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Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 51m
A 16-year-old who was raised by her father to be the perfect assassin is dispatched on a mission across Europe, tracked by a ruthless intelligence agent and her operatives. (imdb)


Suspense/Thriller, Action
1h 51m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 49.02% from 3218 total ratings

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Rated 31 May 2011
As I read it: Wright's logic is, "If you're going to employ fairy-tale/cultural reference flash or indie/arthouse mannerisms, be a little psychotic about it. Drive them into the red where they start to break down, and you might discover some feeling in the pure image." I'm on the fence there, but I enjoyed his argument. I'm definitely a big fan of his handling of the post-feminist heroine. Alternative Review: one hell of a music video.
Rated 16 Aug 2012
A teen with superpowers inexplicably lets herself be chased by a villainess who wants to catch her for no real purpose (eventually a flimsy family drama unfolds and the mandatory gibberish about secret experiments, but only to further confound reason). To call this movie full of shit would be an understatement. It's an over-stylized, cliched exercise in stupidity.
Rated 27 Jun 2011
Great first part, but after that nothing happened. The bad guys are really poor, with Cate Blanchett in the lead. Personally, I wanted to see more of bad-ass Hanna, than of the "I've never been kissed" Hanna. In the end, you just don't care.... Oh yeah... I had expected way more from the Chemical Brothers, but they failed as well...
Rated 22 May 2011
Originally shot, beautiful cinematgraphy, great set peices, superb sound track, wonderful lead actress .. .this film had everything going for it ... oh, except a coherent plot! I have been told this is a "character lead" film. .... It isnt. No character or their motives are fleshed out and it leads to the final frame where you ask yourself "Yes ... but WHY ?". the UK 12A certificate is annoying because a film about "an assassin" should not hide from its subject matter behind cut-aways
Rated 19 Apr 2011
"Hanna", a stylish and visceral combination of two essentially different genres -the coming-of-age tale and the revenge thriller- is a perversely enjoyable and surprisingly touching endeavor. Directed with plenty of visual panache by talented craftsman Wright and elevated by a superb performance by Ronan, "Hanna" works not only because of the suspenseful plot and the frantic action scenes, but also because of its unexpectedly tender emotional kernel. It's top-notch entertainment with a heart.
Rated 13 Sep 2011
Hanna is a deeply flawed film. But it is still one hell of a film. There's a lot of pleasures to be found: the cool Chemical Brothers music, the surprisingly muted, carefully calibrated and coolly detached action sequences that add menace and atmosphere, the simple narrative that nevertheless engages the viewer, the vibrant locales, the terrific cinematography, the overt references to the Grimm fairy tales, and of course Saoirse Ronan, who truly speaks volumes with her eyes.
Rated 10 Jul 2011
In an almost Kubrick way of fashion Joe Wright knows how to mix and match sound with pictures like few living directors. 'Hanna' is yet another proof and depicts new and quirky sides of his immense talent flirting with Lynch-surrealism and challenging several filmmaking conventions. The story is bordering of non-existing but every piece of frame and audio demands - and deserves - your utmost attention. Plus, of course, behold the brilliance of Saoirse Ronan - the world's #1 rising star by far.
Rated 13 Jun 2011
Awesome soundtrack and some respectable action scenes don't quite outweigh the lack of any depth to the thinly plotted story and Wright can't quite pull off quirky-cool.
Rated 01 Oct 2017
You can give it points for trying something different with a fairy tale subtext and the general surreal feeling, but despite Hanna's simple plot centered on getting to a location, the film itself doesn't have much direction. There's no real drive heading in to the final confrontation, and without that everything collapses into a heap on the floor. Some worthwhile elements that do not cohere into a whole.
Rated 27 Dec 2013
This one is better than Columbiana, but not as fun as Salt, but not as pretentious as Haywire, still more action packed than Gone and the less said about Resident Evil: Retribution the better.
Rated 18 Dec 2012
Really rip-roaring triumph of style, and Saoirse Ronan is perfect. I hope that's the last southern accent I have to hear out of Blanchett
Rated 07 Jan 2012
It starts of amazing. But as soon as the villains are introduced the film becomes forgettable. They pose no threat and are simply way too weak compared to Hanna and Erik which both are great characters.
Rated 19 Oct 2011
hanna enters in a flash of glory; a trailblazing, uninhibited piece of tumultuous pop-art genius, which expands brightly and holds steady for almost a miraculous hour, then slowly deflates and gives way to its hackneyed, unavoidable roots of genre.
Rated 27 Jul 2011
Rated 11 Jul 2011
Really cool action film. Although it paints a familiar story that feels underdeveloped at times, the characters remain grounded in winsome simplicity, gathering considerable momentum as the film progresses, all of which is backed up with some fine performances. Wright's kinetic approach only enhances the experience. With this and "Atonement", alternating between and succesfully tackling different genres is made to look like child's play. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this.
Rated 30 Jun 2011
Great soundtrack, couple of laughs, solid action, stylish direction and amiable characters. I appreciate the slow(ish) pace, would like to see it be even a bit longer for some extra building up maybe.
Rated 30 Jun 2011
Despite unpolished plot it still has much to offer. Chemical Bro's good soundtrack, S.Ronan as little miss badass and some nice photography. Special mention deserves T.Hollander and his skinhead band. Their appearance made some really good laughs.
Rated 12 Jun 2011
Wright shows immense amount of talent in terms of pacing, mood, editing. What could have been truly memorable just saves it's runtime, not due to simplicity of the story, but simplistic treatment of it.
Rated 22 Apr 2011
What could've easily been a pretty ordinary action flick is actually a really exciting and off-kilter action flick. Although it's quickly paced it features some breathing room and fight scenes where you actually get to see blows exchanged. The varied and visually interesting locations, neat soundtrack, and fine performances (Ronan's character is also convincingly formidable) make it seem like there's more to the film than just what's on the surface, even if that's not really the case.
Rated 14 Aug 2018
Up until the main conflict, a masterpiece. Saoirse Ronan shines as the best child actor in a while (who grew up to be an exceptionally talented actor)
Rated 05 Sep 2016
The fight scenes are rather dull for this viewer, but the surreal approach to marrying the action genre with fairy tales is quite surprising. Watching this five years after release, parts of the soundtrack already seem quite dated. Several scenes provide further evidence that Blanchett is the most overrated actress of modern times. Would make an interesting double feature with UNIVERSAL SOLDIER: DAY OF RECKONING, although this is perhaps less thematically rich.
Rated 23 Aug 2012
Eric Bana swims across an ocean.
Rated 01 Jul 2012
What we're given by Joe Wright, whose past filmography stands at the opposite end of the spectrum, is a revenge thriller with memorable performances, a fantastic soundtrack, attractive cinematography, and some of the best damn action scenes I have ever seen, resulting in one of the best action films of the past 20 years--even with its limp script. Ronan's callous demeanor and meticulous movements make her absolutely perfect for the part. Go watch this, I guarantee you'll at least like it.
Rated 24 Mar 2012
Not a great film. It's atil quite entertaining and well done. Saorise Ronan is as good as ever and it's a fairly gritty thriller. I also liked the Chemical Brothers soundtrack. Overall it's a pretty click movie.
Rated 20 Mar 2012
A really exciting action/thriller packed with scenes of a young girl believably kicking all kinds of ass, and great music from the Chemical Brothers. There's a little bit of shaky cam in parts, but the camera work is mostly really good, including a couple of wonderfully choreographed continuous takes with the camera weaving in and out of the action. Plus, it has Cate Blanchett shooting little old grannies. Straight forward but stylish and fun.
Rated 16 Feb 2012
Everything Eric Bana touches seems to end up horrible, which is fitting his talent level. What good Hanna possess is ultimately wrenched out by too much involvement and meddling by either the scriptwriters, editor or director. Even the well shot action sequences come off as choreographed and stilted.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
I'm surprised Luc Besson wasn't involved with this film in any way, because story and style of Hanna is very reminiscent of later period Besson. It is an attempt at 'cool' action movie, but I feel Wright wasn't the one to direct it. Tone of the film is hardly likable and it's never clear what was the purpose of it all. Bana should be banned from appearing on screen. Score by Chemical Brothers is something everyone mentions when talking about Hanna but I found it average at best.
Rated 03 Jan 2012
The beginning was really exciting and then it fell terribly short. What happened?! This could have been one hellava movie, but it ran out of steam, and definitely ran into a brick wall with the storyline--at least for the 2nd part of the movie. I was looking forward to seeing this int the movie theaters but life happened and I couldn't get it in. I'm so glad I didn't. I would have been even more disappointed than when I watched it from Netflix. I really did enjoy the first half.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
Teenage girl is trained by her ex-CIA father to become a perfect killing machine, and then she's let loose to fend for herself in a world she's never had to live in... slightly predictable but incredibly well-acted (watch out for Saorsie Ronan), looks really good, and doesn't shy away from bad things happening to good people. Best new action flick I've seen all year.
Rated 08 Nov 2011
Very good I liked it much more then I thought from seeing the previews but still the 1st hour was kick ass.
Rated 03 Nov 2011
Quite a bit of fun, this one. The soundtrack by The Chemical Brothers, the minimalist set design and costuming, and the fact that the action star is an expressive teenage girl played by Saoirse Ronan give a lot of the scenes (especially the foot chases) the feel of a music video. The reason I wouldn't rate this movie higher, though, is the story - while I enjoy its simplicity the big twist is too easy to guess and too common in films over the past few decades.
Rated 25 Oct 2011
The plot made zero sense. That absolutely buried what might have been a decent film.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
The fact that the protagonist was a young girl probably made this movie feel slightly more interesting. It's a cool premise to begin with, but adding the female element (including the fact that the main antagonist is also female) makes it feel like an even more genuine experience. Highly enjoyable action film that deserves to be seen.
Rated 10 Oct 2011
"I just missed your heart." Indeed, dear Hanna. Though the action is thrilling, it's difficult to find yourself cheering for the protagonist, aside from the fact that she's a young girl who's never had the opportunity to experience anything of the outside world. The villains, especially Cate Blanchett's campy, OTT govt. agent with an accent that oozes like molasses, are like D-grade Bond rip-offs. The fairytale parallels start out charming then are beaten over the viewer's head.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
It has a good soundtrack and flashes of style, the rest is terrible. Sporadically entertaining at its best, a chore at its worst.
Rated 01 Sep 2011
"Hanna" has a massively enjoyable mish-mash of styles, and I loved the soundtrack. I suppose if you're being critical, the plot is very simple, but the action and strength of the direction is more than strong enough to paper over the cracks. It's just an awful lot of fun and I'm a sucker for a revenge flick. I also enjoyed Bana's excellent Schwarzenegger voice impression that he seemed to be attempting and it's true... we do like a kettle in our hotel room.
Rated 23 Aug 2011
Easily the worst in the franchise. The weak plot is full of holes and they never attempt to explain why Bourne is disguised as a little girl.
Rated 14 Aug 2011
Good Movie
Rated 12 Aug 2011
The first act was the best, but after that the movie became to predictable and not so interesting anymore (for me). In general not a bad movie.
Rated 07 Aug 2011
Hanna never feels like an original film by any means. Every concept has been seen before. However it still manages to really entertain due to the skillful cinematography and fast-paced action. Additionally Cate Blanchett and Eric Bana really make two of the lead roles in the film shine where lesser actors would have made them simply filler. This is the first time I've seen Saoirse Ronan but I'll certainly keep an out for her after this because she's very good.
Rated 18 Jul 2011
I absolutely adored this. The almost surreal - but somehow completely palatable - blend of various styles, aesthetics and genres from scene to scene is mesmerizing and beautiful, accompanied by what must surely be the best movie soundtrack of the year. Down to earth and all over the place all at once. I can't remember last I had this much of a pure good time at the cinema.
Rated 16 Jun 2011
Great soundtrack.
Rated 09 Jun 2011
There's something oddly captivating about the film's mixture of off the wall moments and imagery with an otherwise bland and underdeveloped plot. I liked it, but I'm still not really sure how much.
Rated 06 Jun 2011
Great soundtrack, and very very stylish. It's nice to see an action movie (though it's kind of light on action) shot in a pretty original way. It handles the innocence and assassin aspects well. I don't know why they thought the ending was a good idea (I mean the very last like, 5 minutes or something). The action scenes are well shot, though. I wouldn't say the plot itself is anything real special, and due to everything I've talked about... this movie is quite a bit different than I expected.
Rated 11 May 2011
Hanna starts strong, but the overall film can't overcome the weaknesses of the director's desire to shoehorn the story into the odd fairytale motif. Worse yet, the film is discomfortingly tonally inconsistent with characters making decisions that run counter to everything established, turning the film needlessly somber and pretentiously taking itself too serious. Joe Wright can direct action, but seems to have no idea where to go with it.
Rated 24 Apr 2011
This is an action movie through and through, make no mistake. There is, however, just enough charm and storytelling under the skin to keep it compelling to everyone else. Ronan's acting as the ubiquitous Hanna is spot on, capturing all of the wonder and innocence of a teenage girl; that is, until it's time for the gloves to come off and the killer inside her erupts in a glorious dance of blisteringly precise choreography and finesse. Hanna is a killer, and so is this film. 4/5.
Rated 16 Apr 2011
A mostly cool, exciting piece of work that fails to stick the landing. I thought the first and second acts were awesome, possibly even hinting at greatness (I would rate them like 80), but the third act loses its way and ends up a little anticlimactic (I'd give it a 60). I'd still check it out though if you're into assassins and shit. Saoirse Ronan nails it. Awesome music all the way through, too.
Rated 11 Apr 2011
Nell meets Jason Bourne...and then kicks some ass. Hanna may not be the ultra-violent action orgy that many were expecting, but its still very cool. The soundtrack is one of the most perfect "fits" in recent memory and Blanchett is wonderful (of course). Hit Girl may win if it came to a show down, but I'd pick Hanna to be on my team any day.
Rated 18 Jul 2024
Terrific pacing. I can accept a lot of silly stuff in a movie if it’s paced like this. Ronan is great too; the look of awe she gets from her new “friend” Is something special
Rated 14 Aug 2023
An intriguing twist on the decade of visceral, morally muddled spy thrillers that preceded it. Saoirse Ronan adds layers to a character that make her deeper than "strong female protagonist in a way that dudes will accept." I wish Joe Wright would take more risks like this.
Rated 29 Jul 2023
Lamest ending ever.
Rated 08 May 2022
A typically grounded performance from Ronan is the major asset of this intriguing, but ultimately muddled and confused tale. Spends far too much time establishing peripheral characters and scenarios before dropping its reveal in the third act; it means the plot never really kicks into gear, and leaves the motivations of the Bana and Blanchett characters incomprehensible. Well-shot, with Wright proving an unexpectedly graceful action film-maker with fluid action sequences the definite highlights.
Rated 04 Jan 2021
16-year-old Hanna(Saoirse Ronan) is unique teenager.She has the strength brains & stamina of soldier. She got it from her father (Eric Bana), former CIA agent who raised & trained her in Finland to be perfect hit man When she is sent by her father on mission throughout Europe sharp change takes place in her young lifeAs she is chased by agents of ruthless spy(Cate Blanchett) & nears her ultimate targetHanna is confronted with series of revelations that make her question her existence & humanity.
Rated 23 May 2019
senaryonun temaları işleyişinden mekanlara ve tüm yardımcı karakterlere kadar "abartılı eğlence" vaadediyor resmen film ve bunu birkaç sekansta da gerçekten sağlıyor. ama genelinde kuru kalan sinematografi ve işleyişle sanki joe wright'ın ruhsuzca reklam filmi çekercesine bir idmana dönüşüyor. materyal bu ciddiyeti en azından böyle tonal kırılmalar varken kaldırmıyor ve filmin ilgi çekici gelen her yönü yeterince işlenmemiş, özensiz gözüküyor.
Rated 08 Apr 2019
Why was this film ever made in the first place?
Rated 27 Mar 2019
Very good thriller with lots of exciting action scenes. Well over ten years since seeing this and still pretty fresh in the old memory banks, probably should even up my rating. This really kicked Ronan's career into gear, and Blanchett was solid as usual.
Rated 31 May 2018
Rated 25 Jan 2018
goddamn, another film ruined by having a supposedly unfeeling being learning what it "means" to be human. robots, aliens, and now assassins. although for someone raised from near-birth to be a merciless killer, this hanna person is remarkable well-adjusted. any themes of biotechnology and fantasy are buried underneath layers of meaningless hogwash.
Rated 09 Jan 2018
More reviews here :
Rated 16 Oct 2016
The first half is rather slow and mildly captivating but definitely succeeds in exciting the viewer's interest. The second half is arguably superior, mostly thanks to the pumping action sequences. Saoirse Ronan makes for a very good lead and practically carries the film on her shoulders. The ending, part-lazy and part-pretentious, was a disappointment, but overall "Hanna" is a worthwhile film, its questionably successful attempts to juggle different moods balanced by the notable thrills.
Rated 31 Aug 2016
After writing this I read other reviews, and I see the word phenomenal appear over and over again. I can't help but use the same word to describe this film. The soundtrack is intense and exciting. The acting is captivating. The cinematography is outstanding. One of my favorite parts of a film is the story line. I can understand the criticism against the story of Hanna, but I am not convinced that that a stronger story line would make this film better because the freeness of the story is what al
Rated 27 Apr 2016
(possible spoilers)This movie was pretty much in line with what I was expecting, but it had fun with the concept. I think they could have done away with Eric Bana as his presence detracts from the movie, aside from him though, I thought Hanna was a believable character, her interactions with the people in the movie are what makes it fun. the supporting cast is great. Cate Blanchet shows how strong an actress she is again. It wrapped up nicely, I feel like a sequel would be welcome.
Rated 31 Mar 2016
Many good components - I see that. But not convinced. * Okay
Rated 14 Sep 2015
Great soundtrack, good film
Rated 06 Aug 2015
Revisited (2)
Rated 02 Aug 2015
Bad script. Couldn't get into this film, except for the more calm, at times even emotional, 'coming-of-age' parts when Hanna interacts with another family. Those were the only parts I enjoyed, the action just seemed so senseless and overly violent. The soundtrack is something different, but I didn't really like it. Wasn't really convinced by the acting either except for this family Hanna meets and Saoirse Ronan. Wish the plot was better, the characters more fleshed out. Had more potential.
Rated 12 Jun 2015
'Hanna' is skillfully directed and shot, and its familiar story elevated by the strong performances, stellar score from the Chemical Brothers, and visual symbolism that coats this action-thriller as a dark fairy tale.
Rated 02 May 2015
This film rather surprised me, actually. I was expecting an action film in the vein of "Taken, but with a 16 y/o girl" and while, yes, there was a lot of action and fighting and murder - there was a very different aesthetic. There is an emphasis on visual style that puts me in mind of the C4 series Utopia. It's like JJ Abrams & Tarantino made a Del Toro film. The non-linear elements of the narrative were also a nice change from being spoonfed a plot - even if the plot wasn't hugely complicated
Rated 15 Nov 2014
Fun but disjointed action-adventure coming-of-age fairy-tale espionage comedy. Exciting and well crafted scenes but doesn't quite come together in a rewarding way. The weird tonal shifts are intriguing and cute but also contribute to the whimsical and shallow vibe. Not necessarily a bad thing but I get the feeling this could've easily been more impactful and powerful dramatically. Saoirse Ronan is a very enjoyable presence in this kind of movie and the acting in general is pretty decent.
Rated 08 Nov 2014
Didn't always like the visual style, but there is something mesmerizing about watching a young girl kicking ass in rhythm with a cool chemical brother soundtrack
Rated 23 Oct 2014
I loved the soundtrack and the performances are all solid, but it still is just average in the end.
Rated 19 Oct 2014
Rated 04 Sep 2014
Starts off sprinting but then ends up with its hands on its thighs hyperventilating and staggering along for the next hour and twenty minutes.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Wright shows range that, seeing the masterful Atonement, a perceptive viewer would know immediately that he innately had, and it's fascinating to see the same young actress he guided to an Oscar nomination exchange blows in the gritty brawl more persuasively than certainly any bodybuilder action hero in the past ten years. It's not what Hanna's about, it's how it's about it. And where it may not reinvent the wheel, it finishes the wood so that those old patterns don't seem as familiar this time.
Rated 23 Feb 2014
every single line of dialogue in this is so fucked up
Rated 09 Feb 2014
Way to much fun and visually entertaining too have a somewhat cliché filled plot ruin anything. Ronan can do no wrong in my book, whether shes just running and kicking ass, or on a poignant journey of selfdiscovery among fairytale references and the oddities of the "real" world...
Rated 08 Jan 2014
high on gimmicks, low on subtext
Rated 09 Dec 2013
Action mashup; a glitchy-pop Lola Rennt, Bourne back-story searching, some shots and German concrete from Aeon Flux. Plot hole may have been left for sequels. Ronan shows off her super-skills -especially those accents, occasional thrills but the downbeats really drag.
Rated 17 Nov 2013
A little too convoluted but worth checking out.
Rated 17 Oct 2013
If there's one thing I can say about Joe Wright, it's that the man has figured out the perfect formula to entertain me. On a lot of levels, Hanna shouldn't work as a film, but as soon as the stripped down introductory sequences are jarringly corkscrewed away, the film takes on a unique fish-out-of-water quality, and Wright's vision twists the film into something mystical - not quite real, not quite false. It works. Extra points to Blanchett for being positively evil.
Rated 19 Sep 2013
eng; [hanna]; ein mädchen wird von ihrem vater in der verlassenen schneewüste zum perfekten killer ausgebildet, als sie flügge wird soll sie die 'familiengeschichte' aufarbeiten.; (erste stunde sehr spannend, danach absehbar);
Rated 07 Jul 2013
A superb action film that follows a girl who's great at kicking ass. Eric Bana is her trainer and Cate Blanchett is the woman who's after Hanna. The story is very simple, but also very compelling. What really works in this film are action sequences, perfectly directed by Joe Wright.
Rated 06 Jun 2013
yet another film that manages to fall into pieces during the last 15 minutes...
Rated 03 Jun 2013
You know why people like this movie as much as they do? Because it is a little girl. Replace it with a dude, its another bland action movie.
Rated 27 Mar 2013
Enjoyable even though " you could drive a bus through the holes of the plot." Chemical Brothers adds a lot to the picture.
Rated 12 Jan 2013
Did not live up to the trailers. Solid, with the always entertaining Saoirse Ronan, but the general premise of a little girl being a badass killer has been overplayed recently, and the script just wasn't original enough to make this great. Still, a solid film.
Rated 29 Dec 2012
it's a coming of age story where coming of age effectively means questioning every damn thing you've ever been taught and cobbling something together from the mess that remains...
Rated 27 Dec 2012
Throughout the film, I couldn't stop thinking Wes Anderson had something to do with it. Not sure why but it stuck in my head. Although my ratings for him aren't that high, he has a way with films. Different and it needed to be. Saoirse did a good job in this, kicking ass all the way through.
Rated 07 Sep 2012
Awful. Try harder to be "hip and stylized". Tom Hollander saves the show from being literally worthless.
Rated 03 Sep 2012
Novel. Entertaining.
Rated 05 Aug 2012
The opening scene with its beautiful cinematography, shot in the forests of Finland, is in contrast to the Hollywood action film paradigm. It's not just story that's sacrificed for special effects, it's also a sense of style. There's a balance here; story, style, and action are synchronized. I also really love the whole concept of a teenage girl who has been vigorously training in the forest all her life wreaking havoc on the modern world in vengeance of wrongs perpetrated in a murky past.
Rated 26 Jul 2012
cute and great entertainment
Rated 30 Jun 2012
Action fairy-tale. This is a concept I like, but it just didn't work for me--both as an action film and a fairy-tale. I liked the concept, though.
Rated 23 Jun 2012
3 of 4 -- Entertainment. 0 of 2 -- Food For Thought. 0 of 2 -- Opens The Heart. 0 of 2 -- Sustainability Values.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
WARNING: False advertising. This is not an action or a thriller, and it has nothing to do with assassins. There is hardly any action in the whole thing; mostly people standing around talking or whining. It is a run-of-the-mill pretentious pseudo-artistic European drama. The music is very bad and doesn't work with the film. There is never any sense of intensity in the film. And the writing and storytelling are abysmal as there is no proper beginning and no proper end. Overall, very poor.
Rated 08 Jun 2012
An OK watch but didn't really inspire or thrill me.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
Rated 05 Jun 2012
Tried to be something more pretentious, but felt a little disconnected. Some definite strong points though, compared to the overuse of camera motion and 'energetic' soundtrack.
Rated 29 May 2012
The tracksuit wearing neo-nazis, the heavy-handed fairy tale allusions and the hard pumping techno music, doesn't strengthen the paper thin story. The constant playful tone, however, does make the film a lot of fun.
Rated 28 May 2012
Without the Chemical Brothers, this movie would be much less watchable...


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