Your probable score


Drama, Sci-fi
1h 37m
Sam Bell is nearing the end of his contract with Lunar. He's been a faithful employee for 3 long years. His home has been Sarang, a moon base where he has spent his days alone, mining Helium 3.


Drama, Sci-fi
1h 37m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 67.69% from 9505 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 09 Nov 2009
Really great minimalistic sci-fi debut; although the theme is not that complex, its exposition is spun out with great craft, allowing us to share the doubts of the main character while occupying an omniscient point of view. Humour is used well to alleviate the mood. At each plot point, the film seems to make exactly the right decision, and it's a pleasure to just sit back and be hand-held though to the end. The continuous "why?"s are all answered satisfactorily and with impeccable timing.
Rated 26 Oct 2009
You can see the clear influences of films like 2001 and Alien but it doesn't feel like any sort of rehash but a fresh movie in the genre of hard sci-fi, which has been mostly dead for the past 20 years. Sam Rockwell is absolutely superb and Duncan Jones puts forth a fantastic film debut; managing to make the minuscule $5 million budget go to great lengths. Even though the film is contained it still feels grand. This is a must see and possibly the best film of 2009.
Rated 10 Jul 2009
An excellent debut film, and one of the best sci-fi films of this decade. The movie is essentially a one-man show, and Rockwell is dynamite in the lead. For a film on a modest budget, the effects work is quite convincing, and Clint Mansell's music is top-notch. Spacey is a great fit for the robot, his voice is simultaneously comforting and sinister. The plot lays out its surprise pretty early in the running time and still maintains a high level of suspense and mystery. It's just a great movie.
Rated 15 May 2019
I really really liked this movie. I'm not sure why I'm just now getting around to watching it. Rockwell is really solid, and hearing Kevin Spacey's voice as Gurty made me smile for some reason. Some of the CGI is weak, but that's okay here. It's a great first film for Duncan Jones and the real stars here are Rockwell and the script, which keeps you guessing what will happen until it finally does. A solid space movie that also made me tear up a bit. Great stuff!
Rated 17 Jul 2009
Probably the most titanic and meritoriously impressive film debut ever. An excellent science fiction movie with a miraculously unprecedented and extraordinary performance by Sam Rockwell, and it also includes an additionally tormentingly persecuting yet compelling voice-over from Spacey which is merged on a sinister computer which is somewhat homogeneous and congruous of 2001. Mansell's composition is the centerpiece, it begins and ends the movie in an impeccably immaculate manner. Not to miss.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
Brimming with existential paranoia and Cartesian horror, skeptical of the sanctity of memory, Moon is some good stuff. (spoilers?) When a character makes a glorious escape as his counterpart, aware of his inability to evade his own grislier fate, looks on, the movie hit me where it hurts. Wonderful score, too.
Rated 28 Nov 2009
I saw this with my dad and I had a fun time discussing the film afterwards. Its views on oppression and dehumanization of the average working man are cleverly presented. Sam Rockwell rocks, playing "multiple" characters throughout, a courageous and flawless performance. The film also looks and sounds terrific, Mansell's score suits the film perfectly without drawing attention to itself, it's just a delight to listen to. One of 2009's best!
Rated 25 Jul 2009
"fuck this gay moon" - sam bell
Rated 20 Jan 2010
Director Duncan Jones is very obviously inspired by 2001, Alien, Blade Runner and Solaris, but that's a fine set of influences. Rockwell does admirable job with a difficult role. I've never been a huge fan of his, but I was impressed. And Jones handles the unusual nature of the performance in a way that never calls much attention to itself. The film is a thoughtful rumination on identity. It doles out information at a satisfactory rate, but never holds your hand with exposition. Nice score, too.
Rated 22 Aug 2009
One of the best sci-fi films in years. Includes a virtuoso performance by Rockwell in what is essentially a one-man show. Amazing effects, particularly for the budget and an excellent score by Clint Mansell.
Rated 01 Jun 2010
An audio-visual brain massage. Old school science fiction in all its contemplative and minimalistic splendour.
Rated 02 Mar 2010
Most of the questions I had in the beginning were answered later on (mainly why only one person). The big surprise is in the beginning, but after that 'shocker', not much more in suspense. The loneliness of space the film creates is beautiful, one of the better space-based films in recent memory.
Rated 12 Feb 2010
Very solid debut. A dodge; trailers lead us to think this would be about one man going slowly insane in his loneliness, but it turned out to be something else indeed. Learned its lessons well from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, Alien, The Thing, Solaris, The Fly, etc. As such it's not quite groundbreaking, but it is good to know that quality science fiction films meditating on fears of memory, mortality, the body, and the Other can still be made today.
Rated 27 Nov 2009
A great debut for Duncan Jones and another win for the sci-fi genre. Pacing was excellent, a great original score and it had a "2001" feel to it but never felt like it copied it. Kevin Spacey did wonders with his voice over and Sam Rockwell gave a tremendous performance.
Rated 23 Oct 2009
What Sunshine only dreamt to be.
Rated 02 Aug 2009
Totally cool. Moon is one of those movie that feels surreal as you watch it and will stay with you vividly when it's over. The story is actually quite brilliant and it feels very realistic. This is exactly what the science fiction genre has needed for a long time and its a shame it hasn't done better. Either way, great start, I can't wait to see more!
Rated 20 Jul 2009
Moon is far more contemplative and slow than the ads make it look, but this is not a drawback. It certainly has its moments of tension and surprise, but the film is most effective at enveloping you in Sam's state of mind; more than anything, what the film is interested in are his responses to the situation as more and more is revealed about the nature of his existence. It's a very impressive debut film, and a breath of fresh air in the science fiction world.
Rated 12 Jul 2009
Feels like one of those great classic Golden Age science fiction short stories blown up into a feature film: lean, brainy, and creative. Really enjoyed it, and it's an absolute must for anyone who misses hard sci-fi.
Rated 18 May 2020
You wake up in a space pod, memory foggy. Kevin Spacey 3000 has been watching you an indeterminate amount of time and is eager to fix you a drink. You begin to question things. Are we a clone in the universe? Is man doomed to invent new suffering in pursuit of progress? Is that why we can't have nice things? Is this creepy robot hitting on me? Rockwell flexes his range with an admirably physical performance but the script is too low-gravity for it to land very hard.
Rated 25 Apr 2011
Pacing and mood excellence. The fiction's consequences feel more real, which only aids the eventual payoff for all of the 'memory criterion' identity-dilemma premise-building.
Rated 13 Apr 2010
Hello, Intelligent Intimate Sci-Fi, it's me. It's been a while. I was touched when you sent Moon my way recently. It meant a lot to see you're still around. I really loved all the experiences we once had together, and Moon was just like old times. Now that you know where I am I would like to hear more from you in the future. Best.
Rated 30 Mar 2010
At the start of the film it looks like it's going to be a thriller, but as more is discovered it becomes something more interesting. The anti-corporation message is rather direct, but well done. The acting and direction are both well done and there are a few very nice visuals.
Rated 21 Mar 2010
"Moon" is a subtle and smart science fiction story about the revelations and realisations of one man's reality. Turning modern science fiction on its head, "Moon" is stripped down, with few sets, few special effects, and a very small cast. It's all tied together by Rockwell's exceptionally good performance, and by Mansell's sensational score. Duncan Jones' directing greatly impresses, too, showing real promise for his career. Minimalistic and marvellous, "Moon" was my favourite film of 2009.
Rated 01 Feb 2010
An intelligent masterpiece about maturity, identity and the limits of human empathy.
Rated 06 Jan 2010
Impressive. Well acted and an excellent set. The plot isn't anything particularly brilliant, but it creates exactly the right mood. Spacey is great. More Alien than 2001 in terms of tone.
Rated 29 Dec 2009
They don't make sci-fi films like this anymore: old-fashioned visual, introspective character and a serious plot. Duncan Jones' debut movie is among the best sci-fi entries of the decade.
Rated 27 Jul 2009
Admirable directorial debut. Borrows heavily from 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, DARK STAR, ALIEN, BLADE RUNNER and elsewhere, but has the courage of its stylistic, thematic, and generic convictions. Sets its sights more modestly than 2001 (which is nevertheless the most pervasive influence), but largely achieves what it sets out to accomplish.
Rated 24 Jul 2009
Once you know the basic premise of the story, you can deduce the ending almost instantly. But that didn't stop me from throughly enjoying this contemplative and character-centered sci-fi film. Sam Rockwell keeps the movie entertaining and focused throughout, and the robotic Spacey is perfect. Just watch it with the expectation to see a visually-impressive homage to earlier times, rather than a revolution in its genre.
Rated 22 Jul 2009
Slackly paced and dramatically inert, it feels like a sci-fi short story padded to feature length.
Rated 12 Jul 2009
It mostly suffers from its incredibly slow pace and the fact that the "twist" is contrived, predictable, and revealed too soon (or too late?). Rockwell does a good job with what he has to work with, but the script seemed too reluctant in challenging the audience's moral stance on the subject, instead deciding to shoehorn it in to the last 10 seconds of the film.The best part about the film is Gerty, the AI with a conscience.
Rated 26 Feb 2018
Does a lot with so little. It's not bombastic and there are so few sets that some people might not be into it, but for those who want a more emotional character driven sci-fi flick then you can't go wrong here. The story explores its themes effectively even if it's a little predictable once the twist happens pretty early; however, that didn't seem to matter because the writing was sound and so was Rockwell. Also, the OST is fantastic.
Rated 06 Feb 2014
Duncan Jones' debut feature charts the final days of a lone astronaut's solo mission on a moon base. The tension builds at a very satisfying pace as the carefully constructed plot slowly unravels, and Rockwell really sells the strain of a man suffering from near-complete isolation. The set design and special effects are impressive for the film's relatively small budget, and Clint Mansell's haunting soundtrack perfectly captures the claustrophobic mood.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
Am I missing something?
Rated 30 Sep 2010
It doesn't happen any day that you watch a modern sci-fi movie in the cinema and don't mind if it would't even show you a single shot of the outer space. It gives the credit to those movies that deserve it but has no problems to prove itself worthy. Even with its very slow pace it doesn't lack neither tension nor an emotional attachment to the main character and leaves you with enough things to think about. It deserves its spot in the line of mentionable sci-fi movies.
Rated 18 Apr 2010
a tremendous sci-fi flick coming way out of left field with the newbie director and it's relative obscurity, but it is amazing anyway. the writing and directing are tip top and rockwell and spacey bring their a-game. i definitely am looking forward to what duncan jones is going to be doing in the future.
Rated 03 Apr 2010
Rockwell is gifted - his acting grounds the film. Mansell is a genius - his score is, as always, amazing. Jones (almost) deserves the amount of praise heaped upon his film. The obvious drawback, predictability, is the result of an early reveal, the right choice in order to focus on the ethics and poignancy of the theme. One is left wishing that Jones would've dug a little deeper but, despite the relative unoriginality, I'm thankful that someone is trying to reinvigorate the genre of hard sci-fi.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
It's nice to see a more thoughtful and intelligent science fiction movie. Moon is a refreshing retreat from CGI-heavy sci-fi spectacles of late. Rockwell is great, and the premise is solid. I can't shake the feeling, though, that it felt a little too sterile and shallow. I think it needed just a little more substance to be a truly great movie.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
A must see of 2009. Very well made little film, and a throwback to when sci-fi was all about big themes such as identity, reality, perception or other buzzwords that strangely enough would also fit perfectly for your average drug bender. It's a Rockwell tour de force that'll keep you engaged right up until the finish line, and perhaps even longer. BUT: Maybe it's just me that likes my sci-fi endings the way I like my coffee: Black as the grave and heavy as something that weighs a lot.
Rated 17 Jan 2010
An excellent sci-fi film in every aspect. The cinematography, subtle special effects, and set design all work together to create realistic and engaging visuals, even though most of the film takes place in a few rooms. Sam Rockwell, who is criminally underrated as an actor, puts in one of his best performances as the lone subject of the film. It's not very difficult to predict some aspects of the plot, but it's unfair to criticize a character study for not being a mystery. Great film overall.
Rated 27 Dec 2009
I loved the minimal feel of this movie. The set, characters, music, everything seemed real. Like this was a situation that could happen. In a way this made the movie a little predictable and easy to digest, but I was still very interested until the end. Sam Rockwell's performance was amazing and is definitely reason enough to watch the movie. Sci-fi movies don't need to cost huge amounts of money and be loaded with effects to be great.
Rated 25 Dec 2009
A very striking movie that's really simplistic and minimalist, but slices the themes of new technology, idealistic life on moon on one side and corrupted corporations, clones, and soap bubbled Earth population on the other side. And a small hint of hope in a robot that's not all that without feelings as it looks. I really can't have much to criticize except maybe some missing interpretations, but movies like this raise questions anyway.
Rated 11 Dec 2009
An excellent debut from Jones, & a brilliant performance from Rockwell. At times this film is gorgeous, & the original score that accompanies it is fantastic. Along with Rockwell's one man show, Spacey's voice over for the computer is spot on, if a little too reminiscent of "2001" on occasions. If I am being picky its all a little bit too predictable, and personally I felt that this movie needed a couple more scenes to really explore Rockwell's character. Still, one of the best sci-fi in ages.
Rated 02 Nov 2009
Good premise and a great leading role. The story is a bit too straightforward and fails to live up to the expectations.
Rated 25 Oct 2009
One of the better films of the year. The story was very well told and its slow pace served it well. Sam Rockwell gave an excellent performance(s) that should deserve recognition. The retro-future style was chilling and very reminiscent of 2001 and Alien. And the Clint Mansell score was great. Highly recommended.
Rated 25 Oct 2009
Great sci-fi on a small scale. Yes the story is somewhat predictable but it's the experience of reaching that conclusion which makes this film. You can certainly see the where it got it's influences from but it uses them to produce an original and intelligent film.
Rated 19 Oct 2009
A good movie, but i think i expected something different, something more. It's pretty good anyway. And there is Sam Rockwell... he shines at every single moment. He does a great job to keep movie entertaining and interesting. Great subject, different kind of sci-fi but script could be much better.
Rated 15 Aug 2009
Like others have said, once the film reaches a certain point, you can see where it's going. Enjoyable ride to get there, though.
Rated 13 Aug 2009
The platform is there, but there's no launch. Notions are brushed against, if that. Jones is deliberately cryptic at times, just one of many ways that he emulates that granddaddy of all cerebral cinematic sci fi, Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. There are absolutely times that this approach enhances the film by demonstrating confidence in the viewer. Generally, though, this pulled back approach leaves the film underdrawn, weakly thought out.
Rated 24 Jul 2009
Another great movie to add to the classics of the sci-fi genre. Sam Rockwell gives a masterful performance as a lone astronaut nearing the end of a 3 year contract extracting energy from the moon. This film uses the emotions of paranoia and isolation to keep the viewer ingrained in the story. The movie homages some past sci-fi greats (most obviously 2001: A Space Odyssey) but never falls into cliches. Kevin Spacey deserves a nod for the voice of the robot GERTY, the only other main character.
Rated 25 Jul 2017
Need to see it again but remember it as very good. Rockwell is, in my opinion, nearly always excellent and a charming, quirky screen presence
Rated 20 Jun 2013
I love any sci-fi that puts that much effort and detail into its set work. The less CGI the more real it becomes. The more real space becomes the more disturbing it is. Moon does a great job highlighting all the potential fears anyone could conjure up about space travel juxtaposed to all the fears humans have of becoming obsolete and abandoned. Plus the visual decay of Sam is something that won't be leaving my head anytime soon. I'm going to have nightmares of my teeth falling out now...
Rated 13 Jun 2013
This movie looks absolutely gorgeous. The concept is fairly simple but the execution in terms of style, script and especially acting makes this movie absolutely enchanting. Simply fantastic.
Rated 10 Jan 2013
Uncanny. Could have sworn I'd seen this twice before. And read it in the seventies.
Rated 07 Aug 2012
I forgot to review Moon! It managed to pull off hard-sci without being boring or masturbatory, and the late Sam Rockwell pulled off an excellent hypermetatextualpostreductive-Peter Sellers. (I know Sam Rockwell's not dead) Nearly perfect, but that Clint Mansell guy ran over my cat.
Rated 16 Apr 2012
Now sit back, relax, and listen to the soothing sounds of Kevin Spacey. There's a lot of people I would not want to run into while alone on the moon. Number one on that list would be myself.
Rated 01 May 2011
"Moon" is an intriguing failure. Jones' style is uneven, but he does show signs of great potential, the visual effects are unique and Rockwell is remarkable. However, as Mansell's typically brilliant score keeps reminding us, we are supposed to care for the Sams, although the script makes them incredibly hard to relate to. The plot is confusing and never becomes fully comprehensible until the end. The film had me constantly intrigued, but I never quite felt immersed into the plot.
Rated 30 Dec 2010
It's hard to know what to make of this effort, such is the feeling it doesn't really know quite what it should be itself. Like a handful of short stories strung together Moon struggles to settle down into one clear plotline, creating great mystery but leaving the audience feeling a little cheated by what they've just witnessed. There's a nice tranquil atmosphere throughout and potential in all of the story strands, plus Rockwell is good again, but it's hard to recommend something this unfocused.
Rated 17 Oct 2010
One of the best movies of 2009 and one of the best sci-fi showings in years. Sam Rockwell drives the story like a determined NASCAR racer with his great performance(s) and although the movie jumps to the conclusion a bit too fast for my taste, I still can't help but love it when Clint Mansell's score is taken into account and how well Duncan Jones did with the directing part and his budget handling. A must see for lovers of great acting, thoughtful directing and fantastic cinema.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
A surprisingly thoughtful and intelligent science-fiction movie. You don't see a lot of them anymore so it's always a joy when you get one. As well-written as it is, however, the key to Moon's success is Sam Rockwell's performance, which is pretty much the only one in the movie. Duncan Jones rather smartly sidesteps the typical moves this kind of picture would take, and the result is a subdued, intelligent exercise in hard sci-fi.
Rated 06 Sep 2010
A twisting tale of paranoia, identity and hope that is extremely entertaining, even if it's a little slow moving at times. It doesn't quite answer all the questions it raises, but is still very satisfying. Sam Rockwell shows off a solid acting range and Kevin Spacey imbues the computer GERTY with an ambiguous sense of menace with his voice work.
Rated 19 Apr 2010
Jones has directed and co-written (with Nathan Parker) a witty independent film with great atmosphere and a superb performance by Rockwell. He manages to carry the entire film, with Kevin Spacey's voice backing him up as the eccentric robot GERTY. The effects are top notch, and a special thank you must be given to the miniature work. It is very obvious and all the more endearing. Why create dull CGI shuttles when you can play with the actual toys instead?
Rated 14 Mar 2010
It felt real. Watching this it's like looking at something real. Not the most absorbing movie ever, but certainly thouhgt provoking and interesting. Really liked he moral duality in it and the way they handled everything. Great acting and great setting. However it's not the most spectacular sci-fi film, it certainly is an intelligent and very good sci-fi film!
Rated 05 Mar 2010
Really, really good film. Although there is a certain level of predictability to the plot, the whole thing comes together in a very well designed package. Music, set design and Kevin Spacey all deserve a special mention, along with the creation of a truly excellent atmosphere. I can pretty much promise that you will appreciate this film on some level. I think that long after Avatar is dead and forgotten, people will still be referencing this film as sci-fi at its best.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
Beautifully shot film throughout, particularly the shot of Sam Rockwell's ass.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
Great and one of the most underrated of 09. Sam Rockwell is great and Kevin Spacey was the perfect choice for the voice of GERTY. What an impressive film debut for Duncan Jones I look forward to his future work.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
The plot is definitely built on shaky ground, but Rockwell's wonderful performance and the sense of isolation more than make up for it. This is how I like my sci-fi to feel and look, just too bad it didn't delve too deeply into some of the themes it brings up.
Rated 17 Jan 2010
Excellent sci-fi film. The revelations are not necessarily earth shattering, but suspected from the start, similar to how Sam Bell has sneaking suspicions about his situation throughout.
Rated 17 Jan 2010
"Moon" represents brilliant science-fiction, plain and simple. This is a complex, slow-moving character drama built entirely on countless themes ranging from the nature of man to morality. Sam Rockwell's performance matches the quality of the script. "Moon" really is one of the best, most original, and though-provoking pieces of cinema to come out in 2009--and what a year it has been for sci-fi.
Rated 13 Jan 2010
Impressive visually, especially considering the budget. Sam Rockwell sells his difficult parts brilliantly and is the main attraction here. If it wasn't for some niggling issues I had with the premise, I would rate this even higher.
Rated 09 Jan 2010
Boring movie (with a stupid premise) that doesn't try to explain most of it's inconsistencies and plotholes. Zero suspension of disbelief for me on this one. I consistently had one of these things going through my mind: "Huh?" "Why?" "WTF is going on?" How did the "evil" corporation get all these cloned bodies on the moon? Why doesn't anyone on earth seem to care where 70% of their energy is coming from (for 15 years!!!)? ...etc. It all seems far to convinient and contrived. In short: LAZY.
Rated 28 Nov 2009
old school sci-fi ... LOVE IT
Rated 15 Nov 2009
An impressive debut. Yes the plot its predictable but the script doesn't tries to shock you with a surprising final at all, nor does it wants to hide something. Instead it wants to tell something and tells it spot on. Sam Rockwell was phenomenal. The music and visuals blended together nicely in a very "2001 :A Spaca Odysseyesq" way it was joy to watch for a science-fiction fan. A gem in 09.
Rated 31 Aug 2009
The science fiction film you don't really think anyone will make, drawing from some of the best science fiction films ever made and compiling it into a movie about the self, a journey of existentialism through the eyes of a lone man manning a mining station on the far side of the moon. I'm very glad someone did make it. Because this film scratches all the right spots and is probably the science fiction film of the year.
Rated 05 Aug 2009
You can see where it's going, but I was happy to go along for the ride.
Rated 30 Jul 2009
This film's concept was great! The problem is that it should have been told much shorter. This would have been a perfect half hour hour episode. Instead we get a one trick pony with a lot of filler. Brake lights on a moon rover and other clearly absurd things in the film really took away from Sam Rockwell's performance. There, I said it. It sucked it more than I liked it. BOOYAKASHA!
Rated 29 Jul 2009
A man must come to terms with himself... in more ways than one.
Rated 27 Jul 2009
A smashing debut by Jones, Rockwell is amazing-- I want to watch this movie over and over again. Themes of self, identity, make this a GREAT, brainy sci-fi. Was expecting to see similarities to Solaris, 2001, but was happily taken down a different path. Well worth a watch!
Rated 21 Jul 2009
Contemplative, character-driven sci-fi is all too rare these days, so despite the derivative concept I'll give it major points for trying. Sam Rockwell interacts with himself perfectly and his two sides of the same character (sort of?) are distinct and each equally believable. The nods to 2001 can seem unambitious at times, as though the film aspires to be nothing but a throwback.
Rated 06 Jul 2009
Best movie of 09 so far. Sam Rockwell continues to impress and gives a great performance. I think Kevin Spacey has found his niche in voicing robots.
Rated 25 Apr 2024
Il manque à Moon la scène bouleversante, et un twist improbable. Les événements s'enchaînent avec rythme qui ne m'a pas particulièrement semblé mystérieux. Sam Rockwell est un acteur de grand talent, il est délicieux physiquement, et mérite bien le visionnage.
Rated 24 Jan 2020
I'm really sad that this didn't get more notice as it is one of my favorite space movies. The story was great, but Sam Rockwell's acting made this movie as he was practically the only character other than GERTY.
Rated 18 Nov 2018
This small, modestly budgeted sci-fi flick is really superb, and it's mostly Rockwell's doing. It's an interesting story that Duncan Jones has cooked up, but Rockwell is 85% of what's on screen and he is excellent.
Rated 26 Oct 2018
cute as sci-fi homage, enjoyable for its run time but it did not leave a lasting impression
Rated 08 Apr 2018
Intriguing idea with a well-paced execution. Basically a good sci-fi short story translated onto the silver screen. Highly recommended.
Rated 16 Mar 2018
Moon has a lot going for it. The Sci-fi elements of the story hit close enough to home for this movie to be believable. The drama and suspense of this movie keep the audience engaged throughout the run-time. Sam Rockwell is great in everything that I've ever seen him in. Kevin Spacey does a great job playing the station AI. It was amazing how much personality he gave the AI while also making it believable that it was just a computer. The music, which I don't usually talk about, was fantastic.
Rated 10 Feb 2018
A well acted one-actor film.
Rated 22 Jan 2018
There is a really good story here with lots of interesting ideas but those ideas weren't explored instead we get a bland "human" drama with some good acting from the completely uncharismatic Sam Rockwell. Even though this could easily have been so much better, it's still a really good movie.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
Rated 14 Aug 2017
"Moon" is sci-fi movie that doesn't rely on mindless action and exploding sets. instead it's intelligent fare with a story that raises all kinds of moral question.
Rated 06 Feb 2017
Moon is a film inspired by a number of hard science fiction and it doesn't try to hide it. Despite that it still feels very fresh with slight thought-provokation, perfect pacing, well-made visuals and marvelous acting by Sam Rockwell. This is an exceptional film debut from Duncan Jones who utilized the film's low budget in a way that it still made the film feel grand in scale.
Rated 25 Dec 2016
One of the films that you cannot forget. I watched it more than 6 months ago and I remember everything. It raises some really great moral questions. And the acting is superb.
Rated 07 Jun 2016
How do you save yourself? In numerous different ways throughout the course of Moon, Duncan Jones explores answers to this question. He also crafts suspense, terror, sadness, and relief quite well throughout the movie. The story was well crafted and it was fantastic acting by Sam Rockwell as Sam Bell, but what stood out to me most about this movie was just how much of each emotion it made me feel.
Rated 06 May 2016
(...) Die klassischen philosophischen Fragen des Genres nach dem Ursprung der Existenz oder dem Willen künstlicher Intelligenz sind in Moon allerdings mit Vorsicht zu geniessen: Sie bleiben postmoderne Referenz an die Klassiker des Genres ohne Bedeutung für die Handlung. Fast alles in Jones Film verweist auf irgendetwas; wer Zitate sammeln wollte, müsste Moon noch einige Male durchstöbern (...) Dazu gibts unsere Film List Science fiction Arthaus auf
Rated 19 Nov 2015
Highly watchable. Sam Rockwell's acting was great, and the script gave him enough room to show his range. I enjoyed watching the practical effects on this one, particularly the miniatures used for the rover and the other structures on the moon. They gave it an old-school sci-fi feel and were good enough to be believable. That said, the movie here offers such potential for a sequel that the story feels incomplete, and I'd really like to see where Jones could go from here.
Rated 03 Aug 2015
Simple - interesting - Good
Rated 16 Jan 2015
Awesome hard scifi! The last 30 seconds or so are a little lame, but really good movie.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Simple scifi idea well executed. Perhaps a bit overrated but I'm glad this type of smart genre film is still celebrated.
Rated 29 Sep 2014
The plot is very unique, the acting is top notch, the musical score is perfectly fitting. The big plot twist of the movie separates it into two distinct acts: A first act that I'd rate 100/100, which reminds me of the good aspects of 2001: A space odissey. A second act that's not as good due to a really obvious plot line, but still really good.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
Really great film, too bad the soundtrack is laughably inappropriate at times. (Maybe that's an homage to Silent Running.)
Rated 26 Aug 2014
I broke a rib at 'radioactive tampon.'


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