

1h 31m
Astronauts attempt to return to earth after debris crashes into their space shuttle, leaving them drifting alone in space. (imdb)
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1h 31m
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Avg Percentile 58.32% from 9505 total ratings

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Rated 10 Oct 2013
It's pretty solid. I don't know. After you've seen Leprechaun 4: In Space you kind of have high expectations.
Rated 17 Nov 2013
One HELL of an adventure! I was positively enthralled by every electrifying second of it. My immersion in the intense action scenes made my palms start sweating profusely. Lubezki once again proves that he's the cherry on top of the cream of the crop of cinematographers. I blinked rarely and only reluctantly during his long takes. A masterpiece of staging and technical innovation, 'Gravity' is nothing short of sublime. And, luckily, *plot spoiler* Sandra Bullock only imitates a dog in one scene.
Rated 10 Oct 2013
Space junk: undoubtedly a technological marvel, but nothing else about it is either interesting or good. Dialogue and monologues are poor; more fundamentally, it is about nothing, nothing whatsoever. All attempts at profundity are phoney, beginning with the writers' decision to give her a dead kid in order to try to confect some meaningless Hollywood meaningfulness. That it received near universal critical acclaim exposes the state of contemporary criticism (though Richard Brody got it right).
Rated 12 Oct 2013
Let's just get this out of the way: the script is mediocre, the characters are just serviceable, and the movie isn't 100% accurate. Now ignore all of that, because it didn't affect my enjoyment in the slightest. This is a visual and emotional roller coaster ride; the spectacular cinematography justifies the use of CGI and 3D more than Avatar ever could. It's a jaw-dropping, breath-taking, awe-inspiring, applause-worthy masterpiece. And it's one of my favorite movie experiences of all time.
Rated 10 Sep 2013
Alfonso Cuaron's space epic is narratively slight, but what it lacks in depth it more than makes up in terms of technical wizardry and spectacle. Cuaron's precise direction and Lubezki's series of long takes make it a space opera that is much like a outer space ballet. Sandra Bullock does surprisingly well carrying the film for 88 minutes and brings some much needed emotional heft to the story. Gravity is also the first film that I would say is essential to be seen in 3D.
Rated 22 Oct 2013
Have no illusion; this is first and foremost a thrill ride and Coarón (aided by the always amazing Lubezki) utilizes every trick in the book with awe-inspiring results. Sure, the forced faith-based development of Bullock's character is somewhat heavy handed, but thats just a tiny bump on an otherwise truly enjoyable (and nerve-wracking) ride.
Rated 15 Oct 2013
Gravity is an absolute technical triumph and nonstop thrill ride. It flows together brilliantly as Bullock floats from scene-to-scene, leaving us all jaw dropped as shit hits the fan again and again. Undoubtedly a great cinema experience, but its script is just poorly written. The two leads lack any real depth, and the monologues are a total cringe-fest. Characterization was best when Bullock was silent, either surviving in the face of physics or walking again on solid land.
Rated 16 Oct 2013
(SPOILERS)(SPOILERS)(SPOILERS)(SPOILERS)Would've died if the ending shot was the parachuting craft landing in a volcano followed by a lil steam puff(SPOILERS)(SPOILERS)(SPOILERS)
Rated 13 Oct 2013
A Space Odyssey for the gimme-now generation. Things get intense from the opening scene and never let up. What this lacks in the philosophical or spiritual depth of Kubrick's masterwork, it more than makes up for in overwhelming charisma & brute strength. The 3D theater experience is an immediate exploration of the senses; a visual & auditory technical phenomenon. With Sandra Bullock's intense performance & the masterful crafting, blocking & filming of pivotal scenes, it's an instant-classic.
Rated 20 Oct 2013
Movie magic at its best. Period. None of your whining arguments about the script, characters, and depth will matter, those all went out the window when the first wave of debris hit the audience in the face.
Rated 02 Nov 2013
Technically flawless; An absolutely beautiful film. All the more infuriating to see the immense potential squandered by the script. 90% of the dialog could simply be removed, improving the film and giving us the 2001 of the 21st century. Instead Cuaron serves up expositional dialog smeared thick across the canvas, like toast buttered to pieces, taking you out of the film every time someone opens their mouth. 2nd viewing: The good far outweighs the script issues for me now, so upping my score.
Rated 04 Oct 2013
The audience's point of view integrates with the characters' point of view in a way that there are no interpretations. Long, fluid tracking shots bleed together with little interruption. There are several sequences in Gravity that are some of the best action-adventure scenes ever filmed. The dialogue is utter shit, but Sandra Bullock's great physical performance and the ending sequence--featuring a powerful visual metaphor for transfiguration--is enough to leave me emotionally fulfilled.
Rated 21 Nov 2013
Five minutes into it I was ready to start applauding - it was just so clear that we were in for something epic - and fifteen minutes into it I was worried I was going to start screaming - it was just so tense. Along with Oz, it's the only movie I've seen that really knows how to use 3D (no light loss, no motion blur). Only 90 minutes long, and filled with long quiet scenes, the movie still has a powerful message about what it means to be human. If only Hollwood could turn these out every year.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
I found this to be one of the greatest movies of the year. Gravity is very well crafted and acted. The thing really knows how to be amazing and very emotional and sad and terrifying at times. Seemed pretty intense. Not really much wrong with it. Totally worth watching. And it's also very visual and hell if the thing isn't groundbreaking.
Rated 10 Oct 2013
A brilliant sci-fi film with a down to earth message.
Rated 04 Oct 2013
Visually it's about as great of a movie as you could want with our current capabilities in regards to film making. Hell even the 3D was good and I think 3D is usually a waste of time. Sound also amazing. Any problems I had with the story were dwarfed by the immense pleasure I got from every technical aspect of this film. A must see in the theater if you have any interest in seeing it at all.
Rated 12 Oct 2013
I don't think anyone will be winning Oscars for acting or screenplay, but the setting and visual feel of this movie can stand above pretty much everything. This movie really gives you the sense of being basically left in space. Almost every second of this film is amazing. And nothing is more terrifying then seeing something getting destroyed and not hearing anything.
Rated 08 Oct 2013
Gravity demonstrates that there is, indeed, a god. And his name is Emmanuel Lubezki.
Rated 07 Jun 2021
Not since 2001: A Space Odyssey has a film put so much almost documentarian thought into the mechanics of space travel. However, unlike what he did in Children of Men, Cuaron doesn't build on the world with a piece of drama that stays with you forever. The film is a ride--a well made and fun ride--but not something I've rewatched or thought about since first seeing.
Rated 05 Oct 2013
This is the space movie I've been waiting the entire 21st century for someone to make.
Rated 13 Dec 2013
I fear for the 'Avatar-effect': when you watch it on your TV, and the film falls back on content and content alone, it becomes a ridiculous bore. But for now: let's just praise the craftsmanship of this breathtaking rollercoaster.
Rated 22 Jul 2015
Ah, poor Ed Harris. Always the bridesmaid, never the guy that gets to actually go to into space.
Rated 05 Oct 2013
It's not quite perfect, but it's the closest we'll ever get to a film that feels like a roller coaster. I was tense from the earliest moments, well before there was any hint of threat on-screen. Bullock plays a character who needs to force herself to live, a great thematic turn. Fantastic 3D, beautiful effects.
Rated 20 Oct 2013
As great as this movie is technically, it's let down by a mediocre script and weak human elements. It's annoyingly Hollywood in how it tugs at the heartstrings and claws at our tear ducts. The dialogue is at times unbearable--Clooney is especially guilty as he spits his witty lines while debris threatens to rip his body to shreds. It's the implausible character behavior and the one too many lucky breaks that nearly ruin the immersion for me. A visual and aural masterpiece but it's no 2001.
Rated 07 Nov 2013
Guide to Chinese spacecrafts: eenie, meenie, miney, moe.
Rated 04 Oct 2013
Avatar all over again. What the actual f-ck is Miss Congeniality doing in space? Who hired her as an astronaut should be put to sleep. The most overrated piece of trash of 2013. I have no clue why this is getting rave reviews galore, quality severely is lacking and over the top idiotic. It feels very manipulative and everything that could go wrong actually goes wrong. Bullock is horribly miscast and annoys the sh-t out of me throughout. Gravity is a hollow 3D showcase of new CGI techniques.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
When your kid says he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up, show him this movie.
Rated 09 Oct 2013
*John Mayer starts playing*
Rated 10 May 2018
Taught, efficient, and made with real skill. Once you can accept the premise, this is compelling stuff with tremendous visual flair, and some genuinely tense moments. Bullock is likeable as usual. Not sure how it would hold up on a rewatch, but this is well worth a look. One of the few films I'd like to watch in 3D.
Rated 10 Oct 2013
Unbelievable! So vivid... I'm not sure if I was ever this captivated in a movie theater. And I'm not a big 3D fan, but in this case it works perfectly as part of the mood, just like the sound which is probably the best ever made. If you got the chance, watch it in an IMAX theater. It will blow your mind...
Rated 07 Oct 2013
Gravity does to space what Jaws did to the water, and the parallels between these two films are uncanny. Like its counterpart from the 70s, Gravity is an almost unimaginable technical achievement. Cuaron has demonstrated to us how futile our previous use of 3D has been, it has redefined the environment of space, it has explored uncharted territories of sound design. It's a terrifyingly compelling film about the physics of space, despite its throw-away plot. This is a medium-defining film. Bravo.
Rated 07 Oct 2013
With one gasp-inducing sequence after another, Gravity might best be classified as a white-knuckled spectacle film. Amazing visuals and set pieces, all of which more than make up for some subpar dialogue and some repetitive action set pieces. Its theme is weighty enough to add substance to the "thrill ride" but never intrusive enough to interfere with the actual narrative. Visually and emotionally satisfying.
Rated 15 Oct 2013
When someone sets out to make a space film on a Kubrickian level you better make damn sure every single detail is pinpoint accurate. Gravity was spot on to the point of insanity. Something tells me there's a screw loose in Cuaron's head and that's just the way I take my filmmakers. Even with its obvious nods to 2001 it was still missing the other half of an epic; the mind bending philosophical ride that accompanies outer space. Nevertheless, Gravity does exactly what cinema was intended to do.
Rated 15 Oct 2013
'Alone In Space: The Ride,' an ultimate, super-thrilling 3D experience, starring Sandra Bullock as 'Scared Astronaut' and George Clooney as Himself!
Rated 31 Oct 2013
It's been a long time since I was this excited after being to the movie theater. Cuarón has really pulled off an extremely entertaining - story wise, breathtaking - cinematography wise, and exhausting - health wise, movie. The exhausting part is meant in the best way possible. Normally I wouldn't have much faith in Bullock, but I really enjoyed her in Gravity. I was on the edge of my seat for the most part of this movie, and left, wanting to see it again. Highly recommended. - Fantastic.
Rated 02 Dec 2013
If the classic Hollywood narrative is a mix of pauses and pertinent deadlines, 'Gravity' is a master class in balancing the two. It's a visual and audible triumph, leaving the cineaste scratching his head from the edge of his seat. It's a milestone in storytellng where 3D is finally legitimized and arguably mandatory. The plot is a clichéd lazy riff on '2001', but Cuarón isn't offering a character study. I guess we'll have to settle for one of the most intense thrill rides in cinematic history.
Rated 17 Oct 2013
See this on the biggest screen you can and absolutely in 3D. This film is an experience; you don't merely watch it. You are literally there, floating around with the Clooney and Bullock. Cuaron and Lubezki have don't something in this movie never before seen. Avatar only wishes it were this good
Rated 12 Nov 2013
This is a really exciting and thrilling film. Sandra Bullock gives an excellent performance in the film. The script is simple but also very effective. The special effects are top notch ant they are very well done. I highly recommend this movie.
Rated 11 Oct 2013
The most intense, exhilarating, cinematic experience of my life, bar none. Breathtaking in the truest sense of the word. I give it two sweaty palms up!
Rated 04 Oct 2013
Alfonso Cuaron's visual masterpiece is the kind of cinema I live for. Like Enter The Void and 2001: A Space Odyssey, it elevates the art form to a true experience, a gut-wrenching ride of terror and beauty. The 14 minute opening sequence shot starts tranquil and then evolves to an unbelievable nightmare with physical intensity. I was shaking and crying throughout. Traumatic and exhausting while equally genius and revolutionary, Gravity is a step-up for pure adrenaline filmmaking.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
"Awesome" is a descriptor that's oft-overused, but here's a movie that earns the term. It's searingly, terrifyingly, beautifully awesome. And visually astonishing. It's about the incomprehensible beauty and vastness of the universe and man's ultimate place in it--are we finally insigificant? are we smarter and more important than we realize? does it benefit us to continue our endless daily struggle against the universe to survive for another second? does it matter? Go see this movie.
Rated 19 Oct 2013
It works on so many levels. And I get it. All of it, the title included. The substance reaches deep and the style is magnificent. This kind of movies make me again a believer in a good cinema.
Rated 08 Nov 2013
The most challenging cognitive experience a film has ever presented, 3d, the neverending dolly-shot, space, etc. Probably more of a rollercoaster ride than an actually emotional engaging film. The first film that I actually am glad to have seen in 3d - partly because I will never have the same experience again.
Rated 09 Oct 2013
A visceral spectacle of seamless fluidity and awesome scale. It's unfortunate that for all its aesthetic ambition, the script deals in easy and familiar emotional cues. Even so, the plot considers and ultimately capitalizes on powerful themes that overcome the hamfisted flaws of its text and arc. I'm not sure whether to commend or criticize Bullock and Clooney as typecasting or perfect choice, but either way their respective performances as the anxious underdog and the dry but wise wit are good.
Rated 27 Jan 2014
Sandra Bullock was very satisfying in this movie about the dangers of modern day space travel. George Clooney perhaps a little too cool. The action puts you on the edge of your seat many times with incredibly tense moments. The space debris cascade was convincing and a timely subject. I really enjoyed this film and plan to watch again soon. Excellent subject, acting, special effects, music, and sound. There were only a few scenes I would have changed, but overall it is an exceptional movie.
Rated 16 Oct 2013
The technical aspects of the filmmaking - the long, long takes, the weightless gravity effects, the drifting camera that follows characters from extreme closeup to far background - are superlative. If the movie doesn't win technical Oscars, injustice has been done. The script is a bit more problematic. The dead kid backstory is hacky and adds nothing, and the (SPOILERS!) mirage Clooney scene near the end is terrible. Still, it's well-paced and keeps moving, and ends effectively.
Rated 11 Oct 2013
This movie was stunning. I can't wait to learn more about the technical aspects that went into making this film because they were mind-blowing. It was so interesting to see two actors that aren't typecast for sci-fi type movies be in a film like this. I think they did a great job.
Rated 16 Nov 2013
No depth, all...atmosphere.
Rated 04 Oct 2013
The plot and the script of this movie are to be called minimalistic, and this movie delivers them perfectly on pretty much every level. Of course, the visuals is where this movie really excels. They are on a whole new level of amazing, eye-popping and stomach-turning than anything else I have ever seen in a movie. Cuarón's direction is amazing, the acting is fantastic and the sound design is scarily intense. And yes, the 3D actually made this movie better. An exceptional experience.
Rated 26 Oct 2013
CGI is commonplace & predictable. On exceedingly rare occasions however, audiences r presented w/ the kind of spectacular visuals & sound that create a "world" they can honestly say is like nothing they've ever seen before. On those occasions it doesn't matter how straightforward the story or characters are. On those occasions a viewer will likely feel like they're on an amazing ride rather than watching a movie, & wonder if this is how the very earliest film audiences felt seeing their 1st film
Rated 12 Nov 2013
An extraordinary technical masterpiece. I'd heard some complaints in regards to the script, but you'll be really nitpicky if in any way the script effects your enjoyment of 'Gravity'. The screenplay is more than strong enough to connect you to the characters & to bring genuine emotional weight to an incredible thrill ride. Visually it's almost indescribable; full of spectacle & detail. "Gravity" is one of most intense cinema experences you'll ever have.
Rated 17 Oct 2013
It's actually about stressful life of an office worker. Hang on, Joe, you can make it! Well, it's not that bad really. This movie is effective at what it does: creates tension, then short relief, rinse, repeat. However all the hype led me to expect some more complex message. Fun fact: the average period of calmness in between "oh shit will she make it" scenes is on average 2 1/2 minutes long. UnFun fact: she does. Spoiler alert:)
Rated 29 Oct 2013
George Clooney is excellent at playing George Clooney -- he's had a lot of practice -- but it's Sandra Bullock who's the revelation here, displaying a lot more range than I'd ever given her credit for in the past. I have a few quibbles with dialogue and a small issue with one plot development. The main star, however, is the visual style. The suspense comes in waves and the tension rises into a breathtaking climax. One of the most beautiful and terrifying films I've seen.
Rated 04 Nov 2013
Stunning to look at and even more of an achievement is the fact that Sandra Bullock didn't totally ruin a movie for me.
Rated 05 Oct 2013
Unlike anything I've seen. It's gripping, intense, and isolating. For a movie where the silence is so profound, it's amazing how well it generates the intensity. The sequence where Ryan is fixing part of a ship and the debris is returning , and she doesn't notice right away, is expertly handled. It's beautiful, haunting, and works as a metaphor for feeling lost and without direction in life. Phenomenal experience.
Rated 14 Dec 2013
It's nice to look at but has no story and the whole thing just feels so contrived. In other words, it's basically a high budget porno without any fucking. The subplots and pointless dialogue added absolutely nothing. It was almost like they were trying to get to 90 minutes in any way possible. Sandra Bullock is horrific once again, she takes you out of the film immediately. It's more unrealistic then when they cast her as a software engineer. 2013's most overpraised film by far.
Rated 14 Oct 2013
Incredible. The visual magnificence, excellent soundtrack, and masterful storytelling combined to create one of the most intense cinema experiences of my life.
Rated 14 Oct 2013
Simply a terrific achievement in cinema magic.its almost rare that a mainstream big budget movie nowadays could came out like "Gravity". perfectly decorated with a dazzling spectacular effects without lost of focus in fundamental human drama. Cuaron has thrived in brilliant storytelling without overshadowed by the technology and starpower of bullock and clooney. once again,it is a masterpiece out of mainstream cinema.
Rated 20 Oct 2013
This earns its merits mainly from its staggering visual prowess and its ability to be a wholly immersive experience. The film does a fantastic job of building an endless amount of tension, which is counterbalanced nicely by the serene atmosphere. Thus, at surface value, the film is great. The plot, pacing, music, and cinematography are all stellar. However, the dialogue was distractingly dumb and maudlin; it was only partially saved by Bullock's solid acting giving us some emotion to cling to.
Rated 08 Nov 2014
Avatar brought 3D to the wide public's attention, but this is the movie that showed everyone what it can really bring to cinema. Absolutely stunning, from every point of view !
Rated 13 Dec 2013
Incredible visuals and hair-whitening tension almost hide that the "learn to move on with life" plot was threadbare and preachy even before a million TV movies used it. Honestly, as beautifully simple as this movie keeps it, they could have made it even simpler. But hey, Bullock's character is a woman in an action movie, what other motivation could she possibly have but motherhood? But did I mention the visuals?
Rated 05 Oct 2013
The occasionally clunky dialogue and slightly groan-worthy sob backstory notwithstanding, Gravity in IMAX 3D is 90 minutes of tense and terrifying cinematic bliss. Cuaron has blessed us with another ingeniously crafted technical and narrative marvel. And it's one of the very few films that totally deserves to be seen in 3D, a format I usually can't stand.
Rated 10 Feb 2014
Tense and atmospheric in the first half, but I was surprised to realise I was losing interest in Bullocks character past that point, making the final third rather annoyingly sentimental and repetitive. Also, I didn't see this in 3D. I'm sorry for doing it wrong.
Rated 05 Oct 2013
Amazing experience! If they tell me sometimes they took all the air from the theatre I would believe it, because that was how it felt. I did need oxygen and I did need to grab things to feel secure, connected.
Rated 05 Oct 2013
"Gravity" is like many other blockbusters in several respects. It is light on story, simplistic in its characterizations and fairly predictable in plot. However, it is head and shoulders above any other (non-Nolan) blockbuster in terms of execution for the better part of a decade. It is a feat of technical wizardry, perfectly controlled tension and is easily one of the most thrilling theater experiences that I have ever had. I'm not usually the one white-knuckled in the theater, but here...
Rated 05 Oct 2013
Amazing. Amazing amazing amazing. Easily, this movie contains the best space sequences ever filmed. It's incredible. When leaving the theater, I had the feeling that I had seen something monumental, and I instantly wanted to watch it again. I have absolutely no doubt that this will be the best movie we'll see this year.
Rated 12 Oct 2013
Good movie that keeps you glued to the screen whole 90 minutes but only if watched in the cinema since the 3D in the good theatre is really playing a big role. Just keep in mind to leave the science at the doors and you'll be entertained properly.
Rated 13 Oct 2013
Wonderful use of the space to treat our loneliness in the universe and also our beauty and resilience. A must-see. Bullock in her best role.
Rated 13 Mar 2014
Oddly similar feel at times to Wolfgang Peterson's Das Boot. A space disaster/survival movie with Sandra Bullock's sweet ass in 3d sort of sells itself but Cuaron uses suspense and technology to build this up into something more. The feminist commentary and other soap box agendas are also refreshingly kept to a minimum. The film wisely reins Clooney in a little but he still looks pretty goofy floating around in a space suit with his usual Clooney banter.
Rated 09 Dec 2013
Visually stunning, claustrophobic, engaging, powerful, nerve wracking, heart pounding. A crowning achievement in film making, this has everything you could ask for in a space thriller. My only gripe is that I didn't experience it in IMAX 3D.
Rated 24 Jan 2014
A few holes and scientific inaccuracies bothered a bit, but cinematically it's a masterpiece.
Rated 30 Mar 2014
the silence of space (barely on show here thanks to zimmer, contrary to the opening subtitle) is the silence of God, and those who retain their faith shall be accepted into heaven. GRAVITY aspires toward religious portent with images of creation/destruction & buddha statues, prattling about prayer etc. alas, it's less kubrick/tark than LIFE OF PI in space; an eyecatching lifeboat survival story-meets-despairing delusion contrived to provide a lost lamb with an epiphany about yolo and stuff.
Rated 11 Nov 2013
Amazing! The effects are absolutely beautiful and for once the 3D actually feels important. The film is a well acted thrill ride through an insane array of difficulties. At times I almost felt too caught up in the film and afterwards I was kind of exhausted after 90 minutes of having a very high pulse.
Rated 12 Oct 2013
This is a kind of experience you can't have often. To call a movie a great piece of art, it doesn't have to be a perfect combination of a brilliant script, amazing performances and incredible techniques. Obviously not a great combination of these elements and yet Gravity is a GREAT piece of art. If you hold your breath as you were watching Ryan, if you felt like you were on a roller-coaster throughout whole movie, then you had experienced something remarkable. I'm just sad for others who didn't.
Rated 05 Oct 2013
in order to get enough money to create a "groundbreaking cinematic experience" you have to make all aspects of your film conform to generic standards. still, it's a stunning cinema experience, and my rating represents that rather than the boring and mediocre rewatch on television.
Rated 03 Oct 2013
I am extremely against 3D films. They always subtract or add nothing to the value of the film. That said, this film perfected 3D. I cannot stress how amazing 3D worked for this film. You really get the sense of fear as if your right there alongside them the entire film. Acting was great. Sound was EXTRAORDINARY. Visually, possibly the greatest film ever made. Every frame is masterful. My only issues.. Some dialogue felt uncharacteristic and unnecessary. Though it's fairly minimal. MUST SEE.
Rated 08 Oct 2013
No idea if it'll hold up on home video, but in the theater, in 3D, this movie turned me into fucking jelly. Critics are right to note its overdone music, factual errors, minimal depth, racism, and overall Hollywoodiness. But when the credits rolled and I found I was physically unable to stand up, I decided the film deserves praise and profit despite being, at its heart, the same old thing.
Rated 27 Oct 2013
Gravity is Apollo 13 with the production value of the Avengers and the epic fantasy quality of Lord of the Rings albeit with the intimate dramatic feel of a Cannes Film Festival winner.
Rated 02 Mar 2014
A technological marvel to be sure. It's sum is greater than it's parts as it does quite successfully envelop one in isolation as they watch. The sometimes hokey dialogue and close call after close call can be forgiven, if one allows the pleasure of simply being entertained. Lighten up Francis.
Rated 01 Jan 2014
An eternal euferia. Beautiful, beautiful visuals. You can almost touch the feeling being up there. The story was what it was, but the film looked damn good.
Rated 19 Apr 2014
Gravity finally made me break my rule of never going to any 3D showings of anything ever. I watched it at home first, and immediately rushed to see it at a cinema that was still playing it. The experience didn't change my view on 3D as a whole; I still think it's a pretty pointless gimmick. However, if there's one film where using that gimmick is sort of justified, this would be it. Gravity lets you immerse yourself in an environment most of us will never get to experience in reality. (3.5/5)
Rated 07 Apr 2014
No depth, no soul-searching. This is just dramatic things happening in space. And I'm fine with that. If I wanted long-form character-driven drama I'd be watching HBO. This is intense thrills delivered through a big screen. In an era where we all marathon TV shows for our narrative fix, this is the first film to acknowledge why we go to the movies. It's a breathtaking suspension of belief that makes the big-screen experience worthwhile.
Rated 13 Nov 2013
A masterpiece! It's like a visual Fifth of Beethoven or other masterpiece which grabs you and doesn't let go.
Rated 23 Jan 2014
A dark and intense, but also an overwhelmingly thrilling experience as we follow Dr. Stone through a visually majestic space journey. A mother who has lost her daughter, experiences an astronauts worst nightmare, and are about to come to terms with the fear of her own death. But her partner in space, Matt (G. Clooney) changes her, and she does what she can to be given a second chance at life.
Rated 22 Oct 2013
Wow! Finally, in this spree of comic sci-fi movies, a diamond emerges. Despite being sceptical about Clooney & Bullock, they both perform adequatelly in this movie. The CGI work is just tremendous and the movie never loses any tension. What I loved the most, however, was the feeling of solitude and insignificance the movie laid upon me. I was so happy and glad that we landed back on Earth at the end of it. Truly, a depiction of space and emptiness in all its cosmic glory it deserves.
Rated 19 Nov 2013
So you think your day was bad - In Spaaaacccee! Joking aside, this is a terrific thrill ride, fully using 3D throughout. Hats off to Sandra Bullock for carrying most of the film alone. Please try and see this on the big screen.
Rated 05 Dec 2013
Space sucks!!!
Rated 18 Oct 2013
The technology and the mood is what makes it enjoyable, the journey and theme is what makes this a great movie though
Rated 16 Oct 2013
You definitely see this in a theatre because the visuals and cinematography are outstanding. Everything else about it is decent. There are some real hammy moments, but you come to this to see people lost in space, struggling, and it succeeds at that big time. Space/gravity (or lack of) is the best villain of all time, because some of it was just downright scary. With that said, I'm not feeling it on a personal level like some. It's still a great experience though. Just not quite a 90 for me.
Rated 05 Dec 2013
I was disappointed in many ways, by the pulpy writing and dialogue, by some elementary errors in physics (getting inertia wrong is unforgivable), and the general talkiness, but thrilled by the film making. The use of long takes, the fluidity of the camera, the way it seamlessly flows from a closeup of the actor's face, and then diving into their head for a POV, is absolutely groundbreaking, the lack of an clear up/down orientation adds another element. A noble failure, a qualified success.
Rated 13 Oct 2013
Finally... something that audiences haven't seen before, at least not like this. A thrilling technical delivery from Alfonso Cuaron---his breathtaking 3D outerspace landscape is one of the most thrilling movie experiences of all time. Add in a power-packed performance from Sandra Bullock, some doses of Clooney humor, and a decent enough survival story that easily tears through 90 minutes of suspense, and you have the Oscar candidate to beat this year.
Rated 07 Oct 2013
A singular achievement. It alternates between visceral, explosive action and majestic calmness, constantly tightening and releasing. The audience feels it all, and it's literally breathtaking. Some may call it one-note but its power is in its simplicity, the ability to depict the absolute vastness of earth against the endless void of space. It is simply one of the standout films of this generation.
Rated 09 Oct 2013
Space debris, space debris, oh, how I long for thee, dear space debris, will you marry me?
Rated 21 Jan 2014
i don't know how it did but this movie deserved at least tier 8 for me.. it looks like mr. cuaron could manage to do what danny boyle could not; gravity is actually a lot more than what 127 hours wanted to be. perfectly directed and totally captivating.
Rated 03 Jan 2014
Well, god damn. Was Lubezki not content shooting the Earth more gracefully than anyone ever has before in The Tree of Life? Did he also have to go and master the heavens?
Rated 04 Nov 2013
This is a pretty amazing film, and unlike anything else I've seen... Visually stunning indeed, and packs more of an emotional punch than I would have expected.
Rated 04 Oct 2013
Rated 16 Jan 2014
This is intense! You shouldn't think that with only two actors on screen at any given time, barely any sound effects and only a bit of music. But it works so well because it really draws you into the characters; the simplicity makes it all the more real and genuine. The dialogue might be a bit hammy but that is easily enhanced by the atmosphere and the brilliant camera-work. Gravity is a thrill-ride, it really pushes your heart to your throat and grips you. Plus, it is stunning to look at.
Rated 08 Dec 2013
I couldn't help but laugh out loud thinking that we crash landed on the Planet of the Apes.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
The zero gravity action sequences here are well-crafted and breathtakingly terrifying, accentuated by Bullock's great turn as the desperate (albeit shallow) protagonist, complimented nicely by Clooney's typical jovial banter, and made into cinematic excellence with the help of amazing visuals, a tense score smartly edited, and probing camerawork that skillfully captures the claustrophobic anxiety of the film's space catastrophe plot as well as its beautiful setting.


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