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Rated 31 Dec 2012
The exact opposite of what Nathan S said. What a MORON that guy is.
Rated 31 Jan 2013
Its target demographic is debatable, but I always admire a kids movie that doesn't treat children like idiots whilst still remaining accessable, & "ParaNorman" is certainly that. It's beautifully stylized, & charmingly dark; setting itself smartly around a slightly disparaging view of small-town America. But it communicates a positive message by the time of its excellent finale. Yes, it's a little saggy in the middle, but it's perhaps best viewed as a good introduction to horror for youngsters.
Rated 26 Sep 2012
This was fantastic! Highly genre-conscious, and made with ingenuity and skill, it has everything one could ask for in a film of this sort, with great gags and lines every single minute. Fun, sweet and beautifully done.
Rated 12 Jan 2013
It's unbelievably refreshing to watch a film that expresses kindness and forgiveness as values above violence and revenge. This is one of the few family films I would be thrilled to show my future children without hesitation.
Rated 22 Aug 2012
It's got a really sweet heart and the story is surprisingly complex and smart, and it actually would've worked as an adult horror film. Both a great message and a great inversion on the genre.
Rated 19 Feb 2013
I'm not sure how much enjoyment kids would get out of this versus other animated family films, but it's probably important that they watch it regardless. The story can get quite dark at times, but it leads to an important conclusion, with a much more mature message than I might have expected. Loved the design, loved the moral, loved the humour -- both subtle and slapstick. As an owner of a 3D television, this Blu-ray is heaven-sent. Absolutely gorgeous filmmaking, and smart too.
Rated 02 Sep 2012
"Is this the end of zombie Shakespeare ?" - (laughing quietly to myself)
Rated 01 May 2013
I really enjoy stop action visually and I'd heard good things about this movie, but the horror movie intro was the best part. It's a fine premise and an interesting message, but this movie really wanted to be a short, at least a half hour shorter. Also most of the characters are too 2-dimensional to be worth caring about. Didn't Pixar prove you can do better with family appropriate movies?
Rated 28 Nov 2012
It's pretty much just decent, and the pacing isn't so hot. Whatever, let's move on to what really counts: holy shit, these visuals. Some of the most incredible visuals I've EVER seen in a film. At first you'll be amazed at how good this claymation is (it's better than I ever imagined it could be), but a bravura ending sequence really is the icing on the cake. All in all it's just amazing. Score is not a grade.
Rated 14 Nov 2012
While the story is nothing that different really, what makes ParaNorman so good is how well it's told: with heart and intelligence. I laughed numerous times, and I won't lie... the movie touched me a couple times, especially in the last section, which is so brilliantly done it leaves "kids" movies with a lot to live up to. Hell, the whole movie does. It straddles the line between kid and adult really well. Ultimately a kids horror-comedy, it's adult enough for older people as well.
Rated 18 Oct 2014
Fantastically well-done visuals, not just pretty but good at visual storytelling. Sadly, the screenplay isn't as well-done. You can't do a movie about how basically good people can get screwed up by fear unless you make the examples that you're citing feel like actual screwed-up people, instead of one-dimensional sitcom stereotypes. It doesn't really get at the effects of bullying or institutionalized prejudice - indeed, such prejudice is behind several of its character designs. (The cop. Oy.)
Rated 26 Nov 2012
Excellently animated and voice acted. Unfortunately the movie just wasn't that interesting. I feel like I've seen it all before. A weird kid who gets bullied in school, helps his foes understand that being different isn't something to be afraid of. Like I said, I loved the animation, it was like Nightmare Before Christmas on crack. Plus I love Anna Kendrick, but even that didn't make this movie spectacular. Oh and the hero was too whiny sounding. Worth watching once I guess.
Rated 19 Oct 2012
The film drags here and there especially early on, but what really makes Paranorman great is its moral, its very take on empathy and understanding, on bullying, and on human nature. It teaches the lesson without being heavy-handed. I liked it a lot more than I was expecting!
Rated 31 Jan 2013
why is it that all the greatest kids movies came out when i'm in my twenties. it's a shame. i feel like twenty more years will go by and i'll say "when i was a kid" kids movies used to suck compared to what you guys got...and i had to walk to school barefoot in the snow for five miles up hill, both ways. see this movie and don't let the target age group deter you.
Rated 23 Aug 2012
The only negative is that it wasn't LOTR trilogy length. I could have watched ParaNorman for hours. Nothing about this movie that I didn't love. 3D felt worthwhile with an entertaining story that kept you interested. It actually had some emotional content which was very appreciated, and the last 25 minutes or so borders on masterful. It's got the comedic value and solid animation to entertain the kids, and the underlying depth of story that will engage an older audience as well. Landmark status.
Rated 12 Sep 2012
Fell and Butler do a great job with the animation here, but Paranorman can't quite live up to the stakes of Henry Selick's past triumphs Coraline, James and the Giant Peach and Nightmare Before Christmas. Never as beautiful or arresting as those films, ParaNorman does have a lot of great moments going on. The script is pretty by the numbers, almost meandering, for the first two acts but saves itself with one of the best conclusions a children's movie could ask for.
Rated 26 May 2013
Unexpectedly enjoyable. The asymmetrical designs of the setting, the expectation reversal regarding the zombies, the fun winks at the horror genre and the voice actors playing (talking?) against type won me over pretty quickly.
Rated 19 May 2016
Zombies terrorize a quaint town populated with stop-motion cheerleaders who have way too much clay in their disproportionally curvaceous hips. The only hope of stopping the undead legion lies in the hands of a young boy who can see dead people but for some reason hasn't used his talent to help the ghosts get revenge on their killers in exchange for directions to hidden caches of heirlooms. There's also a surprisingly timely message about blindly lashing out at what frightens you. Thanks Zombama.
Rated 24 Oct 2013
Exceptional 1st and final acts, decent middle. But wow, that finale sure is a technological wonder. The animation is amazing throughout, the humor is pretty sharp, and the story (though in need of a few tweaks) delivers in the end. Topics like bullying and embracing individuality are moral highlights and it encourages kids to solve problems with their brain rather than brawn. Some scenes may be a bit frightening for younger viewers, but it's a quality Halloween-time film for the entire family.
Rated 18 Sep 2012
A very good family movie that didn't quite live up to my lofty expectations. Technically, the movie is a phenomenal accomplishment, and the voice work is warm, the dialogue witty. But I found the main narrative came up a little short. Maybe it's because I'm not a massive zombie movie fan, but I would've appreciated a little more back-story and character development over the seemingly never-ending zombie pursuit sequences. I still found ParaNorman very good, but I was hoping it would be great.
Rated 05 Sep 2012
This is what children's movies should be. Funny, exciting, with a lot of heart and some damn impressive stop motion animation.
Rated 03 Feb 2013
I found it pretty disappointing. I think what bothered me the most was just how damn cliched it was, particularly in the case of the characters. The dumb blonde older sister, the fat best friend, the dad that just doesn't understand, the bully that becomes an ally... It's all just stuff we've seen in a hundred other kids movies. I thought the storytelling was a bit clumsy too. Also, most of the humour fell flat for me. What I liked most about it was the animation and the visual style of th
Rated 17 Oct 2021
Nice Halloween movie with a lot of heart. It's a good transitional movie between strictly kids and more mature themes. Fairly predictable plot and gags. Fav scene: waiting for the slow vending machine to dispense the snack.
Rated 12 Dec 2012
As a "kid's movie" it;s really great, it covers some relevant themes in an accessible manner with an entertaining story and sympathetic characters. From an adult perspective it felt shallow and occasionally tedious and I personally didn't care for the animation style, but it's good at what it sets out to do.
Rated 28 Jan 2013
For the most part a "good" animated movie with a decent story and, while lacking some originality, well-executed characters. Goodman is particularly fun as Norman's seemingly crazy uncle. The movie really shines in its final act after the villain's reveal. The climactic sequence looks absolutely incredible and is equally as impressive (given the context of a kids' movie) in its thematic and emotional power. First "Coraline" and now this? Laika Studios is building a nice little resume here.
Rated 07 Sep 2012
Good wholesome monster kid stuff. This reminds me of what makes the original Looney Tunes so great. The kids' stuff isn't just for kids and the adult stuff isn't just for adults. I was a bit surprised by some of its twists and it was a bit heady for a kid's movie but that's what makes it so great. Even a kid's movie should challenge their young minds at least somewhat. Overall excellent animation and the 3D was well done. Highly Recommended.
Rated 28 Nov 2015
The second half drops the fun nods to horror and slasher films when it gets to moralising and pushing the same-old fairytale stuff at children. I really liked the stop-motion/claymation look of it, and lots of little things -like the synth line that accompanies the zombies.
Rated 02 Feb 2013
A children's film I would show my kids. One that doesn't patronise you, touches on risky material and is very cleverly constructed.
Rated 14 May 2015
ParaNoram is's just not good enough. I adored the animation, witty dialogue and main character. Unfortunately, every other character is a stereotypical caricature; while this does reinforce the moral aspect of the story (which is good), it does so in a lazy, unamusing way. My major grievance with the film is its slow pace coupled with an unoriginal plot. The film gets exciting at the end of the second act and has a wonderfully orchestrated final confrontation, but it's just too late.
Rated 24 Sep 2020
My only real problem with ParaNorman is it goes to the trouble to bring a bunch of memorable and very entertaining characters together to battle against the supernatural big bad, in a sort of Monster Squad/Goonies/Hocus Pocus mash up, and then marginalises all but the title character for the final act which was a shame. For me personally, this was more entertaining than Coraline though less stylized. The Laika animation continues to impress throughout so this gets a thumbs up
Rated 19 Aug 2012
Hugely entertaining. Laughed over and over, and thought it came to a terrific climax. As of August, it's the best animated film and one of the ten best films of 2012. If you liked the subversively adult-skewing undercurrent of Rango, I'd definitely check this one out too.
Rated 20 Jun 2013
A lot of family movies these days are about acceptance of differences, and particularly trendy is the anti-bullying agenda. But ParaNorman rises above due to a script that is funny and clever. At times it is even dark, reminding us that kids too can find this sort of thing funny.
Rated 20 Mar 2013
One of the most awesome looking confrontational scenes between the protagonist and the antagonist. Visually intriguing effort. A pity that the rest of the movie was sub par.
Rated 17 Jan 2013
Has moments but falls flat a lot of the time. If they trimmed 10-15 minutes from the film and tightened the script it could have been pretty fun, but it didn't hold my attention really
Rated 06 Jan 2013
A beautiful ending with lots of depth that redeems the meandering filler in the middle.
Rated 04 May 2013
The animation and design is fantastic, a new benchmark in stopmotion, but after a promisingly morbid beginning things slide quickly into convention. Still quite good for mainstream animation but the aren't-we-so-clever attitude and hokey lesson-learning are a shame to see after Coraline and some others recently show a cartoon can get by without or at least with less.
Rated 22 Aug 2012
A bit of a Super 8-vibe in the characters here, which is only a good thing. The climax is absolutely incredible - and aesthetically among the best I've ever seen in animated films. The middle drags a bit, unfortunately.
Rated 23 Jan 2013
Fresh, scary, damn good animation. It falls into mediocre crapola in the middle but returns with a vengeance!
Rated 28 May 2013
There is a lot about the plot that is disappointingly cliche, but I still enjoyed it to it's fullest despite all that. The humor is fairly fresh and their are some moments of genuine excitement. Plus a million points for the animation.
Rated 04 Dec 2012
I really enjoyed this for the fact that I love a good nerdy outcast hero. It warms my heart to see this story, which delves not only into bullying and being individual, but into fear of others and the cost of mistakes. It was an amazingly told and deep story that is a gem for the paranormal, childrens film and animation genres.
Rated 07 Jun 2013
Solidly put together and very touching. I probably won't see it again, but I did enjoy it. Much more geared toward children than other films in this quasi-genre.
Rated 25 Jan 2013
Surprisingly fun, some excellently off-color jokes for a kids' film. Loved the message, the final scenes with the witch, and the animation.
Rated 18 Apr 2013
ParaNorman is an animated children's movie that's going to be more enjoyable for adults and older kids than it will for the ones of an age similar to its lead character. It takes its time to get going, is comfortable with conversations and silence to let the tone and horror sink in, and while it does have its share of action, it's not a start-to-finish thrill ride. It has a weak ending and some lackluster dialogue, but it's worth seeing for the animation alone.
Rated 18 May 2015
The message could have been executed a little better, but what I really loved about this movie was how freaking hilarious it was. There were a TON of laugh-yourself-to-tears scenes and one liners that made this a ton of fun to watch. Plus, as usual with Laika, the animation was fantastic.
Rated 16 Oct 2014
A nice, fun movie with some amazing animation and a fairly good story.
Rated 31 Aug 2012
Charming, off-kilter fun with a mature sense of character and theme. I like that quite a few of the actors seem to be playing against type (Affleck, McLovin, Kendrick). Laika is shaping up to be an animation powerhouse that could rival Pixar in quality.
Rated 23 Aug 2012
Although the basic story is pretty simple, and every character is exaggerated to the point of caricature, I kind of want to rate this higher. It's just very well-crafted and funny.
Rated 26 Oct 2016
The plot is somewhat of a mess, with hit or miss jokes and some half-baked relationships, but its story is simple and effective so it gets the job done. The wonderful animation was the highlight for me.
Rated 30 Apr 2022
For the most part, a charming and witty spin on the zombie genre in the Aardman tradition, aimed at kids but unafraid to go a little more ghoulish than you might expect, and livened by a fine voice cast. Starts to peter out at the mid-point, becoming far too familiar and heavy-handed, while more or less discarding its amusing cast of characters, and whittling the climactic catharsis to something more low-key. The well-done stop motion animation is definitely its best attribute.
Rated 26 Oct 2015
A lot of very interesting and great ideas, plot lines and animation. I also really like some of the more risque stuff that you couldn't get from a more mainstream animation studio such as Disney or Pixar.
Rated 24 Dec 2012
A visually engaging effort that works really well in its wryly comic moments but not so much as a drama.
Rated 03 Jun 2013
Rated 31 Dec 2012
A lot better than I would have expected it to be, pushing the boundaries of an animated kids movie. Norman is a great lead character and Jon Brion's score is superb.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Very well done animation. One of the more entertaining in the last few years.
Rated 06 May 2013
Entertaining and well made
Rated 27 Nov 2012
I laughed way to many times as an adult with this one. Very nicely made, and as i said very funny but drags a bit in the middle.
Rated 20 Aug 2012
Most movies for young children have material to attract adults, so they'll bring the kids. While I'm not sure it was a detraction here, because they kids did seem to enjoy it, but some of the adult stuff was pretty deep. And I was uneasy at times thinking the pace was a little slow for children. Good movie but no classic. Yeah, this is the best animated movie so far this year, but the real competition is just now starting.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
Magnificent animation and characterizing, but the story was pretty mess.
Rated 14 Nov 2012
Techically brilliant and not too bad cinematically either, even though it drags a bit in the middle.
Rated 25 Dec 2012
Not a bad movie, but not especially memorable or enjoyable for me.
Rated 21 Feb 2015
It certainly has admirable and likeable traits, but ultimately this movie failed to engage and entertain me in the way I hoped it would. Jon Brion's soundtrack is fantastic.
Rated 24 May 2013
I really dig the stop action and some nice animation to go along with it. It's a little slow in the beginning, but characters develop nicely. I was entertained and might even enjoy watching it again.
Rated 17 Sep 2012
Pretty surprising. Very dark. Not entirely sure it's for children..
Rated 03 Sep 2012
I actually expected a lot more out of this than I got. Visually it's fantastic, but there's no reason for a 90 minute flick to feel like it's dragging on too long. It could've done with cutting 10 minutes and been much better off, but overall worth a rental.
Rated 28 Dec 2015
Visually enchanting and with more than enough creative quirkiness to land it in Tim Burton territory, this animated film hits the mark. The voice acting is wonderfully imaginative. My main complaint is that the story is too brief and wraps up before peak levels of tension and excitement can be reached. An extra 15 minutes of plot and character development required.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
- I've only been impressed with a few animated features in the past decade or so. The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Monster House and Rango are some examples. This movie is really not for kids. It's a cross between Ghostbusters, The Sixth Sense and Scooby Doo. A misunderstood boy with psychic powers is the key to lifting a town's curse. Very entertaining, quirky and original!
Rated 27 Aug 2012
This is a fantastic movie for kids but only a so-so one for adults.
Rated 13 Feb 2013
A lot of horror-type movies in animation this year. This one is pretty good, and despite it's comedy look and feel has a decidedly darker tone that even Frankenweenie. And it makes it pretty good because it challenges some of the conventions found in most animated movies. It takes the audience a bit out of their comfort zone, both in terms of character and storyline, so if you're looking for a "safe" animated movie, this isn't for you. But I liked it a lot for challenging the norm.
Rated 03 Sep 2012
I thought the animation and dialogue in Coraline was very stilted, but I had absolutely no issue with the pacing of ParaNorman. It's incredibly fun and witty in the way it plays with horror tropes. Like a reviewer here stated, it definitely casts against stereotype, although the cookie-cutter supporting cast could have been given more room to break their molds.
Rated 18 Dec 2014
Cheesy jokes, interesting story.
Rated 26 Dec 2012
* Characters : 7 * Script : 6 * Directing, Aura : 7 * Ease of Viewing : 7 * Naked Eye : 7
Rated 07 Sep 2016
Jokes land, animations lands and an all round good time. Gah!
Rated 24 Nov 2012
I'm really impressed at the stop-motion animation on display here. Probably one of the most technically proficient films I've seen as far as animation goes - but that's just the surface. ParaNorman is a very funny and unconventional film with some very interesting exploration of themes for what is ostensibly a family film - full of left-field gags and the climax of the film is one of the most impressive I've seen. Great voice cast and art design too!
Rated 20 Nov 2012
lovely animation for adults... slows down in the middle but still very entertaining
Rated 28 Dec 2015
Visually stunning, with really good voice acting and a surprisingly moving story. Some of the characters were a little too one-note for their own good, but I really enjoyed the heavy, morbid genre element this had going for it. A couple of scenes dragged a bit in the middle when they spent a lot of time getting chased by the zombies, but the climax was just beautiful in every way, and more than worth the price of admission.
Rated 12 Oct 2021
Rated 19 Feb 2013
pretty haunting if you ignore the middle 75 minutes.
Rated 18 Aug 2012
Loved the translucent ears.
Rated 16 Jan 2013
Enjoyable enough kids movie with a nice twist.
Rated 12 Jan 2013
Unbelievably good stop-motion animation, wonderfully progressive message that manages not to be preachy, funny gags, and excellent voice acting.
Rated 02 Oct 2013
A little bit cliché, but still fun to watch.
Rated 02 Sep 2012
A solid but not spectacular stop-motion flick from the creators of (the far superior) Coraline. I respect it for its brilliant animation and the obvious love that the animators have for classic horror. Where the film fails to excite me is in its story and characters. It plays too much to stereotypes and over-the-top screwball comedy for my liking. Kids are sure to like it though. It doesn't play down to young audiences and I could see it genuinely scaring some children.
Rated 08 Jun 2015
Rated 09 Dec 2012
A nice little horror movie for kids. The movie got my attention right away and made me laugh pretty hard. A couple of cool little twists that I did not see coming. The character of Norman was starting to get a bit annoying towardfs the end. Overall though, a very well done movie and one of the better ones of 2012.
Rated 26 Aug 2012
It drags towards the end which unfortunately made it feel a bit too long for me. Everything leading up to it is pure joy however. It has many jokes and gags that are quite funny and solid voice acting. Can be enjoyed by both adults and kids.
Rated 23 Jul 2014
One of the best triumphs of a kid's movie ever, and jaw-droppingly good animation.
Rated 27 Jul 2013
Starts off melancholy, shifts into rapid-fire action, then gets a bit too sentimental at the end. A lot of fun aside from the treacle.
Rated 15 Mar 2013
I've heard that there are many references to classic horror films such as Friday the Thirteenth and Halloween, none of which I understood. But, at the end of the day, both horror-film-buffs and those who haven't seen even the classics will find much to enjoy in ParaNorman - a fun and creepy movie from the filmmakers at Laika Studios.
Rated 14 Sep 2012
A rare creepy flick about ugly zombies and ghosts, a diabolic curse and a boy that is not just a strange and naive little guy, but also a freak. This is, by far, the best animation feature of the year -- and this is such a weak year for animation features --, nicely designed as a suburban horror film that is not afraid to scare the kids are certainly going to see this. The grindhouse homage is the best opening sequence of 2012.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 05 Sep 2013
Rated 01 May 2013
A funny kids movie that many adults will either enjoy or find queer.
Rated 06 Jan 2013
Breaks more boundaries than Frankenweenie (one of the major characters is gay, I won't tell which), this is the kind of film Burton should have aimed for. Frankenweenie seems tame compared to this romp. In the end however ParaNorman suffers from not pushing the envelope far enough. The beauty of films like Elf, Toy Story, and Sponge Bob is that they are able to appeal to Adults and Children alike, and they do this with a sly smirk. However ParaNorman falls just short of this gold standard.
Rated 14 Dec 2012
Doesn't live up to Coraline, but the art-direction, animation, and comedy is still great.
Rated 01 Sep 2012
Utterly forgettable, from the boring character archetypes to the lackluster animation. It's not even all that funny as these types of movies go, apart from a few gags here and there.
Rated 25 Nov 2017
Sorry, almost boring.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
An absolutely fantastic animation movie and my pick of the year! I just loved this movie in so many ways! I loved the more adult comedy to it, I loved the darkness and I loved the characters. A very entertaining movie and my personal favorite animation of the year
Rated 20 Mar 2019
I see dead people gören küçük bir çocuk ve hem ailesi hem de kasaba tarafından dışlanıyor. 1 gün tiyatroda ölülerin geleceğini öğreniyor. Her türlü korku filmlerinin klişesini kullanan bu animasyon, ruhlar ile korkmamamız gerektiği anlatılmış. Geçmişte yaşanan hatalardan ders almamız, ve bu hataları tekrarlamamız gerekiyor. Başarılı bir animasyon. Ama çocuklara göre değil. Biz büyüklere hitap ediyor. Cadının büyüğü küçüğü olmaz.
Rated 13 May 2013
you can build a new story or you can have a new look to a regular story. the writer did the second and he did it well. the movie could be darker but the writer had this ability to make it less serious and more funny.
Rated 26 Dec 2015
Loved the animation, but 90% of the dialogue and characters made me cringe


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