Avatar: The Way of Water
Avatar: The Way of Water
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Avatar: The Way of Water

Avatar: The Way of Water

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
3h 12m
Jake Sully lives with his newfound family formed on the planet of Pandora. Once a familiar threat returns to finish what was previously started, Jake must work with Neytiri and the army of the Na'vi race to protect their planet. (imdb)

Avatar: The Way of Water

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
3h 12m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.62% from 1614 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 16 Dec 2022
We live in an era where a 10 minute YouTube video with a 50$ budget is more entertaining, more educative and way more clever than a three hour long 250 million dollar James Cameron film. Honestly even if you tried you could not make this movie anymore bland and generic than it already is. I just feel sorry for the technical team that put hours and hours of their life on this.
Rated 13 Dec 2022
Take away all the CGI and mo-cap, what are you left with? Yet another corny, lazy, cookie cutter revenge story you have already seen a billion times. Fool me once...
Rated 09 Dec 2022
Unsurprisingly Cameron once again plays it fairly safe narratively, aiming to please as broadly as possible and as a consequence he won't win any awards for the story, but equally unsurprisingly the story is only the excuse to indulge in his creation, the alien world of Pandora in all its sprawling uncompromising splendour, and that is indeed a wondrous sight to behold.
Rated 13 Dec 2022
Undeniable visual spectacle and technical craft held together by the threadiest of threads of characterization and plot. We, of course, know this already. But it bares repeating, as does a $1+ billion film trying to be eco-humanist may seem at least a bit disingenuous. Engagement feels like a kind of mass hysteria: it exists, so it must be more, right? Right? (I swear to God if he’s just remaking Dragonball Z with Zelda locations I’m quitting.)
Rated 02 Jan 2023
All the resources spent on making and watching this movie could have been better used for philanthropy. It would have had a much more positive impact on the planet.
Rated 19 Dec 2022
Blows the first movie out of the water (haha, hehe). Somewhat light storytelling can still be compelling, as is the case here. I genuinely loved the child characters and the actors playing them. I thought the villain was really entertaining, with surprising depth. The new wildlife was gorgeous and fascinating, as was the familial/relationship stuff. I was mesmerized and floored from beginning to end. Cameron’s innovation and self-patience absolutely paid off. Catch it on the big screen.
Rated 18 Dec 2022
This is one of the few films to have given me a sense of wonder and awe in a while. Granted, the narrative takes a pause in the middle third, and there are some beats directly lifted from the first film, but The Way of Water is hands down the most beautiful film I have ever seen. It feels more mature and has more complicated character dynamics, and even though it could have some more plot meat on its bones, it is such a beautiful thing to behold that I don't mind some of its deficiencies.
Rated 14 Jan 2023
Pro tip: walk in an hour late, catch the plotless, gaudy spectacle part in which the aliens swim with fish, and leave before the pointless smash-boom-shooty-shoot finale starts. Or, you know, just go snorkeling instead.
Rated 15 Jan 2023
"Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them" In the first movie, Jake mastered the forest. In this one, they mastered the water. Can't wait for fire and wind.
Rated 05 Jan 2023
There are many problems with the plot, like why would Sully go to the water tribe in order to protect his forest tribe when he is just endangering the water tribe instead? The last hour is almost enough to make me forget the problems and the visual effects are truly amazing throughout.
Rated 01 Jan 2023
...then, everything changed when the sky people attacked
Rated 18 Dec 2022
While the first was inconsistent, it at the very least had highs to go along with the lows. This was insipid in a bunch of ways. Sure, it's pretty but this isn't 2009. We get it, Pandora is worth killing yourself for. Water and swimming, woooo. We don't need a boring middle section of swimming. Maybe spend some time writing characters. I'm still waiting for the plot to go in a direction that isn't completely generic and predictable. The action was okay though. Also, cut an hour off this bad boy.
Rated 16 Dec 2022
Despite having one of the worst scripts and most cringe inducing dialogue I have ever heard... this movie was incredible. So well directed and meticulously crafted. It feels so weird to say that about a film with blue aliens calling each other bro and boy every 10 seconds, but it really was so amazing. These movies should always stay in theaters, I can't imaging watching them any other way.
Rated 15 Dec 2022
It's just unique the way Cameron conducts this in a thin balance between actioner and spiritual drama, both things shown in such an epic, yet intimate fashion -- last third might be one of the best stuff he's ever directed. Gotta love the new characters, the people from the water, even the military shitheads looking for revenge. Though there's lot of exposition, there's barely a plot to follow. Just sit, chill and root for your favorites in Pandora.
Rated 01 Jan 2023
The movie is visually stunning. The action set pieces are a lot of fun. The story is absolute fucking shit. James Cameron is a hell of a director but a terrible writer. Lots of tiny, skinny, blue boobies barely hidden. Kinda liked that.
Rated 22 Dec 2022
This basically felt like a documentary film where we explore the not-too-exotic aquatic ecosystem of Pandora. It is horrendously long for its void plot, but tried filling the gaps with fascinating visuals. Unfortunately, the novelty died down rather quickly for me, and I almost fell asleep during the middle portion of the film, only to be shaken up by the last battle.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
For a while it’s fun to sit back and drink in the stunning images of Cameron's true love Pandora, but the film goes on far too long and, rare for Cameron, doesn’t use its cast particularly well; the novelty of having Weaver voice a teenager is endearing at first, but she brings little life to the character – ditto Winslet, effectively wasted as a forbidding matriarch; even Saldana struggles with a character seemingly restricted to Shakespearean screaming, which never feels particularly earned.
Rated 01 Apr 2023
Long and CGI-heavy (but astonishingly immersive). ATWOW puts its faith in a blend of fitting in, familial bonds, and "bro". The urgency around threats and dangers, the mix of both genuine loss and narrow escapes from peril, and the cool final babyface comeback felt like pro wrestling done well. As a Blockbuster, it is excellent in execution. And fun. Of course - this isn't art cinema. Grab some nibbles, watch with a loved one who loves movies but doesn't know who Fellini is.
Rated 01 Apr 2023
Utter tripe. Completely derivative of the first movie, they just added water. So much of this is cringe-inducing pap. It's also frequently dumb, especially in the last action sequence (kids trained to dive underwater can't escape a ring of flames on top of the water). Too much swimming with whales or *insert exotic aquatic life with phosphorescence* and fancy CGI. The first avatar was good, but this has sunk the franchise for me.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Absolutely shocked at the amount of hissing in a project that took this long to put together. The visuals are a feast but it sucks they're in avatar, this would've put Roger Ebert in a tit coma if they were real people - Rapa Nui almost did way back. Being able to pause this to pee is a wonderful experience. I will never watch this again.
Rated 26 Feb 2023
Immediately takes a nosedive after the rather exciting and promising first act. The only real difference from beginning to end, not to mention its predecessor, lies in geographical relocation. What's left is a overlong and tired retread devoid of stakes and urgency in which the merciless bad guy backs down at every turn from doing merciless things to the shiny mint coloured people. Drinking game: take a shot every time a character hisses like cat or rides a dragon fish with no narrative purpose.
Rated 23 Feb 2023
This whole franchise is odd to me. Cameron is in a class of his own when it comes to visual flare and spectacle. This movie is great to look at and its polish is quite impressive when you don’t think about the 13 years it took for this to come to fruition. However, this film lacks a lot of pace, as its middle arch is a slog. None of the characters really standout and the story has interesting ideas, but I cannot say I have a desire to sit through another 3 hour entry. Not for me.
Rated 27 Jan 2023
"The story is written by a five year old, but the cinematography is often incredibly beautiful."
Rated 14 Jan 2023
First 3D movie I’ve seen in theaters since Great Gatsby in 2013. I normally hate the 3D thing but I figured I owed it to Cameron’s vision. Certainly looks visually majestic but I find it a bit redundant for it to just come down to Navi vs humans again. Also got a bit tired of Zoe Saldana’s crying-moaning noise thing; it worked in the first movie but was too much here. In fact Neytiri’s constant quasi-feral emotionality kind of made it seem like Jake Sully married a big blue retard.
Rated 05 Jan 2023
Same strengths and weaknesses as the first one, so you will likely have the same opinion as you did for the last movie.
Rated 04 Jan 2023
* If you’re not a fan of spectacle cinema, drop 10 points. Story wise it’s a very mediocre film, but Cameron’s mastery over the form, the way he puts you inside the world is just amazing. Experience wise, best movie of the year. If you’re watching at home, drop another 10 points. The experience is what counts.
Rated 22 Dec 2022
Wow. I’ve been Cameronpilled. Sure, this film relies on visual spectacle, and spends too much time on plot lines with little payoff, but the vibes are immaculate. Space whales! Spiritual magic virgins who are their own daughters! There’s enough good bonkers bullshit in here that the bad bonkers bullshit can be largely ignored.
Rated 20 Dec 2022
Fundamentally, this is about as The Sequel To Avatar as it could possibly get, so it’s not going to win over the haters (who have a certain kind of cynicism I could never partake in and I feel a bit sorry for them tbh) but it’s also a significant improvement on the first, with actual characters (who have actual arcs!) and the most incredible visuals I have ever seen. I believed those aliens were real the entire time. First hour only ok and too much is setup for later, but…..he fuckin did it.
Rated 19 Dec 2022
After the initial impressiveness of the crispness, clarity and smoothness of the animation (no motion blur!?!), I found myself bored well before the halfway point. I had the same problem as with Spielberg's "Ready Player One": watching people's animated avatars is impossible for me to connect to. Also, I had the same problem as with "Rise of Skywalker": big bad guy is a clone of the old bad guy. Uninspired. Don't be afraid to step out for a bathroom break or a smoke, you won't miss anything.
Rated 17 Dec 2022
Today's landmark cinematic achievement: An extremely giant piece of shit suspended in water, composed of infinite fractals, out to consume the earth.
Rated 16 Dec 2022
The subtle details is fantastic. The whole indigenous vs modern theme is great. Was a bit of a slog in the middle but actions was so fluid and life like. By the end of the film, I wasn't thinking the film was going for too long despite it being 3 hour. It left a great impression on me instead. I'm looking forward to the trilogy.
Rated 19 Apr 2023
This is a kids movie but it’s a pretty great kids movie with a much needed wholesome message & beautiful visuals and actually pretty likable endearing kids who aren’t saccharine & annoying. The dialogue is rife with watercooler soundbytes, cliche one liners and never gets better, which I anticipated would be unbearable but the general spectacle & positive message, animal bonds & likable kids carried it along. The new world building elements were very snazzy, as well.
Rated 07 Apr 2023
Sigourney Weaver’s old-lady voice coming out of that child is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen
Rated 04 Feb 2023
There's something endearing about James Cameron deciding to spend the rest of his foreseeable career indulging in a schmaltzy glow-in-the-dark world where jellyfish fly and butterflies swim. Sci-fi hasn't hit the whale button this hard since Star Trek IV and I'm loving it.
Rated 16 Jan 2023
I actually thought this was better than the first. More than anything, I just enjoyed the parts where it felt like you were watching a David Attenborough documentary about the coral reefs of Pandora.
Rated 10 Jan 2023
It's obviously visually stunning, a true spectacle, but wow... what a poor excuse of a story. The script is devoid of any depth, and it follows pretty much the same beats as the last film. There's not a ton of originality involved, it all feels overwhelmingly generic and uninspired. I can tell James Cameron cares very deeply about the visuals but maybe he should've also given a single shit about anything other than that.
Rated 03 Jan 2023
Great setpiece movie with a meh plot and way too long.
Rated 02 Jan 2023
A beautiful spectacle and a truly touching, mesmerizing experience when it lets emotion and awe drive the movies focus, but when they try to go for a plot they don't do much that hasn't been done or done better. The general conceit to leaving their village for the water people is a bit forced and the usual annoyances that come from children characters are all there, but the pure might of the atmosphere really is something to behold.
Rated 01 Jan 2023
Way more errors in story judgement (Spida is not a character that could never work, but as executed in this film he has weird vibes), but this film is so undeniably stunning to see and hear. Whatever story problems I felt, I understood that Cameron believes that to save the Earth you have to want to live in it, to have a tactile connection and love with it. So Cameron will spend the rest of his life making THESE movies about an alien world b/c we have forgotten how to understand ours.
Rated 29 Dec 2022
apart from a couple good moments, it is too slow and boring and the kids are too annoying
Rated 29 Dec 2022
Amazing spectacle, iffy plot. Or plots, since there were five main characters with five related subplots. The subplots were all supposed to connect in the end but it didn't click. I can see why Cameron spent over a decade trying to get this right. It's almost a masterpiece but instead ends up being good in a semi-unsatisfying way. Avatar 5 is set to come out in 2061.
Rated 21 Dec 2022
It looks really great, but it’s genuinely not worth the time. Look out for a Planet Pandora with David Attenborough edit, but do not subject yourself to this film. The pacing is atrocious and the writing is worse. The first was bad enough, but at least it was simple and came across as good-intentioned. This is just the sort of colonial entitlement the franchise once pretended to object to. Beautiful, sure, but racism and appropriation scaled with the visuals. Avoid, it’s gross and bad.
Rated 20 Dec 2022
Three hours of glorious entertainment. Lang brings the goods, and a plot development involving Weaver's young character gives me hope for the franchise. I don't care that the story is simple when the visuals are this unbelievable. In fact, I probably even prefer it in this case. For while I revel in Cameron's imaginative level of detail, I find neither his realm nor the Na'vi particularly appealing. Switching it up in terms of location does help though, and those tulkuns sure are pretty dope.
Rated 19 Dec 2022
Slow tempo, which is good, but in reality because it got no story to tell. Even though they're blue, it cant hide all the stereotypes. Boring
Rated 19 Dec 2022
It's a more compelling film than the first with some great little subplots and obviously the imagery is something to behold in Imax 3D. I felt like I'd actually like to go back into the story and world they've built here again and it doesn't feel like a rug pull for the sequel set up either. High frame rate took a while to get used to but even though the on again off again approach to it might seem scattershot at first, it seems well implemented.
Rated 16 Dec 2022
Should have been an hour longer. Wanted to see more of the kids and that speaks how much each new character has to offer in the upcoming movies. Not a lot but some of the most intense action ever. Couple of odd choices here and there and three hours of undeniable spectacle that you can't afford to look away even for a second.
Rated 15 Dec 2022
It looks beautiful and pristine, but I would never like to watch anything like this again. The first 50 minutes were extremely, extremely bland, and then we had to leave. I'll watch it till the end I guess, but... really no motivation. Not entertaining, not intriguing, there's basically nothing. You can copypaste all this into any story and add flavor.
Rated 03 Oct 2023
An aggressively boring, overlong, 3 hour unskipable cut scene from a videogame where the entire budget was spent on graphic design before anyone thought to write a story. Padded out endlessly with shots of characters swooping about, shouting "WOO!" and generally having a better time than anyone watching. And watching at home, the graphics didn't even look all that good. Finding Nemo is visually more interesting. Just making everything bioluminescent isn't art design.
Rated 14 Jul 2023
The first hour should have been cut, it's just a VFX showcase. Nonsense fluff, like a poor writer who's so enamored with his own story he forgets to make it matter to the reader. It's fluff. I'm old. I don't care about fluff anymore. Or writing so bad every major scene needs a Dues Ex Machina. Or false peril. Fire on the water is a fear when you can hold your breath for 30 min? Please. Garbage writing wrapped in VFX. At 1.5x it's within the realm of tolerable.
Rated 19 Apr 2023
I love avatar, but this second movie is way to similar as dynamics to the first one. I was expecting something like a deeper focus on traditions and culture. I hope that for the third one they will change something.
Rated 05 Feb 2023
Heavy-handed virtue-signalling, a few very stilted actors (some are passable), uninspired story-telling and world-building, and excessive scenes of violence against (alien) animals. I likely will not see the sequels, especially if they are so unnecessarily long. I would've walked out if I weren't with a group.
Rated 01 Feb 2023
Your typical 90's action/sci-fi popcorn movie with an hour of Terrence Malick's The Smurfs on the Beach film in the middle.
Rated 10 Jan 2023
It is an undeniably stunning movie. From a storytelling perspective it's definitely better than the first one. That being said, if you want me to invest three hours in a movie and by the end I don't feel anything about any of them in dramatic climaxes, your movie was probably too long.
Rated 07 Jan 2023
The Visuals are ofc superb. The story is a mixture of the classic patriarchical family as the smallest atom of the national community and the "nature vs civilization" ecologism of cameron, so very underwhelming. Bonus points for cute whales.
Rated 07 Jan 2023
I never understood people who said they cried at video games until this movie/video game had me on the verge of tears when the one kid was hanging out with the whale in the ocean. Beautiful and dare I say Malickian? For a giant spectacle you could do a lot worse. Way better than the first one.
Rated 01 Jan 2023
3d absolutely beutiful. the story is shite. but i only wanted to see the beaty really and i began craving magnificent scenes like a guilty feeling. it straight up was stunning top to bottom. it did not feel like 3 hours and i just wanted it to continue. the battle scenes where shortlived and unrealistic. and i cant wait for more world expansion. personally i think the next 2 films will be sand and ice and then it ends as a fin-arly of all 4 lands against the humans
Rated 31 Dec 2022
Nestlé is to food what Hollywood's Cameron is to cinéma. Diabetes and cancer-inducing.
Rated 20 Dec 2022
Avatar: The Way of Water is a good film. It runs over 3hrs but is well-paced & filled with 3D eye-candy. Technically great, but in an age of superhero films, large scale CGI & franchises, this film seems to be treading water. The plot is alright though it features plenty of cringeworthy, clichéd character moments & a substantial amount of build up for future instalments. Also why was the whale exiled for killing? Enjoyable but I still have no desire to revisit the world or the characters.
Rated 16 Dec 2022
James Cameron gives Thunderball competition on how many underwater sequences he can fit in a feature length film. As for the movie, it’s alright I guess. Retreads quite a bit from the first film and feels more like style over substance in places with pretty shots and CGI. I didn’t get the emotional impact from this one as much as the original. Jake and Neytiri get way less screentime as it focuses on the children and secondary characters. Not sure if it justifies the three hour runtime at all.
Rated 16 Dec 2022
Aside from the huge technical achievement this long awaited sequel is pretty hollow. Even more so than the first one.
Rated 16 Dec 2022
If this was the first Avatar movie, I would rate it 100, like I did for the first one. But, I had to take points off for recycling some of the same plot as the first one as well as unnecessarily bringing back Colonel Quaritch. Having said that, the movie is another visual masterpiece that is well directed and acted. The new take on the water side of Pandora is spectacular, with a new world of amazing creatures and interactions between the Na'vi. Will watch this in the theater again
Rated 15 Dec 2022
I was surprised to find myself liking Avatar: The Way of Water. The film's effects and performances impressed me, and the expanded mythology of Pandora made the distinctions between the forest and beach-dwelling Na'vi more meaningful. Despite its reputation for having no cultural footprint, the extended time between sequels shows in the fully realized world and effects. I did have some issues with the high-frame rate images, which can be disconcerting as the resolution switches from shot to shot
Rated 09 Dec 2022
Better on second watch, but pacing and story are still problematic (to say the least). On the other hand the action is seriously brillant and it probably couldn’t look better.
Rated 29 Sep 2024
7.5/10 Too much water.
Rated 09 Sep 2024
I don't think anyone was asking James Cameron for an Avatar sequel. Man that was long.
Rated 05 Sep 2024
why tf these movies make so much money
Rated 28 May 2024
Avatar 1 is my all time favourite movie so no need to say that expectations was sky high. Storywise this could have been a lot better, but what it lacks in the plot it makes up for with stunnig visuals and special effects. I would not go so far as saying I was dissapointed, but I certainly find the original way better in every aspect (even the visuals was better in the 1st.)
Rated 19 Apr 2024
The only redeeming quality of this movie was (obviously) the visual aspect of it. I mean avatar was never the most story rich movie but come on! You have to see it to know what I'm referring to,but did they even try to make the story interesting smh. I wasn't expecting very much, but this was genuinely one of the biggest F-you's I've ever lived to see.Mainly because it's James Cameron, so expectations were a bit higher overall. 0 creativity storytelling Fun to watch if you're blasted though lol
Rated 16 Mar 2024
Tsireya: "The way of water has no beginning and no end. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things: life to death, darkness to light."
Rated 11 Mar 2024
Finally decided to sit down for this one. Watched on an OLED which Dolby vision which makes a big difference for this type of movie. Great sound design and spectacular visuals with a pretty breakneck pace for the final hour. This helps keep focus on a story that otherwise is pretty by the numbers. I cared for the animals more than the rest. A very impressive technical masterpiece, the story just doesn't keep pace, but still an emotional and rewarding story. 7.9.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
Stunning visuals: I couldn't believe I was watching a nearly-100% computer-generated film. I wish I could rate it higher but the plot is too heavy-handed. The bad guys sure are REALLY bad; we get it Mr. Cameron. Nuanced this film is not. It's a pity too, because if just a few of the humans (sky people) could side with the natives, this could be believable. Still, it's a beautiful film.
Rated 17 Dec 2023
So much less than the sum of its parts. Did not expect the sequel to be bungled into some overlong bird out of water teen drama mixed with the discomfort of an I Spit On Your Aquarium -- who is this supposed to be aimed at?
Rated 07 Dec 2023
Too long..
Rated 18 Nov 2023
a visually enhanced attempt to create a contemporary iliad, where polytheistic icons were believed to help hector and his people that time rather than being on the side of achilles. if you ask my opinion on homeric poetry, i am glad to mention that i am indeed a big fan of socratic perspective.
Rated 13 Nov 2023
eng; [avatar: the way of water; avatar 2]; die Menschen kommen wieder nach pandora und jagen den anführer des Stammes und seine familie, welcher dann zu seinen Artgenossen am meer flieht - und eine andere Lebensweise kennenlernt.;
Rated 25 Sep 2023
imaxte izledim. görüntü kalitesi, çekimler efsane. konusuda eh işte bir film olmuş
Rated 20 Aug 2023
A visually stunning film, though I imagine that had I seen it on the big screen, the effect would have been even more amazing. Just guessing which parts are CGI and when there are real people involved in some parts, that's how good the technology has become these days. It felt just a little bit too long in parts, but I liked the world-building that is extended further here. It feels like a real, living world and makes you wonder what kind of other tribes there are. Desert? Mountain?
Rated 30 Jul 2023
Visually stunning movie. Absolutely gorgeous. Saw this in Dolby Cinema and I do not regret it. Probably won't be watching it again but it was a great spectacle.
Rated 28 Jul 2023
Um filme que não entrega nada além de beleza visual. Sem sentido, sem nexo, mas belo.
Rated 28 Jul 2023
3 saatlik balık belgeseli yapan koca yürekli cameron
Rated 25 Jul 2023
What Cameron likes in a film can be listed along a spectrum: nature, the sea, family, imagining futuristic forms of transport, military-type culture and dialogue, firepower. Compared to the first movie, this one tones down the sense of discovering an exotic culture, instead taking its cues from familiar aspects of Pacific islander society, and focusing on a bunch of teens who use the word “bro” an awful lot. Plus people get trapped on a big boat that’s sinking, which reminds me of another movie.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
This film is full of visually stunning moments and scenes. Unfortunately this movie is way to long and the script needed some more work. The exciting scenes just don't quite make up for the boring ones. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 18 Jul 2023
This is me tapping out of this franchise. And to be honest, for some reason this time around, I got grossed out looking at eight-pack blue cat bodies. Put some damn clothes on you blue freaks!
Rated 16 Jul 2023
did not finish
Rated 05 Jul 2023
Visual effects, yay. Story, average. Some plot holes, like how did Quaritch know Jake's son died? What happened to all the tribe that was fighting? Why was Spider so happy to work with Quaritch? What the heck was with the god and seizure thing? That story line just went away.
Rated 01 Jul 2023
Technically amazing to look at. They didn't spend a dime on script writing tho.
Rated 30 Jun 2023
Visually incredible but a forgettable story
Rated 25 Jun 2023
Not sure they should have made this sequel. Still beautiful and worth the watch. *Recommendable.
Rated 25 Jun 2023
We went from the forest to the ocean, so I guess next we will go to the mountains? Cameron definitely pulled a Nolan (amazing visuals and lame story) but it somehow felt good to see some ham-fisted 90s villain and final showdown along with the emotional manipulation.
Rated 20 Jun 2023
Entertainment: 4. Heart: 2. Mind: 1. Wholesome: 0.75.
Rated 17 Jun 2023
Technically outstanding, even if the perfunctory story is essentially what a 100 random strangers would have plotted for an Avatar sequel if asked on the street! I found the first third of the film rather laborious, but it’s does collect itself together nicely for the final act.
Rated 15 Jun 2023
CGI porn.
Rated 14 Jun 2023
The bits between game levels where they try to explain why you're jumping through the hoops they've set except you don't even get to play the daft game. Dull stuff. And the US is such a misogynistic place that they can't even imagine an alien paradise where teenage boys aren't calling each other "bitch"? Yuck.
Rated 13 Jun 2023
Bro, so much gratuitous violence, cuz. Never seen so much blood and guts in a Disney movie bro. Pretty average experience bro cuz.
Rated 12 Jun 2023
I wasn’t a fan of the first, and while this one didn’t really fix any of my complaints, I have to admit it’s a notable improvement. The story is still thin, and the characters are still bland and forgettable, although I have to admit I liked Lo’ak (Jake’s second son) quite a bit. I found the new locations far more visually appealing, and the climax had some fairly fun moments. I’m not sold on this being a franchise, but if they fix up the story and characters for the next 3, I’d be into it.
Rated 10 Jun 2023
Would have been better with tree and water combined. Very similar story to the first one even with same 2 fighting at the end.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
They warn you pretty early on: the way of water has no end.
Rated 26 May 2023
A truly incredible piece of visual spectacle. The story and characters were as bland and uninteresting as the last one, and the final act was as predictable as it was underwhelming. The middle hour of this film was literally ja BBC nature documentary, but with alien creatures and carefully planned cinematography. good stuff
Rated 26 May 2023
Plot 10/20 Fiction 11/20 Casting/Acting 11/20 Worldbuilding 16/20 Entertainment 11/20
Rated 07 May 2023
I DID NOT WATCH IT IN 3D/IMAX A blockbuster, nice, average story, some twists, I suppose the note would have been better in 3D because I feel every scene is build for it.


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