Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

1h 50m
MMA fighter Cole Young seeks out Earth's greatest champions in order to stand against the enemies of Outworld in a high stakes battle for the universe.
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Mortal Kombat

1h 50m
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Avg Percentile 24.98% from 1061 total ratings

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Rated 25 Apr 2021
You know you're in trouble when Kano is the most interesting character. It actually has fight choreography and arguably ok CGI but it lacks a true plot (the whole ordeal is clearly a first act for a larger franchise) and the kills are nothing. The Fatalities in an MK film should be enough to make von Trier blush but there's only one that even tries to get close and it comes far too late into the film to wake you up from the boredom that is Kano being the best character.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
Test your might over not fast forwarding this boring sequel baiting slog. Give anyone a Mortal Kombat project and they will go absolutely insane trying to come up with why we should care about people with magic powers hitting each other really hard while some guy sucks souls - you dont need one for this, trust me.
Rated 22 Oct 2021
"We need a relatable everyman character!" says a movie exec who is so high on porcupine tranquilizers that they forget who the target audience for this is. Just give us 90 minutes of bloody and colourful nonsense without overexplaining or grounding it, ya bums! Ya cowards! (OK, ok, this wasn't all bad, but just too concerned with its bland story and franchise building)
Rated 24 Sep 2021
Why not? I enjoyed it immediately and my basement level expectations were surpassed almost all the way to the first floor. The fight scenes occur with all the pomp and circumstance of sex scenes in Andy Sidaris movies, ooh, here's another one.
Rated 26 Apr 2021
Any film that makes you nostalgic for Christopher Lambert is obviously doing something very wrong.
Rated 11 Dec 2021
This is the first movie I've seen where I hated and loved every moment at the same time.
Rated 28 Apr 2021
Who in the fuck is Cole Young?
Rated 03 May 2021
It's a reasonably enjoyable time killer. I never got invested in the games past the actual fighting, so I wasn't expecting a terribly strong narrative and I didn't really get one. I do think it's mostly well acted and cast and I think the blood and fighting felt like games. The tone and feel of everything is right, and it's well paced and interesting enough, but I just wasn't all that impressed from a narrative perspective. Loved everything with Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Kano wins!
Rated 28 Apr 2021
Hey remember when the video game Mortal Kombat first came out and we all hated how there was no story and the dialogue was stupid? Oh, right no, no one was complaining about that. So it's befuddling that so many people are aghast that the Mortal Kombat reboot is so weak on story and characterization. Story in the Mortal Kombat universe is just not worth the risk. Last time we got a serious attempt at story we got the harlequin blobfish that is Mortal Kombat Annihilation...
Rated 24 Apr 2021
For someone who has no ties to the game franchise, I feel like I like this more than most will. The movie does have a slower and more gradual build which is odd for what you're expecting, and it does feel the last 35-40 minutes are kinda thrown together to give us all what we waited for. I wasn't disappointed in that part. A lot of the typical popcorn action flick lives up to its entertainment value. Everything else? Well, let's hope we can get a sequel to improve on those things.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
At the end of this movie the credits roll to a song that vaguely references the song used in the 1995 version before digressing into ca. 2013 dubstep. This is more or less a summary of the movie itself.
Rated 27 Apr 2021
A few entertaining fight scenes, plenty of unnecessary gore & an amount of cheese you'd expect from a 90's video game. Mortal Kombat isn't a good film, peaking with Sanada's opening scene. What remains is a poor script paired with bland characters played by mediocre look-a-like actors. The plot plays out expectedly, while generic "epic" music blares in the background. The film can be alright if you're in the right mood, reminiscent of an X-Men entry but with less personality and fewer themes.
Rated 22 May 2021
It's weird how amazing production values gets combined with a B-movie script, with mostly good actors/martial artists and only so-so directing+unfinished editing. Sometimes great choreography, camera work & action, then back to typically poor Western cinema style fight scenes with too many close-ups and too many cuts (but at least no shaky cam). Josh Lawson is perfectly cast as Kano and very enjoyable, but I do miss Christopher Lambert. This silly movie takes itself too seriously. Liked it tho.
Rated 15 Feb 2022
Better than the first two, but it's a low bar to begin with, so that's not saying much. The Sub Zero and Scorpion fights were the highlight, as well as Kano's smartassery
Rated 21 Apr 2021
Rated 13 May 2021
A lack of imagination shouldn't be the thing to sink a MORTAL KOMBAT movie, but here we have a generic protagonist, a dull plot, and a disconnect from what makes the MK games fun to play. (Hint: it's not dedicating Fatalities to your fallen comrades.) Despite the ultraviolence, there was nothing truly adult or mature about MK in the first place, and a po-faced, franchise-baiting version of it is, unsurprisingly, not very memorable or engaging. Bring back the CAMP.
Rated 08 May 2021
A movie that is built around and builds toward a great tournament that then just... ends without the tournament happening. Okie dokie
Rated 09 May 2021
Mostly lame, but it could've been so much worse, even with such an uninspired cast -- a couple of good bloody fights and that's all; expository shit about mythology is just a pain in the ass and ultimately goes nowhere; the fact plot doesn't actually have a tournament is bizarre.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
Comedy Central's Roast of Kano™
Rated 28 Apr 2021
I'm sure, like the rest of those growing up in the 90s, my nostalgia for the 1995 version clouds my judgement of this film. To be clear, THAT film is no masterpiece. This version, however, is worse. There are some cool gore gags, but the story is nonsensical, the editing is atrocious, the CGI is aged already, and the dialogue just serves to get a character to say a tagline.
Rated 29 Apr 2021
It's impossible to make a non-animated MK movie that tries to be serious, though this was the best attempt so far. Still, every time a new one comes out, the teenager in me gets giddy reminiscing about the past and mashing buttons hoping to discover secret moves or fatalities. Also, major plot hole, but ninjas were assassins, a cloud of smoke announcing your arrival kinda defeats the purpose of stealth. Also, poisoning Cole or cutting his brakes would have been more effective.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
Decent fights and a couple of gags. Lots of annoying lines though, and too much plot. Clearly, the plot is dogshite. So focus on fights, more fights, more spine removals. Would watch a sequel of course.
Rated 03 May 2021
Ticks the checklist of all modern big movie problems. i.Unfinished feeling because it HAS to be a franchise. ii. R rating so practically every character must curse in every line which feels phony. iii. Warner Bros. Genre movie MUST BE DARRRRK Still on the plus side, Kano is pretty good fun and while I didn't really enjoy the fights that much, the last one with Scorpion v Sub Zero is a blast. I just don't understand why you would make a super serious version of one of the all time camp classics.
Rated 09 May 2021
Pretty entertaining. Hilarious seeing people complain about shallow characterization, you realize this is Mortal Kombat right? Go read a book.
Rated 20 May 2021
Continues the newest most disappointing Hollywood trend of creating a movie that nobody wanted in order to tease the sequel that everyone is clamoring for. The cast is inferior to the original, and not only can no one act, but they're not even camping it up enough. The script is boring. The occasionally good fight and special effects do not make up for the slog between them. This is not a fun movie. It is a chore.
Rated 04 Jun 2021
Loses all of the cheese of the original movie but makes up with better effects, fights and more gore. Slightly loses focus in the middle but overall an entertaining ride. Also, as much dumb as fun.
Rated 06 Jun 2021
There are moments that excel, such as a huge CGI dragon kill and anytime Scorpion is fighting. Sub Zero is cool (Waka Waka) and the effects for his powers are great. Story is less fine. Motives are unclear, the film bogs itself down for the newbies to train and find their magic powers, and there's no thrill, no excitement, no triumph. Then they fight and while the film is tremendously gory in the best way
Rated 18 Jun 2022
I understand the games have no plot, but Disney took an amusement park ride and made a coherent plot. They could do a lot better. Unlike the original film adaption this at least had enough action and gore to keep me interested. I’d totally watch a sequel, so Flawless Victory!
Rated 23 Apr 2021
The fight scenes are cool and the movie is just that. The script is bad, the dialogues are so boring, the plot is uninteresting. I don't know if the sequel will come, but if it does, I hope they won't screw up the script once again.
Rated 23 Apr 2021
It lays the foundations seamlessly for a franchise even if any aside from the action is mostly forgettable. It doesn't offer much in the way of a plot other than coming together to learn about what Mortal Kombat is but the R Rated action keeps it moving at a brutal pace. If you haven't played the game in years this movie offers enough basic reminders of the structure and how this all works. It would have been nice to see more care taken on the origins but it went all in from start to finish.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
The gap between the floor and ceiling of my expectations is as wide here as ever. It could have been great, it could have been shit, and while I think I hoped for more from a 2021 MK movie, there's stuff I really liked, like the attention paid to the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu. They also did some characters absolutely dirty - although they hold the "Get Out of Jail Free" card of "oh they can come back tho". Fun to watch, worth the big screen, though I could have done without the self-insert fanfic.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
I'm not real sure why they decided they were going to start the Mortal Kombat cinematic universe instead of just a cool one off. I can't imagine this actually gets a sequel so it felt like they just wasted an opportunity. They invented a new cookie cutter character to be the protagonist when the games are full of unique personalities. It felt rushed and yet didn't go anywhere. This could have been fun but at least the fatalities and Kano were cool.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
There aren't really many characters here beyond "hey, look it's that person you know," and it's a dumb movie that could actually benefit from a longer runtime, to explore characters, providing it had better writing. But hey, I'm a simple man... I see a Scorpion/Sub-Zero showdown, I'm in. It's probably worth the price of admission at least for that moment. Aside from that, the action is inconsistent but generally good, sometimes great. Cheesy but I was into it the entire time so I don't care.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
Emo gay jacked Liu Kang was tops, completely bad but I'd honestly watch part 2 before another Avengers film
Rated 25 Apr 2021
I'm just happy they included my favorite Mortal Kombat character: C-Cole...uhhh, Young?
Rated 27 Apr 2021
Miles better than I expected. Certainly a mark above every other attempt at a MK movie. It isn't without it's flaws though. It feels incredibly rushed, the fight scenes aren't long enough, and the plot is... really all over the place. It feels like they were trying to get this out as soon as possible as a 'proof-of-concept' so WB would put more money into the sequels. Here's to hoping they are MUCH better. ...Despite most of the best characters already being gone.
Rated 28 Apr 2021
This movie is so dumb, but so fun to watch.
Rated 01 May 2021
This was never going to receive great acclaim from anybody, I guess, but it's much better than the 1995 version and probably among the best game adaptations so far. Which is, to put it mildly, not saying a whole lot.
Rated 06 May 2021
How much better would this garbage be if its creative minds had the notion to treat it appropriately? Every scene that doesn't feature Kano suffers the fatal(ity) flaw of self-seriousness, wherein a bunch of doofuses take outland(world)ish exposition at face value with little convincing, because everything is spread so thin and there just isn't time. The text and performances are bad, and the action choreography is fan-serviceable (good leg sweep gag). It did compel me to reinstall MK11, though.
Rated 15 May 2021
Nothing to see here but the fatalities were kinda cool I guess
Rated 08 Jul 2021
Definitely not great, but nonetheless, this movie was pretty fun. It was nice to see the big names like Scorpion, Sub Zero, Sonya and Liu Kang done justice, and the action is always fun and pretty faithful to the games. Still, as almost everyone has said by now, the movie is 90% fan service moments thrown together to make a movie. This isn't terrible, it just means it couldn't achieve a big win, though I'd hardly call it a "Fatality". Johnny Cage has one tough act to follow after Kano!
Rated 29 May 2022
C'est regardable parce que l'esprit des jeux est bien présent : combats agressifs, personnages peu développés, juste ce qu'il faut (soyez pas exigeants, les jeux ne le sont pas), mais les limites budgétaires sont très visibles, certains combats sont ennuyeux et les acteurs sont mauvais (l'actrice qui joue Mileena, une mauvaise blague). Et putain, où est Johnny Cage ?
Rated 10 Dec 2021
So bad it's kind a good.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
A deeply flawed film with really fun fight scenes. It tries to pack in far too many characters for the runtime (1h39min minus credits), is paced too quickly with choppy editing, and the dialogue is mediocre, especially when it forces game elements like “Flawless Victory”. The opening and closing fight scenes are excellent though, and with better screenwriters they could probably make a great sequel from this. Otherwise, it’s mostly just for fans.
Rated 15 Jul 2023
The Mortal Kombat (2021) movie brings the beloved video game franchise to life with its intense action, impressive visuals, and faithful representation of iconic characters and moves. While the film excels in its thrilling fights and visual effects, it falls short in terms of character development and storytelling, resulting in a somewhat uneven experience. Nonetheless, it remains an enjoyable and nostalgic watch for fans of the game.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
Only one word can adequately describe this movie. LAME!
Rated 16 May 2021
It isn't a good movie by any means, but is it an upgrade over previous installments? Hell yeah. Am I gonna watch the sequel? Of course.
Rated 23 Apr 2021
Overall it was a good movie....
Rated 23 Apr 2021
Being someone that never really played any of the original games, I can tell you without a doubt that there were certain things I was lost with while watching this film. It clearly expects its viewers to know who certain characters are, and what certain story points are all about, but even if you DO watch it blindly, it's still a lot of fun, and some of the best action I've seen in a while
Rated 23 Apr 2021
Holy Johnny, what was this? So the build-up is quite interesting, but it just goes on and on, like about 60% of the movie is a prologue... then they ran out of time and they wrapped it up before the story could begin. Basic drama: A good story has a beginning, a middle and an end. This one has a beginning, it kind of has a middle, but it has no end whatsoever. Terrible movie. The fights were kind of okay... probably worth to see them on Youtube, but don't bother to watch the whole thing.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
Hareketlerde ve hikayede oyuna bağlı kalınması özellikle her karakterin ayrı ayrı "Fatality" sahneleri çok başarılıydı. Konu bir iki ufak ayrıntı hariç ilk Mortal Kombat oyunundan süregelen hikaye şeklinde yansıtılmış eğer çekilirse devamında diğer karakterlerle beraber iyice oturacaktır. Oyuncuları hem performans hem de karaktere uygunluk olarak çok beğendiğimi özellikle belirtmeliyim. Tempo yüksek, konu akıcı ve sürükleyici, dövüş sahneleri ve efektler so
Rated 24 Apr 2021
They actually made a mortal kombat movie where the whole point of the movie is to prevent a mortal kombat from happening, this is beyond parody. The main character was bland, badly written, played by a charisma vacuum, and got the worst powers. Remove him from the movie, focus it on literally any other character instead, and it might actually have been decent. Legit offended that there wasn't the MORTAL KOMBAT shout at any point throughout the movie other than a weak one in the end credits.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
Yuck. Sorry, Joe Taslim, you deserve better.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
Did not finish..........Come on guys, used to love this game.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
Pretty Amateur in nearly every way. Everything is awful and cheap looking. The direction is pretty bad from first time movie director Simon McQuoid. The only good thing is the weird pacing makes it so we get a fight every 5 minutes, which is why I'm there. And the fights are decent. Also Josh Lawson is really funny at Kano, and the only thing that kept me from wishing I was dying from the fatalities.
Rated 26 Apr 2021
Exceeded my expectations. The fights are fun and gory in a way that matched the original game. It's about as good as it can be considering the source material. Some characters are particularly annoying though, namely: Kano, Sonya Blade and Kabal.
Rated 26 Apr 2021
*GOOD* - Action scenes were just flat-out fun. - Kano, obviously, but I also loved everything with Kabal in it. *BAD* - Felt like it bounced between embracing the games and being ashamed of them. - Bland-ass protagonist. - They didn't set up the return of a certain character enough.
Rated 26 Apr 2021
It's fine. Nothing special, but could have been a lot worse. Not as cheesy as the 95 version but MK21 suffers from being clearly the first act of a bigger story leaving expected characters and situations for later movies. It still works overall as a fan pleasing effort with the action and visceral fatalites mostly packing the punches necessary to this franchise.
Rated 28 Apr 2021
It's like a independent Mortal Kombat storytelling. Fights are not bad, especially Scorpion. Average 2021 action movie.
Rated 28 Apr 2021
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Rated 28 Apr 2021
I see that lots of people criticize the movie in a bad way. I didn't even know this movie existed. Furthermore, I watched out of spite. Story of scorpion feels like side story but that is the only thing lock me down with this movie. Anyway it is not that bad. If you dont expect lots of stuff, it is quite fun movie
Rated 28 Apr 2021
the action scenes were fun, especially the consecutive ones towards the end, but this movie was too much of a movie - all of the music is complete generic, at no point do any of the characters speak or behave in a way other than exactly how you predict them to, the actors looked bored, and kano is way more obnoxious than he is funny.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
This movie is very if you don't take It too seriously. Definitely a step up from the prior installments, and I found myself enjoying the violent fight scenes and cringe-worthy lines. If you enjoy the games and some stupid fun violence, this is right up your alley.
Rated 01 May 2021
Rated 04 May 2021
It is what it is.
Rated 04 May 2021
Rated 07 May 2021
If you have a friend who loves this film, end your friendship as soon as possible with that person. Marvel, Mortal Kombat etc. These fucking things ain't cinema. Shame on you. Script 0, casting 0, music 0 BUT BUT the graphics and fight scenes are beautiful!!!!!! How old are you? 15 years old? Or 8? Twitter teens should leave the movie industry.
Rated 12 May 2021
The trailers were cooler.
Rated 14 May 2021
Sub-Zero.... erm... I mean, subpar.
Rated 15 May 2021
All the cheesiness of the first version, none of the camp. Still has a few great fight scenes though.
Rated 15 May 2021
I enjoyed this movie way more than I should've. Seeing it in IMAX was a big plus and I would recommend anyone to see it in that format. The opening scene was gorgeous and I feel like its scratching the surface of what this franchise can be
Rated 19 May 2021
worth a watch
Rated 20 May 2021
Rated 21 May 2021
where the FUCK was the tournament???
Rated 22 May 2021
The newest version of Mortal Kombat is fun but it's not the deepest movie. Mortal Kombat has always Asian martial arts so I was saddened by the main character Cole Young being a MMA fighter. I understand that I'm in the majority when it comes to this opinion. The Sub-Zero and Scorpion plot was interesting. There were moments of character building where I rolled my eyes and wished they'd just get back to the action. On the action, it was really good. The fights were all brutal and cool.
Rated 28 May 2021
Serinin hayranlarından değilim. Oyunları oynamadım, önceki filmleri izlemedim ve sanırım bu sebepten zevk aldım. Keşke daha iyi karakterler ve filmin adına yakışması adına daha çok dövüş sahnesi olsaymış.
Rated 11 Jul 2021
Strictly ages 12 and below.
Rated 03 Aug 2021
Considering what it's based on, a surprisingly coherent movie. Was it good, God no, but it was still a massive improvement over the first shitty PG13 attempt at it back in the 90s.
Rated 26 Aug 2021
A superior film to the original because the fight scenes are better and have great effects. The plot starts strong but grows very cheesy and disjointed. It feels like they merged four movies together and the transitions between multiple scenes are really laughable. They tried to do a bit too much (too many characters). It still is a very watchable film, however.
Rated 22 Sep 2021
1867: به سختی می توان تا آخر را تحمل کرد. سطحی و ناجذاب
Rated 11 Oct 2021
It's both well-made and kind of pathetic at the same time. It's basically only fight scenes. Completely devoid of all the heart and soul in Marvel movies, with crass racist quips in its place. I probably would have enjoyed it as a teen. But it's best to just play the games.
Rated 17 Oct 2021
Expecting a masterpiece from "MK" franchise is not reasonable, so my expectations were not high for MK. But it shouldn't be an excuse to write a sloppy script as it could be much better. CGI is not impressive either but overall this's more faithful to the franchise than the previous adaptations. I particularly enjoyed Kung Lao's flawless victory and some fatalities. Action scenes are handled very well. They intended this film to be setup for sequels but as an introductory film, it's barely fun.
Rated 28 Oct 2021
“Well, well, well. You backstabbing, two-faced, ugly motherfucker.” / “Just name your price. Then double it. Then double it AGAIN.” Points added for Kabal.
Rated 07 Nov 2021
Better than expected or deserved. I can't imagine exactly how another adaptation got green lit. Decent fighting sequences, story was clearly just pulled out of someone's ass, but I've seen worse.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
Why make a Mortal Kombat movie in 2021 is beyond me, but it's easily the best of bunch so far and delivers some fine fan service. Cole Young was pretty weak as a main character though...
Rated 20 Nov 2021
Elinizde harika 1 mücevheri, eğer senaryonuz yoksa onu berbat edersiniz. Pandemi arasında çekildiği çok belli olan film, özel efektlere önem verilmiş. Fa kat, mutlaka iyiler kazanması için, film çekimleri dahil olmak üzere gerçekleri sapıtıyor. Elde tutacak 1 durum bulamıyorum. Facia senaryo. Film, belli iyi mortallar kötü kombatlara karşı. Kazanan da belli. Bel altına çalışmak yok.
Rated 20 Nov 2021
I had fun while watching the film, but looking back on it, this is a pretty bad film.
Rated 30 Nov 2021
Dumb but entertaining, with weird new lore but, hey, you're watching a movie based on a fighting videogame, what do you expect? I thought the ice was well made and thought out
Rated 30 Dec 2021
Rated 25 Jan 2022
Whether you like the game or not - this film is just lame.
Rated 20 Feb 2024
Right, at least it was violent? To be fair, it was much better than the 90s version, though this one was less about the actual tournament, so purists may disagree (though I don't know how the game has evolved). I do also appreciate the representation, but Josh Lawson as Kano was an interesting choice...
Rated 09 Feb 2022
Silly, somewhat anticlimactic, fun.
Rated 03 Mar 2022
The action and the effects are quite impressive, but the cast and dialogue are painfully bad.
Rated 11 Mar 2022
Son derece gereksiz ve saçma bu uyarlamanın oyuna sadık kalmaya çalışma çabaları izleyiciyi güldürüyor.
Rated 20 May 2022
MK9-11 is one of the best video game trilogies of their generation, with 11 standing out as not just one of the best video game stories, but one of the greatest action films ever. This film is its lesser in every possible way, from script to performance to casting to roster. Whoever decided on this group of characters -- especially the bland nobody who doesn't exist in MK -- and made Kano the focal point should be put on movie-making leave for a while. There are much better MKs in every medium.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
TV show level of CGI and cinematography. Some weird video game references (like "flawless victory" and "fatality") here and there. Enjoyable but not good.
Rated 13 Nov 2022
At least the original had some sort of cheap charm and personality.
Rated 25 Dec 2022
Good movie but the new guy don't fit in this universe
Rated 18 Feb 2023
audiovisual 30 acting 25 overall feeling 40 avg 32
Rated 20 Jun 2023
You know, I didn't hate it. I think it's easily as good as the first MK movie, but for different reasons. It's got surprisingly good fight scenes, a level of corniness that tells you they cared about the source material but also about making a decent movie, and does lots of characters justice. I kept expecting the main character to turn out to be some established MK character, but nah he's just someone's boring OC, and I wasn't crazy about that. But yes, I would watch the heavily-teased sequel.


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