Poor Things

Poor Things

2h 21m
The incredible tale and fantastical evolution of Bella Baxter, a young woman brought back to life by the brilliant and unorthodox scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter (
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Poor Things

2h 21m
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Avg Percentile 67.87% from 1541 total ratings

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Rated 20 Jan 2024
When your character is consumed with insatiable curiosity and the only outlet you give her is sex, you're not trying that hard. On the whole, unimaginative, tedious, and not nearly as smart as it thinks it is.
Rated 02 Feb 2024
To call Poor Things a feminist piece would demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of feminism. While being misguidedly didactic, it’s also dismally unfunny and too much of a pantomime to carry any shred of emotional weight, with appalling performances and direction of the male cast and a truly moronic final act. The elaborate costumes and production design reek of a superficial desperation to create real art, and in the end it’s only Stone’s courageous turn which is worthy of any praise.
Rated 20 Jan 2024
A disaster of a movie. The premise could be interesting to analyze matters of identity, of development (physical, neuropsychological) but, as usual with women's stories told by male directors, it focuses on sexuality. Based on her age, it's also a pedo movie. Suggesting that putting the brain of a young girl in a woman's body would lead to unabashed sexual appetite is terrifying. Making her choose to leave a weirdly-in-love man to go with a sleazy dude as 'experiencing the world' also is.
Rated 26 Jan 2024
Yorgos’s best movie, and a serious contender for my top ten movies. It’s also his most emotionally resonant film by a landslide. I didn’t know he had it in him! Not a single thing I didn’t like. Production, music, directing and cinematography are all outstanding, and Stone is at her most unusual and her very best. I loved the supporting cast too. It’s just an excellent fish-out-of-water story with a lot to say about life and what we make of it. Immersed me from beginning to end. Phenomenal!
Rated 15 Oct 2023
Bella Baxter is the woke female Dougie Jones society was waiting for.
Rated 08 Feb 2024
Did a movie about the blatant power imbalance associated with the BSY trope in which everyone acts like they’re in a SNL skit need to be 2 hours and 20 minutes long? It gets its point across very fast and eventually just indulges in its own perversion so the short answer to that is no. Giving a brave performance these days equals showing your tits, apparently.
Rated 29 Dec 2023
An absurd, witty-tongued, debauched twist on the archetypal princess fairytale of self-discovery. Lanthimos boldly steers some of the strongest art direction of 2023, resulting in true dreamlike visual & aural splendor. Despite it's surreal nature, the film's caricatures of personalities are captured with heartfelt sincerity, grounding the emotional beats. Poor Things is Barbie's whimsically unhinged elder sister; whom serves as a triumphant reminder of why we enjoy cinema, and (sometimes) life.
Rated 05 Jan 2024
Loved the way it looked. The fish eye hall way stuff was cool and the scenes in the park where it looked like a painting are standouts. Funny enough as well. Falls apart when you start thinking about what Yorgos was going for here tho. First as a trans allegory, seems a bit infantilizing and as this piece on womanhood? I mean it’s basically redpilled. Woman finds her liberation through becoming a sex object and a literal whore for men? I get liberalism has tied SW to liberation but Cmon now.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
Not sure if there’s enough of interest in the last half-hour to justify the ham-fisted detour it takes, but otherwise, I unreservedly adored this. Laughed all the way through, and was engrossed by the vividness and singularity of this bizarre world. Emma Stone gives one of the year’s finest performances and Jerskin Fendrix’s score rises to the challenge set by the screenplay, costumes, and production design in creating its own indelible culture not quite like anything else I’ve ever encountered.
Rated 05 Feb 2024
Emmancipating Frankenstone
Rated 20 Mar 2024
As a man I don't feel qualified to comment on the message as it pertains to the female experience albeit one written and directed by men. And as a married man I don't feel qualified to comment on the message as it pertains to having lots of sex.
Rated 19 Dec 2023
Like if Dante or Voltaire had access to a fisheye lens. A wonderfully mischievous allegory of sexual freedom, individual rights, and personal improvement from honorary American (let's just admit it) Yorgos Lanthimos.
Rated 30 Dec 2023
Lanthimos with the worst movie of the year, yet again. Congrats Yorgos! I had an itchy trigger finger on my theatre recliner, for about the last 45 minutes. Couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.
Rated 06 Jun 2024
Story of my life.
Rated 09 Nov 2023
what a fantastic film, Emma Stone's performance was astonishing, I think we can agree she played more than one character. kudos to other actors as well, I guess we take Willem Defoe granted but maye shouldn't. the film wasn't just a story, a lot of clever criticism of "the system" is in it, through the eyes of an outsider, many opportunities to laugh even in a stiff Swedish audience we had a ruckus several times in the movie hall and how visually pleasing this was truly a masterpiece.
Rated 30 Jan 2024
She was born sexy yesterday, but don't worry - the men who wrote and directed this made sure she was really obsessed with it and naked a lot. Liberating! There is a unique fairy story of growth and autonomy hidden in here, Emma Stone gives a strong performance, and apart from the sex obsession it really does feel fresh and exciting in its presentation. Everyone's accent was ATROCIOUS but Ruffalo (worst of the lot) was hilarious anyway.
Rated 05 Feb 2024
Best film in quite a while. Weird, funny, imaginative, thought provoking with great performances by everyone and also beautifully filmed.
Rated 23 Dec 2023
manic pixie girl who dreams
Rated 18 Jan 2024
A colorful journey of self-descovery, shot in the most stunning possible way; each image was as captivating and awe-inspiring as the last. Thematically rich and masterfully written, accompanied by Emma Stone's best performance ever. Wow.
Rated 02 Feb 2024
Emma Stone gives the performance of a lifetime, flanked by a mesmerizing cast with a hilarious Ruffalo being a stand-out among stand-outs. Lanthimos has managed to create a wonderfully absurd and unique take on Frankenstein, stylistically akin to hayday Jeunet (with a few digital sets being the movie's only small blemishes) but most definitely its own wondrous thing.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
Turns out that the best thing for a woman is to have the brain of a 12 year old boy with asperger.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
hypocrisy at its finest
Rated 11 Feb 2024
We must tend to our lady garden.
Rated 15 Feb 2024
There's maybe five minutes of story in there. And if you were to try and tell this story in five minutes I think you would *immediately* realise what was missing, why everyone in my audience left the theatre to go to the toilet at least twice, and why they greeted gag after gag after gag after gag with absolute silence. Is this what rich artists do with their money? Make vacuous projects that they PRAY will offend us all so then they can claim we just didn't get it? There's nothing in there.
Rated 04 Mar 2024
The inexplicable hype made me realize I would have to watch this or never hear the end of it. As usual with Lanthimos, it's a torturous affair. Wildly self-amused and pathetically desparate to be provocative, but excruciatingly laboured, drab and unintelligent.
Rated 17 Mar 2024
This movie is more retarded than Bella Baxter. Possibly the most insufferable score and cinematography in any movie ever. 5 points only for the art direction. Otherwise one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Culture is dead.
Rated 03 Mar 2024
Artful, yet something is missing to make it feel genuine. I've nothing against sexual content, but the abundance here seems a bit limiting on the storytelling potential, opting for visceral shock instead of philosophical depth. Many will be disgusted by this and there are questions about Bella's mental age. Ultimately, it's a surface-level criticism of men's desire for control that could have been a masterpiece. Terrific performances and production design though. It's also oddly funny in parts.
Rated 03 Jul 2024
Story of my life.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
A bit of a weak start and finish, but when it got into its swing during the middle I was really enjoying it. Funnier than I expected, and presents some interesting ideas about being free, experience, growth and self-improvement. While I don't think everything in it was a home run, it was refreshingly different and enjoyable.
Rated 25 Dec 2023
Not as punctuated and polished as Lanthimos’s previous few works, but bitingly funny and imaginative. Great performances all around. Really tough to nail something like this. It’s like Being There as dreamed by Lynch and von Trier.
Rated 26 Dec 2023
Yet another incredible film from 2023. So fresh and original, very entertaining and funny, thoughtful and technically innovative, delightfully bizarre with amazing performances. Stone is unbelievably good in perhaps the most impressive performance so far this decade. What a character arc. She should win her second Oscar for this. Tim Burton has to be so jealous of this movie. The score is also perfect for it, perhaps the best of the year.
Rated 27 Dec 2023
The design of this film is a real joy. Sometimes it feels like it's all taking place in a picture book with exaggerated colors and painted backgrounds, yet it isn't precious. It has the best fight that turns into a dance number that turns into another fight of 2023. Hanna Schygulla is in this film. Willem Dafoe blows bile bubbles. This is easily my favourite film of the year so far.
Rated 02 Jan 2024
Yes, this is a film about female liberation, but more specifically liberation through fornication as a means to sexual gratification and not as a means of procreation. However, Bella is no mere hedonist, for her sensual development as a sexual being makes possible her noetic development, made evident by the stilted movements of Emma Stone’s body and her delightful verbal articulations. Mark Ruffalo as the Marlon Brando-like debauched dandy is the perfect foil for Bella as the 'new-age woman'.
Rated 05 Jan 2024
Amazing journey of self discovery. The friction between the naive, empirically minded Bella and the expectations of a women's role in a vaguely Victorian England create a lot of great gags, humor and commentary. The set design and costumes are superior, feels like drifting through a story-book dream version of Europe.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
Made me laugh a lot more than I was expecting. Might be the funniest film of 2023. Only real criticisms I have with it is it just may be a tad too long and slightly repetitive in parts, but other than that mostly excellent from start to finish. Glad this one lived up to expectations.
Rated 13 Jan 2024
An absolute delight, a fairy tale for grownups that perhaps we desperately need more of. Joyous, but feeling, visually delicious without being pretentious or becoming about visual tricks
Rated 14 Jan 2024
The director again explored the lives of less adult, sane personalities. What if you were born in an adult body, even though your brain is that of an infant? What would you do with your body? The movie was an adventure. The environment was fantasy, but still familiar. Emma Stone shone in the lead.
Rated 07 Mar 2024
The introduction to this journey of self-discovery was promising, but our expectations, alas, were disappointed. Verbose and pretentious in all its aspects, the scenario goes too far in all directions, heavy with clichés and way too long. Redundant “moraline”. Even the baroque aesthetic becomes vulgar and badly faked at some point. I give some points to Emma Stone's performance and the design of some of her costumes.
Rated 15 Jan 2024
It'll win awards, deservedly so for Stone and any other actors. I like the exploration of society through the eyes of someone growing into the world. It's good to see a story with a woman taking charge of her sexual identity without the moral being "so she's a slut and thus is punished". The sheer amount of sex was starting to topple the film over (never thought I'd say that), but it's mostly a recommend, but with some careful "yeah, really" explanations of the rating.
Rated 20 Mar 2024
And there were probably actually great movies that got passed up for whatever the fuck this was.
Rated 22 Jan 2024
Emma Stone gives an outstanding performance in this film, the best performance of her career so far. Mark Ruffalo is also great in this movie, The script is great, you are unsure of what is going to happen next. Overall I would highly recommend this film.
Rated 26 Jan 2024
While I do respect the craft on display and found enjoyment in Ruffalo's zealous and at times frankly borderline mad performance, no other aspect of the script came close to matching his funny character. So if I were to choose only one Frankenstein's monster variation between this and 'Chappie', this would not be my pick.
Rated 24 Mar 2024
Worst movie I've ever seen
Rated 01 Feb 2024
This is such a unique, fun, entertaining, and crazy story. A visually-striking film, a great cast and brilliant performances. Humor permeates the whole story, which nevertheless has many layers that give it a lot of substance. Not a super fan of Emma Stone but loved her work in this movie.
Rated 01 Feb 2024
Another great movie by Yorgos Lanthimos, and an interesting evolution for his visual style, with Emma Stone giving her absolute A-game. Special shoutout to the awesome, weird soundtrack.
Rated 03 Feb 2024
I liked the slow reveal of the world instead of smacking you immediately with SO RANDOM. There was a lot more sex than I was expecting, not that I'm complaining. The plot was very reminiscent of Barbie's maturing and I think I like this more. Fav scenes: baby at dinner; I can watch Willem Dafoe burping out bubbles all day.
Rated 05 Feb 2024
Poor Things is Lanthimos' career peak. The best movie of 2023. A surreal dream designed with eye-opening visuals. It is like a poem written to the essence of the person, the human life cycle and evolution on the world. I was fascinated. A masterpiece that must be experienced in cinema, on the biggest screen possible.
Rated 11 Jul 2024
Visually stunning (no surprise there), and a very unique story and world. It’s pretty easy to recommend assuming one is not bothered by how odd it is, or how many sex scenes it contains. The second act did slightly drag for me, but I understand the importance of it, and it made up for it after. Lanthimos remains one of the most interesting directors out there, and McNamara has proven a perfect fit for him.
Rated 07 Feb 2024
The idea, the execution, the dialectical nature of the characters, the cinematography, the cast. Its been a while since a movie was this fun to me. Brilliant work.
Rated 10 Mar 2024
For a moral about sexual liberation and growth, the message seems to get lost in the continual focus of sexualizing a child in a woman's body. Need to lay Emma Stone's unconscious body down in bed? Better get that nip slip in! I have no issue with sexual content when warranted, but this seems to twist the author's intent to the point of hypocrisy. The "lesson" is out of touch with what I'm watching. Surreal world, dark humor, philosophy, and extravagant fashion; I should love this, but I don't.
Rated 11 Feb 2024
A masterclass in filmmaking
Rated 24 Mar 2024
I absolutely enjoyed every moment of this movie. It has everything that makes a movie good. A gorgeous woman (Emma Stone) and out of this world story, a mad scientist, mad cap love, an insanely unusual and unpredictable plot. And a kooky fitting ending. I only wish they could have put God's brain into the General at the end. I highly recommend it, but not at all for youngsters.
Rated 15 Feb 2024
verilen puanlar ve hype korkunç. Frankenstein +Get Out+Dogtooth(yönetmenin kendi filmi biliyoruz) . Üçünün karışımını izledim sanki. Çok orjinal, çok marjinal havalarında olan filmimizin her yerinden klişe akıyor. Ayrıca senaryo ciddi olmaya çalışan bir Disney filmi kadar saçma. Oyunculuklar ve bir kaç alt mesaj dışında çöp.
Rated 23 Mar 2024
Wow. This is something. Visually it's stunning. I just feel it's missing something, cannot put my finger on it. Might rate it higher on a rewatch, or lower. It's on odd beast.
Rated 17 Mar 2024
Apparently arthouse feminist films made and written by men are allowed to degrade, exploit and humiliate a woman (?) in the name of a muddy problematic moral message about sexual liberation(?). But of course, because "that's the entire point!". Shallower than a Sahara puddle. The film clearly enjoys and revels in gratuitous disgusting imagery which was disturbing, but also undermines the argument that it's a satirical crit. Style over substance in a film like this makes it a poor thing indeed.
Rated 09 Mar 2024
Ugly, tedious, self-satisfied, overlong, dumb. Mark Ruffalo is good though.
Rated 28 Feb 2024
It's imaginative and wildly original on a technical level, and the performances are a treat - Emma Stone is fascinating, Willem Dafoe is effortlessly charismatic, and Mark Ruffalo is entertainingly unhinged. The outrageous premise is certainly thought provoking and somewhat troubling, yet everything's wrapped up in a bubblegum production design that screams empty-headed whimsy. It's a schizophrenic viewing experience for sure, but if you can get on the same surreal wavelength it's a lot of fun.
Rated 28 Feb 2024
Things that are fucked up: This... and me after this
Rated 09 Mar 2024
Disgusting. We shouldn’t be celebrating this movie. Does the rest of the world not see the grooming and disgusting sexual abuse of a child? This is not the creation of feminism. It’s Balenciaga on crack.
Rated 29 Feb 2024
I'm just gonna say sexual liberation is being highly overrated these years. If sexual commitment is not a big deal, why make the lack of it so critically empowering? It's funny cuz I happened to see a very similar idea on a random Onlyfans ad on X. Amazing play by Emma regardless. Fantastic scenery. Ridiculously nonsensical final act. The movie could have been much more in my view but basically only revolves around sexual liberation.
Rated 29 Feb 2024
Great style once again from Lanthimos. It actually wasn't as weird as some of his other movies. A pretty straightforward story with a well-built-up narrative and good storytelling. I didn't really feel bored for a second, but I must say it felt a little too long at some point. However, I also wouldn't know what to cut from the story, as every part seems crucial for the premise. So, never mind that comment.
Rated 29 Feb 2024
I can't shake the feeling that I'm watching a genrepiece. Playing with form and reality is not automatically the same as playing with perspective; the latter is indispensable to be art, and I don't see it here. Who's watching? Who do I see? From whose eyes am I looking? The only answer seems to be: the idea of science, the idea of a person, an idea of form, a thought about sexuality. All of which points in the direction of a genrepiece.
Rated 01 Mar 2024
Too eager to provoke which makes some parts rather tiresome. Everything else is more or less good (not great), especially as an analogy. Ruffalo is on fire. Weak final story.
Rated 02 Mar 2024
Probably the most exciting part of this film was The Zone of Interest trailer before the film. Jokes aside, I am getting more and more disappointed in Lanthimos' English-speaking films. It is a remarkably designed, beautifully shot, well-acted mess. I miss his movies where we were able to reach deep issues through minimal stories. I am still glad that he is somewhat imposing his "unique" style on Hollywood.
Rated 09 Mar 2024
This is NOT a female empowerment movie. This movie is highly disturbing. I’d even say it borderlines child pornography in the guise of an adult woman’s body. The fact that this movie is so highly rated by so many people frightens me.
Rated 02 Apr 2024
How can feminists & their mostly liberal defenders pretend that hating men is not a key part of modern feminism when feminists made this? Certain other feminists will claim this isn't feminist - but not because of its misandry. The "moral" of this fairy tale is clear: men are uniquely cruel, controlling & jealous {an absurd belief which ignores reality & evolution - which is why pregnancy isn't an issue here). The only decent men are black (of course) or biddable cucks who do whatever women want
Rated 07 Sep 2023
cinema as a work of art. ruffola steals the show in frame he is in and dafoe is literally something of a scientist himself. yes, again. couldn't get enough of it.
Rated 03 Oct 2023
61st Nyff - Yorgos' most technically immaculate work as of date. Plus the brilliance of Emma makes the movie instant classic. Expecting 5-6 oscar nominations.
Rated 16 Mar 2024
This film made me think of Phantom Thread from the very beginning. It clearly has shades of Frankenstein to it but Phantom Thread was the closest modern film that came to mind by way of comparison and somewhat thematically perhaps. Very quirky/arty, this is Emma Stone's film, she lives the character 100%.Its quite spooky and haunting. It has a quirky adult graphic novel feel to it, with cats eye lens camerawork. A film that has a Guillermo Del Toro feel to it, I would certainly recommend this.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
If you like f’d up films and aren’t shy of content only suitable for adults, see this. It’s a masterpiece. Someone please just hand Emma Stone an Oscar now. She nails this role of a grown woman with an infant brain. Her toddler scenes tickled me the most. Her facial expressions are right on. Attention to detail is evident in every aspect of this film, casting is right on and the humor is pure Lanthimos (also see The Lobster if you haven’t already.)
Rated 12 Mar 2024
leave it to yorgos to make me excited about period movies... and i don't even like sex scenes
Rated 30 Dec 2023
The most uncomfortable sex movie this side of A Serbian Film. I needed some time to decide if I liked it or not. I think I did.
Rated 31 Dec 2023
Emma Stone delivering a brilliant performance as usual, but I think there are too many weird aspects of this movie that prevent me from fully enjoying it as much as some critics. While some visuals stunned, other shots made use of fisheye lenses too much and it was distracting. The story I overall liked, but I think it could have been executed a bit better still. Worth Watching for Emma, but I don't know whether I'll rewatch it or not.
Rated 27 Mar 2024
An interesting attempt, undone by the over-simplistic (and by now cliche) depiction of extreme sexual freedom as free of any consequence, of all men as ridiculous and whiny, and of a woman who indulges her every impulse and yet can do no wrong.
Rated 16 Mar 2024
Interesting, but first of all funny film. I would not get distracted too much by the message: i would watch Emma Stone walking like a toddler for four hours, and Ruffalo playing the womanizer for five.
Rated 08 Jan 2024
It's Edward Scissorhands with the sexuality turned up to 10.
Rated 08 Jan 2024
This feminist Frankenstein film is one of the best entries in the unabashedly weird, dystopian filmography of Lanthimos. It's smart, witty, and packed with an awkward charm that delivers a strong pro-woman message with a deliciously off-kilter streak.
Rated 08 Jun 2024
Not a fan, but still interested by the story
Rated 25 Jul 2024
Couldn't finish it. Manic girl escapes into childish fantasy universe, discovers that sex is good. Sickeningly overacted. Sugary dialogue acts to cover lack of any kind of depth.
Rated 19 Jan 2024
A very dark film sprinkled with humor, it felt almost like glitter. I was a bit unsure during the beginning, the whole “disabled woman-child born sexy yesterday” irk me the wrong way, but as the story develop, you start to see more complexity and more critique about Bella and the world at large, not just a weird sexual fantasy. The cinematography, the set design, the costumes! Unbelievably beautiful. It´s fantastical and surreal atmosphere works really well
Rated 08 Apr 2024
Neither romance nor comedy, as the tags would suggest. The only fitting adjective would be revolting.
Rated 22 Jan 2024
I didn't connect with this emotionally, but I remained totally entertained regardless -- from the lavish production to the fantastic performances to the remarkable screenplay, which would have completely turned morality tale but instead feels like it's authentically exploring the human condition, there's more than enough to feast on here. I'll understand any and all accolades this film collects.
Rated 20 Mar 2024
Poor Things feels like a bizarre yet charming mixture of Lanthimos' signature elements, reminding me a little bit of each: The Lobster, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, and The Favourite. In a way it feels like the most accessible work by Lanthimos, whilst being the most bizarre. At its core, Poor Things is an enjoyable journey into human nature, elevated by Emma Stone's remarkable performance.
Rated 06 Mar 2024
A perfect arthouse blockbuster. Aesthetically, it is a towering achievement. Costumes, hair styling and production design are not my expertise, but even I can see their brilliance here. So much virtuosity might necessarily entail a slumbering weight on the film and pacing, but not so. If you can handle a bit of weirdness, Poor Things moves light as a feather, with a sprightly, if slightly frivolous, script and the best comedic acting of the year (shared with Gosling in Barbie).
Rated 31 Jan 2024
Opinión personal: 8.5 Actores: 9 Guión: 7.5 Fotografía: 9 BSO: 9 Otros:7.25 Iluminación: FX:7 Director:7.5 Humor: Vestuario/caracterización: Ritmo: Total: 83
Rated 18 Mar 2024
Basically, it's a quite 'R-rated' Bride of Frankenstein. Stone (who won an Oscar for this role) did an outstanding job. It's quite an experience.
Rated 07 Apr 2024
my 1991st movie. it was wonderful. full of idea and creative. like it. wanna see again.
Rated 05 Mar 2024
demorei um cadinho a entrar, mas depois fica muito divertido. podia ser um pouco menor
Rated 11 Feb 2024
love the reincarnation metaphor.
Rated 10 Mar 2024
good photography and art direction make it a pretty film to look at, but the whimsical, contrived plot requires a few too many suspensions of disbelief for me to be completely invested.
Rated 05 Mar 2024
I love so much about this film: the unreal production design and costuming, the tight scripting which is both witty and thoughtful, Emma Stone's carefully structured performance as the newly built Bella Baxter, and - especially - the film's characterization of Bella as an adventurer and humanist who refuses victimhood. Still, while I love the individual components, I merely like the film altogether, as it perhaps doesn't quite have as much to say as those separate pieces may lead one to believe.
Rated 17 Feb 2024
A wonderful tale about women's agency and autonomy in a (Victorian) context that seeks to infantilize women's desires. I loved Bella as a character with no shame, in the best way, but with ample curiosity, a zest for life, a wanting to explore and know and understand (a pretty great subversion of the Born Sexy Yesterday Trope). Was very pleasantly surprised by the nuanced approach on sex work as well. The movie was also gorgeous in costumes and sets and score.
Rated 27 Apr 2024
Stone's most virtuosically weird-charismatic star turn. Imagine Gena Rowlands from A Woman Under the Influence at her most awkward and vulnerable cast in a sex comedy retelling of Bride of Frankenstein set in a Steampunk London with Art Direction blending Wes Anderson and The Elephant Man, the whole thing seen through a series of distorted fish eye lens shots and you might get something like this movie.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
Went in thinking stuff like "come on, this can't be so bad!", but in fact it evidently is. Lanthimos lack of subtlety continues to irritate anyone who's not a fan of him -- and to delight his fans --, as we follow such a talented cast -- loved Dafoe so much -- in a quirky, sometimes funny, but often just boring (Disney!) tale of empowerment. If this is the kind of "bold" film that is destined to "save" contemporary auteur cinema, then we're doomed.
Rated 27 Feb 2024
To tell something so skeezy in such a magical way is what cinema is all about
Rated 28 Feb 2024
Rated 29 Feb 2024
The fish eye shots are a negative distraction in an otherwise incredible, messy, absurd journey. The production design is immaculate, the score tickles just right, all of humanity is on display, and the performances are pitch perfect. It's safe to say that Lanthimos is my jam, and I hope Hollywood continues to indulge his whims. I am exhausted afterwards, in a good way, from laughing at the best comedy of the year. Make sure to gather your kids around the TV for the ultimate anatomy lesson.
Rated 26 Apr 2024
It's basically a movie about a child in a woman's body fucked by older men. But then, Bella's character is a complete fabrication whose identity is build around her defyiance of social norms. So I'm not sure the sex should be seen as sexual abuse. Especially as she takes power in all her relationships. In any case, I loved the surreal scenery, the acting and the wildly imaginative story. I just fear the woman liberation side of the movie says more about guys fantasy than women aspirations ...
Rated 03 Mar 2024
A fantastically weird treatise on cynicism and idealism that uses feminism and sexual liberation as its delivery mechanism. Major Monty Python vibes visually that mesh realism and surrealism well, and the performances and writing are off-the-charts good.
Rated 03 Mar 2024
Quite understandably divides opinion. I fall closer to the masterpiece camp, but not quite there. But it's certainly good and (thought) provoking.


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