

1h 52m
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Rated 05 Oct 2018
Sitting there during the first act all “man people are harsh this is watchable as heck” then the rest of the movie unfolded before me and I was clawing at my seat “let me out let me out let me out” Sony stop making movies. My inner venom voice kept calling me an idiot for not waiting another twenty minutes for A Star is Born. Went on this weird rant after about Woody Harrelson playing "Cassius Clay" and oh my god I want THAT movie.
Rated 07 Oct 2018
An undeniably fun Venom movie with some flaws up its sleeves. Slate felt miscast and I didn't find the villain all that interesting until Riot was introduced to him. There's also some bad dialogue in the first half hour, which is kind of slow. Still, the CGI isn't bad and when Venom is introduced, things pick up and never let down. I also thought Hardy was excellent as expected. It's not quite the Venom movie we deserve but it's a really entertaining time killer.
Rated 09 Nov 2018
The most 1990s movie I've seen in 18 years. Somewhere in the trasition between the tonally misplaced sci-fi horror beginning and the cgi cliché parading climax there was a period of genuine fun with a game Tom Hardy giving it all he's got.
Rated 18 Oct 2018
Judging by the post-credit Spiderman Multiverse scene, ‘Venom' must be aimed at children, which sort of makes sense: A teased reporter buddies up with a loser symbiote to fight baddies and bullies. Having an alien that bites people's heads off in a movie that isn't R-rated, however, is just a much cheating expectations as serving people a veggie ‘burger'. I don't care that you didn't hurt any moo-cows when making it, remove this salat from my plate at once!
Rated 05 Dec 2018
I feel, to a certain degree, the flak comes from Venom's distance from the MCU and it's ownership by Sony. Some hesitation is warranted, in the hands of Marvel, "Venom" would have been welcomed with open arms, but hardcore fans should be worried that this new series might turn out like some of the lackluster DC movies. In all ernestness, the hate isn't justified, the writing is good, the action is great, and Hardy is a great choice. Now that the origin is out of the way, the real fun can begin.
Rated 09 Oct 2018
The most schlock I've seen from a big budget movie since Gods of Egypt. It really is a shockingly - and undeniably somewhat entertainingly - terrible movie. Almost everything is so poor it's hard to believe someone actually signed off on it.
Rated 05 Mar 2020
I know deep down I should be more disappointed in this because it barely does anything interesting or exciting with the concept, but I liked the look of the goopy symbionts and Hardy arguing with Christian-Bale-Batmanvoice-Hardy. Also, holy shit, Woody in a silly wig is going to be Carnage?!? I cackled so loudly. Bring on that trash! I AM (not) READY (to pay cinema ticket prices for that but will likely look into it for a substantially reduced amount months after release).
Rated 01 Dec 2018
The ridiculously overbearing computer graphics is often jarring. The plot was very cheesy at times. Despite all the Hollywood nonsense, it has many entertaining and humorous moments. It's very dark. Hardy and Williams were good. The dialog and the basic premise was good. Harrelson's appearance after the credit start was pointless. A lot of mayhem and killing, but not much blood and gore. Overall, it was entertaining, fun to watch and provided a few laughs.
Rated 03 Oct 2018
Believe it or not, I had high hopes that Venom might have been good. Those expectations fell not too far into the movie, before Venom even showed up. It wasn't all doom and gloom. Once Venom finally shows up, it gets a bit better. For example, when Eddie and Venom are actually bantering and telling each other off, it can be entertaining and showed some potential with Venom's character. Most of the movie was mediocre/passable. The negatives/blandness of Venom prevent it from being a good movie.
Rated 05 Dec 2018
Fun when it gets a bit silly and campy but that doesn't happen often enough and the rest is just very meh. There's a good movie hidden in there though. I felt like when Venom said he wanted to stay and help out it was very unearned, if they could replace all the cookie cutter action beats (chase sequence, swat team) with 30 minutes of bonding antics between the two and his ex it would have saved it for me.
Rated 04 Oct 2018
An origin story that moves along by wild contrivances and coincidences in this lazy, uninvested, generic story. Hardy tries to elevate all this with some joyous abandon, but even the comedy here feels suffocated -- I certainly yawned more times than I chuckled. An ugly, mean, uninteresting, careless fuck-up of a film, where there's no character arcs, no lessons learned, and nothing of value is gained by the characters or audience. Hardy and Venom deserve better.
Rated 07 Oct 2018
Frequently entertaining, not always for the right reasons.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
At times, painfully thin. In other moments, gleefully campy. Never once intelligent. But never once trying to be. Hard to hate, but impossible to love. Melora Walters sighting!
Rated 14 Oct 2018
narrative (lol) is a mess, script is a joke, but the pew pew was pretty well done, especially when fleischer involves the city. shout-out to eckhart tolle
Rated 08 Oct 2018
Who knew Venom was such a dork? Although I assume he's lying to get Eddie to trust him. Anyways, yeah, people are kinda off about this. It wasn't fundamental garbage. I like many went into this expecting it to be a tire fire, and as soon as it was over my first thought was "Okay, I get why people don't like this, I just don't agree with them". What I felt I got was something akin to a low-rent Deadpool in a Spider-Man movie without Spider-Man. But when tire fire is your expectation, that's good!
Rated 07 Oct 2018
Tonally all over the place, flirting with horror, action and comedy. But because it didn't fully embrace any of them it felt off, a little silly, with some hokey dialogue. Even Hardy's performance was a letdown because he's one of the best working today and he struggled. CGI is iffy. But there are some good things here (fights, some jokes, etc) and when it comes down to it I was still entertained, which counts for more than anything else. Sure, not a good movie, but worth watching.
Rated 16 Oct 2018
Not a good movie, but somewhat entertaining and watchable due to odd but fun performances and some weird choices made during production.
Rated 04 Nov 2018
As a superhero movie, VENOM is an unfortunate throwback to the juvenile morality plays and stilted spectacle of the genre's awkward teen years. But you know what? A lot of those films were damn entertaining, and so is this one, mainly because Tom Hardy adds so much color and unpredictability to the otherwise bland proceedings. The choices here are often weird, confusing, or hostile--but by God, they are choices, and they make VENOM perversely more watchable than much of the assembly-line MCU.
Rated 24 Dec 2018
Outside of Tom Hardy’s impressively odd performance the film has a bit of a low-rent early 00s superhero movie feel to it, like many of the films that came in the shadow of Raimi’s Spider-Man.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
okay movie
Rated 17 May 2020
I had fun with Venom. I can't say it's good. I can't say the story is tight. I can't say the cast does a particularly good job. I can't even say that there's more good here than bad. But the 10 minutes that Venom himself is on screen, he looks and moves great and I had enough fun with the relationship concept to get a little mileage out of this.
Rated 19 Oct 2018
Sure, this needed an R-rating as much as I needed fries with my burger, but, like me, it managed to function without. Honestly, what bothered me most is that Hollywood is still making films where the bad guy is the one who's worried about climate change. That and Carrottop in the midcredit scene.
Rated 10 Nov 2018
A whole lotta fun... more violent than the regular Marvel fare but not much; action is great with lots of standout set pieces, the humour was good with people laughing out loud in my sparse, near end-of-run cinema showing. My only significant criticism is that the main conflict/plot conclusion was too quick after the build-up and the villain lacked prescence, but other than the slightly rushed denouement I really enjoyed the whole thing! Can't wait for the set-up sequel... gonna be Carnage!
Rated 05 Oct 2018
I think I love this for all the wrong reasons. The first 30 minutes are genuinely good, after that I feel like it took a que from Deadpool, and it kinda fails. Even the most serious scenes come off like comedic gold and I loved it. On top of that, the dialogue isn't that bad, and I actually loved the Hardy/Venom chemistry. Quite frankly there should of been more of that. This movie has a lot of faults, but from a pure entertainment standpoint, this can be fun, and I enjoyed it.
Rated 06 Oct 2018
The sound effects were pretty good.
Rated 07 Oct 2018
Much like Hardy's performance–and accent–it's weird, messy, all over the place... And oddly fascinating. Although there's a lot of Venom, it could've used even more Venom.
Rated 09 Oct 2018
'venom' is an unmitigated disaster of editing and narrative— a decidedly bad movie. somehow, I had fun regardless
Rated 09 Oct 2018
Fun movie. Loser Venom was kind of a let down. I appreciate the final fight not taking forever. If this were a main line Marvel movie people wouldn't complain about the plot holes as much.
Rated 12 Oct 2018
The one good thing about this movie is that it feels very much like a comic book--but that's it. The whole script must have been machine translated into Chinese and back before filming because everything, including the dialogue, only makes sense in a "foreign language user manual" sort of way. It's insultingly careless gobbledygook. Nobody involved cared, so you shouldn't either: watch Upgrade (2018) instead.
Rated 13 Oct 2018
There's definitely an effort to flesh out the man behind the mask, but it's all kind of "meh". The film also fulfills many PC checkboxes: lots of diversity & an assuredly strong female who realizes the best use of her attorney skills is to do pro bono work (eyeroll). However, none of that changes the fact that the comic book version of Brock was more interesting (less of a staunch do-gooder) & that there's nothing at stake watching a virtually indestructible blob fighting mortals/another blob.
Rated 14 Oct 2018
A romantic comedy between Tom Hardy and a puddle of tar.
Rated 16 Oct 2018
points for being fun
Rated 02 Dec 2018
This is one missed opportunity. It started fairly good. The action was better for a while then it ended very abruptly. What was the cause of the rush? I don't know. We should've been shown the Venom's transformation from evil to good. A simple "You changed me Eddie." is definitely not good enough. I'm still giving it 75 though. I don't know what's wrong with cinema goers these days but I think people have forgotten to just have a good time for 90 minutes without nitpicking every tiny detail.
Rated 22 Mar 2019
Venom is harmless popcorn fun but a completely muddled mess. The talented cast deserves a better script which is riddled with problems and tonally all over the place. Tom Hardy brings star quality and charisma and he does his best with what he is given. The set pieces are enjoyable with a standout chase which felt imaginative. But it’s just a shame that we didn’t get to see the footage that Tom Hardy says ended up on the cutting room floor so that this film could come in at a lower rating.
Rated 25 Oct 2020
I refused to watch this adaptation of one of my favorite Marvel villains (I was a teenager obsessed with Spider Man comics when Venom was introduced as an antagonist) for a long time, because I heard it was pretty awful. And it is. Awful, I mean. The aimless story sucks, Tom Hardy is clearly phoning it in, the CGI is pretty ugly in places, and the script is a joke. But it's one of those "good" bad movies that still manages to be somewhat entertaining despite being utter shit.
Rated 02 Nov 2018
Not a masterpiece but it has nice cgi and good acting by Tom.
Rated 16 Oct 2018
Venom: Huge loser.
Rated 15 Jan 2019
my enjoyment of most superhero movies comes down to this (same rule for kaiju): did I get to see them do their crazy super-powered stuff at a pace, quality and quantity where I can say I got what I hoped for? And yeah, I got a kick out of letting Venom eat my brains. AND I totally love myself a rap song recap playing over the end credits, took me back to being 8 years old watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (t-u-r-t-l-e POWER)!
Rated 06 Oct 2018
Not bad, not bad at all. Sure, it's all quite cliche and we have seen this 'formula' before, but Hardy/Venom make this film, as it's quite entertaining, very funny at times and in general an interesting watch. The script is a little clunky, the film should 've been longer by 20-30 minutes, as sometimes it feels like pieces are missing. For what it's worth go and see it, you'll be entertained, I'm sure.
Rated 06 Oct 2018
Just plain stupid. I can't believe Hardy had anything to do with it. He was the only reason I saw it, in spite of it's "horror" tag.
Rated 07 Oct 2018
If you squint, you can almost make out a plot hiding behind all the plot holes in this movie. The special effects are good and the action is decent and there's occasional good, funny banter, but very little attempt to explain anything.
Rated 09 Oct 2018
Finally! The Prototype movie with Tom Hardy as Alex Mercer. Sometimes this movie doesn't know if it wants to be a comedy or a straight forward superhero flick but it's okay-ish and entertaining.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
A captivating watch throughout, "Venom" is a technically well-made film boasting very good action and a great turn by Tom Hardy. Certain themes in the plot and the outlines of the characters might be far from original but the makers know how to still make them exciting. The biggest minus for me was that things were too convenient for the evolution of the story several times throughout thus shattering the illusion that you're watching something "real", yet the movie remains a lot of fun.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
The most bizarrely bad mainstream movie this side of the Twilight franchise, a script riddled with tone problems meets some of the most incomprehensible CG fight scenes ever, all topped off with some abysmal camera work. There are workable pieces here but there's a lot more bad than good.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
Tom Hardy doesn't seem to fit the whole superhero genre. While it was at times discombobulated, it still works as blockbuster, shut off your brain, type of film.
Rated 11 Oct 2018
There's really no excuse for making a story this cliched and boring in general, but particularly when you have decades of comic stories to draw upon. The script and even the editing are really shoddy (its rare to notice bad editing, so wow!)
Rated 13 Oct 2018
What a dumb movie. Tom Hardy seems to be drunk all the time, the voice in his head is actually funny and Riz Ahmed gets to play a mad scientist. From the trailers I thought the movie would be terrible, but it's one hell of a good time. You can make a dumb movie, you just have to do it right.
Rated 17 Oct 2018
Not the best movie out there, but certainly not the worst. If you expect a lot from this movie as a "Venom" movie, it's disappointing; but otherwise it's a okay-ish entertaining super-hero movie.
Rated 13 Oct 2018
Tom Hardy!
Rated 13 Oct 2018
should have been 30 minutes longer
Rated 14 Oct 2018
Not bad.. much better than the DC crap.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
The build up was way too slow. And when you finally get somewhere, you still feel like there could be so much more. Even the climax felt like a blink it and you miss it moment. And then it's over and you're wondering what happened. It felt soulless and shallow. The comedy bits too forced. I'm not familiar with the comics, but there had to be so much more to the original material than this.
Rated 16 Oct 2018
It's fine, but not as smart or funny as they clearly think it is.
Rated 20 Oct 2018
Rated 27 Oct 2018
A glorious return to the campy silliness of the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy. Others will disagree, but I think this film is completely aware of its own absurdity and humor (the diner scene with the lobster tank was what finally convinced me). There are a lot of genuine laughs in this movie and I will gladly watch a sequel should one materialize. More $100 million dollar vehicles for weird Tom Hardy comedy performances please.
Rated 28 Oct 2018
Tom hardy is good in the lead role in this film. The story takes a little bit to get going but there are plenty of fun and exciting scenes in the script. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 04 Nov 2018
Not really terrible. Not a quote for the poster but compared to my expectations, not so bad.
Rated 06 Nov 2018
Better than I thought. Good action and Tom Hardy is a likeable lead. Different superhero/super villain.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
Not knowing anything about the comic version of 'Venom', it was a good film. It felt overly comedic in parts which didn't really seem to fit but at the same time, it would have been far too serious otherwise. The story and dialogue have a little more to be desired with it being relatively predictable and cheesy at times. Tom Hardy is solid and Eminem's song will also grow on you. It's fun but it won't leave much of an impression.
Rated 02 Dec 2018
*Laughing nervously* what the f... was that?
Rated 02 Dec 2018
If you like the comic, just try to pretend these are alternate universe characters. You'll like it a little bit more. It's not horrible, but seems like a setup for yet another comic book universe
Rated 03 Dec 2018
It was quite fun actually.
Rated 03 Dec 2018
There are worse things out there. Venom really does mean well. The inclusion of some decent comedy and some killer scenes between Tom Hardy and the Symbiote are well worth checking out. That being said, the end result is a fairly by-the-numbers thriller with nothing new to offer, As the start of another new attempt at a cinematic universe, it's surprisingly stand-alone and fun, it's just not that unique or memorable.
Rated 06 Dec 2018
There is so much plotholely things around here. Motivations are poor, executions in arguments or dialogs are moot. It has funny moments but ıs this is a movie that suppose to be fun really ? It could watch for killing time with friends. But not worth it to arrange a special time in your busy schedule. Its very cliche, its very cheap and CGI is just terrible. Its just a bit better than 1997 Spawn Movie and this is a 2018 movie ?!!! Btw Tom Hardy is totaly miscasted here.
Rated 07 Dec 2018
Evidently the script was awful. There was bits of Cronenberg, Hulk dilemma, campy almost Deadpool level of tongue in the cheek jokes, violent scenes and awful CGI. A hobo talking to himself with deep macho voiced imaginary monster friend nobody wants to face.
Rated 08 Dec 2018
A great comedy. It is so bad that its hilarous.
Rated 13 Dec 2018
Written and directed by "a kid"?
Rated 11 Jan 2019
I found Venom itself very cute. Though it made me laugh and love the situation, it's against the Venom itself. Besides, climax was rushed and CGI was werse than Superman's chin in J.L. But overall it was a good movie, I like it.
Rated 23 Dec 2018
Venom just sounds like a douchebag troll you want to punch. I prefer a different avenue taken with the Venom character to make it creepy, intense and serious. Like make it Deadpool funny, or Dark Knight serious, or don't make it at all. I can give a few points for the couple moments/images that seemed freaky to look at....
Rated 10 May 2019
I knew exactly what it was like to be Venom, in the same schizophrenic way that Venom the movie may be one of the worst things to happen to the character, and Tom Hardy starring in Venom the movie is one of the best things to happen to the character. BUT OF COURSE YOU KNEW IT WOULD BE BAD, THAT'S WHY YOU ENJOYED IT. I don't have to enjoy literally everything. KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT. I FILL THAT VOID. But I mean it was bad, like TATER TOTS! DAMMIT. Dammit, you're right.
Rated 23 Mar 2019
Fun comic book movie takes its time to get moving, and gets bogged down in self-seriousness initially, but once Venom enters the film proper, it becomes a modestly enjoyable, fluffy piece of escapism, marked by fine chase sequences, some excellent use of CGI on Venom's look and design, and an amusing, all guns blazing performance from Hardy, who certainly brings more to the film than it brings to him! Great fun.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
Acting was off from Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams. Plot was fairly bland and straight forward, and felt a little too light hearted for something that I'd assume should have been more dark. The film just didn't seem to work.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
The lesser evil..
Rated 12 Oct 2018
Venom is a straight-out stupid character/entity but as pure comedy it's awfully entertaining to watch.
Rated 03 Sep 2020
I have a few running theories: Tom Hardy was either a) absolutely sloshed every day on set or b) was told to channel his best Nicolas Cage and had the skill to utterly embody the direction or c) both. One way or another, the film belongs on VHS next to other entertaining messes from the early 2000s. "A turd in the wind" really sums this one up: it's awful, but it's poetry.
Rated 11 May 2019
As a super hero's pretty bad, but as a buddy cop's pretty good.
Rated 08 Oct 2018
I don't really get the hate for this movie. How is the film any more formulaic and asinine than the typical superhero film we keep seeing these days? Something like Black Panther is praised as some cultural phenomenon but this is considered garbage by comparison? That said, the movie certainly isn't good - the main villain and hero being astonishing morons is grating for most of the film. While Venom is entertaining as a character, that doesn't save the awful choreography and writing.
Rated 10 Oct 2018
It's silly and it's stupid, but all in all venom isn't quite DCEU bad. there are a few redeeming qualities, hardy's presence, and the fact that venom is an inherently cool, fun character. could have definetely benefitted from an R rating like deadpool (which it's pretty much trying to emulate.) worth seeing solely for the sake of seeing the venom character.
Rated 13 Oct 2018
I think this movie could more likely be considered a peculiar romantic comedy than a horror or thriller genre. I wasn't certainly expecting this and the movie surely has flaws, but once you really get where it goes and what it is you can more easily enjoy a movie that certainly is a bit dissapointing and will generate a lot of hate, but that I would lie if I say I haven't enjoy and laugh with it.
Rated 17 Oct 2018
Maybe I had high expectations but this movie truly disappointed me. By far Marvel's worst movie I watched in last 3 years. It is not nearly long enough for story and character to evolve at that pace - which is odd for Marvel anyway, was it really needed to be that slow and tried to build such backstory? If you gotta do it at least shoot it so it's likable, damn it. Char development also doesn't feel K. This has potential to be a truly great sequel though. Please play the cards right that time...
Rated 03 Dec 2018
Usually I enjoy the cheeky MCU humor, but "Venom" would have been better off without it. I couldn't help it but to have high expectations, because, well... Venom and Tom Hardy. Unfortunately the movie is mediocre at best, with questionable CGI. Also, all of the female characters are weak, bland and awkward. Michelle Williams's performance and emotionless face haven't changed much since Dawson's Creek. Oh, Woody Harrelson, come and save the franchise!
Rated 03 Dec 2018
Tom Hardy is a brilliant actor. Really nice production value here, with imaginative action sequences. Better than I was expecting.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
This should have been so good, with Venom and Hardy. Instead we get a cliche, after cliche, after cliche. I mean, seriously, it feels like it has been randomly put together - standard villain number 5, standard love interest number 3, and so on. I still have hope for the character though. Hardy is a great choice, and at times you do feel this symbiitic chemistry with Venom. Maybe the next one's better?
Rated 18 Mar 2019
Scraped off the side of a Tenderloin dumpster, yet still somehow sanitized.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
It doesn't know what it wants to be. To me it was all a bit childish. The villain is as flat as a penny, the romance angle has been done a million times before and the dialogue is horrible.
Rated 30 Jul 2019
Good premise, bad execution. The venom character could be so much better with a decent script instead of this. But do contain a few popcorn worthy action scenes and dialogue between venom and Eddie.
Rated 11 Dec 2018
This movie must have literally the shortest third act in movie history. Him eventually becoming Venom and confronting+fighting the villain was done in no more than 10 minutes. And it felt like less. Things that probably once were entire scenes or at least big moments appear to have been reduced to mere sentences. Otherwise a fun comedic superhero movie with a cool cast and a great Tom Hardy, which is not a hot mess or overly reliant on repeating the same joke for 108 minutes. Yay.
Rated 14 Dec 2018
Surprisingly not as bad as I expected. Nice and short, some laughs, not bad.
Rated 23 Dec 2018
I mean it's a mess, very generic and predictable but you know nothing offensively bad about it.Tom Hardy is a fun main character and his chemistry with venom is actually great.Michelle Williams and Riz Ahmed are totally wasted and flat though.The action with some expections is pretty forgettable and it is pretty boring for the opening 30 minutes.Lastly,some scenes start at night and then two seconds later it's day.Not as bad as expected but still it's not really good.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
A superhero movie straight out of the 90s,in a bad way. Both the plot and the effects are a throwback to a decade where super movies were just full of lazy tropes and a CGI shortest ending. This has Avi Arad's touch all over it. I don't know how they got such a good cast based in this script, I will say that Hardy is watchable as ever,especially his weird accent.
Rated 07 Apr 2022
It doesn't want to be serious. It wants to be funny. It failed.
Rated 10 Jan 2019
I wish just one of the three credited screenwriters had committed even half as much to writing a competent script as Tom Hardy commits to his madcap portrayal of Eddie "EDDIEEEEEEE" Brock.
Rated 20 Dec 2018
I no longer trust anyone who recommended this movie to me.
Rated 11 Aug 2019
Ya know the time around when superhero films got really good? I'm thinking with 2000's "X-Men". Do you remember what superhero films were like before that? Like 1989's Dolf Lundgren version of "The Punisher"? This is like that. It has no soul. Empty CGI spectacle, no character development, non-existent humour. No life at all. Honestly I felt sorry for Hardy, Williams and Ahmed. The climactic battle felt like I was watching a Mortal Kombat trailer. A PG-rated Mortal Kombat trailer.
Rated 26 Nov 2018
Rated 13 Oct 2018
A very entertaining hollywood blockbuster. The hate is much exaggerated and a lot of it is unwarranted. Don't trust reviewers and go watch it.
Rated 11 Mar 2019
Though this movie had It's flaws, I still found myself enjoying it. Over the years. this movie has really grown on me (pun intended). All of the cast are doing their best with what they've got, but the screenplay is pretty fucking dumb. A lot of the plot elements are silly and make no sense, but I just don't care at this point. I enjoyed it. Tom Hardy was very entertaining as Eddie Brock/Venom, and I can't really see anyone else filling the role. A fun, silly film. I give 6 symbiotes out of 10.
Rated 09 Dec 2018
Filmle ilgili her şeyin çok aceleye gelmiş olmasının yanı sıra, insan Marvel ile geçen 10 yıl ve 20 filmden sonra artık hem izleyicinin hem de stüdyoların belli bir olgunluğa ulaştığını, artık ucuz görsellik için senaryodan ödün vermenin yanlış olduğunu kavramış olduklarını umuyor ve ardından Sony böyle bir şeyle en ufak bir ders alınmadığını ortaya koyuyor.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
Marvel keep trying to reinvent and step outside of their own dull Marvel superhero format, and keep failing.
Rated 27 Nov 2021
A pretty mediocre super hero effort for the most part but funnier than I expected. Hardy makes the most of the chaos but the plot is a bit of a mess and probably a result of the rumoured production conflicts.


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