The Mummy
The Mummy
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The Mummy

The Mummy

Sci-fi, Fantasy
1h 50m
Though safely entombed in a crypt deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient princess, whose destiny was unjustly taken from her, is awakened in our current day bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension. (imdb)

The Mummy

Sci-fi, Fantasy
1h 50m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 17.26% from 1213 total ratings

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Rated 17 Nov 2017
I'm thinking positive! So rather than talk about how the director is responsible for the Transformers movies, I'll mention that he helped create Fringe! I'm going to note the excellent sequence when Tom Cruise is thrown from a rolling truck and not dare mention the I Am Legend grade CGI creature attack that causes it. I'll make a gay toast to the Universal Monsters I loved getting some new attention instead of drowning my sorrows in scotch over the thoughts of how ruined the universe already is.
Rated 24 Jun 2017
An easy watch, but almost depressingly bland. Cruise plays a non-character, the use of Jake Johnson is annoying as hell, and Crowe is excruciatingly awful in a double role that he is set to reprise in upcoming Dark Universe films. So while Javier Bardem as Frankenstein's monster in a Bill Condon version of 'Bride of Frankenstein' does sound terrific, I wish they'd just make stand-alone films instead of emulating Marvel. Now, go revisit the Brendan Fraser version with Arnold Vosloo. It's great!
Rated 20 Jun 2017
The Cummy. The lady mummy becomes a mummy because she makes some pact with an evil god to gain powers to kill a ... baby. Bitch just plug its nose for thirty seconds or make it sleep on its stomach. God.
Rated 28 Apr 2018
While not irredeemably bad, it's still pretty fucking bad, and thoroughly confused about what it wants to be and why. Here's a free tip to the Universal Studio heads who tried to pull a Marvel on their old properties: next time - rather than spending all your money on A-list actors, try spending it on talented directors and writers who appreciate and understand these monsters -heck- just a director who understands the craft would be a big improvement.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
Originally, "Dracula Untold" was supposed to kick off the Dark Universe and bring the Universal monster flicks to the new millennium and boy did that suck. So just a couple years later, they re-re-boot it with this one, and having seen reviews first, I was pretty confident that the franchise was run by an orangutan in a business suit. Having decided to see it, against my better judgement, I can say, it's moderately entertaining, and extremely contrived, with Crowe belonging nowhere in the movie.
Rated 24 Mar 2019
It's not easy being witty with material like this. Tom Cruise as Tom Cruise has to choose between hot brunette and hot blonde. I guess it's something that they're older than him - if you combine their age. Anyway. He jokes about sexual endurance with one of them and tongue kisses the other one to death and.. I suppose there is a 'four eyes' joke in there on par with a 'Cruise control' remark. Ultimately I think Tom Cruise is trying to sell the idea that he has a soul, if anyone is buying...
Rated 10 Jun 2017
First off, let me just say that I freakin' love Sofia Boutella. Love her in Kingsman, love her in Star Trek, love her in this. She is so cool; she is such a babe. I want to see her in everything. Everything else in the movie... eh. Ponderous plotting, generic CGI action sequences and blue-drenched color schemes, an autopilot Tom Cruise who feels unengaged in his performance. Honestly, I'd probably give this a 1, but I'll add one point for Sofia and another for her naked ass in the beginning.
Rated 09 Jun 2017
The first and last film in the Universal Dark Universe.
Rated 23 Aug 2017
Cruise plays the kind of generic action hero who frequently faces death w/ all the seriousness of a bored teenager forced to attend a class trip. He's also given an ostensible love interest despite the fact that the film never explains why these 2 would care about each other or why the hell the stabbing becomes a good thing. The jokes also all land w/ a thud. Still, it's hard 2 understand why this - w/ some fantastic action sequences - did so badly given that the Fraser movies were even dumber.
Rated 11 Jun 2017
It was painstakingly mediocre in every aspect; acting, scenario, effects, music... There was not a single aspect that stands out. My mom and me nearly fell asleep after 1 hour. And then it got worse; the Jeykll/Hyde thing was ridiculous. It was a bit like that messed-up dessert thing in Friends, a layer of jam, a layer of pudding, then a layer of minced meat, then a layer of cheese... It was that awkward.
Rated 26 Jan 2021
Eh, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Coherent structure is not this movie's friend, and a lot of it does feel rushed. This easily could've gone through at least a couple rewrites and given to someone with a better directorial track record than Kurtzman. However, in terms of dumb fun, this kinda scratched that itch. That's about it though, and that's kinda sad to say given the talent on this production. This movie aimed for the moon, and that is its biggest downfall sadly.
Rated 16 Jun 2020
I was intrigued at first, then it turned a bit dubious, but then at about 55 minutes into the movie, it just takes a confusing turn. Plus it would have been much better had the movie not been almost entirely used to plug in their extended universe idea. It's called the Mummy, not zombie and monster hunting club
Rated 14 Sep 2018
An embarrassment of clumsy genre collisions and sometimes shoddy CGI. It at times tries to catch the campy flair the last series came upon naturally, and fails dismally. This world building entry probably just killed any chance of it.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
i applaud the unusual business strategy to try and create a new universe, yet make its very first movie as uninspired, generic and forgettable as if 10 other entries had already preceded it.
Rated 28 Aug 2017
The Mummy marks a disastrous start for the Dark Universe. I had my reservations about this franchise and I've now already lost interest. The opening 30 minutes are reasonably entertaining but this film soon derails itself by cramming multiple films worth of world building into a dull hour. The writing and performances are poor throughout and even the set pieces become boring. I'm really surprised Tom Cruise is involved in this lacklustre project and I'm not sure if the franchise can recover.
Rated 29 Jun 2017
Everything the original Mummy movie did right - the brisk pacing, the lighthearted goofy charm of archaeologists shooting mummies and skeletons in the face Ash Williams style, the (somewhat) likable cast - are all absent here. That's not to say the original was a masterpiece by any stretch, but was enjoyable in a casual popcorn flick way, which is more than I can say for this mess. Cruise was woefully miscast here, and clearly the wrong choice to carry this movie by himself.
Rated 21 Jun 2017
maybe it doesn't quite deserve a score this low, but it's personally offensive to me that this a) exists and b) is so blatantly, desperately trying to make a franchise out of itself. needless to say, this isn't what i would've chosen to see.
Rated 13 Jun 2017
Shit, that was bad. Tom Cruise is the worst possible choice. Humor does NOT suit him. He tries to be funny but fails miserably..
Rated 10 Jun 2017
Tom Cruise decided to put out on a big screen a further extended Michael Jackson video. Without music. The story was below any limits, no horror in it and nothing new with effects.Except the double iris which I did not get at all; there was no reason for it but for one of pointless effect. If you like Tom Cruise action you may like this one since there was nothing else. Tom Cruise is not a new Indiana Jones. And Russel Crow was a lousy doctor. There was one good joke.
Rated 18 Nov 2020
Cruise: "Is there a plane crash where I can be a hero? loads of falling about and fighting? ridiculous CGI? holding my breath underwater for impossibly long periods? A sandstorm with a face in it? a completely fathomless support role from Crowe? a pompous narration? Everybody else dying hideously? What about 2 beautiful women who can't help but fall in love with me?" .. Kurtzman: "Yes, all that Tom, but you die in the end" Cruise: "Oh, forget it then .... ". Kurtzman: "Ok, lets think ..."
Rated 03 Aug 2020
It's truly incredible how NOTHING lands. Not even by ACCIDENT.
Rated 25 Feb 2018
Not as bad as I was led to believe. While not as good as the "Mummy" from 1999, 1959, or 1932 it is better than most of the sequels and mummy movies in general. I agree that the tonal shifts were jarring and didn't always work and it seemed that the director didn't quite know what he wanted. The scary parts worked well about half the time as did the lighthearted moments. Tom Cruise & Sofia Boutella did well and Tom was surprisingly funny and offbeat at times...
Rated 06 Dec 2017
You can't do a remake in less than a 20 year period.
Rated 29 Oct 2017
The characters are super flat, with Cruise having basically no character at all besides lovable misogynist/guy who runs/guy who gets stuff explained to him. All the mythology and other supernatural contrivances to move the plot along are so basic and uninteresting that the movie barely even seems to care itself. The tone was all over the place. There were a couple of cool action parts, but otherwise, I found it to be a tedious, by the numbers bore.
Rated 09 Oct 2017
Bad and boring.
Rated 21 Sep 2017
With all the negativity about the film, this film was never going to be as bad as expected (and it wasn't), but it's still average at best. The film lacks the fun and enjoyment from the Brendan Fraser versions and becomes too muddle and takes itself way too seriously. They pretty much don't bother with a decent script, instead opting to cram the new universe into the film and coming to a pretty poor finale.
Rated 27 Aug 2017
I cannot decide which one is scarier: swimming zombies or Tom Cruise and Kurt Russell giving the worst performances of their careers...
Rated 23 Aug 2017
Determinedly lazy, crushingly dull, and inescapably calculated, "The Mummy" is almost entirely competent from a filmmaking perspective, and in many ways that only makes it worse, because I honestly can't remember a film more unmotivated in its own failure than this. Ambition can mask a myriad of sins, but in every scene, in every frame, "The Mummy" just doesn't seem to care enough to do more than exist, and that will always be more heinous to me than even the worst films could ever hope to be.
Rated 22 Jul 2017
The Mummy is mostly enjoyable because of Sofia Boutella's bad-ass, slinkiness.
Rated 17 Jul 2017
Why did they even boder? All of them?! So many terrible choices, so many terrible decisions, so many terrible performances, such a big nothing!
Rated 10 Jun 2017
I as hoping it it'd be better than the preview, but it was much worse. Wall to wall zombies + Jekyll & Hyde. If I'd have bee grading only on originality, it'd have gotten a zero from me. The best part, and the only saving grace for Jones was the preview for his upcoming "American Made". Looks very good. If I was Wonder Woman I wouldn't be braggin' about beating this, WW just sucked a little less.
Rated 09 Jun 2017
The Mummy is an incompetent and boring movie, one that tries to deliver four movies' worth of world-building in 40 minutes, putting aside its own plot in order to do so. The filmmakers hired the wrong actor for the leading role, the action is bad, the writing is worse, and the special effects look straight out of a B-tier actioner. The Mummy is an eye-rollingly moronic movie, the flimsy poles upon which Universal is hoping to hang a tentpole franchise.
Rated 09 Jun 2017
Wow - I have the highest score so far! Do I win a prize? I have to express what an utter surprise this was for me; I walked in with expectations of disliking a movie that shouldn't be taking itself seriously but is, and walked out with the experience of having watched a lighthearted movie that nonetheless compelled me to buy into its universe. This has given me hype for the Dark Universe, which I fear has a very real chance of letting me down from here. On its own, this is really a lot of fun.
Rated 25 Jul 2024
Should’ve focused on making a good movie instead of planning the shortest cinematic universe to ever exist.
Rated 03 Jul 2024
Yo Nick from New Girl is in this
Rated 30 May 2024
A irrelevant new take on the classic, seen and forgotten.
Rated 29 Oct 2023
Derivative blockbuster never gets past the cringe presumption of the "Dark Universe" title card; though Cruise does his best to spark some snappy repartee, the film becomes so bogged down in setting up future entries, not to mention an elaborate and complicated back story for its titular antagonist, that it forgets to have fun, especially once Crowe's self-serious Dr Jekyll enters the film. Has a good line in dank, underworld design for the Mummy's lair enough to keep things baseline watchable.
Rated 09 Jul 2023
BORING. De boa, não dá pra encontrar nada de bom nesse filme. TV aberta.
Rated 21 Apr 2023
I liked it, but I probably won’t rewatch it.
Rated 01 Jan 2023
I can't really think of any other Tom Cruise movie I couldn't get through. Gosh they did him dirty here.
Rated 24 Sep 2022
Is it even a Tom Cruise movie if he doesn't shout "come on let's move" every ten minutes?
Rated 19 Aug 2022
A handful of sweet action sequences aren’t nearly enough to save this totally forgettable remake. Not much else to say.
Rated 26 Feb 2022
The beauty of Mummys 1 & 2 was that they had comedy & didn't take themselves too seriously. But they also had real stakes, and meaningful relationships, and believable characters. This loose 4th installment has none of those things. Just the same hackneyed CGI effects, suspense tropes & jump scares we've experienced a hundred times or more by 2017. ESPECIALLY by 2022 (at this writing). Canned nondiegetic audio effects purchased in bundle packs. Cardboard characters. Even Cruise couldn't save it.
Rated 25 Nov 2021
The Mummy remake that never had to be made
Rated 11 Oct 2021
Super slick. Ya, it recycles iconic stories. Ya, it's formulaic. Ya, the script is bad. Ya, it's trying to set up a cinematic universe. Yes, this all drags the movie down. But it looks great and you have to appreciate the production value. What a shame it went to waste. If only they hadn't tried to shoehorn the launch of a "Dark Universe" into the plot, this movie might actually have been alright. (It was never going to be good.)
Rated 05 Jan 2021
An ancient queen is buried safely in a crypt deep beneath the brutal desert. Her fate had once been falsely taken from her. She is awakening in the present time. As her malice has grown for centuries, she pours out her horrors, which exceed human comprehension, upon the world.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
The Mummy is a lot like listening to a song with an okay hook, a decent first verse that goes into an endless loop of a humdrum chorus until it's finally outright grating and you hope you never hear it again.
Rated 23 Aug 2020
Why does Tom Cruise need his film characters to be such a hit with the ladies all the time? Can he please come out of the closet and tell us?
Rated 03 Aug 2020
oh wow, it turns out that The Mummy is a desiccated corpse with its brain removed! *baddum TISHHH*
Rated 18 Jun 2020
Not good. Not good at all.
Rated 15 Feb 2020
Rampant misogyny, forced humour, and casual racism place this squarely in the bin of bygone trash. Unexciting, poorly written, and ugly, the film has literally nothing to recommend it. (DNF)
Rated 23 Nov 2019
Passes the time.
Rated 15 Aug 2019
201212 71 Deflating 190815 75 Perhaps it's just a question of going in with the right expectations. This movie was silly and funny and entertaining and still managed to take itself seriously enough to be an action film. Good fun, not too much substance. Criticker predicted 56.
Rated 18 Jul 2019
A mess.
Rated 19 Feb 2019
upon further examination of this film and my feelings towards it, i can confirm that i truly do not give a fuck about anyone and it's so fucking funny and dumb they transparently tried to build a franchise off this stupid shit
Rated 10 Jan 2019
Story is pretty bland and not helped by Tom Cruises limited acting abilities that has developed since he started the MI franchise. Also completely lack the humour and charm that made the Mummy with Fraser and weisz a great watch. The dark universe would be fun to explore further but without cruise if they go ahead.
Rated 02 Jan 2019
I watched this one very late at night for the chance to liveblog it at a friend of mine from the other side of the world. Perhaps the sheer sleep-deprived joy of that experience is clouding my judgement, but I really truly enjoyed this. Nick is a trashbag, Vail is a delight, Russell Crowe does a spectacular job, and the attempted romance between Nick and Jenny is surprisingly easy to ignore. It's a shame this franchise got nixxed so early. I would've loved to see what becomes of everybody.
Rated 16 Sep 2018
I want a Matthew McConaghy adventure movie, signed by Tom Cruise.
Rated 03 Sep 2018
I love Tom Cruise, but seing his poor man's Han Solo fighting random CGI shadows is so uninteresting to watch. This attempt of setting up a Dark Universe franchise is poor.
Rated 09 Jul 2018
Rated 18 Mar 2018
There’s a modicum of guilty pleasure about it, but it’s admittedly proper shite.
Rated 10 Feb 2018
All the time waiting for the actual movie to start and then it ends. Not even worth the time, and it had all the ingredients for being so awesome.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
Painfully mediocre and boring. Found the inclusion of Russell Crowe's Jekyll character to be confusing and unnecessary. Can see why this one bombed.
Rated 23 Jan 2018
The zero-g airplane sequence is great, but the sandstorm is pointless city destruction. Why do the guards trade their anti-mummy harpoons for useless guns, and why can only Tom Cruise can smash brittle skeletons but everyone else is helpless against them?
Rated 07 Jan 2018
Lots of dumb things, way too oversexed, but is redeemed a little bit by the somewhat bleak ending.
Rated 31 Dec 2017
More reviews here :
Rated 16 Nov 2017
I don't understand the bad comments. I really enjoyed it. I thought the acting was fine, even from Cruise. The story is good, leaving room for a sequel. Not to mention the bad-ass performace of Boutella. Who in my opinion carried the movie throughout. 64/100.
Rated 31 Oct 2017
Rated 22 Oct 2017
Really poor attempt at a mummy movie. And how stupid was russell Crowe's Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde.
Rated 21 Oct 2017
It fell flat on pretty much everything except stunts and the coloring which were both impressive. The story was too linear and boring, the music was non-descriptive, there was no visual "wow" moment, and the acting was so-so. None of the actors truly conveyed any emotions. The Brandon Frasier Mummy, in all its campiness, was far more enjoyable.
Rated 11 Oct 2017
Who asked for this?
Rated 17 Sep 2017
A modern van_helsing /indiana_jones combo ! Wasting so much time to bilt a base for a serie. Legendary Tom Cruise is still good but the old tricks for these kind of movies thosen't work nowadays.
Rated 14 Sep 2017
Why won't Tom Cruise die? It was like some sort of difficult mission
Rated 14 Sep 2017
I rooted for the evil princess. A plot twist with Tom Cruise turning fully into Set, was the only thing that could have saved this trainwreck. Tom Cruise vehicles usually have some standard, if not always great, they are at least bearable. Disappointing.
Rated 03 Sep 2017
bad movie
Rated 03 Sep 2017
Universal'in yeni evreni "Dark Universe" ün başlangıç filmi. Başlangıç için The Mummy karakterinin ve hikayesinin seçilmesi ilginç olmuş. Bir kere şunu söylemek eski Mumya filmleriyle hiçbir ilgisi yok filmin fakat onlardan daha güzel. Aksiyon ve Tempo yerinde kısaca iyi bir başlangıç filmi olmuş. Beklenti daha yüksekti tabi orası ayrı. Tom Cruise ise bildiğimiz gibi...
Rated 03 Sep 2017
Starts as a fun action adventure, but soon loses all its humor and momentum during endless "Dark Universe" worldbuilding and stays pretty boring to the end. Also features one of the worst written & cast female protagonists ever.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
The Meh-mmy! The film is cliché-ridden and lacklustre. The writers have taken on the challenge of constructing a film that is exclusively exoposition interspaced with contrivance. Johnson does his usual shtick, which I enjoyed. Cruise recapped scenes from the MI franchise (running from sandstorms, swimming through flooded chambers). Boutella does a good job. Unfortunately there is no chemistry between characters. The pacing and tone are all over the place, and the movie is left feeling generic.
Rated 26 Aug 2017
A stinky pile of mummy poo.
Rated 12 Aug 2017
None of The Mummy films are particularly great, including Karloff's original, but this new reboot is easily the worst and makes the 3rd Fraser film look good by comparison. Cruise is completely miscast in a role clearly written for a much younger man. Kurtzman comes up with a few decent images, but his general direction is lethargic and tone deaf, never settling into an appropriate rhythm, and the CGI is a mixed bag. Crowe is just embarassing. It passes the time, but it's silly and dumb.
Rated 10 Aug 2017
My lawd, what an abomination of a film. Just horrid. A WASTE OF MY TIME!!!11one!
Rated 09 Aug 2017
It's bad: as interesting as Cruise and Boutella are, the movie does nothing productive with them. Universal should just call it quits.
Rated 08 Aug 2017
Nothing mixed with extremely poor Egyptian history mixed with a vampire skull and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide. Russel Crowe made an enjoyable character, I would see a movie just with him and his endeavors, but he was extremely misplaced as a part of this movie. Pointless story, bad acting, sad effects for a 2017 sci-fi movie and a poor throw back to the original movie (the book of Amon Ra shown for 1sec). Anyhow, the movie would have ended long ago, if the mummy had just said Scientology to Tom Cruise
Rated 27 Jul 2017
It's like if a video game was a movie, exposition is yelled over small scale similar looking fighting scenes. Each scene ends with a huge CGI set piece. The story makes little sense but builds a world we don't care for. But the worst crime of all, Tom Cruise really phones in his performance for the first half of the movie, normally he's someone I can count on to raise the movie 20 points; just by his stage presence. Not this time, hence the terrible review.
Rated 26 Jul 2017
Production values are good, but I really did not like were they were taking the story. Not at all.
Rated 22 Jul 2017
good movie
Rated 09 Jul 2017
I like Sofia Boutella as the main villain in this but besides that...bad.
Rated 02 Jul 2017
I Watched this thing in a cinema in Chile, because I had no other choice then watch this or wait for 5 hours on a nightbus to Bolivia. So... I gave Tom Cruise one more chance. I'm glad it was Spanish dubbed. He was kind of funny this way!
Rated 29 Jun 2017
Starts as an entertaining adventure ride but almost comes to a complete stop, when the Dark Universe worldbuilding begins. The ending is downright terrible. Sophia Boutella delivers a kickass performance while Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise.
Rated 27 Jun 2017
For a movie that's meant to launch a cinematic universe, THE MUMMY arrives drowsy and depleted of energy. Cruise's regular schtick as the scoundrel who proves to be a Boy Scout burdens an already taxed script, which leaves the vistas of the Middle East far too early for turgid action in grey, grimy Europe. It's less "gothic" than dispirited, with the only solace coming from Sofia Boutella in a thankless (and mostly wordless) role, and Russell Crowe's oddly compelling cameo.
Rated 20 Jun 2017
Is Dark Universe really a thing?
Rated 19 Jun 2017
Not scary. Not funny. Tries desperately to be both.
Rated 18 Jun 2017
So they're doing their own universe as well??? ugh. Cruise is great in this as is the dude from New Girl. This is fun and it's almost aggravating but didn't cross that line for me. Will prob never think about again
Rated 15 Jun 2017
It just feels so tired at this point. Xmen just did a Egypt movie and some other series too(I forget which one) and fucking zombies? Cmon. Besides that, Cruise is great in the lead (as always) and its actually kind of funny.
Rated 15 Jun 2017
Started interesting, then jumps as many sharks as possible. Between the Dr Jekyll garbage, the awful plot, and the lack of ending, I hated this movie. Even more disappointed since Tom Cruise seems to usually pick his scripts well. Awful.
Rated 14 Jun 2017
Boring ( I feel asleep a few times), dull and lifeless summer blockbuster. It has a few good things (that wake you up every now and then) but even both stars (Cruise and Crowe) disappoint and Boutella has the presence but is dragged down by everything around her.
Rated 14 Jun 2017
6 ne mq
Rated 14 Jun 2017
This is actually screaming for Brendan Fraser to be in it. Everything else aside, this is so much more Jekyll and Hyde: The Movie than The Mummy that I can't help but wonder if that's what the script actually was at some point. 40% zombies, 40% superhero origin story, 20% mummy: 100% all over the place. Not very good.
Rated 10 Jun 2017
A Fine first hour is destroyed after the story begins to unfold what it's actually all about.
Rated 09 Jun 2017
I gotta be honest, this didn't come across like a horror movie to me in both the film and the marketing, so I approached it like an action movie... and enjoyed it. It helps that I'm also not attached to the characters and their history so I just want a fun flick. Nothing incredibly special outside of the casting of Crowe, but I had a really good time instead of hating it, which I expected to.


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