Blade Runner
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Blade Runner

1h 57m
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Avg Percentile 72.57% from 18013 total ratings

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Rated 27 Mar 2007
Blade Runner is more than Ridley, Vangelis, P.K. Dick, more than it's crew or material used in the work. From childhood the first time I saw the movie it's effect still dwells in my mind. The scenery is more melancholic than fourties America, or seventies France where hardboiled noir has it's own space. For me no special effect surpassed the beauty of Blade Running. Like a visual track for the lost causes. (ok managed to sound not like a scifi nerd, oh no movie geek is still at large)
Rated 14 Aug 2007
If nothing else, this film is a masterpiece of visual style. It just looks fucking cool as hell. All those cool blues and rain-slicked surfaces and neon lights and steam and smoke and gorgeous lighting. But it also has a wonderful score, a compelling neo-noir mood, and a fairly intelligent sci-fi story. And the experience is very engaging, although not without a few bumps. I think Roy Batty is kind of a silly character and he doesn't come across as badass as he did in my younger days.
Rated 19 Jun 2007
A frankly bizarre combination of soft science fiction, film noir, arch symbolism and arthouse surrealism somehow given a Hollywood budget with which it thoughtfully and mournfully deliberates about what it means to be human. That this movie even exists in anything resembling its final form is a miracle; that it's a masterpiece is something beyond.
Rated 23 Oct 2008
Honestly I wasn't particularly blown away by Blade Runner. I found it to be visually interesting, but otherwise a tad dull. Then again there's some great direction and action scenes backed up by the excellent Ford, so that tends to make up for some of the losses. The premise is very interesting, but some aspects seem a little underdeveloped and the whole perception of the movie sometimes seems a little narrow. It's obviously incredibly inspirational to many subsequent sci-fi though.
Rated 26 Dec 2007
Ridley Scott's epic visual style works masterfully in this grim cyber punk/film noir vision of the future. Harrison Ford turns in what I believe is his best performance. The Final Cut, though not leaps and bounds better than the Director's Cut (because the Director's Cut is still very good), is absolutely masterful. It's a sheer wonder to see Ridley Scott's original vision, plus the new transfer is fantastic. It boggles the mind how anyone thought the Theatrical Cut would've been preferred.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
(Final Cut) I'm very disappointed that it took me this long to actually take the time to sit down and watch Blade Runner without any distractions. The first few times I tried to watch it, I found it boring and overrated. This couldn't be further from the truth. I don't know if it was a maturity or patience thing, but this film is a vision. Absolutely everything works, the gorgeous score, beautiful shots, bleak/colorful/vibrant settings, layered characters, everything. See this movie.
Rated 30 Dec 2006
Robots have feelings or something, I don't know, I sort of zoned out
Rated 14 Mar 2016
Misnomer of a title if I've ever seen one. Clearly chosen for sounding bad-ass but there's no combination of blades and running whatsoever in this film and it's not at all bad-ass but melancholy, subdued, and remorseful - characters get lost in big desolate sets all awash in murky teals and far-off saxophone wails. By the end it's not clear if our sleepy protagonist is really the hero, partly because the antagonist is made impossible to root against by Rutger Hauer's fierce but playful energy.
Rated 05 Sep 2017
I really enjoyed this, and it took long enough for me to watch it. Some of the performances are great, and I found the characters intriguing as well as the visuals, which may have been my favorite part of the movie. There's just so much to look at that it all wowed me. I also found the score and the cinematography to both be beautiful, and this is some of Scott's best directing. It's a little slow but I didn't think it was very boring or long. If you like the sci/fi genre this might please you.
Rated 19 Apr 2009
Not nearly as well acted and engaging as I remembered it being as a kid, but the antagonist, Roy, is as electrifying and supreme as ever. Sensual and complex, he makes for a challenging antithesis to the stolid and ironically spiritless Deckard. Astonishing set design, photography, and the dulcet ethnic songs of Vangelis' soundtrack lift Blade Runner to a timeless magisterial gaze over the longing cityscape of futuristic cinema. Hope to see it on the big screen one day.
Rated 18 Jan 2010
Blade Runner has everything you could want out of the science fiction genre. A well-crafted setting, a likable yet imperfect protagonist, a villain you can both fear and feel for, and a plot full of subtle nuances that will keep you thinking long after your first viewing. Top all of that off with an incredible score and brilliant film noir inspired art direction, and you've got a truly remarkable film.
Rated 10 May 2008
(Final Cut version) Not being the biggest fan of the original release, this film finally caught my eye with its captivating atmosphere and revolutionary vision of dystopian Los Angeles. Harrison Ford is a likeable leading man and the story, while simple and straightforward, is laced with enough ambiguity to offer plenty of food for thought after repeat viewings. This version is the one I recommend.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Ridley Scott really should make more sci-fi, because when he does he seems to do it so well. "Blade Runner" is a rich, atmospheric and beautiful film. This movie has so many memorable scenes, there really are too many to list. Scott presents a truly convincing future that is backed up by Harrison Ford's finest performance and a brilliant supporting cast. The Sci-fi Holy Grail!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Sci-Fi has the potential to make us think about our world and ourselves in new and different ways, and that's exactly what Blade Runner does. It's too bad Ridley Scott will most likely never make anything like this (or Alien) again.
Rated 13 Apr 2016
Decent, I suppose, and it sure looks pretty, but holy crap is this movie overrated. The whole "robots are more human than humans" thing has been done better elsewhere. Edit: The sequel is better. Yeah, I said it.
Rated 22 Sep 2017
A rare triumph of style over substance with visuals & efx that are so amazing they still impress 30 years after the fact which is really no small achievement given how much CGI changed the game. The story however is threadbare & lugubriously told & if not for the ethical questions raised by the act of killing artificial intelligence (it would be more interesting if the replicants were presented as less odd/menacing & primarily acting in self-defense like Zora) it would be gorgeous & that's it.
Rated 15 Nov 2009
When Scott saw the first edit of Blade Runner, he exclaimed "God, it's marvelous. What the fuck does it all mean?!" Reversing the original moral position of Dick's (even weirder) novel, this meditation on classic Sci-Fi themes such as identity, empathy and other high brow buzz words, perhaps lacks sense of causality. But fact remains that Blade Runner is a milestone in modern Science Fiction movie making, and one of the most beautiful films of all time - featuring _that_ death scene.
Rated 08 Oct 2017
It's a bit style over substance but heck, it's sure got style. A great visual experience but wanted more of a plot - watching this as an adult, no nostalgia points here I'm afraid.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Flawed, over-praised film noir set in the future. May 2017 rewatch: the languid pace is OK, but the weak script really is a procession of clunky scenes in each of which Human A meets Replicant B, and either A kills B, B kills A, or one or other decides not to. Nevertheless, the look, sound and production design all still hold up 35 years later, though with a noticeably eighties commitment to shoulder pads and a possibly record-breaking use of smoke machines. Score is for the so-called Final Cut.
Rated 16 Mar 2008
50 - Theatrical 95 - Both director cuts.
Rated 17 May 2008
Provided the right people do it, no Phillip K. Dick book could make a bad movie. This movie stands to be one of the most important sci-fi movies ever made, with Ford to boot.
Rated 26 Feb 2007
I'd heard such good things, that I really wanted to like this more than I did. It's certainly not bad, in fact I'd agree that it's a good movie, but it's just not as amazing as I've heard. It's straight up boring at some points.
Rated 16 Mar 2007
The popular introduction of cyberpunk into the cinematic lexicon, ostensibly a high-tech actioner but in fact a measured, melancholy, and existentialist work which operates on multiple levels of thematic complexity. Its lineage traces to Greek tragedy and film noir, filled with religious symbolism, on man's hubris in the age of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Not to mention its intoxicating audiovisual design: a rain-slicked neon gloom complemented by a downbeat synthetic score.
Rated 25 Jan 2012
Ridley Scott had a fascination with androids and we all reap the benefits.
Rated 18 Feb 2009
Haunts me with its atmosphere and its music (Vangelis works magic here). Great script, both meditative and suspenseful, culminating in my favorite death scene ever.
Rated 17 May 2010
Ridley Scott's overblown sci-fi masterpiece is notable for its production design and not much else.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The perfect, immense, classic sci fi feature that essentially defined the look of cyberpunk. Rutger Hauer knocks it out of the park as the replicant Roy Batty.
Rated 06 Oct 2021
My God this film's a punishing and convoluted mess. While future recuts did away with the embarrassing narration, they're equally as bad. As a story the mystery isn't compelling and it only becomes quotable at the end. Still, fanboys go gaga over it because of the escapist sci-fi world--which is less a movie and more a setting for a Shadowrun RPG from an overweening GM. And the theme is basic for intro level Philosophy majors. All it has going for it are the influential visuals. Avoid.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The movie that pinned me to cinema forever. A dark, medidative, visually flawless masterpiece that must be seen on the big screen to be truly appreciated.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
(Final Cut) It feels like there are lots of undeveloped ideas, and given how great are visuals and overall sounds in this film are, I consider those underdevelopments missed perfect opportunities. Character portrayed by Ford looks shallow, acting doesn't look too good either. I might sound like I disliked the film, but it's not the case - I liked it a lot, but there was plenty of room for improvement. I have fantasies about Blade Runner directed by Kubrick.
Rated 21 Nov 2015
I've seen this 3 times to try and figure this out but I just can't. Visually it's peerless considering its age, but it's incredibly slow and bland in terms of its narrative. An important sci fi film beyond doubt but I don't get the largely unquestioned love for it at all.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Initially overlooked and under appreciated, now stands as one of the defining moments for science fiction. With a flourish of film noir its visuals became sci-fi standard, and the soundtrack still stands the test of time. Hauer is effectively demented and even Sean Young is serviceable. Ford truly steps away from the Han Solo and Indiana Jones archetypes.
Rated 06 Mar 2011
More than any other movie, this is brimming with the reasons why i love the medium. if done right, it can be so many things at once, from entertaining to enlightening, wholly consuming you for the duration and beyond. you can tell you have a winner on your hands, when no one involved can escape the intricate world they're thrust in, resulting in moments of sheer beauty, like hauer's "tears in rain"-soliloquy. it's a rarity, back then and today, and i won't grow tired of it any time soon.
Rated 21 Dec 2010
The soundtrack's melancholic quality meshed with the city's bustling ambiance engineers a haunting and vaguely sympathetic understanding towards a chaotic and disconnected social wasteland. Ford's Deckard is a lonesome character; his search for his own humanity through a life of hired mayhem is tragic but engaging. The film's Eastern influence seems frighteningly prophetic, as the geisha echoes amongst the skyscrapers, fading to Vangelis' blues. The director's cut is meditative.
Rated 01 Feb 2007
This movie doesn't have youth appeal, that's it's major problem. The dark future, and it's hard prospects generally don't appeal to youth who feel that the future is as open as the noonday sky. While it didn't invent Cyber-Punk, it defines it.
Rated 15 Feb 2008
This movie is so overrated it's disgusting.
Rated 02 Feb 2009
Neo-noir, cyberpunk, impeccable direction, and brilliant characters...what more could you ask for? This film captures a future that is completely believable. No detail has been spared in the creation of what appears to our society in near future. The visuals are enhanced 10-fold by a score that only Vangelis could write.
Rated 22 May 2007
Extremely dense sci-fi with so much to say on so grand a stage. Has commentary on class, slavery, eugenics, and humanity. The set design is unparalleled with special effects that even rival those utilized today.
Rated 13 Sep 2009
A magnificent exploration of identity and humanity. The story and action are engaging and there are a lot of little ideas scattered throughout the film that lead to a food for thought. Add in some magnificent photography and some very appropriate acting and you get a great film.
Rated 24 Aug 2009
Overall Enjoyment: 15/40, Plot/Themes: 10/20, Cinematography/Direction: 20/20, Acting/Writing: 10/20 The story was sometimes hard to follow and the ending was kind of unsatisfying. It felt like they took a story premise that required a larger scope and crammed into a small movie. The atmosphere and world that Ridley Scott created for it was amazing though, especially given when it was made.
Rated 15 Dec 2008
The most fully realized, fully realistic vision for a sci-fi world alone should grant this film a top spot, but it does us one better and presents a brilliant existential tale, in keeping with its noir setting.
Rated 08 May 2008
An incredible and unique visual experience, but the story left me cold.
Rated 25 Apr 2011
Currently my favourite film. The 'Final Cut' version is almost perfect cinema. So incredibly beautiful and subtly poignant of the fragility of our own sense of existence. Undermines our everyday solipsism without being overbearing about it. Fitting and memorable score, great lighting, amazing sets... detailed and exquisite.
Rated 26 Oct 2017
Excellent movie, with an iconic portrayal of the dark, dank and asian-influenced dystopian future. Harrison Ford was great, with a weathered noir demeanor as well as an impressive vulnerability. He wasn't the ultimate tough guy; he looked like a sheep among wolves at times. And Rutger Hauer was of course amazing as a psychotic android that invoked a bit of sympathy.
Rated 20 Oct 2017
The slow pace is welcome when we're cruising through the moody city setting accompanied by that unnerving synth soundtrack, but much less so when it comes to the dry plot in between (especially that "romantic" aside, cringe-worthy both for its cheese and rape-y vibes). The fantastic rooftop scene that switches up the typical bad vs. good climax ("All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"), along with the tantalizing scene that follows make for a stellar ending, however.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Overshadowed by the beautiful future cityscapes are the great interior designs and lighting, in fact everything down to the minute detail is amazing looking. Add an intriguing story and excellent music and you have one of the best movies around.
Rated 13 Oct 2017
Initially, its patient storytelling is welcome, facilitating immersion in the film's dark, lonely world. By the end, however, transitions are conspicuously absent due to individual scenes' lengths, and the slow pace of the film feels clunky. Regardless, a compelling film with a depth of symbolism and undeniable visual panache.
Rated 27 Apr 2009
One of my favourite movies of all time and the best Sci-Fi movie ever. Even with its flaws it still stands head and shoulders above any other Sci-Fi film.
Rated 21 Jan 2018
*RR* "Blade Runner" is a frustrating film for me in many ways, because I truly do want to love it, desperately so in fact. Every time I watch it and rewatch it I do so even more intently than the last, waiting for it to finally click, but it never does. It's a riveting piece of visual storytelling, one with a spellbinding score and production design to die for, and Rutger Hauer's performance as Roy Batty is pure cinematic magic, but I can just never lose myself in any of it. It's complicated.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
An amazing film which is flawless in every way.A science fiction fans dream and a film fans must see.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
This movie illustrates perfectly that style matters! Much of my love for this movie comes from the mise-en-scène and I would argue that the narrative context and subsequent meanings are subsided (or at least defined) by the overall aesthetics. That said Rutger Hauer does give the performance of a lifetime!
Rated 08 May 2009
Letdown City. Thought I'd love this ("neo-noir"? "visually stunning?" Yup, works for me!). But nothing clicked for all. Not Ford; not the story; not even the much-ballyhooed visuals. I suppose it was ahead of its time, and there were certain set pieces that were stunning (the huge video wall, of course), but it was not the feast-for-the-eyes I've heard about. There's not one likable or interesting character to be found, and the only thing it made me feel was overwhelmingly apathetic.
Rated 31 Jan 2008
What is there to say that hasn't already been said? I cannot imagine a world in which this movie doesn't exist.
Rated 09 Jan 2010
Blade Runner has a legitimate claim to having the best production design, art direction and score in film history. Countless other works of fiction since owe a massive debt to it, and much of what we imagine a pessimistic future derives from its imagery. Seeing this at night at a rooftop cinema surrounded by skyscrapers, accompanied by light rain and steam from nearby restaurants is the best film experience I've ever had.
Rated 02 Jan 2011
The cinematography and the atmosphere it creates is damn near perfection. It feels ahead of it's time, because I always end up rolling my eyes at older movies set in the future. They often have moments that look either really fake or really ridiculous and that never happens in this film. Add to that the greatness that is Harrison Ford, a villain you feel something for, and a very compelling script and you have yourself one of the best sci-fi movies ever.
Rated 30 Dec 2008
One of the best sci-fi noir's out there, and probably the best PK Dick novel interpretations. I've seen this many times, and the recent Blade Runner releases on HD-DVD and Blu-ray are to DIE for. Highly recommended viewing for anyone interested in sci-fi.
Rated 09 Feb 2011
Rated 12 Nov 2017
A middle finger to all the works of fiction that feature entire peoples that are inherently evil just because they are different. Atmospheric, well thought-out sci-fi where the setting actually serves the story instead of just itself. Of course most of all of this is owed to Philip K. Dick's book. This is also one of the rare times an actor's utter inability to act actually serves the film. I'm of course talking about Harrison Ford as the main villain.
Rated 30 Dec 2020
Beautiful sets surround this philosophical text. I have only ever seen the Final Cut, but I have heard snippets of Ford's narration from the theatrical cut, and boy howdy, that was rough. It is interesting that the most lively acting in this film is from the Replicants. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Rated 23 Mar 2011
Despite an amazing art department, Blade Runner ends up a muddled mess with underexplored ideas and an overwritten script where very little happens. Rutger Hauer gives a fantastic performance in the film's waning moments, but there's little else to find in this butchered editing nightmare.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Final cut: Incredible scifi noir that's very good in both categories. Perfect mood, great story and quality acting.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I realize most people absolutely rave about this movie, but I personally find it pretty slow and dull. It has wonderful cinematography and a very nice, bleak, noir look to its vision of the future, but I just cannot get way into this movie no matter how many times I see it.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Perhaps my all time favorite sci-fi action movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's never been an absolute all-time favorite of mine as it is for many (the actual events of the plot never pull me along that grippingly), but it's a moody, fascinating and hugely imaginative and innovative sci-fi noir that definitely had a big influence on all gritty and cyberpunk-flavored sci-fi that followed in all mediums, from film to TV to video games to comics and anything else. Rutger Hauer is awesome as Roy Batty and the film is a visual treat start to finish.
Rated 26 Apr 2008
A melancholic and beautiful sci-fi.
Rated 22 Mar 2011
How to Waste Incredible Set Design, Photography and Acting 101
Rated 24 Oct 2017
Epic cinematography. Rutger Hauer is an amazing beast, he just stole the show completely. I liked the bleakness, the way characters are built (enough complexity), the Vangelis score, the building of dramatic scenes. Dystopia ftw.
Rated 16 Dec 2009
This movie can never be replicated. It is uniquely a product of the 80s. Ridley Scott caught lightning in a bottle, and even he has failed to reach this level of artistic excellence again.
Rated 20 Jul 2008
Absolutely incredible sci-fi flick! Amazing shots of the future and Ford played his role to perfection!
Rated 22 Feb 2008
A sweet look on the future, for some reason i was just a little bit bored.
Rated 11 Feb 2010
I was a little upset when I found out that this wasn't the movie with Wesley Snipes, but then my sci-fi interests were piqued and I decided to give it a chance.
Rated 05 Nov 2008
Be sure to watch the Director's Cut version.
Rated 16 Dec 2011
This film is considered to be classic science fiction however I find it really boring in parts. I watched this film years ago and was not impressed but I decided to give it another chance. The movie has a few cool scenes but overall it does not really interest me.
Rated 19 Feb 2008
Probably the best science-fiction film ever made. No other film does nearly as good a job of transplanting the viewer into the future, a world that is alien is a myriad of ways but still contains the basic element of humanity, even in non-humans. Perfectly acted, perfectly directed. Further, this film works on so many levels--on the surface it's an action film. Deeper down it's a vision of the future. But script-wise, it's actually film noir. That means there is something for any viewer.
Rated 13 Feb 2009
If you don't like it the first time, give it a few weeks, watch it again. It's a tough film, but it's quite stunning. Also, the Blu-Ray edition is gorgeous. Best set design ever.
Rated 04 Nov 2010
A treat for the eyes. A treat for the ears. A treat for the mind.
Rated 14 Jul 2010
Boring, boring, boring, boring--something col happens--boring, boring, boring, confusing, boring.
Rated 22 May 2021
Genius futuristic distopia with an awesome neo-noir atmosphere. Classic from all aspects.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
This film makes one thing perfectly clear: The future will be really, really boring.
Rated 02 Apr 2019
Not like many other fans of sci-fi, I liked the new one more. Although I accept that it's is a masterpiece and a very influential and important movie, I just thought the new one expanded on it in nearly all the right ways: look, mood, score, etc. Overall a great move and it will be watched and re-watched by many in the coming decades.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
Of course there isn't a perfect film, but when you get to the point where a film's flaws become endearing rather than offensive then why wouldn't you call the film perfect? Beautiful soundtrack, incredible cinematography, an awesome world, acting that works because it's occasionally machine-like, a great cast of characters -- I just can't find fault. Scott's mediation on what it means to be a man should reverberate with anyone who has wanted to either exile oneself or assimilate.
Rated 06 May 2017
While the plot develops at a snails pace and is terribly simplistic, one can still appreciate the movie for the historic value and the atmosphere of a 80's version of futuristic world.
Rated 26 May 2010
Rated 02 Sep 2018
women are toys and lovers in the future. why is he called blade runner? where is the blade?
Rated 03 Mar 2014
Definitely should have been directed by David Cronenberg.
Rated 01 Apr 2010
Superbly crafted sci-fi, which invests a remarkable storyline with a distinctive noir-ish visual style and the seventies high-tech look. Impeccable in every detail, from casting to scripting to the unforgettable look at a future where machines have a truer sense of soul than humans do.
Rated 23 Mar 2015
22 Mart 2015 & Overrated.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
Final Cut is a masterpiece. Ridley Scott's best film and like "2001" it was ahead of its time. Stunning in every aspect.
Rated 11 May 2009
One of the best sci-fi and neo noir films in recent years, based loosely on one of Philip K. Dick's better novels. The visuals are absolutely beautiful, and it's one of the few sci-fi films of its time that doesn't look at all cheesy today. Harrison Ford is great in the lead role, as is Daryl Hannah and the rest of the supporting cast. The director's cut is the best version, as the tepid voice over narration an tacked-on happy ending of the theatrical release detracted from that version.
Rated 09 May 2021
So much dread and so much life.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Science fiction can be so badly done. This was an exception. One of the better science fiction movies.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Stunning effects and beautifully set atmosphere of post apocalyptic LA and everything accompanied with mesmerising Vangelis's music in the background. Also movie tackles very well with some key questions and mysteries of identity, existence and morality.
Rated 22 Jan 2008
Created a genre, and an urban landscape that exists only in our collective imagination, a Hong Kong by night, but not Hong Kong at all. Before I get carried away, let's just say, it makes you dream.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A really good flick. I didn't like it for the longest time. Maybe I expected Han Solo. But now, I recognize this film for what it is: a very gritty view of the other side of tomorrow. Philip K. Dick is an awesome writer, and the movie is very good.
Rated 28 Nov 2011
I love the movie. Do not enjoy talking about it with fans.
Rated 27 May 2008
I heard all this talk this was a great movie, but when I finally sat down and watched it, I wasn't especially 'wowed' by the story. ---Rewatched before seeing 2049. The scenes was beautiful and still hold up well, but the pacing/cut scenes and acting were awful.
Rated 17 Nov 2009
OK, but it just wasn't what I was expecting. I watched the final cut (w/o narration), and while I understood everything that happened, I guess I just had to have been there.
Rated 30 Jul 2013
had a viscerally bad reaction to this. needs a rewatch.
Rated 23 Nov 2019
The plot was a bit rushed. Would have liked to see some themes explored in depth
Rated 07 Nov 2020
so wanted to love this one. still want to love it. not a Harrison Ford archetype fan or a sexual assault fan


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