

2h 7m
A student at Oxford University finds himself drawn into the world of a charming and aristocratic classmate, who invites him to his eccentric family's sprawling estate for a summer never to be forgotten (
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2h 7m
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Avg Percentile 47.17% from 834 total ratings

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Rated 25 Nov 2023
I do wish this didn’t fizzle out in the last third, and that final reveal is both incredibly dumb and retroactively makes everything that happens beforehand less complex and less ambiguous. However, this was still a ton of fun! Once again, Emerald Fennell is up to her wildly delirious (and admittedly uneven) shenanigans, and the superb cast gleefully chews it all up. Y’all are complaining there aren’t enough sexy, stylish thrillers for adults, but then rejected this? Ingrates!
Rated 01 Jan 2024
2nd movie of hers I couldn't get through. Fennel showing up late to the party again with nothing to improve upon the blatant pastiche she is working with. Class commentary with no bite, literally none of the attempts at being provocative land because the enchantment of the scenario was non-existent to begin with. Embarrassing.
Rated 28 Dec 2023
What if Parasite was just utterly boring and expository.
Rated 29 Dec 2023
Not one character gave off a sense of personhood.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
This film sets up an interesting premise, and then spends its entire runtime dismantling that by going the least interesting routes. The characters all lack complexity, and its perversity feels more designed for shock value. Perhaps the most shocking thing is that a film in 2023 has so little to say about class and wealth. Not since Aerosmith's smash hit song has the term "Eat the Rich" been so aptly used.
Rated 08 Oct 2023
Extremely funny with excellent mockery of posh twats, a perfect cast, and several gorgeous and atmospheric shots and set-pieces. But the writing frequently falls short when it veers into the more dramatic elements and the characterisation of Ollie is extremely inconsistent, finally settling on perhaps the most disappointing and underwhelming final reveal it could have gone with (and half of it is like “was that even meant to be a twist?”). Jacob Elordi is incredible!!!
Rated 15 Mar 2024
I've only been witness to two or three more awkward memorial services.
Rated 04 Jan 2024
Sumptuously filmed - the colours, composition, costumes, and design are delicious - and compellingly performed, but it fails to achieve the same quality in its writing and structure. Everything is here for an opulent psychological thriller, but what it attempts in this vein is clumsy if not entirely undermined by its dabbling in commentary and romance. Its genres are spread thin and none wins the day. Almost great, but spreads itself into shallowness. Gorgeous, though.
Rated 11 Feb 2024
It unabashedly fails in all ways that really matter and mostly excels in those which really don't. "superficially smart and deeply stupid", somebody said. And it doesn't offer any sensible excuse to wallow in such nastiness.
Rated 23 Nov 2023
It isn't as strong as Fennell's first movie, Promising Young Woman. It's a basic Hitchockian story--equal parts the gothic class consciousness of Rebecca & the homoeroticism from Strangers on a Train. But the villains aren't as interesting. The script constantly loses focus. It both includes anachronisms and isn't era specific. And her odd technical choices (especially in the photography, editing, and music) kept me removed emotionally. A marginal recommendation only because of its uniqueness.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
This is going to be a very divisive film, but I ultimately felt let down by the rushed ending and the lack of clarity on the movie's theme. Emerald Fennell clearly has an amazing visual eye, but I don't think she knows what she is trying to say in this film and so much of it came off like a really high budget student film that is trying to be provocative and artsy for the sake of being artsy, but without servicing a greater theme.
Rated 25 Dec 2023
forget the serial implausibility of the plot, the detaching flatness of all characters , and the predicability of the so-called twist, the most egregious thing about this film is the unforgivable queer-baiting. a soulless, meaningless piece.
Rated 02 Jan 2024
It isn’t the most clever movie I’ve seen, some of the shock value didn’t add up, there’s a logic leap or two, and aside from Pike’s scenes, I didn’t think it was all that funny. The ending actually elevated it a bit for me though, and I still think it’s a great movie. I loved the performances, the score was a great mood-setter, and the performances are all quite good. The journey to that ending is genuinely pretty unpredictable at times too. Another great character piece from Emerald Fennell.
Rated 14 Jan 2024
it's like parasite made by a tiktoker who didn't understand parasite
Rated 21 Jan 2024
This was 'Cringe: The Movie'. I guess it made me uncomfortable to watch it, and that's a good thing, but also it has no damn idea what it wants to say about class (nothing, really, not much adds up here). The cast is good and some of the shots are pretty, so that was a positive thing? Characterization, especially for Ollie, has some jarring turns. I would have picked Common People for the karaoke. Really weird to hear Have a Cheeky Christmas on the soundtrack.
Rated 18 Dec 2023
Rated 02 Jan 2024
Interesting, with a good ear for dialogue and a striking look and color scheme - but man oh man does it unravel into something in the end that is definitely not boring but is also quite bizarre and unconvincing!
Rated 05 Jan 2024
Some people who reviewed this are intent on calling the film out for not being clever, that they have missed the point. It really wasn’t trying to be clever at all - at least, not in the ways they expect They are no real twists, nothing shocking or unexpected. This film isn’t about that; it’s an aesthetic feast, heavy with symbolism, beauty, and where there is social commentary, it’s less rich vs poor, more an observation over how differently we react to male gold-diggers than to female ones
Rated 09 Jan 2024
An enjoyable twisted satire with some great performances. Didn't love the overall resolution, but had a great time anyway.
Rated 23 Jan 2024
"EAT THE BLOODY PIE!" Remind me again why there's no Church Of Richard E. Grant? You want to admire a movie that makes a wild swing and misses. It's considerably harder to admire when it happens in tetherball. Saltburn telegraphs absolutely everything, says absolutely nothing, leaving us on a long, admittedly luxurious, drag to an undeservedly smug end.
Rated 25 Jan 2024
Intrigued for the first half, but the plot slowly fell apart. The "shocking" reveals had me rolling my eyes with how obvious they were. Why montage events from the past 30 minutes that you could have just shown because anyone half paying attention could tell what was going on? Wasn't as clever as it thought it was. The privileged upper-class vs. the privileged ultra-rich left me caring even less about any of the characters (and writer) or their motivations. I did enjoy the aesthetic and score.
Rated 17 Nov 2023
Bizarre. Not really sure what to think of it.
Rated 12 Jan 2024
So great to get a film with a good old-fashioned happy ending!
Rated 12 Jan 2024
Sometimes we mourn in strange ways...
Rated 27 Dec 2023
The math genius is the obvious villain of this piece - why would anyone eat a Crunchie starting in the middle! (what an animal).
Rated 31 Dec 2023
Rated 24 Nov 2023
striving middle class people be like: develop class consciousness? nah, imma do my serial killer shit
Rated 26 Dec 2023
Running out of steam halfway when character development comes to a halt, and we go into ridiculousness territory. For this reason the twist had no impact on me, and neither did the embarrasingly meme-reaching gravefucking scene. The ending made me feel sorry for Keoghan. Why are there so many long impromptu dancing scenes in new movies made by young directors? It's such an infantile form of expression. What happened to actually getting drunk on screen to convey ideas, like Cassavettes did?
Rated 29 Dec 2023
That Fennell, what an envelope pusher!
Rated 31 Dec 2023
That bathtub has seen some things.
Rated 01 Jan 2024
Ostensively made by someone who has at least 2 friends with trust funds, the Fake Polaroid of cinema herself is back with a toothless Teorema. You can make it as pretty as you want it's still not gonna sell me.
Rated 11 Jan 2024
Rated 13 Jan 2024
Surprisingly entertaining and some funny moments. But ultimately terrible writing. The final part where they flashback to all the protagonists deceits is the stupidest thing ive seen on screen in a while --So heavy handed you know these hollywood people think their audience is DUMB. Also it kept feeling like the movie had ended and then the producers decided it wasn't scandalous enough, so they added another chapter, and then another chapter etc. etc. etc. but sure, the castle looked cool
Rated 22 Jan 2024
Is acidity in a film a virtue? Is provocation enough to make a film good? If the answer to these questions is yes, then Saltburn is a great movie. For me, the answer is no. Saltburn fails as a comedy (Not funny enough), provocation (Too empty), character piece (Not believable) and as a thriller (Too obvious). At times I just wanted it to end. That said, Fennel has so much skill that even though she stumbled here, I can’t wait to see what she does next. Keoghan gets points for being so game.
Rated 25 Jan 2024
Maybe not the most original story, but done in an original way. It constantly feels like an earnest and sensual way of portraying this exact age, helped by an excellent soundtrack of '00s bangers, earthly cinematography, and a keen attention to the body and the many fluids it expels. Even the dumb twist at the end doesn't detract too much from this film of the woes of exploring hedonism in your early 20s.
Rated 13 Dec 2023
I was actively annoyed/bored with her first movie. A decent step up and a wild step out of the box. Think it has less to say about class relations like it seems a lot of people were wanting and instead traffics more in thoughts on how obsessing over that kind of status can drive a person a little over the edge. Bath water.
Rated 10 Mar 2024
Extremely reminiscent of The Talented Mr. Ripley except better and fully gay instead of mostly just beating around the bush
Rated 23 Dec 2023
Not up to par with Fennell’s previous work, Promising Young Woman, but a fairly good film nonetheless. The cast is pretty excellent all around, and I liked Fennell’s direction for the most part. Not sure if the aspect ratio was really necessary, but I didn’t mind it. The story and characters weren’t really all that impressive, but engaging enough that I wasn’t bored. It’s got a lot going for it despite its shortcomings, and it’s worth checking out.
Rated 16 Jan 2024
Emerald, call me by your name ile parasite'i kaç kere izledin. çok merak ediyorum. rezil orospu
Rated 24 Nov 2023
good performances and stunning visuals...but for what reason? most shots don't convey any sense-making within the narrative but just looks *good*. it's weird for a film that feels the need to spell out every single plot point to not use the existing class tension in any meaningful way. is the story about the lack of social prestige despite the wealth? aimless hunger of the middle class that keep themselves in spiritual void? misguided results of a desire? meandering mess of meaninglessness...
Rated 28 Dec 2023
audiovisual 76 acting 70 overall feeling 52 avg 66
Rated 30 Nov 2023
Strange. Inconsistent. Subverted my expectations, though not always in a good way. Feels lacking in some ways, like with Ollie's character and his interactions with others, like you've missed something. Great cinematography and performances, but sometimes so bizarre and obscene to the point where it feels like shock value just for shock value's sake. The ending sequence did not feel earned. Will be a uniquely memorable movie that I will probably never recommend to anyone.
Rated 02 Dec 2023
Saltburn is essentially what would happen if a really horny Sofia Coppola directed The Talented Mr. Ripley. IMO the movie is at it's best when it's content to just hangout in it's mid 00's setting. The cinematography and production design are absolutely gorgeous. For better or worse one of the main parts of the film are these psychosexual sort of tangents. Unlike Promising Young Woman I liked this one, but yet again in over the top fashion Fennell has to find a way to up end everything.
Rated 03 Dec 2023
Like a Colourful and modern take on Brideshead Revisited /The Talented Mr Ripley, so felt that it had all been seen before, although it’s visually good to look at and some of the comic performances are genius-ultimately it’s a little pointless.
Rated 03 Jan 2024
güzel bir plot-twist. sonradan hafif klişeye bağlıyor ama genel olarak beğendim. ne demişler: götü yere yakın olandan korkacaksın, hele ki oliver gibi olanından. triangle of sadness'la birlikte zengin eleştirisi yapan filmlerin "satirik-x" olarak bile yaygınlaşması da hem östlund'un büyüklüğünü hem de dünyanın harbe doğru hızla gittiğini bize apaçık gösteriyor.
Rated 09 Dec 2023
Hilarious and twisted. A very good time at the movies.
Rated 11 Dec 2023
Intersting... But disturbing. Great cinematography. Great lead actor. Talented Mr. Ripley is a better take on this type of plot. The whole is less than the sum of the parts. Some of the parts were excellent. Not near as good as A Promising Young Woman.
Rated 12 Dec 2023
Keoghan's performance is completely solid. Always nice to see Pike. It wasn't a boring movie, even if it could have been trimmed, which is why I give it a passing grade. But what's the big deal? The 4:3 ratio is meant to seem like we are "peeping in" but it doesn't earn that intimacy. Fennell is a talented director but her choices didn't do anything besides try to hide how relatively vapid this is. Social commentary is low-hanging fruit. Not funny or dramatic, nullifying any emotional resonance.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
I love the impact of movies where I find them to be much more than I expected. Saltburn impressively portrays the frightening and baffling mind of an arrogant sociopath. It makes you witness the blood-curdling rise of the obsessive, manipulative personality. As someone who found Promising Young Woman overrated, Emerald Fennell managed to surprise me this time.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
Interesting, but not really for me. Two parts The Talented Mr. Ripley, one part Joseph Losey's The Servant, this has a ton of themes and elements it's trying to balance and I don't think it quite pulls it off in the end. I had quite a bit of difficulty making heads or tails out of many of the characters and their actions. It's an ambitious effort, and it's very watchable, but it didn't do a whole ton for me.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
There's so much to love here, like the incredible acting and visual style, but unfortunately there's more than a few things to hate too. Some scenes were just too much for me and I'm not a fan of the conspicuous conclusion.
Rated 25 Dec 2023
gone fishing
Rated 26 Dec 2023
When you want the scenes in this movie to add up to something they faulter. It's due to the lack of mystery surrounding what you think is happening vs what you end up getting. The themes of obsession, lavish lifestyle vs mediocrity are very much alive and presented well. It's thrilling for 2/3s because that mystery is alive. Once the true nature is revealed the story loses that edge and it just becomes what we have become accustomed to in story telling. Simplicity masked with grandeur.
Rated 27 Dec 2023
It's fine. The script isn't particularly great. I don't know, it's fine. Whatever.
Rated 27 Dec 2023
I don't usually do meme reviews but.. this mf fucked the g r a v e
Rated 27 Dec 2023
+style +visuals -weird
Rated 28 Dec 2023
Hoje estou full putaça com todos os suicidios de fim de ano oriundos da imprensa marrom e do judiciário, então não estava no clima pra ver esse, então eu deveria revê-lo logo mais. Espécie de mistura de Teorema com Mr. Ripley, é até bem interessante sob o ponto de vista da consciência de classe e do fato de ser esplendidamente filmado e atuado, mas senti que faltava algo mais. Plus: Mas fiquei tentada a dar 4 estrelas pelo Barry dançando pelado. YTS.
Rated 29 Dec 2023
Yo what
Rated 02 Jan 2024
a fancam of homosexuality. a major studio send up of a john waters film. a heterosexual, lost in the dark, pantomiming of queerness
Rated 04 Jan 2024
Read JLFM review
Rated 05 Jan 2024
Well-shot, but poorly written and directed. Characters are shallow, and the plot is predictable and single threaded. Xenophobic, and gross.
Rated 06 Jan 2024
Rated 12 Jan 2024
Started out seeming a bit like "Call Me By Your Name", then turns into "Parasite" and "The Talented Mr. Ripley". The twist was fine. But it didn't work because the protagonist wasn't likeable.
Rated 07 Jan 2024
I'm deducting five points so this could have the same rating as Schwarzenegger's Running Man, which seems fair. 🌝
Rated 07 Jan 2024
I enjoyed it greatly, though I wonder if Fennell had to make some concessions for the last act to shake out the way it did. Still, it's simultaneously hard to look away and hard to watch, and that's a real achievement.
Rated 25 Jul 2024
what a bunch of horny people
Rated 09 Jan 2024
Not a fan of the A24'ication of film. It was subtle at first but they've all ultimately started to feel the same.
Rated 08 Feb 2024
Prečudovit konec, hit murder on the dance floor, Barry je mal nasty.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
I'm not really sure what the message is, and some parts may come across as provocative for the sake of it, but I enjoyed the ride. Also the soundtrack is spot on, they recreate an era well. I found Promising Young Woman similar, the bold twisted style takes over. That did have a clearer point to make though.
Rated 11 Jan 2024
first half was excellent, last half got too campy and edgelordy though
Rated 24 Jan 2024
Like roger kumble's Cruel Intentions series from early 2000's but with a budget. Or 3rd rate Losey talking about class and power and sex intertwined. But I think this film hasn't any idea about what it wants to say about class. It's all stupid pretty people being snarky conceiling the fact that this movie doesn't really have anything to say about class society. Rosamund Pike is great though.
Rated 14 Jan 2024
Knowing little about the premise, I went into this film thinking it would be a fairly standard romance, only to discover that's absolutely not the case. It ended up being the best way to experience Saltburn as it elevated the subversion significantly
Rated 15 Jan 2024
A significant portion of the reaction to this film makes me feel like so much has changed from the radical 90s, but also that nothing has changed. This doesn't really shock me -- maybe it has the odd gross scene, but if that's enough to make your monocle drop in your champagne, maybe re-examine your influences. This is slickly made; editing, acting, music great, cinematography fantastic. I wouldn't even call this trashy -- it's just fun.
Rated 17 Jan 2024
Much of the overall plot was predictable, but the atmosphere, sound, set design, and cinematography makes it never feel like it drags.
Rated 20 Jan 2024
Intriguing gross-out social satire is superbly performed (spotlighting Keoghan and Pike), but is marred by lack of rhythm and escalation - loading its grotesque moments in the first act is a brave gambit, but a lack of "toppers" in the later makes the anti-climactic; plausibility issues in character relationships, especially Pike's fascination with Keoghan, make it hard to connect (and Keoghan's effectiveness as a slimy rat makes it difficult to believe anyone would buy his "naff" act!)
Rated 25 Jan 2024
The film making is lovely, but I hated every character and found the experience of watching this film to be thoroughly unpleasant.
Rated 27 Jan 2024
utter waste. very desperate attempts to make the viewer uncomfortable. horrible payoff - the ending was so contrived. waste of talent.
Rated 28 Jan 2024
The premise and characters are interesting and it's played out in a watchable way. I could have done without the grave scene, but it was cancelled out by the audaciously amusing final scene. When I think back on this film overall it was pretty fun.
Rated 29 Jan 2024
fitzgerald's the diamond as big as the ritz went wrong
Rated 03 Feb 2024
As disturbing as it is intriguing. Could be equally read as a "the villain wins in the end" story, but also a commentary on the excessive ignorance and pretentiousness of the rich. Incredible acting throughout, especially from Barry Keoghan in the lead role.
Rated 09 May 2024
Rated 08 Feb 2024
Fennells film-making reminds me of individual cinematic pearls strung together without any sense of narrative sensibility. I feel sorry for the cast; they acted their hearts out and might have expected their efforts to be rewarded with a coherent ramp up of intrigue tension and climax. All we got was a completely unnecessary exposition of what was blindingly obvious. It brought an intriguing drama into the realms of Agatha Christie. Olivers bath scene with Keoghan was, however, a wonderful pearl
Rated 08 Feb 2024
Hard to find anything more pretentious than this. And by pretentious I don't mean the real pretentiousness of reality but the fake and pretentious pretentiousness of the pretend play.
Rated 08 Feb 2024
Not as shit as Fennell's debut. Her sophmore work is still kind of grating, I think it's supposed to be grotesque or a farce to an extent, but with overtures towards Pasolini's "Teorema". The characters aren't terrible per se, and the cast is good, but the plot isn't too believable, and there just isn't anything much to like or be affected by other than occasional cringe. "Teorema" was a pretty meh movie, too.
Rated 23 Feb 2024
The cast do an excellent job, even if Keoghan was miscast (good performance but gives off Ezra Miller vibes), but Fennell misfires with Saltburn. If the point was to showcase the nastiness of excessiveness, greed & envy, the film does a alright job albeit a shallow goal. The commentary on class, race and character are all haphazard & atrocious with no resolution. Often slow, the film peaks with the reveal at the end of the 2nd and downward spirals from there. Silly, but not in a fun way.
Rated 13 Feb 2024
Another idiotic pretentious attempt at making a film, which yet again consists of style over substance. Edgelord drama, just hideous.
Rated 14 Feb 2024
Respect to Emerald Fennell for taking a big swing with what will probably go down as her “blank check” movie. It’s more of an attitude than a coherent statement on obsession or class warfare, and full of quasi-nostalgia for the extra-ness of youth in an era before smartphones. Richard E. Grant, you make me laugh and cry!
Rated 14 Feb 2024
The perpetually uncomfortable Beefy McLoving fucks his way through an entire family - and the very earth itself - in this very awkward thriller.
Rated 09 May 2024
Not sure how I'm supposed to enjoy a film when I hate every character (except perhaps Venetia)
Rated 21 Feb 2024
Enjoyable, but also kind of meaningless and pointless.
Rated 24 Feb 2024
Beautifully vapid, just like the class it fawns over. Rather a vile little motion picture actually darling. Invites us to glare at envy, as if it were gorgeous. Barry looking great on the dancefloors at the end, and dripping his dialogues all over the rich, but still he had nothing to say. This says nothing interesting, except: Eat The Rich
Rated 26 Feb 2024
It definitely makes you think. REALLY pulled the rug out from under me in a lot of ways.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
It was fun how he got the Mega-Mind ending
Rated 03 Mar 2024
Barry Keoghan is really beginning to master that one character he always plays. Could've done without the explanatory montage in the end.
Rated 04 Mar 2024
Cum-slurping, period-feeding and grave-humping to get the TikTok generation in a frenzy. What an embarrassing pile of shite.
Rated 07 Mar 2024
Where is Keoghan's oscar nomination? Where is everyone's nomination? Saltburn is a splendid slow burn, full of debauchery and ambition. Every scene is handled with care and a wry smile. A couple of off notes give me a slight pause, including the extreme scenes that everyone is buzzing about and the final reveal, but I am gleefully rivetted. Between this and Promising Young Woman, Emerald Fennell is at the top of my watch list from here on.
Rated 25 Mar 2024
Cinematography, and sound design were fantastic. It's difficult to give a mini review without some level of spoiler. Disturbing and hilarious. Will be divisive for certain. 7.3.
Rated 27 Mar 2024
A blatant rip off of better films - The Talented Mr Ripley, Kind Hearts and Coronets etc. Seems like the creators just mashed cleverer, more memorable films together and added some limp ‘shock value’ moments to grab the zeitgeist. The only redeeming feature was the cinematography. Everyone else should be ashamed of creating such derivative dross.
Rated 05 Apr 2024
The talented Mr. Ripley revisits Brideshead.
Rated 05 Apr 2024
It's fun, but the plot is a bit of a mess, and is utterly undercut by the hamfisted ending. I'm not sure it's worth if, even for the glorious "Murder on the Dancefloor" scene. Barry Keoghan is absolutely fucking great, but all the other characters and performances fall quite flat. A directors cut which preserves much more of the ambiguity would be much improved I think.


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