Apple TV Plus


1h 51m
As a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) Ruby is the only hearing person in her deaf family. When the family's fishing business is threatened, Ruby finds herself torn between pursuing her love of music and her fear of abandoning her parents.
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1h 51m
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Avg Percentile 60.14% from 1002 total ratings

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Rated 29 Mar 2022
Putting deaf actors on my hook, baby we have an Oscar bait going. CODA so "yeah it's fine!" no wonder academy was powerless. The addition of a wild cartoony inspirational teacher really thickened the recipe up. I'm doing the sign for eating out of its hand, I'm fine this won best picture it doesn't really mean anything anyways like Will Smith saying please not tonight to Jada rubbing her glistening bald head all over Jaden's friends. Its gonna happen baby, and you're gonna watch it and love it
Rated 17 Feb 2022
Very good! It’s not always hard to see where the story will go next, but does it really matter if you WANT to see it go in certain directions because you like the characters so much? I thought it was extremely well acted and extremely heartfelt. I’m also a musician AND a family man. I’ll watch anything family focused, but it’s not always this good. It’s never schmaltzy and it doesn’t ask easy questions. Funny, sad, and emotional in all the right places. Do yourself a favor and make time for it.
Rated 19 Aug 2021
Emilia Jones was a real pleasure to watch in this, and who knew she could sing like an angel. The story was interesting and engaging throughout. It was also awesome that they used real deaf people to portray the parts of the deaf people. There was a surprising amount of heartwarming intensity. Worth watching and surprisingly satisfying.
Rated 30 Dec 2021
I really loved this. It's got so much heart, but without being schmaltzy. Even though using music can basically be a cheat code for achieving emotional resonance, it felt particularly well done here.
Rated 16 Mar 2022
Its coming-of-age beats may be predictable, but the surrounding context is uniquely affecting. Each member of the family gives a transcendent performance and their bond, as the heart of the film, gives the whole a beautiful nuance and singular power. Really beautiful.
Rated 25 Aug 2021
The deaf actors and the lead were all good, the choir teacher was a little cheesy, but most of the other sentimental moments worked very well.
Rated 30 Mar 2022
The family and fishing (story)line is done very well; the script lures out all of the interesting nuances in the unique context and relational dynamics (the deaf older brother adds another to the titular one), and the cast is excellent. It's marred significantly by the by-the-numbers coming-of-age arc though (the high school, private lessons, and romance scenes are all mostly cheesy), and bland cinematography doesn't help matters. Still, its heart is strong (see father-daughter on the tailgate).
Rated 17 Mar 2022
Kotsur's Oscar win was well-deserved, but it's because of Emilia Jones' wonderful performance that I just loved this very sweet coming of age story.
Rated 15 Mar 2022
In many ways it’s a by-the-numbers coming-of-age movie/Sundance dramedy, but the USP - the focus on a deaf family (duh) - is handled beautifully, with truly remarkable performances and specificity. That dad better win the Oscar! Slightly let down by relying on the cliche of a character not being open about their situation in order to create drama (with Ruby and the music teacher), but brought back by the multiple scenes that made me cry towards the end.
Rated 13 Feb 2022
Rated 16 Nov 2021
A funny, humane feel-good story. Its rough edges are mostly for show, but this should be a major calling card for actress Emilia Jones, who carries the film with heart, humor, and an impressive sense of authenticity.
Rated 28 Mar 2022
Uncinema. Pure formula. Like Apple extracting the working parts of a Hallmark film and running it through their anti-aesthetic filter.
Rated 18 Feb 2022
Absolutely beautiful, charming and touching. Very well done.
Rated 03 Sep 2021
Running on Empty, but with more fish, less lam. A beautiful crowd-pleaser that made me cry at least ten times.
Rated 21 May 2022
I’ve seen most of the years Best Picture nominees, and this is easily my favorite so far. It’s pretty simple, but the characters are really likable, pacing is quick and to the point, and I don’t think I’ve seen a family dynamic quite like this one before. It’s not going to blow your mind, but it’s a very solid film that you should check out if you already have Apple TV+.
Rated 12 Apr 2022
Watched this months ago while preparing for The Oscars, and was pleasantly surprised. Being a musical child from a very weird and offbeat family, I loved this. I really related to the main character in many ways, and absolutely loved the perspective shift when she was performing. Kotsur and Jones were perfect in this and I'd love to see them both in more! With a wonderful cast and beautifully-written, heartwarming script, I highly recommend this. I give 9 choir kids out of 10.
Rated 10 Jun 2022
All the cast was great, but Troy Kotsur was fantastic and really anchored some emotional scenes. I would’ve voted for the last duel over this to win best picture, but this is probably top three movies I’ve seen from 2021.
Rated 27 Feb 2022
Solid throughout, but then, how emotional it made me at the end surprised me. We were all laughing back tears. Best feel-good tear-jerker of the year. Best awards-season contender of the year. I haven't seen a better movie all year.
Rated 27 Feb 2022
Well done, with excellent work from the whole cast.
Rated 10 Mar 2022
There's a lot to learn from CODA. For example, I learned from this movie that being deaf in New England has the unexpected silver lining of not having to listen to all the awful Boston accents around you
Rated 02 Mar 2022
Contrived Sundance screenwriting lab product that is over before any story has been told. We are left with basic situations of inclusion and exclusion and nice characters, some more cardboard than others. But a whole corporate committee at Apple couldn’t conceive of the feel-good machinations Sian Heder has internalized. This dramatic vacuum joins Belfast and King Richard in the club of vacuous pap deemed worthy of Best Picture status by an Academy that keeps sabotaging itself into oblivion.
Rated 17 Aug 2022
Hilarious that Apple TV+ with its selecton of like five movies defeated Netflix in the race for the first streaming Best Picture, and that it did so with this Hallmark-ass Oscar bait. I'd put it above Crash & Braveheart and below Chicago as the third-worst BP winner that I've seen.
Rated 28 Mar 2022
This film is too unbelievable -- they managed to fill a few hundred seats for people to watch a high school choir. Also, I watched this on Apple TV+, and there was no subtitles. So, I thought it was a West Side Story thing, and they just didn't have them. However, with a 1/3 left in the movie, they magically appeared. I am not sure of the issue, but I definitely missed a bunch in this film.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
A clear hallmark of a great film is seamlessly bridging specificity (in this case, Ruby’s “disability” symbiosis with her family) with universality - we relate to this family *as a result* of their difference. Cherish that. It’s lensed rather workmanlike, but the script is beautifully written, jumping constantly and effortlessly through flaming hoops, and the cast is immaculate: these are completely realized characters you’ll carry with you til you die. Yes, I cried. [Applauding in ASL.]
Rated 13 Nov 2021
Very fine film. Good acting, touching and funny.
Rated 02 Nov 2021
Wow! This is a must see movie! Emilia Jones as Ruby Rossi could not have been better cast. She is beautiful, endearing and extremely talented. Her singing is simply flawless. Marlee Matlin as her mother was exceptional as always. The father played by Troy Kotsur was brilliant. Even the music teacher was perfectly cast. I expected this to be a very informative movie and it was. What I did not expect is how many times I laughed until tears were streaming down my face.
Rated 14 Apr 2022
Rated 22 Sep 2021
Suprisingly effective and charming for a movie that often feels and looks like a sanitized made-for-TV family flick, and is obviously weaponized to tug at the audience's heartstrings. I'll allow it!
Rated 05 Mar 2022
Perfect formula Oscar nominations right here folks. With songs!
Rated 04 Apr 2022
The storyline has some issues, sure, but the movie also has impeccable acting and emotional execution. Brings more than enough to the table for what type of movie it wants to be.
Rated 05 Feb 2023
This is super Oscar baity, but that's not always a bad thing, and this is a very nice movie about a subject that is not covered often in film. The characters and performances are all likable, though the choir teacher character is a bit much at times. It's very much a sentimental movie, but it has just the right amount of schmaltz to not make it overbearing. At its best when it's dealing with the family dynamics, which is a good portion of the movie. I could have done without the tacked on romanc
Rated 28 May 2022
Painting by the numbers in terms of its form and lowest common denominator appeal, but it did manage to break through my hard shell in a few ways--usually involving lovely moments that highlight the sounds of signing. In addition, these days I'm a sucker for any sweet moments between fathers and children.
Rated 04 Apr 2022
An example of how a very safe plot with decent humor can still result in a great movie by great casting and a single exceptional lead performance.
Rated 02 Apr 2022
So shmaltzy it almost hurts. I get triggered every time I see a Bruins hoodie so this wasn’t for me
Rated 02 Apr 2022
I hate the type of camera they chose to shoot the film. Because of this, it gives the generic vibe and adds the cheesiness to it. But it's a great film overall.
Rated 30 Mar 2022
Cliched business as usual that feels like a TV-movie from the '80s, a feeling helped by the ridiculous premise (she's not a great singer), the well intended but awfully cringey scene of people dancing at a fucking choir recital, and plenty of plot points contrived by the deaf family acting and working moronically. The use of ASL is the only fresh thing this stale movie has going for it. The Oscars ceremony this won at ended up being a far more emotionally dazzling work of art instead.
Rated 13 Mar 2024
Opinión personal: 8 Actores: 7 Guión: 7.5 Fotografía: 7 BSO: 7.5 Otros:8.5 Iluminación: FX: Director:8.5 Humor: Vestuario/caracterización: Ritmo: Total: 75
Rated 27 Apr 2022
#22#, exp4, rw3, ratings, story.
Rated 18 May 2022
I was not aware that this is not a documentary. It's not really up my alley. It's for more emotional people who have seen less stories. Imagine the story was instead about a poor family without disabilities who couldn't spare the free labor. Suddenly this film becomes a lot more depressing (and common). At first I thought the bit where the audio cuts out was a gimmick, but they committed to it long enough for it to be a valuable conduit to what those characters were experiencing.
Rated 12 Nov 2022
Büyük ölçüde tanıdık bir senaryo ama işlenme şekli güzel. Orijinal anne baba yer yer güldürdü. Esas kızın sesi oldukça güzel. İşitme engelli insanların dünyasına küçük bir bakış atmış oldum ilk kez.
Rated 04 Jun 2022
Typical drama Oscar bait. If you like that sort of movie, you will love this. However, the story line really wasn't super original and I just couldn't get into it. There just wasn't anything to give it any oomph or anything to make me care about the characters.
Rated 01 Oct 2023
A highly likeable satisfying coming of age story. The Deafness angle and the performances gives it an edge and raises the narrative above the predictable.
Rated 07 Jun 2022
Great screenplay. The girl could play better
Rated 06 Aug 2022
it was nice
Rated 08 Aug 2022
This is a good film that gives you an idea of what it must be like to be a CODA (Child of Deaf Adult). Its a bit predictable and cheesy but it has its funny moments too and the acting is pretty decent. Its a fairly thoughtful film, one I'd recommend, yes.
Rated 11 Aug 2022
It’s pretty good but it shouldn’t have won best picture
Rated 09 Apr 2023
Hm really? Best Picture? Guess it’s not fair for me to hold that against it and it should be viewed in a vacuum. But ultimately aside from the boat scenes everything about it just kinda felt and looked like a reasonably competent teen drama TV show. Like was the singing supposed to be all that impressive? Yeah I get it they fade out the sound to show the deaf POV - I saw them do the same thing with the deaf character on the TV show Switched at Birth ten years ago, it’s not that big a deal.
Rated 18 Mar 2023
Great performances and an interesting story elevate CODA above a typical coming of age story
Rated 12 Sep 2022
It is a cliched, but very well made, coming of age story. While it feels somewhat manipulative, it knows how to effectively tug at heartstrings. A few strong performances solidify its standing. I don't understand the Oscars win, but it's good.
Rated 25 Sep 2022
I missed this on the theatrical run and was bummed that this was vaulted behind the Apple TV paywall (I have most of the streaming services but I cannot justify subscribing to Apple as the library doesn’t offer value for the money). This was THE movie I wanted to see for the Oscars. Now that I finally have, it was worth the wait! Kotsur was the definite highlight of the film. I wish I could’ve gotten a full feature on the dad character, what a delight he was!
Rated 17 Feb 2022
Almost too perfect in what it wants to achieve in the heartfelt coming-of-age story genre, could have been subpar if not for Emilia Jones's great portrayal of an awkward teenager
Rated 26 Aug 2021
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Rated 24 Apr 2022
I was surprised at how unpolished this was especially for a best picture winner. Eugenio Derbez was particularly grating. But it did have its emotional high notes despite being predictable. For the feelz… B-
Rated 23 Apr 2022
good pace and interesting story but it's too crowd pleasing and cheesy hollywood style. some of the actings were horrible and some pretty decent. overall, meh.
Rated 14 Nov 2021
Cute, I guess. If you buy into it.
Rated 12 Apr 2022
Super entertaining, very moving, lovely singing, excellent cast.
Rated 20 Sep 2021
It was a cute well-meaning movie, although I feel like I have seen this movie before (no, I did not see the origianl movie yet).
Rated 12 Oct 2021
There's nothing startlingly new here. A young girl from a working class background wants to pursue a path her family doesn't understand. The plot comes complete with an inspirational teacher and a teenage crush. What really makes this film stand out is the impressive specificity it brings to it's setting, and the way it meaningfully examines the gulf between her family's silent world and the world of singing she wants to pursue.
Rated 28 Mar 2022
Kinda uncanny (or just a byproduct of a weak field) that a dime-a-dozen Sundance movie is now enshrined as a Best Picture. Very watchable and easily likable though, so I'm not mad at it or anything. To at least try and offer some insight, I will say it's interesting that the deaf parents are just truly weird people. Maybe the whole bullying thing had a little more to do than just them being deaf?
Rated 03 Apr 2022
This is the most grounded Disney Channel Original Movie I've ever seen. One thing I appreciate is that it doesn't fade to black or wait for the subject to leave frame in the final shot; just hard cut to black with the car still in frame.
Rated 07 Jan 2022
Overly familiar coming of age story relies on its cast to bridge the manufactured contrivances in the screenplay (and they *almost* succeed), but with the parents written as one-dimensional, insensitive clods (until the inevitable reconciliation), and the general on-the-nose plotting, it can never quite convince, resolutely hitting each beat towards its near comical pile of endings. Fine performances all round help, especially Jones' sturdy anchor, and Matlin and Kotsur's weighty support.
Rated 08 Feb 2022
esse filme me fez chorar em um dia que queria
Rated 12 Feb 2022
Allright, this is a very, very cheesy movie, it just happened to rubb me the right way and when I tear up, points are being scored.
Rated 29 Mar 2022
A sincere reminder that you don't need grandiose cinematography, or an exorbitant budget to create a memorable film. Just charming chemistry and skillful storytelling. It's a standard coming-of-age tale in all respects, but refreshing, authentic performances from newcomers keep you engaged regardless. However if you look at the film without the light it shines on an incredibly underrepresented peoples, it does lack originality and plays the formula absurdly safe. A feel good flick nonetheless.
Rated 19 Feb 2022
Some great performances save what would otherwise be a terrible movie. It's cheesy, schmaltzy, and predictable, but from a technical standpoint it tries really hard to make the screenplay work. Definitely not best picture worthy, but hey if you're looking for this type of movie then you could do a lot worse.
Rated 13 Apr 2022
Feelgood: 4/5. A weak four however. I mean, it’s basically another generic ”High School Musical” with some deaf people thrown in. But still there is some charming element to it. Clearly not the best film of 2021 however. The more quirky Licorice Pizza is better in a similar genre.
Rated 04 Mar 2022
Rated 06 Mar 2022
It's cute, well-acted and has its own charms despite hitting the exact same spots every average coming of age will hit. That said, I expected way less. The fishing material is cool, the rest not that much.
Rated 28 Mar 2022
I finished my journey through the “Oscar films” with this, and it couldn’t be more perfect ending. What a heart-warming feel-good film. I wonder why this is accepted as award material and nothing else in the genre, but who cares, I am still smiling.
Rated 20 Mar 2022
The expectation is shining a light on children of deaf adults, and deaf families in general, will be enough to cloud the by-the-numbers screenplay. It’s successful about half the time—usually when the cast excels as an ensemble—but ultimately this is a crowdpleaser that doesn’t get messy enough to feel an indelible mark, with the exception of Emilia Jones’s performance.
Rated 20 Mar 2022
kinda inoffensive in how it just rides out being conventional the entire time. think this wouldn't be getting dunked on if it weren't lumped in with other Best Pic noms. the TV movie comparisons are valid, tho.
Rated 26 Mar 2022
oscara niye aday anlamadığım senaryo olarak oldukça güzel bir klasik anlatı örgüsü ile arada zaman zaman art house kaçan kurgu dili tamamen hollywooda selam çakan, sonunda herkesin gülerek salondan ayrıldığı bir film. bu konuyu keşke USA bağımsız gardaşlarımızdan birisi çekse bir sound of metali bile tokatlardı gibi geldi. kızın ve babanın oyunculukları oldukça güzeldi mekanlar harika. USA fakir bir hayat yaşayan kişi bizim zengin olanlardan daha iyi bu hayatta be this is USA Dream ameka :(
Rated 26 Mar 2022
Safe and predictable, but the characters more than make up for it. Just a charming little story. Nothing more, nothing less.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
The acting is straight up bad at times. The rest is comfortable in being aggressively fine.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
Cute? Yes. Feel good? Yes. Conventional? Unfortunately also yes


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