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Drama, Sci-fi
1h 48m
Following a series of unexplained crimes, a father is reunited with the son who has been missing for 10 years. Titane : A metal highly resistant to heat and corrosion, with high tensile strength alloys. (imdb)


Drama, Sci-fi
1h 48m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.61% from 960 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 24 Oct 2021
Would've died if a little hot wheels car/ Lightning McQueen popped out.
Rated 09 Jul 2022
Somehow, it’s about so much more than having sex with a car. Write that on my tombstone. That this won the Palme d’Or means that at some level, we are in the top 100 of the best possible universes, despite everything else. It has the brutality of Angst with the sheer sex of Beau Travail and Cronenberg is in the back licking motor oil off himself like a cat in heat. It’s a film ultimately about self-deception, between abusers and the abused, and every shot screams it’s there for a reason.
Rated 06 Nov 2021
Exhilarating filmmaking that is rightfully and meaningfully enraging. Agathe Rouselle's performance is *immense*. It's brutal, but it's about the trauma of being molested (the titanium is the trauma, and how it is perpetuated, expands and tears Alexis from the inside) which is soo brutal and a lot of textbook symptoms like dissociation (the Cadillac is her father, holding her down through the seatbelts ffs), hypersexual behavior, violence (granted, taken to the extreme), identity crisis, etc.
Rated 10 Dec 2021
Girl murders people then fucks a car somehow then pretends she's a boy, then an old man thinks she's his long lost son somehow. Girl has little metal baby somehow and the old man will love it forever. The end. You can psychoanalyze this garbage with it's painfully obvious symbolism all you want, but any movie that's set in the real world with real humans had better follow real world rules or I'm out. Cronenberg's Crash - clearly an inspiration - was brilliant; this is on the level of bad anime.
Rated 15 Apr 2022
We're supposed to marvel at the protagonist's gruesome senseless violence, and then we're supposed be moved by how she's just compensating for her daddy issues, and then enjoy some pointless body horror cliches. As usual with these trash character studies, Titane overestimates how engaging and empathetic the character really is. It's just too quick to forego any attempt at a moral compass in favor of pop psychology.
Rated 02 Nov 2021
David Cronenberg's Crash left such a scar on Julia Ducournau's 13 year old psyche that she just had to make this trendy feminist rage booster. I really hope shooting this film had a therapeutic effect on her because her fears and ideas on men, sexuality, female body, motherhood, aging, commitment and love seems be insanely pathological.
Rated 23 Oct 2021
Alexia may be the main character (and Rouselle does good work), but Vincent is the heart. Sympathetic. Ducournau definitely has a vision and style--the body horror imagery and usage of colour--but so far I have been unable to truly connect to her films. This has more depth and emotion than Raw, which was shallow. Really artsy but doesn't use it to cover its ass (like Raw) quite so much, but I still get a bit of that from this. Like if it wasn't shocking, would you care? But entertaining anyway.
Rated 21 Oct 2021
...this is kinda wholesome, not gonna lie
Rated 12 Oct 2021
This happens when you watch The Impostor while tripping on engine oil fumes.
Rated 07 Oct 2021
I hated the first hour... and then! Everything made sense and it clicked. The movie needed to break free, with all its gore and empty violence, from the conventions and coordinates of gender, sexual orientation, and taste. I'm still in awe of how much I was touched by what Titane was after and how it delivered. Love as a choice, love as a true and earned possibility. The family we choose is the only family! What a wholesome and still genuine solution. And what a cool-looking baby!
Rated 06 Oct 2021
A sort of coming of age character study told through the physical. What is left unsaid is bent, broken, scratched, stretched and mended - a mess of strange bodies choreographed by the deep psychic pain of alienation, loss. Almost nothing is explicitly explained about the world this film lives in, but through continuous impulsive action a redemptive human dimension is revealed.
Rated 03 Oct 2021
Girl meets car.
Rated 30 Sep 2021
makes good on the promise of a new audacious voice from Raw and turns up the intensity and emotion to full blast. it has the range, from cold to fiery. it's bold, depraved, touching, funny, beautiful, firing on all cylinders up to the very end.
Rated 08 Aug 2021
Given the violent and misanthropic demeanour of its protagonist, I couldn't label it as a portrait or character study to begin with as her actions barely evoked even a semblance of humanity. But as its themes gradually contextualised and revealed themselves to me, I gladly embarked on this fucked up yet challenging journey of alienation and redemption. Not for the faint-hearted, yet with enough heart and cinematic verve amid the seemingly unrelenting madness.
Rated 23 Nov 2022
Starts off very interesting but I lost a ton of interest when she took on the new identity and stopped talking. I couldn't figure out the new father's motivations beyond the surface of wanting his son. Everybody else also acted weird (firemen) so there's probably some analysis that I'm missing. Fav scene: the ex-wife discovering the secret but urging her to keep the father happy.
Rated 25 Oct 2022
My dumb brain was waiting for a tiny car to come out... like a toy car...
Rated 16 Mar 2022
Hard to rate. A brash and bombastic opening act introduces Alexia, an interesting but unrelatable lead. Then it changes direction and splutters towards its somewhat inevitable ending, Alexia becoming less interesting but no more relatable. I can suspend my disbelief for the scifi elements; not for the robotic human interactions. It just seemed like a film ticking off a list of shock-tropes with considerations of plot a mere afterthought.
Rated 12 Mar 2022
The fuck?
Rated 27 Feb 2022
Pretty cool that a batshit film like this could win the Palme d'Or.
Rated 19 Feb 2022
Even more frightening, this is based on a true story. Kind of wanted her breasts to turn into headlights. Her legs? Tires. Her face? A motor. May as well try to hit the Grand Slam of ridiculousness.
Rated 12 Dec 2021
Somehow, this movie tackles a dozens themes at the same time while also being incredibly original, over the top and violent. And yet, the movie does not feel overloaded at any point. Ducarneau is working hard on becoming one of my favourite directors.
Rated 06 Nov 2021
What is at play here is the phenemenon of weird, but well crafted art: it makes you wonder why it was necessairy to put in all the effort. As a maintheme I see love; the love from a father (the captain) for a child that is so big that he gets self-delusional. But foremost the love from a daughter who, lacking parental love, gets to love cars. In the extremely literal way that is depicted lays The Message for the human kind: our love for material is a solution for a gap in human contact and love.
Rated 28 Oct 2021
It was interesting to watch the composure and brutality of Agathe Rousselle as protagonist. I can say that the chemistry etween her and Vincent Lindon is also good. Some of the metaphors Julia Ducournau used were the first things that even I, as a cinema addict, came across. A story of vandalism set in a dystopian world. Finally, I want to give my hats off to Rousselle again. She was one of the cruelest characters I've watched in 2021. That ending scene was surreal experience by the way.
Rated 26 Oct 2021
Viewed October 22, 2021. Silly and derivative.
Rated 24 Oct 2021
Rated 13 Oct 2021
After 2016's Raw, anything Ducournau was putting out I was down for. This follow up has some similar intensity, but is quite a bit more visceral. She keeps the viewer at an arms length as it is a bit difficult to get into the head of either of the main characters. Still, there is something magnetic about this filmmaking. Exciting and shocking.
Rated 29 Sep 2021
I was worried this might be too arthousey for me, and it was, but I went to see it anyway and I am glad that I did. It was cool to watch a film this brash & bizarre at a theater with other people- I won't forget that. Agathe Rousselle is tremendous, I was shocked that this is her first movie, and I hope to see more of her soon. Vincent Lindon was also fantastic. The car scene was an experience. The stool scene was incredible. Overall, it wasn't my cup of tea, but it'll be someone's.
Rated 05 Sep 2024
I really liked Raw, but this one I do not get
Rated 22 Aug 2024
kind of a letdown after the masterpiece that is Raw
Rated 22 Jul 2024
Wow... What did I just see? I need to watch this again soon to process. Great / Dark / Gruesome. Can anyone say cult classic!?
Rated 20 Jul 2024
Vincent Lindon is a wonderful actor and if it wasn't for him my score would be lower. It is messy and I fail to grasp the concept of the film. Maybe it is my fault.
Rated 22 Jan 2024
The acting is great. The body horror is refreshingly gruesome. The movie is beautiful in many ways. I just didn't connect with the main idea and so many scenes felt pointless.
Rated 16 Jan 2024
A wildly artistic french film with plenty of nudity and violence, it’s still pretty bad. The story is broadly nonsensical, and pretty much everyone is psychotic to varying degrees. Images look kinda nice tho. The start is kinda mid but it goes crazy towards the end. Firemen’s techno orgy turned incestual striptease transitioned perfectly into the robo-baby birth, intercut with self-imollation.
Rated 22 Oct 2023
Beautifully shot crazy flick about identity, trauma and need for regular oil changes.
Rated 15 Oct 2023
This is the kind of film where everything is a metaphor. I offer that as an observation, not a criticism, but I will say that if particular metaphors don't click for you, the film might not. One of the central metaphors in this leaves me a little mystified, so I fall short of outright loving this fairly incredible film.
Rated 17 Jul 2023
The only thing I knew about this movie was that it's considered shocking and involves a car... somehow. Watching it, I could appreciate the cinematography and especially the beautiful colors in some scenes. I just have a lot of difficulty getting into a movie when the character motivations and reactions seem weird and unexplained to me because then they feel written to me, instead of being actual people.
Rated 18 Mar 2023
There is a lot going on under the surface and the sheer physicality of the protagonist sells it. Took 5 sittings to get through it though.
Rated 02 Jan 2023
What in a flying fuck did i just watched? Huh. Tetsuo: The Iron Man vol. 2? IDK.
Rated 25 Oct 2022
utter bullshit. i watched movies times better than this that i torrented from cinemageddon. do not encourage this shit by rewarding them with the palme d'or, please. it is a disgrace to all the movies that got the award before that.
Rated 06 Oct 2022
Let's see the sequel with the lady and the Eiffel Tower.
Rated 11 Jul 2022
Julia Ducournau is doing the Lord's work (the Lord is David Cronenberg) Between this and Raw, Ducournau has proven herself one of the most exciting filmmakers working in body horror today. That one kill brings new meaning to giving someone a stool sample
Rated 20 May 2022
I dunno, I'm not against body horror but a lot of this was very unpleasant for very little. If I saw this in a theater I'd probably walk out.
Rated 17 May 2022
Quite the experience. If you haven't see it, - Spoiler alert - I was quite disappointed it wasn't a Power Wheel.
Rated 08 May 2022
& anil
Rated 09 Apr 2022
Rated 12 Mar 2022
Bizarre and really gross.
Rated 11 Mar 2022
Raw'la muhteşem bir şekilde uzun metraj sinema dünyasına giriş yapan Julia Ducournau üzücü bir şekilde abartı bir film sunuyor.
Rated 08 Mar 2022
I'm not sure where all the comparisons to 'Crash' come from, since this is a clear riff on 'Tetsuo', in the overt machine fetishism, the obvious aim to provoke as much discomfort as possible and the slow build-up towards a sinister/strangely uplifting post-human apotheosis. Compared to films with the same thematic structure ('Tetsuo', as mentioned, 'Videodrome', etc.), there's a much greater emphasis on the personal psychology of the secondary cast and obv on gender. Sometimes quite beautiful.
Rated 14 Feb 2022
Perfect example that a technically well made, original movie is not the same thing as a good movie.
Rated 07 Feb 2022
Kind of a clumsy tale of new flesh when it goes for the transgressive -- a calculated series of beautifully blunt shocking body horror scenes, at least way better than we've seen in Raw -- and unexpectedly warm, conventionally put together when it comes out as a very straightforward little story of love and acceptance. That said, I guess it's clearly better thought than executed. It would've been a total disaster without Rousselle and Lindon.
Rated 06 Feb 2022
Huh. Now I'm sure I didn't get the movie fully. It was wild. The main two actors do a great job, giving us raw and emotional performances. And that's what the whole film is about. Intense, captivating, provoking. I need to go over this in my head a few more times.
Rated 31 Jan 2022
I could not say that the film didn't left me indifferent, it has even shocked me on some aspects (not the violence but more the psychological side). It's just not the kind of motion picture I like...
Rated 30 Jan 2022
If you can't stand body horror, this movie will only make you cringe. I can't understand why this was made. If it's to glorify love by choice, why does it have to be mixed with so much violence? Even the plot was not inspiring. I don't recommend watching it.
Rated 10 Jan 2022
Julia Ducourneau is coming for you. Yes, you. Bring your own interpretation, they're all in there. Just let the G forces toss you around and you're likely to bump into all of them, and then you have to learn to live with them.
Rated 06 Jan 2022
YAAAAAAS. Best film ever
Rated 31 Dec 2021
Much like Raw, Titane is a horrifying but surprisingly tender horror flick. A horror film about what it means to love and accept others, yourself and your identity. What it means to rehabilitate others and change yourself. What it is to be trapped in a body you don't recognize or understand or love. Combined with some absolutely insane sections of violence, body horror and sex like Cronenberg. Top tier movie.
Rated 29 Dec 2021
okay movie
Rated 26 Dec 2021
Original, surreal, engaging, eben sweet at times.
Rated 24 Dec 2021
I feel like I have a solid understanding of the core idea, themes, and juxtapositions, but I have decided that I am not on the same wavelength as most of this movie. It is too cold and surreal, without even hints regarding some of its posed questions. But it is surely a one of a kind that may have burrowed into my subconscious forever.
Rated 15 Dec 2021
Wild and intense and brilliant, a massive step up from Raw and highly worthy of the Palme. Starts as an electrically weird, hypnotically disgusting fetish flick and morphs into a tender body horror which doesn’t quite have the impact of the earlier scenes but is still an incredible and moving twist. Extremely effective performances and one of the best endings of the year. It’s not a GOAT, but it’s still pretty great.
Rated 13 Dec 2021
I was seriously disappointed; I endured all the annoyances to see a baby car.
Rated 06 Dec 2021
Comparable to Crash, mostly only in theme, but unlike that film from the body horror maestro, this actually leans right into the body horror aspect -- very hard. The emergent theme of mankind's future with technology may be naff and nothing new, but the film handles it in an exciting and blood-pumping way, doesn't make it too obvious, and relates it to other well handled themes of the immateriality of our identities.
Rated 21 Nov 2021
If movies are made to make you feel something and their value measured in the amount and intensity of emotion, then Titane is a masterpiece. Leaving the theatre however, this movie felt more to me like a dose of cocaine. As moviegoers we can become desensitized and long for that innocent thrill of seeing something new, something to shake us again. Titane is brimming with "interpret me"-moments, but a few weeks after seeing it all I am left with is that feeling of having been shook.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
Cannes'da beğenilmeyen ama en iyi film ödülü kazanan film. 1 başyapıt değil. Ama sıradışı ve kışkırtıcı. Benzersiz 1 deneyim. Yaşadığı trafik kazası sonucu, arabalar ile etkileşime giren genç kızımız, insanlardan nefret edip öldürmeye başlıyor. İzini kaybedip, itfaiyecilere sığınan kızımız, içindeki canlıdan da kurtulmalıdır. Metafor dolu. Dehşet verici, sürükleyici ve saçma. Filmin sonu, astravista baby. Elin amma ağırmış. Kaba etimi morarttın
Rated 19 Nov 2021
Although certain flaws, im loving the new french extremity films.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
In my opinion, one of the most special films of the year. While Titane confuses people with its creepy scenes, there are also oddly funny moments. Which I even find sweet at times. *spoiler warning* Just as the director explained, the meaning of the film is the birth of a new humanity. That is the result of the love of two monsters. The baby is the child of Uranus and Gaia. And the baby is a Titan.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
Karşında dik dik sana bakan bir insan gibi baştan sona rahatsız edici. Altın Palmiye kazanmış bir sanat eseri. Herkese tavsiye edilecek türden bir şey kesinlikle değil. Mubi'nin 24 saatlik özel gösterimi ile izleme şansına sahip oldum ve bir an önce Julia Ducournau'nun önceki filmi "Raw"ı izleme isteği doğurdu.
Rated 19 Nov 2021
cannes'taki kör juri izlediğin ödül aldığına eminim acayip boktan bir film. teknik güzelliği olsa da film olarak bu ne amk dedirtiyor. kocaman bir balon. bu filmi övene abartana vs hepsine piyuuu
Rated 18 Nov 2021
wild movie. not sure what to make of it, but i wasnt bored
Rated 14 Nov 2021
Kudos for being bold and original. Even though it often feels like a rather inexperienced director trying to do a woke combination of Paul Verhoeven and Cronenberg.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
Beautiful to watch, hard to watch. This Cannes winner is full of crazy parts, original body horror and strong performances from Russell and Lindon. But it left me puzzled in the wrong way about what it was all about.
Rated 11 Nov 2021
Оценка - 65 Общая - 65 Нарратив - 2 Сценарий - 9 Режиссура - 3 Постановка - 3 Целостность - 1 Монтаж - 3 Выполнение своей цели - 3 Флоу - 2 Жанр - 3 Личное - 2 Атмосфера - 2 Эмоции - 4 Актерская игра - 4 Саундтрек - 3 Синематографи - 2 Визуал - 3 Звук - 3 Продакшн дизайн - 3 Костюмы - 3 Грим - 4
Rated 31 Oct 2021
2021'de #IzlediğimFilmler : 297. Titane (2021) Raw filmi ile ne yapsa izlenmeli kategorime yükselmiş olan Julia Ducournau'nun bu özelliğini devam ettiren filmi. Herkese tavsiye edemem ama Raw'i sevenlerin kayıtsız kalmaması gerek bence ki, kalmamışlardır :)
Rated 28 Oct 2021
I didn't love it, I didn't hate it, it was just weird and ultimately as the movie ended I felt let down.
Rated 26 Oct 2021
+5 for the Future Islands firemen dancing scene
Rated 24 Oct 2021
getting f*cked by a car seems fun ngl
Rated 23 Oct 2021
Rated 21 Oct 2021
Gosto de como se faz belas homenagens a mestres do horror (Carpenter, Cronenberg, Tsukamoto), mas se transforma em algo totalmente novo e com uma pegada de gênero (gender). Queria MUITO ver no cinema, mas como sei que na província não vai passar mesmo, então já tirei esse da frente, mas sei também que teria adorado mil vezes mais na tela grande. WEBRRip VXT.
Rated 19 Oct 2021
Sort of captivating for a film about psychotic female rage, but they could have given the Palme d‘Or to Halloween Kills if political trendiness and shock value are the only standards nowadays.
Rated 16 Oct 2021
Lit my brain on fire I need to revisit it but it's an exhilarating movie like I haven't seen in a long while And surprisingly tender at times
Rated 06 Oct 2021
am i crying or am i vomiting? i don’t know either! raw was pretty intense too but i certainly wouldn’t expect that you can have traces of verhoeven, de palma, cronenberg, and denis while making sense and still having a unique perspective.
Rated 03 Oct 2021
I wouldn’t call it coherent or even consistently visceral. An exceptional first twenty minutes - something like Angst meets Cronenberg’s Crash. The dance scenes between Lindon and Rousselle were undoubtedly my favorites in the last 3/4ths. It’s jarring how separate the developing body horror plotline is from the majority of the scenes with her disguise on - I’d like to have seen more of an internal battle. Could’ve added to the already remarkable performance and created more synchronic
Rated 21 Sep 2021
Cars = daddy issues. Objectophilia = opossite of objectification. Being trans = transhumanism??


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