequels.
Rated 24 Oct 2020
It is a joy to be pulled into the hype machine of an iconic movie. Oftentimes the Criterion symbol invokes dread, but not this time. I woke up with the melody of the scoring in my head, and would gladly listen to it for the rest of the day. 
Rated 01 Jul 2022
Awesome moral questions and loved the storytelling and script. The story is of course fairly silly and the visuals, perhaps cutting edge once upon a time, are simple. Still I think this is a classic for science fiction that has echoed in later stories questioning the relationship between science and humanity.
Rated 13 Feb 2021
Rated 06 Apr 2021
The scourges of the genocidal US, a postwar country torn between nationalism and pacifism, the bastardization of science for violence, but also a handful of vestigial characters, no shortage of camp, and a general tendency to overexplain metaphors. 1000th rating!
Rated 18 Apr 2021
brisk pace but still comes up a bit boring sometimes. some special effects still look great, others less so. good reflections on man-made destruction colored by the real history adjacent to it
Rated 21 May 2024
If you're into old-fashioned effects, where a man in a rubber monster suit destroys miniature cities... yes, you'll definitely have fun, but this movie can in no way compare to the 21-year-older movie King Kong.
Rated 06 Jan 2022
masao tamai kinography/100
Rated 27 Aug 2022
For such an old movie, it really does build up tension effectively, even in the modern day, through planning its shots right and managing some pretty damn nice FX for its time. It's a powerful commentary on the impact of atomic bombs dropped in Japan in WW2. I've never seen the Americanized version of this movie and I think I will never bother to watch it, either. A true classic of monster movies!
Rated 16 Apr 2023
The monster smashing is great fun. A lot of the special effects are quite good, some others will elicit a giggle, either way it's fun! As with any monster movie, the human bits are a total, skippable bore.
Rated 13 Jul 2023
he he cute film : )


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