Asteroid City
Asteroid City
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Asteroid City

Asteroid City

Romance, Comedy
1h 44m
The itinerary of a Junior Stargazer convention is spectacularly disrupted by world-changing events. (imdb)

Asteroid City

Romance, Comedy
1h 44m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.62% from 1031 total ratings

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Rated 18 Jun 2023
‘Should established auteurs continue to receive multimillion-dollar budgets for their annual bowel movement even though they peaked years ago’ is an essay I’m seriously considering writing.
Rated 03 Jul 2023
I have up to this point really liked Wes Anderson's films, but this one felt like what people who hate them have been seeing all this time. Aimless, style over substance bullshit. Pretty bullshit, but still bullshit.
Rated 16 Jul 2023
More like ASS-teroid City, amirite?
Rated 05 Jul 2023
Beyond the enduring trademark visual style, it’s apparent that Anderson has little else left to offer. With such a pointless story, unfunny script, lack of emotional core and huge cast of flat, arc-less characters, it’s unforgivable how Asteroid City is nonetheless so self-satisfied, showing the undeniable complacency of a talented auteur firmly past his best. The alien’s appearance is a brief moment of joy among otherwise mirthless, meaningless drama taking place in a pretty, pastel setting.
Rated 25 Jun 2023
Style over substance. I don't know if Wes Anderson purposefully tells his actors and actresses to act as unnatural as possible, but that would make more sense to me than having a star-studded cast that somehow all come across as cardboard of their own accord.
Rated 27 Aug 2023
i'm done with this guy. he's a talented writer/director, who then intentionally makes his dialogue and performances so stilted, his production design so precious and twee, until you completely emotionally disconnect from the material. self-parody at this point.
Rated 22 Aug 2023
Hmm ... ... I don't think Wes Anderson has ever actually touched another human being.
Rated 29 Jun 2023
There are hints of character, plot, and profundity shown by the brilliantly swiveling, perfectly placed camera, but when every pan is either clever camerawork or dead-, it's hard to relate or follow. Tells a fun little story beneath its unnecessary layers of meta-narrative, but quips as dry as its desert and an obvious focus on design craft over substance restrict its efforts from meaning much. Which is fine! Only, it halfheartedly but clearly tries to be more.
Rated 26 Jul 2023
Wes Anderson seems to be trapped in his style. While it was fun to watch, it didn't add anything new to his oeuvre.
Rated 18 Jul 2023
I was beaming like a UFO during that opening 360 swivel shot of the city and during each quirky little piece of existential desert dream that followed-all of it pure, detailed delight and evidence of a master stage director at work. On that note though, the layered narrative framework-appreciably ambitious and occasionally impactful ("you actually did it!")-felt like a missed opportunity for Anderson's troupe to become more outwardly unhinged (chant aside) outside of the perfectly curated play.
Rated 12 Jul 2023
Surely one of the most distinct movies of the year, visually. Pretty, colourful, vibrant. Great set design and style/vibe. A who's who cast acting detached and repressed. The occasional funny bit. An interesting premise. And yet, what's really going on here? Why are we watching this? It uses its presentation to trick you into thinking it's deep. And the plot? What plot? It's a snail's pace. What character development? What emotion? What reason is there to give a shit about any of these people?
Rated 11 Jul 2023
If you ever wondered whether it would be possible to make a bland movie using a plentiful, spectacular cast, Asteroid City is your proof.
Rated 24 Jun 2023
For the past week, I have been singing "Paradise City", but changing the lyrics to "Asteroid City". It's not even a bit. It's just something I have been doing. I think this is one that will greatly benefit from a rewatch, just because I have rocks for brains and some of this flew right by me. Wes Anderson puts the artifice front and center. I think this is why I enjoy his films so much. He does not really attempt realism anymore, and his films are gigantic narrative playgrounds.
Rated 23 Jun 2023
I can’t even pretend to be remotely objective about a new Wes Anderson film at this point. He’s probably one of my top three favorite filmmakers of all-time and most of his films have become canonical favorites for me that I’ve revisited many times. All I can say is that this fits firmly in that canon and I look forward to watching this over and over in perpetuity. I was sad when it was over; I could live in Wes’ beautiful, delicate, heartbreaking little worlds forever.
Rated 23 Aug 2023
An unwatchable mess of whip-pans, "quirky" but empty characters, and a plot that DRAGS
Rated 24 Jul 2023
Unfortunately, he might have finally gone up his own arse a bit. The style was so far over the plot that I was waiting for the movie to start well into the movie, but that style was pretty damn beautiful.
Rated 18 Jul 2023
Absolute rubbish. Style over substance bullshit. Wes Anderson is consistently getting worse each movie.
Rated 07 Jul 2023
Second case after Baumbach's White Noise where the compulsion to make a "pandemic movie" has gotten the better of a talented auteur.
Rated 11 Jun 2024
A very low score considering the INCREDIBLE CAST, but the movie is boring, pointless and entirely pretentious. It was very nearly unbearable.
Rated 03 Apr 2024
I really enjoyed this movie and I have rather a hard time expressing why! Which I think is part of the point! Um... I absolutely love the alien design and animation so deeply. There's so much visual fun and so many good performances. Um... I like it a lot!
Rated 15 Mar 2024
Principal theme: “you can’t wake up if you don’t go to sleep”. Reason is not the opposite of delusion but the potential that opens up only on the basis of those dreams that give to the understanding its reasons. Only by letting go of consciousness can we enter the mysteries that grant the possibility of orientation and desire. Instead of objecting to the apparently frivolous nature of his storytelling, we should ask whether his dry tales might in fact be initiating us into a cinematic mystagogy.
Rated 24 Sep 2023
Rated 15 Aug 2023
I don't think I can ever get bored of We Anderson. I am always in love at the way he makes everything, and this movie adds three fantastic things: more queerness, aliens and some marvelous reinterpretation of some of Luigi Pirandello's ideas regarding theater, character, acting, the comical vs. the humorous, just AAHAOKSNDSOFBWOD y'know? And the fucking roadrunner for God's sake, I love that little detail
Rated 09 Aug 2023
French Dispatch was Kettle Brand Salt & Vinegar chips, this is Cheese & Onion
Rated 31 Jul 2023
Asteroid City is a weird film; but then so are most of Anderson's. There's the usual checklist of quirkiness; a plucky score, distinctive colour pallets, moustaches, meticulous framing & cinematography, Schwartzman. The film cuts between of the colourised events in 1950's Asteroid City and a B&W play based on those events. Thematically it works well, dealing with loss and satisfying purpose, though it occasionally dips into annoying territory. The large cast is fun but can be a bit distracting.
Rated 17 Jul 2023
anderson manages to out-quirk himself once again. not sure what the whole plot was about, but the "look" and the "feel" of this film was right. it felt funny at times, odd mostly, and looked like a postcard from an alternate dimension. anderson's viewers are a select bunch at this point, asteroid city is somewhat like that chow that's only made for vegetarian episcopalian pomerians, but you know there are some of those.
Rated 14 Jul 2023
One of my favourite films of the decade so far. Wrote about it and about the guy brushing his teeth in the theatre on my substack.
Rated 13 Jul 2023
Has the same problems as The French Dispatch did. Wes Anderson movies had a great way of interlacing story, message/theme and artful directing. Maybe some will resonate with the message but I for one couldn't care less, and the story was just not there. It's a stylistic accomplishment and not much else.
Rated 06 Jul 2023
I'm a fan of Anderson becoming less accessible and more philosophical, more ruminative. The biggest complaint seems to be lack of plot, and I sort of get it, but I will take this kind of meandering over the plodding, emotionally deadpan variety in Life Aquatic. And on top of the all-star cast and successful humor and postcard visuals, this never felt like a slog to me, but rather tight and escalating. I do think it has a story, a point, and I think it makes it poignantly.
Rated 02 Jul 2023
Expertly crafted and beautiful to look at, some fun set pieces but a little too empty for me.
Rated 26 Jun 2023
If I wasn't a huge Anderson fan this movie would be intolerable.
Rated 18 Jun 2023
Great scenery and interesting themes but spread too thin. Some classic Anderson moments within, just not enough
Rated 17 Jun 2023
Wes Anderson'dan Fear and Loathing In Asteroid City
Rated 13 Jun 2023
I was not impressed. It's a Wes Anderson film for sure, but I think the plot was on the weak side. None of the star-studded cast really wowed me either.
Rated 13 Jun 2023
Maybe Wes’ bleakest movie: not without humor and beautiful craft, but full of a resounding ambiguity. Needs a repeat viewing to solidify in my Wes rankings.
Rated 30 Sep 2024
The Wes Anderson appeal has now become a chore -- grand ensembles no longer support a main player, making none of the characters here feel either flesh out or truly connected. And fictional framing narratives have worked well in his other recent films, but here it's rendered useless. Despite getting tired of it, there's still an initial rush of enticement at the cartoonish element of the technical aesthetic.
Rated 04 Sep 2024
Enough already, Wes. There are two good aspects to this film: 1) a very brief glimpse of a nude Scarlett Johansson, and 2) a mention of Orson Welles. Everyone knows that the real 'Montana' is not Rupert Friend but Timothy Olyphant.
Rated 21 Aug 2024
So lost in the structure of what it is...the story is uninteresting and the frame doesn't make any sense (what is the B/W footage - found, recreation, does it exist outside of the frame?) Anderson has completely abandoned characters with any real emotion in favor of mannered artifice.
Rated 08 Aug 2024
I liked this more than "French Dispatch", but it still left me cold. Visually it's stunning and I liked the era/setting with endless details. Anderson has yet again gathered a stellar cast. To me, this is his most introverted work which has no intent to please any casual viewers outside his fan base. It felt more like an experiment than a proper story. While I respect the uncompromising vision, I hope he goes back to doing something with more heart like Grand Budapest Hotel or his early films.
Rated 19 May 2024
Every time I think we've seen the most 'Wes Anderson' movie possible, and every time I'm wrong. Can't wait for his next film to be exclusively 4:3, black & white, and take place entirely in the mind of the family dog.
Rated 02 May 2024
worth a watch
Rated 01 May 2024
Rated 01 May 2024
i thought wes anderson not only started to repeat himself with grand budapest hotel but his style turned into a dressing over a plastic salad. but starting with the french dispatch, he began to transform these dollhouses more than mere toys to look at. it’s good to see he is playing again rather than displayin what he has on the shelf. and i’m surprised to say my favorite wes anderson movie is not rushmore anymore.
Rated 03 Apr 2024
You all paused :)
Rated 29 Feb 2024
What the F was that.
Rated 24 Feb 2024
If your a fan of Wes Anderson films then you'll enjoy this - if your not then you probably won't. This is, its fair to say, a VERY Wes Anderson film, in as much as it features a range of quirky characters, has a real comic book feel to it, its set in the past and has a sort of nostalgic charm to it. I'm not sure I fully followed the plot but I did enjoy it. esp. Tom Hanks scenes and it was nice to see Steve Carell as well. A fun, quirky film, yes I'd recommend this.
Rated 04 Feb 2024
One another author's "im getting old" movie. But it's like Synecdoche New York with Barbie sauce.
Rated 21 Jan 2024
Rated 09 Jan 2024
I remember liking most of Wes Anderson's movies up to around Grand Budapest Hotel, but they're all blending together in my memory. On a visual and stylistic level they're all stunning and each trumps the last, but each also seems to have less to say than the last. His films now more than ever seem to be not much more than idle doodlings. They kill a couple of hours amiably enough but at this point I feel that if I never watch any more of his stuff I won't be missing out.
Rated 01 Jan 2024
Another formally brilliant dollhouse movie. Anderson puts his little toy characters inside nesting layers of narrative and physical framing until the drama is as arid as the desert setting. You don't feel much watching the film, but you have to admire the quality of the visuals.
Rated 29 Dec 2023
Not bad, and good in the ways that Anderson movies usually are (impeccable set and art design, etc), but it feels a lot more disjointed and unorganized than his best work. It's just kind of all over the place. It has some good moments, but it's disappointing. The meta stuff kind of distracts from it a bit, too.
Rated 27 Dec 2023
Maybe I'm dumb but I didn't get everything. It was unexpected and also nice to look at, at least?
Rated 21 Dec 2023
Anderson's best movie since Grand Budapest Hotel. Not sure I got much out of the additional meta layer around the whole thing, but that's okay.
Rated 17 Dec 2023
I will also jump off a roof if you dare me to
Rated 07 Dec 2023
Asteroid City feels like a nesting doll of “meta-ness”. Right after watching it, the stacking of one layer of reality on top of another felt like it obscured, annoyed me. Thinking on it for a few days (And watching some videos, I am not that smart), I think it is the other way around. Each layer of reality is the removal of one nesting doll, to get to the heart of the story. And the heart is…. nothing. Meaning is illusory, the doll has no center, life has no center. Enjoy the doll.
Rated 27 Nov 2023
Stick with this one and you should have a fun and quite unique experience.
Rated 25 Nov 2023
The humor shines through a couple of times, as do glimmers of heart. But it's incredibly alien, unfocused, and overstuffed with unnecessary characters. It's another lackluster Wes Anderson joint. I am still eagerly awaiting a return to form. It's been nearly a decade since Grand Budapest.
Rated 13 Nov 2023
This kind of thing was tolerable until his movie's got boring. Now it's just gratuitous.
Rated 07 Nov 2023
I really enjoyed this! Asteroid City was far from what I expected, and that's mostly in how warm and personal it felt even though it's one of those "world within a world within a world" setups. Maybe the most accessible thing Anderson has made since Moonrise or Fantastic Mr. Fox in how likable everything and everyone is and how his signature touch fits in better with the genre he's parroting.
Rated 06 Nov 2023
as a huge anderson fan, I came to the stark realization that I can't wake up because I didn't fall asleep.
Rated 04 Nov 2023
Augie Steenbeck: "I still don't understand the play."
Rated 02 Nov 2023
As one of my favorite critics has said, Wes Anderson lost himself in the immense labyrinth that is his own ego.
Rated 25 Oct 2023
MVPs: 1) Margot Robbie 2) Jeffrey Wright 3) Rupert Friend. Better on rewatch.
Rated 25 Oct 2023
I never felt his pain more.
Rated 20 Oct 2023
What a pretending waste of resources...
Rated 18 Oct 2023
I am usually very on-board with Wes Anderson. He's the "I'm a goofy artist" archetype that doesn't feel overly phony or for show. I have no doubt that this is exactly the movie he wanted to make. But it's finally a step too far for me. "The French Dispatch" on steroids. I enjoyed enough of the composite elements that it wasn't a complete waste of time, but this is the first time for me that Wes Anderson has felt pretentious, and it has to stand as one of my biggest disappointments of the year.
Rated 12 Oct 2023
renk paleti menk paleti. görsellik mörsellik. wes anderson sal artık şu sinemayı..
Rated 04 Oct 2023
It may be a visual delight, but this sluggish, smug, exasperating film is Wes Anderson’s worst project to date.
Rated 28 Sep 2023
More Darjeeling Limited than Grand Budapest Hotel in terms of quality, but I mean that in a good way. A slow start eventually gets to “the scene” that just made the rest of the movie and characters better as it went along. It feels like a very personal piece for Wes Anderson. What can I say? I loved the characters and performances (Jason Schwartzman for the win) and the I thought the story was relatable and touching! It’s as technically brilliant as expected. I can’t wait to see it again!
Rated 20 Sep 2023
Wollten Sie schon immer einmal wissen, wie sich ein Schauspieler fühlt, der das Drehbuch nicht kennt? Nette Optik, aber etwas belanglos und inkohärent.
Rated 20 Sep 2023
Weird and boring for the first part. Tapped out. No time. Thanks Leo.
Rated 18 Sep 2023
This might just be one of those movies I need to see again to catch everything (wouldn't be unusual for a Wes Anderson film). Or maybe not having Bill Murray and Bruce Willis in a Wes Anderson movie made me sad. If you aren't familiar with Anderson's work, this is not the place to start. PS. Bill Murray on set:
Rated 10 Sep 2023
Maybe he was always over rated? This was as underwhelming as the French Dispatch, yet this time I had low expectations.
Rated 10 Sep 2023
I'm not on the bandwagon, more following it at a safe ironic meta-modern distance. It feels like Andersons work is increasingly intended to be admired rather than deeply enjoyed. With that said: damn! the framing of the shower scene dialogues were masterful: like Edward Hopper and Hitchcock had a love-child.
Rated 06 Sep 2023
An artsy snore.
Rated 05 Sep 2023
Rated 04 Sep 2023
I still don’t understand the play……
Rated 04 Sep 2023
It’s a shame that Anderson seems to have completely abandoned any desire to tell a story (or create characters) with any trace of emotional resonance – this is an oddly cold and clipped film in keeping with all of his post-BUDAPEST output, whose suffocatingly precious and twee style eventually sucks all of the life out of his story, and the as-usual eclectic cast of actors, who all seem to have been directed to deliver their lines as flatly as possible (bar Cranston, rebel that he is!)
Rated 02 Sep 2023
There are genuine moments in this film which feel like Wes Anderson at his peak. Then there are those moments where you feel like he's on autopilot. It's tricky with Anderson to figure out which are which. His style is so whimsical and inauthentic that it can come across as playful and plastic in the same scene. It's not his best film, but it's still enjoyable. Wes Anderson is yet to make a bad movie.
Rated 22 Aug 2023
for canon in d and gay
Rated 22 Aug 2023
And I'm being generous
Rated 20 Aug 2023
Per usual with Anderson’s work, I really appreciate the artistry on display here, although this certainly isn’t my favorite of his. The stop-motion, while having been utilized in his films before, is always fun to see, and worked particularly well here. I don’t think I’d recommend this to someone unfamiliar with Wes Anderson, but fans of his will likely enjoy this one too.
Rated 16 Aug 2023
Gets in its own way a few too many times, but the moment-to-moment pleasures are still supreme
Rated 15 Aug 2023
Aside from the couple of paintings that are redesigned in the film, Asteroid City will be as forgettable as French Dispatch. Anderson’s recent works haven’t been what I expected watching Grand Budapest Hotel. I’m surprised that Anderson is not using his visual trademark alongside deeper, more meaningful, stories.
Rated 07 Aug 2023
lemme say, i do like his movies but here anderson tries to do too much, so the climax is with a character we don't care about bc we don't understand enough. the first half was fantastic, exciting, dynamic. then it miserably fell apart and relied on you to pick up the pieces (to make what??). i was relieved when it ended. if a movie needs at least 3 watches to understand whats going on, youve failed. "you cant wake up if you dont fall asleep?" yah u cant shit if u dont eat, so what
Rated 07 Aug 2023
Stunning in Dolby vision. Anderson doesn't ever miss with his set design/colour palettes. This one is a true visual feast. You can tell the actors are enjoying their roles in this. Good humour, and meta playfulness abound. His work remains an acquired taste that I'm still mid acquisition. Fantastic Mr. Fox at the top, Moonrise Kingdom at the bottom and this in the upper middle class. 7.2.
Rated 29 Jul 2023
Wes Anderson in his most Wesandersonness, for better or worst... better for me
Rated 28 Jul 2023
The opening minutes felt like playing Wes Anderson bingo. Frankly I couldn't help feeling like this movie had been made by asking Chat GPT to make a Wes Anderson picture. The characters were too underdeveloped to ever have me that interested in the plot, which seemed to be deliberately opaque anyway, leaving the style to do an awful lot of heavy lifting. His two great films - Moonrise Kingdom and GBH - are masterpieces of combining both style and narrative substance.
Rated 28 Jul 2023
Anderson's films are delightful little getaways for me. I'm always charmed & amused. This is full of things that non-fans complain about though; serious-faced, quick-talking, deadpan characters in nonsensical situations, meta-narratives, and sets with color palettes so intricate and precious that it feels like a color-by-numbers painting. But like I said, this is a comfortable place for me. Wes to critics here: "I still don't understand the play."// "Doesn't matter. Just keep telling the story."
Rated 26 Jul 2023
I'm not sure what the goal of this movie was. Felt discombobulated.
Rated 26 Jul 2023
could not watch the movie until the end! Instead, I saw the "Big lebowski" for the 3rd time!
Rated 23 Jul 2023
2023'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 128. Asteroid City (2023) Böylesi muhteşem bir kast bile filme beni sokamadı maalesef. Çok istedim ama olmadı. 4/10.
Rated 20 Jul 2023
Even though I didn't necessarily vibe with this film as hard as I did with some other movies of his, it's still a beautifully crafted painting of a film.
Rated 19 Jul 2023
Anderson drops a little ditty about dramaturgy -- and mortality -- just like that. There's nothing left in his bag of tricks that'll win any converts, but I for one appreciate that he's still out there making his films just so.
Rated 19 Jul 2023
The most surreal of Anderson's work, Asteroid City is a movie about a play about the writing of a play that we witness as the reality of the movie, if that makes sense. It works, but it's delightfully weird. Plus Scarlett Johansson is naked for like two seconds in the background of one scene. Toward the end I had no idea what was happening, but I knew that I loved it. If there was a hidden message, it was still hidden for me, but I'd watch again for all the quirky humor.
Rated 17 Jul 2023
Andersonian fantastic picture, with enjoyable music and sense of humour. Seems to be much more of a film about the relation between acting and living than one about aliens.
Rated 17 Jul 2023
Mildly amusing but very slight. The irksome structure of the narrative seems written around the shooting availability of the well-known performers.
Rated 17 Jul 2023
This is probably the most Wes Anderson Wes Anderson movie to date, so viewers who aren't fans of his eccentric style will likely find the film self-indulgent and dry. I personally enjoyed the signature parts of his style - the aesthetic compositions, the ensemble cast, the deadpan line delivery, while also appreciating that the film, more than any of his past work, seems to really dissect, in the most meta possible way, the director's own body of work.
Rated 16 Jul 2023
Brilliant Art Work!!! Wes Anderson has already had his own Cinema, but it seems he gets to the Top of it with this Film.
Rated 15 Jul 2023
The film engages Anderson's core themes of finding one's way through grief or disappointment via community building that happens as a result of storytelling and encountering the transcendent/sublime in a way that feels of a piece with Grand Budapest and French Dispatch. To that end, there are a few startling and beautifully rendered moments here. One more thing: in the history of film, is there a funnier example of a parent telling his kids their mother has died?


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