Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko

1h 53m
A troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a man in a large rabbit suit who manipulates him to commit a series of crimes, after he narrowly escapes a bizarre accident.
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Donnie Darko

1h 53m
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Avg Percentile 63.05% from 20915 total ratings

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Rated 24 Sep 2009
This movie is special. At its heart, Kelly's film is, I think, about teenage anxiety but on top of that he throws themes of destiny and faith which he explores in very original ways (predestined paths and time travel, satirizing self-help gurus and reductive teaching practices). All is done with considerable style. The musical montages are, for instance, quite impressive. Kelly's vision is deliciously weird and overwhelmingly ambitious but, at the same time, easy to consume and very rewatchable.
Rated 24 Feb 2008
"Mom, i wanna be David Lynch!"
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of my favorite movies. Jake Gyllenhaal is perfect as the good natured but tortured and ill-fated protagonist. The story provides enough to allow you to draw your own conclusions about what the entire movie means but doesn't give any concrete answers. Absolutely amazing film.
Rated 31 Jul 2013
I found 10 minutes of it to be more mesmerising than anything else I've seen lately. It's a wonderful off-beat horror/sci-fi film. Unfortunately... like all quirky little off-beat films made by writer/directors, there's always one very good reason why it's not a bigger movie. In this case it's the ending. As we got closer and closer to the ending I realised "Oh no! It's the ending isn't it?! The ending is going to be the one thing that sucks about this perfect little movie!" And it did.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
Donnie Darko is the kind of pretentious filth that gives a bad name to arthouse and independent films. It's amazing how this movie has such a large following though it is completely flawed and horribly acted.
Rated 20 Jun 2008
x2 Many claim that's deep, but it really isn't. It's just highly entertaining and probably the best film for teenagers ever made.
Rated 05 Mar 2007
I've heard many people (mostly teenaged girls) claim that this movie "changed their life." I think I know what they're talking about: I went from someone who hadn't seen a film with Smurf-related dialogue to someone who had in under two hours.
Rated 21 Apr 2007
"Only fools are enslaved by Time and Space..." An ingenious and remarkable film, it took me a couple of viewing to appreciate it even more. I love films that deal with time travel, paradoxes, and this one is IMO the best of the bunch in terms of style and temporal integrity.
Rated 24 Apr 2010
Shallow as a puddle of piss. Entertaining as splashing Drew Barrymore with said puddle. Coherent as her wailing screams of protest.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
While not a card carrying member of the Cult of Darko, I thought this movie was dark, ingenious, and original. More than can be said about most movies these days.
Rated 13 Jun 2008
Very Great
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Surrounded by hype, and probably often viewed in a hypercritical manner by many, "Donnie Darko" is still a quality film, even if its not an absolute classic. Visually brilliant, well performed, with a plot that is convoluted and largely unexplained, but still enjoyable. "Donnie Darko" manages to leave you with satisfying and interesting questions regarding its plots nuances, rather than frustrating, irritating questions about its plot holes, and that is probably its finest achievement.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I've heard over the last few years that the director didn't know what he was doing with this movie, and that some of it is essentially meaningless. In any genre and any medium, this is a sign of terrible writing. I got the impression that this was a faux-deep rather than genuinely deep movie the first time I watched it. Infuriatingly, almost everybody else I talked to loved it, yet nobody was able to explain how or why it was good other than the fact that they didn't understand it.
Rated 23 Mar 2011
Richard Kelly blows minds with this sci-fi romantic superhero tragedy that explores themes of adolescence, morality, personality and mental disorder, destiny, and time through 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds of a boy's life in suburban Virginia.
Rated 25 Jul 2011
Lot of people on here saying how "sophomoric" and "high schooly" this is.. well, it's meant to be. Just accept it for what it is, not what you want it to be. It has great writing, directing, acting, and anytime a film demands a re-watch is definitely something to be respected. So go suck-a-fuck.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
A teen drama that works best if you don't pay that much attention to the attempted sci fi - i.e. watch the theatrical version, and just enjoy the atmosphere. Drew Barrymore, unfortunately, is terrible as a serious actress and drags the film down when she's on screen. Apart from that DD manages to cultivate a powerfully nostalgic, melancholic mood, and overall feels like that floaty euphoria when you stay awake too long. It also seems to have suffered the biggest backlash ever in recent years.
Rated 21 Apr 2007
About as scientifical and deep as Back to the Future, but without its hilarity and easy-going nature. Melodramatic music and sad faces do not imply deeper meaning or touching story.
Rated 06 May 2016
A totally awkward mess in almost every way. Strangely fitting though for a mainstream movie about teenage angst and confusion. It has some genuinely effortless movie-magic about it, almost like it's brilliant by accident.
Rated 29 Mar 2009
insane! crazy! great movie!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I enjoyed this film. Don't get bogged down in all the debate and dissection about what the film is about. The film stands alone on its own merit as one of the greatest indie films of our time. Just watch it as a movie, and not some sort of science project. After you've enjoyed it, then feel free to discuss.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Awesome through and through. One of the most original and complex movies I've ever seen. Jake Gyllenhaal is fantastic, and Drew Barrymore gives one of her best performances in one of her smallest, but most realistic roles.
Rated 12 Dec 2006
A really enjoyable film full of dark sarcastic humor and a bizarre mind warping story. It's much more fun to figure out on your own than trying to read any of the supplemental material. The film's tone is what makes really work with Gyllenhall's unique performance.
Rated 10 Jan 2009
Wake up, Donnie... It's independent achievement of epic proportions and a tempestuously rich experiment of a film. It's about everyday's craziness, family, love, alienation, science, religion, dreams, choices... It's about crossing different paths and walking out of the present, of one's own. It's about "the terror of knowing what this world is about..."
Rated 09 Feb 2007
hi i am a movie about some stuff
Rated 02 Dec 2009
No idea what the fuck is going on - still fun.
Rated 23 Sep 2011
One of those rare films that have the power to profoundly affect your mood. The atmosphere Kelly builds gradually, leading to the puzzling but elegiac ending reminds me of Lynch's best work. Gyllenhaal is remarkable in his breakout performance. The whole film is just filled with original, weird and astoundingly powerful ideas and images that stay with you.
Rated 16 Jul 2021
I am glad I saw this now instead of when it came out because I would’ve been very obnoxious in pretending I got it because I’m 15 and 9/11
Rated 11 Nov 2009
One gets the idea that Richard Kelley tries to make films on the same level as David Lynch, but fails because he is a talentless wretch. He managed to make a semi-decent film with Donnie Darko, although time has shown that to be a fluke.
Rated 15 Aug 2008
Films about time travel are usually difficult to assemble, but Donnie Darko ranks amongst the finest in its execution. Donnie is a teenager who is curious about science and the possibilities of time travel, but his actions are impaired by schizophrenia and domineering visions of a manipulative giant rabbit who tells him the world is approaching its end. Dealing with ideas of predestined futures and faith, it also chastises our society's reliance on self help gurus and reveals their hypocrisy.
Rated 01 Feb 2010
Very strong movie. Excellent acting, and one of the greatest combinations of music and story I've ever seen! Very strong story, which defenitely has its own viewpoints. This is a film to watch two or three times to fully enjoy its magic.
Rated 30 Jun 2010
An imaginative, creepy film that leaves you looking for answers. It has a very unique take on time travel and the director's cut gives you just enough clues, which makes this a satisfying and memorable (if somewhat strange and disjointed) piece of mindfuckery.
Rated 11 Sep 2012
It came to me 10 minutes after watching the movie what it was about. Vessels and wormholes, damn right!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A fantastic film that makes you think. I look at this movie in terms of a visual puzzle; All the pieces are there for you to put together, and once you figure it out you're left completely floored. Jake Gyllenhaal is fantastic as the lead character.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Stupid, contrived, and completely mediocre. The plot holes are tremendous and I just can't believe how popular it is.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
(director's cut version) like todd solondz and david lynch made a baby
Rated 10 May 2008
I really want to give this movie a 0 because Seth Rogen is in it, but it was just so awesome I couldn't do it. I'd give the director's cut like a 70 though.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Donnie Darko is an interesting and unique look at time travel. The movie is relatively smart, but the science of it is weird, and there is a lot that just seems undone, even in the director's cut. It's not confusing, just incomplete feeling, such as some character relationships that fail to develop. Regardless, the unique style and story make it worth seeing a few times. Really good!
Rated 31 Jan 2012
My favorite thing about this movie is that they go see a double bill of "The Evil Dead" and "Last Temptation of Christ." That's a double header!
Rated 15 Dec 2011
This is a very interesting movie that really makes you think. It is a very original story. The performances are also very good, especially Jake Gyllenhall in the title role. This is the type of film that you want to watch again immediately after the first viewing.
Rated 30 Jan 2014
A rewatch! A Rewatch! My kingdom for a rewatch!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is one hell of a movie. Mobius strip. major mental trip. You must see this movie. This movie will seriously mess with you.
Rated 30 Mar 2011
Another one that you will have to watch 2 or 3 times to understand the film, not understand whats going on as such - but actually grasp what the film was 'about'. Amazing film and great soundtrack
Rated 23 Oct 2013
A milestone. Perfect choice of actors, excellent OST, great script. Drama, teen rom-com, sci-fi, mystery, thriller, "DD" is all this and a lot more. Effortlessly shifting moods, filled with profound symbolisms and requiring at least two viewings to get to know this brave new cinematic yet real world and feel all there is to feel, it's an engrossing and, finally, genuinely moving picture. If the "ultimate film" - one that deals with everything in the most moving way - truly exists, it's this one.
Rated 31 Mar 2010
excellent, i still don't understand what it's about though
Rated 18 Jul 2010
Despite its recent "its cool to like this movie" jump... its still a great film and fucks with my head every time i watch it.
Rated 26 Nov 2010
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's deep. When you need multiple viewings or other sources to explain the plot of a film that you've just watched, I call that a failure on the part of the storytellers. I look for coherent narratives in my movies. Makes me a strange one I guess...
Rated 25 Jan 2007
Amazing story. You need to watch it several times to create your own interpretation. Jake Gyllenhaal is fantastic!
Rated 07 Nov 2011
I'm a little in love with this movie. It might have a slight nostalgic appeal for me at this point, since I saw it several years ago, but I must have watched it 6-7 times by now, switching between the director's cut and the original. I'm not gonna lie, I had no idea what was going on when I first saw it. But what I like is that the plot CAN be explained beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it's so rich, with so much going on, that I notice new interesting details about it every time I watch it.
Rated 30 Sep 2013
I don't think I quite understood everything but at the same time I feel like I may have picked up on everything. The movie is interesting and very entertaining to watch unravel and progress. Frank may be one of my favorite movie characters. Great movie.
Rated 13 Feb 2007
Great directorial debut..
Rated 01 Mar 2007
Great mindfuck movie with a really good balance of creepy, funny, and "woah that's crazy." I'm sure it's not good enough to get the score that I'm giving it, but I don't care, I really fucking love this movie.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
No idea why this movie is so darnmed loved. To me this is an attempt to combine a "pop" movie about hs kids with an "indie/trippy" style meant to blow your mind. These things do not combine nicely; I like my weird stuff to really be weird, not to be masquerading as such under a facade of pop culture bs...
Rated 11 Jun 2009
A folded time story about a troubled teenager. Top Ten.
Rated 31 Mar 2007
The only thing cooler than saying you love this movie, is saying you hate it. Much like the characters themselves, the rating of Donnie Darko is bias run amuk.
Rated 28 Apr 2008
Insane, psychotic, sickly, in other words, perfect.
Rated 09 Mar 2009
Ric Kelly creates a creep, chilly and mind-blowing story that ended up being much more than a teen terror movie. It's already a cult.
Rated 08 Jun 2007
Though not sound scientifically, it pulls together so many story and visual elements as to make something completely astounding by the end. I can see why not many older folks would like it, though.
Rated 12 Jun 2008
Great, atmospheric "little" movie, this is what made Jake Gyllenhaal the star he is today. Every single performer in this movie hits it straight out of the park. Couple that to the simple, subtle direction, the great soundtrack and the lovely, stays-unclear-so-that-you-can-discuss-it-afterwards storyline (unless you're watching the inferior "directors cut"), this is the kind of movie magic that does not come along much more often than once. A must-see.
Rated 18 Jul 2009
Extremely irritating soundtrack, plodding pace, horrible dialog, and trying way too hard.
Rated 24 Oct 2017
The film is quite different from the usual tales of high-schoolers we have been given. It's fairly daring, too, in its blend of quirky comedy and thoughtful psychological drama. It cleverly, I think, gives us high-school-movie convention together with something that feels fresh and interesting.
Rated 12 Nov 2008
This movie is the closest thing that I think well ever get to a perfect movie.
Rated 05 Sep 2009
This scares me more than ten Rings altogether!
Rated 10 Jul 2007
Fairly sophomoric and obscenely overrated, but a good "stepping-stone" to better movies. I would definitely recommend this to the young folk or anyone who's interested in film as more than just entertainment. The time travel crap is also pretty cool.
Rated 23 Feb 2009
(2nd wieving;DC) It has a very appealing style. No wonder lines like 'why do you wear that stupid man suit?' became part of today's popculture. A biggest problem is that time-travel ending invalidates most of the meaning it has built. Characters are divided into two categories - youngsters, who 'gets' everything, and hopeless adults. ...and he said everything can't be divided into Love and Fear. A movie to recommend for those, who want a little andventure without leaving conventional filmmaking.
Rated 02 Aug 2007
Stark originality is what really shines through in Richard Kelly's debut feature Donnie Darko, about a young 1980's troubled teen. Unlike many other films that retrospect to that decade, Donnie's troubles are original and inventive, not genre-exclusive or predictable in any way. A film that really must be seen to be believed.
Rated 03 Oct 2017
Rated 10 Jun 2018
Shut the fuck up, Donnie
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I suppose being confused was what I liked so much about the movie...which is why the Director's Cut upset me by revealing many of the 'secrets' to Richard Kelly's vision of time travel.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
Even now, years later, I still love this film. Visually stunning, genuine-if-unbelieveable characters, and a super-hero.
Rated 04 Mar 2013
Maybe it was the years of hype but I honestly hated this film. The plot seemed interesting at first but as the time-travel/alternate dimension/poorly thought out existential stuff came in I lost interest hard. There are some good performances here ruined by some fucking terrible dialogue. The music choices don't add much to the film other than trying and failing to shoehorn the movie into a particular time. It's long, poorly paced, and it's shot so boringly I couldn't keep awake. Ugh.
Rated 30 Oct 2009
Strange, thought-provoking move that explores the troubled mind of Donnie Darko, maniacally played by Jake Gyllenhaal. This movie has my favorite female cast, including the always stunning Drew Barrymore, Jena Malone, Mary McDonnel, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Katharine Ross. Through the film, we come to understand the inner workings of a troubled teen living in suburbia. The script can be slightly confusing, but the story is entrancing from the beginning. Beautiful, suspense-filled film.
Rated 09 Jan 2018
Jake Gyllenhaal's central performance may be the most stable thing in the entire film. For those paying close attention, there is a powerful and complex science fiction/time travel tale to be found. It just may take someone who has seen it about fifteen times to explain it. Either way Donnie Darko is an emotional journey as much as it is a complex one.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
This is kinda one of those movies hipster "film buffs" would call a "cult masterpiece" or "omg so weird!" (please die) or something, and as such it has generated an inordinate amount of hype and backlash to follow. With distance it's not completely terrible, and functions as a worthwhile gateway to better things for some. For all the wanky melodrama in the soundtrack and shallow desperation to come off as somehow deep, I still find it kind of amusing. Time travel is fun.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
While hard to follow at times, this is an excellent movie (with an excellent score) for anyone who isn't quite sure what to make of reality.
Rated 03 Mar 2015
A beautifully confounding film about pretty much whatever you make of it. The acting is great, it looks fantastic, and it is more than a little bit creepy. Everybody might not love it as much as I do, but it's definitely a must watch.
Rated 31 Aug 2010
Goes from great to awesome on Soundtrack alone. Great tension, and wonderfully dark and interesting. Also of note: Drew Barrymore should take more roles like this and cut out the rom-coms!
Rated 15 Aug 2011
Fascinating story, a very appealing style and a remarkable dreamy atmosphere.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Ingenius dark comedy about sacrifice and dignity
Rated 11 Jul 2008
A sense of foreboding and melancholy permeates the movie right from the start. Pretty original and a great performance from... the main guy.
Rated 17 May 2008
Among my circles, this movie is a blockbuster, but I could have been more impressed with someone other than Jake Gyllenhaal. Other than that there are more pressing issues, the script could have been better worked and the acting.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
People worship this piece of junk! Why???
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A cult film that is interesting but is nowhere near the level many purport it to be.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Perhaps one of the most overrated films i've seen. While Jake Gyllenhaal does a good job at acting along with the rest of the cast, the plot is just "pseudo-quantum science" taken to an extreme that is purposely "Psuedo-deep". Not entirely bad but not as great as everyone makes it sound. I refer Donnie Darko as the "Da Vinci Code" of movies.
Rated 03 Aug 2010
Beautiful cinematography and a story that gets better with every viewing. Excellent.
Rated 15 Jan 2013
I have absolutely no idea why this movie is so almost universally liked. Seriously.
Rated 16 Oct 2008
Review: One of my all-time favorites. It's surprising how engaging this movie still is even though I have watched so many times... One of my all-time favorites. It's surprising how engaging this movie still is even though I have watched so many times...
Rated 28 Jul 2018
This is such a good film. What I like about it is mostly the story and with it the connection the viewer gets with Donnie. We see almost all the characters through the eyes of Donnie. We love whom he loves, we hate whom he hates and we feel what he feels. Add on top of that a killer soundtrack, memorable quotes and funny scenes in between. You got yourself an awesome film.
Rated 28 Oct 2013
A great film that defies genre(it covers 4 four all in the same film) and does so marvelously. One the best sci-fi films of the 2000s and is just a film that needs to be seen. definitely recommend it, you won't be disappointed.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
A masterpiece in its own way. Richard Kelly's "Donnie Darko" is an example of how great teenage drama could be if its made with enough imagination. its blend of mystery and sci-fi along with teenage angst is perfect that made the film unique unlike any other teenage movie. with Gyllenhaal distinctive acting and Kelly stylish dark approach toward teenage drama,it is no surprise that "Donnie Darko" remain a cult hit even after a decade.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's a great movie, just not THAT great (know what I mean?).
Rated 20 Sep 2016
*Spoilers Below* A nearly perfect movie. Donnie is a likeable character, the visuals are great, and conceptually it's brilliant. A lot of work clearly went into constructing this plot. My only issue with it is the ending. It felt very "film school" to me. Killing off your main character is generally something you do if you have no idea what to do with your character. Still, Donnie has an arc, and an interesting one at that, so I can't be too harsh on Kelly for doing that.
Rated 08 Apr 2008
I just seem to enjoy this
Rated 15 Feb 2008
Frustratingly complex...and ultimately, incomplete. Read an FAQ that answered many of the unanswered/implied details of the movie and now my understanding is still tenuous. It's very ambitious and raises some interesting ideas, I'll give it that. But I wasn't impressed (at all) with the acting or characters. Not one of them registered with me in any way.
Rated 22 Aug 2007
Beautiful and captivating and mesmorizing
Rated 12 Feb 2007
I love the contrast between the real world and donnie's world if u try to explain that scenary with any other type then u will be so scientificly but this the one on it's type I love it so much.also that waves coming trough human's body was really nice :P
Rated 25 Jul 2007
convoluted != intelligent
Rated 14 Jan 2008
Profound fun with overal amazing dialouge. The score and the editing makes this one of the most mezmerizing movies in modern times.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The plot is very difficult and I still don't understand all of it, but it doesn't need to be understood to enjoy it. Great acting and brilliant directing.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is one cool trippy movie, love it love it love it
Rated 11 Sep 2007
I really wanna chock this up to me just not getting it but to be honest there's just not much TO get. It was simply boring and tedious the whole way through, and im no stranger to messed up movie's (Loved "Naked Lunch" and "Eraserhead"). This film to me is entirely overrated.


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