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All Quiet on the Western Front
All Quiet on the Western Front
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All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front

Drama, Action
2h 28m
A young German soldier's terrifying experiences and distress on the western front during World War I. (imdb)

All Quiet on the Western Front

Drama, Action
2h 28m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 60.53% from 1215 total ratings

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Rated 30 Oct 2022
World War I was the worst of wars, as told so intimately and realistically in the book Im Westen nichts Neues. This latest adaption is a horror show disguised as an anti-war movie as the film resorts to depicting endless scenes of gruesomeness to achieve dramatic effect. Also the bond between the group of soldier friends who have to suffer all this terror lacks any substance, and yet we have to mourn every 15 mins when one of them dies in a horrendous way. Yet another Netflix fail.
Rated 13 Mar 2023
If you've seen 1917 recently there's little need to follow Joe Soldier through the trenches again now. It's all-in on the meat-grinder and too light on character/story, leading to flat-fallen cliches: our protagonist finds his buddy's broken glasses in the mud and the audience is meant to think 'oh no, they got glasses guy'. The only thing we knew about that guy was that he had those glasses. I can mourn WW1 deaths with the best of them but you gotta give me something to work with here
Rated 25 Jan 2023
This is well-shot but so generic it could be from either side of any war. There's precious little shock value in the battle scenes because they mostly consist of the same war movie tropes we've seen a million times before, and as the protagonist has nothing to say about how or why the war is happening - or about anything really - it's hard to identify with him on more than a surface level. So what this is is a series of brutal set-pieces, and as with Sam Mendes' 1917 that's just not good enough
Rated 14 Nov 2022
Would've been great to see in a theater, the score at points is menacing. Such a waste of life. The opening scene is brutal
Rated 25 Sep 2024
The prequel to Downfall rips! Does what 1917 did but in like 1000x the takes.
Rated 08 Mar 2023
You can miss me with that “emotional manipulation” bullcrap. I teared up at several points. I felt for these men, especially Paul. The violence is horrible and visceral, and the sense of unease and dread never left me. The final moments are relentlessly heartbreaking like the 1930 version. The production is truly outstanding. Editing, score and cinematography are all expertly done. Anti-war films are important, and I thought this managed to get its point across well enough. Great stuff.
Rated 06 Nov 2022
Especially considering it was never quiet on the western front due to changes to the novel, this might be more aptly titled “Scenes From a War”. Its only narrative surrounds the signing of the armistice, an unnecessary and bland addition, but it is only generals and politicians who get narrative during war, so perhaps that’s appropriate. Beautifully shot and richly depicted, which means it can’t fail to be affecting, but the real power of film rides on story and character and this hasn’t any.
Rated 31 Oct 2022
As is its original work, this is somber as hell. A devastating study of war and all that it destroys. The photography is bleak but stunning as is the score in its sudden bursts.
Rated 11 Mar 2023
Really remarkably well-made with a lot of gorgeous cinematography and harrowing images, but it didn’t really hit for me. Partly it’s the concept of an “anti-war” movie that still has lots of tension and excitement and partly it’s that it does feel closer to Oscar bait than I would like, really prodding you the entire time to be like “hey! this is pointless! yeah? sad, right? tragic! may I have some awards please”
Rated 14 Feb 2023
What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
Rated 27 Jan 2023
It misses the main point of the first version, which was to criticize the shallow patriotism and irrational nationalism along with portraying the poor conditions behind the front. This just puts the blame on a few higher ranked soldiers. 1930 version was not only a bold move but also a milestone. It was way ahead of its time, apparently, it still is. Here we get better acting and more realistic war scenes. Nothing more. Even the interactions between soldiers feel artificial and underdeveloped.
Rated 30 Dec 2022
Rated 08 Dec 2022
About on par with the great classic adaptation by Lewis Milestone. The acting is as strong as the cinematography is beautiful.
Rated 04 Dec 2022
The original text came out of bloody mud as a clarion call to never again witness the sheer awfulness of the First World War. But here we are 100 years later, another shiny, gritty adaptation, the Futility of War. In the theater I couldn’t help but think of the Futility of War Films - anti-war pictures clearly haven’t silenced the nastier whims of statescraft; with the past century being the goriest in human history. I question what this next filmed inhumanity is meant to serve at this point.
Rated 20 Nov 2022
Rated 10 Nov 2022
2.5 hours of people suffering and dying, with no plot to hold it together and not enough focus on the characters to make us care. It is a well made movie which manages to convey the chaos and meaninglessness of war, but it verges on suffer-porn and doesn't have anything you haven't already seen in other, better, movies.
Rated 03 Nov 2022
klişeden geberip gidecektim az kalsın. zaten 90 yıl önce çekilmiş şeyi biraz güncelleyip neden yeniden çekersin ki. ayrıca karakter gelişimi de rezalet. sanki herkes aynı süreyi alacak diye önceden anlaşmışlar gibi hiçbir karakteri tanıyamıyoruz. ha tabi şu var. o çok övülen 1917'den eksiği var mı? asla yok.
Rated 03 Nov 2022
It is not as powerful as the 1930 version. This movie makes it look like the fault of war belongs to self-centered generals and incompetent politicians but never actually showing the guilt of nationalism. I am a bit disappointed. Maybe if the movie title was different and it had not relations with the book the movie would have a better impact on me.
Rated 30 Oct 2022
With the taste for war in Europe back on the rise, one might say this nightmarish remake is quite timely. There is a difference, though, between filming this a dozen years after the end of the War and doing so again 92 years later: while undeniably dedicated to exposing the insanity of the First World War and the barbarity of its leaders, does it still function as an anti-war film as such, or is it just an exercise in “updating” the earlier effort? Steals music from Tarkovsky: should be a crime.
Rated 30 Oct 2022
watchable but nothing I liked particularly. even visuals, which is the strongest aspect of the movie, didn't have good composition. war atmosphere could be represented a bit more gloomy, colour&lighting-wise(eg. apocalypse now). some characters, scenes was quite hollywoody. netflix never disappoints when it comes to poor productions.
Rated 09 Apr 2024
A production-driven movie, quite accomplished in every aspect of the execution. It's been a long time since I saw the 1930 adaptation, and I know this one has shifted foci, but I can safely say two things; the acting and technical reconstruction are much better here, while the spiritual authenticity and sense of historical importance are much greater there (in part due to proximity in time). For the 2020s this feels hackneyed in some ways, but the perpetually horrified hero is pretty fresh.
Rated 07 Jan 2024
Unfortunately does not escape the Netflix cinematography. Too shiny and clean for what it wants to depict. The mise en scène is properly horrible but underserved by the hyperclarity of the cinematography. Not sure all the poetic ends of the movie were necessary. I think it would have been more conducive to the themes to have their deaths be much less “ceremonious”. Still, I was properly shook by the end and I would happily induct this into the “War is Actually Fucking Horrifying” Hall of Fame.
Rated 28 Sep 2023
A technically impressive movie which I think deserves a lot of merit for that. However, the scenes it adapts from the older film misses the point and nuance in place of writing so full of grandiose posturing that it lacks the humanity that early adaptions of this story had. I can't deny this film shook me in some cases; I'd even say one scene was more effective here than in 1930, but there were times where I cringed and groaned too which is not a good sign for an anti-war film.
Rated 02 Aug 2023
A little too quiet, if you know what I mean.
Rated 05 Jul 2023
This 2022 version of All Quiet on the Western Front certainly bring you right in the middle of the it. You feel you are there, and the violence is horrific! I would have preferred more personality on top to get through the slower parts. The way it stands it feels like a lesser 1917 (2019), but still one making a lot of strong impressions.
Rated 02 May 2023
The old one was good enough for me. I don't get the point of the remake. War is awful. I got it the first time.
Rated 18 Apr 2023
I cannot rate this based on how it adapts its source material (not particularly closely, by all accounts), but outside of this context I thought it was a very good war movie. The lead characters were very good, and both the cinematography and the non-contemporary soundtrack wer amazing.
Rated 12 Apr 2023
" generic it could be from either side of any war." is a critique i just read. Like no shit. That's kinda part of the point. To me what would've elevated an anti-war movie like this from good to great is bold choices that weren't made. Like make the exact same movie but the last shot Paul's eyes shoot open, bloodshot and yellowing, he snarls with blackened teeth, then black screen that reads "All Quiet on the Western Front 2: Zombies in France coming next year."
Rated 15 Mar 2023
You'd be hard pushed to call it a particularly new or original take on the horrors of the First World War, and the last hour get's increasingly ridiculous as it seeks to ram home the point. But the score and sound design are frankly faultless, the core performances sell every ounce of it, and while it's not Best Picture calibre it is very competently done.
Rated 13 Mar 2023
ALL QUIET reimagined as a very loud post-PRIVATE RYAN war film; well crafted by Berger and well played by its cast - Kammerer's stoic lead is unavoidably reminiscent of George MacKay in 1917, and the rest of the cast provide distinctive and authoritative work. Ultimately says nothing new in the "War Is Hell" subgenre; convincing and horrifying at times, but can't compete with the Milestone (in every sense) original. Final scene, showing the surreal mundanity post cease fire, is a highlight.
Rated 06 Feb 2023
On the technical side this is great, and I understand why it got a lot of its Oscar nominations. The cinematography and score are really affecting. Otherwise it's good, but nothing too special. Felix Kammerer gives a very solid performance in the lead role of Paul. Ultimately though it's a war movie and you should very much know what you're getting into by now. Positively or negatively this won't be the one that changes your perception of the genre.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Stellar anti-war film that gets its message across in a brutal yet personal way. This is incredibly bleak, but that's the point: war isn't a place where heroes are made or where boys become men nearly as much as it is a place where the powerful use their underlings as pawns and boys are scarred for life with a desperation to survive. The stellar direction by Edward Berger makes this film feel personal yet atmospheric, with an incredibly poignant score to boot.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
This is a perfectly acceptable but thoroughly uninspired war film. The score is good and everything is quite well done, but I feel like I've seen it a dozen times before and it offers nothing new or different to the genre. The cinematography is absolutely stunning though, with every frame looking like a painting, but for the most part it seems like a remake made on an assembly line. Not nearly as good as the 1930 version.
Rated 26 Jan 2023
A better version of 1917 to me. Sure, a WW1-themepark ride just as much but more effective and evocative and way better music. Some emotional grace notes here and there that didn't put me off. Putting the engines of the war just on the bloodlusting general is a bit too simple of course, although i can see how it represents the machinations behind the scenes (both on german and allied side though!) that led to this senseless conflict. The color grading is done very well for a change.
Rated 03 Jan 2023
The choice to graft a political thriller onto Remarque's grunt's-eye view of WWI is definitely a choice, but ultimately one that is of a piece with the overall tragedy. The young cast is excellent as well, and it's easy to buy into their foxhole chemistry. We certainly don't *need* another visceral adaptation of the evils of warfare, though I'd argue that given the state of the world (and Call of Duty's enduring popularity), reminders like these can't hurt.
Rated 03 Dec 2022
What a masterpiece! Phew, truly the real face of the First World War. So much terror, so well-acted, great buildup and I'm happy they put in some funny bits. Good to see the brainwashing that happens every war. Only thing is that it was probably just a bit too long :D
Rated 02 Dec 2022
Some great war scenes when they happened, nice that it was native german. Disappointed at how little it engaged when there wasnt a battle. I never go on my phone when watching movies but strangely and abnormally i found myself doing that out of a lack of interest. I am ashamed of myself as i trusted movie critic to criticker- but integrity, i did it
Rated 19 Nov 2022
It's not that Germans don't *get* irony; it's that they have good reasons not to *like* it.
Rated 02 Nov 2022
A slasher film in that the kills are its main motif. As if we'd only know the inhumanity of war when our faces are smeared with blood and guts in ever more creative ways. The film numbs us to the whole genre.
Rated 01 Nov 2022
I have seen several versions now and need to read the book. This version offers a more realistic battlefield, but less realistic politics of the war. Someday we will get a film that tells the real who and why for the wars.
Rated 01 Nov 2022
One of the best depictions of the horrors of war I've watched, made all the more effective by showing how comparatively comfortable the higher ups were while the young men were slaughtering each other in the trenches. Another interesting point is the dehumanization war causes explored through the main character over the course of the movie. In short: pretty good.
Rated 18 Sep 2024
Dunno if I was just in the wrong mood or what but it felt so repetitive that I couldn't finish it. How many times are you gonna show me the same trench assault scene? I got it the first time. Let's try something else.
Rated 29 Aug 2024
Pointless deaths, pointless movie
Rated 09 Jun 2024
Matthias Erzberger: "My son was killed in the war. He doesn't feel any honor."
Rated 07 Apr 2024
Cold, mechanic and technically well-made. The poetic attemps fall flat while it seems determined to show every possible gruesome act of war. A far cry from the original.
Rated 14 Mar 2024
ger; [all quiet on the western front; im Westen nichts neues]; im ersten Weltkrieg macht sich eine verblendete gruppe von jungen Männern an die front, um das grauen zu erleben - während anderswo um Frieden und Grenzen gehandelt wird.; (Aufmerksamkeit mit möglichst harten Bildern erzwingen);
Rated 03 Jan 2024
good movie
Rated 12 Dec 2023
I went into this thinking that we probably don't need a third adaptation of this book, although it's nice to see a German one. I left it thinking we probably didn't need a third adaptation of this book.
Rated 20 Nov 2023
This movie lacked a soul. I only watched it after getting acquainted with the original story. This might have been a mistake, because it made it all the more frustrating to know that the soul was there. In this movie, the character's friends seem interchangeable, so their tragedies felt irrelevant. The movie dragged and felt very long, and yet it feels like we didn't even get to know the main character himself. A generic movie about WW1 rather than about the human within it.
Rated 12 Jul 2023
Plot 13/20 Fiction 15/20 Casting/Acting 16/20 Worldbuilding 19/20 Entertainment 15/20
Rated 17 Jun 2023
excellent cinematography
Rated 02 Jun 2023
Viewing partner and I didn't bother to finish. We were both bored and I couldn't stand the awful noise of the score.
Rated 20 May 2023
A monumental film of epic proportions---a movie that comes out once every few decade.
Rated 04 May 2023
savaşın anlamsızlığını ve hükümetlerin,generallerin egoları uğruna nice canların boşa feda olduğu zamanı geldiğinde insalığınızı zamanı geldiğinde var oluşunuzu sorgulatıp empati yaptıran. Bu kadar güzel bir senaryoyu birde mükemmel sahne çekimleri ve renk kullanımıyla birleştiren gelmiş geçmiş en iyi savaş filmlerinden biri
Rated 16 Apr 2023
Lacking in plot elements, overlong and I didn't feel like I was seeing or learning anything new. Cinematography was gorgeous though - 10/10 for mood, lighting, sound etc.
Rated 13 Apr 2023
Book's better.
Rated 12 Apr 2023
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Doesn't come near the original. Much more gruesome, sure, but the characters are forgettable and uninteresting.
Rated 19 Mar 2023
Brutal. But mandatory viewing for everyone, lest we forget.
Rated 14 Mar 2023
bem feito, mas... né, chega
Rated 12 Mar 2023
Expected more out of this based on the hype. Amazing war cinematography, less amazing adaptation of the story and themes. Verges on greatness but never reaches it.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
An interesting re-framing of Remarque's classic novel to not just shine a light on the dismal condition of life on the front but also to serve as a political criticism of the fascistic authorities who are ultimately responsible for forging those conditions. It's certainly a departure from the novel but in doing so, the film is better able to reflect the evils of war in a post-trench-warfare world. As such, the film justifies itself quite well as more than just another war movie.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
06.03.2023, Falmer/Brighton UK
Rated 10 Mar 2023
Every director trying to do their own spin on Villeneuve is not particularly my thing especially on Netflix where everything already has it’s weird sheen and the attempt to intertwine visual poetry and the brutality of war just didn’t work for me because of it. One can quibble with the fact that they tore the heart of the book out but that’s adaptation. I’m just over the simple juxtapositions that these war movies have.
Rated 09 Mar 2023
Rated 08 Mar 2023
"All Quiet On The Western Front" is a must-see film that is just as relevant and impactful today as it was when the novel was first published in 1929. Director Edward Berger's adaptation is a technical and thematic triumph that is firing on all cylinders from every craft department. The film's exploration of the human cost of war is heartbreaking and thought-provoking, and the immersive and petrifying experience of the battlefield is unforgettable.
Rated 08 Mar 2023
Loses a lot of what made the novel so impactful. Just makes it gruelling to get through with its unrelenting violence and brutality. I guess that’s a way to show how bad war is, but not really that interesting after something like Come and See (this almost feels like the meme face version of that movie). Doesn’t have any interest in the characters at all.
Rated 06 Mar 2023
Had it been 40 minutes shorter, it would have been +10 points from me. Quite brutal and depicts the madness of war very well. Lacks the personal connection as the main group of soldiers we're following feel distant even at the end of the movie. Visually the movie was great, and I think as a tighter package it could have focused on the brutality a bit more and worked very well. Now it just fell apart while trying to be a bit of everything, and ending up being just another war movie.
Rated 06 Mar 2023
Yet another technically marvelous WWI film that wants to swallow the spectator with its first-person shooter sensibility and has evidently nothing interesting to say beyond its beautifully empty imagery. Who cares.
Rated 05 Mar 2023
The delivery of harrowing imagery has been borrowed from WWI better films (paths of glory, Lewis Milestone's 1930's version of All Quiet and Gallipoli.)Films like War Horse,1917 and this seems to have created a visual shorthand for trench warfare as blood & mud, walls of men charging into mortar and machine gun fire like zombies and men stuck with bayonets bleeding in a ditch. Albrecht Schuch as "Kat" is the standout performance. Watch"wooden crosses" (1932) or Westfront 1918 (1930) instead.
Rated 28 Feb 2023
I’m fascinated by war as a genre, by what makes the difference between a war film that’s rewatchable and one that’s not. This certainly isn’t. It’s a joyless, violent, difficult watch. The point is well made. But I’ll likely never watch it again.
Rated 26 Feb 2023
batı cephesinde "yeni" bir şey yok. buradaki hemen her şeyi 1930 yapım ilk uyarlama filminde görmüştük zaten.
Rated 25 Feb 2023
1. Dünya savaşı. İlk uyarlamanın Oscar ödülü alması sonucu, yeni uyarlamanın da 2023 Oscar adaylığı alması şaşırtıcı değil. Asker cephesinde yaşanan savaşın 1 erin yaşadığı askerlik dramasını izliyoruz. Cephane savaşı sahneleri etkileyici. Hatta çok keskin ölüm sahneleri de var. Başarılı ama fazla abartı. Filmin sonunda, Askerimiz son savaşını veriyor. Cennette burada cehennemde.
Rated 20 Feb 2023
Pretty good movie, especially the second half. However, everything in it has been done before and in a better way. So while this isn't bad at all, it doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Rated 19 Feb 2023
War scenes were as good as you'll find. But the downtime scenes in-between fighting in the first half bored me, with a group of unremarkable and undistinguishable German troop friends. Also, make sure you watch it in German.
Rated 18 Feb 2023
In trying to portray the relentless gore of the novel this fails to shock as it’s simply not shocking any more in a movie. Well put together but not really sure it was all worth it.
Rated 13 Feb 2023
Well shot but other than that very forgettable.
Rated 02 Feb 2023
Strong piece of film making-brutal and honest an antithesis to most ( but not all) war films. Still I couldn’t help but compare it to the original which made a much stronger impact on me and which I still feel is relevant and didn’t need a remake.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
War bad on god fr fr
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Basically a collection of video game cutscenes. Pretty pointless.
Rated 27 Jan 2023
So just filming people getting blown up for 2 hours is oscar worthy? No soul whatsoever.
Rated 26 Jan 2023
Was is brutal and so is this movie.
Rated 24 Jan 2023
Mid. Seems to start of well (showing the macabre operations of war in a manner that's taken casually), though gets less interesting and more downright stupid as it goes on (how many cases of suicide by fork were there in the war?). It shows us what we've seen in other war films before, and whether it improves on them or not, it just feels derivative.
Rated 24 Jan 2023
War is hell and death of innocence aren't new themes, but this film offers a fresher take. The score and cinematography are stark and menacing, fitting the theme. We don't really get to know some of the characters but our main figures are detailed well. The opening scene is very effective in establishing tone, as are the book ending scenes involving dog-tags.
Rated 17 Jan 2023
Brutal, especially in the constant cuts it makes from the hellish war to the life of the generals. Not as good as the original, though.
Rated 17 Jan 2023
Best war film in years. The depiction of out-and-out warfare is harrowing as one might expect, but the film accomplishes much more outside of the battle scenes as well. The focus on elements like hunger, luck, coincidence, and the erasure of any ideology or difference between sides beyond uniform all add immeasurably to the totality of the experience. Everything works in service of hammering on the sobering message of just how pointless it all is. Millions of lives lost accomplishing nothing.
Rated 16 Jan 2023
It is very well made and shows off the utter brutishness of warfare.
Rated 14 Jan 2023
Saddles up “war is heck” with “men in power only want more power” to predictably familiar ends. There are occasional grace notes, but not enough of them. One such example is an early montage of uniforms and boots being stripped off the corpses of bloodied soldiers and sent to be repurposed; it’s a rare moment of specificity and unique perspective - something that is sorely missed elsewhere. But then again, I’m just not a war movie kind of guy anyway.
Rated 13 Jan 2023
Beautifully shot. Often painful to watch. A very believable depiction of war. Felt like the World War I version of Saving Private Ryan.
Rated 10 Jan 2023
Great story, love the flamethrower screens.
Rated 10 Jan 2023
idk how much the music has swayed my rating, but it was really good and effective music. It's been 12 years since I read the book, and I was 14 when I did (did my teacher really expect high school freshmen to grasp the weight of this book?), but this made me want to go re-read it. I have not seen the original adaptation. The only other war movie that I've seen is Apocalypse Now, so I have no genre knowledge.
Rated 31 Dec 2022
The book is far more haunting than this show that is not nearly as harrowing as the opening scene of "Saving Private Ryan"
Rated 25 Dec 2022
great movie
Rated 24 Dec 2022
Rated 22 Dec 2022
audiovisual 80 acting 69 overall feeling 55 avg 68
Rated 19 Dec 2022
some well-made war fighting scenes (although historically so-so in terms of accuracy) but other than that quite a mess narratively.
Rated 11 Dec 2022
As a Combat veteran, the movie depicts the true impact that endless war has on those that experience it firsthand. War is a terrible, senseless, and seemingly endless experience: a waste of human life. If politicians truly understood or cared about war's impact on people, they would be less likely to authorize it.
Rated 08 Dec 2022
War is hell
Rated 08 Dec 2022
It doesn't arise above the level of war porn, and is not especially faithful to the spirit of the book either.
Rated 27 Nov 2022
Beautiful shots of nature juxtaposed with the destruction of nature by war. I hoped to like this film more but it lacks much of the character development present in the first film that makes the audience truly care about the soldiers serving alongside Paul. I also thought the sequences discussing the armistice were unnecessary for the story being told and hurt the pacing of the film. The action/combat sequences were well done and really put the brutality of the war on display. Worth a watch.


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