The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

2h 32m
Batman and James Gordon join forces with Gotham's new District Attorney, Harvey Dent, to take on a psychotic bank robber known as The Joker, whilst other forces plot against them, and Joker's crimes grow more and more deadly.
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The Dark Knight

2h 32m
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Avg Percentile 75.91% from 27377 total ratings

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Rated 27 Jul 2008
Where Batman Begins had a far better script and less eye-rolling moments, this film triumphed thanks to its great performances and action sequences. To say Ledger was phenomenal as the Joker would be a gross understatement. It's a character and performance I won't soon forget. Nolan's direction is right on the money too. The script, however, was too contrived and could have used a bit of polishing. Other than that, this is one of the best films of the year, see it twice, or even more.
Rated 21 Jul 2008
Couldn't grade it after one pass (I was afraid I'd be overcome with hyperbole) so I saw it a second time in IMAX for a more critical viewing and, I can happily report that his is complex and ACCESSIBLE film-making at its finest. The plot is so dense that repeated viewings should really be a requirement. Bale and Eckhart bring the goods, and of course, Ledger is off-the-charts. But how great is this movie, that his iconic Joker couldn't overshadow what is a fantastic piece of pop entertainment?
Rated 02 Aug 2008
So good that almost all criticisim I have for it is something tiny. I only have one big problem, Maggie Gyllenhaal is not a good replacement for Katie Holmes by any means. Anything that anyone has to say about Heath Ledger is like beating a dead actor--pun intended--but seriously he's amazing.
Rated 19 Jul 2008
I have to say, that this is my favorite comic book film. It's brilliantly paced, punishing, ruthless, adrenaline-driving and succesfully dark and evil. Heath Ledger's Joker has got to be one of the greatest, most psychotic depictions of an antagontist ever, and it's the best performances of this decade. So, I bet you're going to ask me, why did I give it a 96? Well, the script is contaminated and the second half featured holes. Still, one of the year's best.
Rated 07 Aug 2008
I tried my level-best to find something about this film which I dislike, but came up empty handed. The storyline is a dark and intelligent crime-thriller and never devolves into the campy self-parody that has plagued many prior Batman films. All actors involved deliver top-drawer performances and Ledger creates the most memorable on-screen villain in at least a decade. It'll take something special to unseat TDK as my pick for Best Picture of 2008.
Rated 23 Aug 2008
How does a superhero film this complex, fearless, & oppressively DARK become one of the biggest films of all time? How did the same audiences that turned Pirates 3 & Transformers into hits last year, do the same with TDK? This film has momentarily raised the bar on action movies and movies in general. IF H'wood had brains it would learn 3 things from this & Iron Man: characters should be interesting ESPECIALLY when not punching each other; audiences WANT to be surprised; make things smarter. IF!
Rated 10 Jan 2021
Nolan created something special merely by being grounded and whittling down action spectacles to their simplest essence. His world building is perfect, with an opening that shows how criminals, the police, and media have all changed because of Batman. It isn't all cold and clinical: the psychological-philosophical conflict between Batman & The Joker would be a compelling stage reading. And the entire picture is smart fun, with several examples of what quiet drama scenes in action movies can be.
Rated 04 Sep 2008
A long, tedious, humorless, pretentious, unpleasant flick that never tires of telling us how profound it is--in-between all the explosions and mayhem.
Rated 21 Aug 2008
Bale has been a very good batman in batman begins and he still is but concerning acting performances batman gets easily outplayed by the joker in this movie. but this one got a whole lot more to offer: fantastic photography, fine production design, action at startling speed and it's simply captivating.
Rated 01 Jan 2010
Meh. A good Batman movie needs three things: a cool Batman, an imposing Gotham, and an awesome villain. This flick has a great villain, but Christian Bale is a lame Batman and Chris Nolan's Gotham is way too normal looking. Ledger's Joker raises this above the level of Batman Begins, but not by much. The writing is laughably one dimensional and the fighting is visually incomprehensible.
Rated 29 Aug 2009
Heath Ledger's performance is gripping in this film. He takes the role of the villain to a whole other level. I found myself rooting for the villain at times. It is a very dark film that has some flaws but is near perfect. Bale's gruffy voice is a bit annoying at times and the action sequences seem rushed. I believe Harvey Dent was killed off a little too soon, but Eckhart's performance as Dent was great.
Rated 16 Jul 2008
A thrilling, visceral, ruthless, thematically dense, and vastly entertaining crime epic that soars even above my lofty expectations. I'd almost forgotten what it feels like to have my pulse quicken in excitement in a movie theater. The cast is terrific and Heath Ledger's towering, monumental performance as the Joker stands tall even among these giants. The Dark Knight is the Empire Strikes Back to Batman Begins' A New Hope.
Rated 19 Jul 2008
The Dark Knight is definitely an awesome film. The action was some of the best in recent memory. I was never a fan of Ledger, but after seeing his performance in this, I wish he was still alive to make more. Heath Ledgers Joker even surpasses Jack Nicholsons Joker in my eyes. That being said, there are a few flaws with the film, it was too long and it seems rather rushed, and there was some extremely cheesy dialogue. The high point, and the main reason to watch The Dark Knight is for Heath.
Rated 10 Aug 2008
I'm a superhero-fan, so I had to see this film, and damn I wasn't disappointed. This is thé best batman-film ever. The story is better done than the other movies and the film itself is much darker. The characters aren't just black or white, but they're vulnerable, they're real persons in a movie, not supermighty action heros. Everything is well-chosen, from the dialogues till the action. Can't get much better! And ow yeah, did I mention? Heath Ledger is just.. awesome..
Rated 28 Jul 2008
Without Heath this movie is just not nearly as good. It's his movie and he steals every scene and makes Bale look like some sort of first timer. Bale still has the annoying screaming thing going on which really blows and is still laughable. I also like how you actually see the action in this one instead of in Begins how they would just pan away at all the fight scenes. Despite all it's problems it is still pretty damn awesome and a really good time.
Rated 04 Jun 2020
I enjoyed The Joker so much I decided to try The Dark Knight ( being completely honest) to see Heath Ledger as the Joker and he is the better Joker (in my opinion) the performance was more what I expected Good movie maybe I'll give more of these Batman movies a try
Rated 15 Apr 2013
Absolute masterpiece! Heath Ledger was one of a kind as The Joker, probably one of the best roles ever portrayed on the big screen. From the first to the last second of the movie I havent felt bored for a single moment.
Rated 05 Oct 2011
Without a second thought my favorite superhero movie and one of my favorite crimes movies ever made. Everything just really works here. The acting is really good, Ledger incredibly scary and brilliant, the score is amazing, the cinematography is gorgeous, the directing is solid, and the story is really well conceived and adapted. I personally loved the first two scenes, both showing the paralleled and similarities between the hero and the villain. Brilliant.
Rated 13 Aug 2008
The Dark Knight is an excellent film backed up by a profusely dark and chilling lead villain, some great action sequences and a corrupting element of humour that fits in perfectly with the inspirational evil of the Joker. While Bale might have put in a good enough performance, he is overshadowed my the rest of the cast with Ledger, Caine and Eckhart putting in the films best performances. It's one of the best action films I've seen, but it has become horribly overrated. Take it for what it is.
Rated 22 Jul 2008
This movie proves that "comic book movie" need not be a pejorative term. The film deals with complex characters, hefty moral considerations, and rich, intricate narrative structures in a way that puts most normal Hollywood fare to shame. On almost every level - writing, acting, cinematography - this film proves itself superb. Every scene, every shot, every line of dialogue helps to create a world so dark and treacherous, and yet so fascinating, that you never want to leave.
Rated 18 Aug 2008
I loved Ledger's Joker. As for the rest of it, it's pretty standard action movie fare which takes itself far too seriously.
Rated 08 Sep 2008
Nolan's sequel is more Heat than Comic Book, taking itself just seriously enough to feel real and dangerous without forgetting its origins. Ledger is incendiary; his Joker dominates every scene he's in. Eckhart's another stand-out in a studded cast, and this is simply a Great movie. The score is excellent, and a few minor holes aside, the script is too. The IMAX stuff is eye-popping. Easily the best comic book film ever made, this is one of the movies that will define this decade in film.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
The whole movie is a mess, tons of plots that seem to go everywhere and no where, too many characters which leads to underdevelopment, overlong, bad pacing, and an embarassing morality tale sequence. Nolan even managed to lose the great gothic visuals of the first movie and moved everything to Generic City, California. Ledger is all that makes the movie worthwhile, and he is incredible. So incredible he managed to fool everyone who saw it into thinking the movie was good.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
I find it really romantic in a way that this was Ledger's last (full) film. Heath re-defined the villain, certainly in the sense of comic book movies. And Christian Bale is definitely my favorite Batman now, de-throning Val Kilmer. nJoy says Ledger's performance is genius, and while I agree, he's not the only one. I think Eckhart virtually perfected Dent/Two-Face, even though the Two-Face portion of the film was mishandled. Underscored throughout by the notion that even the best of us can fall.
Rated 27 Jan 2012
While the setup is a little too farfetched for its own good (the Joker is roughly 200 steps ahead of the police, Batman, and logic) it's a great, fun movie. Bale's angry whisper is a bit much on repeat viewings, but Caine remains brilliant.
Rated 14 Aug 2008
The first blockbuster to truly rival Titanic at the box office in over a decade, The Dark Knight redefined what is expected of an action movie. In terms of explosive visuals, solid acting and storyline, a better comic book movie can't be found. By making a villain that was evil for the pure sake of being evil, Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker became the stuff of legend; earning him a well deserved posthumous Academy Award.
Rated 23 Jul 2008
This is "The Godfather" of super hero films... A brilliant crime saga.
Rated 25 Jul 2008
The Dark Knight raises the standards for blockbuster movies. A well elaborated plot and script, superb acting and filled with interesting characters. ... For once you get the motivation and the psychology behind the violence of the action hero and his nemesis. Especially the duality between Batman and the Joker is brilliant. ... Oh, and I want to declare Heath Ledger's Joker as one of the most amazing and brilliant performances ever. The type of refinement he puts in this role is undescribable.
Rated 30 Sep 2008
More complete nonsense in storytelling, fingerprints from a destroyed bullet? 3D mapping using cell phones? Criminals doing good? Big brother clap trap, some pointless scenes. Dumb ending to top off this overrated flick, lackluster acting aside from Heath. At least it wasn't as bad as Begins.
Rated 08 Sep 2008
The film had its moments--I liked the Hong Kong interlude, for example--but overall I felt constantly jerked around by the way the film was edited and framed. Almost everything's tightly shot, the whole movie structured to make me look at whatever is there to advance the overly-plotted storyline. I also get annoyed at the close-ups during fight scenes, so you can only feel what's going on, but never really have a sense of it. The ideas driving the story are also so-so, just not developed enough.
Rated 18 Jul 2008
If this didn't have that horrible, horrible part with the bombs on the boats it would've been a 90. That part is so lame and heavy handed.
Rated 12 Nov 2009
Heath Ledger was awesome as the JOKER... Just a shame he had to die or the joker vs batman could have went on I think for many more movies.
Rated 18 Jul 2008
There's a lot to be said for The Dark Knight, but I'll just say that Heath Ledger is totally fucking awesome. His first scene in the movie - discounting the opening scene where you don't see much of him - establishes right off the bat that this is the Joker's show, and he steals every scene he's in. A great action movie, even with its flaws (bloat and a pretty sloppily-plotted second half).
Rated 18 Jul 2008
Take it in folks. Superhero movies might not be this good again. It's a truly adult picture amongst children. The themes it sets up at the end make Batman's struggle an eternal one, and it's quite the heartbreaking thrill ride complete with truly shocking twists and turns. The storytelling is masterful and the performances are off the charts. It IS the Batman of the comics, maybe even better. A haunting masterpiece.
Rated 19 Jul 2008
Its bizarre how much of this is done so well while other parts simply don't work. Difficult to rate but easy to ignore the flaws [overstays its welcome by 30/40 min & a serious problem of trying to be more than its material can handle] when the direction they take Batman/Joker/Two Face is so entertaining.
Rated 05 Jun 2011
"The Dark Knight" is a truly memorable film that rises far above the action genre and lives in the realm of art. Why this movie failed to receive an Oscar nomination at the very least befuddles my mind. Heath Ledger as the Joker created perhaps the greatest villain since Hannibal Lecter and delivered the following immortal line: "Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things!"
Rated 19 Jul 2008
heath ledger etc
Rated 12 Jan 2013
Excellent sequel to Batman Begins, has everything in it to become a classic. Thrilling experience and a spectacular performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker. The film goes on for quite a while but it stays interesting and entertaining throughout. I'd say it's the most emotional in the trilogy, definitely a must see.
Rated 20 Jul 2008
The more I think about this, the less I like it. The gross politics, the length, the godawful pacing, Bale's acting. It's far from the worst movie ever, but a long way from good.
Rated 28 Aug 2010
Heath Ledger looms of Gotham City as the Joker in a marvelous and most definitely eerie performance. The movie is action packed however could have been about 15 or 20 minutes shorter. The Dark Knight is a must see even if you would normally not watch something of its kind.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Eckhart great, Ledger good, Oldman decent, everything else shit.
Rated 24 Mar 2022
"It ain't easy being Batman, Bruce" - God. Surprisingly rich and layered characters and themes, with a grey conclusion a la The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Had to laugh at the "live long enough to see yourself become a villain" bit, given Dent is supposed to be Giuliani (hence the RICO stuff). Some plot holes - Two-Face conveniently escapes the hospital in the seconds between Joker leaving his room and blowing it up, despite no warning. Still, most of its threads reward rewatches. It's solid.
Rated 22 Jul 2008
Better than the first, which was very good in the first place. The cinematography during the fight sequences has improved considerably and though it's not up to the level of Paul Greengrass it's certainly very good. Ledger is fantastic as the Joker and really makes the character his own psychotic masterpiece. My only real complaint is that Bale's "Batman voice" sounds like someone faking a tough guy voice, I know it didn't change from the first but it's just starting to get to me is all.
Rated 20 Sep 2010
Brilliant acting and directing makes (up to this point) the ultimate super hero movie. It also is the first to really transcend its genre.
Rated 10 Aug 2008
I've been in the mood for some escapist fantasy, so this hit the spot. It's utterly ridiculous, of course, and despite the hype it does nothing to break free from the usual superhero genre trappings. But it's good fun and nothing in it really irritated me (a little long, though, I was checking my watch frequently towards the end). Christian Bale is boring as hell, but Heath Ledger makes up for it; not the amazing performance it's being hailed as, but more interesting than the average villain.
Rated 26 Apr 2011
Absolutely marvelous, comparable with anything ever made. Best in its genre by a country mile with a truly unique aesthetic full of subtle ethical quirks and gnarly little games. It's an unwieldy beast of a film, but with that chaos, the chaos motif resonates only stronger. The Joker is a puzzle indeed: is he a master planner or a chancy improviser? Where DO those scars come from? His very identity is chaotic, menacing; but also a touch pitiful.
Rated 23 Jul 2012
The heist opening and The Joker's magic trick get it off to a sublime start, and the whole thing breezes by. A much more ambitious film than its predecessor, one can forgive the few times it overreaches, trying to be topical or over-exemplifying its themes. Ledger's performance is odd, showy, somewhat brilliant and a bit much. The reasoning behind what happens at the very end is dubious. Another quibble: when casting a blockbuster love interest for two main characters, why not pick a pretty one?
Rated 25 Jul 2008
Wow. The greatest comic book film I've ever seen. A brilliant showing by all involved with Ledger providing the greatest depiction of a villain in a long, long time. Fantastic action, but most of all the drama is what sold it for me. This tragedy ranks up there with Greek mythology and transcends its comic book roots. The best film of the year (thusfar).
Rated 27 Feb 2021
It makes you wonder how Nolan was gonna top his original, and yet he did it. Ledger and Eckhart deserve a lot or credit for their villainous roles. Nolan's screenplay was filled with depth and character progression we hadn't really seen yet in a superhero film. It's hard to argue that Batman's identity could have been captured better than it is here. This is a statement, one that puts you through so much, yet still isn't fully complete. Seemingly, with no roof on it's potential.
Rated 26 Jul 2008
Takes the foundation that Begins built and perfected it. Amazing acting all around. People say a lot about Ledger but what about the others? Eckhard, for example, was brilliant as Dent. This movie out-Heats Heat, so it works both as a crime drama and a superhero film.
Rated 26 Jun 2010
Not understand...
Rated 31 Jul 2008
Opens with a brilliantly effective and efficient sequence which the rest of the movie never quite matches. There seemed to be an awful lot of monologuing/discussion of the protagonists' motives and intentions. While there are some good moments, and decent performances, the film seems to be a tad confused - there is perhaps too much focus on facilitating suspension of disbelief (evident in Batman Begins as well), and I sometimes felt I was watching "Heat" with characters in Halloween costumes.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
Just rewatched this and I was thinking about how much I didn't like The Dark Knight Rises. The conclusion I had is that this film was made in the editing. Both films have annoying plot holes (albeit this one less) but The Dark Knight has the pace of a rocket. There isn't time to really be struck by anything dumb because every scene hit a memorable moment and then instantly hits the next beat. And it manages to not be rushed. We get all the character and story we needed, just not what we deserved
Rated 19 Jul 2008
I was really, really not expecting to get my ass kicked by a Batman movie. This is all about how the world is (not "has become", IS) so crazy that some whackjob going around beating up criminals dressed as a bat would fit right in. Nobody in the picture ever says "9/11" or "Nick Berg", but you know damn well it's also about them. Much meaner, uglier, and scarier than I would ever have guessed
Rated 20 Jul 2008
Nolan has constructed an incredible movie here, that works on every level for a comic book movie. The action is great and inventive,and the story is unpredictable,exciting, and has the same depth of character and themes as the comic in its best years.And Ledger turns in THE definitive joker role, every bit as good as you've heard, maybe moreso.He is a truly terrifying character, yet you find yourself laughing with him.This is the Empire Strikes Back of Batman: better and darker than the first.
Rated 21 Jul 2008
Holy smokes! There have only been a few movies that I wanted to immediately watch again as soon as they were over and this was one of them. Even after sitting through it for 2.5 hours, I still wanted to watch it again right after. Every scene that the Joker was in was amazing. Hilarious, sad, scary... "six?" Oh man. I really hope this was it for the Batman series as anything after this could only be a colossal disappointment. Wow.
Rated 22 Jul 2008
Darker and grittier than Batman Begins, with better characterizations. Whereas the all around motivation in the first was fear, in this one it's just sheer chaos. Bale and Eckhart are both good, but Heath Ledger's charisma as the Joker is off the charts. His take is not only better than Nicholson's, he creates one of the most memorable movie villains ever. All that said, I think the film is still a bit overhyped. Its pace is constantly going full throttle, and it lacks subtlety.
Rated 23 Jul 2009
Cool, Christian, you can talk like you gargled broken glass and rinsed with paint thinner. Hopefully next movie we can understand what you're saying. Maybe.
Rated 13 Apr 2015
A truly riveting movie from beginning to end, never letting up its incredible pace: It's jam-packed with edge-of-your-seat action (that car chase!), fascinating themes (issues of morality and the human psyche are explored) complex characters (the line between villain and hero is blurred) and captivating performances (you never want to blink when Ledger is on screen), all perfectly complimented by an exciting and epic score. It's the quintessential superhero movie.
Rated 31 Jul 2008
It's a good movie, but a bit overhyped. Plus: a good performance of Ledger, makes it interesting to watch. Minus: the length (2face part was boring). Also Morgan is getting too much typecast for these roles.
Rated 18 Nov 2008
Ledger does a good job, the rest...I'll probably forget the whole movie within the next two weeks, just like Iron Man.
Rated 25 Jul 2008
The Dark Knight boasts tremendous action sequences and aerial shots of a gorgeous city. The film is painfully intense. I cringed away from the screen like an old woman during several scenes. Ledger is absolutely frightening as the Joker. The story is much weaker than in Batman Begins, however. Let's hope they remedy that if there is to be a third film.
Rated 06 Apr 2009
Painful to watch. This movie needs to get on a treadmill and lose 45 minutes of fat. Lose the distractions. Lose the boat hostages. Lose the fight scenes which are nothing but a fast-edited sequence of black swishes. Lose all the Bruce Wayne and Alfred scenes, which are devoid of cool. Lose the plot holes. Lose the Scarecrow and the Mayor. Heck, lose Harvey Dent, he added little. Just do pure Batman vs the Joker, that would have been worth watching. P.S. Heath Ledger was good.
Rated 27 Aug 2009
Many Marvel comic films have been produced before The Dark Knight, however none can compare with the pure perfection of this film. The sequel to the Batman follows Bruce Wayne through his vigilante role in Gotham City. Christian Bale plays billionaire Bruce Wayne, and his alter ego Batman. The notorious Joker created disorder and terror. Heath Ledger possibly produced the best villain in any movie ever shot. The movie was an excellent film that captures the long time "Good vs. Evil."
Rated 31 Jul 2008
My favorite part about this movie is how they got the same actress to play Rachel as they did in the first one.
Rated 14 Feb 2015
The greatest comic book movie of all time. Zero doubts about that. Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker hasn't been topped, and no one has even come close. Nolan's story does such a good job deconstructing (in the popular sense) the narratives that Batman tells himself in order to be Batman, and the parallelism with Two-Face was a great vehicle to accomplish this. Never has a piece of Batman media gotten the mythos so perfectly complicated.
Rated 14 Dec 2010
Continues Nolan's admirable crusade to eradicate Batman and Robin from our collective memory, pulling the franchise further away from camp towards realistic, adult themed crime-fighting darkness. There are some pacing problems in TDK and Batman gets to play second fiddle (or third, actually), but none of that matters, when you have the most iconic (and scary) bad guy in recent history. Ledger embodies chaos in this movie and steals it completely (with the intent to burn it down, I'm sure).
Rated 28 Jul 2008
How can you not love this movie? Although it was a bit too chaotic at times (especially at the ending); this has got to be the best Batman movie ever. Christian Bale is a great Batman, but in this movie he gets overshadowed by an incredible performance from Heath Ledger. One might argue that he gets this much credit just because he passed away but trust me, his part in this movie is pure genius.
Rated 28 Dec 2008
nice movie
Rated 15 Nov 2009
Near perfect movie making. Nolan's crime epic stumbles a bit towards the end of Harvey Dent's character-arc, but by then Heath Ledger's joker will have shocked you so much that it no longer matters.
Rated 24 Jan 2009
Although I'm in the minority here, I strongly believe that Heath Ledger aside, this movie is just not all that great.
Rated 18 Jul 2008
An adrenaline-soaked soap opera with a brain. It's not exactly subtle, but it is pungent, provocative, exciting. Lost amid the well-deserved hoopla about Ledger's turn as the Joker is praise for Eckhart. His casting as an arrogant idealist who falls from grace is brilliant.
Rated 18 Jul 2008
What is there to say about this masterpiece that isn't so blatantly obvious upon a single viewing? Literally everything about this film is rock solid, giving you insight into just how a comic book movie can transcend its source material and rival that of which is considered a "classic." Heath Ledger in particular is a genius in this film, giving the performance of his short lifetime. People deserve a better class of action movie, and The Dark Knight gives it to them. This is an all-time great.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
Heath Ledger's chilling performance as The Joker is reason enough for you to want to see this movie. So you watch it, and then you realize that the movie in itself is reason enough for you to want to go see it again.
Rated 14 Dec 2008
My 82 is just for the Joker, what a performance! Everything else is good but not huge.
Rated 19 Jul 2008
This film is on par with my childhood favorite, Burton's Batman. I never expected this to ever happen. I have a hugely talented team of filmmakers to thank for this. I love Nolan, and I can safely say this is his best work yet. Perhaps ever. Everything technical is top-notch. And, of course, the icing on the cake: Heath Ledger. His demented Joker is a testament to the very best an actor can accomplish to disappear in a role. Simply iconic. The entire production deserves a standing ovation.
Rated 23 Nov 2008
Not the perfect film, but it falls short by just so much. Christain Bale's Batman voice continues to perplex, and some of the dialogue can seem a bit forced. That being said, Heath Ledger completely becomes the Joker to the point that it's frightening to watch. Also, where most movies follow a Rising Tension-Climax-Falling Tension format, Dark Knight more-or-less starts at the climax and never slows down. This film is not for the faint of heart.
Rated 20 Jul 2008
A quality film that does the legendary comic book hero justice.Heath Ledger's performance is outstanding and will no doubt be remembered as the best Joker, His death is a great loss to cinema.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
Heath Ledgers performance was almost too good. Amazing movie that filled the Superhero genre with life again.
Rated 20 Nov 2009
Not as good upon a re-watch on a TV than in a theater. Ledger was still great as was Eckhart and Oldman. This film ultimately suffers from trying to do too much. As good as Eckhart was his story once transforming into Two-Face was rushed. Bale, Eckhart and Gyllenhaal's love triangle only hurt the flow of the movie and was only used to set up one part. People will say this is the best Superhero movie but in reality it is the best supervillian movie.
Rated 10 Feb 2010
When Tim Burton kicked off the last Batman franchise in the late 80's, I actually thought his Batman movies were meh. Christopher Nolan succeeds in making them look like masterpieces by comparison. I really find hard to believe that people, even teenagers are impressed by this high-budget combination of profound stupidity and self-seriousness. The only thing this film does right is hide some of Christian Bale's terrible acting behind a mask.
Rated 27 Feb 2014
The Dark Knight is the perfect continuation that remarkably surpasses it's predecessor. Nolan excels himself and takes Batman to an unimaginable scale of brilliance. The story telling is masterfully constructed, the IMAX sequences and cinematography is spectacular, the set pieces are some of the most impressive put on screen and the performances are superb. Bale, Oldman, Eckhart, Caine and Freeman are all great, but an unforgettable Ledger is incredible. This is modern filmmaking perfection.
Rated 28 Jul 2011
THE DARK KNIGHT is one of those films that thrills me every time I see it, and one where all the complaints I hear hurled against it--the Batman voice sucks, the story is messy, the action scenes are botched--seem truly irrelevant (I also don't agree with them, but that's another matter). The acting is as perfect as one could ask for; Heath Ledger is transcendent, as is the film. It is a triumph for Christopher Nolan; to call it a great super-hero film is inadequate. It is a great film, period.
Rated 21 Jul 2008
Holy shit.
Rated 21 Dec 2011
This is one of the better Batman movies. Heath Ledger does give a performance worthy of the hype. Aaron Eckhart is also very good here. The performance I liked the least in this film is Bale's, at times as Batman he sounds like he is trying to do a Clint Eastwood impression. The script and the directing are both very good here.
Rated 31 Aug 2008
They should rename this movie The Joker
Rated 20 Feb 2018
Almost Flawless.
Rated 24 Jul 2008
I can't wait for the sequel. Wonder what we'll see the Joker do next.
Rated 01 Feb 2018
It gets tons of hype for a reason: Ledger. A perfect sequel.
Rated 28 Oct 2017
Nolan took Batman and turned him into something resembling 'real man' by reimagining his world as a Mann-esque crime film. Nolan lacks the compositional talent of Mann and Burton--his images are spacious and glossy but rarely artful--and it's debatable whether superhero comics provide fertile ground for moral exploration--Batman is destined to remain wedded to a broadly utilitarian worldview--but despite its pretensions it's an impressive contemporary blockbuster. Nothing more, nothing less.
Rated 08 Sep 2008
Ok, so it doesn't quite live up to the incredible hype, but nothing could. It's a fantastic action movie with great performances and improves on some of Batman Begin's failings in storytelling. Not being transcendent doesn't keep it from being great.
Rated 14 Oct 2018
a lackluster adaptation of the chomsky/foucault debate
Rated 23 Oct 2008
Best Batman ever. Someone finally grasped the mentality of the Joker. His crimes were more thought out, deadly, and more symbolic than in the past Batman movies. Only reason this movie gets one pt deducted is because of the change between leading actress. Im wasn't a big fan of whats her face.
Rated 26 Jul 2008
If I had to point out the faults here, it's that the major themes are not subtle at all and are pretty much spoon-fed to the audience (the Joker's upside-down speech particularly bothers me). Nevertheless, the multi-layered script, the score, the cinematography, and Ledger's hauntingly brilliant performance elevate this to simultaneously being one of the greatest superhero films and one of the greatest crime thrillers ever made.
Rated 31 Aug 2018
Everything is superb. And on top of that you get Ledger! I'm in awe of his performance. Once again Nolan's name features on the top of my list. *Fantastic
Rated 21 Dec 2009
One of the best of the superhero movies. Which is not saying a lot.
Rated 23 Jun 2012
Dark, complex and unforgettable, The Dark Knight succeeds not just as an entertaining comic book film, but as a richly thrilling crime saga.
Rated 25 Jul 2010
The greatest superhero film. Christopher Nolan creates this dark tale about not only superheroes, but also about psychological themse. Plus, it includes one of the greatest villains evers
Rated 02 Nov 2010
It always amazed me how overrated this movie had become. Having first saw it in the theater while on a trip to Kentucky I accepted it as a good popcorn flick, but did not think so highly of it as others have come to. There is nothing really special about this movie, the story is decent but everything else is bland and boring save for the amazing acting.
Rated 21 Aug 2008


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