Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
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Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

1h 45m
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Avg Percentile 44.29% from 2426 total ratings

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Rated 10 Apr 2015
Hadn't seen this in forever, and I have to say I liked it more than expected apart from everything that happens on the surface of Genesis, which felt disjointed. What starts as a minor assignment to bring a coffin from point A to B ends with losing a son, losing a ship, going rogue, resurrecting a friend, kicking a Klingon in the balls and flying away from an exploding planet. I approve! It also leaves us with one of the most interesting 'so, what now?' scenarios of all the Trek movies.
Rated 09 Jan 2018
SPOILER: Closely tied up to 'The Wrath of Kahn'. There are too many plot devices that seem to serve as an excuse for the fact, that some executive (or fan pressure, who knows) decided that we all need Spock back. Still, it's better than my idea, which would be two hours of the USS Enterprise parking next to different planets, Kirk rolling down the window yelling 'Hello! You down there! Have you seen Spock?! SPOCK ARE YOU DOWN THERE?! SPOOOOCK!?'
Rated 29 Mar 2015
Puts the "tr-ek" in "train wreck".
Rated 18 Jan 2008
Much better than I remember it being and, to be perfectly honest, it contains my favorite Shatner acting scene I've ever seen. When Kirk misses sitting down in his chair it just speaks volumes. The special effects are good but it's disappointing Kirstie Alley couldn't return as Savaak. If you're a Star Trek fan, like myself, it's certainly an enjoyable film.
Rated 20 Mar 2007
Actually watching it again, it's pretty good. I always remember being bored to tears by it when I was little and wishing it was The Wrath of Khan or The Voyage Home. Probably one of the few movies I can think of where nostalgia is to its detriment.
Rated 10 Apr 2007
To heavily paraphrase Nicholas D. Meyer, after what was supposed to be the huge emotional impact of the ending of Star Trek II, this movie is like a slap in the face. "We just killed a major character! Oop - JUST KIDDING! lol"
Rated 23 May 2013
The forced compromises and poor decision-making that afflicted the first two films meant that an entire movie had to be devoted to trying to right the ship in the third. For that reason, this is the first entry in the series with a clear, definite narrative, but for the same reason it is also inevitably highly predictable. Also suffers from ill-judged attempts at melodrama. Lloyd is probably the best performer in the film, and look out for Miguel Ferrer. But no Kirstie Alley.
Rated 08 Oct 2011
An all round weak installment, the kicker being the long epilogue where you know exactly what's going to happen. Like other carelessly handled events in the film, it's supposed to be a big moment - leaving us, instead, 100 per cent indifferent.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
A rather good sequel that doesn't match the brilliance of its predecessor but is still good in its own ways- that being said, the movie could easily be another ten to fifteen minutes shorter (by cutting out parts from the 20 minute ending to a 1 hr 45 minute movie) or more should've been added into this movie. A great premise but feels a tad uncomplete and therefore unsatisfying
Rated 09 Sep 2014
Leonard Nimoy's directorial vision doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it's damn entertaining. Notable for having perhaps the most badly edited action sequence I've ever seen in a big budget film, in the final battle between Kirk and Kruge. Always get proper coverage, kids.
Rated 03 Feb 2017
Okay, so it gets a little dire towards the end, but as a Trek fan I think this movie gets unduly scorned just because it's one of the infamous "odd numbered" ones in the series. Considering the plot basically amounts to a giant predictable retcon, it reaches the inevitable in fun and unexpected ways. The Enterprise herself has perhaps more of a presence in this movie than she ever has before, and the characters all get really good featured moments. It's a worthy entry in the Star Trek canon.
Rated 07 Aug 2008
Just blah, still not as bad as ST 5, which is as bad as shatner's first LP
Rated 11 Feb 2017
What a weirdly structured movie. The 1st half has almost no plot but plenty of interesting and relaxed character set-up. Then the 2nd part rushes by with outrageous twists & no time to process any of it. If you blink you might miss a redemption-seeking main character's son dying in the back of the frame somewhere. Still, despite its many oddities, it's a pretty entertaining, more character-driven Trek story that actually manages to get away with the cheap premise. Ham Lloyd does a fun klingon.
Rated 09 Sep 2010
There's some good ideas in it but it embodies all the worst cliches of Star Trek as being something dry and bloodless that drove young nerds like me to Star Wars instead. For a movie that puts Kirk through the emotional ringer so much (SPOILER ALERT!), losing his ship and his son, I felt precious little emotion myself.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
Very silly, empty and unamusing follow-up.
Rated 12 Jan 2007
It's occasionally very cheesy in places, but still fun.
Rated 18 May 2011
My favorite of the film series. Apart from a hammy turn from Lloyd as a Klingon baddie, this is the one film that comes the closest to recapturing the style and feel of the old show, with an ending full of all the sort of shock and emotional upheaval the second film strived for but never really attained. Leave it to Nimoy to finally get this series on track. Look for Grace Lee Whitney's cameo during the docking sequence.
Rated 23 Mar 2024
Even though it has a wonderful color palette and a great meshing of music and visuals (overall Nimroy did a good job as Director); the whole thing is reverse-engineered to bring back Spock basically; and you feel it and because of that it doesn't really work.
Rated 25 Jan 2021
Why do the Klingons just start randomly talking in English when talking with each other Christopher Lloyd is horribly miscast in this, god awful villain with zero menace or purpose he’s just there, honey by the time it was over I too had had enough of you. The final fight is done without any music and it keeps cutting far back whenever it’s a stunt double lol
Rated 21 Aug 2011
I think that it has enough moments to be at least entertaining to Star Trek fans. non-fans i would doubt could find anything in this. the story is very straightforward and not especially remarkable. however, like i said it does have some very standout moments for trek fans littered throughout that bring some life into it. I particularly like how it shows the damage the previous film has left on the characters.
Rated 18 Feb 2011
Surprisingly slow-paced and thoughtful follow-up to Khan. Great turn from Christopher Lloyd, but overall it's not much more than a TV episode made feature-length, as many of the Trek movies are. Has the worst title ever. Oh, so we're looking for Spock? Guess he's not dead after all.
Rated 15 Jun 2012
Rated 15 Jul 2024
Not bad, not great.
Rated 07 May 2014
While a little bit of a step down from Wrath of Khan this is still one of the better Trek movies.
Rated 06 Sep 2013
Much better than its reputation suggests. It was bound to run into difficulty trying to follow The Wrath of Khan (as well as reversing Spock's death, which was and always will be an incredibly bold move), and Kirk-fu should never be the climax of a Star Trek movie. But that aside, the emotional connections built among the crew members and seeing the Enterprise go down in flames still make this quite engaging and an above average sci-fi flick.
Rated 10 Aug 2013
Full of a lot of great ideas and does more to flesh out the world of Star Trek than most give it credit for. Didn't age very well, but a good bridge between II and IV.
Rated 05 Jun 2013
6/6/2013 deels gezien, rerate
Rated 23 May 2012
It's uneven but it manages to get some of the best moments (at least in the films - never watched the show) from Shatner and DeForest Kelley. I also find that Christopher Lloyd is one of the better villains. But there are a lot of silly moments that you'll probably take with you more than you'd like.
Rated 23 May 2013
I am SO happy: Spock is alive! Tonight, after my viewing of this movie, I feel very sorry for criticising the moviemakers last night. I am overjoyed. I know my Criticker family would have been worried about me; it has truly been a roller-coaster of emotions for me. I will sleep well tonight. I love Star Trek.
Rated 29 Apr 2013
Not too pleasing for some but I liked it. Not a lot of special effects but Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is an impressive sequel to The Wrath of Khan. Cast worked here too. If you got past the first two, this is also great. For sure worth watching.
Rated 17 Jul 2012
This movie has some cool scenes, and the story overall is pretty good. Kirk sacraficing the ship to save everyone is an emotional scene. Christopher Lloyd does a very good job as the villain.
Rated 02 Mar 2013
Not as good as the first or second film, but still enjoyable if you can appreciate sci-fi. The plot may be a bit far fetched but it didn't bother me all that much.
Rated 12 Mar 2012
Watching these in order again, I was really able to appreciate this one. I also recently finished the entire original TV series. Spock is my favorite character and Nimoy always did a superb job playing him. This one really captured the deep friendship that Kirk and Spock had all those years together. It went fast, so I know I enjoyed it. Nimoy also doing a great job directing this one.
Rated 02 Sep 2019
Kirk: "Klingon bastard! You killed my son!"
Rated 17 Jul 2023
The plot of this one is not as interesting as I or II, but the character dynamics and general writing are good, I enjoyed it.
Rated 01 Aug 2022
Not as good as 2 of course, but a required addendum that zips along. What keeps this from being better is that you can tell they're trying to recreate the visceral contempt Khan brought to part 2, but failing. Kirk kills the "opponent's" (the Klingon is literally called that) dog, but it means nothing & then he kills Kirk's son, but since the audience isn't emotionally connected to Klingon or son... It's also less impactful to not end w/ a battle, but the end's a feel-good return to old friends
Rated 16 May 2022
It's not bad. Really. It's just a lesser experience than Wrath of Kahn. There are less surprises, the over-acting is less welcome, the tonal shifts work less. The Kirk fight toward the end was cringey, and the single biggest element that sunk the movie. Well, that and Lloyd's scenery chewing.
Rated 04 Nov 2021
Terrible plot, doesn't make any sense but still surprisingly entertaining and I don't understand why.
Rated 16 Mar 2021
This is far better than its reputation. It suffers from following the best Trek film which isn't its fault. It has a villain problem (as much as I love Llyod) and much of the action that happens on the planet surface is disjointed, but there is a lot of heart and I always love to see a rough Enterprise crew.
Rated 05 Oct 2020
The first legit poor Trek movie, though to this point the series hadn't exactly been killing it. The exception to the 'odd movies are the good ones' line (at least, following old wisdom, interested to see if that still holds). Mostly this feels like a vacuous, janky made-for-TV episode. For whatever reason the writers killed off a beloved character but immediately wanted to write him back in. Nearly every scene is bunkum and it gets stupider and jankier as it reaches the ridiculous conclusion.
Rated 12 Sep 2020
Surprisingly solid follow-up to Wrath of Khan, with the cast back in full force and Lloyd hamming it up as a plucky Klingon villain. It's short and mostly sweet and by no means a poor continuation of the story set by its predecessor.
Rated 24 Aug 2020
The bad middle-film in a good trilogy. Essential viewing for continuity purposes, but not still not great. As an actor, Nimoy didn't do a great job directing the other actors in this. The acting is all flat & one-note and as a result major moments that should be emotionally meaningful land with zero impact. Even the great Christopher Lloyd is disappointing in this. Despite having a larger budget, it still looks cheaper than Wrath of Khan, and nothing ever feels like it has very high stakes
Rated 11 Jul 2020
Let's all say it together: "It's not the Wrath of Khan!" which was wonderful. But the 1980s were hard and this show gave us another chance to watch Captain Kirk and crew dress up and do some shenanigans.
Rated 15 Feb 2020
ok movie
Rated 08 Dec 2014
It's much campier than Wrath of Khan and The Motion Picture. Sometimes it works, like with all the great comedy. Sometimes it doesn't, like with basically any attempt to be serious. Christopher Lloyd is delightful, as he is in any movie, and the chemistry between the main Enterprise crew is still there, but the erratic tone drags it down. Also, let's just all agree to never talk about Saavik and Spock doing the finger stuff. That was just creepy and gross.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
Solid for an odd numbered Trek film. The Search for Spock begins with a lot of mystery, promise and well composed shots. However the story feels a bit empty. Under the hands of director Leonard Nimoy however, the film is an enjoyable ride through the stars.
Rated 20 Oct 2017
Lots of people die for Spock's coffin only to find out that Spock isn't even dead. I did NOT see that coming!
Rated 29 Mar 2017
The 3rd of the series is still an entertaining flick featuring one of the best series races, the Klingons. Lloyd does a good of over the top acting being a Klingon, and the whole flick finds a necessary way to bring back Spock.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Not bad, but not exactly memorable, even a month since I watched it again. I can say it's hard to get over Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon.
Rated 12 Nov 2016
Rated 16 Oct 2016
It's exactly like the title says, the whole movie is about the Enterprise crew trying to get Spock back. The plot falls short compared to the last movie but is still good enough on its own.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
2 hours to undo the best part of WoK so we can get some Nimoy action in the whale one.
Rated 10 Nov 2015
Saw this in theatres as a young child. It bored me then and on my second viewing 30 years later I feel much the same. Predictable uninteresting story with weak effects and direction
Rated 03 Sep 2015
The Search for Spock had the almost impossible task of trying to live up to it's predocessor. And although this still remains an enjoyable Star Trek adventure, theres no doubting that this is a step down. Tonally this sequel lacks consistency as it's light hearted for the most part, but attempts at trying to be more serious fall flat. The timeless and enjoyable characters still entertain though and they carry this somewhat uneventful instalment that sometimes feels more like an extended episode.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Plodding and convoluted, it's hardly entertaining. Admittedly though, it's an appropriate sequel, but as a bridge between the two most awesome Star Trek films, it's weak.
Rated 05 Oct 2008
Another great one of the series.
Rated 24 Aug 2008
Made for quick cash.
Rated 11 Jul 2008
It's a couple steps down from Wrath of Khan, but the main characters are always fun to watch, and Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon is amusing (even though I think the Klingons are completely unnecessary, thrown in simply for the sake of having a villain.)
Rated 13 Jun 2008
good movie
Rated 11 Feb 2008
its impossible for me to be subjective about these films or the star wars films. Some part of me knows they suck, but i was raised on them and I loved and connected with them as a child.
Rated 03 Jan 2008
It works for Star Trek fans but as a stand alone it's weak. Clearly as a film it's doing a huge amount of bridging work between two classier films. Interesting Direction from Leonard Nimoy however and some memorable effects.
Rated 14 Oct 2007
Let me start with what's good in this movie. The beginning, Christopher Lloyd, "Klingon Bastards, killed my son", blowing up the Enterprise, and (gasp) Shatner's acting. Apart from these things, there's not a whole lot going on here. Everything that takes place on Genesis is awful and boring.
Rated 15 Aug 2007
An old Star Trek movie. It's better than some of the later entries, so that's a plus.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This movie is just, well, awesome. Christopher Lloyd is frigging awesome, Shatner's overacting is perfect for this movie, and the visual of the Enterprise being blown to firey pieces is just flat out cool. And I loathe Star Trek with a passion, so that should tell you how entertaining this is.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Back when there were good Star Trek films..
Rated 05 Oct 2008
Not as intense as II, this is still a joy for Star Trek fans, and required viewing as part of the "trilogy" of II through IV.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's a Trek movie, you know you love it really
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Makes the mistake of being what the actor's thought fans wanted instead of what the audience truly wants. Also the science and continuity are a little shaky. Overall it's a strong effort that's been overlooked for far too long.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's kind of a letdown compared to The Wrath of Khan, but it maintains its predecessor's excitement, making it well worth watching.
Rated 11 Aug 2007
Marred by lapses in taste and judgment and a really limp "climax," this installment still has its moments . . . and, unfortunately, you cant get through to THE VOYAGE HOME without taking this step first. Too bad they killed off Kirk's son.
Rated 12 Jul 2007
Marginal storyline. At best.
Rated 29 Jun 2007
Cheesy, but not a bad entry in the Trek canon.
Rated 21 Jun 2007
I enjoy all fo the Star Trek movies, but The Search for Spock is a little odd. It feels extremely short and fairly uneventful. It is worth watching to see Christopher Lloyd as the Klingon commander, among other neat elements. It just seems like the writers had some business to attend to before making another ST movie, so they made this one to take care of that business. Pretty good!
Rated 13 Apr 2007
High percentage of comedians cast as Klingons in this one. Also, they find Spock, and he's alive. That's not really a spoiler; after all, what do you *think* would happen in a movie like this?
Rated 04 Mar 2007
The most boring film in the series with the original cast, it is only necessary in order to keep up with what is going on. It contains some of the classic elements however in all it just isn't as fun without Spock.
Rated 24 Feb 2007
Not bad.
Rated 11 Dec 2009
Nimoy directs with Vulcan seriousness.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
5- worth experiencing, alright
Rated 19 Dec 2011
The story is very simple. Not a whole lot happens. The setup takes the whole movie, and then there's not a huge amount of payoff at the end. But it's great fun the whole way through!
Rated 04 Nov 2011
Not a whole lot happens in this film, making it feel more like an extended episode of the original series than a feature-length piece. Shatner's camp acting worked well in a universe with Ricardo Montalban's Khan, less so with a character as bland and underdeveloped as Christopher Lloyd's Klingon captain Kluge. It also doesn't work well in tandem with some of the more emotional moments in the story, making them seem like transparent attempts at heft rather than character-changing events.
Rated 22 Jul 2011
Bad acting is made up for with good characterization.
Rated 18 Jul 2011
Though it may be short on dazzling special effects, The Search for Spock is still a strong Star Trek installment, thanks to affecting performances by its iconic cast.
Rated 22 Nov 2010
Lacks the thematic wallop of Wrath of Kahn, but is still a solid action piece with a strong performance by Lloyd.
Rated 25 Jul 2010
If you can get past the basic conceit that Spock gets to somehow live again, it's a pretty good Star Trek flick. But man, I know it's only 2 years since the last movie, but the cast seems way older for some reason.
Rated 23 Feb 2010
This film starts off on a bad note by ruining the growth to Kirk's character from the end of ST2. Once past that though things improve with a brisk sequence where Kirk steals the Enterprise and goes to recover Spock. Nimoy's direction is ok, but the Genesis planet is too reliant on sets making it feel less wonderous than it should. Lloyd does a decent job as Kruge but Shatner does well again and is given some decent material. A decent follow up to Wrath of Khan, but lacks it's epic feel.
Rated 02 Jan 2010
Rated 14 Dec 2009
Not as bad as many people say it is. Still there's much room for improvement here.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
felt like a really long episode that wasn't worth watching. it took the whole movie to recover spock (a bad idea b/c he's essential to the whole chemistry of star trek). at least they killed off kirk's son.
Rated 08 Dec 2009
Rated 04 Dec 2009
A rather good follow up to the amazing Wrath Of Kahn.
Rated 20 Sep 2009
One of the weaker original cast Star Trek movies. Better than both 1 and 5 though.
Rated 19 Aug 2009
Not bad as I or V, but lacks a lot of meat to the plot.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
A nice follow up to "Wrath of Khan". For Star Trek fans like myself this is a good Trek film that has one of Shatner's better performances, but the plot is quite weak. It offers little for persons who are not Trek fans. Solid, but unextraordinary.
Rated 02 Jul 2009
Not the best or worse, just sort of meh. And the plot is really ridiculous.
Rated 21 May 2009
The expected resurrection of Spock is ingenious in conception and suspensefully prolonged, with a brand-new baby Spock hatched out of his coffin-cocoon and aging at an alarmingly accelerated rate; and it even, within the established postulates about Project (and Planet) Genesis, makes a kind of sense. In technique, it is well handled, with the junior Spocks, or Spockettes, being very reasonable likenesses of the elder.
Rated 15 Apr 2009
Third part has a lot more crappy humor than the first two. The whole main plot about searching Spock sucks but on top of that they also had to add some vulcans for silly action scenes.
Rated 16 Mar 2009
Somewhat slow and humorless, but intriguing.
Rated 16 Oct 2008
The pacing is a bit slow at times, but there are great moments such as when Kirk learns of David's fate.


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