

1h 30m
[Originally Released in 2008] A former spy (Neeson) relies on his old skills to save his estranged daughter (Grace), who has been forced into the slave trade. (imdb)
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1h 30m
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Avg Percentile 51.22% from 9375 total ratings

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Rated 22 Feb 2009
I guess they fucked with the wrong guy.
Rated 11 Aug 2008
Wow! A movie hasn't had me on the edge of my seat or this satisfied in a long time. It has a few problems and the daughter is annoying as hell but who cares? This movie is BADASS. After seeing this I'm convinced that Liam Neeson should've been James Bond.
Rated 11 Nov 2008
Ahahaha, this movie is totally just 90 minutes of Liam Neeson beating on minorities in Europe and generally just fucking everyone's shit up with extreme prejudice. It's pretty damn cool.
Rated 31 Jul 2018
My particular set of skills consists of writing pithy blurbs on movie recommendation sites.
Rated 05 Jun 2010
Should not have tried to hurt his daughter.
Rated 29 Mar 2011
If Oscar Schindler punched people in the throat
Rated 24 Aug 2009
Don't fuck with Neeson's daughter. No, seriously, leave her intact hymen alone or the last thing you will hear is your own neck snapping.
Rated 25 Feb 2009
Taken is one of the best action films I have seen in a while. As action packed as it is it never really seems over the top, and as horrible of an actress the daughter is, Liam Neeson is cancels that out with his performance. Everything from the action scenes, to the script, to the direction, and the thrilling moments make Taken one of the best action films in a long while.
Rated 09 Dec 2008
What's so new and breath-taking about it? Like an average Hollywood movie with some Jason Bourne acts. And if you can not present Arabs as terrorist, show them as sex traders, wunderbar!
Rated 29 Dec 2009
Great pacing and action, Neeson is a decent unexpected action star. The story is pretty silly, though - it's pretty much a conservative wet dream: naive, liberal parents are too lax, the (French!) law is too soft, criminals are super vicious and ruthless, and the villains are all Eastern Europeans and Arabs. But conservatives are pretty good at action, and I'd rather watch a conservative action flick than one of their comedies (American Carol? Ugh).
Rated 20 Aug 2008
Ever wanted to see a retired Jason Bourne with absolutely no qualms with killing anyone who gets in his way with the tenacity of Creasey from Man on Fire? Look no further than Taken. There's nothing more unrelenting than an overprotective father who's daughter has been kidnapped. No prisoners, no mercy. It sounds like a cliche but this film makes it work completely. Liam Neeson is more bad ass than he's ever been. Superb revenge film.
Rated 30 Oct 2008
Liam Neeson carries this movie with some great ass kicking action. Great movie.
Rated 12 Nov 2008
A very good action Movie with Liam Neeson in a role you've never seen him before.Hard,extrem and real good.His daughter get kidnapped in Paris by an Albanian Mafia Gang which prostitute Girls and sell them in other Lands. Many kills and broken bones make this Movie one of the best Action/Revenge Thriller in 2008. I agree with Pickpocket Neeson might be a very very good Bond too !!
Rated 14 Nov 2008
Jason Bourne's dad travels to Paris as result of some malfeasance, with Liam Neeson in the role of a lifetime. This film got better and better as it progressed, its entertaining, fast paced and slick but contains a small amount of plot holes and eye rolling moments (probably due to Grace's annoying performance). Other than that, it's a pretty sweet action flick!
Rated 27 Aug 2010
This action movie is an exhilirating film that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The only downfall of this movie is the typical unrealistic violence that each action movie has where the hero always prevails. However, Liam Neeson utilizes his skills in order to find his daughter, who has been taken into a world of drugs and prostitution. His determined attitude and unconditional love for his daughter are somwhat uplifting through an otherwise depressing situation.
Rated 25 Feb 2010
Get your paws off me you damned dirty European!
Rated 15 Apr 2009
An action movie that isn't entirely too ridiculous. The plot plays on basic human emotion, so no matter how "wrong" neeson's actions may be, we are rooting for him the whole time.
Rated 02 Oct 2008
Liam Neeson may just have missed his calling in life, he should have been the Northern Irish James Bond, he is excellent as a former spy who will do anything without a moments consideration to save his daughter, carnage !!
Rated 25 Nov 2014
Near-Verhoevensk satire in the way that it works very well in its own right as a vigilante movie but also as satire of the genre. Has all ingredients that generic chili cheese dog loving 'Muricans love: down on his luck hero, incompetent Frenchmen, Albanians enslaving American virgins, depraved aristocrats, fat muslim kingpin. But most importantly: Neeson killing and torturing these scumbags without ever being in any real danger. Wonderful! Am I wrong and this is to be taken at face value: - 50.
Rated 23 Oct 2008
It only took forever, but Liam Neeson found his calling as a bad ass action star.
Rated 11 Nov 2008
Liam Neeson channels James Bond while tearing apart an Albanian sex slave ring. Very gripping and exhilarating!
Rated 31 Jan 2009
The whole way through Taken is a roller-coaster of action, adventure, and relatively interesting drama. The choreography is sleek and the pacing keeps you on the edge of your seat. Though the acting is flawed at some points, Neeson gets the job done with as a robotic killing machine on a mission. Overall, Taken is a fun movie that I will gladly watch again.
Rated 31 Jan 2009
Liam Neeson does a good job, and this movie has got some good action, and was written well. My complaints are: it takes a little too long to pick up so I can't really call it "action packed", not enough torture--god, I love watching bad guys get annihilated, and that ending was a bit on the cheesy side. Other than those tiny complaints this movie had some AWESOME spy-ish action, and you will not be disappointed.
Rated 15 Apr 2009
Looking for a storyline? Don't look here. Looking for plain action? Get over here! Neeson pulls his spy/action character off surprisingly well. I didn't think he could do that (probably because the only other thing I remember him in was Love Actually). The ending leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but like I said...who cares?! My date had a hard time believing that Neeson never got touched in any of these fights, as she stated "I guess he is just having a lucky day". Hey it's the movies.
Rated 26 Jan 2018
Exceedingly hilarious dark fantasy comedy about paternal rage & xenophobia. I don't know what it says about me but I found this funny in a smug uncomfortable way people seemed to find Borat funny. Just for the love of God don't be sober. Is this when Liam Neeson decided to quit acting and become a joke? Then again he did keep a straight face through all of it so I guess he deserves an oscar or something. His phone call might be the funniest thing I've seen in years both in and out of context.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Pretty refreshing action film, not pretentious and does not try too hard to manufacture an overly complicated story line. Just a lot of yelling, tense situations and throat punching.
Rated 23 Oct 2008
One of the best Thrillers I've seen in a long time. This is a Bond-esque type film with superb acting from Neelson, superb action scenes, awesome break-neck car chases, a satisfying script and of course the cast is great. Neelson is such a badass in this one.
Rated 10 Jan 2009
The epitome of bad ass.
Rated 26 Jan 2010
Liam Neeson just maiming and killing people for 2/3 of the movie is a pretty good movie. It's not going to go down in the annals of film history as a cinematic masterpiece, but it's still fun to watch.
Rated 31 Jan 2009
Conservative racist American glory trash.
Rated 15 Mar 2010
This was by far the definition of a great action flick. They didn't try to overdress the story or the situation. Just deliver one badass motherfucker.
Rated 07 Jun 2010
Liam Neeson rescues his daughter from a seedy world of drugs and prostitution, only to bring her back to America so she can find a career in pop music. Ironic.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
Neeson. Biggest badass ever. An absolute blast to your face to watch.
Rated 20 Aug 2008
What the hell... Liam Neeson as a spy?! The best idea ever! I completely believed him he could be one. The action, the thrill, the idea. The best action/thriller film I've seen for a long time. A big surprise for me.
Rated 26 Aug 2009
Just a small action/thriller that doesn't waste time. I think the reason I enjoyed it was because Neeson's character does exactly what I think he should do in his desperate situation - kill everyone in his way - which I found refreshing for this genre.
Rated 22 Oct 2008
Sure, it has some plot holes and illogicalities but who cares? The action is awesome and Neeson is badass.
Rated 22 Oct 2008
Liam Neeson is a badass ex-spy who tries to save his daughter. Plot is stupid but who cares about it when the action is great.
Rated 25 Oct 2008
As silly as the girl is, as intense is Liam Neeson. It's a take-no-prisoners movie, and I liked it.
Rated 27 Nov 2008
Nearly Payback kind of action. Liam Neeson is a devil after the bad guys. Very Luc Besson script. Liked it a lot. Do not stuck too much on timeline; the editing and details are done mainly good.
Rated 10 Sep 2012
Good entertainment. Other than that, I find it most important to underline how extremely annoying Maggie Grace is. She has 'taken' exagerated acting to a new extreme.
Rated 11 Dec 2010
Hard action movie. In Belgium we had also big problems with the Albanian maffia about 10 years ago. The money that they get go to Albania where they buy property and some of them were ex-cops. I found this movie with Neeson, who is not my favourite actor, pretty good. I do not know how many people die here in this film but I think it must be at least one every three minutes average.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
It probably doesn't stand up to scrutiny, what with the crazy convenient plot points and increasingly over the top villains, but holy shit is it a fast paced visceral revenge ride. Neeson is fantastic and the intensity draws you in and makes it easy to ignore the ridiculous parts.
Rated 02 Feb 2009
Basically all you need to know about this movie is that Liam Neeson is a total badass. He stars as a former government "preventer" (think Jack Bauer), who opts into The Bourne Retirement to get closer to his estranged daughter. When she's nabbed by a gang of racial caricatures, only Daddy Dearest can hunt them down and win her back, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. Like The Transporter, it works because the lead actor is completely believable in the role. Ridiculous, but damn exhilirating.
Rated 05 Feb 2009
A film of action as a long time ago had not more, I remembered of Jason Bourne. The performance of Liam Neeson é convincing, the story of the film is regular but the action scenes make the movie to be great.
Rated 15 Feb 2010
An unimaginative action film poured into the form of a parental nightmare turned revenge fantasy. It lurches from violence-saturated scene to violence-saturated scene with a some empty seediness thrown in for variety. It's hard to develop emotional investment in the characters when the actors shuffling through it and even the movie itself seem to have given up on the notion of being anything more than a clockwork time-killer. It's about as interesting as ninety minutes of unadorned ticking.
Rated 27 Aug 2010
Liam Neeson proves what obstacles he will overcome to save his daughter from European kidnappers in a slave trade. This film contains so much thrill and excitement that you will be on the edge of your seat during the entire film. Not only is this movie engaging, but it proposes a possible situation to the young generation traveling the world today. You will more than likely watch it multiple times because the action-packed film leaves the viewer feeling exhilarated and wanting more.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
Taken's audience can be put into one single group: People who want to see Liam Neeson taking absolutely no shit whatsoever and kicking ass all around the board. If one is to look at it in terms of its target audience - does it succeed at providing 90 minutes of the most badass Liam Neeson you'll ever see? It does indeed. Neeson may be the only good thing about it, but boy, is he good.
Rated 03 Dec 2009
Taken is most certainly every fathers wet dream. Neeson kicks ass. Watch this.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
Aside from the obvious moral problems with the film--I'm a nonviolent kind of person, but I wanted to kick some ass after this--it's probably one of the better straight-forward thrillers of the last decade. Time is well spent watching it. Also, this is not going to help attitudes toward Serbians at all.
Rated 18 Feb 2009
Yep, it lacks subtlety &fight scenes sometimes fall in2 the Who-Did-What kind, but the film WORKS. Neeson grounds the film by giving this action hero something the Stathams of the world lack - a palpable sense of intelligence & desperation.None of which would work w/out script & director that tone down usual action film clichés (just when you think a car is going to jump onto a boat, it doesn't), tighten up the thrills& never scrimp on showing us exactly how Neeson gets from point A 2 point B
Rated 31 Jan 2021
Rewatch: Fantastic action thriller. Not only did Neeson sell the action scenes, but his acting really brought the dramatic scenes to another level.
Rated 09 Mar 2010
The touching story of an estranged father coping with his teenage daughter's kidnapping.... by killing everyone involved.
Rated 13 Mar 2009
If a movie can be as predictable as this (we all know he's gonna kick the bad guys' butts and get the girl back), and yet be so entertaining, then I gotta hand it to the movie, and Liam Neeson, of course. 'Taken' is James Bond and Commando and Rambo all rolled into one. Once the action starts, it doesn't stop even to give you time to breathe, till the final baddie falls dead.
Rated 27 Nov 2010
Seems to have been concocted either for parents to show to their adolescent children to dissuade them from dreams of European adventures, or else as a simple revenge fantasy aimed, presumably, at divorced (or emasculated) fathers. In either case, a very mediocre effort from all involved and in all aspects.
Rated 18 Feb 2019
I’m sorry can someone explain to me why a 17 year old daughter who looks 35 acts like a 6 year old?
Rated 09 Jun 2009
Her friend died, no-one cares.
Rated 27 Apr 2010
I was looking really forward to this movie and i wasnt dissapointed when i got the time to watch it. It had some dubious dialogues but thats okay, cause Liam Neeson is really kicking it. Really enjoyed it.
Rated 30 Jun 2019
One of the better action films made, and kinda kickstarted Liam Neeson as an action hero. It's narrative is quite simple, but quite affective, and I'm pretty sure Liam's phone scene is one of the more iconic scenes in film for the last 10 years. The last 30-45 minutes of this are completely insane and badass in different ways, which is something you don't really see. I don't think any fan of film, especially action, wouldn't like this, granted, ya'll probably have seen it already.
Rated 15 Jan 2011
Exciting go-for-broke thriller, with Neeson extraordinary as an ultimate 'bad-ass'. Credibility problems in the story be damned; it's a wild and entertaining ride, which fully commits to the lead character's sometimes sick and perverse mind-set and actions. Props to Neeson for making this role not only palatable but sympathetic, and props to director Morel for knowing how to stage and execute thrilling, exciting action scenes. Very highly recommended.
Rated 07 Nov 2011
Really good for what it is. Taken succumbs to most cliches you see in movies theme like this, and the story is better than I thought it would be. Liam Neeson is great (even if it is a role that he has been playing in too much of lately) and it's entertaining and the best directed one of the 3. If anything, skip 2 and 3 and stick with the first, good movie. Worth a watch, as it is better than it seems.
Rated 02 Aug 2009
Well done in all respects: I haven't been this thrilled by a thriller since the glory days of Harrison Ford. Sure, I would like to see less insert shots (frantic cutting) during action sequences, but it's well choreographed, Liam is believable and the plot is taut if too simplistic. Something tells me we'll see even more men like this: displaced brutes driven by an outdated morality we've all seemingly forgotten. Having the nameless Baddies be sheiks and foreigners is probably unsound, however.
Rated 08 Sep 2008
Surprisingly awesome movie. Liam Neeson kicks ass and the action scenes are awesome. A great mix between "Man on fire" and "The Bourne Identity".
Rated 17 Apr 2012
There is no greater preview for this than his phone conversation with the kidnapper. "If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." If that doesn't make you want to see it, nothing will.
Rated 28 Jan 2011
There is no satisfaction in the quick-as-a-blink detective work that leads him to the white slavers, only satisfaction, for those who can take it, in watching him mow them down, a Weedwacker in a field of dandelions. Nor is there satisfaction in watching an eye-lifty Neeson playing Steven Seagal. Nor in watching the native director, Morel, sell out his country on top of himself. Catharsis, you learn anew, can't come out of crud. A hot shower afterwards would be your closest approximation.
Rated 31 Jan 2016
It was great because great.
Rated 09 Aug 2010
Do not make a mistake i did and do not under any circumstances watch Taken twice. While the first time was enjoyable mostly because of fast paced action the second one was not. Just two good things happen in this movie: it is Neeson killing with some style and Neeson killing without moralizing. In fact it feels like he wasn't tired at the end and could have cotinued on killing eventually saving all the world. Taken has no decent plot, no decent character development nor a decent ending.
Rated 28 Jan 2010
Liam Neeson stars as Joe Everyman (also an ex-spy), as he rescues our collective white virgin daughter from various dark skinned foreigners.
Rated 29 Dec 2008
Didn't know Liam Neeson could do such an amazing job as a ruthless, bad ass killer. The rest of the cast, however, was crap. Some stupid lines here and plotholes there, there and over there take their toll and stop it from being awesome
Rated 29 Dec 2008
i'm not a neeson fan, i like a few movies he was in, but he normally sucks, not in this one though, the character is amazing and he makes it a good movie, if the role would have been played by van damme or vin diesel it would have been a b-movie, excellent action, excellent fighting, you forget about the story pretty quickly when you see neeson in oldboy style
Rated 28 Jul 2009
Just a good by-the-books action movie. It isn't anything you haven't seen before in an action movie but that doesn't mean it isn't entertaining as all hell. Liam Neeson does a stellar job as a super spy who has to find his abducted daughter. He doesn't do anything physically unbelievable which I like in action movies. It's funny how he never really makes a mistake in looking for her and he never gets misdirected by anyone, but it's easy to overlook.
Rated 18 Jul 2010
I think that it's one that people should see. "According to the 2005 report, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year, with 14,500 to 17,500 trafficked into the U.S. ... the numbers include people trafficked for any sort of forced labor." Human trafficing is a world problem. I did not appreciate the casting of only certain nationalities, in general, as the criminals, and the revenge aspect.
Rated 26 Jan 2009
Great father daughter story.
Rated 28 Jan 2009
Oh hi my daughter is a singer too do you have any tips for her?
Rated 04 Jun 2009
Watch Liam Neeson beat the shit out of all Albanians ever.
Rated 31 Jan 2009
Some movies are made to win awards, some are made to entertain. This is the latter. The action is intense, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The only problem i had is that this movie is only about an hour and a half long. Could have used another torture scene haha!!
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Exciting and fast-paced, Liam Neeson makes this movie work. He sells his role beautifully, and I couldn't get enough of his "pull no punches" method of retrieving his daughter.
Rated 06 Feb 2009
Taken is essentially Liam Neeson as Charles Bronson in Paris. Exciting but completely disposable.
Rated 23 Nov 2009
This is what Dick Cheney watches every night before he goes to sleep. Sadly this film isn't really enjoyable. It lacks the over-the-topness (no pun intended) of Rambo, and the general torture-porn charm of 24. Perhaps it's all Liam Neeson's fault. He was, after all, the worst jedi ever.
Rated 05 Feb 2011
Nasty piece of jingoistic crap that feels like a revenge fantasy written by a powerless divorced father.
Rated 27 May 2009
Liam Neeson is cool for a while, but by the time he tortures a man to death and shoots an innocent woman in the arm, I'm starting to wonder why I should root for him. Good thing he shoots the "sheikh" at the end or else I would have forgotten the Arabs are the real life bad guys!!!
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Being raped by Arabs is like, the worst. Especially in a post-9/11 world.
Rated 23 Jan 2010
Really dumb and xenophobic, but also entertaining. Extremely entertaining. Watching Liam Neeson become Rambo also has its merits, as well as seeing him tear down France brick by brick.
Rated 13 Jun 2009
Liam Neeson kills everyone. The End.
Rated 23 Dec 2013
Such a ridiculous, uninspired, run-off-the-mill revenge flick, with a story relying too much on coincidence and deus ex machina plot devices. Really entertaining, but haven't we seen too many similar films before (e.g. Man on Fire, Shoot 'em Up, Kill Bill even)? And as far as the over the top action goes, I prefer Arnold Schwarzenegger movies anytime.
Rated 11 Jul 2017
I watched this for the first time the other day. This movie was hyped to hell and back as being one of the best action movies out there. I found it to be pretty much by the numbers. Nothing really stuck out aside from the fact that his 17 year old daughter acted like she was 5. I enjoyed it for what it was, but its definitely not a classic like so many people seem to claim.
Rated 13 Jul 2009
This guy's daughter was annoying but who cares when Liam Neeson is wasting a bunch of Albanians.
Rated 12 Jul 2012
Something about Liam Neeson makes me all warm and fuzzy inside
Rated 12 Oct 2021
Luc Besson's misogynist, racist, conservative wet-dream. Macho White Male power fantasy uses torture, excessive force and vigilante violence to protect his virginal daughter's honour from the clutches of evil Muslim immigrants. A modernized version of Rambo and that's not meant as a compliment in any way.
Rated 07 Mar 2009
Wow what an intense movie! I wasn't do fond of the girl sprinting like a baboon. Kind of still bothers me seeing a girl run like that with no form. o_O
Rated 09 Mar 2009
Liam breaks bones, kills foreigners and wins my heart.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Simple premise, simple execution. Works well.
Rated 25 Mar 2009
This movie is about one thing: An actor not known for action films beating the shit out of people.
Rated 23 Feb 2010
It's an alright action film on its own and it's interesting to see Liam Neeson's take on this sort of role. Deep down however Taken has a pretty reprehensible worldview right down to its twisted portrayal of immigrants living in France. This entire film is like a right wing conservative's wet dream.
Rated 11 Jul 2009
catchy story and good action but still there is something awkward about the script .. famke janssen is hot.
Rated 22 May 2009
The entire movie is Liam Neeson kicking various people's asses. If you're into that sort of thing, this is your movie. It's like Commando with a Bourne Identity feel to it.
Rated 13 Jun 2016
Not too many action movies usually grab my attention but this one grabbed it and never let go. Predictable, but still a good action movie.
Rated 09 Apr 2009
Neeson is good in the Jack Bauer-esque role but it's a derivative film. And how old exactly is Maggie Grace's character supposed to be?? Her performance did not work for me.
Rated 29 Jan 2011
Fascist garbage
Rated 07 Nov 2020
what a terrible movie. watching a man slaughter a bunch of foreign dudes just in time to save his daughter's precious virginity (and yet be too late to save the slutty friend's life) is not my idea of entertainment. also, I saw this in my high school art class, for some reason
Rated 26 Apr 2009
I've seen this three or four times and it still blows me away. Why couldn't James Bond movies me this fun? Actually, ALL action movie heroes should strive to be like Neeson. You know what the best part is? Taken is simple, there's no subtext or political intrigue it's just a man getting his daughter back from thugs and God help anyone who gets in his way.


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