Man of Steel
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Man of Steel

2h 23m
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Avg Percentile 36.96% from 6001 total ratings

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Rated 27 Jun 2013
Wow! This review calls for Yoda speak! Out of sequence this movie is. Boss fight after the end of world threat is placed. Trying to mix Donner's Superman one and two in one movie it does. Too much plot that is. Paper thin the characters are. Blow the tornado away Clark could have. Wanted surrogate father to die he did. Sympathize I do. Ultimately the story of how Superman became Clark Kent it ends up being. Avoid you must.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Man of Steel is like being beaten around the head with Freudian imagery, Christ allegories, and product placement. And then you get to see cool scenes of people being beaten around the head while flying.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Something, something Russell Crowe on a dragon. Something, something the world is not ready. Something, something... RELEASE THE WORLD MACHINE!
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Oh, Man Of Steel. I see that there once was a good movie hidden inside you. I see glimmers of creativity and storytelling that threaten to leak through. But this is not the reality. The reality is dull writing, an abysmal plot, and some of the worst cinematography I've seen in this decade. What we get is a man with no personality beating up space Hitler to a chorus of lens flares and monologues. For two and a half hours.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
It's A Bird!... It's A Plane!... It's THE DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE YEAR!...
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Went in with low expectations: Cavill seems a good fit for the title role as an anonymous do-gooder who can't reveal his identity for fear of crippling mankind with the burden of his existence. Decent flashback scenes with Costner help an OK script, though it's underdeveloped. Side characters get little back-story, yet we're supposed to care about them. With lots of Christ imagery and a borrowed visual style of JJ Abrams or Ridley Scott's Alien films, it's lively but has little re-watch value.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Man of Steel isn't bad. It isn't terribly good, either, because its plot isn't good, its characters have no depth to them, and the way it over-explains points that don't matter makes it drag on and on. It's also not a whole lot of fun, as the tone is definitely downtrodden. But visually it looks amazing and if you need a reason to see it, its style is just that. In fact, I'd recommend seeing Man of Steel just because of how incredible it looks.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Awkward, stilted, disappointing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I have no issue with folks liking this film, but anyone who says this is a fantastic movie is nuts!! I think it's the younger folks who have grown up on today's garbage blockbusters; they have absolutely no sense of what's good and bad anymore!
Rated 22 Jun 2013
Say this about Zack Snyder: He doesn't give a fuck about how other people tell stories, he does his own thing. And what he does, he does well. But as this 143 minute long trailer shows, it's not movie making in the traditional sense that we have come to know and love during the past 120 years. It's something else. Maybe that's why he was paired with Nolan. Not sure that was the best match though. Team him up with P. T. Anderson and have him handle character development, story line and the likes.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
15 points for Henry Cavill being pretty, 5 pts for Amy Adams' awkward screams and reactions being borderline sexual the entire movie, and 3 pts for the sweet graphics during the final showdown between Superman and Zod. In essence, this movie was beyond disappointing and Zack Snyder has, once again, proven that he lacks any talent in directing and should be blacklisted immediately. The script was all over the place and much of the dialogue and character interactions were laughably bad.
Rated 21 Jun 2013
For a moment it looked like Man of Steel could match Nolan & Goyer's previous hero-reboot, with a fantastic opening on Krypton, a great score, magnificent visuals and more than a few good tweaks to the familiar story. But as the movie moves along, a growing lack of engagement with the story and characters on screen becomes more and more evident, until finally you come to the tragic realization, that this is in fact much closer to Bay's Transformers 3 cluster-fuck than Nolan's Dark Knight.
Rated 27 Jun 2013
Just as good as Batman Begins, except without Alfred, Gordon, realism, or enjoyment.
Rated 05 Jul 2015
I must have seen a different movie than everyone else... I really liked it. They reinterpreted the Superman mythology in a way I could really get behind (much closer to the comics than to the Donner films). They didn't go down the tired "Lois can't figure out Clark is Superman" route. They were more honest with the probable relationship between Superman and the government/military. And they finally, FINALLY, gave us the kind of action a being like Superman could dish out.
Rated 16 Jun 2013
I had no problem with any of the cast here, but the story is clunky....and frankly pretty shitty. They said this was going to be a darker Superman (as stupid as that notion is), and they were correct. But if your idea of a good Superman movie is General Zod getting his neck snapped like he was in Commando, then go hog wild. I get admittedly sentimental with Superman, because of that this film furthers my negative opinion of Snyder and Goyer. They really missed the point here.
Rated 02 May 2014
Amazing. With so many generic super hero films being released, I had almost given up on them completely. This film showed what makes a good superhero film, likeable characters, thrilling action, good writing and most importantly an emotional connection with the viewer. This film was one roller coaster of an experience, I cried, I laughed, I cheered, I felt. There were multiple instances where I had goosebumps. Great soundtrack, great visuals, good cast, good performances, good story, great film!
Rated 11 Feb 2017
The child of a philosopher-king is expelled from the Republic, which is collapsing due to accepting Plato's dogmatisation of the questioning Socrates. As he matures, he initially agrees with the latter's preference for accepting the consequences of citizenship regardless of cost, but ultimately he rejects the tragic conception, engaging instead in a search for kleos that transcends the need to sacrifice himself for the City, instead raising himself above it in a triumph of modern individualism.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
It felt like half of this movie was set in an IHOP.
Rated 03 Jul 2013
Man of How Many Buildings Can We Throw Him Through. Also if the US has a debt problem, they will really be screwed after this one. It's fun no doubt, not winning any Academy Awards but it is a very action packed, highly entertaining film.
Rated 13 Jul 2013
I have to break it to all of you, MoS is one of the very best superhero movies. Feels very well-rounded for an origin story. For the first time I really enjoyed 'Superman' as a film character, apart from the series Lois & Clark. I had the luck of seeing it in 2D in an excellent cinema, just because I loathe 3D. Many mixed ratings on Criticker, I don't see how one could not enjoy this great adaptation. Thoroughly enjoyable and left me longing for more. Needs a longer Director's Cut!
Rated 19 Jun 2013
It's OK. Sorry to upset people who hated it but it's a Superman film after the mega-success of the Batman and Marvel films. Add all that together and this is what you get. I do feel this film got punished in the edit. Or they decided that "ah, you know this" after developing some other stuff. Ultimately, good visuals, good acting, needs a director's cut and I'm looking forward to the sequel with Lex Luthor.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
Aspires to the power and the awe of superhero mythmaking. Marries a strong eye for character development to larger-than-life blockbuster action, balanced just about right. It confidently jettisons unneeded parts of the Superman mythology, and finds a new, active, fun way to make use of Lois Lane. The moments of humor are wry and infrequent, but win laughs, and let's face it, it's nice to see that not all superhero movies feel the need to double as fucking Vaudeville routines.
Rated 07 Jun 2021
I love the difference between the ‘78 Superman and this in the death of John Kent. The 70s one, he dies of a heart attack - nothing Superman can do. 2013 - Kevin Costner willingly gets sucked into a giant fucking tornado.
Rated 14 Jun 2013
Probably my all time favorite episode of Dragonball Z.
Rated 17 Jun 2013
It's hard to reboot a franchise as important as Superman, particularly while both pleasing the core fan base and putting a twist on the story that will bring in new fans, but Snyder does a great job. Many make the mistake of comparing this film to The Dark Knight, which of course it will fall short of the bar set there, but what it should be compared to is Batman Begins. It's an origin story. The Dark Knight was SECOND in a series, and that's when you bring in the classic villain (Lex).
Rated 28 Aug 2013
It's okay to feel like the final act goes way off the rails -- I don't feel that, but I get it. But there's no downplaying just how strong the lead-up to that finale is. Yes, it features wanton destruction, and "Superman shouldn't let that happen", but damn if it isn't exactly what I asked for after Superman Returns. The cast is rock solid, Zimmer's score is terrific, and it manages to make an origin story everyone knows feel inventive & beautiful. If this is the DCU launching point, sign me up.
Rated 28 Jun 2013
The main drawback is that it's just so damn serious and somber. Still, Man of Steel is the first film that really delivers Superman Punching Shit Really Hard, which was rather satisfying. Well, until you realise the 3rd act is one big, drawn-out and emotionally draining series of explosions and real estate destruction. Decent for one viewing, probably too repetitive and boring for a second.
Rated 03 Sep 2019
I'm not in the camp that thinks this is amazing, but I'm also not in the one that thinks it's a shitshow. It's greatest asset is Henry Cavill as Superman himself. He is marvelous and was a slam dunk pick for this role. Along with some beautiful visuals, and solid action, Snyder did well. However, there is some issues when it comes to pacing and overall story progression. I think this script could've used a rundown, as I do with most Snyder films. Still, this was solid.
Rated 18 Nov 2013
A weak third act is held aloft by some stunning imagery and talented cast. Superman is not perfect, which shines through in this. I think this was a good comeback for Snyder.
Rated 16 Jun 2013
Papa Russell on a dragon, monologue, lens flare, monologue, Christ gets a cape, 90 minutes of straight action, Laurence Fishburne attempting to run. While it wasn't awful, I think we all agree that Zack Snyder should probably stop now. At least they found the incarnate of Superman in Cavill.
Rated 25 Dec 2013
Absolutely love this movie. I didn't have a big problem with any of it. Well acted even by the few miscast actors. Some people thought the beginning was slow or that the ending was too over the top but really I didn't find that to be the case. The beginning was done well and the fights and ending were more downplayed and better done then in the more lauded Avengers movie. While it wasn't as PURE fun as the Donner version it was an excellent harder edge update. Even better then the Batman trilogy
Rated 17 Jun 2013
The production has things going for it - specifically, Snyder's great eye for action and the wonderful cast. Unfortunately, it has two glaring weaknesses - specifically, Snyder's complete lack of subtlety and Goyer's writing. The eye-candy action is counterbalanced by glacial pacing. The few great character moments are outweighed by the scenes that Goyer thinks will hit you in the emotions like a truck, but instead have you rolling your eyes. The best Superman movie, but the bar was very low.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Cool action sequences don't fully make up for this beta release of Trite Action Movie Dialogue Simulator 2013.
Rated 27 Aug 2013
Finally someone makes use of the Superman mythos for something interesting. The story could be better, but it's an interesting one and the cast raises it up. The real star, though, is the way Snyder uses the visual medium. It's not just the excellent action cinematography, which puts someone like Michael Bay to shame, but the way he crafts a visual aesthetic for the whole film that works equally well in the low key scenes as in the big spectacular ones, and everything in between.
Rated 22 Jul 2013
So I was kind of excited to see this one. I watched the original two Christopher Reeve Superman movies again to get ready, and that was probably a mistake, for nothing in this movie can match up to those two. There are plenty of problems with Man of Steel, a lot of which can be attributed to Zack Snyder's lack of talent, but the biggest pitfall is that of the characters, particularly Superman and Lois Lane. They have no character and therefore nothing to relate to, which is fatal to the film.
Rated 16 Jun 2013
Kevin Costner and Russel Crowe are incredible. Though not quite as dark as Dark Knight and not as light as Avengers, I think DC found a great starting point to the Justice League with this film. Great dialogue and story. Superman is a very difficult character to write well and I think this is about as good as it can get.
Rated 01 Mar 2015
I enjoyed this more than most. Henry Cavill has charisma but no chemistry with anyone in this film, even Amy Adams' Lois Lane. The action is outstanding, a true realization of the Superman comics on the screen. The movie's finest asset is Michael Shannon as General Zod. His intensity is unmatched when it comes to comic book movie villains, but his performance never come close to being over-the-top. He doesn't have the cool arrogance Stamp's Zod did, instead opting for a tragic tone.
Rated 30 Jul 2013
Exceptional retelling of the Superman origin story makes a clear, decisive (and wise) break from the wonderful Reeve movies to establish its own reality and continuity. Snyder's robust chops as an action director work perfectly in conjunction with a well chosen cast; Cavill is fine as the cypher-like hero, but film is stolen by the warm performances of Crowe and Costner as the Krypton and Earth fathers, with Shannon also faring well as the fanatical Zod...
Rated 02 May 2014
I was engaged for the whole movie and that means alot. It was just the right amount of sappy, just enough camp and the perfect amount of destruction given how massively powerful the superman character is. I was very happy with this movie, especially given how boring I think superman is generally.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
The Freudian imagery is so aggressive it's practically a porno.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
It's funny but if you focus your attention on Laurence Fishburne's forehead, you can actually spot traces of his old, slimmer self.
Rated 16 Jun 2013
Things were fine for this Superman reboot, with its interesting blend of visual imagery, emotional warmth, and even splotches of humor. So it was unfortunate that the final hour had to go on full Transformers mode with its relentless, chaotic action and headache-inducing special effects extravaganza which slightly undermines what comes before.
Rated 27 Apr 2015
This movie has a lot of bad reviews, but I liked it. Consider the context: it's a Superman superhero movie so of course the plot is predictable and known, the dialogue has a lot of clichés and some unbelievable things happen. But I am a sucker for this more adult take(I'm sick of those teenager Marvel movies), I thought the conflict was well put and developed, the action was great and the overall design and direction was well done, it felt like a sci-fi movie sometimes, which makes sense
Rated 28 Jun 2013
It's long, it's joyless, and verges on Transformers style "destruction porn" during the action sequences. However there was enough of the same art-house sensibility that was in Batman Begins to hook me in entirely; by the time the origins part of the film had ended I was already enjoying blissful catharsis and was able to ride out the stuff that bugs everyone else. Only the awful blur of the shaky-cam threatened to ruin it for me. Why on earth make an action film and obscure all the action?!
Rated 24 Jun 2013
Sometimes less is more, and in this case a lot less would have been a lot more... The best part of the movie is when it shows the relationship between Clark and his parents and the struggles he's going through growing up with superpowers. But that's probably 10 percent of the film. The rest is just spaceships and explosions and other michael bay shit.
Rated 14 Jun 2013
This movie starts off well and has many good parts; however, if this movie is anything it is proof that Zack Synder is not a good director.
Rated 27 Apr 2015
Criticker doesn't allow me enough space to fully explain myself but, I love the dark tone, appreciate the absolute seriousness (because why does every movie have to be Marvel?), and I usually hate Supes but I cared here. Snyder, once again, showcases talent in perfectly blending insane action with an incredible soundtrack... which is his main focus generally. It's a little long, but generally moves along at a good pace. Script is fine enough to compliment the action and Cavill is convincing.
Rated 03 Jul 2013
Superman doesn't have much to do, dramatically, in his own movie. And that's a good thing.. because both Cavill and Adams seem wrong for their parts. Luckily, the rest of the cast members are pretty awesome, the standouts being Costner and Meloni. Besides, this is mostly about entertaining destruction, and I did not tire of it, personally. 'Man of Steel' is probably my favorite regular superhero flick since Snyder's own 'Watchmen'. But: A quarantine period of 20 years before rebooting, please.
Rated 20 Oct 2013
Mixed bag but not as terrible as some suggest. The action is basically non stop - probably to cover up that the story is really lame. Michael Shannon was particularly awful, almost as if the director was scared to tell him to reel it in a bit. It's a fun, stupid and enjoyable movie but by the time you reach the end it just feels like a huge missed opportunity. So in other words - a typical Zack Snyder film
Rated 16 Jun 2013
There are so many parts of this movie that I enjoyed, which only made the 2 hours I didn't enjoy stand out all the more. The entire 2nd act is comprised of people saying that the world isn't ready for Superman, even though it really seemed like no one would have a problem with him if his planet-mates didn't want to kill everyone. Oh and then Lois Lane and Superman make out on a pile of corpses.
Rated 22 Jun 2013
Man of Steel is a choppy origin story sculpted of flashback sequences and over-the-top destruction excess. If anyone is left alive in Metropolis by the end of the film, there might be a sequel. Snyder misses the heart of Superman, but the movie is entertaining enough to sneak a pass as Cavill is a great Superman, and some of the supporting cast really deliver. This is not the great film it deserves to be, but hopefully this team can do better next time.
Rated 31 Dec 2013
To be blunt I wouldn't want a kid to see it and that's the real crime of this movie. It's like Warner said to Snyder, "We liked what you did in 300. Do that again." But Supes was never Frank Miller material. Lacks the warmth and heart that is Superman. Clark's dad is an asshole and Kal-El's dad is pretty much one too. It's pretty amazing that kid turned out all right. I'd bet the Kent farm that Jon Peters is the reason there's a flying dino from Avatar in there. Was it a nice paycheck Nolan? :|
Rated 07 Jul 2013
I was apprehensive about a new Superman film from this particular creative team, although I've left feeling surprised and pleased. I can't say it's better than Superman (1978) but it is very different, and is very enjoyable. There are good performances, Amy Adams' Lois Lane actually has agency (!) and the action is phenomenal. It's a little long, however, and the colour palette could have used a little more pop. But very very good.
Rated 01 Dec 2013
I dont fuckin understand people. this movie is best superman movie until nolan will make a new one. most of people want to see shallow action movie like iron-man, avengers etc. it has real comic spirit. Zach is a good director. mayhe he need put effort flow of the movie which is still wonderful.
Rated 08 Jul 2013
I was amazed by the cinematography of flashbacks and pretty disappointed with overblown action sequences. While the story itself deserves to live, it just calls for better characters development and more concise Super Man world on the planet Earth. I hoped Chris Nolan would be more involved in this project.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
I can recognize that this is a flawed film, but Snyder is just too good at hitting the high notes, and keeping the viewer invested. It doesn't hurt that Cavill and Shannon are so into their roles, they carry the film above the script. Costner is great, too, in his limited appearances.
Rated 16 Jun 2013
Horrible disappointment. Tooo many explosions and lame CGI wank, so many bad lines and intended-to-be-funny-moments that just ends up embarrassingly bad: "I think he's kind of cute.". The visual designer must be diagnosed with ADHD.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
People who notice a lot of phallic imagery actually just really love penises.
Rated 15 Aug 2014
While it tries to lend a few welcome changes to the superhero genre, it fails to address its biggest problems: scene after scene of pointless exposition, uninteresting characters, ridiculous dialogue; in the end it's just another drop in the far-too-large bucket. It baffles me why so many studios fight to reboot these franchises only to make the same film again and again.
Rated 21 Nov 2013
I really liked this one. The cast was all on their game, especially Cavill and Shannon. The action was chaotic when it needed to be and balanced by a very pretty, emotional first half.
Rated 14 Nov 2014
I had a deep affinity for the movie Hoosiers when I was younger. My dad and I would watch it annually and I knew it forwards and back. After recommending it to someone who was evidently unfortunate enough to have not seen it, they said, "Oh, is that the movie where a basketball team sucks until some good player plays?" GASP!!! NO! It's so much more than that! (But, yes, that is a decidedly glib recap) Minus my strong affection, the site summary of this film feels similar.
Rated 19 Jun 2013
While Snyder has an eye for some things, he's not a storyteller. Parts of this are so over-the-top camp you get the feeling they did it on purpose for a laugh. The entire affair is a mish-mash of obtrusive product placement and things moving fast and/or blowing up. The narrative is disjointed, weak and nonsensical, with ill-defined sci-fi elements. There doesn't appear to be much of Nolan here, and all too much of Snyder, the unsubtlest man alive. I liked the music.
Rated 14 Jan 2014
Hated the idea of Superman getting the current-Hollywood treatment but I'll admit I enjoyed this. It's entertaining & Cavill is great, but the story's silly, visuals are forcibly "gritty", characterization is replaced with "Nolan" dialogue, scenes are made-for-a-trailer, & we don't really know or care about Clark. We get nonlinear bits of his life through exposition in the style of Batman Begins, but it just doesn't work with Goyer's script. Cavill deserved a character & meaningful dialogue.
Rated 19 Jun 2013
I hope they make a prequel to this where it is just Kevin Costner and throughout the movie we learn what makes this welder so wise.
Rated 26 Jun 2013
I didn't have a problem with Cavill's portrayal of Superman, the length of the fight scenes, or the opening sequence of Krypton's destruction like others did. Frankly, I really enjoyed all of those aspects of the film. But the script was unsatisfying, the visuals got over the top with the endless amount of falling buildings, and other than Superman himself, the character development was weak. If Nolan were given the directer's chair, Man of Steel could have flown to amazing heights.
Rated 25 Jun 2013
Its strength is in its cast. Cavill & Adams are excellent, & Shannon is an awesome presence who ends up owning most of the movie. The rest is a mixed bag that ends up on balance enjoyable, if frustrating. A strong opening, a splash of sci-fi & a slightly non-traditional Superman origins story are limited by a clunky screenplay, questionable pacing & a general feeling of undevelopment. Snyders style seemed to abandon him too, with action impressive, but too frantic & scrappy. Fun, but flawed.
Rated 12 Jun 2013
With Man of Steel the somewhat goody-two-shoed Superman finally gets his well deserved break-through. Even though it's very rough around the edges story-wise (huge gaps are left open, and real people travel long distances in no time) zero fucks are given since everything, and I mean everything is destroyed in a whirlwind of supernatural fist/fly fights. Watch and learn Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich - Zack Snyder has done it again!
Rated 19 Jun 2013
A pretty good set-up, but it felt they thought it was getting too long and just decided to cut all the important aspects of character development and just do mindless action scenes.
Rated 01 Jul 2013
I can't wait for the next Superman remake. It's been a whole 5 minutes since the last.
Rated 19 Dec 2013
Half Levi's commercial, half incoherent CGI clusterfuck, Man of Steel is the worst movie I've seen so far this year. The timeline is horrid, the tonal shifts are jarring, Michael Shannon is uncharacteristically awful, and the movie will exhaust you to the point of joylessness. "Why is there a giant enemy crab shooting a beam of light into the earth?" is a question you might ask yourself. Fuck this stupid movie.
Rated 21 Jun 2013
They chose scale over depth, and so we yet again get bland guy throwing around stuff for 2 hrs. They tried adding substance with some weirdly timed flashbacks, in which he throws around other stuff. They could've shown a damaged loner, who actually feared using his powers because he felt like he would betray the teachings of an overprotective father. A man who first of all had to overcome himself, not just giant space-ships. With all due respect to hans zimmer, williams already had this covered.
Rated 15 Dec 2014
Opening featuring bearded hero finding himself while wandering aimlessly in the wilderness:CHECK! Tough, albeit bitchy and unlikable female lead:CHECK! Staccato strings and taiko drums to indicate action cues:CHECK! Digitally enhanced floating camerawork to show the audience they're watching a huge budget music video:CHECK! Pretentious, self indulgent script that's about as deep as a puddle:CHECK! No talent hack of a director to helm this shiny trainwreck:CHECK!
Rated 19 Oct 2013
Snyder again delivers a style that both look, sound and feel great. Cavill and Adams are passable (though some disagree); especially considering the amazing supporting performances. The story takes it time nicely building up characters and background, not forgetting to fit in a few action scenes. Maybe a tad much destruction in the 3rd act, but that's how films are nowadays. What kind of hair product does Superman use? It must be from Crypton, 'cause it defies all laws of physics known to man ;
Rated 16 Nov 2013
It dominates with visuals effects, but the plot and character development are lacking, which is disappointing looking at those involved in the production.
Rated 27 Oct 2013
Aw man! I had some high hopes for this one, regardless what other people had stated about it. But unfortunately they were right. This movie is very "pretty", but it takes itself WAY to serious. This is one big crappy mess! Not even Shannon is worth mentioning. Only few positive things to say; Cavill makes a good Superman, and it was great to see Costner on the big screen again. If a sequel would appear, I would watch it, but this first installment is not one you sit through twice. - Okay
Rated 26 Jun 2013
Contrary to many recent superhero pictures, this movie does the good deed of not fucking around with its audience; there is no desperate plotting (Into Darkness), nor any jarring character twists (The Dark Knight Rises.) This is just a straightforward action epic with strong morals, and also, the loudest movie I've ever seen. So much property damage.. :(
Rated 05 Dec 2013
Adapted from hit anime series Dragon Ball Z, iHop Presents: Man of Steel is a complete clusterfuck of garbage that concludes with Superman causing 9/11 as Hans Zimmer's cover of Metal Machine Music blares in the background. Despite mediocre performances from Russell Crowe, Amy Adams and Brandon Routh, the movie feels like a nightmare. It might as well be one. Fuck Zack Snyder.
Rated 20 Jul 2014
For me, the best Superman movie out there so far. Great acting, great story, great action, great imagery. 72/100.
Rated 16 Jun 2013
Not as much out-and-out fun as it could've been--or perhaps needed to be--but it's probably the strongest, most technically proficient, most kinetically shot, most soulful Superman movie we could ask for. A little lumpy to start, but it ends pretty well, and I'm sure the sequel's gonna be a whole lot better. Hope so, anyway. I'm rating it much higher than I should, probably--drop at least 5 points if you aren't a humongous comic book/superhero geek.
Rated 13 Jul 2013
As a Snyder hater, I was amazed with Man of Steel's calm, firmly paced journey of a common man struggling with his unknown origins -- just to prevent humanity from knowing one's power that could disturb humanity's already weak balance about our world and our path in the universe. Yeah, pretty decent, but then it seems like Nolan releases the beast (Snyder), and the film, specially in its 45 or so last minutes, turns into a gigantic and digital apocalyptic mess of dust, chaos and fire.
Rated 17 Jun 2013
Apparently it is all the rage to hate everything that Zack Snyder does right now. Additionally, because I am older than thirty I am not allowed to like movies with fast action or cgi. Screw both of those notions I am not a comic book fan, but I am a fan of the 80s Superman movies (excepting Superman 4, there is no excuse). This was a good Superman movie, and a pretty good movie in general. The Krypton scenes were a nice beginning, and Michael Shannon was a kickass Zod.
Rated 13 Apr 2014
A strong contender for worst comic book movie. It could have been edited down to a 3 minute intro to an actual film rather than retreading the same origin story again
Rated 15 Jul 2013
There are a few flaws script wise, but Henry Cavill's performance, Zimmer's soundtrack and Snyder's visuals made is a really enjoyable movie. I personally like this less boyscout version. I love badass superheroes. I can't wait to see him Interact with Batman.
Rated 18 Oct 2013
Written by an out-of-control spell checker, shot by a cameraman with Parkinson's while the director was sleeping off his hangover, and cut together by someone with too much coke on their hands. $225m well spent.
Rated 22 Jun 2013
17 Haziran 2013, abim ile aqua florya & Superman'in gencliginde Platon (Sanirim Sokrates'in diyaloglariydi.) okudugu bir sahneye denk geldim. Sonra aklima su geldi; Superman bir 'canavar' filmidir. Tum seriyi bu acidan okuyabiliriz. Zira Nietzsche, Sokrates'i soyle elestirmisti; «O olume gidebilecek kadar tamamen ahlakli. Yuregini degil, aklini dinleyen bir 'canavar'.» Superman serisini, (ozellikle su yeni cikani, sonuncusunu) post-modern bir 'Sokrates'in yasami' olarak yorumlayabilir miyiz?
Rated 27 Jul 2013
Great reboot.
Rated 27 Jun 2013
Complete and utter garbage that takes an already cliche franchise and busts is to the ground. Almost 3 hours of boring CGI scenes with no story whatsoever. My last superhero movie for some time!
Rated 11 Jan 2014
Surprisingly good - if still unnecessary - 'reimagining' of Superman that contains its fair share of hits and misses along the way. Overdoes the clearly-shot-for-3D action scenes, notably the final fight, and perhaps trimming this would've helped - especially as it comes at the expense of more thorough plot development elsewhere. Well cast, with Shannon's impressively rounded Zod the pick of the bunch.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
Man of Steel is better than Superman. Man of Steel took the Superman story and filled it out making it something like: Superman + War of the Worlds + The Matrix. Where the original Superman film suffered because it lacked a villain who was actually a threat to Clark Kent, Man of Steel does not. Plus Man of Steel brings with it a rich fantasy world. Not just a reference to Krypton a large segment from Man of Steel takes place on Krypton and in it's space craft.
Rated 10 Jul 2013
It's the best of Snyder (unparalleled visual weight) and the worst of him (that embarrassing wisecracking kung-fu lady) and the best of Nolan (impeccable casting) and the worst of him (godawful pacing).
Rated 07 Dec 2013
Note to self: Criticker really misses my superhero PSIs - I should subtract 30 from each score. So apart from Krypton's cool design with all the bursting and flying crap and crab battle armor, this movie is so dumb, shallow & predictable it borders with unwatchable.
Rated 26 Nov 2017
| BACKFILLING LOAD OF FILMS NOT SEEN FOR LONG TIME -> Scores poss 20-30% out. Grateful if U drop me a cordial msg if U think memory dulled a gem or gave rosy tint 2 clunker. IE. Tell me WHY Im wrong & what U think I should score
Rated 21 Oct 2019
This is the best Superman movie I have seen since Superman 2. Don't want to into spoilers here, the ending was unexpected.
Rated 23 Feb 2014
This was much better on rewatch. I use to resent this a bit, but now I'm not so sure why. I do hate that so much story seems crammed into a long runtime that spends too much time on the action, and the weight of Superman's decision in the last act is still questionable to me. I think it's good though. Cavill is decent and Snyder's directing isn't too obnoxious or bland like some of his other movies. An imperfect, perfectly watchable Man of Steel movie.
Rated 08 Apr 2014
Man of Steel is a film composed of two-minute impressions, almost like a clip show. While the performances and writing seem to do as much as they can, Snyder paces this like an episode of a show that wishes it was Lost. The tension that should be there during dramatic scenes isn't, but the hour+ of explosions and destruction at the end will make you forget that anyway. This film is fuel for a true live-action DragonBall Z venture.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Superman reboot recovers from a choppy first act plagued by an abundance of flashbacks and exposition to deliver a decent summer blockbuster. Set-pieces and visual effects are top-notch and full of spectacle. There is a surprising absence of the humour and goodness that the Christopher Reeve films were known for. Instead we have a very violent and gritty world much like that of the Dark Knight trilogy. Uneven pacing and the script problems keep it from greatness but it's entertaining.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
The first movie I've seen Superman as badass as that Superman guy from the comics. Hell yeah! He didn't even need to take a slo-mo bullet in the eye to prove it. Good character exploration and origin story as well. We all hope he'll become a brighter character and a shining symbol for hope, sure, but this is a good start.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Rated 18 Oct 2013
Okay. First of all, this is not about Superman. This is a story about aliens attacking a village in the US and later on decide to expand on that and release the Kraken. Did you see Pacific Rim? Well, this movie is like the opposite of that one. Someone thought of an interesting back story to Superman's origin, and somehow it became this bloated mess. It's still enjoyable though, just don't see it as an Superman movie.
Rated 11 Apr 2018
This is a film which would have earned no more than 50, except it somehow grew on me over time. Granted it's utterly humorless and contains some stupid moments (the tornado? Really?) However the thrill of seeing Superman fly again in service to a fine enough story made it worthwhile again. Even the infamous shaky camera work is not a problem. It adds a specific look and appeal to the chaos which is appreciated.
Rated 10 Oct 2014
Incredibly average film. The awful script and pacing is balanced out by surprisingly good performances from the supporting cast. Synder handles the Jesus metaphor like a seal trying to play Gameboy, but that is to be expected. I'm almost proud of him just for trying.


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