Don't Breathe

Don't Breathe

1h 28m
Rocky, a young woman wanting to start a better life for her and her sister, agrees to take part in the robbery of a house owned by a wealthy blind man with her boyfriend Money and their friend Alex. But when the blind man turns out to be a serial killer, the group must find a way to escape his home before they become his newest victims. (imdb)
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Don't Breathe

1h 28m
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Avg Percentile 48.83% from 2204 total ratings

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Rated 29 Aug 2016
A minute(s) long police response time in Detroit? I can only suspend my disbelief so much Hollywood. This ain't yo daddy's Magoo.
Rated 14 Sep 2016
Fun Fact: Fede Alvarez filmed 6 alternate endings for his sophomore effort. Another Fun Fact: He included them all.
Rated 19 Apr 2017
Normally, having your tension-filled movie revolve around a bunch of unsympathetic main characters destroys all my reasons to care, but I'll be damned if I didn't tense up a heckuvalot during this. The setup is done really well, giving us a good peek at all the relevant Chekhov's Furnishings before shit goes down. Bonus points for that dang dog. It kind of collapses in on itself plot-wise the more you think about it. The best way to experience this? Don't Overanalyse.
Rated 14 Sep 2016
I really liked this! I'm not usually a fan of the horror genre, but I thought this was a great movie. It's short, but it also has some good craftsmanship and Stephen Lang plays a pretty creepy blind man. Fede Alvarez has a talent for directing too. There are some really good and interesting shots in here, and the soundtrack helps make this all seem creepier as the minutes go by. Levy and Minnette aren't too bad either. Very intense and anxiety inducing.
Rated 14 Sep 2016
If everyone had his sense of smell you could still smoke in bars. And restaurants. And offices. And airplanes. And hospitals. And churches. And rape dungeons. Whoops!
Rated 06 Sep 2017
Let's be honest here: this is an above average horror flick with some really innovative gimmicks. It owes a bit to Panic Room and Wait Until Dark, but is elevated via its look, feel, & Stephen Lang's villain performance. It isn't classic horror that makes you psychologically wired for a few days due to the premise alone (like Psycho, Seven, or Rosemary's Baby). Yet it carries enough shocks to keep you engaged during the running time. I could've done without the slight towards atheists, however.
Rated 06 Aug 2018
This was impressive. Taught, tense, controlled and impressively shot, wisely eschewing cheap scares for an atmosphere driven by threat. The cast do a great job, in particular Lang brings a grizzled intensity to his role. It perhaps suffers slightly from featuring somewhat unsympathetic characters, and just starts edging away from credibility towards the end, but this is solid entertainment. Alvarez shows great promise.
Rated 28 Aug 2016
Don't Breathe acts as another amazing notch in horror movies in recent years, as well as another fantastic mark in the career of Fede Alvarez. A solid cast, sold strongly by Levy and Lang, is lifted onto an even higher pedestal with the immaculate visuals of Alvarez. Seriously, there is some breath-taking (no pun intended) cinematography and direction in here. Story-wise it's tight and doesn't give itself the chance to slip much. Don't Breathe is a must-see and one of my favorites of this year.
Rated 31 Jan 2017
A Uruguayan outsider tries to give his American audience what he thinks it wants, in this instance a highly sanitised portrait of the criminalising effects of urban decay on contemporary youth, and a portrait of veterans of the Iraq conflict as lying somewhere midway between battle-forged superheroes and disfigured monsters. Hungary has never looked more beautiful.
Rated 29 Aug 2016
While not too much of a horror, the movie is a great primitive, simplistic suspense that lays out the various elements early on and continues mixing them up in new exciting ways, and wraps it up pretty quickly after they're all exhausted. Everything is pretty contained, and dare I say it, claustrophobic as much in setting as in theme. I think the movie is better as an example in economy and utilizing a single setting rather than a great story though. There's not much to think about once its over
Rated 28 Jan 2018
Alvarez's follow up to the excellent "Evil Dead" reboot is a bit of a letdown by comparison. This one is a somewhat limp variation on the home invasion formula where, following a somewhat dumb reveal, the audience is coaxed to side with the intruders, rather than the blind guy whose house is being burglarized. I can't say I was particularly impressed by anything here except Stephen Lang playing a scary blind man, and bad guy pretty damn well--something not many horror movies have going for them.
Rated 28 Oct 2016
Please no more close-ups of boiling seamen or a seamen filled turkey baster in movies.
Rated 16 Jan 2018
A plan to rob a blind man blind goes exactly as well as you think it will...until the slap-happy krew decide to probe the ex-marine (who it turns out has more lives than all of Hans Gruber's henchmen put together and then multiplied by the number of shitty Die Hard movies that came after the first)'s basement. Then they have to decide whether or not they ever want their Thanksgiving turkeys basted again.
Rated 05 Sep 2016
Fairly generic and has many little script problems, such as the crudely drawn archetypal characters, tacky backdrop elements, and an ending that's a stretch to believe, but nothing fatal, and it becomes a wonderfully effective fright-flick through its exceptional cinematography and sound design. After "Green Room" and perhaps "The Witch", it is one of the year's most thrilling films, and way better than Alvarez's debut (a remake of Evil Dead).
Rated 26 Aug 2016
Don't Breathe is another very strong mainstream entry into the horror genre from 2016, and that's just wonderful. It's a tightly paced, claustrophobic, bare-knuckle movie - one with a couple of strong performances from Jane Levy and Stephen Lang. It utilizes sound and silence better than most, it delivers a couple of unexpected twists, and it's genuinely suspenseful for most of its running time - even if, when you really think about it, its in medias res opening doesn't do it any favors.
Rated 13 Jan 2017
A decent spin on a very well worn premise marred by completely unlikeable characters. The best thing about this film is the subtle attention to detail and lack of jump scares. It sets up scenes nicely and lets events play out instead of having ridiculous jumps and twists at every turn like most modern day horror. However the weakness becomes apparent in the character motivations and interactions. This tries way too hard to inject sympathy into scumbag characters in an almost apologetic way.
Rated 10 Dec 2017
I almost didn't, because I almost forgot to.
Rated 17 Oct 2016
Despite a few too many "She's okay. Oh shit no she's not!" moments near the end, this is a supremely intense movie. For a while it's difficult to know who to root for, but the movie eventually leaves us with no doubts. It's incredibly well shot, with a confident visual style that at times reminded me of that of Panic Room (to match its similar plotline, I guess). This is a solid thriller that I suspect I'll return to again in the future.
Rated 31 Aug 2016
Viewed August 30, 2016. An ugly and mean little movie, one not clever enough or well-crafted enough to earn the misanthropy that it hurls at its audience, I think. By the third act, it has used so many cliches to pull the rug out from under us that I just found myself tired and annoyed. Fede Alvarez has a knack for exploring and establishing the textures and dangers of this space, but I don't think he ever turns that into genuine suspense. Just watch Green Room instead.
Rated 04 Dec 2016
An effective if not sometimes stereotypical venture into the trapped in the house motif. Its raised by its production which is top notch. Lang is menacing and creepy, the other leads could have used a little work as none of them are particularly sympathetic.
Rated 01 Sep 2016
A silly plot surrounds this film, but it's a tense enough ride that it makes up for its faults. Watching this in a packed theatre was fun, as the gasps, yells, and laughs from the audience made the experience of the film even better.
Rated 15 Oct 2016
Fascinating how quickly Ariel Castro became the modern American boogeyman, but having girls with dreams of a better life trapped in the basements of old entitled men is certainly a useful metaphor in 2016. "Don't Breathe" is no "Room" or "10 Cloverfield Lane", and it's a little too fond of horror clichés to pad its already short running time, but it never overcomplicates things and has good enough characterisation and tension to glue me to the screen.
Rated 10 Sep 2016
For all of its faults, it does a good job making you wonder what's around the corner, which is usually hard to do in a genre so overstuffed with cheap thrills. At one point I was shaking my fist at the characters out of frustration, not knowing what stupid thing they would do next or what absurd avenue the plot would pursue as a result. It definitely keeps you guessing. Note: I'd recommend seeing this in a theater. My crowd's running commentary was hilarious, especially towards the end.
Rated 29 Aug 2016
The first two acts are nail biting suspense. The movie is also beautifully shot and well acted. Sadly, the third act falters as the script can seem to only give its various twist in one way, fake endings. It ends up cheapening every single fake-out making each twist less and less impact. It isn't a twist when you can see the road is about to curve, even if you dont know where it's curving too.
Rated 08 May 2017
**Mild spoilers** Supposed horror film is really more of a thriller - there are few scares to be had, outside of some fairly mild jump-scares, and the film never recovers from its array of repellent, self-centred 'heroes' - while some very contrived third act plotting attempts to paint Lang as a villain deluxe, my sympathies were always squarely with him, surely not the film-makers' intention! Alvarez does indulge in some nifty visual tricks, and the house itself is a great horror location.
Rated 10 Oct 2016
Sweet Jesus, this movie goes in some absolutely wild directions. Not sure if they're always good directions, but they're certainly not boring. Stephen Lang, as always, is a great bad guy.
Rated 12 Dec 2018
Love /Hate with this one It gotta lot of things done right scary / intense But it turns me off because it's simply ridiculous that a blind man would be such an accurate shot
Rated 19 Jan 2017
Very tense and suspenseful with great performances from everyone around, especially Stephen Lang. You can tell that this comes from the creators of the "Evil Dead" remake and Alvarez is certainly one of the better directors working today. However, I do have a couple issues regarding how realistic this is portrayed. Fully recommendable to any movie fan.
Rated 30 Sep 2018
Breaks with enough conventions that it really does manage to have you on the edge of your seat. Great suspense flick
Rated 03 Sep 2016
I didn't like it. Yes, at times it can heighten the tension successfully leaving you with thrill and stress but even this quality of it gets vitiated by unconvincing twists and actions of the plot. As already written here, it is really a dumb story where I give no single fuck for any character. Besides, the background stories of those guys are at least as shallow and sketchy as their stupidity. Why should Alex care for Rocky? Why should I pity Rocky? Why is Money such an ass hole? No answer...
Rated 18 Oct 2016
I guess Don't Breathe was a better title than, Don't Sneeze, Don't Whistle, Don't Fart! Same consequences for all these actions though.
Rated 15 Jun 2018
Great until the final 15 minutes which should have been cut.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
It's someone emulating Fincher with a lean script and just enough characterization to make it work. Nothing groundbreaking, just an effective thriller. The reason why I appreciated it so much is that it knows exactly what it is. The last ten or so minutes kind of falls apart, otherwise it would have been rated higher.
Rated 02 Sep 2016
For me this is a movie of tremendous premise that slips in more than one spot in its execution. The main trio are fine in most cases, though I think their characters are rather hollow with the exception of Jane Levy. There are those moments, however, where typical thriller and horror logic (or lack thereof) comes into play. Stephen Lang is a boss, though. I feel like the ending is somewhat wasted, though. It's going for something that is kind of pointless to go for. But it could be WAY worse.
Rated 29 Aug 2016
Alvarez follows up his better-than-expected Evil Dead remake with this 88 minute suspense fest. The wonderful use of sound begs to be heard in a theater, but it's silence is what grabs you.
Rated 26 Apr 2017
I feel like I've seen more home invasion movies than a normal person should reasonably have seen. So take it from me, this is an above-average one.
Rated 11 Sep 2016
It's the dark heart underneath that makes things all the more disturbing. Everybody is wrong and wronged here, tortured and torturer. Some more than others. Do we root, then, for the pretty thief who's willing to make innocent people into victims because her life is awful? Or do we empathize with a badly scarred former soldier who does atrocious things after a loved one's tragic, unjust death? Or should we simply throw out any sense of right and wrong altogether? (
Rated 07 Sep 2016
Well shot thriller. Not a fan of the whole rape subplot (the easiest way to make an audience think someone's evil, instead of character development [not that that's what I wanted from this film, in fact it's better that it breezes through everything and gets right to the thrilling, giving us only enough to sympathize]). Also, could it just end?
Rated 08 Jan 2017
2016 Trapped-In-A-Room Report: 1.) GREEN ROOM 2.) HUSH 3.) 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE 4.) DON'T BREATHE 5.) Me, right now. (Help!)
Rated 01 Sep 2016
The opposite of the Evil Dead reboot. It's an tense movie that sets up it's characters well and creates most of it's terror without violence but then it falls apart at the end.
Rated 10 Sep 2016
This is a thriller unlike any other. Once the robbery starts during the first half you are on the edge of your seat till the end with the twists and turns in the plot. The suspense is also quite shocking and hair-raising. Spoiler alert - I walked into the theatre assuming this was yet another horror movie revolving around ghosts. I was glad to be proven wrong.
Rated 08 Oct 2016
"You can never give the finger to the blind."
Rated 22 Oct 2016
Well, they certainly messed with the wrong blind guy. An impressive performance by Stephen Lang who has an intimidating presence throughout. This guy is 64?
Rated 12 Sep 2016
Reminded me of Prometheus in the sense that it traffics in horror traditions/cliches, hosts a number of idiotic, unsympathetic characters, and features one particular scene that is almost alone worth the price of admission. A great theatre experience, although I cannot imagine this holding up with repeat viewings. I agree with the comparison to Green Room, which is slightly better IMO.
Rated 17 Jan 2017
I am glad the dog got onto the credits; he was ace! DB is a well written thriller, which is of course, completely daft, but at least tries to be different and imaginative; the car scene at the end a case in point. My reaction during the first break-in was that I hope the little shits all die horribly, but the quality of the story telling is such that in the end, you end up rooting for the kids. A film that could have been over in 15 mins with a bit of thought and a well timed blow to the head
Rated 02 Jan 2017
This film left me wondering more than once who I was supposed to be cheering for...Money is a dispensable moron, serving no purpose other than to obstruct Alex from connecting with Rocky. Rocky is a snotty brat acting more like a young teenager than an adult wanting to care for her sister. just there, pining over Rocky. Meanwhile, the supposed "bad guy" is a blind war veteran that has a twisted sense of morality. I honestly just hoped they'd all die by the end.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
good movie
Rated 22 Nov 2016
Visually it looks the part, story wise it's not as decent. It's okay to pass the time, just don't expect to be thrilled, too much.
Rated 04 Oct 2016
Juvenile delinquents vs. grandpa with a gun and a supergenius dog. I spent more time rolling my eyes than being scared.
Rated 28 Aug 2016
This movie does a great job subverting expectations. It has the best use of silence I've seen in a horror movie in a while. There's one scene in particular which I haven't quite figured out how I feel about it, but otherwise, I love it! Really curious to see what Fede does next.
Rated 29 Aug 2016
Alvarez rewrites the "thriller"
Rated 07 Sep 2016
People still up in arms about logic when talking about these kind of movies, why??? Tense throughout. Had like 6 endings which really brings it down. Maybe the full circle ending would've been the best? Pretty misanthropic but in a bearable way.
Rated 25 Sep 2016
Rated 20 Oct 2016
It's a simple but entertaining thriller with some nice twists in the story. Silence is used effectively in the film and not having a definite enemy or victim is refreshing.
Rated 27 Feb 2017
I rate this stinker .45, like what wished I had during the film.
Rated 25 May 2018
Give me a break! That guy activated unlimited ammo cheat. But I like the idea it's the opposite of "Wait Until Dark".
Rated 24 Dec 2017
Finally, a thriller which is a cut above! Alvarez's tale of teen home invaders seems innocuous, but as time goes on the stakes are raised again and again and he hits you repeatedly with twists that are unforeseeable, game-changing, and plausible. The script is noticeably polished, for the genre. Okay, there are some moments when you ask "how can a blind man aim so well?" but suspend a little disbelief and go along with the ride - it's thrilling. Alvarez + editor know their way around suspense.
Rated 26 Aug 2016
Sam Raimi & Fede Alvarez duo makes a really good suspense movie, again. Liked it from start to finish.
Rated 01 Sep 2016
Great idea, filmed very creatively. Everything tied together really well, and I appreciated that certain key plot points were left unspoiled by the trailer. I would give this a higher score if Dylan Minnette didn't suck so bad.
Rated 07 Aug 2017
A relentlessly unlikable main character aside, it is a tense thriller that never lets one go until the credits roll, with twists and surprises at every turn.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
Now I'm furious. Thanks.
Rated 26 Nov 2016
after easter sunday, black christmas, halloween and friday the 13th, we finally get a thanksgiving-themed horror movie.
Rated 27 Apr 2017
This film invokes sheer dread in its first act and then spends the rest of the time validating it. Exhausting in the best way.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
Clever home invasion slasher that turns the scenario on its head very soon. The main actors act in smart ways and avert most cliché horror tropes. While still being tense and entertaining, the movie could have ended a bit faster. Really fun though.
Rated 05 Sep 2016
* This film starts in a very shitty, cliché way but once we enter the garden of the house, shit starts rolling and the rolling is good. This was a very very well directed and shot film. The cinematography both with light and the camera moves were masterful. Specially the attic scene and the decisin made there was great and surprising. Although the plot isn't too strong, the acting, and atmosphere created makes a really good watch. Very well made film overall.
Rated 05 Feb 2019
An old blind idiot fights three young idiots. Mildly effective though mostly stupid. Also too many aggressive dog scenes.
Rated 18 Aug 2018
It excels when it gives the hope that it wont have a typical ending; When Lang is expressing delusion and psychosis over the loss of his daughter.Then it returns to being just another horror film and it loses the points that could have scored it a perfect 10. Fine performances from Lang, Levy and Minette. Solid tension through out especially when you learn the truth behind Langs characters secret. I just wish it would have ended when Minette left the film. It would have been more shocking.
Rated 26 Sep 2016
In my opinion, this is one of the top ten horror films of all time. Most will think that's a bit generous, but this film is very well crafted and constantly keeps you guessing what's around the corner. I wouldn't say it's scary per se, as most movies like this don't scare me, but it is incredibly suspenseful. Despite every major character being a “bad guy”, most of them can be sympathized with, which is impressive.
Rated 03 Sep 2016
Don't Wake Daddy
Rated 18 Oct 2016
Solid with great sound but too many endings, man!
Rated 03 Nov 2016
This is a very suspenseful film with some good performances. Stephan Lang's character (The blind man) is portrayed well, as a desperate man who is psychologically damaged. The cinematography and sound design is very good, and some attempt is made to flesh out the main characters. The film relies more on psychological scares which set it apart from the usual Hollywood mix.
Rated 10 Jan 2017
Don't breathe works fine as a story with good scares and strong tension.
Rated 22 Oct 2016
Don't mess with blind people....
Rated 06 May 2017
I actually really enjoyed this film. There was definitely a lot of tension and moved very nicely along, and the interesting twists (although not entirely surprising) were enough to keep me engaged. Although I have certainly seen more intense and more violent films, this one has a lot to keep the engagement high. Recommended.
Rated 12 Sep 2016
Many horror movies place a heavy burden on their premise, and too frequently the most interesting aspects of a story are abandoned or conventionalized in favor of bland scares. Don't Breathe has a premise that carries the film (it sets up the relentless claustrophobia, the persistent threat, the simple goal-focused narrative, etc.), but Alvarez does it justice by exploring all the angles fully, never turning away from the plot gimmicks that set the movie apart.
Rated 12 Sep 2016
Despite several plot holes, Fede Alvarez takes us through a thriller filled burglary attempt. The continuous silent scenes followed by startling events keeps the viewer on his toes at almost every moment after the second act. The film starts by obviously outlining the good and bad guys. However, after revealing several key facts we face a complicated moral dilemma. The thrill develops into a frightening and even disgusting story which makes this more than just an average suspense film.
Rated 11 Oct 2016
As i expected this was the best movie of the year so far. It was one of those movies you sit in the edge of your seat filled with suspense and excitement. The story was simple but also very solid. It was more of a thriller than a horror movie but there was a few scares nevertheless. Thumbs up for Fede Alvarez and his crew and another gem in the collection for Ghost house productions.
Rated 16 Oct 2016
Same old same old.
Rated 26 Nov 2016
Put together very skillfully, and with the hands of a much more talented director than I realized. What keeps it from being perfect, to me, is the teaser in the opening shot. It hurts any hope for the first twist (and the subsequent ones) shocking the audience, but I do see how it could help to add to the senses of dread and discomfort that permeate most every scene. The wrenches it throws in the tropes of the genre are effective, and it deserves credit for pulling off something so by-the-books.
Rated 19 Sep 2016
The set-up was a little clunky, but once this thing hits cruising altitude, hold on to your butts.
Rated 14 Jan 2017
Don't Breathe is a well directed thriller with many nail-biting moments and an extra creepy Stephen Lang that will make you forgive the film for it's use of many clichés that don't always work in favour of the film. While the acting of the younger cast is solid, Lang just hits it out of the park with his performance and deserves to be recognized for it. One of the better horror films to come out in the last 5 years.
Rated 12 Mar 2017
Don't Breathe mixed with Dungeons and Dragons
Rated 14 Oct 2017
I wanted to like this more than I did. The main problem is that I sympathized with the madman more that the misbegotten youths. Yes the old guy is off his rocker but it's due to grief and loneliness, the wimp not withstanding, all the other characters are greedy bastards who could have left on multiple occasions but never do and in the end one get rewarded, WTF.
Rated 16 Oct 2016
This was an effective horror suspense flick. I was expecting a completely different twist at the end and was surprised it defied my expectations. Stephen Lang's finest acting since he inhabited the party crasher in The Hard Way with Michael J. Fox.
Rated 15 Jan 2018
3 horrible shits break into a blind vet's house to steal the money he got after his only child is killed in a hit'n'run. I was cheering for the old dude and hoped they'd all die in horrible ways, but then the film cops out and reveals things that makes the dude worse than the awful protagonists and it kinda sucks. That said, it's still a neat horror that relies on real claustrophobia and earned tension rather than jump scares. It's just a shame that I wanted everyone to die horribly.
Rated 14 Sep 2016
A solid movie that makes the leap into greatness thanks to a strong, likable lead performance by Jane Levy, and an unforgettable antagonist in Stephen Lang's blind man. The story isn't the strongest, but the short runtime means the script doesn't waste any time, either. Well worth seeing - in the theater, if you still can.
Rated 13 Jun 2017
Really gotta admire how simple yet brilliant the concept is: it creates a ton of natural suspense and manages to elicit a genuine feeling of being there (the lights out scene was especially well done). However it still has problems. The side characters are ungodly annoying, the third act descends into some really out there stuff, but overall a very good step in the horror genre.
Rated 14 Sep 2016
There's not much to say about Don't Breathe, it's your typical thriller film, while there's many holes to poke at, this movie is obviously not made to leave the viewer in awe, or to leave the cinema inspired, simply to entertain, which it did.
Rated 03 Aug 2018
Don't Breathe is an exercise in how to earn your false resolutions, jump scares, and all the stock tricks in the horror book that we've been accustomed to groan about when they're mentioned. Both low-key and bombastic in a way that should satisfy both sides of the horror fandom. Some will, as always, cross their arms while huffing and puffing about how they "weren't scared at all" to the amazement of no one. If you're watching horror just to be scared you're missing the genre's empathetic point.
Rated 02 Jan 2017
thought this might be interesting until the You. And. Me. At. The. Beach. Is. This. How. You. Do. Line. Readings. backstory (i wish you didn't, but if you want us sympathising with these burglars maybe don't make them so unfathomably, impossibly terrible at burgling) and the rape nonsense, which is the most contrived way of trying to steer an audience's sympathies i've ever fucking seen. dude is a very good horror craftsman but that never matters when there aren't any stakes or coherent subtext.
Rated 04 Jan 2017
I figured this was over-hyped, but I didn't anticipate just how much. The 3 leads are just cliché, boring, one-dimensional, unlikable characters. And no amount of them being put in danger was going to change that for me. Lang & his character were pathetically melodramatic. There was potential at first & there were some decent suspenseful scenes. But it soon reveals itself to be just another crappy torture porn movie. I don't know what else I expected from the director of Evil Dead (2013).
Rated 14 Apr 2019
Doesn't even try to create any decent characters or give them worthy dialogue, but as a high-tension home invasion thriller, it does its job. It keeps suspense high and the plot moving with unexpected twists and spine-chilling horror that keeps an admittedly recycled idea fresh.
Rated 04 Sep 2016
Rated 28 Jul 2024
This film has an interesting premise. There are some clever twists and turns in this movie, unfortunately not all of them work. Most of the characters are unlikable in this movie. Overall this horror film is disappointing.
Rated 26 Aug 2016
It's okay for the first two acts. Even most of the third act. Then it ends more times than Return of the King. Basically everything after the turkey baster is bullshit.
Rated 23 Nov 2023
Very intense throughout.
Rated 19 Mar 2017
I just wish the characters were at all likable.
Rated 23 Oct 2016
Shallow, directionless torture porn. Why should I care what happens to any of these poorly written asshole caricatures?
Rated 12 Dec 2021
Bad people break into bad person's house and do bad things. Bad things are then done back to them. Pretty standard suspense/thriller film.
Rated 30 Mar 2020


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