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Rated 31 Jan 2018
At times, a laugh-out-loud bash of a comedy that's largely held up by Efron, and to a lesser extent Franco. I can take or leave Rogan. It was successful enough to spawn a less than stellar sequel, but it doesn't take much these days. Not bad, worth a watch, a passive one.
Rated 19 May 2014
Amusing collegiate fun. Does a good job humanizing its antagonists. A lot of the jokes are more dirty-for-the-sake-of-dirty than clever-dirty, though. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm no prude or anything at all. I watch Game of Thrones like everyone else. But I still don't consider "look, a giant dick!" or "look, big veiny boobs!" a "joke" in anything but the loosest terms.
Rated 21 Jul 2014
I didn't like this. There were a handful of funny moments here and there, but it was largely juvenile and tedious and the attempts at giving the film a heart just rang incredibly false and undermined what little of the comedic setup could have been effective. Just not for me.
Rated 02 May 2014
We only have like 3ish more years of Christopher Mintz-Assy before he's gone forever. I can't wait.
Rated 26 Sep 2014
A solid consistent deliverer of laughs. It isn't amazing, but since so few comedies even partially entertain, this stands out as a pretty good entry. Efron and Franco are both entertaining, and although Seth Rogen playing himself should have worn off years ago, it hasn't.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
A series of jokes strung together with a semi-coherent narrative. Its fine, its whatever
Rated 27 Oct 2014
Y'know, I really like Zach Efron. I think he's very good. The rest of the movie doesn't do much. You'll maybe laugh once or twice-- four times if you're really into it. Regardless, I don't highly recommend this one, it's just there.
Rated 09 Jan 2015
Neighbors isn't 'hilarious', but it entertains and sticks to what it is, and there is some good comedy to be found in there, which makes it better than most comedies anymore. Good performances from Rogen and Byrne and Efron and Franco as well. I didn't think it was a gut-buster, but it's still worth a watch.
Rated 07 May 2014
The movie's central conflict lends itself to strong comedic potential, and Stoller, Cohen and O'Brien fully capitalise on that, ensuring that every one of the movie's tight 97 minutes delivers at least a laugh or two. A wild and raucously funny ride. more @ lbxd
Rated 05 Jun 2014
One of the better character-driven comedies in a while. I like that the movie acknowledges its plot is pushed forward mostly by itchy boredom. Efron and Franco bring massive amounts of warmth and humanity to collegiate villains that could be moustache-twirlers in a lesser film, and both do a great job of legitimizing themselves as movie stars -- especially Efron. It's a funny movie full of funny people, and the casting director who paired Hannibal Buress with Jerrod Carmichael deserves an Oscar.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Funny, but a bit disappointing in execution. This could have been so much more.
Rated 10 May 2014
Seth Rogan and Dave Franco are soo funny and the entire movie was damn funny.
Rated 11 May 2014
Reaches surprisingly high emotional, dramatic, and comedic peaks. If it were more consistent at reaching those heights, and were able to make the different ideas cohere a little more, this would have easily made it into the raunchy comedy pantheon.
Rated 31 Jul 2014
I was pretty much won over by its inescapably buoyant charm and Efron is one hot muffin' - I mean I'm not gay or anything, but I would totally suck his ****
Rated 07 Mar 2015
Aside from a few short chuckles there were no laughs to be had. It wasn't really funny and all of the characters were super stupid especially the mom(Rose Byrne). The only actor that gives a halfway decent acting performance was Zac Efron.
Rated 07 Sep 2015
More jokes work than fail. Byrne, efron, and buress get all the best moments. If you haven't seen rogen in a while you'll probably be okay with him playing the exact same seth rogen as every other seth rogen movie.
Rated 13 Sep 2014
some funny moments, some gross-out moments, overall pretty pedestrian. nothing jumped out at me, or elicited much beyond a chuckle. the route they took with the film in terms of plot and character was extremely predictable, and the comedy wasn't sharp or strong enough to hide that or make it acceptable. not a particularly huge fan of efron or rogen, so wasn't a 100% behind the casting choices, though to be fair they both did well in their assigned roles. still though, ultimately just okay.
Rated 27 Sep 2014
Not nearly as funny or as cool as they were obviously trying to be. Overall it was amusing, but I don't remember getting any big laughs. Mostly of it was unconvincing and felt too staged. I loved seeing Rose Byrne in this role, she was awesome. Some of Seth Rogen's humor worked well. The plot lacked inspiration and the actors were saddled with a terrible script. Lots of points for the effort. Lisa Kudrow and Ike Barinholtz were unimpressive.
Rated 22 Feb 2015
Not amazing but a not bad 80's style comedy. The leads and sides are all fine. Nothing amazing, but not a bad way to spend 100 minutes by any means
Rated 13 May 2014
The party cinematography is better than Spring Breakers.
Rated 01 Dec 2014
I found this film hilarious, one of the best comedies I've seen in the past 5 years. The best moments came from Rogen and Byrne and their attempts at parenting and being mature adults. These two are both such great comic actors. The frat scenes were a little more grating and less funny, but still watchable. I did not expect the humour to be so dirty, quickfire, and in-your-face - a real treat with some truly unexpected surprises. The quality starts to slide later on but the film is soon over.
Rated 10 May 2014
A little disappointing in that I only laughed out loud occasionally rather than non-stop like with previous Rogen comedies. The story is overly simplistic and doesn't go anywhere surprising. Funniest when it uses slapstick and sight gags for laughs rather than the repetitive genitalia jokes. Rose Byrne is best of show, easily outshining the rest of the cast.
Rated 03 Jan 2015
Honestly, Neighbors was good but I think because of the lack of good comedy this year, it was overrated for what it was. All the stars including Rogen, Efron, and Franco rocked but the jokes were inconsistant and none (barring De Niro party) made me laugh out loud. A good comedy watchable for cast alone.
Rated 19 Jan 2015
It's certainly not the best comedy going around, but Neighbors is surprisingly funny and reasonably entertaining
Rated 16 Sep 2014
Rogan and Byrne had a fairly nice chemistry I guess, but by halfway I was bored of this and it seemed to have nothing left to offer. There are a few laughs no doubt, but I was hoping something a little naughtier and nastier I suppose.
Rated 12 Jun 2014
Funny raunchy comedy that nails fraternity life and drama. Some subplots get brought up and then discarded. The movie does a good job at painting everyone in grey instead of having straight good and bad guys. which makes it much better than many other raunchy comedies made today
Rated 10 May 2014
If you like Seth Rogen, you'll like this movie. Plain and simple.
Rated 17 May 2015
Rogen and Byrne's bumbling young parents shtick here is usually funny and there are a few memorably raunchy gags, but the chaotic party montages get a bit tiresome and do little to cover up what feels like a very thin plot (some self-aware jabs at screenplay cliches excuse its weak movements, but don't add the needed substance). The half-hearted attempt at serious character development for Teddy is regrettably too little, too late, and the movie isn't consistently funny enough to make up for it.
Rated 23 Jun 2014
At points it's a very entertaining movie that is really funny. Efron and Franco are great as the frat guys, while Rogen and Byrne (though once you get passed the believable part - YOU CAN BE WITH ME ROSE!) they play a set of great parents who don't want their youth to slip by. I just felt at times it was lacking and just wasn't consistent enough as it could have been.
Rated 11 Oct 2014
A serviceable Seth Rogen comedy. You know what in you're in for, and it delivers plenty along those lines. It's nice to see Zac Efron doing some good comedic work.
Rated 22 Dec 2014
Maybe it's just me, but with an actual director (say, previous Rogen collaborator Jody Hill) this could have been legitimately kind of interesting -- an exploration of how far people will go to perform their expected roles, a Straw Dogs with frat boys to go with Hill's take on Taxi Driver. Oh well.
Rated 25 Oct 2014
Actually funnier than I expected. Also has a nice send up of prototypical male/female relationships in it.
Rated 12 Oct 2014
Smart and funny with great performances from all the leads.
Rated 08 Jul 2014
As a 30 year old college fuck up this movie talked to me. An instant classic. It's equal parts War of The Roses and Old School. Its juvenial dick jokes would fail anywhere else, really it suits the fraternity feeling of Neighbors.
Rated 19 Jun 2014
Surprisingly funny and cutting.
Rated 24 Oct 2014
This movie really surprised me. Rogen and Byrne make a cute couple. The frat guys are a really interesting mix of homoerotic, hipster, macho, assholes, but at times they are totally lovable. The story is a nice update on an old theme. There are twists and turns that catch the audience off guard. I thought the final scene of the movie was endearing and it gave me hope that these guys could one day be friends. This movie was everything a good comedy should be funny and poignant at mome
Rated 17 Sep 2014
A few laughs here and there but feels like it's just another one of those.
Rated 21 May 2014
While a "21 Jump Street" sequel is comimg, this feels as if its the 2014 equivalent. Surpringly consistent in the laughs and on reflection a comedy that will have multiple viewings left in it. Efron is the real deal. Can do it all, don't pre judge him because of the high school musical background. Definitely a fan. Rogen/Byrne nail their roles and lets also just put Dave Franco in everything, his smile alone should lighten up your day. Can come off episodic but who cares when its this much fun?
Rated 25 Dec 2014
This was very disappointing. The jokes are not funny, and the film is too mean spirited to be charming.
Rated 03 Sep 2014
Zac Efron is too talented. It's upsetting how good of a performer he is.
Rated 09 Jun 2014
Neighbors was better than expected! Consistent laughs coming from me; jokes were not cheesy and predictable. Rogen/Byrne pair are such a cute couple on screen. Efron also plays a believable character, dancing on the line of jackass/just-another-teen-with-problems. I recommend this movie for a light movie-watching evening.
Rated 05 May 2016
Seth Rogen is hilarious there is no doubt about that. I was skeptical about Zac Efron but he was superb in this film that featured some very big laughs. Dave Franco I found was the big stand out from the entire cast. A solid film overall from start to finish.
Rated 19 May 2014
Some decent laughs, especially when things turn dark for split-second periods of time. It's uneven at points, but the moral grey areas - I would argue there is no true protagonist, as both sides of the feud go way too far in their efforts - make it an interesting flick. Plus, I lived in a frathouse that had members evicted in college, and they expertly captured the right levels of tension involved. That's impressive.
Rated 10 Jun 2014
Seth Rogen's Spring Breakers. Or Seth Rogen's Straw Dogs. Whichever you prefer!
Rated 08 May 2014
Laugh out loud, fun comedy about stupid people in over their heads who you can't help but like.
Rated 23 May 2014
A frat (led by Zac Efron and Dave Franco) moves in next to a young couple with a baby (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne). Conflict ensues. A surprisingly thoughtful exploration of fraternity dynamics is let down by the insistence on status-quo reinforcement, but there are quite a few laughs to compensate. Efron, Franco, and Byrne are all quite strong; Efron in particular nails Teddy's uneasy balance of arrogance and self-doubt. Rogen is rather tiresome. Well made, with some good direction on display.
Rated 26 Jun 2014
It's...a Seth Rogen comedy. Loud, shticky, stoner-y, with lots of falling down and gross-outs and scenes where people get humiliated. All Rogen's comedies are basically the same, with the same beats, build-ups, and big climaxes. They're all pretty funny, though. This one's pretty funny.
Rated 06 Apr 2016
#16#, exp3, rw2, popcorn, story, cast
Rated 13 May 2014
Pretty typical for a good raunchy comedy. The surprises were some solid comedic moments from Efron and some genuine emotional moments. It successfully squeezes comedy from all the supporting and bit characters as well.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
Rogen continues with his crude, rude and raunch filmography (but hey, it works) Efron is slowly becoming the Tom Cruise of the new millennium and can easily turn into the next big movie star. Christopher Mintz-Plasse is once again type cast as "McLovin". The music is appropriate but grating on anyone's ears over the age of 25. As far as "frat" comedies go, this is up there with the best of them (Animal House, Revenge of the Nerds, Old School).
Rated 22 Aug 2016
Bad Neighbours is the epitome of mediocrity. The characters are indecent, and the writing is an interesting mix of childish, lazy and atrocious. The movie is not terrible, but it's barely fun to watch.
Rated 18 Aug 2014
eh kinda predictable but sorta funny. seth rogen good as always but not really sold by rose byrne's character. why can't people write less lame female roles?
Rated 07 May 2014
Not as full of laughs as movies like This is the End or Superbad, but the script and story are very solid. I liked how the students and the parents were treated with equal amounts of respect and ridicule, discriminating neither of them. Not one joke went on for too long, and the characters were more fleshed out than you would expect from a comedy. Overall, while slightly underwhelming on laughs, it's still a movie that's both fun and memorable.
Rated 25 Sep 2014
"There's no consistency here. You're all over the place with your references."
Rated 04 Aug 2016
I wanted to like this but it was mediocre at best. A few small laughs, a few smiles, that's about it. I can't even think of anything more to say. It was just on the very low side of 'ok'. I wouldn't rewatch this by choice.
Rated 09 Jul 2015
More scenes with Hannibal Buress would have made this better.
Rated 09 Aug 2017
Funny enough to pass the time, it uses Rogen's, Efron's and Byrne's charms well.
Rated 11 May 2014
In the spirit of going out of my way to find something good to say about Neighbors, I can report that the film does contain a scant few positive messages about the value of marriage. Because absolutely everything in Neighbors is drenched in dreck. A baby nibbles on a condom. Men make dildos using their own anatomy as models. A man "milks" a woman onscreen. And that's just about all I can stomach writing about that side of things too. Add in nearly 250 obscenities and vulgarities. (
Rated 31 Aug 2014
Terrible movie, even more terrible comedy
Rated 22 Feb 2015
Bad Neighbours is a mediocre but harmless comedy with a handful of laughs to pass the time. Decent comedies have been hard to come by in recent years so I wasn't particularly optimistic for this. Rogan & Byrne are likable together I suppose, but Rogan is a carbon copy of his usual self and he desperately needs to inject new life into his repetitive and tired humour. And Zefron is tolerable. The majority of the referential jokes got a chuckle or two out of me, but otherwise this is forgettable.
Rated 10 May 2014
10 out of 10 very funny movie
Rated 01 Aug 2014
Well this sucked...
Rated 31 Mar 2015
Tedious and boring with an occasional laugh sprinkled in. I'm not sure this was the intent, but I liked Efron and Franco far more than Rogen and Byrne. They had a real story arc and actual chemistry, and 90% of the laughs came from either them or Hannibal Buress. Put Hannibal Buress in more things. Hannibal Burres is the best.
Rated 03 Nov 2014
I was saddened by the movie for the portrayal of the parents. They go get themselves trashed and higher than kites on multiple occasions at the frat house with their baby at home alone. Oh... And the movie actually isn't that funny. At all.
Rated 29 Jul 2021
Rated 05 May 2019
eng; [neighbors; bad neighbours]; in das nachbarhaus einer jungen familie zieht eine uni-verbindung ein - doch mit dem lärm wird es schnell zuviel.;
Rated 12 Jul 2014
Had some fun scenes, not much to remember afterwards.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
Kind of a one-joke movie, but still with a few twists and turns to the plot -
Rated 28 Sep 2014
I went to this movie with very low expectations, and generally they became true: dumb story, not enough funny moments, full of clichés, one dimension characters and other things. But I had a few surprises: Zack Efron can act (in this character at least), great choice of the baby, I really like Rose Byrne and a great idea for a party... A Robert Deniro party!!!
Rated 17 Feb 2019
A last gasp (or so it seems) for the apatow gangs movies and even this one doesn't really have anyone from those except Rogen. Absolutely hilarious and the party scenes look phenomenal. Having the extras shoot scenes on iPhones really gave it a spring breakers feel. It's nice to see Rogen is able to grapple with his impending turn into becoming an old person than Apatow could.
Rated 10 Nov 2014
Rogen and Byrne tries really hard but the whole narrative is really just an excuse to get from one half-assed set of gags to another.
Rated 09 May 2014
Neighbors is a comedy that's funny but not as funny as it could have been. I laughed more than I expected to, but not as much as I ultimately wanted to. It's another minor success for director Nicholas Stoller, who is now batting three for four in his career. The actors are fine, the jokes are plenty, it's very R-rated, and that's about all that anyone should say about it. To say more would ruin it.
Rated 18 May 2014
This movie has several funny moments and amusing scenes. Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne work well together as a couple. Zac Efron and Dave Franceo also work well together. Ike Barinholtz also a number of really funny moments. Overall I would recommend this comedy.
Rated 15 May 2014
Only scenes with Lisa Kudrow were funny. We saw way too much of Josh's pasty, fat body.
Rated 18 Dec 2014
A good time.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Got a couple of giggles out of it, that's much more than I expected.
Rated 19 Aug 2017
Enjoyable comedy goes nowhere you don't expect it to, but a perfect cast wrings every drop of humour it can out of proceedings (even if the finale becomes a little too frantic and overblown). The excellent comic chemistry between Rogen and Efron is the highlight (though worrisome that Rogen should be seen as 'old' in this context!) but performance wise, Byrne steals the film. Kudrow's brief appearance as the face of bureaucracy is also good for a loud guffaw.
Rated 13 Jun 2014
Don't know why toilet humor is gratefully accepted in modern comedies. Cutting this off, Neighbors could have found its way being funny and moralistic.
Rated 08 Nov 2014
It has it's funny moments (mainly the outrageously crude parts), but it's paced as if it's racing to the end, where we really learn nothing from this concept exercise. Efron and [Dave] Franco earn my respect after seeing this though.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
Standard turn-your-brain-off Nicholas Stoller film. It's an enjoyable ride looking at the revelry of college years and mourning the loss-of-youth. However, the direction of the party scenes are likely to bring back every viewer to their party days. Ultimately, the film carries no weight other than to say 'college is fun and the real world sucks'. And sometimes we live next to someone who looks like they're having more fun. But, like most cases, the fun here is short lived.
Rated 22 Jun 2014
This could have been so much more if only the lead character had been someone other than Rogen. I think I've grown tired of his weed-based comedy romps. This one seemed a lot like a rerun of Van Wilder which was much more entertaining.
Rated 06 Feb 2018
It was ok.
Rated 14 Aug 2016
Rated 21 Nov 2016
There is a baseline quality that all other Seth Rogen films had until he made this. Really lowered the floor for his movies.
Rated 03 Aug 2016
Broad and crude. I'll give it a doubtful pass because of Efron's impression of Christian Bale as Batman, though. And it has some pretty funny sight gags.
Rated 01 Feb 2017
The first time we tried to watch this we only got 15 minutes in. Through sheer force of will i managed to sit through the rest. This is easily one of the absolute worst movies i have ever seen. Painfully unfunny and insipid. Rogen is awful, Dave Franco somehow manages to be even worse. Worst thing is, to paraphrase Hannah Arendt, the evil of banality. They made a profit and released a sequel because some people like this.I think i laughed once. Just once.
Rated 25 Aug 2018
Sooo mediocre. The movie-reference scene was good though.
Rated 05 May 2016
Some laughs (only because Seth is in here) .. that was kinda it. Not, I repeat NOT worth a second watch. Otherwise pretty bad choice in neighbourhood and parenting :D
Rated 15 Feb 2017
Passes the time.
Rated 31 Aug 2014
Only a few funny moments. Rogen, can only do one thing actually, and it's not that funny anymore. - Bad
Rated 21 Jan 2019
Rogan was actually the weakest part in all this since we've seen this character many times before. Unexpected Rose Byrne. Nice to see McLovin' again. "Let's make a baby!"/"That'll solve all our problems!" Excited to watch sequel. Fav scene: Rogan/Efron fight; milk scene comes close.
Rated 12 Aug 2021
"Family vs. Frat" Young couple Mac and Kelly Radner (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) are forced to move into a noisy and obnoxious college dorm after the birth of their baby. When they have to contend with college student Teddy Sanders (Zac Efron), his rash behavior causes a lot of problems.
Rated 05 May 2014
This film would have been funnier without seeing the trailer first. It still had some funny moments but there wasnt anything fresh here with a similar comedy style you would associate with the film makers and knowing their previous work. Its a decent date movie but leaves you very under whelmed.
Rated 27 Jun 2014
i am ashamed i watched it and even laughed a few times :D
Rated 11 Sep 2014
Zac Efron shows that he is probably on his way to evolving into something more than just a musical star, but a couple of fun scenes doesn't make it more than a very mediocre comedy - i do like seth rogen though, he transforms the child in all of us into competent, reflected, mature adults.
Rated 14 Jul 2023
It's slapstick and pretty funny at times.
Rated 29 Nov 2018
Extremely thin, but what laughs are there are pretty good.
Rated 11 Jul 2015
Gone represent it to the t-top. Born and bred up on the street top, get to the money and the sweet spot. And forever hollering "Hootie Hoo!" when we see cops.
Rated 30 Dec 2015
Liked it enough to watch it twice, that's about it.
Rated 17 Aug 2017
good movie


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