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Avg Percentile 65.37% from 10441 total ratings

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Rated 20 Sep 2011
Driver's strong silence is that of a classic masculine film protagonist who chooses his words wisely. When he speaks, it's with a purpose; when he looks you in the eye, you damn well better listen. His bold, visceral reactions may shock, but show that he has a heart. There's a slick 80s style from the synth-pop soundtrack and hot-pink font, to Driver's scorpion bomber jacket. It's a sexy film without any sex; it's violent, though that violence happens in quick spikes. Daring and unforgettable.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
Drive takes the notion of a mysterious, badass loner and flips it on its head. Gosling as the nameless driver is a bizarre, emotionally stunted enigma, operating at such emotional extremes to the point of feeling inhuman, as if veering into the uncanny valley; he's Pinocchio with a predilection for head-smashing. The film's aesthetic, with its pristine digital cinematography, sleek synth-heavy music, and 1980s-esque portrayal of modern-day L.A., is perfectly attuned to this characterization.
Rated 03 Jan 2012
What a disappointment. After all the positive buzz and high scores here I didn't expect a bland crime-revenge movie that is all style but no substance. The characters are almost non-existent, the villains are horribly cartoony. I didn't really find anything original, and at no single point in the film was I emotionally involved in what was happening. Also, teal & orange overload. An 80's vibe does not magically turn a standard film into an amazing one, so I don't know what others saw in this.
Rated 03 Feb 2012
Rewatch/ [Everything about this gels together perfectly. The cast, the soundtrack, the cinematography. Not a dull moment. I had no idea what this was about going in and was floored by it, they had to carry me out of the theater. Will most likely be the best film of 2011. ]
Rated 09 Sep 2011
'Drive' is a small and tense movie lifted to bloody perfection by Nicolas Winding Refn, who's slowly establishing himself as one of the greatest directors, Denmark has ever had. Ryan Gosling is mesmerizing as the stoic, 'Shane'-like driver, Mulligan unforgettably adorable as the sweetheart that falls for the wrong guys. It's so good that it doesn't even need the excessive violence or Ron Perlman - but has it anyways. And how fucking cool is that?
Rated 07 Sep 2011
Akin to Soderberg's The Limey, Drive is more of a visceral reflection, than the heist-movie the trailer and plot suggest, but that said, it offers both suspenseful chases and some of the most graphic violence this side of Irréversible. All-in-all: a pulp-story, that with few modifications could have been a random Jason Statham actioner, is given a gritty art-house overhaul by the constantly evolving talent of Nicolas Winding Refn and the brilliant cast.
Rated 22 Sep 2011
Ryan Gosling is the perfect star for this pretentious, heavy-handed, look-how-smart-we-are homage to Sergio Leone-cum-1980s hipster style. If you really like slow motion shots of people staring places and over-the-top gore for the sake of maintaining indie realism street cred than Drive is the film for you. Any film that can make Ron Perlman suck definitely has something unique about it.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
It was like Taxi Driver minus the characters and the dialogue, directed by instagram
Rated 24 Sep 2011
There are outstanding things about this film, including the top-notch acting, the vivid digital cinematography, and the wonderful balance of a slow-paced film with graphic moments of action and violence. But one of the film's strengths is also its biggest weakness: the overstylization. The 80s electronic pop score is off-putting, color filters overwhelm, and The Driver isn't an actual character, just style personified: an empty invincible icon with a scorpion jacket and inexplicable motivations.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
Drive is a brilliant film. It's artsy enough to excite the film connoisseur but still enjoyable by a more common movie goer. The supremely 80's vibe oozes style. The majority of the film is slow and methodical but when the action heats up it's tremendously intense and brief. Refn, who's not one to shy away from violence, doesn't do so here either. You see every horrible death in full brutal detail. The entire cast is superb, especially Gosling as the protagonist.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
Now here's a critically acclaimed movie I can get behind! Gtfo Tree of Life!
Rated 05 Sep 2022
I once read of a lawsuit from a ticket-buyer who felt duped that this film wasn't The Fast & The Furious clone the ads made it out to be. I feel sorry for that person--not because they were misled. But because they missed out on enjoying a wonderful fairy tale constructed via some amazing performances, photography, and one of the best soundtracks ever. The quietly subtle hints of plot and subtext rewarded me so much that I forgave the script's conventional coincidence ending. A classic.
Rated 20 Feb 2012
This is as pretentious & boring a movie as you could "wish" to find. After an excellent opening scene that builds tension without a word spoken, that same ploy is used throughout the entire film; no one answers anyone without a lingering (minimum) 10 sec. pause and slo-mo face turn, and it just becomes TEDIOUS. The plot is plain stupid, the music annoyingly irrelevant and intrusive, the direction over stylized and awkward. Mulligan & Gosling do OK with what they are given, but I just didnt care
Rated 19 Jun 2019
I really liked a lot about this. It looked great, the oddly-80s music gave it an unusual feel, and I enjoyed Gosling's detached underplaying. Al Brooks was also impressive here, playing very much against type; must've been fun for him. The flashes of violence help consolidate a tone that is present from the outset, but still feel a bit jarring. As a whole it might not be particularly deep or nourishing, but it is effective, compelling, and nicely put together.
Rated 28 Sep 2011
A conventional b-flick made with little artistry or skill and one of the most fake and pretentious films I've ever seen. First of all, it doesn't have a plot. Still, it wants to be considered a profound movie. Second, it has no acting. Gosling wears the same face no matter the scene and Mulligan thinks that staring into space is enough. There is some tension at certain points but it stems from the (inadequate) action and is rapidly eliminated by the ridiculous (and often slo-mo) dramatic scenes.
Rated 20 Sep 2011
i've never been so eager to contribute to the delirious overrating of a new movie.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
A great movie with stellar music, photography, casting and tension. The Driver evokes many heroic archetypes, from classic knights to badass (yet altruistic) cowboys. He then subverts those heroic traits by acting like a fucking weirdo and having over the top psychotic breaks featuring extreme, visceral violence.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
Was really excited to see this and it lived up to my expectations. The soundtrack was incredible and it also has some of the most brutal (and unexpected) killing I've seen in awhile. Gosling is great once again and you gotta love Bryan Cranston's range, get in more movies please. The story is engaging and interesting and I loved the simplicity of every scene. I must find a fucking scorpion jacket.
Rated 04 Mar 2012
One of the most unique, stylish, mesmerizing movies I have ever seen. Everything just worked for me in the best possible way. The music is amazing, the direction and overall feel are amazing, the story is intense and gritty, and the editing is superb. I don't care if the lead doesn't do a lot of talking. That's just his character! I'm drawn in and invested from beginning to end every single time. One of my top ten movies.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
Nicolas Winding Refn, you can drive my car.
Rated 26 Sep 2011
WARNING: This film is boring. The opening scene is amazing, but the rest is standard style-over-substance pretentious art house trash with few memorable moments or characters. It's better than the Transporter, but then again that's not saying much. Oh, the slow motion is misplaced and overused. It is truly bizarre that this film has received such high praise from virtually everyone. Nearly every scene is unnecessarily drawn out. Go watch Gone in 60 Seconds instead (the Nic Cage one).
Rated 30 Sep 2011
Technically accomplished but unsatisfying on the narrative and character side. Though a few sequences are spellbinding, it ultimately felt like a somewhat hollow genre exercise.
Rated 19 Sep 2011
The problem with art-house cinema like 'Drive' is that much of it exists for the sake of existing. Why does the wheelman wear a silver scorpion jacket? Why not? For a movie about a stunt driver who moonlights as a getaway car driver, you only see one instance of each. Most of your time is taken up by characters staring at one another or out the windshield. The silence in nearly every scene creates a false tension that ruins the sequences that actually require that tension. Awful pacing here.
Rated 25 Sep 2011
Its title referring not to its nameless anti-hero's vocation so much as the physiological force propelling him inevitably to violence, Drive is one hell of an improbably romantic, doom-laden film & proof that Gosling shouldn't be allowed to talk in movies. His blank visage is not an indication of his internalizing everything; there's no there THERE. When Mulligan's off screen, he seems less than human, so much so when he dons a creepily expressionless mask for one encounter, the effect is nil.
Rated 16 Sep 2011
Now this was refreshing! Dialogue is limited, instead you get exageratted stares from Gosling and Mulligan that somehow seem to drive the characters better than many blockbusters coming out now days. The soundtrack was incredible with a dark brooding type cinematography. Perfect setting. Ryan Gosling plays the ultimate badass and it doesn't seem to matter that he doesn't even have a backstory. Just a nameless Clint Eastwood hero full of Paul Newman and James Dean. Refn nailed this one!
Rated 28 Sep 2011
The style is very cool. An expressionless Gosling is meant to be cool, too. He doesn't give a bad performance; in fact he hardly gives one at all. Anybody would, admittedly, appear bland opposite Cranston and (a quite phenomenal) Brooks. The largest problem is the gore, ostensibly there to communicate that Driver's nature prevents him from being with Irene. That his violence is unnecessarily glorified is just not cool. -5 for the font.
Rated 25 Aug 2017
The film's weighted patience and deliberate pacing is filled with emotive performances--Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan are subtle and electric--and gorgeous colour.
Rated 15 Feb 2012
Gosling, doing what he does best, drowns with all the others in this utterly boring attempt-to-be-a-film. I don't think Gosling's character says ten words in the whole 1,5 hours - a perfect example of the pace that is just way to slow for an action film... But let's be honest, there's nothing else in Drive, too...
Rated 25 Sep 2011
Every frame is utilized and they're usually focused on Goslings face who without even muttering a word gives a powerhouse performance. Had plenty of talent in the rest of the ensemble and it showed in abundance. The use of colours was striking clashing with deliberate pacing and a perfect soundtrack just added to this neo-noir mesmerizing me from fantastic start to fantastic finish.
Rated 08 Mar 2012
Undoubtedly well-executed in many respects, but at its core this is a very conventional, not to say formulaic, genre movie. And even as an exercise in style, and despite numerous nicely-composed images, this film is disappointingly in the thrall of the current fashion for orange-and-teal colour filtering. Heavily influenced by several precursors (LE SAMOURAÏ, TWO-LANE BLACKTOP, WILD AT HEART, and so on), some weak performances, and, in the end, overall it is less than meets the eye.
Rated 28 Sep 2011
A very well made film but it doesn't live up to expectations. It starts off exceptionally but the move to the crime narrative is abrupt. The transition of Ryan Gosling from an anti-hero with a heart to committing horrific acts of violence feels awkward, needing a change in plotting to make the shift work. The crime plot, when it starts properly, also feels too conventional for a film which, for its influences, is a lot more subtle. After Valhalla Rising, this seems a step back for Refn.
Rated 16 Sep 2011
A truly awesome movie. Beautiful cinematography, breathtaking violence, impressive simplicity, and genius, subtle style. Favorite movie of 2011 so far.
Rated 04 Jan 2012
I love Gosling, but casting him for this role is a school example in casting fails. Goslings biggest assets as an actor are his smile, his loverable boyish charm and the intelligens that shines through when he talks. To cast him as a silent never smiling macho stunt driver is like taking the cast of The Expendables and having them perform Macbeth! Brooks, Pearlman and Cranston do however make this car wreck of a movie a little better. Like crashing your car into the pool at the Playboy Mansion.
Rated 16 Feb 2012
Slick, edgey and stylish. Gosling's raw performance is captivating which then juxtaposes excellently to his brutal and visceral actions. Soundtrack is top notch as well. A real shame it hasn't really been noticed at the awards.
Rated 01 Jun 2012
Despite an incredible soundtrack and dark brooding type cinematography, the plot was nonexistent and dialogue often lacklustre with Gosling preferring to stare at people for several seconds. Not sure where the 80's theme came from but it didn't really fit anywhere. Poor movie and not worth a watch.
Rated 14 Nov 2011
Drive is the best of 2011. Period. It mixes the perfect amount of style and substance, creating a force to be reckoned with. Gosling is haunting, and the psychological shock it may cause due to his performance I seriously recommend not driving for a good 8-12 hours (ha! see what I did there?).
Rated 16 May 2012
Another film that uses its genre as a way to provide commentary on the media-violence relationship, like Cronenberg's History of Violence, and it too leaves something to be desired. A great opening leads to distracting music cues, gratuitous violence, and a poorly-thought out ending that ruins a mood that was barely there to begin with. It's got style and it's got substance, but they don't work together this way.
Rated 19 May 2012
FUCK RYAN GOSLING! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THAT HANDSOME AND THAT CHARMING WITHOUT USING WORDS! AND YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO GIVE TOOTHPICKS TO LITTLE KIDS! (edit: I've been listening to the soundtrack a bunch since I watched it, have to give it a couple bonus points.) (edit 2: rewatched it and gave it a couple extra points for rewatchability.)
Rated 01 Feb 2012
It isn't an original story, you have seen it before. The regular guy turned badass. But this one feels a little different. Everything is a little slicker. A little more on edge. The directing is unique (the entire first car chase barely shows a shot from outside the car, only interiors and shots of Gosling) and although there are a few awkward slow motion shots the overall feel of it is pretty amazing. The cast is great across the board but I was particularly impressed with Cranston and Brooks.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Very conventional and deliberately worn story done with unique mix of styles and strong exploitation edge. Whatever substance it has is found in the hyper-stylised visuals and pounding soundscapes that really create a seductive layer of artifice over the simple narrative. Actors are all strong but technical staff gives the real standout performance here. Misguidedly labeled as some kind of highbrow art film, this is exploitation pulp of the gorgeous kind.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
Am I missing something here? Why in the fuck are people praising this film? I will admit that Refn has an eye for visual flair. But in all seriousness, Drive is just plain awkward. People are comparing Gosling's character to the great silent protagonists of mid 20th century westerns. All because he is quiet and "chooses his words carefully?" A two minute pause and awkward stare followed by a barely audible "yes" does not constitute an embodiment of manliness. A piece of trash devoid of any charm
Rated 02 Dec 2013
Drive is one of, if not the coolest film I've ever seen. Nicolas Winding Refn crafts a visually stunning experience that oozes with style and vibrance. The fairy tale themes are merged with raw violence beautifully. Gosling is simply superb and his performance is so so cool. The supporting cast is strong also with great performances from Mulligan, Cranston, Isaac & Brooms. The soundtrack is spectacular also. Drive is a piece of art. It's the best film of 2011 and one of my all time favourites.
Rated 14 Sep 2012
Tasteless style and poor substance. It's half-brained and silly without meditation
Rated 11 Jan 2012
Boring as f*ck. After one hour I'm still waiting for it to begin.. Not impressed by action scenes, I couldn't care less.
Rated 19 Sep 2011
"What do you do?" "I drive". Though stylized and pumped to the max, Refn keeps a strict focus on only what truly needs to be said or done and perfectly balances slick pulp noir and evocative action drama. 'Drive' is packed with unforgettable moments - like the opening montage and the time-stopping elevator scene - driven by the instantly iconographic performance by Gosling. I'd prefer a little less damsel in distress and a little more driving, but nevertheless easily the coolest of 2011.
Rated 16 Sep 2011
EVERYTHING, from the slick cinematography, the impeccable sound design, the cool soundtrack, the great performances, the sensual portrayal of L.A., the spikes of violence, the touching moments, the characters, and that damn hot-pink font. I loved it.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
I found the soundtrack a bit distracting. That coupled with the pink credits makes me think that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City had a big influence on the filmmaker.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
A friend told me Drive looked like The Transporter, but good. It's so much more than that. It's more Leon: the Professional, but more graphic and with a driver instead of a hitman. There are very few faults I could find with the movie (Perlman was a little hammy), and you know it's special when the excellent (though sparse, surprisingly) driving scenes take a backseat to everything else. From the soundtrack through the performances, it's just amazing.
Rated 24 Mar 2012
the first 10 minutes..AMAZING....the rest...NOT THAT MUCH
Rated 04 Oct 2014
Tries very hard to be artsy and deep, but long wordless shots go to waste because there is no message they would underline.
Rated 11 May 2015
Deceptively subtle and collected like Gosling's "Driver", Refn's film is a masterful 80's-esque tale of love and violence where you'll be hard pressed to find a single frame of the gorgeously colorful cinematography or piece from the impressive score that's been wasted.
Rated 17 Feb 2017
Smoothly moves without leaving a character behind or strings untied from a subtly spun protagonist set-up (the quiet Driver is ever intriguing) with budding romance to a bloody crime/revenge drama spiked with shocking violence. Add to that an equally cohesive aesthetic of a moody city setting slickly portrayed (see the crossfade transitions, scrumptious slow motion shots under a gorgeous synth soundtrack) and unique scene edits (see the final confrontation) and the film packs quite the punch.
Rated 11 May 2012
Not as sold on this as most people seem to be. It was fine, but nothing amazing... I think seeing it after reading so many breathless reviews really tainted the experience.
Rated 22 Jan 2012
Trying way too hard. Points for the amazing opening scene and for Bryan Cranston.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
Craft-wise, this film is as good at it gets. The cinematography works hard to fit LA's style and succeeds magnificently from scene to scene. The music is great, all the actors are great and it's what I've come to expect from Refn. There were a few instances of violence that were definitely a little too sadistic and excessive for me, mostly because I'm a massive coward. I reckon I'm going to enjoy it even more on the second viewing because my fear of something gross happening will be subdued.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
Nicolas Refn clearly loves Michael Mann, and I love watching him evoke Michael Mann. There are a few other movies this film is reminiscent of: Léon/The Professional, Layer Cake, Ronin... But as soon as the hot pink Mistral credits blinked to life I knew I was watching a neo-80s crime flick in the Michael Mann tradition, and I loved every minute of it. The incredible composition, use of contrasting colors, and the strikingly different score only added to it.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
I'm glad Drive is being advertised as some kind of sexy action-thriller because the audience reactions and walk outs were just as entertaining as the movie itself, not to mention the scheme will surely generate a shit load of money for Refn's next film. At least, we can only hope, because the man is a fucking talent. Surreal, goofy, odd, razor-sharp violence, beautifully shot; it's comparable to movies like A History of Violence and Mulholland Dr, so if that's your thing, check it out.
Rated 24 Oct 2011
Overrated. I loved the 80s retro vibe and the cop chase sequence in the intro was intense and suspenseful -- but it's all downhill from there. There's nothing original or amazing in the proceedings; it's just a by-the-numbers violent, crime/revenge flick... I think those impressed just aren't used to slower-burn moody flicks like this. It's for this reason it can stand out among the modern crowd of films, but there are far better examples from the past.
Rated 12 Oct 2011
It has all the stuff you'd expect in a normal action flick (great car chases, and some shockingly graphic violence), but moves at a decidedly sedate pace, leaving plenty of time for scenes that elevate the dark mood and wonderfully seem to play out for several beats longer than necessary. Gosling is the Man with No Name for this generation, an enigmatic blank slate of a hero capable of practically anything. The 80's soundtrack is cool too, except that lame "Real Hero" tune. Hypnotic film.
Rated 01 Feb 2017
It does not do much, but it assembles the parts so nicely. This is a film that can be called "art" as much as a painting.
Rated 18 Jul 2016
Winding Refn's wild ride of a movie, is crazy, sexy, and overall undeniably interesting. Between the wonderful cinematography, an all-star cast weighing in heavy performances, and a simple, but endearing script, Drive is an excellent film to watch for any occasion. A great mix of every emotion, and the story never leaves you bored.
Rated 22 Sep 2011
As cool as Melvilles "Le Samouraï", as neo-pulpy as Tarantinos "Death Proof" and "Pulp Fiction", as gory as "Irréversible", as gritty and bloody as "Taxi Driver".
Rated 22 Nov 2013
I don't think I'm allowed to give it a lower score than this because of how much I love love love the soundtrack and lighting.
Rated 04 Oct 2011
A pretty lame, predictable story, wrapped in a remarkably meticulous recreation of the '80s L.A.-Noir genre. In other words, incredibly tedious. Ryan Gosling stayed very true to that theme, and thus discovered nothing of his character's humanity. Carey Mulligan rose above it, and her character is the one interesting thing in the entire movie, but it's nowhere near enough to save it.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
It's got the atmosphere and ambiance in spades. It's quiet, subtle, and brooding, but the plot is slightly cliched and just too run-of-the-mill. Gosling was pretty great, but this movie didn't quite achieve its full potential.
Rated 20 Sep 2011
Small, tight, violent, awkward. Drive takes a page from "A History of Violence" and gives us a hero we aren't sure we can relate to. There's something badass about a man without empathy and yet Gosling achieves that badassness when it seems like empathy is all he has.
Rated 12 Oct 2011
Same issue as Somewhere, where the characters bonding created a lull in the film caused solely by audience familiarity. The action sequences are realistic and entertaining, a rare blend. Not sure what to make of choice in opening titles. Ron Perlman is the missing link.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
The most hilarious of all of Refn's treatises on angry, lonely men. Pared down neo-noir with a semiautistic Pinocchio-like hero.
Rated 24 Sep 2011
Since I last saw this years ago in the theatre, I gave it a second chance and I've since flipped on it. Gosling is reserved, hints of a soul through Mulligan and her child, and scary when he needs to be. Refn's style is what elevates the weaker aspects of the script into something special: deliberate and gritty, but slick and powerful. The use of music, camerawork, and fine acting create a unique ambiance.
Rated 18 Aug 2014
I hate this film. Yes, it's gritty and violent. Yes, it's stylistic and silent. It's also boring, and I'm now wary of any film Gosling is in. Additionally, the soundtrack is really annoying. Did I mention, I hate this film. P.S. I acknowledge the technical prowess of the production, but it erks me if this is the direction of modern cinema (hence the hate), especially given this film's popularity.
Rated 03 Mar 2014
The editing, mixing, music choice, visual direction and art direction are simply amazing. Drive is easily one of the most skillfully styled films in recent memory. The script may seem ordinarily simple, but I found it quite enjoyable, since it reminded me of the hormone-fest in '80s films, the themes from the '70s, and the ending is something a Nouvelle Vague-director could have done. Highly recommended.
Rated 26 Sep 2011
The fix this action junkie had been waiting for. A shot of adrenalin, a kicker in the butt, a viciously raw jab on the visceral senses and the cognitive glands. Drive is a snazzy, ultraviolent flick with just the right touch of arthouse in it. Nicolas Refn's stylish and underwhelming approach to the material just makes it exceptional. But more than anything else, it is - the brooding, the cocksure, the feral - Ryan Gosling's Driver, who takes the movie to a whole new level. Watch it!
Rated 26 Dec 2011
This film is overly hyped. You do get some films where there is just beautiful visuals and you don't need a lot of story or dialogue. While Carey Mulligan is cute, this does not carry the lack of impetus in this movie! Gosling is a mute in this film! There is nothing but air hear. If you loved Scarface, you will enjoy the feel and soundtrack. I personally found the 80s style tunes a bit tiring. A competent but less than explosive film overall.
Rated 03 Jun 2012
Refn's previous films tread the same ground: a Cro-Magnum of sorts attempts to keep the lid tight on his bouts of sadism, which is made more complicated by a society that keeps trying to unscrew the damned thing. That's not to say this is bad: it has visual panache, and Albert Brooks gives me a major happy, but like the main character, this had even more suppressed potential.
Rated 03 Apr 2012
Le Samourai reincarnated; about a stoic professional's emotional awakening. The script is familiar, but the presentation is antithetical and inspired: a sharp and stylish convergence of various inspirations including film noir, grindhouse, and 1980s-chic graphic patterns and synth music.
Rated 05 Feb 2012
A kind of tribute to the action-thrillers of the late 80's and early 90's, with pulsating synthesizers, cool blues with neon highlights, Mistral font titles, subdued tones with bursts of stylized action, stoic protagonist who develops an unexpected love interest. It's all very Michael Mann. I'm not the biggest Mann fan but I found myself absorbed in the tension and rhythms of this film. It's a solid genre piece with no glaring flaws. Fantastic score and soundtrack. Nicely stylized, well crafted.
Rated 03 Feb 2014
very stylish crime drama with a great union of music and image. however, it is just a crime drama, with not much else to be said for it. in fact, considering that the film views its main character rather positively, as some sort of lone wolf who doesn't follow the rules and sacrifices his chance at love in order to be a(n anti-)hero, this is probably best described as a male revenge fantasy. entertaining and sleek but a pretty shallow masculine dream.
Rated 11 Jul 2020
Criticisms as valid as they are, the moments of tense waiting and space in Drive are pretty great. Especially the opening getaway ride was sweet. Good fun, quite violent, but probably forgettable.
Rated 04 Jan 2012
Extremely forgetful concept, boring, under developed characters, shitty teal and orange overload (almost every scene...Transformers anyone?), horrible (!!) soundtrack. I almost fell asleep cause nothing really outstanding happened. Cause I'm a human beinggggg
Rated 03 Oct 2011
03 Ekim 2011 & yonetmen atmosferi cok iyi kurmayi basariyor. bunu yaparken gerek goruntu, gerek isik, gerek sesten cok iyi yararlaniyor. filmi resmen kurgu masasi basinda belirledigi bariz. yonetmenin farkli seyler denemesini seviyorum. basarili bir neo-noir ama senaryonun havada kaldigini dusunuyorum. uzun sure hafizamda yer tutacagini sanmiyorum. hatirlayacagim tek sey buyuk olasilik ryan gosling'in performasi ve atmosferi tamamlayan muzikler. ortanin biraz ustunde bir film.
Rated 04 Oct 2011
Nothing more than a well-made knock-off of 80s Van Damme action/drama pulp. Now I'm all for tributes to oft-maligned genres, but it only works when there's some twist of creativity at the core. Here the filmmaker decides to neglect creative spirit & stick to the tropes of the originals, all for retro-authenticity. It's a shame, because it's a very well thought out film. However, ultimately the meticulousness and the visually striking cinematography still lead to a movie that's a waste of time.
Rated 07 Oct 2011
Hill's The Driver wasn't a thriller it was thrilling, featuring the best on-screen car chases to this day. Refn, infected by Mann, produces fake toughness, fake sentimentality and fake style.
Rated 11 Feb 2013
One word: Amazing! Refn got the blues! And he knows how to create a fantastic movie. The story kept me from the first minute. "Drive" is grim, brutal and nihilistic. Nietzsche would've loved this one.
Rated 13 Jan 2012
Self-conscious attempt to remake a Jean-Paul Belmondo gangster film without Jean-Paul Belmondo. Although packed with style, through an inexplicable 80s filter, and featuring some tension-filled scenes, I found it overall to be hollow and exploitive. I hope that someday, as a culture, we can all look back on cheap, bloody, amoral storytelling like this and be embarrassed. Surely, Perlman and Brooks, always seeming on the verge of cracking up, already are.
Rated 29 Sep 2011
Manages to effectively pull off the minimalism Hill was aiming for with Driver. In a way Refns method is close to that of Melville, in that the material itself is grounded in pulpy, American gangster movies, but he gives it a uniquely European twist. Not to say that this is particularly Melvillesque. Its pacing and tension have more in common with, say, Kobayashi & Kurosawas samurai films and the westerns they helped spawn (The Great Silence, for instance). A sweet blend of brutality and beauty.
Rated 23 Feb 2013
A beautiful and stylish film. It has myriad influences, but to me it most evokes the detachment, loneliness, desperation and obsession of Taxi Driver. Gosling puts in a memorable performance that says volumes with few words.
Rated 15 May 2012
lame. so many goofs. A 1/2 hour of dialogue and "acting" stretched into an hour and 1/2.
Rated 06 Jan 2012
started off nicely and somewhat fresh, ended up pretentious and melodramatic. gosling doesnt fit whatsoever.
Rated 02 Sep 2015
It's difficult to explain exactly what this movie is. Over the top, exciting, anxiety-producing, Drive makes you want to root for the guy that makes-out with a pretty woman in an elevator before viciously stomping on the other occupant's head in the elevator (whom, admittedly, would probably have done the same...). Drive is an adrenaline shot to the spot in your heart that produces yearning, sympathy and fear, all at once.
Rated 02 Nov 2017
Good, simple. Strong cinematography, great pacing, positively moody. Silly characters, but their flaws are forgivable. I just wish the Gosling/Mulligan interactions could have been less cringeworthy.
Rated 19 Dec 2013
Beautiful, gorgeous reflexive movie.
Rated 27 Apr 2013
An electric, blood-drenched neo-80's-style crime drama that MUST be seen in high-def, and with booming sound. The script is uncannily quiet, and straightforward; but the music and visuals are sure, strange, and menacingly beautiful, and the performances by Gosling, Mulligan, Perlman and (especially) Brooks resonate powerfully.
Rated 01 Jan 2014
The soundtrack itself is amazing. The movie too.
Rated 20 Sep 2011
Of all the points I'm unsure of, the overriding factor remains that it's the last movie since There Will Be Blood that I felt an immediate need to watch again in the theaters. And that's gotta mean something special.
Rated 09 Aug 2016
Pleasantly stylish but low level of plot intelligence and violence for titillation rather than any other reason mark this down.
Rated 08 Oct 2011
I haven't watched the work of Refn before, I will definitely check him out now. He deserved the best director in Cannes. Maybe the story of the tough guy getting involved and screw up (i.e. Leon) is a bit common, but the filming, music and acting more than made up for it. I think that Gosling will be remembered as "Depp of 2000s", he is amazingly versatile. One last thing, Couldn't Reno and Perlman say no to movie offers? they are basically in every possible movie.
Rated 04 Dec 2011
Intense drama builds slowly in its first half before turning unremittingly bleak and brutal in its second half - all completely justifiable in defining its two equally inscrutable opposing characters as men of action. Both Gosling and Brooks deliver searing, intense performances, and the entire film is a fascinating retro throwback to a particular brand of ugly 80s actioner (with appropriate synth soundtrack) -- but rescued and redeemed by Refn's remarkably stylish directorial hand.
Rated 13 Dec 2011
Ryan Gosling had a crazy stare through out the movie
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Stylish yet understated.
Rated 09 Sep 2012
Stylish and unique! One of the absolute best films of 2011. Robbed in virtually every category at the Oscars last year.


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