

2h 15m
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Rated 09 Sep 2017
Probably one of the best horror movies I have seen in a long time. It's got a well-constructed story that develops (most of) its characters and shows a surprising amount of heart and emotion. I also thought all of the young actors did great, which is rare, and Skarsgård was pretty much spot-on as Pennywise. Visual effects and imagery was all top-notch and I personally got scared on a few occasions. Excellent horror film.
Rated 18 Sep 2017
Exemplary movie for "quantity over quality". None of this can breathe enough to create a feeling for anything without knowledge of the book. Not the fears, not the plot and sure as shit not the characters. It's like a dyslexic hurriedly tried to work off a checklist. And on top it's executed as blunt as an ad for summer camp. The tim burton signature haunted house is symbolic to muschietti's understanding of horror: an inescapable truckload of cheesy, generic crap shoved in your face. Boo.
Rated 21 Sep 2017
It's a great movie to get a younger generation into horror. Well done aside from an over reliance on cgi clown teeth (if your scary clown isn't scary enough, the problem isn't the scary clown. It's you). The non clown manifestations are as good if not better than Pennywise who kind of fell apart after the Full Circle album imo. That should date me sufficiently if the cgi complaint didn't already. Old man yells at modern movie marvel for not taking longer to make and also for being possible. Sigh
Rated 29 Sep 2017
When a big budget "It" remake was announced I had supremely low expectations, especially after seeing that dumb kid from "Hemlock Grove" was going to be Pennywise. But from the first scene, I was blown away, the gore, the scares, the direction are awesome. But, and this is surprising for a horror movie, it's the performances that bolster "It" from good to excellent. All the kids are fantastic actors. Skarsgard nails Pennywise down, hell, I'm tempted to draw a comparison to Ledger's Joker here.
Rated 06 Jan 2020
It's all competently made I guess, but the non-horror parts were miles above the borderline basic sPoOkY content. The kid acting was great and I appreciated their foulmouthedness, but the go-to setup of 'something scary is coming at you, boogawooga, but you can safely run into the next room and you're safe I guess?' just takes the wind out of its sails- erm, balloons, worsened by the annoying editing. Also, much like the last wedding I visited, needed more poppin' blood-balloons.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
It has been a while since I read the book, and I can't remember much about the TV mini-series other than Tim Curry, but I thought this had a lot to recommend it. The young cast were likeable and engaging, the setting worked well, and it had a lot of appeal in the vein of Stand By Me, Goonies and, latterly, Stranger Things. The horror elements themselves were fine, although it did feel rushed and thematically and tonally slightly uncertain at times. A solid adaptation of half of the King novel.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
Though the framework may be that of scary gory R-rated horror, the engine under the hood is 100% that of kids-go-on-an-adventure flicks in the spirit of E.T., The Goonies, Monster Squad and Super 8, and in that vein it does a damn good job giving us a likable crew of little brats and putting them through the ringer. Some of the actual horror stuff can be a little cheesy/generic. But the mood, dialogue, sense of adventure are all so good as to easily make up for that and then some.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
Gosh i love movies where kids are just riding around on bikes
Rated 11 Aug 2018
Gets it half right. Crucially the half about the kids' personal traumas & relationships. Writing was often contrived & clumsy (hard book to adapt) but the actors sold it well & it often hit those bitter sweetspots. Sadly it fails to translate that perspective into the fantasy angle, making whole sections pointless & ineffective. The actual It comes across as too literal & generic, lacking nightmarish intensity, psychological depth or childlike creativity. Maybe it was the terrible sound design.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
So let's get one thing out of the way..this is better than the original (and that's coming from someone who was 12 years old and enamored with Stephen King books when the 1990 version aired on tv) The cast of kid actors is superb, as this is right up there amongst the best coming of age tales to be put on screen (Stand By Me being the pinnacle) Tim Curry will forever be Pennywise to me, but Skarsgård holds his own quite well, conveying a more menacing and animalistic version. Poor, poor Georgie
Rated 23 Sep 2019
Rites of passage through the sewers of puberty. Killer klowns ain't from outer space they from ya own heart. It was easy for Pennywise back when children were scared of simple things - lepers, fire, menstrual blood. Haven't seen the sequel but I imagine he comes back after 27 years only to get beat by the next generations' more woke, abstract fears - "...what scares you most is that it may already be too late to save North America's bumblebee population? Jeez kid, alright I'm listening"
Rated 28 Sep 2017
A remarkably comfortable horror film - full of the usual jump scares and precarious scenarios. But what I just loved - and this film nails perfectly - is the terrifying, awkward, abysmal, pit-of-the-gut period in a kid's life when you recognize you are terribly on your own, and no adult is going to help you. The adults here are more horrifying than Pennywise, which is something a lesser film would miss.
Rated 15 Sep 2017
Ironically, It (2017) feels more like a competent ripoff of Stranger Things than a King or Spielberg original. One big mistake here is removing the adult angle; without that 27-year gap and the pain of what was lost, it feels... safe. Well-acted and well-done but the non-human monsters lack grounding in any real fears and it's mostly about as scary or unsettling as Goonies. The very thing that makes me cheer for a proper adaptation of It also makes it harmless.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
This It is probably the best we could possibly get from Hollywood. I floated.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
As others have said, what this gets right it really gets right. The kids, their friendships, their banter, their fear, and some really wonderful attention to detail to ratchet up a sense of dread. Some of the use of CGI and much of the frenetic editing were not to my liking, but It proves to be one of the better big budget modern horror films.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
Creepy adults, annoying kids and a deflatingly comical monster. The film drags a lot, but works up to its big statement: adults won't help you kids, you have to grow a set and deal with your troubles to grow up.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
Starts off pretty promising with the creepy build up to the first Pennywise visit and we see a young child get ripped apart. After that it basically becomes a pretty sterile horror film. That seems like a check list on how to be a popular horror film in 2017 (set in the 80s for the fake nostalgia,wise crackin' kids, over abundance of cheap jump scares, etc.) Under the surface I think there is more menacing film just begging to come out. It still works and the kids are great but I just want more.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
The filmmakers thought that having an overwrought, ridiculous score and filling each scene with jumpy "scares" would make it good, and failed miserably. Works a little like a so bad it's a good unintentional comedy.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
It is about the terror of being a kid & the realization that we are the product of our parents' weaknesses, immoralities & neglect. The monster is a full-frontal assault on ontological security, a free-floating, polymorphic presence without respect for barrier or threshold, keen to melt into existence at a moment of solitude or weakness & pop out of existence just as quickly. Its weapon of choice is perversely tailor-made psychological trauma; it exploits past abuses & hyperactive imaginations.
Rated 12 Sep 2017
Needed more Fukunaga and less Muschietti. IT sadly disappoints, there is no other way around it. As a kid I was scared shitless of Curry's superior Pennywise, whereas Skarsgard's version left me chuckling more often than not. The poor CGI and sometimes GIF-like animations didn't quite help, either. When will people learn horror/dread/suspense takes place in the brain, not on the screen. IT is too much in your face, showing it all. I'm keeping my hopes up for a third 27 years or so?
Rated 18 Sep 2017
This reminded me of Brett Ratner's remake of Red Dragon: Sleek, welproduced and really well-acted, but relying on lowest common denominator horror tricks and lacking the unpolished rawness that made the cheap TV counterpart memorable. On the other hand, had I been the same impressionable age I was when I watched Tim Curry play Pennywise, this version probably would have been exactly as effectful.
Rated 24 Sep 2017
The two stars are Chung Chung-hoon's photography and the charm and chemistry of the cast. For all the odds that this could have been a train wreck, it's a relief that it wasn't: a solid piece of entertainment.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
My admittedly-higher-than-healthy expectations of a horror movie remake were, pleasantly, pretty much met. The kids are all excellent - Sophia Lillis especially is tremendous - and Skarsgård plays Pennywise to pitch-perfection. The utilization of the childrens' biggest fears and their uses in Pennywise's torturings was really well done. Excellent imagery and very effective scares (with a few exceptions which are unavoidable). Muschetti builds an interesting tonal and visual movie. See this!
Rated 14 Sep 2017
I kinda wish I was IT. I mean, I wouldn't want to be pure evil, but it sounds like a pretty sweet life. Wouldn't mind sleeping for 27 years, waking up to have a bite, then sleeping for 27 more years, that's all I'm saying.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
I was a little disappointed, but with the expectations I had for this movie going in, that's to be expected. It was still a more than solid horror film, with amazing characters who were acted superbly for child actors and a formidable Pennywise. My gripes with the movie actually come from issues with the CGI and the fact that the movie was never really scary rather than just tense and disturbing. Still a great film, but not the best horror outing this year.
Rated 18 Sep 2017
This movie has got a lot going for it. Likeable kids, a great monster and a story about the magic of childhood friendships. Unfortunately, Muschietti is a one trick pony when it comes to horror: Shock, schlock and LOUD NOISES. When each kid has their own personal Pennywise moment, and we know It can't hurt them, the horror starts feeling repetitive and pointless, disconnecting Pennywise from the rest of the story. Ultimately, this ends up playing like the best ever episode of 'Stranger Things'.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Great characters and effective scenes fuel this adaptation in a mostly enjoyable way. The monster is very good. It's 80s all over which I get since they want to make the next one in current time but I am sort of over everyone jerking off over that lame decade.
Rated 04 Oct 2017
Thumbs up for Taylor (Ben) and Wolfhard (Richie), but I found Lieberher (Bill) grating. King's story is worth retelling, but Tim Curry's Pennywise is such an iconic character in film and tv history that Skargård was doomed to come up short by comparison. What makes this much less scary than the original, however, is actually (as is so often the case these days) the mistake of using cgi and loud sounds as a crutch. The scene with the leper was good, though.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Finally I believe I have seen a modern horror masterpiece. I felt the shock and the terror and every moment of this film brutally took you through one of craziest phsychological rides you can experience. Bill Skarsgard you are a legend sir. Thank you for the chilling and absolutely terrifying interpertation of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. The young cast also have bright futures. Bring on Chapter 2. What an awesome viewing experience this truly was. I am ready. Thrill me again Skarsgard.
Rated 03 Sep 2019
It exemplifies the pinnacle of mainstream horror filmmaking, striking a balance between that unsettling creepy feeling of dread and quick jump scares. While I greatly prefer the former over the latter, I can appreciate how well this film executes its scares and keeps me constantly on edge throughout its runtime. The child actors and Skarsgard all turn in great performances, and despite some slight pacing issues in the opening act, It stands far above the rest of its genre's competition.
Rated 22 Sep 2017
It gets kudos for the strong performances delivered by the young cast; however, the horror isn't particularly scary as it's too much too frequently. The reviews I read going into it were correct to praise its coming-of-age aspects rather than its horror.
Rated 04 Jan 2018
One of the greatest King adaptations of all time. IT is a gleefully scary film, a uproariously funny film, and a truly honest portrayal of childhood. Just like the book its based on. Bill Skarsgård carries the film is a terrifying performance as the titular villain. A performance that can even hold its own against Tim Curry's well known turn as the character.
Rated 20 Mar 2018
Although this is clearly well made on a technical level and its return to monsters & characters more developed than the painfully uninteresting teenagers from most horror movies (not a high bar to be sure) is a blessed relief, most of this still plays like Nightmare on Elm Street with kids. It's possible these old King stories just seem too derivative now, but it's also possible that knowing that the characters - who are still 1-dimensional - were supposed to age made everything too predictable
Rated 26 Jan 2018
EXACT MOMENT OF MIND BLOWING: When Henry starts carving his name in Ben's bowlful of jelly, he only gets down one letter before Ben makes his daring escape. Or does he!? I take a closer look and think...was it *really* a letter "H" or was it "H" -> "I -I" -> "I t" !!!!????!!1? Curse you, Cary Fukunaga! CURSE YOU!
Rated 10 Sep 2017
Essentially a greatest hits of Pennywise appearances. While sometimes innovative, the scares get so repetitive and constant that I found it hard align myself with the progression of the narrative at all. Muschietti's version will float some boats, mine won't be floating too.
Rated 15 Oct 2017
Solid, but I would have liked to see more of Skarsgard, he did great in scenes he got.
Rated 12 Sep 2017
Well acted very loose adaption of Stephen Kings book which is pretty good. The clown is most amusing.
Rated 14 Sep 2017
Like Super 8 and Stranger Things this feels like going back in time - while it's not perfect, it's another breath of fresh air: an actual film, solid as shit. Who knew movies should be about characters you care about? One of the best experiences I've had at the cinema in 2017, which just goes to show how out of touch Hollywood has become over the past few decades. So glad there are signs of changing times and R ratings, soon (maybe) movies could be movies again.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Rated 17 Sep 2017
A charming horror that isn't very scary. The cast is great, who perform with enthusiasm and energy. I can't really complain much, it's like a big screen version of a haunted trail. You get what you pay for. You get adrenaline rushes, but that looming dread that makes great horror what it is is just not present. If you were looking to get into horror, and had never seen one before, I'd recommend this though. It's a lot of fun, and makes me feel a lot less shame than most summer blockbusters.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
"IT" is an exceptional horror film and one of the best that has come out thus far. Yep, that's right folks. This is one of the top five best horrors I've seen. Everything about this movie just oozes freshness, and it is revitalizing for something like this to come out. This could potentially be the start of a new wave of horror movies that actually try, and Andres surely did. A wonderful blend of coming-of-age and horror. "IT" has something for everyone, unless you are a crybaby.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
Great Pacing, Great Scares, and the best thing about this film is it felt like an 80's film. Not a film set in the 80's, but a film actually shot in the 80's can kept in a vault for 30 years. I truly believe this is in fact better than the original. And it truly feels like a Stephen King film.
Rated 20 Feb 2018
Skarsgard is good and there are some cool moments and visuals but there were a lot of elements at work here that didn't work for me. The kid who plays Ben is fucking awful. He doesn't act. All he does is dump exposition and stand around blankly while he has a massive stomach wound. The movie also just seems to forget that Mike is a character most of the time
Rated 26 Dec 2017
It is a rather long and repetitive horror with excessive CGI. Most of the kids have vaguely defined personalities with weak psychological groundings for their fears, which partially explains why a sense of redundancy inevitably sets in. They just move from one location to another and encounter Pennywise, whose sped up attack mode quickly becomes cartoonish and therefore less insidious. There are a few jolting moments, but it's a mechnically made film that's not particularly inspired.
Rated 10 Jan 2018
Surpasses the original on almost every level. The kids are an improvement and Skarsgard's clown is solid and different enough that he makes it his own. There is an over-reliance of CGI it still tops some of the laughable practical effects from the mini-series. The best part is that most of the scares, happen in broad daylight under the knowing eyes of a town of adults who have accepted their fate, and the fate of their children.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
Maybe it was the popcorn that didn't sit well in my stomach, but I just could not get on board with this film. Look, I fully realize I have terrible opinions. I liked the "Stand By Me" moments of the film, where it was showing adolescent children discovering their sexuality in a world filled with terrible and weird adults. But then it also felt like a boring haunted house ride with CGI effects.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
2+ hours. And NO real explanation of the main character.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
The first act is the same scene over and over again for an hour. The second act lasts two scenes and nothing happens. The third act a bunch of kids gang rape a clown. I don't get why everyone likes this.
Rated 15 Feb 2018
It is a considerably solid horror flick, it's well paced, decent characters who are given thier own time to shine, and Pennywise is terrifying. However, I fail to feel moved by it. Maybe because I've never been scared of clowns, but I found a few things cliche. Despite this, if you're a fan of film you have to watch this, as the affects and cinematography are extremely well done. In the end, Chapter 2 is set up pretty well, and it will be fun to revisit this following it.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
Works somewhat as a children's drama, selecting certain kid characters and expanding on their relationships. But as a horror, this is dismal -- as scary as a young child putting on a monster mask and trying to scare me, and this certainly doesn't have any of the charm of that. The ghoulish horror also doesn't seem to ground itself in much consistency, it just flies out at you whatever jump-scare CG monsters are sure to frighten anyone under the age of 13.
Rated 03 Dec 2017
Not a horror movie fan but loved this. Scary!! Dancing clown moment! Great kid cast. V stranger things/Goonies Pennywise is fantastic. Still hate clowns!
Rated 04 Oct 2017
Yes, it was it horror but I wouldn't call it a "hard horror." Almost a creepy adventure film with gore. The kids did great and the humor and pacing were really fun.
Rated 24 Nov 2019
A hard movie to google search, and an even harder movie to watch.
Rated 04 Jul 2018
I have some little gripes with this movie but the biggest one is just that they try to make Pennywise scary at all times, even as a clown, when really, as a clown he's supposed to appear genuinely funny and friendly. This one just had a little too much of "Boo! Spooky clown!" because an average audience just wants to see "That spooky clown movie"
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Which one of you knuckle heads thought it would be cute to make the rapey pharmacist look like Stephen King.
Rated 15 Oct 2017
Better than I expected it to be.
Rated 18 Jun 2019
A pretty strong start had me feeling optimistic, but ultimately it lost me somewhere along the line and wound up doing very little for me overall. None of the scares were scary, the CGI very much looked like CGI, and Pennywise- despite a solid performance by Bill Skarsgard- is often more ridiculous than intimidating. The story is fine, but most of the characters are surprisingly weak. What carries it are the enjoyable performances of its kid-led cast, as beyond that there isn't much there.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
That I even went to the theaters to see a horror film like this might say something about my expectations. It may not have completely met those expectations, but I didn't leave super disappointed. It's a decent film. The acting is decent (maybe a bit overpraised). The story is handled reasonably well, although there are definitely some holes (maybe because I haven't read King's novel). There are some jump scares, but it does a good job of being creepy. Some of the humor felt forced.
Rated 11 Nov 2017
Why is everything normal so spooky? A walk into the kitchen on a saturday afternoon has heavy music and pulsing lights. I hate to say the tv movie did something better, but that aspect they did. Then, why is a weak awful girl written into a strong woman WHO DONT NEED NO HELP FROM NO MAN after infinite press about STAYING CLOSE TO THE BOOK THIS TIME? Tokenism is more important than anything else. They also only addressed 2 sets of the kids parents. Kinda meh.
Rated 19 Jul 2018
I'm a little surprised about how well reviewed this seemed to be. The photography was really good and I enjoyed that many of the action/scary scenes happened in daylight or otherwise well-lit settings. But it never rises above a very basic monster movie without anything more interesting that has been the hallmark of the recent horror renaissance.
Rated 19 Sep 2017
*Looks good, Pennywise is SCARY as shit! Acting of the children are superb. BUT, it just falls flat. There's 0 character development and the actions don't make much sense, use of music is awful, never lets you be scared since it announces minutes ago that something scary is coming and the use of sound is too much. It has good horror scenes and the kids are great but it is too modern hollywood sadly and has a unsatisfying ending.
Rated 20 Oct 2017
IT was better than I expected, although I like my horror with a little more suspense, less action and no CGI, but I guess this is how times are now. The interesting parts where underdeveloped like the adult relation with the kids and the struggles of the kids with each other, but where there enough to make it good. Design was good and creepy.
Rated 15 Sep 2017
I'm not a horror fan. This was like an R-rated Goonies. I liked the coming of age stuff. But I got nothing out of the horror stuff. Squeaky doors in spooky houses, flickering lights, children laughing, buckets of blood flying around, clowns...not scary. I'd rather just see "Stand By Me" again.
Rated 12 Sep 2017
When "It" is a coming of age story about the real source of terror in our society, abusive fathers, unpoliced bullying, and even the truly adult concept of survivors guilt, it soars, a beautiful symphony of sadness and hope and joy that is a delight to watch from beginning to end. But when the titualar "It" envelops the screen, as transfixing as he is, the film becomes something lesser. Good, but not great. A happy medium would've been appreciated, but all in all, solid fun. You'll float too...
Rated 01 Oct 2017
This is a well made horror movie. Bill Skarsgard is very good in the lead villain role. The cast also includes a nice ensemble of young actors playing the main characters of the film. The script is good in this film. Overall I would recommend this horror film.
Rated 06 Jun 2019
Unexpectedly affecting film soars largely thanks to its cast of pitch-perfect child performers; while it (deliberately) harkens back to STAND BY ME, this can stand (as it were) on its young cast, with Lillis especially good. Ironically, the comparative weak link is Skarsgård's Pennywise - the performance is original and creepy, but not developed well enough to be a genuine threat (especially once he stops haunting the shadows). That caveat aside, a terrific sometimes tense coming of age tale.
Rated 15 Sep 2017
Feels like an adaptation of the Cliff's Notes of It rather than the book, but it gets all the things that matter right so it's hard to really fault.
Rated 06 Oct 2018
Love that Joker!
Rated 23 Sep 2018
Stand By Me with a clown. The horror here is bland but spending time with these kids is fun.
Rated 19 Oct 2019
It's aight, but it compounds a lot of the book's already-numerous flaws: namely, the details of when and why Pennywise chooses to take a particular form are hilariously inconsistent with his supposed thematic reflection of a child's deepest fears. Plus, the split timeline has always made adapting this troublesome, and I'm not sure the solution was to just cleave it down the middle. On the plus side, it's got some funhouse chops, a shockingly strong cast of kids, and a highlight setpiece or two.
Rated 05 Oct 2017
Aw man, they still didn't include the best scene!
Rated 10 Jan 2018
The best pure horror movie of the last decade, probably (which isn't saying much, but still), and the second-best adaptation of a supernatural Stephen King horror story. This is no The Shining--it's too neutered, too rote and bombastic, and doesn't display as much skill and artistry--but it's pretty good.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
(spoilers) I liked the new Pennywise, I did have some issues with how they presented him(too much "scary" headshaking and cgi effects), but overall it was positive. He was pretty Legit. The kids played their parts well too. I don't really have a lot to say here honestly. It was a good movie with some faults. The original had plenty of faults as well. I'm pretty happy with It.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
Puts its heart into the characters and their stories, making the atmosphere sink in so much deeper so that even stuff that's not especially scary gets you. Don't get me wrong there are still genuine scary moments and the effects were fabulous. Skarsgards voice was incredible.
Rated 10 Oct 2017
As someone who couldn't spot an allegory if it hit me in the face, I feel IT is trying to equate Pennywise / confronting your demons with "coming of age", but can't be sure!. The "losers" are a really endearing bunch and do a great job, but the screenplay is ITs achilles heel. Not only do we know that none of the kids are going to die, we are also confronted with the same scares for two hours and it ceases to become the least bit scary or horrifying, just boring & annoying. Just KILL someone ffs
Rated 12 Sep 2017
Visually it's a killer and it has some wonderfully realized scenes. It also has a sappy ending that doesn't match the teaser and a whole heap of mismatched moments that feel like they were mashed together by a film student. The stranger things kid was good but we get it, kids swearing is funny...
Rated 09 Sep 2017
OMG. Probably one of the best horror movies I've ever seen. A good horror movie is not just a horror movie but it has a solid 'second genre'. In this case it was a teenage love story plus a well done fast in depth look into other teenagers' lives. Very freaking well done, even though most of the actors are children. Pennywise was scary! Finn Wolfhard was amazingly funny in this movie. I laughed and was scared a lot. PERFECT and thank you to the makers :) can't wait for the '2nd part'
Rated 21 Sep 2017
The youth of a small town in Maine are terrorized by an evil entity manifesting itself most often as a clown (Bill Skarsgård); a group of outcasts ultimately band together to destroy it. Stephen King's classic novel, previously adapted as a wildly popular miniseries, becomes a solid if mildly overrated film; it clearly assumes familiarity with the source material, and the uninitiated may find it choppy and uneven, but it's well-acted, well-made, and suitably unnerving as a whole.
Rated 06 Oct 2017
"It" mixes adventure & horror in 80's setting. Same goes for Netflix's "Stranger Things"; both also share one of the leads. Period detail is spot on, cast is a perfect collection of fresh faces, cinematography is great and soundtrack sounds vintage without being too retro. It's biggest issue is that the horror part doesn't really work; maybe it's the use of CGI or cliched jump cuts, but it never really scared me. Still looking forward to the "Part II" which is a rare thing these days.
Rated 27 Mar 2018
Some good actors are given not a whole lot to work with here. Got some great visuals, which is usually a good thing, but in this case works against the movie. They keep stuffing new horrors in there and I'm sitting here thinking "you got a clown; that's all the terror anyone could possibly need". The shot with all the floaters was the only one that really got value for the added money.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
My expectations were too high for this one. Rather than being a coherent film, this was more a bunch of strung together set pieces and scares without any proper pacing or plotting. It eventually became exhausting to watch. The awesome design and evocation of the 1980s are the highlights.
Rated 25 Sep 2017
Rated 15 Oct 2017
The horror, the kids, the setting, and the mood are excellent. The pacing is not.
Rated 22 Apr 2018
A little over the top perhaps.
Rated 07 Sep 2019
Rated 17 Oct 2017
I'm so split on this one. It sacrifices a lot from the book, from the characters -- stuff that's in the 1990 version -- to its detriment, but the characters are still great and well-written and believably fun. Skarsgard is fantastic but lacks the kind of intellectualism present in Pennywise. Really odd directorial choices at times. But I think, overall, I have to give it massive points for being a well-made, well-written horror that focuses on character over cheap thrills.
Rated 31 Oct 2017
As King adaptations go this is above average - the kids are all watchable, and it's probably just the right amount of scary for those who normally balk at horror films due to them being too intense. As straight up horror movies go though it's pretty weak sauce. But it's decent at what it's trying to do - think Stand By Me with a few creepy moments and some slick jump scares thrown in and you'd be on the right track.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
"It" strikes a very good balance between coming of age drama and horror.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
Not a fan of horror, but this is a genuine good movie. It also serves some great laughs and the Kids does a fantastic job!
Rated 23 Apr 2018
not bad!
Rated 04 Oct 2017
cute and fun
Rated 24 Sep 2017
Amazing acting by everyone involved, I assume we'll see the kids for many years to come. The film is set up more like a dark scary fantasy adventure than a horror movie, but oh man is it scary. The scariness is also balanced with a bunch of funny scenes and lines. Overall this is an amazing horror movie. (Especially great being my 1000 movie rated on this site)
Rated 25 Sep 2017
A wonderfully and wickedly dark display of pre-teen angst that delves into the deeply disturbed life that surrounds our Loser's Club, all whilst catapulting a devilishly evil clown into the mix making for a hugely effective, and surprisingly heartfelt retelling, worthy of an icon status.
Rated 08 Oct 2017
Not at all scary, but perfect dynamic between the Losers Club members, lovely humour and thrilling set pieces (more or less) make this the blockbuster movie of the year.
Rated 08 Oct 2017
This absolutely nails the human characters in Stephen King's horror epic but underplays the actual horror elements to such a degree that it feels underwhelming at times. It also plays to standard horror conventions too much to be scary since we've seen it all before. Liberal use of CGI and lack of suspense also detracts greatly from what is a very good coming of age horror story. Despite its flaws the strengths of the screenplay adaptation and the brilliant child actors carry this film.
Rated 30 Sep 2017
Evokes feelings of youth just through means of identification so what you get here is a bunch of worn out motives which never get a intelligent treatment. Like Nathan S said, this leads to the fact, that all that this movie has to offer are the jump scares. But even though they are effective, real horror never got hold of me. At the end of the day, I prefer Stand By Me.
Rated 03 Oct 2017
Sincerly enjoyable, though it could've afforded a little bit more time on characters like Stan and Mike.
Rated 10 Dec 2017
I expected something really dark. Instead it is very much alike Stranger Things. IT has some scary moments, but overall it feels like watching the summer holiday adventures of a group of Goonie friends.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
Coming of age horror adventure! I can dig that. Though it's not as good as the original It (1927) ;)
Rated 13 Sep 2017
Highly enjoyable, plenty of 80's style (Stand by Me /Goonies) kids standing together to defeat a foe. Plenty of scares and jumps but the real horror comes from the inside the home.


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