Anatomy of a Fall
Anatomy of a Fall
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Anatomy of a Fall

Anatomy of a Fall

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 30m
A woman is suspected of her husband's murder, and their blind son faces a moral dilemma as the sole witness. (imdb)

Anatomy of a Fall

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 30m
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Avg Percentile 68.8% from 1214 total ratings

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Rated 04 Sep 2023
Plays more like Anatomy of a Marriage coming undone, as shown, expressed and scrutinized at the hand of an endlessly captivating courtroom procedural. Even though Triet eventually settles for a particular narrative direction, I was much more engrossed by both the psychological and marital subtext that permeates her fascinating script. And what a performance by Sandra Hüller, truly a fantastic actress.
Rated 24 Nov 2023
It's okay, but extremely overlong for its meager substance and not really worth your two and a half hours. However different the French system may be, the trial scenes look like a complete sham, and please don't pour any liquid into an unconscious creature's mouth, despite the movie suggesting it will revive them, in reality they will drown or get aspiration pneumonia.
Rated 01 Nov 2023
Unexpectedly, a movie for our current age of social media and snap-shot judgements. We can never see the whole of someone, even the ones we're most intimately acquainted with. We never have the evidence, we never have all the cards. Sandra Hüller is extraordinary in this and absolutely one of the year's best performances, but I also thought Milo Machado-Graner was pretty terrific as well. In fact, his character is kind of secretly the film's thematic lynch-pin.
Rated 09 Oct 2023
An interesting relationship drama disguised as a boring courtroom drama. Wraps up a bit too comfortably tho for what it starts out as.
Rated 18 Jan 2024
Really solid stuff. Triet and Harari cleverly weave a plot about a troubled marriage that could have ended in the favor of either the court OR Sandra, in a really clever way, with a backdrop about how intrusive and inappropriate France’s justice and court system can apparently be. It is long, but I was much more invested in this case than I thought I’d be, and Triet’s visuals and directing kept my eyes glued pretty much the entire time, as did an excellent cast. For sure one of 2023’s best.
Rated 09 Sep 2023
In awe of the scathing lucidity of this script. The totality of truth explored in the punishing courtroom proceedings is overwhelming. There were truly no more words to be said by the end. I'll end with this: You will never listen to P.I.M.P by 50 Cent the same again. -TIFF 2023
Rated 09 Feb 2024
Took a second to get going, and I was having a little Déjà vu from The Staircase miniseries. But it’s really got a way with sucking you in, especially the courtroom scenes, which are somehow never dull. Beautiful scenery on the few occasions where it’s not indoors, stellar acting, solid script, really just great all around. Like The Staircase, the ending does frustrate me a little, but I understand and appreciate it.
Rated 21 Nov 2023
The action and frame of the film remain tight, focused on extreme closeups and limiting what we witness so that we are left to work through our thoughts towards the ambiguous central event as the trial progresses. Highlights for me were Sandra's passionate monologue in the trial after switching back to English, and the recreation of the cataclysmic argument between married partners.
Rated 30 Oct 2023
If you ask me what I like about films Anatomy of a Fall is like 80% of the way there. I think the Screenplay and performances are very strong (look out for Sandra Hüller at the academy awards). While I was never bored I will say that stylistically it was not exactly bland, but a little too bare bones for my taste. The sparse use of music (mostly for plot points) is something I'm not a huge fan of in movies. Ultimately though, the screenplay is captivating enough that I mostly didn't care.
Rated 13 Mar 2024
The mystery and trial elements aren't what's exceptional here. The acting in the relationship scenes is. There's an almost Bergman level meanness at play at key points, and the unknowableness (our not knowing whether or not Hüller's character is guilty and the psychological thriller stable of not being sure if someone close to you is a criminal) is what makes the drama extra compelling.
Rated 17 Jan 2024
How bad are the other movies presented in Cannes if this is the winner?
Rated 06 Jan 2024
Entrancing over 2 1/2 hours, using the courtroom drama form to dig into its three lead characters (one of whom just happens to be dead). "Can you prove your husband loved you? And remember, we know you're an author and used to lying." In the end, this goes beyond both courtroom and family; It circles between truth and lie, fiction and biography, selflessness and abuse, until the circle perpetuates itself... and suddenly somewhere in there, someone stops you and asks: "Now. Take a stand. Choose."
Rated 04 Jan 2024
Give the dog best supporting actor.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
Utterly fantastic courtroom drama with all kinds of ambiguities and it keeps us guessing, as it's very unpredictable. Much of it is simply courtroom testimony, but these scenes, which could otherwise be pretty dry, are so well written that they work. It really kind of makes you feel like a juror as you hear the facts and reach your own conclusion. There's one scene with the dog that is the best dog acting I've seen (certainly since Air Bud!) No idea how they got him to do those things.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
You will never hear 50 Cent's "P.I.M.P." the same.
Rated 11 Dec 2023
Powerful, emotive study of a [white, western, monogamous] relationship. We see the relationship as if perfectly frozen at a moment in time, thoroughly examined and catalogued. It felt like reading a medical text book might; thorough and detailed, factual and interesting; but the point of the film for me was, by dissecting every joy and every pain of a relationship, do we actually understand relationships better?
Rated 12 Nov 2023
The word case stems from the Latin "cadere" that which falls and sinks. The film investigates both the case, casus, of a family and its therapeutic facing with the past, but also the case of current societies' fascination with appearances and stories as opposed to "facts". As the son creates the emphatic capacity to understand (hence forgive?) his father, the film tells something radical; truth doesn't equal to facts, its an imaginative capacity to understand the other. Phenomenal.
Rated 09 Nov 2023
This film takes the form of a courtroom drama, but it's really about relationships ... how they decline and how little we actually know about those close to us.
Rated 30 Oct 2023
This is a very realistic film, with realistic performances that make it feel like a documentary (I assume the actress will be up for awards). But the actual case wasn't interesting at all. If there were cameras in the courtroom in a real case in my city, I would not tune in. There are basically no twists and no turns. "Witness for the Prosecution" this aint. To quote it, after seeing the film "you expect some reward. But there isn't any. It's just over."
Rated 26 May 2024
For half its running time, this does seem like a high-grade midday movie, and perhaps it’s not much more than that, but, if so, the grade is very high, and the second half does pursue its questions concerning relationships and epistemology quite a distance. Brody sees it as a product of “high-minded consensus”, with “prefabricated attitudes and a numbingly conventional form”, but his presentation of evidence is bitchy and resentful, and I’m not sure he has correctly interpreted the final scenes.
Rated 11 May 2024
Well-directed courtroom drama with great performances (especially Sandra Hüller), interesting perspectives, and effective music. Intelligent, captivating, with strong story, acting (including a rare great child performance), and creative editing and structure choices. A few overly cheesy characters and could be slightly shorter, but overall very engaging. Highly recommended. rating: 8.5/10
Rated 04 May 2024
Not bad, but definitely doesn't deserve the Palme d'Or. I understand that the point isn't really what happened, but more about the story behind it, but is it worth making a 2.5 hour movie? I don't think so. Not necessarily boring, but not that interesting either. Good time killer. That's about it.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Marriage Story has nightmares about Anatomy of a Fall
Rated 24 Jan 2024
Probably the best combination of writing and directing this year. The subjective camera together with the masterfully inconclusive script makes for a riveting movie, where your mind is engaged at all times, your sympathies and conclusions bouncing in all directions. The camera work is peculiar, making you question what perspective you are seeing things from. Every performance rings true, but Sandra Hüller and Milo Graner carry the biggest weight with great skill. Can’t wait to see it again.
Rated 20 Jan 2024
Excruciating to watch. People's lives are unspooled and unspooled and unspooled in pursuit of the truth. Hearts are ripped out and placed on scales for everyone to see. And when "truth" is impossible to reach we must infer, speculate, guess, and then make a decision. But who the fuck are we to make that decision about someone else?
Rated 17 Jan 2024
Rated 14 Jan 2024
As Frank Costello would say, "He fell funny"
Rated 13 Jan 2024
Another banger from the "Anatomy" series. Really hoping they make it a trilogy. This film is great in the way it is constantly making the audience shift their beliefs, toying with the unknowable of what actually transpired. Truth is such a slippery concept, and it is not as concrete as commonly believed. If it's been a while since you have heard the steelpan from "P.I.M.P." then it may be time to revisit that. Do you think the have an Oscars but for dogs? If so, I think we have a winner.
Rated 13 Jan 2024
the fox faced gay-like attorney begged for a kiss. the short haired nico-like writer just didn't respond it. i'm sure all the femme fatales have their reasons
Rated 21 Dec 2023
Stops just short of true greatness for me mainly due to some underwhelming cliches in the actual plot but as a character piece I loved it, a very powerful look at the impossibility of discerning truth with a lot of brilliant ambiguity and jesus Sandra Hüller is just so fantastic isn’t she, good lord
Rated 05 Dec 2023
I have left a review for a week as I wanted to see whether my thoughts on AOAF changed over time. Suffice to say they did. My immediate reaction was that it was SO refreshing to see "real" people act in a film; Hüller was superb. It left me with real sense that something different had occurred, and yes, the films narrative leaves it up to you to overcome or give in to your own prejudices as to who did what to whom, but all these good things masked a gossamer thin and hardly unique storyline
Rated 08 Nov 2023
Guess I wanted more of the intriguing family melodrama -- the battle of egos between failed and successful writers, the son's accident ruining any chance of peace, the couple fights that range from language differences to an affair that was never forgiven -- than the (yes, pretty solid) procedural courtroom drama, but hey, this is either way very good and hits a bunch of high notes along the way. Hüller, kid and prosecutor are brilliant.
Rated 29 Oct 2023
Anatomy of a Fall is a great movie. It’s probably my favorite Palme D’Or winner since Parasite. Of course there were only three winners since then. But I did see all three of them, and this is my favorite of them all. A courtroom drama with a big helping of Marriage Story. It probably won’t satisfy people who want definitive answers, but it’s interesting how it lets the audience make their own theories. A movie that’s sorta talky, but still consistently intriguing.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
"Anatomy Of A Fall" captivates with its character-driven narrative, blending courtroom drama and psychology. Sandra Hüller's nuanced performance challenges her innocence, enhancing the movie experience. Director Justine Triet examines a murder case, presenting compelling testimonials, moral dilemmas, and reenactments. While immersive and intense, the lengthy runtime and use of multiple languages may be jarring for some viewers.
Rated 26 Sep 2024
I hope it's just not made for American Audiences and is actually good if you are European. I couldn't get passed 30min
Rated 24 Sep 2024
One of the most interesting subtly and quietly provocative to the concept of Law and communication failure films I can remember. I loved especially the part at the court
Rated 03 Sep 2024
Sandra Hüller could play a beautiful woman and everyone would believe it.
Rated 21 Aug 2024
The trial is ludicrous from start to finish, but jesus christ Sandra fucking Huller, what a performance!
Rated 06 Aug 2024
This film has a very well done script.Sandra Huller gives an outstanding performance in this film. The story is a bit of a slow burn but it is worth sticking with it. Overall I would highly recommend this film.
Rated 08 Jun 2024
Pros: Excellent acting. The main characters are complex and three dimensional. Cons: Extremely long at 2.5 hours with some extraneous details that could have been removed. The trial was an unrealistic, free-for-all. I don't know much about the French legal system but it cannot possibly work like that.
Rated 22 May 2024
Good acting, at least one point of excellent cinematography, and enough rewards for the clue-searchers in the audience. How courts work in France shown to be weird to most of us who are used to the Anglo/US system. But overall - just did not engage me, found it hard to care about what was going on. At least they didn't decide not/guilty at the end, so there was something to talk about afterwards.
Rated 19 May 2024
Really good, suspenseful without too much drama.
Rated 18 May 2024
Was expecting to love it based on reviews, but I was not blown away. Well made but did not find it to be all that special.
Rated 09 May 2024
I loved it, I just hate that it didn't add enough on top of "the girl with a bracelet" (would have loved to see half an hour after the ending of everyone quietly terrified of her) and that I could hear Louis ck slow-clapping the whole way through
Rated 21 Apr 2024
This film has aspects of Kramer vs Kramer to it at times. Its very much a courtroom based film, depicting a chaotic domestic life. Its a bit stuffy and doesn't make for especially compelling viewing initially but as we become more aware of the surrounding details of what happened and particularly in the last hour of this film, I felt it became more intriguing. I do feel, personally, it was a bit long but thats a personal issue. The actor playing the young son did a good job in his performance.
Rated 15 Apr 2024
sxeseis me aformi eglima
Rated 07 Apr 2024
Great suspense is subdued a little by elongated court proceedings, but this film really shines as the director uncovers the onion slowly. The mother and son stare into the camera several times and their eyes make you wonder the truth without us ever knowing for sure what that is.
Rated 20 Mar 2024
درموردخودکشی یه نویسندس ک از زنش و پسرش دارن تحقیق میکنن، زنه میخاد ثابت کنه ک نکشته شوهرشو، قضاوتهای دادستان و دیگران در مورد اینکه زنه قاتله نشون داده میشه
Rated 12 Mar 2024
Failed to see the hype but it was ok.
Rated 12 Mar 2024
a gripping mix of mystery and character drama, where the characters are afforded layers of depth and complexity, something that grants the film a level of realism and immersion that i found truly captivating.
Rated 11 Mar 2024
W4E1P2S1V1M1A2R2. Occasionally boring, but a great twist on the murder mystery, and a really solid courtroom drama with fun twists and performances (and a fascinating--and presumably accurateish?--look at the French court system). Only knock is that I don't recall being struck by anything--music or a particular shot or the locations--that made it stand out from, eg, a play with the same script. I think that's a knock?
Rated 11 Mar 2024
One of the few legal dramas where two versions of events are equal possibilities and they're presented in a way to create questions at every turn.
Rated 10 Mar 2024
Once again, Oscar bait with cliche ambiguous ending.
Rated 08 Mar 2024
The movie lets you draw your own conclusions on wether this is a film about a grieving widow dragged through a mentally taxing trial or a murderous master manipulator who blew smoke in everyone's faces. The film is objective, the characters are not. It's a good analogy on how humans like to think they know the truth (on any given topic) based on snippets of information that can be construed and misconstrued through the lens of personal biases. That being said (SPOILER?) the mom totally did it.
Rated 05 Mar 2024
i love sandra huller
Rated 03 Mar 2024
Interesting courtroom drama, even if the symbolism is a bit heavy handed at times. Great acting.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
Ótimo roteiro! Atuações impecáveis e uma direção majestosa
Rated 25 Feb 2024
The film masterfully dissects the complexities of a failing relationship, highlighting the stark contrast between partners' perspectives on the source of their troubles. The film poignantly illustrates how easily partners misunderstand each other's inner struggles. Ultimately, it posits that the absolute truth is often elusive, leaving us to decide the most likely scenario.
Rated 25 Feb 2024
As I predicted, does end up being one of those vague movies that lets you simply imagine the ending for yourself. If this were made in the '50s, there would actually be an ending, but despite feeling a little underwhelmed in that regard, I found the film to be forcefully intense, with the court-room scenes confronting and very impressive to watch for not just the superb multi-lingual acting, but for its probing into a doomed relationship and in how a courtroom can attempt to create a criminal.
Rated 20 Feb 2024
As an American (and a lawyer, though a civil litigator with no professional familiarity with criminal law), it is wild to see how the French legal system operates. The movie does a great job of not tipping its hand, and Huller's performance is an all-timer for the same reason. And Machado-Graner, what a turn!
Rated 20 Feb 2024
The trial here is just an excuse to explore a marriage in a very naturalistic and profound way. It could look like Rashomon but the goal here is not to surprise the viewer with different versions of the truth; just show that knowing the truth — especially about a couple, a marriage — is sometime impossible, sometime not that important. The truth is lost in the translation that is every kind of communication (the fact that the characters speak french and english is key).
Rated 14 Feb 2024
Stinks to be on trial for being German in France, but the true crime is that calypso cover of 50 Cent.
Rated 13 Feb 2024
It was just on the edge of be boring, but somehow did just enough to keep me intrigued.
Rated 13 Feb 2024
A very good movie that deals with a wide range of feelings and human conditions. How do we grieve, how do we handle simmering resentment, how do we search for truth and how do we know we found it, how do we communicate with each other and the rest of the world? Powerful.
Rated 08 Feb 2024
Brilliantly filmed, great writing, and amazing performances (especially Sandra Hüller and Milo Machado) make it a super realistic, tense story that keeps you at the edge of your seat.
Rated 07 Feb 2024
Captivating. It's long, but I was engaged throughout. The manipulations of various facts throughout the trial to assist both sides really plays with our perception of events. Triet directed (and co-wrote) this wonderfully and Hüller was fantastic. Strong 8.5 here.
Rated 06 Feb 2024
Can't find anything wrong about this movie but I wasn't involved at all idk.
Rated 05 Feb 2024
Captivating. More are less a court room drama sprinkled with arthouse touches.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
I found myself thoroughly engaged with the proceedings, as nuggets of detail were exposed little by little. Life can pile on, and public and familial perceptions can be unjustly changed forever. But I was left wanting something more by the end, some grand conclusion.
Rated 03 Feb 2024
Very much a 'festival' film, by which I mean 'it's fine'. Having said that, creating an entertaining and respectable procedural/court room drama is a bit of a lost art, so hats off to Triet in that regard. Also, Milo Machado Graner as the son puts in a stellar performance (the kid can act). To be honest, Hüller is nowhere near as good in this as she is in 'Toni Erdmann'.
Rated 29 Jan 2024
Didn't like it at first, but the trial is AMAZING
Rated 28 Jan 2024
An all-around impeccable film. The script and the performances are immaculate; the camerawork is the one aspect I cared the least for, and it's still flawless.
Rated 28 Jan 2024
Exploring the structure of marital and familial complexities, even the clash of artistry and ego that is navigated throughout a committed partnership. That in itself is explored, viewed with subjectivity and left for interpretation that draws the purest of emotions with the incredible script.
Rated 27 Jan 2024
Rated 24 Jan 2024
the dog scene came this close 👌 to ruining the movie of the year for me
Rated 24 Jan 2024
My ★★★★ review of Anatomy of a Fall on Letterboxd
Rated 23 Jan 2024
audiovisual 67 acting 73 overall feeling 66 avg 69
Rated 17 Jan 2024
Plot 14/20 Fiction 17/20 Casting/Acting 17/20 Worldbuilding 14/20 Entertainment 15/20
Rated 14 Jan 2024
Rated 13 Jan 2024
en fazla farklı festivallerin minör ödüllerine yakıştırabildiğim bir film, yani palmiyelik bir durum göremedim. (fakat sırf nbc'yi eli boş göndermemek için herzog amcamın öz kızının hakkını yemişler)
Rated 13 Jan 2024
a weird way to show how people are willing to complete missing pieces of a puzzle in somebody's life with their imagination while being careless on consequences for those who are to be affected by the completion. 12 angry men did a much better job on this topic. your typical French film the one can find during a cinema festival.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
This court procedural drama is reminiscent - both by title and structure - to Anatomy of a Murder, the Jimmy Stewart flick. Unfolds in a gripping manner, is well enacted with a shocking revelatory fight scene towards the end. If only couples nowadays would read and educate themselves a tad more about what they are stepping into, and if they were to follow Christ and His perfect ways, we would see less of the drama depicted here. A little bit of woke nonsense in the middle. c/ Дом на киното.
Rated 08 Jan 2024
Sophisticated and complex, this character study of a woman accused of murder is one of the more challenging and ambitious films of the year.
Rated 06 Jan 2024
Sandra Voyter: "Sometimes a couple is kind of a chaos and everybody is lost. Sometimes we fight together and sometimes we fight alone, and sometimes we fight against each other, that happens."
Rated 03 Jan 2024
Engrossing throwback to courtroom dramas of yore bears more than a passing resemblance to PRESUMED INNOCENT in its reconstruction of the central event as a prism to explore its lead character (and the frustrating ambiguities of the legal system); Hüller’s (excellent) lead performance is so closed off, it becomes difficult to find her plight involving, especially sprawling past 2 hours. Hurt by some too convenient pieces of evidence, but for fans of courtroom theatrics, this is still enjoyable.
Rated 29 Dec 2023
Probably some of the best monologous I've heard.
Rated 27 Dec 2023
Rated 25 Dec 2023
2023'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 210. Anatomie d'une chute (2023) Sandra Hüller'den nefis bir oyunculuk resitali. Mahkeme sahnelerini sevenler için kaçırılmayacak bir gerilim. 8/10
Rated 24 Dec 2023
Enthralling but not fully realized.
Rated 23 Dec 2023
Snoop starts and ends the movie, in favor of Sandra! Poor creature had to go through much only to present her innocent point of view. I wish the conviction danger was more intense, because through the trial sessions I never felt enough insecurity in Sandra. Solid performances though.
Rated 21 Dec 2023
Very well acted and executed, but something about the way that the film deals with the ambiguity of its own premise is holding me back from giving it an even higher rating.
Rated 18 Dec 2023
1 kadının düştüğü kötü durumlar. Tek çocuğuyla yaşayan ailemizin babası, 3 katlı evin terasından düşüp ölmüştür. Cinayet mi? İntihar mı? Bu gizemi çözmeye çalışıyoruz. İtiraf edin arkadaşlar. Biz bu filmden çok izledik. Uzun dava sahneleri, gerçeği öğrenme gayreti, yavaş ilerleyen temposu yoruyor. Filmin sonunda, dava da çocuğun anlatıp kurtuluşu. Kredi çekiyorsun ev alıyorsun. İnsan, 1 usta bulur da çatıyı yaptırır. Pinti herif.
Rated 07 Dec 2023
Very good, and very French.
Rated 19 Nov 2023
Very well put together, difficult to predict courtroom drama that unpicks a marriage. Superbly acted by all main characters.
Rated 14 Nov 2023
Good, but nothing mindblowing.
Rated 11 Nov 2023
Interesting, some dense writing particularly in the court scene, around conflict within couples. Bit of a soft ending, perhaps I missed something? The kid character was way too clever to be believable! The French judicial system seemed way too harsh. Incredible acting
Rated 11 Nov 2023
A very realistic depiction of what it is like to go through the court system, along with all the emotional complexities that go along with it. Though it is well executed, this does not mean its a great film.
Rated 06 Nov 2023
@Kadıköy Sineması
Rated 29 Oct 2023
Väldigt välspelat drama med ett tajt manus om mänskliga relationer och reaktioner. Mycket drabbande och starkt. Den yttre handlingen hamnade för mig i bakgrunden, men inte på grund av att den är svag utan för att det andra är så övertygande. Huller måste nämnas ges ett särskilt omnämnande, men den skiner utan att ta ljuset från övriga som också är mycket bra.
Rated 29 Oct 2023


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