Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

1h 42m
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Avg Percentile 38.4% from 1710 total ratings

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Rated 28 Sep 2014
The cinematic equivalent of getting back with your smokin' hot ex-girlfriend, only to find out she's gained 30 pounds and picked up a cocaine addiction. The magic may be gone but you'd still do her.
Rated 21 Nov 2014
When I say Juno Temple is in this movie, you know full well I mean her boobs are in it. I've seen more movies where Jenna Jameson keeps her clothes on than I have with Juno Temple. If you reread that last sentence carefully, you can find hints of regret aimed at both reveals.
Rated 24 Sep 2014
I had to watch it over two viewings because I was asked to leave the first time. Sin City 2 it the one thing a movie like this must never be, instantaneously forgettable. Not bad, it just doesn't bring anything new to the table. Where is the freak to liven things up? I was hoping at least for some Alba skin, but they can't even get that right. Jessica Alba is literally the worst stripper I have ever seen. "TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES OR GET OFF THE STAGE!" this is when I was escorted out the theater.
Rated 30 Jun 2016
When the movie's at its best - that is, when Eva Green is onscreen - it's on par with the first movie. When she's not, it becomes painfully obvious that this belated sequel was too little, too late. Disappointing and unsatisfying.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
Marv is finally back. Unfortunately, he's not nearly as cool as he used to be. Brolin's pretty good, but this anthology amounts to little more than a retread of old ground. This time around there are no characters as out there as Kevin or Yellow Bastard. What's left is an overstylished and rather flat genre exercise, whetting one's appetite for a juicy noir meal but failing to understand that violence and sex are less important ingredients than the attitude and themes of the original classics.
Rated 07 Jul 2018
A pretty decent follow-up to the first movie. Although it definitely doesn't seem to have the lasting impact or surprise the first one delivered. It does still have some beautiful, visceral effects and violence like the first installment with some great performances. I liked Green and Brolin a lot. Overall I think it's about as entertaining as the first film, but shorter and not quite as good. It's a shame it didn't do well at the box office. Worth watching if you liked the first.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
Laughably bad in pretty much every way. Maybe there was too much time between movies. It seems dated, out of place, lazy, and cheap. The script, and line delivery thereof, is terrible. What works on the page of the graphic novel, comes out flat and hackneyed in Brolin's monotone. Even Rourke, who was a highlight last time around, seems bloated and tired. There's no vibrance and the noir is over cooked instead of hard boiled. From the opening frame, this was a disaster.
Rated 04 Sep 2014
I have zero confidence Rodriguez even knows what a film is anymore. The worst kind of adults playing pretend crap you can imagine, when Clive Owen tells you he has better things to do, you're in trouble.
Rated 19 Sep 2014
At the end of the day, it feels kind of like "just another Sin City movie." And I mean, there are worse things for a movie to be. It's better than "just another Transformers movie." But after nine years, some people have visibly aged (some even died), people don't look as into-it as they did before, they got lazy on some of the digital effects, and it just didn't hit me like the first one did. The best I can say is that it made me really want to watch the first movie again.
Rated 29 Nov 2014
Being a huge fan of the comics, and the first film, the visual style was pleasing as were some of the individual performances. Brolin is a welcome addition. Alba and Dawson seemed a bit wooden this time around. Booth was creepy as always.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
A sequel that feels a decade too late. Diluted and dated by poor versions of similar films over the last 10 years and a cast that seem to have signed up because half of them have little better to do. Even so, it just feels like a slightly limp version if the first movie, which I liked, so you know, it was okay.
Rated 07 Sep 2014
LOVED the first film. This time it all felt a bit like everyone and everything was just going through the motions. I didn't feel an emotional connection with any of the characters, never really cared about anyone in any of the story lines. Some of the acting and lines seemed a bit over-the-top corny, I chuckled to myself at a couple of unintentionally funny moments. The violence wasn't enjoyable for the most part. The humour was non-existent. It wasn't fun, wasn't thrilling, wasn't compelling.
Rated 03 Oct 2014
Targeted at a generation too lazy to read a comic book, this features more of the same of what we saw nine years ago but this time with embarrassingly bad acting to boot. Somehow I blame "Pleasantville" for all this.
Rated 23 Aug 2014
Eva Green chews up scenery like Robin Williams on a bulimia binge (note: her breasts were visually enhanced; Alba's abs as well), but like the first, this sequel is so deliberately cool it's uncool, because the thing about cool is that cool is so cool it doesn't have to try to be cool, ya dig? Themes include: "Power corrupts", "Women are hot", and "Violence begets violence begets violence begets violence". Note: I'm not sure I've seen a movie where Juno Temple isn't naked and having sex.
Rated 11 Jul 2016
The stories are less exciting and less engaging than in the first, especially the new ones Miller wrote. Gives off a strong feeling of "just going through the motions," which makes it hard to enjoy. Should have been made five years before it was. Not without a few moments, though.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
With less horror than the previous one this was more up my street, and the tone has also shifted just a smidgen from "In a world that hates women..." towards "In a hateful world..." which made the whole experience a bit less disconcerting for me than last time round. As you'd expect, the visuals are astonishing, the short stories are wry and compelling, the performances are thrillingly larger than life, and the material is challenging. I was utterly absorbed.
Rated 08 Sep 2014
Really unsure how people who loved the first Sin City didn't care for this as they are almost equal in terms of quality, only the first was more fresh because, well, it was first. It's true the storylines aren't as tightly weaved this time around but the acting here was a bit better and the stories are still prophetic in that grim, noir-ish manner. Obviously these gleefully violent and sexual tales aren't for everyone but for anyone who thoroughly enjoyed the original this is highly recommended.
Rated 22 Aug 2014
The sequel to Sin City (9 years later!) has everything that made the original great, just slightly less of it.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
I'm not a big Sin City mark; I know I've watched the first, but I literally had to Wiki the synopsis of the first to refresh my memory. But I mean, I was very entertained. Such a great visual style, that for me is fresh and effective because, again, I'm not married to the first. I understand that this is so very gratuitous and in that sense the criticisms of misogyny and ultra-violence don't bother me. This movie is lots of fun; it disappoints me to see it struggle so heavily at the box office.
Rated 23 Nov 2014
A little cheesier and less hard-boiled than the original.
Rated 05 Oct 2014
Not as bad as most critics make it out to be. It's basically more of the same, just not as impressive as the original Sin City. It's decent, no more no less.
Rated 03 Sep 2014
I actually kinda enjoyed the titular "Dame to Kill For" storyline - both because Eva Green chews the scenery and wears no clothes and because it actually more or less tells a story. The rest was a lot shakier, and the final Jessica Alba-centric segment was an all-around bore that had me squirming and thinking "Is this gonna end soon?"
Rated 30 Sep 2014
Is it fair to say this is much worse than the first one? I don't know, because it's essentially the same film but it also doesn't expand on the format and it feels desperate at times to simply recreate the successes of the first (Marv, for example, who was the easy highlight before but has nothing new to offer). Maybe it's because I've matured in the 9 years in between (which is far too long, by the way, to keep any kind of relevance), because it just seems kind of adolescent to me now.
Rated 01 Aug 2015
Tits n'violence
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Nothing on the first Sin City.
Rated 10 Oct 2014
in a city where every inhabitant is basically batman/-woman with their own raspy voiceover, cramming up in the same joint with one poor extorted stripper, NOTHING is out of the ordinary. to be exact: EVERYTHING is boring and repetitive. most of the time this feels like a fan film with the occasional cameo from "real" sin city protagonists, who always seem confused about being there. the rest is straight satire. has to be! that, or someone mixed up the script with a first draft of spy kids 5.
Rated 16 Dec 2014
WATCH as every story involves crawling around and breaking into a mansion of some sort! MARVEL as Joseph Gordon-Levitt obviously jogs in place in front of a greenscreen! RECOIL IN HORROR as the make-up department tries to make Josh Brolin look like Clive Owen!
Rated 26 Aug 2014
This notoriously belated sequel falters for a number of reasons, but most profoundly because most of those involved don't seem to believe in it. Eva Green is too vampily evil to fool anyone, Josh Brolin is too glum and stolid to make you believe he could be so manipulated. The overall tone is pretty misogynistic as well--the women are either literal prostitutes or figurative ones. There are compensations: it looks good, and Powers Boothe's malevolent Senator Roark is quite enjoyable.
Rated 21 Aug 2014
The review for "Sin City" was merely a two word review which simply read "Shit City".
Rated 20 Apr 2015
It's a little more cheezy than the first one, but it's still a lot of fun.
Rated 25 Aug 2014
Rated 02 Sep 2014
A fine-enough movie that can't quite recapture the lightning-in-a-bottle glory of the original, despite a top-form Gordon-Levitt. Certainly watchable, with some fantastic moments, but the structure's weaker and the tropes of the original don't fit quite as well this time around.
Rated 08 Dec 2014
It plays out like a watered down version of the first one. It's not bad at all - in fact, I quite enjoyed most of it. The stories aren't as good this time around though. I enjoyed seeing old characters return and the new ones fit in pretty well. However, I didn't care for the characters as much in general as I did with the first film, and the stories weren't as diverse. Overall, the film has the visuals, violence, and noir goodness I love, but it doesn't feel fresh like it did nine years ago.
Rated 22 Aug 2014
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is basically the sequel/prequel/extension/successor that we could have hoped for. It took nine years, but it finally happened. We got our Sin City 2. And it's good. It's very similar to its predecessor -- too similar, I wager, for some, as there is repetition in plots and themes -- and it fits right in. The stylized aesthetic, the ultraviolence, the sendup of film noir -- everything you want from a Sin City movie is present. What a fun movie.
Rated 31 Aug 2014
The visuals & tone of the 1st film - already culled from exceptional material - insured, if nothing else, you'd never seen anything like it on the big screen before. This time the imagery's no longer unique & since the narrative - adhering to its bordering-on-parody aesthetic, fails to offer up any surprises of its own (the titular femme might as well have a skull & crossbones tattooed on her cheeks), it's hard for this to seem like anything more than an adequately entertaining sequel
Rated 30 Sep 2014
They sucked all the life out of this franchise.
Rated 19 Feb 2018
It was alright, although there was a large focus on the story line I liked the least.
Rated 01 Sep 2014
Surprisingly, on par with the first. Levvit, Rourke, and Brolin astonish with their abilities as Rodriguez handles the camera like a pro. While the story is complex, any true Sin City fan can see the beauty in the adaption and how great it works. Bravo for the sequel being just as good.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
On a par with the first one IMHO, and I really liked JG-L's character and thread, though they inexplicably cut it short. Got no clue why this bombed so bad at the box.
Rated 20 Aug 2015
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, a nine-years-on follow-up to Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's. It's more of the same, really, except for two notable additions: Eva Green's killer embodiment of the titular dame, and the presence of 20 count 'em, 20 executive producers on the credits, in addition to six regular producers. What do they think this is, a Broadway musical? The 2005 original generated $158 million worldwide.
Rated 19 Nov 2014
Visuals hit sometimes but often miss, as is the case with the script and cast too. Far from the first one, but decent at times.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
Belated and completely unnecessary, sure, but it still looks stylish as hell, and honestly, I'm easy to please when something looks this good.
Rated 22 Aug 2014
I rate it the same as the first but it's a LITTLE lesser. It's still worthy of a 90 though. I waited so long for this and it didn't disappoint me at all! Like the first, a stylish, violent film-noir, with badass characters. The black and white, with some symbolic colour, still works wonderfully and I had a lot of fun. Unlike most comic book movies, this actually feels like a comic book and doesn't just use the characters. I love me other CB movies, but it's nice to have a change like this.
Rated 11 Dec 2014
There is a level of inbuilt redundancy to this project that is hard to ignore, and why it took so long to arrive is anyone's guess, but the Sin City sequel has much to offer fans who couldn't get enough of the groundbreaking original. However, due to endless delays and copycats, it isn't quite as fresh or inventive as the first installment, and the story telling lacks the same verve and intensity, but it's a fun if familiar trip through a decadent twilight metropolis.
Rated 26 Aug 2014
Every part of this movie is incredible. I think this movie is better than the first one. I would write pages about how wonderful this movie is, but I can't find the right words. Just watch and you'll understand.
Rated 02 Jan 2018
Another really good addition to Miller's universe of his dark and depraved city. Once again the visual are sharp and brooding at the same time. The action and fight scenes are very well done. The two additions of Brolin and Green are great, especially Eva it's like she was born to play this role.
Rated 28 Jun 2016
Tedious, repetitive and one note.
Rated 16 May 2015
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is the long anticipated and belated sequel that Robert Rodriguez & Frank Miller have somehow finally managed to complete. It's certainly satisfying to see both returning and new characters and the visuals are as mind blowing as can be expected. Mickey Rourke steals the show once again as Marv. However I expected much more from Eva Green. A Dame to Kill For is an enjoyable sequel with moments of brilliance. But it somehow just lacks the novelty of it's predecessor.
Rated 24 Aug 2014
It just isn't interesting anymore. There are exactly zero memorable bad guys--no Yellow Bastards or Cannibal Kevins--and without any over-the-top antagonists to play off of, these characters don't do anything but flounder against the stylized backdrops. And that's another thing: the visuals--so innovative back in 2003--are sorta old hat now, nowhere near as jaw-dropping as they once were. It''s boring, actually.
Rated 15 Sep 2016
Missing the X factor that shone through in the first instalment.
Rated 14 Oct 2015
A fun watch. Really6 enjoyed the 3D in this one. There was a time when I felt a lull in the story tin the middle, but when it picked up again, it did not disappoint.
Rated 24 Oct 2014
Interesting to contrast an aristocratic lady who can't manage to keep her clothes on vs a stripper who won't take hers off. Not nearly as good as its predecessor. I'm kind of shocked that stylish sex and violence didn't do it for me.
Rated 29 Jul 2016
Solid style. I just felt like it lacked a strong cohesive center.
Rated 05 Sep 2014
Not as good as the original. It lacked some crazyness like the iconic Yellow Bastard or the silent creepy Kevin. I did like Brolin (who should have been in the first movie instead of Clive Owen imo). Eva Green has a great body which she shows us over and over again (to no complaint of mine) and she did good as the femme fatale. Alba finally got out of that joint, but the JGL story lacked meaning to me unfortunately, and Marv - though he's my favorite - didn't quite fascinate as much this time.
Rated 04 Nov 2014
High expectations after the first one but unfortunately lets itself down. If this was filmed without the fancy visuals I think I would have shut it off after half hour. A shame considering the cast.
Rated 01 Oct 2014
Nowhere near as good as the first one, but it's still a good movie. There's more action and less noir badassery,and I liked the slightly more restrained visual style of the first one better.
Rated 23 Nov 2014
None of the magic of the first one. Story wasn't that great and the villains were very weak.
Rated 13 Nov 2015
I like the visual style and the atmosphere. The story with Eva Green is not bad, but the other 2 (or 1.5) feels a bit tacked on, or at least their wrap-up feels like part of an overlong ending rather than being an independent entity.
Rated 11 Sep 2014
A bit too long, but over-all it just has everything that you would expect - sex, blood, violence, murders...
Rated 10 Sep 2014
A step down visually. Where the original had a very clear and consistent style, this has a lot of the same elements but random & all over the place. Half the time blood is red, half the time it's white. Half the time glasses are white, half the time not. Eva Green is tiresome and unconvincing as usual in her millionth temptress role. All that aside, a solid watch. Rodriquez is no artist but he makes entertaining films. If this is less of a film than the first, it's not by much. Brolin is great.
Rated 11 Oct 2015
Just doesn't live up to it's predecessor
Rated 21 Apr 2018
This is a sequel that I was highly anticipating and it was one of the biggest cinematic let downs I have ever experienced. It was just not on the same level as the first one on all fronts. The style is why this film does not completely fall off the rails. It was not a memorable experience in any way. I kinda actually forgot this movie even existed until I rewatched it.
Rated 17 Sep 2014
The Eva Green part is great, the Gordon-Levitt story is good enough and the Jessica Alba part sucks big time.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
I don't know what happened with this thing, but it was so far off-base from the first one that I have to assume the Space Jam monsters stole Robert Rodriguez's directing ability. The film's tone never sets itself - there's gratuitous violence mixed with drama and tossed-off backstories. The whole thing's unaware of whether it's a comedy or a gritty crime noir and as a result it plays as both and succeeds at neither. Sin City had gravitas, but this one's garbage.
Rated 30 Sep 2014
A sequel that doesn't have the same flavor as the first opus.
Rated 19 Nov 2014
Stylish sequel is a fun, knowing throwback to old-time noir infused with glorious, grindhouse violence and entertainingly overwrought characterisations. More tightly paced and funnier than the original, and thankfully lacking the harsh edge which made part 1 difficult to digest as frivolous entertainment. The cast throw themselves in with wild abandon, with Boothe in particular scoring strongly as the repellently corrupt senator. An unexpectedly delightful film.
Rated 24 Sep 2014
A little underwhelming if I'm totally honest. I really wanted to love this as much as the first movie, but none of the writing is as sharp, with both the narration and dialog lacking the grit and snappiness of the original. The segments with Joseph Gordon-Levitt fall disappointingly flat, though I did enjoy seeing how Manute lost his eye. Not a bad flick...just not really worth the wait.
Rated 22 Sep 2014
I like the format but it's a lot like the other one, which isn't a bad thing really. Worth a look if you saw the first one.
Rated 09 Sep 2023
Somehow not as punchy as the first one, in spite of a solid cast. It's hard to explain how but I don't think I can blame it all on losing its novelty. Johnny's story feels a bit useless no matter what he says, because of the last chapter.
Rated 24 Mar 2015
Frank Miller has pubic lice in his beard pass it on
Rated 05 Feb 2015
I appreciate that this is a film franchise at least aware of its stylistic, directorial decisions, but it just doesn't use them well. The first film had some severe structural problems, but somewhat overcame them through novelty, directorial prowess, and at least some compelling character pieces. This one lacks the interesting character pieces, is at times incompetently executed, does not use its stylization consistently, retains the first's structural problems, and offers nothing new.
Rated 04 Oct 2014
Upgraded version of Sin City works like a train. The first hour boosted forewords really good and worked perfectly. Eva was again a brilliant villain. The Jessica Alba story in the end was non-fitting over glued appendicitis and as poor as the nine years ago the first installation of Sin City.
Rated 09 Feb 2016
Same visuals, same characters, same violence. It seems to be just more of the same which doesn't make this sequel to be really necessary.
Rated 16 Oct 2015
Was there any reason to make this other than getting Mickey Rourke a paycheck and showing off Eva Green's baps?
Rated 30 Sep 2014
Truly disappointing sequel to the excellent original, each story forgettable in its own little way. Sad but true :( .
Rated 24 Mar 2015
Old Town will funk you up, Old Town funk you up. Sin City is back for another round of graphic novel-goodness. Except, I think I'd put this graphic novel back on the shelf. The movie just felt unnecessary. Yes, once again Frank Miller/Robert Rodriguez bring us a beautiful looking movie, but it was also a little boring. I felt like I was trapped in an art exhibit with only one painting in it...
Rated 14 Nov 2015
This is more like the bastard child low budget wanna remake than a true second part with most of the same cast who seem to not really want to be there. Mickey Rourke and Bruce Willis were nearly perfect in the first one but in this they both just look old and tired. Even with the low expectations I had I was still disappointed. There is plenty of bad acting all around with the highly overrated Eva Green being the worst offender.
Rated 06 Apr 2016
The first movie was good and surprising. This sequel is more of what we already know, too bad. Visually it's recognisable. The style is just like the first film, but the plot is what makes this film less attractive than the first one. Three stories are woven into each other, but only the third one is a fully developed story. The other two are underdeveloped and even somewhat pointless. This entire movie lacks some sort of glue to make a whole of it all.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
Although this film was nearly a decade in the making I felt it was as fun and visually great to watch as the first in the series. Some of the main characters return and its as if they have never been away. The script ties up some of the loose ends and also does a decent job of introducing a new audience to Sin City. I don't think the stories are as good as the previous film but I was captivated throughout and left me craving for more. Hopefully it wont be another 10 year wait for another sequel.
Rated 20 Nov 2014
The movie looks ugly, the movie is acted ugly and the film treats its viewer with absolutely no respect. What a disappointment. Don't watch this one.
Rated 01 Mar 2015
a dame to kill for isn't terrible, but it does lack what made its predecessor great, originality. everything you see here is already played out. and while sin city had fun, tighter stories, a dame to kill for has several meandering plots. a solid meh all around.
Rated 28 Apr 2016
Rated 03 May 2015
this is a bad, bad, bad, bad, terrible, dogshit movie that nonetheless has powers boothe chewing the scenery and being rad quite a lot so yay
Rated 18 Oct 2015
A strange collection of floor clippings that weren't good enough for the first one.
Rated 28 Oct 2016
Without the novelty of the visuals dimished by time Miller's banal, inauthentic characters and motivations had nothing to hide behind. Terrible. [df]
Rated 04 Oct 2014
Not bad, but far from what it could be. Green and Boothe are the only ones I remembered next day. First movie set bar rather high and this one just cannot reach it despite it's efforts.
Rated 24 Oct 2014
This makes me think they fluked some the first one's visual choices. The previous film had art direction that was driven and had purpose, this film seems to throw it around at whim. Like if Spielberg made a follow-up to Shindler's List somehow and there were like 5 little girls in red jackets, each with different fates. The film lost the visual strength behind it, which isn't great because we're left with a series of superficial soap stories where a lovers tiff leaves scores dead.
Rated 13 Apr 2023
not good
Rated 09 Dec 2014
The visuals are intact, unfortunately. For this to succeed, they would have had to add more to it. The stories are boring and easily forgettable. Brolin is a nice add, but he never really gets to shine. - Okay
Rated 21 Oct 2015
As painful as the first film was fun. Seems like by the time the thing got written (with an entirely interminable new Frank Miller story) everyone that showed up to act in the thing was already tired of it. Really ugly too. I mean remember when Sin City was Frank Miller's outlet for his worst ideas but he kept them short and sweet and fun and pulpy? What happened Frank? What happened?!
Rated 28 Oct 2016
While it's visually stunning, and there are one or two good performances in there (Particulrly Eva Green), it's all surface. It feels like no time at all was spent on the script. Little 20 minute vignettes for each character may work well in a comic book, but on film it's just a mess that doesn't do anything but glorify in stylised sex and violence. It's a shame because, in particular, Dwight and Ava's story had potential to carry the whole film. Must do better.
Rated 08 Dec 2014
not as masterful and visually impressive as the first but still fun to watch
Rated 03 Feb 2021
Why is Joseph Gordon-Levitt still allowed to come 500 meters near a movie set is beyond me. (My Eva, find me.)
Rated 17 May 2023
Enjoyable initially but gets tiresome quickly
Rated 06 Feb 2021
Rated 22 Aug 2014
for old time's sake
Rated 25 Sep 2014
Sin City 2: Check Your Watch Every 15 Minutes
Rated 19 Jul 2015
Rated 21 Apr 2017
It's not bad but the script hurt some good performances and great visuals. It's been so long since I've seen the first I wonder if it had the same problems but I forgave it at the time because I was 20. I should probably rewatch it to find out.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
Hell is a place most of us are still actively trying to avoid, though. Which makes me think that this cinematic depiction of said sordid spot is also best avoided. This city of sin is a place filled with soulless sex and mindless violence, a locale where crime and punishment are almost one. (


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