A Serious Man

A Serious Man

1h 46m
A black comedy set in 1967 and centered on Larry Gopnik, a professor who watches his life unravel when his wife prepares to leave him because his inept brother won't move out of the house.
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A Serious Man

1h 46m
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Avg Percentile 60.76% from 5574 total ratings

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Rated 12 Jan 2010
A masterpiece from one of my favorite directors. The path to the enlightenment is a bumpy and enigmatic road. The film does suffer from repetition due to the perennial negative aura it bestows upon its troubled main character; It ends on a ambiguous note, yet it works on a cerebral level and is one that has been earned. It's this inventive backbone that makes A Serious Man the best film 2009 has to offer, one that will undoubtedly grow on me after repeated viewing. Wholeheartedly recommended.
Rated 10 Nov 2009
Burn After Reading painted its subjects' lack of knowledge as tragicomic character defects; A Serious Man sees it as the defining human condition, though no less tragicomic. The workings of the world and God are inscrutable -- God's proponents' remedies for the resulting existential crisis are optimism, indifference and Jefferson Airplane, respectively -- but acknowledgement of one's ignorance ("Accept the mystery") is no defense against the swirling vortex of chaos, literalized at film's end.
Rated 23 Mar 2010
A tale of an unfortunate man who, no matter how he tries to adjust his aerial, remains unable to obtain any kind of adequate signal, or clear reception, or decent programming.
Rated 26 Nov 2009
The Coens have made something special here. Its almost impossible to explain the genius of it all. I don't understand all there is too understand but what has been weaved together is a man desperately wishing for everything to be explained. We have the same desire but more events keep occurring with even more consequences. Really you don't end up knowing anything, you just know something is happening.
Rated 13 May 2020
Schrodinger's Schlimazel? Like with Barton Fink I spy the Eraserhead influence - the foxy neighbor, nervous hair, dream sequences (also, peep the waitress from FWWM). Maybe even a nod in Gopnik being undone by his own eraser. But more important is the blend of Jewish mythos and quantum theory, money problems and god problems, transference of wave/sound/speech, the unspoken final word and unheard "santana abraxas", runic engravings in vinyl, chalk, and teeth. Beautiful and hilarious and brutal.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
A modern-day Job, but in this variation, despite the same pleading and anger due to surreal happenstance, God has no voice to rebut either the 3 rabbis or poor Larry. What does that mean? I dunno. Jefferson Airplane.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
There is so much to love about this film. Hilarious, cynical, bleak, it's really got everything. At the end they don't tell you anything, it's all unresolved and it is awesome. The Coen's show they can take a mostly no name cast and still make something special. One of the funniest parts comes at the end of the credits: No Jews were harmed during the filming of this movie. That's good to know.
Rated 04 Feb 2010
The Coens strike again. An irregular yet cerebral and tragic comedy with discursively digressive humor that sets the mood for the rest of the film as our main character strives to find the meaning of life, the edification and literacy of truth. The ending is just as unresolved and vaguely hinted As No Country For Old Men. Gopnick is so passive, unwilling and devoid of any passion. But you know what, this was the directors' intention, and I loved it.
Rated 07 Feb 2010
Upon walking out of the theater, I admit to calling this "average" merely because I didn't get it. I believe it takes a basic understanding of Jewish religion and/or the quantum physical concept of Schroedinger's Cat to truly appreciate this movie. This is an extremely cerebral black comedy meditating on the universal question of "why?". It provides various perspectives from both the religious and scientific sides of the argument, but the only straight answer we get is to "accept the mystery".
Rated 21 Nov 2009
The Coen brothers are incredible storytellers. There are layers upon layers in this hilarious, simultaneously bleak, yet life-affirming tale (fable?). Themes of perspective, abstract wisdom vs. applied knowledge, action/inaction, and god's (hashem/elohim/yhwh/etc.) plans are deftly explored through a myriad of awesome scenes. The acting throughout is absolutely incredible, and, as usual, the Coens' cinematography is impressive. If you like anything Coen, see this ASAP! Schrodinger's cat, people.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
One of the best movies this year. At turns tragic and comic, moving and sidesplittingly funny. Similar to Kafkas masterpiece "The Trial" just with a lot of the tragedy replaced with comedy, the existentialism replaced with recognizable everyday absurdism. Also: I want to be Sy Ableman!
Rated 12 Jan 2010
One tends to forget the caliber of work Coens are capable of. After a fine (but nothing special) Burn after Reading and No Country I wasn't expecting to be electrocuted with a delicate comedy. Genius in play, loved every minute of it.
Rated 13 Mar 2010
This film seems so comfortable in its style & presentation, that it feels as if the Coen's didn't even have to think about it. It has a uncanny natural flow that seems unique only to the Coen's when they're in full swing. With a wealth of great performances, supurbly dark humour, potent symbolism, & beautiful cinamatography once again the Coen's show others how it is done. This films ambiguity will remain its great strength & weakness; most likely deciding whether people love it or hate it.
Rated 09 Feb 2010
One of my favorites by the Coens. It just seems so beautifully constructed, like the perfect meditation on the unknowability of the universe, a metaphysical comedy. Although there's some wonderfully funny moments, it's not the most entertaining movie to watch. But the gestalt of it is so fascinating, the little connections and references and details. What perfect casting too, and great music and cinematography as well. Embrace the mystery.
Rated 14 Feb 2010
No jews were harmed in the making of this film.
Rated 13 Oct 2009
Giving no easy answers to their weighty themes (in fact, actively arguing that none can be found), this new and very bleak comedy from the Coens is stylistically superb and despite it being carefully constructed by the brothers - along with Roger Deakins - they manage to let their tale feel deliciously flimsy, without the annoyance of forcing overly quirky traits upon their very original characters. The writing and delivery is absolutely brilliant - and the ending packs a punch.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
What is the mystery of life? We are on our own. Only a fool can find the formula of existence. For the rest of us, don't forget that the rabbi (i.e. the god) is busy. He's thinking. Is life actually a game of cards? Well, Kabbala thinks it is. Everything is in numbers. For me this movie is very agnostic, or atheist, it's up to you. Judism is only one of the drugs. Inhale it and enjoy the freedom of the life. Everything is brilliant in this flick to the smallest details.
Rated 22 Jan 2010
A stunning film that is even better the second time you watch it. There's so many little touches, so many allusions to the overarching story, so many hints as to their intents and little touches that it really makes this film something special. This is them doing purely what they want to do, as evidenced by the limited release, this is their film, and their prowess shines through. The performances are great and work with the writing and directing to make this a fantastic film.
Rated 06 Mar 2010
I had high hopes and they were fulfilled: what a wonderful, funny and clever movie to watch.
Rated 12 Apr 2019
A vicious pitch black comedy set in a Jewish community in the 60s. On the surface it's a very funny movie about a passive loser whose life falls apart, but the deeper meaning is somewhat cryptic, which no doubt alienated many viewers. On one hand it presents a savagely bleak view of the universe, with man drifting alone and rudderless in an inexplicable void. It also gives us a modern day retelling of Job, where Job's faith wavers and he is immediately destroyed by God's vengeance. Brutal.
Rated 28 Oct 2009
PSI of 96??? Whoa, easy there, Criticker! Nonetheless, this is a bleak, bitter, cynical movie, and where I come from, that's a plus. It's very funny and I admire the utter confidence with which the Coens make some of the weirdest, most oblique movies you can imagine. Good performances, especially Fred Melamed as Sy Ableman. Wasn't a big fan of all the fakeout dream scenes though, I always hate that.
Rated 11 Nov 2009
At bottom, the Coen brothers' most "personal" work. To be sure, they've never been reduced to hired hands. They've always had the good fortune to be able to make the films they wanted to make, films that reflected their personal tastes and personal attitudes and personal interests and personal viewpoints. The filmmakers bring to their subject the unkind eye of the caricaturist. Joel and Ethan Coen have long and lately devoted themselves to the vast panoply of human stupidity.
Rated 28 Nov 2009
Despite being based upon the biblical story of Job, A Serious Man still possesses many of the themes common to the work of the Coen brothers-- most notably fatalism. We watch Larry Gopnik, a upstanding Jewish man, be subjected to torture from all aspects of life for 100 minutes. When it looks as though things may improve for Larry, his spirits are summarily crushed, and he is again reminded that no matter how righteous our lives may be, we are guaranteed nothing.
Rated 23 Jan 2022
An absolute masterpiece. One of those films that is difficult to discuss in a review without spending multiple paragraphs. Subscribe to my Patreon for $5 a month and you'll get an essay on what Richard Kind's cyst actually means.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
accept the mystery
Rated 10 Jan 2010
Damn good, but it doesn't *quite* work. I did very much enjoy Michael Stuhlbarg as the modern day Job, and there are a number of sequences with biting dark humor, but A Serious Man wavers between an uninteresting human drama and a clumsy, heavy-handed statement about god's silence.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
It is undeniably a well-crafted film. But I felt like there was something missing. Although exactly what, I can't pinpoint. Maybe if I had a background on Jewish customs, I would be able to appreciate it more. Or maybe I just need to see it again. Sometimes, a second viewing changes a lot. Nevertheless, I commend the Coen brothers for another demonstration of skillful filmmaking.
Rated 10 Oct 2009
The typically quirky Coen brothers at it again with something deeper than No Country but just as funny as Burn After Reading. This is what movies should be, with some characters the audience can feel for, and some characters the audience has a tough time dealing with. I did not want the story to end, but it does. Sort of.
Rated 10 Oct 2009
Definitely one of the most ambiguous, inaccessible, and frustrating Coen Brothers' films, and yet you still know that there is something brilliant happening here. Stuhlbarg is fantastic and carries the film extremely well.
Rated 11 Oct 2009
Another Coen Brothers movie that shares that trait with Monty Python that I find so endearing: it's a comedy about what a pathetic loser everyone really is
Rated 27 Dec 2015
Inside Llewyn's Jewishness. It's about the way in which faith informs hopelessness, like clinging to a life raft that has a sizable hole in it. A film in which the only conclusion is that there are no conclusions; life is a serious of questions without any answers, and we all gotta get used to it. Michael Stuhlbarg's performance is marvelous. The Uncertainty Principle - it proves we can't ever really know what's going on. Weirdest Bergman homage ever.
Rated 28 Oct 2009
Coen Bros. fans (a generally cinematically literate bunch) praise them for the very thing they'd despise in most films: when a scene is pointless, they will cry "that's what makes it great!" I disagree so most Coen Bros. movies leave me cold & this is no Lebowski exception. Fortunately, this one does build 2 a point other than "sh-t happens". Unfortunately it takes a dull while 2 get there as u wade through way 2 many allegedly "hilarious" scenes (unlike fans I don't laugh b/c I'm "supposed 2").
Rated 02 Apr 2017
A bitingly funny film which poses the question: is it worth it to lead a moral life without the promise of reward? The Coens leave the answer to you, content to plumb the tragicomic mysteries and coincidences which ultimately cohere to define the narrative thread which weaves its way through men's lives. One of their best.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
"Accept the mystery." At first I thought this was fairly inscrutable from a thematic standpoint, but I think that in itself was the point. It doesn't really make any difference whether things happen for a reason if the reason is impossible to discern. All that aside, really funny and Stulhbarg in particular plays black comedy great. Edit: This went from good to incredible on a second viewing. Seriously underrated gem.
Rated 04 Dec 2009
An offbeat, unconventional, but hilarious film. Denies the audience the resolution wanted, but not needed, and its perhaps all the more stronger because of it. Very memorable.
Rated 13 Nov 2020
I thought it was boring and I didn't get a lot of the humor. After sleeping on it, there's a lot more there than I first thought. I definitely need to rewatch as others say the second watch is better.
Rated 11 Jan 2010
An excellent Coen brothers black comedy, right up there with their best. Really hones in on some absurdities of suburban life and brings out the awkwardness and frustrations for the audience to feel. The ending is abrupt but not uncalled for, a chapter closes and another begins.
Rated 23 Mar 2012
Reminds me of my favorite Coen Bros. movie - Barton Fink, except it's not quite as funny or memorable. But that's not a knock against it, this is still a hilarious and unique movie.
Rated 21 Dec 2010
It was a gas. Once again, the common man is knocked from pillar to post by forces unforeseen and unknown. It is sort of like watching a pathetic animal being tortured and probed while more and more children gather around to delight in it's predicament. Never in your life would you think it possible for such cosmic sadism to be so appealing. It continues to baffle me how the Coens somehow manage this theme with such finesse and nihilistic splendor. "SIGH, Just look at the parking lot, Larry! :)"
Rated 06 Mar 2010
Intelligent, multi-layered, rich with thematic details, and absolutely hilarious. It feels like a perfect blend between the quirky seriousness of Fargo and the character-driven goofiness of The Big Lebowski. The Brothers are truly gifted at making memorable scenes, and A Serious Man contains some of their all time best. The Bar Mitzvah near the end is probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. This will fit into the very small list of films I consider to be infinitely re-watchable.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
This is a modern parable of a man creating his own existential crisis by pondering the negative facets of life and wondering why it's all happening to him. The film seems to suggest things happen because they do and there are no cosmic sources we can tap into to decipher the meaning. Even though the movie is steeped in religious references its message is essentially a secular one. Some of the ethnic stereotypes were a little annoying but otherwise it's still a good movie.
Rated 17 Jun 2011
So basically a jewish guy's life falls apart over the course of an hour and a half, and he takes it all on the chin, nothing gets resolved, it doesn't really go anywhere except in a downward spiral. I never laughed, I was minorly entertained, but it's more like watching someone get horribly mutilated by a bear than anything else, you can't take your eyes off off it no matter how gruesome. I waited the entire movie to watch him break, but no matter what that guy is like marble statue. AHHHHHHH!
Rated 15 Nov 2010
A stunning modern classic showing a degree of craftsmanship the brothers Coen have been developing for a long time.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
This movie's such a tease. It never builds up to or toward anything. It just lets the situation get worse and worse until the movie seems to unceremoniously end, never tying together any of the mysteries or escalating the problems to a point where they can be understood. Yes, it's entertaining the whole way through and it does a nice job of forcing you to think about what you're watching but the complete lack of conclusion is utterly infuriating.
Rated 25 Jan 2010
It's a sign of growth that the Coens no longer reach for slapstick violence as cheap entertainment. A Serious Man is still essentially their usual misanthropic farce, and predictably populated by vapid caricatures who are neither sympathetic nor funny (e.g. "Book of Job reenactor" protagonist vs. "Asian who against-type is bad at math"). The close-up photography allows the good cast to hold the viewer's interest, but that's about the best I can say for it.
Rated 04 Jul 2010
Its presentation belies its relatively simple nature. It's about a man whose perspective on life is shaken, and finds not all questions have definite and practical answers. The dark humor is almost ruthless, but the Coens treat the awkwardness of suburban Judaism with self-deprecating affection. I have to mention the phenomenal sound design, which alone is enough to make me regret not seeing this in theaters.
Rated 24 Apr 2016
A series of wry non-answers to the question 'what the fuck does God want from me?', this Jewish metaphysical comedy in the vein of a Midwestern, suburban Kafka is great fun, but nasty fun. As in the Book of Job, the sublime, incomprehensible voice of God ('speaking out of the whirlwind') appears in the cyclone at the end.
Rated 02 Apr 2012
It's even better watching Larry get shit on a second time.
Rated 31 May 2011
A curious and intriguing little film, cut through with a gentle flow of black comedy, from the Coens. I thought the cast worked very well, and my overall impression of the film was that a great deal of care was put into making it. It occurred to me that the filmakers were inviting us to search for the same answers that Larry was, with the open ended nature of the film leaving many questions unanswered. I have a feeling that a second viewing will unearth a bit more detail. Recommended.
Rated 13 May 2010
Pretty crazy
Rated 07 Mar 2010
There are three stages with this film - when you watch it, you enjoy the cracklingly good film making; when it ends, you go 'what the hell was that about?'; afterwards, you start to piece it together.
Rated 25 Feb 2010
I really, REALLY didn't get this one. Not the least funny, touching or interesting. I fell asleep not once, not twice but three times and didn't care for one of the characters for more than a couple a seconds a time. An all-time uninspired low for The Coens as far as I'm concerned.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
One of the best endings in the history of film.
Rated 13 Oct 2009
The more I think on this, the better it seems. The film effectively portrays Larry's life of inaction and trial, blending in comic notes with the unending stream of difficulty. The Coens end up contrasting Larry's story with the biblical story of Job in clever and significant ways, while its ending stands on par with those of Fargo and Lebowski.
Rated 17 Oct 2009
Another awesome Coen Brothers film. Really funny, Michael Stuhlbarg was easily relatable to, and the film flowed well. The ending was too much like No Country for Old Men's, in the sense that it's very 'WTF' but if you can identify it's deeper meaning then kudos to you.
Rated 18 Oct 2009
More in the "No Country" vein then the "Burn after Reading" vein, this comedy examines man's struggle to live and the foibles that surround that struggle.
Rated 18 Oct 2009
Bitterly hilarious and timely -- I know a lot of people these days have been saying, "But I haven't done anything!" -- with an ending that caught me off-guard.
Rated 15 Jan 2024
Maybe for some people and at some point, life just doesn't work out, and answers just don't come in any comprehensible way no matter how many questions are asked. At least quite some good fun can be made out of it though - and some rabbis unlike any imagination one might have of them!
Rated 11 Nov 2009
For once I feel like the Coen brothers aren't set out to prove something or aren't trying too hard. It's mix of tragedy and comedy works really well, with some absurdism thrown in for good measure. Great acting, great sets, really engaging story. Loved the end.
Rated 15 Nov 2009
Definitely one of the Coen's heavier films. There really isn't anything to feel good about, but then again, who cares? The attention to detail is one of the things that the Coen's do best, and that aspect really shines here. Subtle comedy bits rolled into each scene are brilliantly executed, and the familiar filmmaker trademarks are enough to make a narrative that I wasn't so found of turn out ok.
Rated 25 Mar 2010
Why me?...just because. Great film!
Rated 30 Jun 2019
Spiritual sequel to Barton Fink.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
Basically it goes nowhere, and tries embarassingly hard to be different and/or mysterious (the Coen Brothers have done it again). 2 hours I can't get back.
Rated 27 Apr 2010
Muito bom, mas alguém pode me explicar aquela introdução, por favor?
Rated 13 Dec 2009
Very difficult to define, you know you are watching a very good film, but after having seen it I find if very difficult to explain what was so good about it
Rated 28 Feb 2011
The Coens' most intellectual comedy, full of existentialism and doubt. I loved it.
Rated 11 Nov 2011
79 points for the back-and-forths with the Korean student and the student's father.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
A witty black comedy centered around a jewish community somewhere in the 60's. Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) faces great obstacles and goes from one rabbi to the next looking for a way out. A lot of the jewish mythology might get lost in translation in countries where the religion isn't as strong, and the ending provides a nice "fuck you" much in the same way as Burn After Reading. The difference being that this is a good film.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
A well-crafted, extremely Coeny, period piece....but it's not really my jam. I would have much rather seen the Coen Bros. dybbuk horror movie that the first 5 minutes of this begins as.
Rated 25 Apr 2020
Maybe the most accurate depiction of hell. That doesn't make it enjoyable though.
Rated 08 Mar 2010
An exquisitely made though somewhat uninteresting film with an excellent performance by theater actor Stuhlbarg.
Rated 23 Jul 2010
Filled with allusions and physics references. Definitely needs to be watched twice... or more! Made for the thinking man.
Rated 15 Apr 2010
By all reasons A Serious man is an awesome movie. The Coens have created something special. It's simple enough, being so difficult. It's a story of a man who wanted simple answers to the questions which cannot be answered by human language. The absurdity of Larry Gopnik's life just underpins the concept that sometimes no one is able to assist you in difficult moments of life but you. It looked like I was watching the movie about jewish Lebowski.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
It's all there. Cinematography, acting, directing and humor are obviously great, but the meaning of the whole story is what makes this film. Brilliant.
Rated 05 Jul 2010
The Coen's films are hit or miss. This is a miss. After watching this film, if I didn't know they were Jewish, I would swear they were raging antisemites. Every character is more grotesque than the next. I watched a little of the extras, hoping they would explain why they made this piece of shit. Alas, they did not. They claimed to be drawing upon real life experience? If so, they must be seriously damaged! No plot, no point, abysmal ending, excruciating. WTF?
Rated 15 Jan 2010
It was certainly good, funny and tragic, but I couldn`t always relate to the story. Also: very WTF at the end, but I`m sure this is the kind of movie that gets better every time you watch it, a skill which the Coen brothers seem to master perfectly.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
When I grow up, I want to make a movie as good as this one.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
23 ocak 10 & coenlere alismam lazim. beni asan ve sinirlari zorlayan, kendilerine has bir sinema anlayislari var. belki de bu yuzden filmleri cekici ama zor.
Rated 07 Oct 2015
A Serious Man is...well...serious. And very very Jewish. The Coen brothers know how to make a good movie, and this film is no exception with its acerbic tone, solid performances and off-beat drama. That said, I found the film to be an indictment of's just so bleak. There are plenty of subtly funny moments throughout, but it never reaches the height of its tone-setting, opening sketch.
Rated 27 Jan 2010
Great immersive film, wish it could have kept on going.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
among the best the brothers have made. and with their resume, that's saying a lot. the final moments make the endings of no country for old men, barton fink, and blood simple look conventional.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
An absurd masterpiece. Michael Stuhlbarg excels as the poor Job-like protagonist. The Coens have perfected their dark sense of humor and absurd tone. It's both profoundly haunting and hilarious, and leaves me at a loss for words.
Rated 23 Dec 2013
Billing this as a comedy must violate some kind of trade descriptions rule. Spineless loser protagonist gets crapped on for 90 minutes, then it ends. I don't care about the analogies to Job, I don't want to seek deeper meaning in the tale of a complete loser who lets life walk all over him. There's no higher power at work here; it's the story of a spineless loser who lets the world crap on him at every opportunity.
Rated 05 Dec 2011
‎"A Serious Man" is only my fourth Coen film to date but as with the others, I loved every second of it. Incredibly well made, subtly hilarious and bleak, it often comes across as goofy but at its core it has an interesting and thought provoking aesthetic. I'm not a huge fan of abrupt endings so I didn't really care for the climax but judging it in the context of the film, I can't really count it as a negative aspect.
Rated 08 Feb 2010
Note to self: stop watching movies about pathetic fuckups. These movies don't enlighten you, they don't entertain you, they just wear you out emotionally and instill you with rage. Thank you. Note to Coen brothers: please start making movies about characters with qualities outside of being despicably pathetic again. It worked with The Big Lebowski, it worked with The Hudsucker Proxy, and even in Fargo, there was the Marge character for us to enjoy watching. You can do it. Thank you.
Rated 30 Mar 2010
Like other people have said, it's like the story of Job retold for a modern audience(and by someone with a very dark sense of humour). It's so well told and in such an interesting style, though, that it feels fresh. It helps that the movie is hilarious, too.
Rated 27 Feb 2010
I do admit honestly that i couldn't make head or tail of this movie. Maybe it was because of my ignorance to Jewish customs. Another viewing might change my opinion.
Rated 11 Feb 2010
Beautifully crafted, but simply not enjoyable.
Rated 11 Mar 2010
A:"Why?" B:"Let's have a good talk" A:"I haven't done anything!" B:"Does it matter?" A:"I'm trying to be a serious man" B:"who cares" If you end up saying "God! What does it all mean!?" because of this film... well... that IS what the film is about. That and the answer, which is nothing. Don't watch this with harsh company.
Rated 09 May 2010
A Serious Man is wasted if you view it only once, the bizarre misery and banal horror of suburban Minnesota in 1967 is so painful to watch you'll miss most of the humor on the first viewing. The humor is dark, with little but the cartoonish anxiety of the modern day Job, Larry Gopnick, to remind us not to take it too seriously and enjoy some sadistic fun as his world collapses and he searches for meaning in the chaos, only to find meaningless gibberish, indifference and the Mentaculous.
Rated 26 Mar 2011
I saw this flick while i was going through a very difficult period in my life and some of it's parts matched my own experiences. Perhaps a bit difficult picture for a regular movie - goer but it clicked quite deeply with me. Superb casting. A must see for every goy in the house.
Rated 12 May 2010
Good Movie
Rated 31 Mar 2010
The ending will make you feel like your parents just told you that you were adopted.
Rated 16 Feb 2010
If the Coens can't fascinate and compel you as gifted storytellers and auteurs, I pity you, my friend. A Serious Man is another hit from the unstoppable duo, who I can't get enough of these days, and I adore the way they force the wheels in my head to turn. This film poses more of a discussion about spiritual life and meaning than an exploration, all of it summed up by the end, which by then you'll either completely understand based on your perception (the parking lot!), or not get whatsoever.
Rated 17 Feb 2010
Crap. The Coen brothers usually churn out pretty interesting hits but this one's definitely a miss. With one of the coolest starting sequences I've ever seen, it quickly turned into another dull peek into the life of a nerd Jew. I'm sure it had its fine points, I just couldn't appreciate them. Not recommended.
Rated 17 Feb 2010
Like other Coen movies, this has so much potential and it's often really enjoyable to watch, but I feel like I'm being set up for things that these movies never deliver on. Sort of like a bad therapy session, at the end you ask "But what was ANYTHING about?" and the movie just responds, "What do YOU think it was about?"
Rated 26 Sep 2014
Easily my favorite Coen Brothers film, and something i didn't even know they had in them. While still to an extant cartoonish and grotesque in their usual manner (to not uncomical ends) , for once they leave behind the postmodern ironic genre pastiches and appear to draw from their own experiences. The results are every bit as funny as they've ever been, yet have a philosophical/emotional depth i would have never expected. It's not unlike Todd Solondz without (as much of) the meanness.
Rated 10 Mar 2011
squeezes your heart with its uneasiness and absurdity until last minute and doesn't let it go at the end.
Rated 12 May 2010
So life is pointless. I understand the movie... but i don't like it.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
Oh shut up with the "I know it's good" comments. I like the Coen brothers too but this was "Meet the Parents"-style everything-goes-wrong-movie with the Jewish jokes delivered more subtly and escaping the hard part by not resolving anything. Yes, the Coen brothers can make a bad movie


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